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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Jan 1927, p. 8

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PAGE EIGET TEE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 13, 1927 COURTICE 1HAMPTON1 TeEpworth League last week was Mrs. S. T. Mountjoy is visiting bier The N e 'v ICeàýt1le I n depe ndie rit incag fC .1 .grs h ohrand sister Mrs. H. A. Birdi__________________________________________________ bible topic "What does our church at Mount Hamilton ..Mr. an.d Mrs. teasch about the spirit of God?" was Cleve Clemence and daughter Mil- THURSDAY, JANUARY l3th., 1927 deait with in a very interesting and dred, Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. John pro1iltable way by Mis.s Hattie Ob,- MeKeever, Mr. and Mrs. Russel Luke - borne .Dr. J. C. Devitt, Bownian- and son Earl, Oshawa, spent Sunday NWATESA' NIL ville, gave a very fine address on the at Mr. E. H. Cole's. NWATESA ' NIL care of the teeth and a good prog.raml NMr. and Mrs. Giib.ert Wilkinson, ecsl i 1eolrpr o r.T .Bag etianda rs niWib.hbe was'provided .. . .Mr. and Mrs. R. E1 Toronto, with ber parents, Mr. and ecsl ii colrpr f Ms .C rag etranda Ms niWib.hsbe Oaboyrne, M:s.s Louise. Master Nel- Mrs. E. Truil. Mrs. Truli continue. Christmias exaninotions appeai-s on number of friends at the tea hour vising at Mr. Frank Giibei-t's.. son, Bowmianville, and Mr. Harry quite iii ... .Mrs. James Curtis enter- page 6. on Friday. Mrs:. A. C. Elliot',, Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundie, Solina,' 0.:borne. Detroit, were guests of ý,ained a number of friends on Mon- United Churcb, Rev. E. B. Cooke, Brookiin, was recent guest of Missz visited at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's. .. Mr. Mrs. A. F. Rundie ..Mrs. T. G. day evening. We are sorry to Pastor. Sunday, January 16th-11 T. M. Penfound.. .. Miss Fay Camp- Norman Stinson and Mrs .T. H. Mason, Bowmanviile, visited Mr. and ieartn that Mrs. Fletcher and Miss a. m.-ýMorning Worship. 2:30 p. m.~ bell, Ontario Ladies' Coliege, Wbit- Stinson have been visiting near Pon-1 Mrm. W. R. Courtice .. . .W. M. S. Ruby Ciatworthy are under the Dr'sý. - dySbo . .m-vnn by, and Mr. Roy Campbell, Toronto, typool. . .. Mr. Talmage 'lenry ;s meeting wili be held thizs Tbursday at care ... . Our Bible Study Group heldi service, have returned from visiting their moving from Tyrone to the Niddery 2:30 p. m. at the home of Mrs. W. their first meeting at the Parzsonage St. George's Church Rev, E. R. relatives in this community .. . .Mrs. farm that he purchased las, sum- H. Nidhois. Invitation is extended (in Wednesday night ..Messrs. W James, Rector. Sunday, January 16 Wesley Heard bas re-urned from vL-- mer....Mr. M. Giiroy bal quie a to ail the ladies to be present...... W. Horn, Edgar Horn and Lorenzo -il a. .M~igPae n iting bier brother and other friends number of teams and hi.s neighbors Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Sbortt, Tory Trulli motored to, Toronto on Tues- Holy Communion. 2:30 p. m.- in tbe city. .Mr. Gor-don Ashton and and friends a.ssst him in drawingl Hill, visited Mr. A. J. Sbo rt and day . oung People's meeting this Sunday Schooi. 7 p. m.-Evensong. Mr. W. D. Bragg have joined the logs to tbe saiwmrili. Mr. Gilroy mn-1 celebrated their motber's 9lst birth- week wiil be in charge of the Mlis- Couxeilior J. H. Gibson and men1 Newcastle orchestra and report ail tends building a new bouse thi.s year day.~îosry epatmet. .. .The on ar enggedin te anua icebaresti being pieasantly entertained at rhe ... . Mr. Edwin Ormiston bas rented day.sioaryDeprtmet ... he OM-are ngaed n te anualiceharestfine new home of Mr. and Mrs. C. A. the farmi of H. Forrest. 10 only, Ladies' Fur Trimnied en's Institute beld their monthly1 at the barbor and are kept busy S"P- Cowan: ........ Providence Farmers' A few Ladies' Coats at $5.00 each Coats originaiiy up to $25.00, nowl mee4,ing at the home of Mrs. C. J.! piying bis nunierous patrons. Mr.Clb edthireuamein intCocJntn&Cyera's $1000 t Cuch Jonson Cr-j ersak onThusda let.Frank Branton and assistants are ai- tbe .ichool bouse on Tuesday evening, derman's. IH ampton Aduit Bible Class bheld ,o doing a good business as usual Good attendance. The capable its annuel meeting and election Of in the saine lne. Pre.ident, Mr. Otto Bragg, occupied AUCTION SALE officers on ceieday fnr 2n ie- Mrs. Whittleton and daughter, the chair; an intere.z:ing prograni was MAPLE GROVE pn orts es Teflown fi Miss Doris, Belle Plains, Sask., who given by the foiiowing artists: Miss TLuwday Januay 2th-be ive andcomittes. Thefoiowig ofi-are spending the winter witb relit- Winnifred Rickard, Mrs. John Ali Miss Nora Werry, Solina,isped Thuday, anury 0t-Th liiecers were eiected: Teacher-Mr. F. . Sn stock, implements, etc., of Mr . j Groat; Assistant Teacher-Mrs. C. tiveS in Ontario are at present visit- and Miss Dorotby Aluin. The Club ing a few days at Mr. Tho s Snow Weeks, lot 18, con. 6, Darlington, Johns; President-Mrs. A. Peters; ing bier brother-in-iaw and sister, Mr. were much pleased to have Mr. Nor- den's. . .. Misses Mabel SteVens rab will be offered for sale by auio.VcPrsen- s.GA.Brr; and Mrs. Percy Hare. man Aluin, Newcastle, as an interest- Eames, Edna Swaiilow, MargaretA- See bis for particulars. Ternis Secretary-Lulu Reynolds; Assistant J. H. Jose, D.D.S.P. of the S.O.E. ed vistor. Sorry to hear of the ernetby and Mr. John Brown are at-I cash. Sale at 1 p. ni. Tbeo. M. Secretary-Mrs. C. F. Corden; Treas-i B.S. wili instail the officers of New- illness of Mr. Samuel Rickard wh tending Winter Sch.ooi at Cobourg Siemon, Auctioneer. ue-r .R ln Conveneri castie Lodge on Thursday evening, is under the doctor's care at the ... .Mr. J. Cbobotar's wood sale on ________________________ -of Menihership Committee-Mrs. L.1 January 20tb. Members of neigh- home of ihis daugbter, Mrs. E. C. Fia n r.W.Jfeyso 'hua is our New Years BeU-cast Aluin; Convener of Social Committeei boring lodges and especialiy jbose Fisher, Newcastle, and ail wish bim Tuesday were good succes9ses.. in a mouid of -henour, poished by -Miss I. Knox; Convener of Devo 1 resident in the community are cord- a speedy recovery.. Giasd to see Mr Much sympathy is expressed with andBuns Cnvne o Fowr omii~I The annual meeting and election community, who with hîs %ife and tbe death of his wife after a long il and greas by Btio nal n Mifssioy-rs. J. . ialyinie t ten.Coi cLa' iin aennte Mr. Th. Snwenan fakipyaceîî -constant prompt and tee-Miss M. J. Katerson. There, of officers of the Newcastle Horti- daugh:er are visiting his sister, Mrsne S Tefueatksplct- cortou sric t or were ninety-two on the roll witb an( cultural Society takes place Friday F. M. Cryderman .... Mr. Lawrence day (Thursday), to Bowmanville cuto erItvibeates wit average attendance of thirty-eight. evening, January 14, in the Cm- Cryderman wbo bas bad a siege of Cemetery..Don't fail to attend experence, it rings witb i-CADO TAK munity Hall. The interesting pro- sickness in Bowmanviiie Hospital bas Dthe.cAurcib siensoetfSrnay af-h cerity of purpose-a bell that CR FTAK gram under preparation siould as_ returned much benefitted in lieaith. ternoon and hear Rev. R. N. Burns, _________ Iyof onie sure a full attendance. Ladies' Dresses in silk or loth, now Dom.D. Atetiinsoefralio Mr. saeCaaksNemcstoenyiofsicon$498c- Couecmohn tions, and echoea the agelong r.AaCrkNeaslwbs1 Mrs. (Rev.> E. B. Cooke's class of reducedto$98aCocJn- trixth that quaiity bias flot loat to tbank ail those who aontributed young mien and Mr. W. D). Bragg's ston & Crydernian's.- its appeal and it carrnes to you to the splendid gif t preserited to bim class of youfng women enjoyed each TYRONE the pledge that our igb New Year's Day. other's company at a joint skate on _________E standard of quality will ai-- the rink on Tue:zday evening and SAKIL Visitors: Mrs. Robert Hodgson is ways be maintained. The only FARMERS ATTENTION! o oncluded witn eats in -the S. S. b h~ dvstn ornofins r r "knocker" in our bell is se- rooms at a later hour. the young men Te hoiay season was enjoyed iiigTrnofins r T curely silem~ed by our repui- A car of good clean bran andi providing and serving the coniplece'a i oth ula. nert n tur irhh tue e, Sas. soday- tation 3horts from ali Ontario Miii is due core. Christmas Tree hbd at our school igwt i rteM.Ewr for quality, to arrive in a few days. Apply atl The' comniunity skating -rink is was excellent. Puplis and teacher Vic':ue and other friends; Miss Flor- satisfactiononet now in fine shape and affording many1 are deserving of great praise for the ence Gardiner is visiting lier sister, and square oc o R. H. COLLACO lT,l a delightful hour to devotees of a fas- way the seections were rendered Mrs. John Hendriick, Brighton; Rey. dealng.Tyrne taton,*on 18-12 2- ciatig wnte patine. he ub-There is wonderful talent among our and Mrs. J. W. Wilkinson, Victoria WHEN WE TEST EYES IT 15 lic School boys have a three teami youth if oniy it can be cultivated. . RoAbaeteen isiti. n berisr DON.. A .'LY hockey club with George Grahamn,. . Mr. arid Mrs. Wm. Savery visited Ms. Abr ui.. omns Ms DOE ROER in iîctons For Ase orFred Coueb and Alf. Garrod tbe re- friends in Oshawa and Bowmanville1 sionary Society met at the homie of spciv apans n corac ... . Miss Norma Haiioweli hias re- Mrs. E. Woodley on Thursday. Mrs. 'Jury& Lov ll Aplicaionsfor te ofice o Ass specwthtve captana. achuetordaneturned home froni the City..MT. H. His gave the bible reading and Jury 8r ove fortownshi for t1ngon ~ef Asor 'eul îo pamsDelbert Halioweli and sister Hessie, Clara Woodley read a paper onIn J. R. Stutt, J. H. H. Jury, year 192-1 will be recelved by the un- bave already been played, Garrod'S Trno pn hi:a thm i riae yMs .Hdsn Registered Optomnetrist Doctor of dersigned up to saturday. January 22,' teani winning from Couch's in theTontpetCisasahmedarprdbyMsR. ogsn ByEaiato poety 12,apicate touappearon 'loperan.bfot t, and Garrod's again knocking .... Miss Almna Sbortridge, Winni- Mrs. J. C. Dudley and Miss Kaiihleen By ExaminatteonpOetomitrye1927.batoteeMhourlotgoneaoorock i.hma voca Graduate rot Toronto, Chicago, New the counchi on that date at 1 :3o p. m. out Graham's 5 to 1, in the second on 'Peg, Man., ihas been visiting bier cous- McCullougs favrned iBesavocal YokadDtototcicW. R. ALU1N, TP. ,1ý n af ter school. in, Mrs. R. Halloweii and is now w ut Ms avreBugs gv olegsCIanéto, anar i, 9Moh nday metngo teN b-ler gnandniotber, Mrs. S. Shortridge splendid reading on "Helen Keller" ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __ ___ _ j Th an ual m e tin of th Ne - t Solina .... M iss A lice H allow e U and M iss K . M C ulough p ayed a cas:le Bible Society was 'held in the bias returned to Normal Schooi, Pet- nice instrumental .... Valentine so- Council Chamber of Community erboo... .Mr. Wni. Haw is taiking cial at the parsonage in February.. IHall on Wednesday evening of -this of going West again this Spring . ... .. Sorry to lose one of our esteemed - Eweek witb the President, Mr. Thomas Mms. Harris is able ta ha around members, Mrs. Taîniage Henry, who Moffat in the chair. Mrs. J.. C. again after ber lengtby ilinesa... is moving away. The Society pre- Hancock, Secretany, read :he min- Messrs. Gordon and Lloyd HaliowelI sented Mrs. Henry witb a fancy cake S E R V 1 Cutes and gave a Concise report of the visited friends at Solina and Hanip-i plate.... .Mr. and Mrs. Albert His year's activýities. Rev. S. G. Spin- ton recently. .. . Mr. Hafiman, a re- entertained a number of friends .)n G RO CERY TO REs Enock, speaking from persona. exper- turned missionary gave a very inter- Tuesday evening when al badl an en- iYSTO RE ence gave a most interesting ad, esting adsfresa at Sbiloh lest Sunday joyable time ........ Young People's, YOU PAN' LESS FOR MORE AT THE SERVICE STORES dress, lutaidwh lantern s'ides, .,. .Social Cincie is holding ils next Leaglie on Thursday was in charge King St. W Phone 529 Bowmanville on the work in Africa. Coleictors meeting in the schoal. Wonder if Of lst Vice. Miss Viola Shoi gv ______________________________________________ will in the near future canvas the th, young people couidn't get up a the topie on "What daes our churdb Phone For Food, It's The Better Vlay omeunitan dubt lebc mat of the debate on om interesting question? teacb about the Holy Gbost". Mr., homs aled t il b gld f h.... Mn,. Wili Todd bhas been indis- Fred Goodman favored with a tnianof --oppotunity of conrtibuting soflie posed. ... Glad to welcome Mr. and solo and Miss Mae Cameron and Mrs Fry' Coca, /2 l. tn................1c 1itbing to niake a worthy pause as that Mn*ot ed tarcuc......L. J. Goodman witb readings; The ______________ _______________ of distributing the scriptures thruout We bave an inkling thaît wedding mioving pictures on Trinidad and Servo C m1elStewrd bells will soon ring in our midst.. . British Guinea wiii be sbown on Bag The first meeting aften the begin- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Martin and fam- Tbursday evening instead of Tues- Powder Salt Tomato ning of the New Year of the W. M. iiy, Toronto, visited at bier mother's, day. PodrSoup S. United Cburch was held in bible Mrs. John MKay... .Mr. Lawrence Boys' Brownie Suits now clearing 16 oz ti 3 for 2 Tins For class room on Thursday, Jan.' 6tb. Savery, teacher at Salemi, was honie at Hall Pnice at Coucb, Jobnston & 2c19C 5 The President, Mrs. E. B. Cooke, for the holidays .... Several cars of Crydenman's 25c 5c presided. After the opening àtymn e.ock and grain are being shipped Mrs. Douglas Led in earnest prayer from our station. ENNISKILLEN Maple Leaf Matches,3 boxes f or ...............2 ic for our Missionary work and partic-_______ - - - - -ulanly for those who are laboring in M.adMs oknSihhv Servo Tea Javel Water Clovervale foreig i counitries under perilotia con- SOLINA cor n d Mlie n.thoeskinm peithbav I I i ~~~~~ditions. The devotional exercises cmtolv nth ampeiul 59c lb. 2 For 25c Butter, lb. 43e conducted by the Presîdent were Rcn iitr.Mat d L. . occupied b>' bis father. ... Mrs. H. J. --I deeply inspiring, a we were Reen vstos:Mn ndMr. W ezry entertained the choir menibers Soap Chips, 2 lb. for................................... eonsecrate ourselves afresh so seekC.WryOsa , tM.AL.P- and ;tieir friends Frida>' evening. God, know the trutb, and 3erve coe's; Messrs. Lloyd and Gordon Alten practice ail joined in zaTnes, Servce lou' Oonoothrs. Thebe'ald neponingforHailoweil, Stankvilie. at Mis. Short- contests and a sing-song losing b>' Servce lou Orno the differet countniespwhne . M.r ridge's; Mr. and Mrs. J. T. Rundle at singing in the oid fashioned way th is retcriieonwereW.M. Mn. L. C. Pascoe's, Enfieid; Mr. W. "A.uld Lang Syne" ..The Agnicuit- Butt.ba 9cCraer 6S.lbwigtiss rnimdondw, Mrs. ar . Bragg, Bowmanviile, Mn. and Mns. ural Short Course now being beld ia 7 lb. bag 35c Butter and Mrs. Wright, Mnterestin g r.Pak- Wili Eppte-, St. Mary's, at Mr. John being much appreciatedl and is being 1ens and wonk Pi .India and Afnca erBaker's ;Miss Myrtie Vice et Mr. enthusiastieally entiened into by Hrl Jes', Bokin Ms.ageubrofbhyonm and Aly er or, 2Tis fr................ read b>' Mrs. Cunningham, Mrs. Macklin, Fenella, Mr. Westington, womlen. The classes for wonien Phone Orders Promnptly Delievered, Phone 529 Frank Rickard and Miss Barrie. Port Hope, M ns. S. V. Hoar and Miss are being beld in the League Roo!n Mrs. Charles Cowan favored with a Dorotby, Orono, Mr. Harold Hoar, of the chprch and those for rmen in pleasing organ solo. Trno r n r.EeetHa h ulcsho. Bt ie e FOR SALE-One cuiter. two sets bar- Trno n n n.EeetHa h ulcsbo. Bt ie e nes one road cart. Apply to Mrs., A. and son Charles, Bowmanvilie, at Mr and wnmen are aiso attending asj E. IOlIsworth. Newcastle. - i J. J. Siith's; Mr. N. S. B. James, thay get opportunit>'........Yioung Couch, Johnston & Crydennian in- Bowmanviile, at Mr. S. E.Werry's; Peopies Dramatic Saciýet>' lias recaiv- A re on nde ,ded ? vitean> lady who think, of buying Mr. F. C. Shortridge visitd in Tor- ed an initation tepresn' "Dctori a Furu nd e c i e d 9 at their store as' onto; Miss Jessie Cation with bier Jim" at Burketon. .Sevetal e the wil nt olysel an kid o afriand, Mrs. Mundeil, Ciaremont, radios have been installad recently FurCoa atmuc les tan heor-1 who is very iii; Mr. A. L. Pascoe at- . ..Enniskilan Circuit Officiai dinary price but ever>' coat tbey seli j anîed Grand Division in Toronto; Board met a: the Parsonage on Mon- cannies thein guarantee witb it. IMr. Joe Reynods at home; League day. After a Taview of conditions WHAT T DO WIH THE IFT MO EY YO evenfing w',as in, it wasetimated that at least $500 WHA TODO ITHTHEGIF MO EY OU ll - __ -- ý._1 m:ý .ort.h-.omingfor -e Mai- Il ~The Home Furnishers j Allin, accompanied on the piano b>'_______________- ee Licentialte of the State Unîver- Il jMrs. Cowan suggested in a pleasing sit>' of New York, Matrieulat. of the Il Phone 10 Bowmanville way to aIl that thene was wonk a hcad EARN $8.00 TO $8.00 PER DAY Post Graduat. Medical School anud IlIyet and a swimming future for ail, Earn while learnlng, Garage Work, Hospital of New York and Fellow Stores--Orono and Newcastle so a business meeting was proceeded in , W Cng ul tu r Wk o! fthe.Toronto Azademy of Medi- ro0eed'Idi ihBarb r afd ata lue Hemph ltIwith and aoniewhere on the border Oood positions now open. Oniy few cine. Office-MUn. McNaugbton'a Rez- ____________________________________________ jUne Epiphan>' and the day aften, westDken to qualify. Cati or Write Idence, Newcastle. Hour-8 ta 10 goo=bya 'eresai an th cospa>'Charee Sohool, 163 Kinga West, Tor- a. m. 1 to 8 p. m. and by affeint- Another Sensation at Dillick's Hundreds and hundreds of satisfied custom- ers have crowded our store since the opening of our Smashing, Crashing Sale Alarge quantity of New Goods has arrived and we have priced everything at l)flceS so low that they will move fast. SPECIAL ALL THIS WEEK Men's Big B Work Shirts ........................ 69c Men's Fleece Lined Underwear, heavy weight 69c Flannelette Blankets, double bed size $1.89 Pair Men's Work Sox ...................................... 19C Men's Winter Caps, with or without earbands 98C Men's Overalis......................................... 98C Big B. Overails ...................................... $1.39 Circular Pillow Cotton, yard ..................... 39c Men'a Suits and Overcoats at Bargain Prices 0f Course It's At A. DILLICK King & Division Sts Bowmanville Forward ' Step OU an't "get off on the m wZrong foot" if you're wearing a rubber like this. »gýtmtHErW means the best We carry the complete ine l -rubbers, overshoes, work- R H boots. Prepare now ta have us youn feet warm and comfort- able, whatever the weather and whatever the conditions underfoot. 2 X. DILLICK, KING STREET, Bowmanville's General Store When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PAST<Y-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you will get good valut. i tH. S. BRITTON, Bke& Grocer Newcastl. Chartran 's Store Has the Lowest Prices in Town Ai Winter Goods Must Go Regardless of Price Men's Overcoats at nearly Haif Price. Boys' 2-Bloomer Suits, sizes 26 to 30, Regular $1O0.00 to $12.00 for .......$6.95 Men's $2.00 Wool Un derwear for ....$1.35 Men's $2.50 Stanfl'eld's Red Label for $1.95 Men's $1.00 Fleece Lined Underwear 78e Boys' 75e Fleece Lined Underwear 58e Men's $4.00 Combination Underwear for ............. .......................... $2..95 Men's $3.00 Combination Underwear $2.25 Men's $2.50 Combination Underwear $1.95 Men's $2.50 Caps, ail colors and sizes $1.38 Men's $5.00 Hats, ail colors and sizes $3.68 Men's 75e Silk and Wool Sox for...... 50e Men's 50c ail Wool Cashmere Sox for 39e WATCH MY WINDOWS FOR OTHER PRICES S. G. CHARTRAN PHONIE m DOWVMVULLE PAGE EIGHT THIC CANADIAN STATESMAI4, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY, JANUARY 13, 1927

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