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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1927, p. 5

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fRE CANADIAN t5TATEMAN, BUWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1927PAEFV Wauted j POTATOES WANTED-By the ioad. Phone J. H. McEwen, 133-2, Bowmanvllle 2-2w WANTED-To hear fran, owner of Farm for sale. State cash prie. D. F. Bush, Minneapolis, Minn. 51-5 BOARDERS WANTEO-Board and room with home privileges, gentlemen preferred. Phone 192, Bowmanville. 1-tf POSITION WANTED-Practical nure with considerable experience, disengaged. Apply S. F., Drawer B. Bowmanville. Articles For Sale FOR SALE-Baby carniage and crib Apply Charles E. Morris, King OtE Bowmanville. ,8 FOR SALE-Holstein cow ta renew about January 27th. Apply to Sydney Brown, R. R. 6, Bowmanville. 2-2w* FOR SALE-Young pige, pure bred Yorkshire, bacon type, 6 weeks old. Geo.1 Mason , High St., Bowmanville, phqne, 431w.21w' FOR SALE-High grade Shirlock Manning Piano. Slightly used, $250 cash. Neil Yellowlees, Centre St., phone 262, Bowmanville FOR SALE-Registered Hostein Cow, 5 years old, with several 28 ta 32 lb. dam. Grade Jersey Cow, 3 years. Bath due naw. H. M. Poster, R. R. 5, How- manvilie. phone 205J. 2-1w ARTICLES FOR SALE-i gasoline street pump, 5 gal, visible measure; 1inb- aide 1 gal. Bowser pump, would make a goad pump for handllng coal cil or Lubi- cating il; 1 rubber tired open buggy. Apply ta A. W. Pickard, or phone 185, Bowmanville. 48-tf FOR SALE-Dominion Piano of ail Monde uold on payments spread over two years. Steinway, Heintzman and Ger- bard HeIntzman used piano taken as part payment on Dominion pianos wl be cieared at bargain prices and on esy Ç termes.IF J. Mitchell, Dstributor, Bow- manville. 6-t Property For Sale HOUSE FOR SALE-7-roomed trame bouse with ail modern conveniences. Hardwood floors throughaut. Apply to Fred Cryderman, phane 104 or 416, Baw- manville. 47-tf FOR SALE OR RENT-100 acres. south haIt lot 21 coon. 5, Darlington. Plowingi possession at once. F'ull possessioin April 1. 1927. City property will be considered ln exchange. For terms ap- ply to Mrs. C. J. Kerslake, R. R. 1. Hampton. 87-tf FARM FOR SALE BY TENDER-44 aceres more or leas, mile north of Hamp- ton, known as Cambrian Woollen Mille. on which are ample buildings, frame bouge, good barn and outside stabling; plenty fruit trees, gond wel. bhard and soft water. ample summer wood, large running tream of tresh water stockai! wth trotat running through property. Tenders will be received up to January 15, 1927. For further particulare anoly to Jas. H Martin. Trustee, Enniskinen.1 BIRTHS WARD-In Bowmanville Hospital, on Monday, January 1th. 1927, to Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Ward, a son. MeFEETERS-In Bowmanville Hos- pital, an Sunday, Janus.ry 9th, 1927. to Mr. and Mrs. Chas. MeFeeters, a son. DEXAIH S SNOWDEN-In Darlingtan, on Tues- day. January 11, 1927, Rachel Grace Cale, beloved wite of Mr. Thomas Snaw- den, aged 67 years. Funeral tram the family residence, Maple Grave, an Thursday. January 13, at 2 p. m. ta Bowmanvilie Cemetery. MITCHELL-At Port Hope, on Sun- day, January 9, 1927, Beulah Mitchell. aged 90 years JEWELL-At Whitby, on Monday, Janwary lth. 1927. William Jewell, Bow- manville, aged 65 years.. GULLV-In Toronto, suddenly, on Mon- day, January 10, 1927, Miss Elizabeth Gulîr. Interment at Hampton. PETERKIN-At the residence ot ber brother. 6 Inglewood Drive, Toronto, an Sunday, January 9, 1927, Ann Gardon Peterkin. ln her 96th year. WICKETT-At Port Hope, Wednesday. January 5, 1927, Maria Prust, widaw of the late William Wickett, in ber 76th. vear. Intermen t at Welcame. MACPHERSON-At Whitby. on Sat- urday, January 8, 1927, Jessie Gertrude MacPherson. belaved daughtcr 0f the late Alexander- and Mrs. MacPhersan. (late af the Kimberley Street Schaol Staff, Toronto). IN MEMORIAM In loving memory of Mabel Gertrude Barrie, belaved wite of R. B. Scott, who passed away January 15, 1926. Farget ber, no. I neyer wiii Gad called the one I laved away, As time ralse on I love her still. What wauld I give ta clasp ber hand Her loving face te, ses To bear ber vaice and see ber smiie Would mean so much ta me. No one knows the slent heatache Only those wb've l cao tell, Of the grief that's borne ho silence For the one 1 loveS so well More eacb day 1 miss ber Friende may think the wounds are bealed Thiat lies within mny beart concealed. Husband. PETI-ICK-In lovIng memary of my dear buahand John Pethhck whe depart- ed this lite Jan. 13, 1926. We often think of days gone by, Wben we were ail tagether, The sbadow oer aur lives la caet Our loved one gone forever. His troubled nights are past. Hhs ever-patient worn-aut frame,, Haa found sweet rest at laat. Long days, long nigbts he bore is pain To walt for care. but aIl ho vain. Till Gad himselt knew what was best, He took hlm home and gave hlm reet. He hade no> one a lait farewell, He said gaodbye ta nons Hie3 spirit fled bettone -e knew That he tram us haS gone. Sadly mssed by Wife and Family. LOCAL ).ND OTHERWISE Mr. Robt Elliot, Peterboro, recent.- ly visited his brother, Mr. Alex. El- lot. Mr. D. J. Chambers, Harrietsville, has been visitnig at Mr. Spencer Woods'. Miss Margaret AUerr, Befich Ave., is vsiting ber sister in St.. John, N. B. Mr. James Prouse is visiting with his daughten, Mrs. Wm. Crossey, Car- lisle Avenue. Miss Clara Allen, ,Beech Ave., is vîsiting bher sister, Mrs. Geo. B. Bail, Toronto. Miss Mary Mutton, Cobourg, spent the weekend with ber sister, Mrs. G. T. Charlton. Mr. Oihas. Buttars, Lockport, N.Y., is visiting his cousin Mr. J. D. Car- ruthers and othen relatives. Mr. and Mrs. S. J. Hughs-on andý son Glen, Toronto, spent Gristm.asl holidays at Mrs. A. Taylar's. 1 Mr. Joeeph Watts, Akran ,Ohio, isl visiting his daughtens, Mrs. Roy Hooper and Mrs. W. J. H. St,, Mrs. J. W. Hamilton, Millbrook, bas been enjoying a visit with her motben, Mrs. Rd. Osborne, Welling- ton-st. Mrs. Sam Glanville, town, Mr. Walter Pingle and daughter, Sough-1 ton, Sask., have been visiting theirl brother, Mr. Geo. Pingle, Ottawa.1 The regular meeting of the Wom-1 en's Canadian Club will be held atý St. John's Parigh Hall on Monday, January 17th at 3:30 p. ri. -prof. Sissans of the University of Toronto, will speak. Those who have seen "The Volga Boatman" in the big city picture bouses expressed surprise that Mr. Ross of the Royal Theatre 'vas able to bring -such a stupendous pîcture to this tawn. It is a triumph in screendom that every citizen shud see next Monday and Tuesday, Ja. 17-18. 2-11 Ms. (Dr.) G. M. Trewin was hot ess Friday evening at a delgbtful party given in honor of Mr. Johni Hawkes, of Adelaide, Australia, who is visiting witb friends in Oshawa. There were about s9eventeen guests. During the evening four former chunis presented him with a hand-1 some Parker pen. Mr. Hawkesi leaves this week for Montreal on his return trip to Adelaide. Ris S ters, Misses Rose and Florence Haw kes, were also guesta eof iriends in the city.-Osbawa Reformer. -Buy In Bowmanville- Ive s' 5th Anniversary Sale We celebrate' this month the completion of fiVe years of service to this community. To make this event noteworthy we are celebrating with a grand dlean-up sale of dependable footwear. SALE STARTS FRIDAY, JANUARY l4th MAIL OR PHONE ORDERS SENT C. O. D. SAVE MONEY ON YOUR FOOTWEAR NEEDS FOR 1927 Anniversary Pices On Every Leather Shoe for Men, Women And Children. MEN'S BOOTS Black and Brown Caif Leather with welted soies and rubber heels, Regularly soid $8 to $8.50 Anniversary Sale Price $6.98 MEN'S FINE OXFORDS Dressy Shoes in fine caîf leather, medium and round toes, have not ail sizes in each kind, but ail siz- es in one big lot, Regular $7.50 to $8.00, Anniversary Sale Price $5.98 MEN'S BOOTS Black and Brown Side Caif Leather, a good Sunday boot for out of town customers and real value at Anniversary Sale Price $4.98 MEN'S AND LARGE BOYS BOOTS We are clearing out several lunes that sold from $4 to $5 at Anniversary Sale Price $3.48 Men' andBoys' Hockey Boots Men'. at 20% off FARMERS-LEAVE YOUR ORDERS FOR HERE Bowmanville WOMEN'S STRAP SLIPPERS Taken from our stock of fine turn sole goods, in Black Patent and Kid leather in values to $9, we give you your choice at Anniversary Sale Price $6.98 WOMEN'S STRA? SHOES AND OXFORDS Jyn-above kinds in Black Kid and Patent, we offer the best that can be made in shoes for ladies Ail good fitters and value at $7.00 to $7.50Y WOMEN'S OXFORDS I in Patent Leather and Black Kid éuban and low heéls, Regular Values $4.50 to $6.00,I Anniversary Sale Price $3.98J A SPECIAL LOT 0F LADIES' ( SHOES AT $268 Women's and Girls' Hockey Boots at 20% off LEATHER TOP RUBBERS ont. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Ruth Purdy recently visited Miss Audrey Swaîn, Brighton. Mn. and Mrs. C. H. G. Fletcher, Toronto, spent the weekend with relatives. Mns. Stainton, Orono, is visitiog her cousins, Mns. W. H. Reid and Miss Mulligan, Centre-st. Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Wlkioson, Victoria Road, have been visiting ber father, Mn. Wesley Couch. Mn. and Mrs. J. Ross Stutt were .alled te Wnoxeter awing to the sen- ious illness of his fatfier, Mn. J. H. Stutt. Mn. and Mrs. Claude Wilson and Kathleen, Toronto, spent the weekend with their aunt. Mrs. Win. Wakelin. Mrs. Thos. Brown and Miss Viola Bnown have returned from a ple8s- ant holiday witlh the formner's son, Lamne, at Windsor. Mr. H. Brock and Mr. Chas. Bick- le visited the Poultry Fanm at Co- bourg on Mooday and called on friends at Canton. Mn. H. E. Reynolds. South Rox- ton, Que., bas been making his an- nual visit ta bis parent-, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Reynolds. Mr. A. S. Baker atteoded the wed- ding of his brother, Edward Baker and Miss Launa Carmichael which took place in Osh.awa. Pont Perry is selling its own de- bentures, bearing 5% interest, ta Bowmanville investors. These de- beotures are gilt-edged trustee in- vestments. Apply to Harris & Han- ris, Port Perry Ont.2-1 A cordial invitation is extended ta, all White Shiel.d Club Members toaa social eveniog on Tuesday, January 18, 1927, at the residence of Mrs. F. Clarke, Liben;.y Street. AUl came and bave a good time. "'The Volga Boatman" is a mela- dnamatic, thrilling, absorbing picture of modern Russia-a tremendous theme exquisitely developed-a ver- itable screen triumph. See t.bls wonderful picture next Monday and Tue-.day at tihe Royal Theatre. Mrs. A. Taylor held the annual family gathening on New Years Day when al ber ch.ldren and grand- cbildren were able ta be present. Visitors froni a distance were Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Martyn and daugb- ters Edythe and Edna, Shaunavan, Sask., and Mr.'and' Mrs. C. W. Mar- low, Oshawa; Mr. and Mns. E. P. Taylor and daughters Gwyn and Darotby, Toronto. Mrs. John McCabe, Peterbono, pased away suddenly on Tue2day, January lltb. Mrs. McCabe's maîd- en naine was Lillie Begley. She was boro in Bowmanville and ne- ceived ber early educatian in St. Jos- eph's Conveot, Oshawa, aod later at Lindsay. Prior ta ber marriage -he was, pro mnent in musical cireles, be- ioga gifted :fith a wonderful mezza- soprano voi, e. Besides ber huabaod she leaves two daughtens aod five sons, also one sister and thbree brathers. Mn. Robert l3egley, Osh- awa, is a brother. The postponed Chrietmas tree party of the A. Y. P. A. took place last Thursday at St. John's Parish Hall. Every member re.,eived a present fnom the tnee. A presenta- tion was made ta Mn. R. Bate, and a birbday present was given ta Mrs. J. A. Guno. The evening was given up ta gamea- and dancing, refresh- ,nents being sered a' the close. Al members are asked ta be present at 7:-30 p. m. on Manday wihen the pro- gram for the balance of the year will be discussed, Rfter xvhich zhere will be an adjaurnment ta attend the Anijual Vestry meeting. The "Mura" group of Bowmnan- ville Womnen's Institute of which Mrs W. J. Found is convener, held a very pleasant social time on Tuesday evening at tbe home of one of the members, Mrs. Chas. F. Rice, Ontar- io-st. Musical and literary selec- tiens were given which everyone thonoiy enjoyed. The prognain in- cluded conimunily singing in wihich aIl joined heartily; a piano duet by Misses Doris and Gladys Jamieson; piano solos by Misses Marguerite Armstrog and Bores Murdof; voical solos by Miss Jean Ramnsay, Mrs. Geo. Pritchard, Mrs. AI-ex. Colville, Mn. Gea. Conke; violin solos ,Mr. W E. Armstrong; readings, MT. W. EAdam.s, Miss Rilda Slemon; rec ita- tians, Mr. W. J. Berry aud MissaIda Payne, alnd a vocal duet by Mns. C. F. Rice and Mns. Colsille. Mne. J. A. Gunn, Miss Armstrong and Ml:;. Corke were the accompanlsts. Miss Haycraft., who pnesided, tbanked anl for the splendid assistance given on the prognain. Light refreshments were served at the close wben ahl spent a Social hour. Pnoceeds in aid of thie Hospital Fund. Lost or Found COIJNCIL CHAMBER 8 p m jFRIDAY, JANUARY 14, 1927 ilNext Friday . - Il 1 WEEK SALE Opposite Bank of Montreet 1 WEEK SALE January After Stock-Taking Sale Starting Thursday Morning A WHIRLWIND FINISH TO CLEAR UP ALL WINTER GOODS -MEN'S AND BOYS'OVERCOATS Men's and Boys' Fancy Tweed and Worsted Suits Cut To Cost and in Some Cases Below Cost To Clear. Every Suit and Overcoat On Sale. Every Suit and Overcoat Must Be Sold. Men's Overcoats Regular Price $20.00 for $11.50 Regulan Price $25.00 for $1 7.45 Regular Pnice $27.50 for $18.95 Regular Price $30.00 bmT $19.95 Regular Price $35.00 for $23.95 Heavy AIl Wool Shirts and Drawers, Acadia and Penraan Make On Sale $1.29 Garment Boys' Overcoats Any Overcoat in store, values to $15.00 On Sale $9.95 Kiddies Reef er Coats Values up to $10 to $12.50 es On Sale at $4.95 Boyst' Fancy Tweed Suits Any Suit in store, Fancy Tweed or Worsted, values to $10 and $12.00, On Sale For $5.95 Men's Work Shirts Heavy Quaity Cotton Tweed Mixture, in sihades of Grey and khaki, On Sale 98c Each Men's Fancy Tweed & Worsted Suits Values to $25.00 On Sale $14.95 Values to $30.00 On Sale $19.95 Values to $35.00 On Sale $23-95 Fleeoe Lined Under- wear, Shirts & Drawers On Sale at 89C EXTRA SPECIAL Ail Wool Work Soz Pure White also Fawn, vry heeivy and worth 60c pair 0ýw Special Price 2 Pair For 95c Phione '61 Bowmanville -Buy In Bowmanville- People Who Know Say When Clarence S. Mason puts on a Sale you can always depend that there are Real Bargains and every garment as advertised. Here Are a Few 0f The Bargains We Offer During Our January Sale Sale of Warm Dresses for Cold Weather 12 only, Flannel Dresses, Value to $10.00, Out They Go $ 4.98 12 only, Daffodil Cashmere Dresses, Value to $15.00, Out They Go $10.0 4 High Grade Brodella Dresses, Value to $15.00, Out They Go $10.00 3 Wool Poplin Dresses Out They Go $ 7.50 9 Ottoman Cord Dresses, Poiret Twill and Botany Serge, Dress Value to $16.50, Out They Go $10.0 Your Choice of Any Coat in Store Haoif Picoo Sale of Silk Dresses 12 only, Flat Crepe, Georgette, Crepe Satin, Dresses Value to $35.00, Out They Go $15.00 18 Silk Dresses, Value to $30.00, Out They Go $10.00 14 SiIk Canton Knit and Flat Crepe Dresses, Value to $15.00, Out They Go $ 5.00 £'hlue LiffleShoppe-. -With £IAe Lar<ge Stock Q~iarCr!rANVILLE, O0TASpecialiss' in Wom en pparel Exclusive but nos' Exp ensive Womén*s Coats-Suits-Dresses-1osiery -Gloves-Underwear-Etc. -Buy In Bowmanville- I Te B. GILCHRIST Ives' Shoe Store Footwear and Travelling Goods 1 1 si . PAGE PIVE

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