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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 27 Jan 1927, p. 8

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S i FHiZ CANADIAN STA.TESMIA.N. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 1927. ON HAVING A HOBBY By Dr. John G. Bowman, Chancellor of University of Pittsburgh, Pa., Broadcast on Tuesday, January 4, 1927. A short talk on having a hobby niay intercat ycu. It ought te do that if ycu have a hobby, cspccially if yoa are sometimes s eolded for hav- ing it. 0f course, yoa may keep the kitcben or the cellan or the living recm in a musa witib yoar hobby, but that la ne good reason for -4colding. I bave a hobby and bave been scolded for it and 1 know. I amt against scolding, aIl kinds, and in favor cf hobbies. You knowý about that neigbbor's dog that runs eut at you. You knoxv he won't bite and the neighbcr knowa he wen't .itc. But dees the dog knew it? That is the imîportant peint. It i.z dean te me that dog ought te be mcî'e settled in 'hi' mind and coriviiiced oni the sub- ject. Now, peoppe who scoîd, just in the same way, eugbt to sec their mistake. They eugbt te know, mus or no mass, that having a hobby de- -serves praise; it is a reason for hav- ing a piece of cake brought te you when you are oct expectiog any. Let us, tbough, be dlean te out- selves about why a hobby is good; why your hobby, or mine, or almoat anybody's hoboy is good, provided, of course, that we like our hobby. It may be thc collecting cf coins or old guns or beetles; it may bc pbotograp- hy, on painting or etching, or playing a musical în.trument, or writing poetry; it rnay be golf, or bunting, or the ridiog cf horses; it may be thc making of furnitare, or metal work- ing, or wood carvbog. Let us ask why such hobbies are good? Wby, then, are hobbies good? People, it serna te me, usually live their way to the right answer to such a question rather than tbink their way to it. Tbey learn by doing rather than by thinking. Let us live our way te the anawer cf this question, if we can, and, in order te do it, let us suppo.rc that your hobby la the rnaking of furniture, and that you have just gone te your shop te work on a chair. Ynu bave some walnut t-carda, glue, screws, sand- paper and varnisb; youhave a saw, plane, rule, chi.sels and other tools. Altogether these matenials make a confusion in front ci you. But then, juat as soon as you begin te work, ycu fac! the confusion begin te fade eut. You knew that you are on the way te order; and by and by you sec your hope for order, wbioih i0 this case is a chair, stand eut dlean and plain i0 the design and the lines and thc workmansbip of that chair. In this you find pleasure, neal pleasure and satisfaction; and, if you have liked your hobby; you show your chair wtih rnodcsty and with some pide to a ficnd or two. When the chair is flnisbed, in coses the person who scolds, and says:-"Now that your chair is made, wbat was the use of a!! this bother? You stould have bcugiht a chair as good -for haIf what this one bas cost you". "Maybe so". ycu say and, bcbng wise, dcoct argue. By your werk on the chair, tbougb, ycu :bave lived your way to an im- portant conclusion. You are you. You are just you and nc one else. Yen want te do sonîething or te creatc somtbing wich will ln some high measure express ycur own indi- vidual çapacities or gifts. That la yeur nature and my nature and! bu- man nature. It la tbc way wc are made. It ia tbe proceas by which cur live- are made whole. Let us lcok a bit deeper into this anatter. Lii e is aIl a moving away from confusion tcward ender. You ane urrcunded by many kinda of confusion. You look thern over and the», according te what ycu yourself aLre, you select one kîind of confusion and try te bring order eut cf it. You may take a confusio of colora mixe~d in Oùi and some canvas and a brush. With these you rny create a picture. After rnudh practice and! struggle yeni may paint a picture that inter- prets and aatisfies your individual self. The picture, then, re-acets up- on you and makes you more defin- itely into the kind cf a person ycu tnied te express in your painting. If yon love children and! succeed in painting pictures ini them, your pîct- ures will increase your love cf child- ren. More and more, in this way, you become you and your life cc-mes to full and! individual growth. That is wWa life is for; an! that la one reason %vhy I arn in favon cf having a hobby. Suppose, foi' a moment, that yoa ai a grocer and that you inake a hobby of phtography. You select photegraphy because you like it. It prezents te you a confusion whicb ycu boire -.obing te a patielar kind cf onder anrd themeby express yrur own 4.lf. hukeagain. "I)oesn't that souîîd fine ens! splendil"? be would ask. Weil, tbc question is, could you, the grticer whn wants power, or John Bixby, atisf y at least part cf this deaire by means of phetography? 1 think Yeu could. 1 think, flrst, that POEM BY LLOYD ROBERTS1 Webliv an four readers The I'% ge vvi c ln teMteln i appreciate this charming ittle poem by Lloyd Rob- THURSDAY,J erts, talentcd son cf bis gifted father,________ C G. D. Roberts. Lloyd Roberts - - ______ while at Newcastle-on-the-Lake last DR. ALFRED FARNCOMB sumnier read these lines and others of bis own composition to an appre- HONORED BY BRETHREN iative g.cap of listeners one Satar- day evening at the Campbell cottage Lodge Physician of Newcastle Lodge, and later -ent a pin-cd copy of this S. O. E. for 39 Years. poeot te one who beaird it the n. Amcng the set of bocks presented tci Brother Alfred Farncomi, MD., Dr. Farncomb lasý Friday eveningi C.C.M., having to decided to retire was. The Bock of Roberts, by this from the office cf Lodge Physician of same author.1 Newcastle Lodge No. 46, S.O.E.B.S., ENGLND' FIEDS RE GEENafter nearly forty years of continuous ENGAN'S !EDS REGREN ervice, bis bre:.hren were cf one mind in rcsolving that they should England's liffs are white like mllk, ffiialIly express to bim their abiding But England's fields are green;r good-will and brotberly regard and in The grey fogs creep acress the moors, anme matenial way make saitable re- Bat warniasans stand between. cognition cf bis long years of service And ne' se far fi'om Londocn Townj and sacrifice in the capacity of Lodgc beyond the brimming street Phvsician. A thoaa n ithe sumer vidaar The suggestion that a set of bocks singng n th what.with an Empire flavon and a touch cf Red-lipped poppies stand and bura, real Canadianisrn might wortbiîy The hedges are aglow; coovey te the doctor the kindly senti-1 The daisies limb the windy hilîs ments of the Lc dgc met with unan- Till a!! grow whte like snow. inus approval and a committee was And wben the slim pale rooco aides forth-with appoin-:ed te make a select- up and dreamy night is near ion a nd have thern ready for presenta4 There's a whisper in the beaches for tien on the night of the installation lonely hearts to bear. cf officers wben according te S.O.E. Poppies burn in Italy practice sach fraternal acta are u.:- And aunas grow round and higb; ually pcrformcd. Howevcr, the The black pines cf Posilipo gond doctor bas not been enjeying Aie gaunt upon the sky- the beat of bealtb cf late, and this And yet I know an Englisb dlm te- bcing the reason for bis rcsigning side an English lane from office, the cornmittec scarccly That calîs me througb the twilight expccted hlm te ble present, and and the miles cf misty nain. therefore made further suggestions Tel! nie why the meadow-lands with whichi the Lodge id!l heartily in Burn 50 warm in Jane; line. These were, that Bro. A. A. Why the tangled roses breathe Colwill who had been askçd by the Se softly te the moon; committee to bie one of their nuni- And when the sunset bars corne down ber and prepare an address, read it te pass the feet cf day ini open Lodge se that aIl the mcm-1 Wby thc singing thrushcs lide be-. bers and the many visiting bretbren tween the apiga of May. migbt bear and endorse it, and'then Wcary, we bave wandered back- that as many members a.c possibly And we bave tiraveled far- could would convene at Ebor House Abeve the storms and over seas the next evening with the ad'dress and Glcamed ever anc bright star-I gift volumes and psy the docctor a O England when cai, bearts grow Ifniendly fraternal visit. cold and will ne longer roam, Installation was on Thursday cv- We sec beyond your milk-whitc cliffa cning, January 2tb., and according-1 the round green fields cf home. ly on Friday evening several members -Lloyd Robertsazacompanied by their wives gatberedi ___________________________at Eben House where tbey were most c.,rdially welcomed. by tbe Dr. and you wouîd imaster tbc mechanical de-. Mrs-. Farncombi,_and t heir -soo-in-law taillaof the work. You would leara and daughten, Mn. and Mrs. Reg. bow te do excecdingly well each LcGresley, and even ittle grandsonl step cf the work. In that you Aifres!, smiled a wiasomne welconic.1 wnuld fins! some satisfaction, be-j The Lodge had taken Mrs. Farncomb< cau.-e in yoiir dark ro-om you wou!d into its confidence early in bbc day1 be king. The kingdomn would flot ber and it wa- thrcughbhem womanly in- large, but it would be a kingdom, stincts that the ladies had been in- nevertheless, and yeur own. You vi.:ed, aad thus, the merely fraterna! would be king in it; and you want gathering wbich the brethren bas!i te bc king. Second, you would se- anticipated developed loto a moat en-1 lect sabjecta for your pictures wbicb joyable social function as well. bas! la tber the leadership, or the Wben alI bas! gatheres! in the big kingship, you want. Then yeu would .itting rooni warmed by a blazing empbasize, in a portrait, for examip- fire crackling in ,lic open grate, Bro. le, just thia quality. The focus ofl j.-H. Jose, D.D.S.P.. calles! the coin- tbc eye or the moutb, the light, the pany to attention and asked Bro. A. shade, he attitude would al! be tools A. Colwill, thc oaly surviviag resi- under your control te hclp you ern- dent charter member of Lodge New- phasize the one quality which ycu castle to read to the honores! host wisb te get into the picture. As the following address, the presenta- day after day, you succees! 10 makîng tien copy cf whicb was tied at one pictures' cf power 1n buman c.aract- cre with red and white rit-bons cm- er, that fact becomes an expregsion blemnatic cf the Society's symbols, a of yourself ans! tends to satisfy your res! rose and! a wite rose innate desîre. A king, af er aIl, la merely a man who is mater of con- Dr. Alfred Farncomb, Newcastle fusion. Dear Sir and Brote:-The mem- Here is anether reasort why I ami bers of Lcdge Newcastle, No. 46, S. Ii favor of having a hobby. In a!- O.E.B.S., having lcarned cf your de- most every hobby there ia an element sire on accounit of failing health, te cf good workmnanship. If yeur retire front the office of Lodgc Sur- hobby requires you te, do some exact- geon after a continueus service of îng manual or artistic work, that.is about forty yea.rs, tee! that we can- I goos!. Hobbies usually requre not permit you to do se witbout liJ this. Then sormethling in you ands!oanme way conveying te you our sin-i me, ans! in a!! human nature, re- cere appreciation of yeur long and sponda te that workmansbip. Wc faithfu! services te this Lodge. are :hungry for lb, often more than Net only as the Lodge Surgeon but we know. It is for thia reason, I as a rvtmeb oth Ldg thirik, that we like flowers. We uhapven membe f abbrc ad like thern partly, cf course, for their you have roen orel ru n eler, texture, and proportions. ButwotyBthr pimarily we like them for the work- We are oct unmindful cf tbc fact manship in them. The ski!! cf their that tbc 1f e of a medical practition- rnaking is beyond our power te irn- er calîs for sacrifice as well as ser- prove. Wc can scarcely tbink how vice, often at great incenvenience, the flower couls! be improved; ans! and wearincsa, botb cf mmnd and deligbt, therefore, seorns te 'junip body, irrespective of the roada and right eut cf bbc flower te us. 'Phis wcather. Ne doubat you have passes! response te perfect wonkmaashiplis our homes many times at midnigbt 1 believe, bbc saine tbing as response and! Iter when we were enjoying the te beauty. It colora our livea and comfcrts cf home, sîeep and rest, makes us decent and kind and toler- feeling that the life of a doctor was ant and! bonest. I say this because oct ail roses. But tbrougb a!! these I cao oct conceive of bcauty being .ifficulties you bave spent and been a thing apart frem morality ans! spent on behaîf cf your patients, and! spiritual finencas. ,00w tcxvards bbc sunset of your life We ac mde 0 away thn, hatit mus, be a source cf great comfort We ar mad in way the, thte veao that you are able to look back we respens! to gond wcrkmansbip. nysîr a life of un.-'elfish service. The re-pense may, at first, be meme; amYuýement. Tire making cf a photo-' Mo asl, ynua a a sligbt token of graph may be te us, at the beginning, car appreciation and geod-will te ac- cf su h work, just an interesting pas-J co.ta this bronze extension bock rack time. But by and bY a ighcr i regc thon witb ibis set of bock, brp-. meanng ceepalotobbc vork Aj ng t bat your ife may bie spares! te sense cf gos! or cf ighteu. sar-t o!dgsar inardly enj. rives and ici this we find oct only~ theýir contents, ans! thtasyIlra~ pleasure, but alan a desire te have; anrd niedibate upon their pages yourl this goos! or rigitacas iin aI! that 'wcl tltrugbts may often revert tbhc (l0. A hobby wbich carnies as to an rniiny happy limes yeu have speat apprediation cf excellent workinan- wivitb o' in car lodge rooms an<l priv- sbip ans! cf beauty is fainly sure te a'e honme . And the prayer cf car raken ici us what we cal! vision; ans! Lelgo is that car Grea' an! Grand if a hob'y dcc.'ý this, it la wortb ai-I Lodge Surgeo will wabch over ans! mest, any amnount cf mas.% abourathbbckeep yrru to the ens! cf life. bou'e. By vision I mean the power Signes! by the membeî's rf the to sec a right ans! beautiful relation- commOittec on behaîf cf Lo-ige New- sbip hbetween trurselve. andl sur fol-1 a.teNo. 46, S.O.E.B.S. lowé. ans! neigihbors; ans!, mnre thon, this, the power te translate this ne-I A. A. CoIwiIl, H. R. Pearce, Ed- Iation-hip labo action. mund Thackray, Ewart G. Clernence. Let me repeat, la conclusion, that Newcastîle, January 2th., 1927. 1 amiin favor cf hobbies. Thcy1 ttosmeieamebrcth help us to find ourselves, bo tbhink for Athesiein am b- ote our;elvos;, te become individual, te() rîrnîmiittef' presented tbcebbook rack make life whrrle andI satisfying. Ans!dtians!settf five books consisting cf let nie adn one other word. The pire, y cash srf The Makîg c R value of a hobby dees flot depen s1Iish'lah uo rokn1ak ý:o nuch upon thc actas! perfection watri, 1>3 George Sterling Rycnscn; wih you attaîn la it, bal rather Rougbiîîg 1: laT ho Bus.h, by Sasanna apon the stiving within youm.-eîf for .M<rrlie; The Borok cf Roberts, by perfection. t is bbc reach, theL1rnysl Roberî.' ans! Winnowes! Wis- hope, bbe vision that bas wcrth, ra h- lr>m, by Stephen Leacock. cm than bbe aýbievecent. This The surprises! Doctor replies! te the sbrugglc for perfection goca into cur addrmes.. ans! reccives! bbc Lodge's coasluct ans! character. lb becomes bnihute 10 wcrssof earnest ans! an art cf living. Hobbies, then, arc grateful appreciat ion, spices! with la- more than things te acols! about. erestîng rcniiniscenTcs ans! brighten- ,Tbey are more tItan a mere "extra" ed as always witb bis inimitable hum- er pleasant pa-stime. They are a or. Bro. Robt. Walton sruck up, means by which we scck perfection H's.A Jol!y Goos! Fellow, ans! evcry- and a menas by whicb, even ana- on joines! in hearti!y. warcs, wc fins! bcauby ans! the spirit- Theci followcd impromptu speech- ual reaîity ot lite. Fer suc'hb reas- es, patriotie songa with Mrs. Farn- ens hobbies secm te many of us, at comb at the piano, solos by Bro. lcast, te be a necessity. Robt. Waton, 1926 Gold Medalist, IPost Graduate Medical School and those, who are curious to know the jHospital of New York and Fellow outcome of the French debate on the of the Toronto Ac.ademY Of Medi- subject, to state that a rnajority of cine. Office-Mrs. McNaugbton's Res- the Immnortals voting in the Frenchi 1Idence, Noecdte. Honr-8 t. 10 acdemy, voted in faver of the ani-1 a. m. 1 to 3 p. m. and by appoint- mai sou!. There may b. canine ment. heaven, tSo. Lot ne hope so. I ertetlie IIeeier JANUARY 27th., 1.927 NEWCASTLE HAVE ANIMALS SOULS? Mr. Gco. Burdy, Toronto, was here By Chas. M. Bice, Lawyer,Devr last wcek calling on Mr. Ed. Thack- Colorado Dne, ray, Mr. A. A. Colwill and other old A vcry interesting discussion now1 friende. bas the boards, over the question of! Mrs. W. H. Jacks-,on has sold ber a dog's possession of a soul. It be-I éhouse to Mr. Wes. Glcnney, Ponty-, gan in France, crossed the Channel' fpool, who with Mrs. Glenncy vill be and then the ocean. Involved in it! 1moving in, in the spring. are questions whicb have puzzled the S "Reserve Saturday, February 5th, wisest in the world ever since man efor a concert by Mr. Denton 11as- could think consecutively and con-1 Jsey's York Bible Class, Toronto, sistently, and posera connccted with 50 men ,under auspices of Wetcome the soul put t.bree thousand years1 ,Class of Newvcastle United Church.1 ago, rernain unanswered to this hour. -Price 50c aduits: 25e cbildren. Plan, The rugged stone-mason, Socrates, eat Bonathan'.s store". 4-21started the never ending discussion. L A real. estate deal of considerable He is crcdited wvith discovering the interest to local residents and event- soul to the Western world. His dis-, sually as we believe to the inoýoring covery probably was the most mov- f public was the purchase last week of ing in all Western bistory. In the ï the Trewin property west of the vil- Orien.t, long before the Greek peri- -lage by Mayor Robert D. Preston of patetic, the soul was an accepted dis- -Oshawa. The dcal was negotiated pensation for mean, and it was given shv Mr. C. R. Lovekin, Kilcolman. Il firat place in all discussions; whercas; -is the intentions of the intere-sts for in the Occidental world, the sou! bas 4whom Mayor Preston is acting to been given less consideration than iconvert the propcrty into a firat- the boMdy.1 class up-to-date, and fully cquippcd Much bas been said inrMagazinesl tourist camp, work to begin immcd- latcly about the action of the Frenchj iately. Mr. Walter Page an d family academy in admitting to the sacrcd' the present occupants will be vacat- columns of its dictionary of the sing in a week or tu-o. French language, the word "med- __________ium," with certain reservations, bow- ever; in fact the reservations exten.d-1 1 LAUGH AND GROW FAT ed fartîher than the word medium it-j self, and took in the collateral ex- A whole evening of laugh..; Laugh, istence of the soul-the matter of Laugh and Laugh Again! will be iminortality; no soul, no îmmortality, yours if you attend tbe entertjen- because evcrybody knows what be-1 ment to be given by the York Bible cornes of the body.i tClass Revue, Toronto, under the The Frenr-h --immortals,",respons-'l leadership of Mr. Denton Massey and ible for holding sacred the purity ofý Mr. David Miller, in Community the language, adrnitted immortalityf -Hall, Newcastle, on Saturday even- of the sou! in relation to mcdiumship, ing, Fe.bruary 5th, under the aus-, but witb reservations, too. 1 In in- pices of the Welcome Young Men's1 tellectual France, agnosticism bolds CIa-s of the Newcas.le United a leading place. Tbe rhuman sou!, Church. Sec posters. Admission yes; the sou! of a canine-Ah! 50c and 25c. Reserve your seatsj Wbere inuat the !ine be drawn? ait Bonathan's store. Plan opens to- Before the revisionists sitting atj day, Thursday, Januaty 27th. 4-2 Paris, the word "Memoric"-Mem- I 3 ~ory-waý under discussion as to ex- OBITUARY act definition. Aftcr some seconds,1 whicb serned minutes to the secre- George Cooke, Newcastle tary of the gatbering, Louis Barthon, minister of Justice, broke the ail-I After a proloriged illnea's, George ence: "Human beings alcne keep the i ooke, one time a resident of Hamp- memory of passing events. Thus ton, Courtice and Newtonvillc, pass- tbe word 'mnemorie' appliesý to the ed away on Frday, January 2lst, in hunian race alone," the minister ai- b is cightieth year. Rev. E. B. firrned. The Ego belongs to mnan, Cooke conducte-l the fanera! service at any rate. at the bouse on the John Fligg fanm, At this sally, out boomed the deep Third Line, where Mr. and Mrs. vioce of Marsbal Joffre in passionate 1Cooke have b-cen re.,iding since last proteat. He had memory of a little »faîl, on Monday afternoon, and-alsoi dog that followcd hini during the performed the banial rites at Bond early pcriod of the war. "He was Wellington, S.O.E.B.S., of wbich de- clared wibh tears in bis eyes and on ccased was a member, acted as pal!- bis cheeks. "He dicd in the swamps bearers and conductcd the impres- of La Pompelle of influenza. He al- sive Lodge burial service at the grave- ways knew several hours in advanceI aide. A beautiful wrcatb from Wel- wben I gave tbe order to attack. la I ling-ton Lodge lay on tbe casket. Be- that mernory or intelligence? lis tsides bis widow, formerly Mary Bel- tbat sou! or instinct?"1 ger, deceased's brothers-in-law and Marsbal Foch becarne reminiscent,i sisters-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Jacob too, but it was about a parrot, "a!-l Branjcb, ,Bowmanvile, and Mr. and most hunian." It was mischieous in Mrs. James Brancb, Newcastle, were its huananity, however, and it paid i prezent at thc obsequies, as weil as a little reggrd to, the amenities and, number of neighbors. beld man in supreme contempt, sol different frorn tbe dog, which is the -one mesaber of the "lower animnal C. N. E. singing competitiýon, and kingdomn" that pays bornage to man; other cntertaining features.aIl other animaIs tolerae hlm when D Possibly the greatest delight to, thc they have anything to do with himi -Bretbren and their ladies was the at a!!, but to the dog, man is a God. f spend luch o sadwicesfruit la this evidence of the possession of -splend lunch, andsadwichers, a aouîin the dog? sand acae, aindeviael othts One in this country wbo may be -and ca engdeincis with tes termed a "famous criminal Iawyer," and oco, srve insuc saisfingcontributeI to the discussion as a Jquantities in the dining room by Mrs. me.mber of the Immortal Forty. In Farnicomb and Mr. and Mrs. LeGres- hseprec ehdk ley. The Brctbrcn found it difficult bseernebead nown men lôwer in the scale than thceani.,J1 Bto, express their truc apprcciation of but neyer did be know an animal this meal but tbey will not so-on for- that was witbout a sou!. get it. What la the Soul? Wbendoat t Before nising from the tables, Bro. appear in the bunian makeup? At A. A. Colwill rcad a' bcautifullY birtb, or before birth, or flot until worrlpd letter from B.ro. J. W. Brad- years after birth? If seul ils mcm- lcy cxpressing bis appreciation of thc ory and the latter is soul, as some jDoctor's many e.stimable qualities as scbools of p.ycbology and meta- 1citizen, friend and brother and con-. physics hold and use the words al- Sveying t-est wishes for tmc Doctorg ternatcly, thcn Soul is inheritance, tand the members of his family. too, and must be in the body f romi e Rcturning to, the sitting-rooi,~ the vcry beginning. Mrs. Robt. Walton, by requcat of the Intuition lis atorcd memory. What scornmittee, wrotc the following in- is instinct? Well informed persons escription on the fly leaf of each of will tel! you that instinct is mcmoryý ithe books:-Dr. Alfred Farncomb, in a purer state than intuition. An- ifrom Lodge Newcastle, No. 46, S. O. irnals aIl admit, ýhave instinct; but! eE. B. S., in rernembrance and ini man bas intuition, the upholder of tgrateful appreciation of bisý forty the latter Isys down. kyears' loyal and fnithful services as But the defender of the thesis thati L'alge Physivian. Jan. 21, 1927. the lowcr animal may bave a soul f The evening ccncluded with moreI point eut that for animal purposesf -singing, then Go-d Save The King and instinct is superior to intuition. A kfinally Auld Lang Syne -vitcvry child left to itself would die in no i body cla...ping hands with arms cr05- timne; a wolf-littcr with an unadul-1 C)1 ed, in a circle round the roem. terated instinct to its credit, is rcady' Amcng those pre. ent were W. p. quickly to fend for itacîf against its Bm.Larene rydefrmian, six pa, common encmy. Ruskin's Good Advice It was many years ago that these words were written by the famous author Ruskin, but they ai-e as true tOlay as the day they were written: "I wou]d have oui- dwelling house buit to be lovely, as rich and full of pleasantries as may be within and with out. "-Ruskin Our many years practical experience in the furniture busine ss is at your disposai when you desiî-e to "have your dwelling house buit to be lovely". L~et us enhance the charm of your home with odd picces or sets of n'ew furniture. F. F. Morris Co. The Home Furniishers Phono 10 Bowmanville Stores-Orono and Newcastle Your Last Chance This is your last opportunity to save money. Men's High Grade Overcoa:s Boys' Navy Blue Serge just a few left, going at give- Sis 2 pair pants . . .. $5.95 away prices. Ladies' Coats, to clear at $3.95 Men's Fleece Lined Underwear heavy weight............. 69c Flannelet:e Blankets, double bed size............... $1.85 Pair Men's Overails, Black or Striped......................... 98c Men's Big B. Overails, you know themn.................. $.39 Men's Big B. Shirts.................................... 69c Men's Fine Shirts, good patterns........................ 89c j Men's Work Socks..................................... 19c Children's Stockings.................................... 19c Men's Work Boots............................... $1.75 Pair Ladies' Rubbers . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . .59c A. DILLICK King & Division Sts Bowmanville IWhen You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKES- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or send your order to this store where it will receive prompt attention and you wlll get good valut. H. S. BRITTON, Baker & Grocer Newca.stle 25 Men' s Overcoats left, selling at Exactly Haif Pirice ALL WINTER GOODS MUST GO JUST LOOK AT MY WINDOWS FOR PRICES S. G. CHARTRAN PHONE 26 BOWMANVILLE 0 PAGE EIGHT <

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