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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1927, p. 4

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PAGE 4 Our inner pages are of very spe- cial interest this week. Have you a Hobby? Read what Dr. Bownian says on Hobbies. Reeve A. W. Jackson, Whitby, was elected Warden of Ontario County. Over fifty relatives and friends surprised Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hun- king, Oshawa, on the eve of Mr. Hunking's departure for Florida. Dur- Ing the evening, Mn. Howard Wilson read an address and Mr. Harry Gimb- lett presented Ir. Hunking witb a handsome club bag. Mrs. Hunking was made the recipient of an envel..t ope of money. Mrs. Ed. Marlow, Nestleton was among the out-of-town guezts. Toilet Paper Four Big I10 cent Roils for 28c This is very special value. Quality is geod aud reli» cntain mauy more sheets than is u-sual at siîy where near this price. Jury & Lovel THE CANADIÂN STATESMAN, DOWMANVII.LE THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927. Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman are HAMPTON ENNISKILLEN getting ready for stock-taking and1 have laid out a lot of remnants which An Older Boys' Conclave will bel A musical comed'y will be given they are offering at very low prices. held at Hampton, Friday, Januaryl by the Short Course students in the Don't fail to see them. 28th, afternoon and evening. Mr.l United Church, Enniskillen, on Fni- Friends of Mrs. H. J. Hoidge, Charlie Plewman, Provincial boy day, January 28th at 8 p. m. Admis- Lindsay, wIi regret to learn that she' leader, is expected to be present and sion 25e and 15C. Everybody wel- fractured two ribs when she slipped Arill addres.7 the conference. Mr. corne. and fell on an icy walk near ber home Clarence Mountjoy of Cartwright, a few days ago.-Fost. representative to the Provincial Boys' __________________ - Parliament will be in charge. The HAYDON U. F. 0. NOTICE Epworth Leaguers are providing sup- per for delegates at the nominal A telegrain was received by Mr. Providence Farmers' Club will charge of 25c. A welcome awaits John Wright Thursday evening tbat meet in Shaw's School on TueLeday,i the boys of Darlington and Cart- bis son ,Mr. Egbert Wright's eldest February lst., at 8 p. m. Program by1 wright to Hampton. Let all the lb- boy had passed away in the hospit.al the young people. Everybody wel-1 cal fellows be, present to give Charlie at Calgary, Alta., after an opera- c ore. 1 the boy booster a real welco'me. tion for appendicitis. Our~ syro- 0. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne, pathy is with them in ihis their Presden. Seretry.hour trial. Egbert Wright was Presdent S~etal. jone of our boys.... Our. .ymnathy isi * 1.1 Your Eyes Thousands of letters, circulais, etc., bave been sent te Canada re- cently fnom U. S. advertisiug ShelI Frame Spectacles, worth from $7.00 to $10.00 for . .$4.95 te which you must add tbe duty sud sun chances of haviug to ne- tus-n them. If you want to leave your rnoney iu Bowmanville and get absolute satisfaction in your glasses call and see oui SPECIAL VALUE AT $2.95 Jury & Loveli J. R. Stutt, J. H. H. Jury, Registened Optornetrlat Doctor ot By Exarinatien Optornetry Graduate o! Toronto. Chicago, New York aud Detroit Opticai, Colleges. Big Sensational Sale 0F Connor Electric Washing Machines A 50 PIECE DINNER SET TO FIRST 10 CUSTOMERS FREE Only $2.00 down andl 12 rnonths to pay with no interest charged. Phone 66 Rice's Hardware Store f or- a dernonstration or cal] into the store. ENFIELD Mis. Has-ny T. James and brother- iu-law, Archie James, Columbus, have returned fîorn Detroit, Mich., where they went with Mn. Howard James in bis uow Pontiac ou his recent visit to his mother and othes- îelatves iu i Ontario. Enroute they stopped at Woodstock for dinner and called ou' her cousins the West boys from this section-Dr. Robent, Mn. Thomas aud Rev. Wesley West, all doing well. Dr. Robent bas been 40 years in practise in tbat fine town. They haebeautiful resideuires. In De- troit they met Mr. Joseph Ashton who bas doue well, also the James boys- 'Ber t and Howard. They also visited their aunt, Mis. M. J. Redman sud daugbter, Miss Frances. Their vis- it to the great automobile city was made exceedingly pleasazt by thoir Canadian frieuds. MAPLE GROVE Mruad Mrs. Manley Cole aud sou JonRozeror(nsort. Alt.. have hoain extendàed to Mrs. Thos. Greor in the sudden death of ber mother, Mis. Mary Reynolds, widow of the la:te Robt. Reynolds of Buiketon. . .. Mr. John Graham, Campbellford, is visit- ing bis parents, Mn. and Mrs. D, Graham, also friends; in Oshawa....] Mis. H. Stainton, H.ampton, visited a# ber motlaer's, Mis, W. H. Creeper ... Mr. A Read Suudayed with lais parents, Mr. and Mis. Robt. Read. . Our pastor gave us a helpful talk on Prayer Sunday .... Congregational meeting held on Wedne&day lsst, a good attendànce considering the weathen. Reports were given by the different officers aftei which a social time was enjoyed and îefresbmeuîs served.. League Sunday evening iu charge of Miss M. Beech. Bible reading Muriel Tbompson; topic by Mis. R. Crossman, Mrs. Bradley, Mis. Mountjoy, Mis. Asbton, sang two selections ".Calliug", "Lend a Helping Hand"; ieadings by Miss A. Trewin, Lloyd Thompso .... Our Lague are having a social evening February l4th. visitiug his sister, Mis. Milton Sarnis TYRONE ... Miss Vers Power is spendiug a week or two with lier sisten Mis. ont forget te attend tbe next Stuart Menton, ýCobourg. .... JMis etigsf. M. S. te o beled at the3 Mabel Stevens spent a few days last Parsonage, on Thursday, Februairyj [week iu Toronto .... Wedding belîs 3rd. Good debate will ho given and are rnugiug in this community . ... Mr ether splendid numbers. Gentlemen .Wilson Power, Ottawa, isit,,d bis as well as ladies are invited. brother, Mi. Cbester Power... .Mis.j The anniveîsary of the chus-ch A. Laird as-ived homo on Saturday will bho beld on Sunday, January 30, after au extended visit witb rela-I wben Rev. J. U. Robins, Bowman- Itives sud frieuds iu Eugland...... ville, will preach at 10:30 a. m. and Congratulations te Mr. and Mis. Rev. J. R. Trumpour at 7 p m. Thei Charles Gîeeubam ou the arrivai of Board is asking for $150.00 Thank- a youug daugter. .Miss Greta Mun- Offernug. Special music by the day spent the weekend with Miss choir. Beatrice Cryderman, Newcastle .... Mr Lewis Knapp's family aie< It is expected that the first part of quarantined witb messies... Mr. the report of Wiuter School will be Theodore Down speut the weekend at given st Suuday Scbool ou Sunday Mr. Wm. Moore's.... Mn. sud Mis. by one of the delegates. Levi Skinner visited their daugbter, Mis. Fred Moore, Providence, and beard Rotarian Ed. R. Kelsey, Tel- COURTICE eo, give his interesting addîess on Friday eveig. . .. Glad Mn. Horatie Mr. sud Ms-s. Marsalal Seules and'Hilai impreving sfter falliug from family sud Miss Ethel Brooks, Tor- a load of bay. .. . Mis. Willis Stew- onte, speut Sunday with Mn. sud Mis art is visiting lier daughtei, Mis. Mc- S. S. Brooks... .Mastor Jas. Hancock Donald, Cobouig. . . Young People's is in Bowmanville Hospital having League on Thursday was in charge been operated on for appendicitis. of Miss Hazel Turner. The topic, We wish him a speedy recovery . Can war ho cousideied tbe police Ses-vices on Suuday were good. Rev. force of the Wculd" was given by Mi Dr. Burns, Toronto, pneached a mest Clarence Woodley; Mi. Morley Hoop- inspiring sud entbusiastic sermon in or read the bible seadiug sud Mis the merning on the Maintenance andi Laveine Burgess a goed reading. Extension Fund. Dr. Burns is a very is Evelyn Brout will give the top- interesting speaker aud those who ic this week. . . .Tbe Tyrone Wom- were flot at church missed a treat. e's nstitu:e andLde'Admta In he venng ur astr, ev.C.1 the home of Miss Florence Stewartt C'. Washington, stas-ted a sories from on Tliursday, Januaîy 2th. The fol-r the book of Proverbs and bis sermon lowiug program was given: Reading, Sunday evening ivas "A Valu;Ile Ho-1 Mrs. D. B. Farrell, Keeping them pu.ation" and was flue ..There will on the Fasrn; piauo solo, Miss Kath- he no League meeting on Thursdayl 1een McCullough; reading. M r. evening this week as eus- League vîsj- Heury Millar; duet by Mrs. L. J. its Maple Grove on Wednesday ev Godanani Mis. R. Bur-gess; oning.... On Friday evening about reading, Miss Ruiby Vitue; piano 30 young peuple from Eldad League îlîîe:, Misses- Mae sud Evelyn Brent. visited our League. A good progrsm Meeting closeJl witb a social 'haIt was given afteî which a social time i4ur wa.s spent togetber iu games after a-hich lunch xvas served in abondance sud a pleasant evening was eîîjoyed by aIl. . . .Saturday evening Mr. sud _________ NIrs. Will Lyner entestained about 20 young people in and aîeund Cou.tice. Games were played and a most enjoyable eveuing spent. Mrs. Lymer was a very graius M M SOLINA Visitons: MT. sud Ms-s. J. Bake P.,the omuof eM. W alac. sud P. the bermne of M. WlJ.cBragg, M IMiss Doîothy Pascoe, Enfield witb' Miss Mary Hogar-th and Mis. . Paz-I coe; Messrs. Lawnence sud John Ashton, Shaws, spent the weekend ati Mx.H. E. Tink's; Mi. sud Mrs. El-1 Jmer Wilbur sud son Gordon, Zien, at iMn. Harvey Hardy.z; Ms-. aud Ms-s.1 Leslie Collacott and family, Salem, at Mn. W. Wetlake's; Mi. sud Mns. Ernest Lainier sud fsmily, Black- stock, at Mr. W. T. Taylor's; Mn. sud Mns. L. T. Pascoe, Miss Margaret. Pascoe, Hampon, at Mn. A. L. Pa- coees; Mrs. Har-old Jebson sud baby Dorothy Gertrude, Brookln, are vis- itiug at Mr. Walter Vice's; We are 1 pleased to kuow that Mr. R. J. Mc- Kessock is home again after ton w ee ks' spent in Private Pavillon,1 iToronto General Ho.-pital. We wish hlm a speedy recovery. . .. Leagur meeting Monday evoniug was in charge of Mi.ss Kate Cryderman.ý Bible lesson, Mn. Arnot Van Nest; <evotional, Ms-s. Isaac Hardy; vocal solo, Mrs. J. Smsles; readiug, Mis Gestrude Montgomery; topic was ah- ly taken by Mn. Chas. Shostiidge; piano du.et, Misses Helen sud Muriel Baker; reading, Mr. Hilton Tiuk; The social haif hour wss spent when a uewepaper was odited iu charge of Mn. Elgin Taylor. .. .Maple Grove League is expected to visit oui Lesguc next Mouday evenîug. CARD 0F THANKS Mn. aud Mis. R. J. McKegsock. Solina, ake this epportunity of thanking their mauy frieuds and neighbors, wlîo so kindly sent flom- ens, frui. and l lttes $te Mn. McKes- I soýýk îuring bis long illness. Also toj Mn. J. G. Lanzmaid "General Mot- ors", Oshawa, who wont to TorontoJ (;enertîl Hospi' aI on Friday audj te Ms-. Langmaid's careful mriving sund the conifoit of bis OaklandJ sedan, Mn. McKessock scarcely foît the effiects of the trip, sud though itill confined to is bed is gadually Ullli lui DIRTHS B IRD-In Bowmanville Hospital, on nTuesday, January 11, 1927, to Mn. and eMrs. I0dward Bird, a son, (still-born). MARRIAGES CASWELL-ROBB-Ât St. Simon's Church, Toronto, on JanuaLry 12th, 19Z7, Christina, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. F. C. -4 tobb, Newcastle. Ontario, t> Har- old Il. C. Caswell, son of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Caswell, Clarke. O)ntrio. t McMULLEN-OLIVER-At the remi- tdence of Mrs. W. A. McMaster, Havelock, on D,-c. 26th, by Rev. J. S. McMullen, as- sisted by Rev. W. R. Archer, Stella .los- ephine, daughter of the late Wiliis and Jennie Oliver, and Mr. Cecil Ernest Xc- rMullen, son of Rev. and Mrs. J. S. Mc- Mullen. Belleville. DEATHS MeINTOSH-Entered loto lite, at New- castle, on Tuesday, January 25th, 1927, Benelia, <Nellie) Poster, wldow of the late Dr. Robert McIntosh, ln ber 77tb year. Funeral on Trhursday, January Z7th, at 2.30 P. m. to St. George'n Church, thence to St. George's Cemetery. TREW-In Oshawa General Hospital, January 23, 1927, James Trew, ln bis 85th year. FULFORO-In Port Hope, on Wednes- day, January 19, 1926, Alexander Fultord, ln his 6Sth year. McGAHEY-In Brookîlu. Jan. 21, John MeGahey beloved husband of Jane Gra- ham, ln bie 75th year. FOY --On Sunday, Jan. 23, 1927, Mary Josephine, widow of the late William B. Foy, tormerly of Whitby. COSFORD-At Chicago, on January 18, 1927, Clarentine Wilmot of Newcastle, wldow of the late Joseph Costord, of Tor- onto. COOKE-In Clarke, on Friday, Jan- uary 21, 1927, George Cooke. aged 80 yeai-s. Interred at Bond Head Cerne- tery. BRITTON-In Port Porry. Thureday, January 13th, 1927, Joseph Britton, lu bis 77th year. Fal.ber of Mrs. W. B. Pollard. Bowmianville. OSBORNE-At Wbitby. on Jan. zbtb. 1927, G. J. Osborne, beloved husbancd of Sarah Trimbie., Interred lu Urflion Cern- etery, Oshawa. REYNOLDS-XIn Darlington, Jan. 22, 1927, Mrs. Robert Reynolds, aged 71 years. Interment at St. John's Bury- Ing Ground, Blackstock. CORNTHWAITE--At Port Hope, on Saturday, January 22nd, 1927, Charles Cornthwaite, beloved husband of Elien Pidgeon. in bis 64th year. GRAHAM-At Mardella Faim, near Port Perry, on Tuesday, January 26th, Martha Ann Neabitt, beloved wife of Thomas Graham, in ber 65th year. WICKETT'r-On Mouday, January 24th, 1927, lu Maniposa. William Wlckett, ageg 71 years, 9 month. Interred in Uttle Britain United Churcb Cernetery. CROWE-On Monday, Jan. 24tb, St hber late reeidence. 151 Beatrice Street, Tor onto, Caroline, beloved witeot Ex-n- spector Frank Crowe. Interrnent Wel- corne Cemetery, Port Hope, Jan. 7b Notice to Creditors IN THE ESTATE 0F WILIAM MITCHELL HORSEY, DEI7EASED. All persons having claims against the estate of William Mitchell Horsey. late of the town of Bowmanvllle, ln the Oounty of Durham, Esquire, dleceased. w.ho dled on or about the first day of January, 1927, are hereby notified te send in to tbe uuderslgned Executor on or betorc the sevent(eenth dlay of FebruarY, 1927. full parliculars oft heir cdaimis. tmrnediately after the sald soventeentb daIy of February, 1927. the assets of the testalor will be dlstrlbuled amongst the parties e»ntitI ed Ihereto, baving regara only 10 dlaims ot which the Executor shlall then bave notice. DATED uat PowmanviIl- tlîim 26th111dY of .1:,ntiîry, A. 11927. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITED, 20 King St. East, Toronto, Ontîario By. W. R. Strike. 4-7 Their Solicîtor hereîn. Our, Clearance Sale 0F WinterlýFootwear Offers a Wonderful Chance to Save Money Your opportunity is right now to secure de- pendable quality footwear, at the extraordinary price reductions we advise you to corne early while your size is here. See last Week's Statesman for reduced prices. Ives' Shoe Store Footwear and Travelling Goods Bowmanville Ont. S ER VI1CE GROCERY STORES VOU PAV LESS FOR MORE AT THE SERVICE STORE$ King St. W Phone 529 Bowmanville Maclarens Prepared Mustard in Cups ..........9c National Matches, 400 in box,...3 Boxes for 25c Globe Peanut Campbell's Canned Pears Butter Tomato Pumpkin 15c per Toy Pail Soup 2 For Tin 23c 2 for 25c 27c Clarks P. and Beans, 2-insFor ...........21c Heinz Niagara Tit Bits Sheriffs Cream of Pineapple 25c Jelly Tomato Aunt Dina Molasses 9c Powder Soup Servo Suds, pkg. ..21c With Fruit 2 Tins .25c- For AIl Your Duds Nappie 23« jPlain Tea Biscuits 30c IL, FnyMie. . b 5 String Brooma ..............................45c each Interlake I Gillex Big Huro n Toilet for all I Juicy Toilet Rolis Washing Oranges Rolls 3 for 25c j 15c 39c dozen 6 for '25c Raspberry Jam, 16 oz. jar .................. 9C Promnpt Delivery $Greai Mid-fWinter Sale' MEN'S OVERCOATS Includîng Society Brand, every coat in store on Sale as follows: Overcoats, Values up to $20.00 CLEARING FOR $11.50 Overcoats Values up te $25.00 CLEARING FOR $17.45 Overcoats, Values up to $27.50 CLEARING FOR $18.95 Overoats,'Values up to $30.00 CLEARING FOR $19.95 Overcoats. Values up to $35.00 CLEARING FOR $23.95 BOYS' SUITS, NAVY BLUE 2 Pair Bloomers, Wool Irish Serge, new models, values $10.00 te $12.50, CLEARING FOR $7.98 25 Only, Boys' Suits, 1 Bloomer Paut, fancy Tweedls anud Worsteds Values up to $10,00, ON SALE $5.89 15 On!y, Boys' Fancy Tweed and Worste.d Suit.s, 1i Boomneî Pant, Values to $12.50 ON SALE FOR ONLY $6-95 Men's Fine Shirts, Men's and Boys' Fine Underwear of al kinds at 20% Reduction. UNDERWEAR AIl Wool Shirts sud Drawers, Penmsn aud Acadia Make, Worth $1.50 to $2.00, ON SALE $1.23 EACH MEN'S SUITS Fsncy Tweeds and Worsteds Values te $25.00 CLEARING FOR $14-95 Values to $30.00 CLEARING FOR $19.95 Values to $35.00 CLEARING FOR $23.95 Includiug Society Brand Suits MEN'S HAIR LINE STRIPE .SUITS, SPECIAL 6 Only Suits, beautiful quality, Values up to $27.50 and $30.00 ON SALE TO CLEAR $18.50 EA MEN'S NAVY BLUE SUITS Hard Finish, AIl Wool Worsted, double breaasted suits, A BIG SPECIAL AT $22.50 FLEECE LINED SHIRTS AND DRAWERS A lineo f Fleeeed Drawers sud Shirts, worth $1.00 a gaîment, OUR SALE PRICE 79c EACH 20% DISCOUNT TO CLEAR The following list will ho sold at 20 per cent discount te dlean. This mnenus 20 cents on eves-y dollar saved. Childnen's Suits of al kinds, Men's Neckscarfs, Men's Pyjamas, Men'., sund Boys' Sweater Coats sud Wind- breakers, Meu's Bathiobes, Gloves, etc. BOYS' OVERCOATS Auy coat in the store, Values Up te $15.00, ON SALE FOR ONLY $9.95 EA MEN'S WORK SHIRTS Cotton Tweed, very heavy Tan sud GreY shades, woîth $1,50, ON SALE 89c, 2 FOR $1.75 NAVY BLUE SUITS A splendid line of AIl Wool Serge Suits, Navy Blue, Regular Pnice $85.00, CLEARI.Nc FOR ONLY $25.95 T'. B GILCFi Phone 61, Bowmanville Opposite Continues to February 5th, 1927 Ail of our Heavy Winter Goods at Sacrifice Prices Clean Sweep Sale Twenty-Three! Skidoo!!l ONLY 23 WOMEN'S COATS LEFT Oui Ready-to>-Weaî Departmeut offers jus-t 23 Wonien's exceptional coat bargains for Tbuîsday, Friday and Saturday. Coats of fine matenials of exceptional style, dependable tailoring, priced at tremendous ssvings to imaure comuplete clearance this woekend. Individual description is impossible, yet we may say that the size range is very geod witb plouty of large suzes. Make thii your golden oppetunity and save haîf and more. BVY SILK DRESSES AND CLOTH DRESSES At A Tremendous Saving Thursday, Friday and Saturday Agaîn repriced for immediate clearance we offer these beautiful styles these thîce days only. Room must ho made for oui Spring îtocks. The kuife has cut deep into the prico tags. Silk dresse:§ from $5.00. Soc the windows Tbhursday morning! FRESH NEW MERCHANDISE Iu the dry goods section at baîgaîn prices foi ,he final three days of the Clean Sweep Sale! Case.s of Ginghams, Prints, Cot.. tous, Silks, Hosiery, Gloves, Blaukets, Dress kccessonies, Under- wear, have aîrived this weok. Do youî sprng sewing early. We are showing an immense selection of maerials now. BUTTERICK PATTERNS We bave campleted arrangements tl7îs week for the agency for Butterick Patternus. Many women will ho hhappy to know these splendid patterns are obtainable at our store. Pictonial Review Patterns are aIso piocurable in conjunction with the pioce goods department. Satisfaction or your maney baclc for any or no Reason. PHONE 106-USE IT. We Deliver Within he Hour. Se W. MA SON & SON Dry Goods and Ladies' Ready-to-Wear Phone 106 Bowmanville Bank of Montreal

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