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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1927, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated Tne ]Bowmanvifle News Vol, LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JANUARY 27th., 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a 'rnnu Nin Music S&udy Club, Wednesday, February 2nd., at eight o'clock in St. Paul's Lecture Room. Juvenile pro- gram of piano, violin, folk dances, vocal solos, choruses. Evening in charge of Mis-es Greta Wickett, Aura Caldwell and Helen Morris. The next meeting of "'The White Shield Club" will be beld on Tues- day, Feb. 1st., 1927, in St. Paul's Lecture Roons at 8 p. mn. Mothers! don't forget your joke for rol caîl. A hearty welcome awaits any mothers who would like to join the Club. EMINENT LECTURER COMING REV. DR. J. W. PEDLEY, President of Toronto Conference of the United Church of Canada, will give his popular lecture "The Humorous Side of a Minister's Life" in St. PauI's Church on Friday, January 28th at 8 P. nM. Musical nunibers will be given by Mesdames R. J. Gill, Alex. Col- ville and C. H. Dudley. ADMISSION 25c SALE O0F A LIFE I IME The sale announced in another page by Alex Elliot, Jeweler, is un- doubitedly the sale of a life time. Neyer before in the history of Bow manville have people had the opp>or. tunity of buying jewelry, watches, diamonds, rings, flatware, hollowvare, china, cut glass, etc., at sucb ridicu. lously low prices. With many mer- chants in other lines dippng into the jeweloey business it makes pretty -lard going for the jeweler, s0 Mr. Elliot has decided to seil out and go into something more remunerative. As he says he is taking a big bass, and this means some mighty attractive bargains for a lot of people wlxo thought they couldn't afford such ar- ti,-les as are included in this sale. By aIl means visit Mr. Elliot's store early before the best bargans are picked up. B3-owmanville Women's Institute nwill meet in the Sons of England Hall on Friday, January 28th. Pxogram in charge of Mrs. E. S. Clark's group. 4-2w About 25 members of Trinity Jun- ior Missionary Auxiliary held the regular meeting at the tea hour in the Young Men's Room of thel 1Church on Tuesday evening, Jan- uary l8th. A splendid supper was enjoyed after which Miss Spargo, President, took charge. Miss Flor- ence Werry read the devotional lea- flet and Miss Lena Haddy took the Study Book on India. -Buy In Bowmnanville- STOCK REDUCIN Off crs Many Tempting E~ We are deterrnined to make quick work c winter goods. To do this in the rnost effectivig have been literaiiy slashed in every direction ti very attractive. The high quaiity is stili there, back of every sale but you are enabled to bui prices of the whole year. Don't delay anot] and see. You wiii be convinced it will pay yc buy now. Ladies' Winter MARKED DOWI ONE-THIRD BELO REGULAR PRICE Your choice of any coat in the store at this trerni A Few Ladies' Coats CI at $5.00 Each )w endous reduction. learing Ladies' SiIk or Cloth Dresses NOW REDUCED AS LOW AS $4.98 Ail other Ladies' -Dresses in Silk, Crepe, Canton or Cloth drastically reduced in price for immediate sale. Men's Fancy Tweed Overcoats Almost ail sizes available, well made, this year's styles, sorne priced as low as............................................ $14.50 Boys' Brownie Suits, just a few left, and they are marked down to haif original price. Boys' Odd Pants, balance of this line is being clegred at very low prices. Couch, Jihnston & Cryderman, Dowmanville Phone 104 Lîmiteai Royal Theatre Friday-Saturday, Jan. 28-29 Tom Mix in "No Man's Gold" From the novel Dead Man's Gold by J. Allan Dunn Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. January 31 and February 1 Mae Murray in "Valencia" With Lloyd Hughes From the story by Alice D. G. Miller. Wednesday.Thursday, Feb. 2-3 "The OId Soak" With Jean Hersisoît, June lowe, George Lewis, Louise zenda, Gertrude Aster and V. Mong 0 Mar- Fa- Wrn. Friday-SaturdaY, Feb. 4-5 "The Runaway Express" Witis Jack Doughei-ty, Blanche Meisaffey and Tom O'Brien NOTE-Csildi-en ander 15 yeara muât be accompanied by an aduIt te attend any evening perfoe-s ancse. 'III "BOWMANVILLE THE J _____BEAUT11FUL" Citizens are requested te keep Fni- day evening, February 4,,h, open for' an important public meeting in thse Opera House, wben a Governinenti Specialist on Town Improvements will give an illustrated address. Af- ter looking over the vacant spaces in Bowmanville and examining thse con- dition of thse sisade trees, he will be in a positionï te give valuable informa- tion te oui civic authorities. It is expected Mayor Holgate and members of the Towns Council wiil be on the platform. as well as Hor- ticultural Society officers. During tbe coming summer, thous- ands of tourists from United States will be passing thirougs Bownsan- ville. As other towns are prepar- ing for tisese tourists by cleaning up and beautifying their streets. Bow- manville citizens should step lively and keep in tise lead. About 1000 Gladioli bulbs wiîl 6e given away absolutely free te those wbo join tise Horticultural Society that eveising. These will be given in addition te any preassiums that the Society may offer. Let "Bowsnan- ville the Beautiful" be your motto. Tai-n te page 7 and see what one citizen bas done te put Bowmanville on the map as an attractive commun- ity in which te live. M. J ELLIOTT ELECTED WARDEN BROADCAST SPEECHES FROM Brings Coveted Hono,- te Bownanville MONSTER BANQUET Af ter 33 Years. To Prime Minister and Hi* Cabinet Citizens were greatly elated 1te Thu,-aday, February 3rd. learn that Mil:on J. Elliott, Reeve of Througis the tbougbtfulness of W. Bowsnanville, was eected Warden of J. Bragg, M. P. P., we «have been ad.- tise United Counties of Nortisumber- vi.sed tbat the speeches delivered at land and Durhanm at the opening ses- tht monster banquet being given te sien of Counties Gouncil iseld Tues- Right Hon. MacXenzie King and his day evening at Cobourg. Ht was Cabinet at the King Edward Hotel, elected on thse first ballot by 23 votes Toronto, on Thursday evening, Feb- to 17 defeating the veteran coun- ruary 3, will be broadcasted froan ciller William Woods, Reeve of Mill- s:ations CFCA, CJGC, CNRO, CN-R brook. 1nM. Warden Elliott is among tise Tise speeches by Liberal Leaders youngest reeves to be elected te tbe will be tise most important delivered Wardensbip in tise history of these in recent years in Canada, and will united counties. He also bas tise 6e their pronouncement in relation record of having been a member of to t'he recent Imperial Conference. Bownsanville town council for seven Tbe visits of tbe Prime Minîsters of years, 5 consecutive years of which Australia and New Zealand bas be bas been elected reeve by accla- created great public interest in Mr-. mation. It is aso the first time in King's speech. 33 years that Bowmanville's repre- AIl radio owners should take ad- sentative bas been isonered witb the vantage of this opportunity of secur- Wardenship, the late W. P. Prower ing first-hand information on this being the last fionstisis town te much discussed question. bold the office in 1893.1 MINISTERS AND CHURCHES MILK PRODUCERS ORGANIZE r St. Paul's Churcb, Rev. D. W. A. L. Pascoe Elected President. Best, D. D., minister. il a. m.-A Memorial Service. Address by Lt. That the milk- producers of this Col. Robt. J. GuI, M. C. 7 p. n.- country are keenly intereted in the "Victories of the Soul". 2.30 p. m.1 matter of organization was plainly -Sunday School and Bible Classes. i seen by the very large attendance in St- Andrew's Presbyterian Church, ! the Council Chainber of the Comn- corner Temperance and Church Ss. 1 munity Hall, Newcastle, on Friday Rev. Robt. McDerment, M. A., min- afternoon, January 2lst. The at- ister. Morning Worship il a. m. tendance was such as to crowd the Evening worship 7 p. m. Sunday chamber to its fullest capacity, and Scbool at 2.30 p. ns. 0 before the meeting adjourned the An Oshawa <espatch in yesterday's, new organization wau a matter of fact Globe states that on learning that1 and will be known as tbe Durhamn a former pastor of King StreetUn County Milk Producers' A,ýsocia- ited Cburcb, Oshawa, was passingJ tion- through bere today, having been or-1 By a unanimous vote Mr. A. L. dered to Arizona for bis healtb, 201 Pascoe, Solina, scted as chairman and members of the churich met the train 1 conducted the meeting in bis usual this afternoon and presented Rev. S.. capable manner. In the saine way C. Moore, B.A., B.D., of Coiborne, Mr. J. H. Jose officiated as secretary, with a purse of $200. Rev. C. W pro tem. Demille, present pastor of King St. Prof. C. B. Sissons, Secretary of Church ,read an address, while A. R. the Toronto Milk Producers' Associa- Goyne, Recording Steward, made the tion, J. A. Carroll, B.S.A., Assistant presentation. We are very surTe 1Director of Agricultural Represen ta- that Rev. Mr. Moore's many friendsl tives, and F. C. Paterson, Agricultur- bere and throughout tb e Bay of a Representative, Port Hope, were Quinte Conference wbere lie bas lab- pre.sent and by counsel and sugges- ored will be very sorry to herta tion, assisted materially in the wcrk bis bealth bas failed. of organization. Officers and directors elected: Read "Have Animais a Seul?" by President-A. L. Pascoe, Solina; Mr. Charbes M. Bîce . Vice-President--J. D. Stevens, Bow- Mrz.W. E Tiley nd iss va.manville; Secretary-Treasurer-A. E Soucb bave gone to Toronto where Runas, Welcome; Direcors W. F they will spend a couple of nsonths Fallis, Millbrook; J. H. Jose, New- at the home of Mr. and Mis. A. . castîe; Win. Chestnut, Welcoine; A. Mithel wh hae gneSouth on a.A ibson, Orono; Mark Munday, Mritcelp. hv gnapleGi-ove, and Stanley Macklin, tnp. ort Hope. 1Mr. Carroll spoke on Milk Produc- tion, exbibiting. a number of cbarts indicating bow and why tbe average per cow can and sbould be increa'sed. The kind of cows kep,. in many parts of the province are a disgrace to the business. Tbe fariner sbouîd have a fair profit on bis niilk products if be keeps the right kind of cows, but it is unreasonable to expect town andi kees cws hatproduce only 20001 or 3000 pounds of milk a year iîid1 scarcely earn their own board. Tbei gis' of Mr. Carroll's frank remarks( W gains may be summed us as follows-Test,i Prof. Siisons briefiy reviewed cbe bistory of thse dairy industry in On-t tario, showing how the revTenue to the( farmers for-raw milk and its several preducts was rapkcU-,' increasing. He Df reducing oui' poînted out the'ideà6ts*of a Milk Pro-t ýe manner prices tle of production land~< ma t- n bo make buying showed wbat bas been and wbat cr be done for thse benefit of tise î:roduc-1 oui' guarantee is ers in the way of collective bargain-' y a th loesting. One great and present i eed ,her day. Corne us consideration is the steadying0 of the raw milk supply the produ .t- ou handsornely to ion of a more uniferm quantity througbout aIl seasons of tise year. S iThe drafting of by-laws and a con- I stitution for the new arganizati-3n0 was held ever until after the Ontar- S je Milk Producer'a Convention onp February 16 and 17, to which theh C o a ts Durham Association wiil prebably b. ' .. a sentited tesend three dlgts inth discussions, other than those already mentiened were J. J. Aber- nethy, L C. Snowden, Fred Gibson %X1 Ir and A. E. Stainton. J. ei ni r ni H B: Bq VI FREE DEMONSTRATION Valuable Information on the Funda- 'mentaIe cf Power Farming MachinerY. Thorougis and practical instruc- tiens for tise operation, repair and cane of Tractors, Thi-eshers, Plows and Combines will be iseld nt tht J. h. Case Ce. Factory, 345 Duffeniný St., Toi-ente, on February 7, 8,9. For th. benefit of aIl farniers inter-1 ested in Power Farming Machinery this cornpany bas ari-anged tisis school of instruction. Thsis course is absolutely fi-te te every ont and ne ont willbhe solicited to buy. Corne tht fi-st day and bnbng youn neigisior if be is inter- tsted in Power Farming. Valuable instructions will given by men wiso ai-e experienced in this line of work. Tht pi-ogi-an is different tvery day, and the woi-k outlined in cludes illustrated taîks and practical work on tise macbinery. Yoa are in- vited lte tae. an active part in ailtise work. Ferfui-tiser information about this course or Case Machinez-y applyto tise loc dealer, S. J. Henry, Be-w-. maivle, phone, 22 or 13. 4-2 WINTER SPORTS CLUB The inaugural meeting cf tht Winter Sports Club was iseld at tise Boys' Training Scisool Wednesday nbght, January 19th. About tw&ty young people mset at thse Public Scisool and wvent eut in a bob-sleigh visent -bey were met by members efi thse Training Scisool Staff. Owing to unsuitahle weatbtr outdoor acetivi- ties wvere withdrawn and tise electioni of officens took place as follows: Hon. Presidnt-J. E. Cunninghsam President-W. F. Soucis Vice Preidnt-L. H. Jacknsan Secetary-Miss Elizabeth Beat. Trtasuner-C. H. Pethick. Progi-as Committee-J. E. Cun ningharms, Director; Misses H. Osbor- ne and L. Oliver, Messrs. Ed-ýall Oli- ver and Stuart James. After tnansacting tht business an enjoyable tise was spent at carda, refreasents and dancing. Club meets each Wednesday even- ing at its beadqaitera, tise Tr-aining Scisool at 8 p. ns. Object of the club is te furnish tht yeung people cf-tise town witb at least one enjey- able, evening a week spent eut of doors la sucis wlntu- sports as skee- Ing, tobogganlng, snow-ahoeing, etc. VISITING ROTARIAN DELIVERS INSPIRING ADDRESSES fThse benefits te a community frein fa visit such as Ed. R. Keisey cf Tol- iedo, Obio, gave Bowmanviile st Frî- day cannot be estimated in dollars and cents. In his three addresses àhe spread aunshine, oiptimlsm and -aroused enthusisas which made a ilasting impression on ail who heard b is. He speaks ia a masterly man- ner presenting a rare blead of hum- 1or, pbilosopby inspiration and senti- -ment. He bas thse ability to bring smibes and laugister and tise power te touch the heart. At the Kotary Club buncheon un- der whose auspices he came te Bow- manville be gave an appealing talk un tise "Value of Husan Friend- ship". After inspeeting tbe Boys' Training Scbool the delivered a fine address te thse High School atadente who as- sembled in the auditorium. Princi- -pal W. J. Morrison presided aad cail- ed on Mayor T. S. Holgate te lin- trodtice Mr. Kelsey who spoke on "Education and Ite Place la thse Bus- iness World". He esnphasized the value of education in developing the power and abllity te îbhink wbich, h. pointed eut is very essential in thse business world. With bis overflow- ing wit, snd, fluent o;ratory he Znade a great iimpression on the student body, who are certain te remenxber him for some dfise. A vote of thanks was tendered tse speaker by Mr. W. B. Ceucis and Mr. J. H. H. Jury. In the evening about eigbt hua- dred citizens attended Trinity United Chai-ch te hear Mr-. K-elsey speak on "Palship witb a Boy". He knowa of tise working among boys, not frein theory but froin practice, as he waa an executive cf the Boy Scout or- ganization for severeal years. Ris ad- dress sparkled witb wbolesome kum- or intermingled with sound advice to bots parente and childi-en a&B of wbicb was presented'un such a we.y that his pronouncements were fi-se fions all that resembled anytbing like preachinents. He is a fir. 6e- liever that the present generation is the beat the werld bas ever seen. Rev. J. U. Robins was chairinan of tbe meeting. An organ solo was rendered by Mr-. F-rancis Sutton and a vocal soIo by Mr. R. M. Mitchell. Mr-. Geo. E. Cisase, President cf Re- tary Club introduced tbe speaker of tbe evening. Thse Boy Scoute made very efficient and courteous ushsers for tht occasion. Many favorable commente have iseen beard on MWt Kelsey'a addresses and the wisb bas been expressed by many who heard bim that be again ,come to Bowmianville or tbe Rota-y Club bring otber speakers bere of bis high calibre. Lione as auonseIvatîve vandiuîu JACKMAN PARTY WINS for tht Ontario Legislature. He is a Past President of West Durham Agni- At Trinity Young People'a League cultural Society and bas served on tise executive of Bownsanville Chams- Monday evening tise final appeal ber of Commence. of thse Party Leaders, Mi-. Wreforii Warden Elliott's latest honor will Soucis and Mr. Loi-ne Jacknsan, su-p- s est with gesserai favor in tbis muni- ported by their cabinets, was iseardcplt shspouaiy wt h by tise electorate consisting of a ver iaty sbspourty itth fine tursout of rTrinity young peopielet is sbown by having been augmented considerably by tiseir eld- eleicted reeve five times witisout op- ers who were very interes :ed bt position. wiso refrained fros voting. As was______ pi-edicted, the beavy guna of argu- ment for both parties came inte MOTHER'S CLUB SOCIAL action as tise final appeals were pi-e- sented. Even in the beat of battle A sost deligistful social evening there was the ever present wit wbich wns spent by The White Sbîeld Club flasbed to and fi-o across the opp-os- on Tuestay, January iSti at thse ing tabbes, muci te tise enjoyment hsome of Mrs. F. Clarke, Liberty St., of the audience. Seme were shoot- wben dancing, ganses, singing, hum- ing tise aminunition, others making it orous and otberwise, were enjeyed Voting comxnenced at the close of bya vry johelly croawd.uif tise speeches and was conducted wDuing gitef eveng a -beeautiful quiklyan eficenty y te wo re- for Miss Heeiey, organîzer of tise turning officers, Messrs. John Ca- Club, wbo bas recently maa-ried, was wood and Cecil Bellman assi.sted by on display, and adsssired imnsensely their clerks Merle- Ferguson- and by everyone. ht iras decided betore Marion Belînsan. nigsm ohvbemngrn Tise votes were counted in tse senigsnet aebrnoerm engraved on it. A splendidlIuncbj presence of Rev. J. U. Robins, Chief with goojl tata in gi-eat variety was Electoral Ofilcer, and bis announce- îerved swr ri n ade ment of tise result gave Leader r<~ne. edaswrfuianc cnis ear]ier, tht Misses Clarke, very ab- Jackman and bis Cabinet a ver3r ly assisting tIseir sotser. Before handsome working mai ority t o carry dep ing forhoe ers we on tht governiment in the Pai-lia ment 9at M9 lref- e id whien convener. 1given in opîgbe 1e wdal briefne,Î pnn ehoe n&I The~e tw eaersan-ve had- their lungs well expanded i-e- spunched, fehcongrat alati ant- sponding. To quote the toast- other on tise splendid effort made and nsaster' o rds, i eveyn a. spirit exbibited. Mr. Jechusanwiaeo ati. promised tise electorate a sane and sard wokring goverisment, wbile Mn. Souch served notice on thse gove-ns- HOME AND SCHOOL CLUB ment elect that tht opposition would ECR be out te overthrow the=n Bt the vei-yEU .R fi-at eppertunity.1 A semat uccessful euclsre party Parliamont will be forsnally open-' under auspices of Home and School ed and censtituted on Monday even- Club was held in tise gymnasiara, ing, February 7ts at 8 P. m. Ceta holnMndyJnur Next Mon-day evening, 14t. Co. . Cetr.A ciolrgenuMbonda, Jntur r. GilI wîll address thse League on the i24ti. Ahe laernunier e rents 'Prowblern of Woiid Peace". Col.iastich ebplayhers wners'li-sents Gli bas given this subject consider-wbthe aesp tise "unedmrk busyha able thought and study and hise ie ae poeaedm-kngts drtas is being looked forward te with tally carda, and seeing that aIl the. agreat deal of interest. Thse gen- raies we-re strictly caried eut. erai public is invited. Prize winners were: Ladies' loat P. S.-Tht nanse of Lyle Foster hansd-Mrs. F. Tighe, Mrs. J. A. nentiened in last issue should have Guna, equal; Gentleman's lone band betn Harold Foster. -Mi-. D. F. Henry; Higist nunsist- of marks, ladies-Mrs. W. McRey- nolda; Highest namber of marks, PUBLIC SCHOOL BOARD I gentlensen-Mi-. D. F. Henry. Conso- ________lation prizes were won by two lad- Thse inaugural meeting of Bow ies, ont of wbom gallantly repres- nanville Publie School Board was ented a gen4leman. .c d Wednesday evening, Januarv Tise President, Mrs. W E Booths and 19tis wben these appointnents were nsembers of thse club take tisis oppor- made: tunity of tisanking aIl wise responded Chairman-Dr. R. E . Dinniwell. s0 readily by isnying* tickets, pi-ovid- Finance-F. F. Morris, C. F. Rice, -n refresismentsadassigi n H. . avely.way te make tise evening sucis a suc- Visiting-H. C. Caverly, Wm. cesa. Procetds te be used entirtly Brock, Dr. C. W. Slenson. for tise benefit of tht pupiL and Representative on High Scisool PubliceSehool (Central and South Board-L. S Caverly, (re-appointed) Ward) - Attendance Officer-Chief R. Jar-' vis, (re-appointed).I thi-ougisout Durhams County and la a prosperous farmer witbin thse town limite. He bas taken an active part in party politics for a number of years, being at present President of thse local Conseriative Association and at various times bas been men- taita i* an man .ce RECORD MAIL SERVICE- Took 39 Years For Letter to Reach Its Destination :In this sgt of hustît and speed in wbicstise saving of tise is upper- most in tise minds of most people Old Fatiser Tise wits bis Twentieth Cen- tury fluer gete a bad set back occas- ionably. Here is an incident which proves tht exception to tse raIe: Mr. John Sanders Westmount, Bewnsanville, re-ceived a letter on Meniday, January 24, 1927, from bis sister, Mns. Ann Saunders, Cardiff, Wales, saying that about two montha ago ase received a letter written un 1888-39 ydars age-by Mi-. Sand- ens, then living in Pickering, Ontario, te bis fa-ber in England. Tise letter described farming conditions in Can- ada at that tise and bas takena al these years to reach bts destination. No explanation was obtainable as te whertabeute or delay in dtlivtry of tise letter. APPLES AWARDED HIGH PRICE ON BRITISH MARKET Mn. W. H. Gibson, Clar-ke Town- shsip, whis is tise largest orcbardist la tisis country was this week in receipt of a ca4le frosn England informing bis tisat a carload of apples recently shipped by bis had realized tise bigs- est pnice cf any car load of apples sold on tise Britishs market tis sea- son. Naturally Mi-. Gibson la very proud of this distinction as are alI of bis nusnerous friends la tisis District who, heartily ceagi-stabat. bim on tis wonderful acisievesent. Mn. Gib. son la certainly doing bis part te make Durham County fameus as tise Gai-don of Eden.

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