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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 3 Feb 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWO TBE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, FE~RUARY 3rd., 1927 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toront University. Graduate of the Royi College of Dental Surgeons of Oz tarjo. Office King St., Bowmanvilli Office phone 40. flouse phone 21 DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental Collegi Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bov inanville. Office hours 9 a. m. to p. m. daily except Sunday. Phon 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Un versity and member of Royal Colles of Dental Surgeons. Licensed t practise in Ontario and the Domir ion. Dentistry in ail its brancheý Office-King St., Bownanville, or posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301 LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farm and Tow Property. Royal Bank Building Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Sucoesste at. D. B. Simpson, KLC Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phone 9: Bowma»nville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonda for sale Office-Bleakley Block, King St. Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones Office 102, Boume 409. FUNERÂL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Horse Equipment ( ~ ) Ail caîl promptly attended to. Pvate Ambulance \~~/ Bowxnanville phono 10 and 34 Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director Calla given prompt and personal at. tention. No extra charge for dis. tance. Phones, 58 or 159, Bowman. ville, Ont. 3-tf MEDICAL B. J. HA71EWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medaliat of Trinity University, Toronto. Four yeare attending Phy. siclan and Surgeon at Mt. Carme] Hospital, Pittaburg, Ka. Office and Residence, Wellington Street, Bow. manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly o! Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith'a former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or PhNetcalaprmptly attended to. Poe243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Or... Bonor Graduate o! University of Toronto. All cases given prompt and caroful attention. Office- Dr. McElroym former office. Phones: Clark 3921, Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auction»r Farm and Bouse Sales a Specialty. Terms moderate. Enniskillen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHEROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractie will b. in the Bow- manville Office Tueaday, Thursday and Saiturday evenings, phone 141J. Reidential cal made duing fore- noons. Frank Converse Smith TEACHER OF THE VIOLIN Bowmanville Tuesday, Thusnsday Saturday Nights Admission 20c and1 Skating Saturday Afternoons Aduits 15c Children 10c THE EDITIOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS BOWMANVILLE 75 YEARS AGO Are many o! our readers awarel We may have our scandaIs, our Froin The Canada Directory of 1851 it that one o! the questions that hasl murders and our vulgarities, but -1852, Published By John Loeyli, ra taxed the brain power and ingenuity1 most Canadian newspapers have the Mnra. a- of newspaper mon is What is- decency not t0 attempt te serve theniMnra. le. News"? Up to the present time nol up, to the excusi-in o! ail things else. Mîrs- Alvin Peteîrs, Hampton, has! !2. generaily sccepted answer has been To the undying credit o! most Cana-v gîve. Oe Cnadan wite re din paers itmua be aidtha thre ery kindly furnished Thi Statesann give. Oe Cnadan rite re din pper, i mue besai tht terewith a list of the business men and emarks that Gerald White Johinson is some attempt te educate the pub- sortie others copied by lier f romn , o! The Evening Sun o! Baltimore, lic on the questions o! the day, and Lovell's Directory published 75 year w'- Md., and Profes..or o! J ournalismi perhaps the attempt would be mucb g-he er eoeTertt.. 6 in the University of North Carolina more positive thati it is, if the read-1 anto-thee yrspbefoe ed tatpee- ne has attempted a most uncertain un- ers woubd only keep their eyes off (esrbigTC.o'inib e- dertaking and Alfred A. Knop!, Puh- the Anierican tabloids and would dis-eso inThBwm vleMs- li-zher, is encouraging him in his fol-1 play a little more înterest in Cana- sner. Wer iee ly ugthaunk Mail ly, for in a recent bookiet Editor dian affairs and a little beis in such cpigaltslitfrhebnfitl Johnson has tried te answer the ques- publicity-seekers as are ail too num. o! our readers who wîll, we are verv' e tion, 'What is News?' Reader, before' erous in both this country and týhe sr prcaebelodwr. W te you proceed farther, try your hand at1 American Republic. a ingnumypesn paig nit tei sec wbat concrete answer youi Mr. Johnson lias sufficient -ontactl th imgiande n e publ.edlastn M can evolve. In the course o! bis! with public psychology teo'issue a wveek o! business and îîrofessional P_ work, Editor Johnson points out thati general warning te the reading pub- meti of 25 years ago in the Familyl Ihe lim. been engaged in the news-j lic te keep its feet on the groundi Scrap Book as valuable bits of thisl paper game for 20 years; but it is and not go up in toy balloons with' town's history. .zafe to say there is a large number' motion-picture actresses, scandaI _____ of newspapermen who have been mongers and the like who feel that Bowmanville ta a village sîtuated working in that capacity for much: notoriety is better than no publicityl on an excellent harbour of Lake On- longer than 20 years who would stili at sîl.I alirink froni the task o! answering the . *i arlo, in th, Township o! Darling- ton, County of Durhamî, Canada, rn mystic question. His critic adds' There is this to be said for Editor West. g, that it is almost as simple to answer, Johnson and many other journalista itn rn orno4 ie; Editor Johnson's as it la te solve thel which is that their opinions are uDa tg ar 2 d istant fromTont42mls somewhat vague problem sometimes for-med ufronitareading severadistatead-) asked "Why is a Hen?'" See te ing ciîy daily newspapers and on the ,otHp 2mls;uulsaefr Chumer of it? strength o! what tbey find ini themi 7s 6d; diistant from Kingston 1341 * * * 1 they make ttmnstaarnt miles, usual stage faro 37s 6d. Popu- Has it ever occurred to our edognra application. We believel ainaot150 erstha th wrd ewsiscomposedi sincercly that quite 90 per cent at Agencies o! Assurance Cmais o! the initiaIs o! the cardinal pointai îcast o! Canadian editors and pub-. banks, etc: o! the conpas-north, east, west and1 lishers are as conscientious as we Bank o! Montreal, John Simpson, south? We don't know any signifi-i have been for 48Y2 years that we Agent, Scugog St. cance in this fact other than that1 have edited titis great family journal. Bank o! Upper Canada, H. S. news is gatbered from every pointi Our aimlias ever been to give te the Reid, Agent, King St. e. o! the compasa. Unfortunately or! best o! our ability and belief the Montreal Fire and Marine Ascur- totherwise, se far as Bownianville ist truth in everything that goes inte ance Company, John Burk, Agent,î : concernied, this being land's end-ow-, our coluina. O! course, our read-! King St. ing te Lake Ontario !orining ita81 ers understand that no editor can Provincial Mutual Lif e Assurance southern boundary-news for The!, certify to faets in &Il that appears Co., Charles C. Neville, Agent, Kin! Statesman can bie gleaned from onlyi in his paper, but so far as la reason- St. three points o! the compass. But! ably possible lie endeavors te deserve Aîphabetical list o! professions, Editor Johinson does net toueli on the implicit confidence o! his read- trades, etic: Annour, Robert, Barris-1j this pliase o! the question, but while sru. We have a firm belief, too,1 ter and Attorney-at-Law, Solicitor to )r he makes it plain that lie lias manyi that neyer in its history of some 70 the Bunk o! Montreal, Agency, King ideas as to wliat constitutes new-- or more years bas The Stateaman en- St. rnot the word but its material contenti; joyed the confidence o! its readers in Blewett and Hoar, general smitbs,i and wliat la not news, leie l still, a greater degree than it doca in titis King St., hor--e-slioeing and generalq obliged to faîl back upon the pro-; year o! grace 1927. It will be thle sniith work in aIl its branches a t- !ound (?) observation that "News constant endeavor of those respon- tended te. English steel platei is wita, gets inte tlie ncwspapers andl sible for ita production in the future sghovels always on hand. newspapers are what newspapermenl te prove worthy o! the confidence o!, Rowmanville Messenger, a weekly mnake tliem". Probably thîs 18' ts roaders and patrons. newspaîpcr, MeMillan and Begg, pub- about as near the truth as this author Ilishers, King St. sails in lis voyage o! discovery for aI Connor, Henry, Temperance House definition o! "What is News?" PUBLIC NURSE A NECESSITY and Saloon, King St. Travellers will 1 1*i find a comfortable bouse and low t- Johnson's ne boolet has a widel Electors o! Cabourg will on Fcb-jcag. nterest for members o! the cra!t be-1 ruary 21st vote on the question of!c Cowle, F. Y. and W., dealers in - ides bis attempt to define News, for1 employing a publiceliealth nurse at dry goods, groceries, hardware, apart froni that the editor lias à num- $1500 a year. Soveral years ago cî'ockery and country produce, King. ber of conclusions as te the news- Bowmanville citizens or at least somei Davidson, S. W. and Co., chemiats -paper game and the trend it has tak-, o! them, had certain doubts as to the1 and draggist.-a cboice stock of en in the last quarter o! a century, edo omuiynre ui drugs, cbeimeals, dye stuifs, paints, or more. An important questioni after two years' exponience o! real, per!umery at low prices, King St. that concerna not only the journalisti1 practical benefita o! sucli "an angeli Fairbairn, Robert, Postmastcr, -and publisher but the coni.nunity at o! mcrcy" in our midst who hasi King St. Fairbairn, J. B., book-t large he deals with cleverly as li e ay sisgthd n prev ten Itve; selle and stationer, King St. Ahl asserts that the power o! the pres a i eigthtpoo tetioni the American periodicals furni.sled te was earned in the carlier penioda be-j is given those children needing such1 subscribers at United States prices. -cause o! the prevailing public opin-* care it1 h naiosoino la1 Fisher, David, dealer in dry goods, ion that the newspapers always stood a public nurse ia a real neccseity. It groceries, hardware and country for tlie truth. But in this public s te be hoped that Cobourg citizena produce, and nurseryman, King St. confidence this author believes and.w"" have sufficient interest in the Hales, H. B., manufacturer o! sad-1 r lamenta the !act that the press iai welfare of a comrnunity's greatest as-' dlery, harneý-sa, etc., of the bestia losing this confidence o! the peopîei set-thle childrn-to pile up an over- quaîity, King St. se that te power o! tbe pres i n whelming majority in favon o! s pub-1 Hinds, A'fonzo, Waverly House,I longer a positive quantty. lic health nurse. hotel and stage house, King St. Tra- Editer Johnson may find just cause vellers wvill find this house comfort- for this conclusion, it is not fair te MTESRCIE$4 able and convenient and charges make the general statement. for it MTESRCIE$4 reasonable. is not truc o! tliousands o! news- Haines, George, carniage raaker, paliers. Wc know too many ex-j Beneficianies o! the. Mothers' Al- King St. ceptions o! course. As to the cause' owance Board in Durham County~ Hay, David D., dry goods, King 1received over $845 in disburaementa1 of wat lie ternis "the waning po>wer1 rngDeenb t. o! the press" he offera this explana- uin e mer.1 Harris, J., shoemaker, King St. tion based on experiences thlrougl This amount was distributed among Hunt, Thomas W., general store E which the citizens o! Toronto are 27 beneiciaries, 19 of wliom were Kig St.b compelled te go every year aroundl widows with a total o! 64 children;1 Jenkins, Wm., tailor, King St.c New Ycar's. Most persons fsaniliar1 7 were wives o! incapacitated hus.- Kennedy, Rev. Thomnas, Churcli o! with the daily papers o! the Provin-j banda with twelve dependent child-1 Eagland. 1cial metropolis are likely te g. ren and one was a deserted wife withl Kennedy, Rev. Alexander, United with Editor Johnson 's conu sn.tOcide. Saitc hwtati Presbyterian. But they are the exceptions, e ttW ail. ihoecidadin- Keys, Wini., tailIo, KingSt believe. oapacitated huéband; 13 vlth t1 Lowe, Dr. G. H., King St. p * *dildren; 6 with tbree chldren; one McTavish, E. -and D., carniage Here is the basis for hus assert- with four children; tbree with five makers, King St. ions: for lie declarea that any news- clildren; one with six children and MeFeeters, Jantes, general store,c piapen which makes itsel! the pro- one with seven chiîdren. 78 children King St. paganda aheet o! any political clique un ail receive benefit frein the Bo>ard. Martin, Phiîip, tailor, King St. Ir and which slathera page a!ter page In Northumberland County, total Manchecter, Mr., talionr. n with the deeda o! ts peta--.which number or beneficiaries is 40 wbo ne- Mitchell's, Tempenance Inn, King deeds are of relative unimportance, ceuve a total o! $1260. st. g to the great bulk o! readers--is cer- Mitchell, William, Surveylsn and 'A tain ta help undermine the wholejH Landing Waiter o! Customs, King St. ci prestige o! newspapers la general. Asi TE EXCELSIOR LIFE REPORTS Muir, James, baker, King St. ite points out, the timne must corne' ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR Montreal Telegrapli Office, F. C.1 wluen the readers o! that particuiari h ttmnssbitda h Patrick, operator. paper will discover that they are bé.. h ttmnasbitda Newsom, S., carpenten and build - ing !ed on propaganda and net on Annual General Meeting o! the Ex-i er, Churcli St. news, and when tliey wll revoli. ceLsior Life Insurance Company, Pethsck, William, talIon, King St. The papers in the Uaited States ap-, presided over by the First Vice- Pirie, William, tailor, King St. . parently have been given te that sortj President, Alex. asaken, K. C., show Poiler, William, iron founder, King o! thing, for bis Toronto critici 1926 to bave been another good St. says: "Surely Mr. Johinson could net year for this strong and purely Rateliffe, Win., Te-mparence Inn, o be making apecial reference to Tor-, Canadian Company.i King St. C ento and its afflictions". No doubt The amount o! new business, is-j Reed and W-erry, shoe store, King many of! our readera who are !am-! sued and revived, $16,814,386 .25,isî St. la iliar with some o! the Toronto news-1 an incrcase o! 15 î, oven that o!1l Scbofield, William, general store,Io papers will agree that "afflictions" 19925. This rate o! increase ,vas King St. Iof is a decidedly appropriate word. coîsiderably higher than the coinbin-I Slater, Rev. J1. C., Wesleyan i * * s d average rate for al the Compan-I Methodîst.î This samne citic correctly says- les in amount o! insurance writtenl,_.Scluair. Robert, grist anid oat milîs, h1,ý Hope, Januany 251h. During the 1iniréa-dvi;eobuies oG.tner ndlth h cvening, Degrce Noble Grand Sid in force, gneatly impr>ved Field or- store, Clinton St. Little and staff o! Bowmnaaville lodge ganization, a funther increase ln di- Hutcliîson, St. John H., Banister, oi put on the third degree ia a very cred-' videnda and the marked improve- Attorney-at-Law, King St. itable inanner. ment in general conditions, opinions McMillan and Begg, printery, King were expressed that still greater IikMutry, William, dealer ia dry 10 only, Ladies' Fur Trlmmed progess would be mrade during 1927. goods, grocenies, hardware, crockery Coats olglnally up te $25.00, flow1 Mr. W. B. McMuitry, District and country produce, King St. $10.00 at Couch, Jolunoton & CJJ-, Agent at Bowmanville, is optimilatit Manning, Pebert S., manufactur doran..as to busines in 1927. o! aIl kiade di cabInet furniture, Another Rest in A large increas( of favorable mc earnîngs and a followîng figures Incomne - - - Assets - - - - Insurance lsaued and Revived - Insurance in Force EXE INSURAN< ~ ~ For Irce copy of/Ai i "~NW. BI.AIJ EXCEL O10 I~ : .,~E ADVERTISING IN LOCAL. PRESSI Speaking of the value of advertis- ing in local newspapers, Mr. Starr of New York City, in a recent address 'ji St. Thomas, asserted emphatially that local paper advertisers get bet- ter results than advertisers in larg- er cities. "I have no hesitation"', he said, "in saying that the advertise- ments in the amaller papers today have far more 'pull' than they had a few years ago. Certainly a paper in a good town gives better resuits to its local advertisers than a paper in a metropolitan city. One reason for this is that the people in the towns read their paper from front to back, because it contains so much that is of time to read the paper than the district interest, and they have more dwellers in the cities. There are too rnany distractions in the big places for people to do more than pick up the paper and look it over. Dollar for dollar, an advertiser gets more for his advertising in a smaîll Ical paper than the advertiaser in ai city paper"'. King St. Mason, Samuel, saddler and bar- ries maker, King St Every article in the line constantly on hand or rnade-to-order, of the best quality and at low pricea. Neads, Jacob, hardware merchant, smitli, carniage maker, dealer in stoves, iron, etc., King St. Neville, Charles C., Clerk of Divi- sion Court and Insurance Agent King St. Reid, H. S., Coilector of Custonu, Agent for Marriage Licenses and of Bank of Upper Canada, King St. Sim~pson, John & Co., Importers of Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Millers, Distilleries and exporters of country produce, King St. Simpson, John, Agent Bank of Montreal, Scugog St. Smith, D. S., produce, cloth and wool snerchant; cash paid for wool produce, elic., King St. Scott, Thomas, carrnage maker, King St., keepa on hand every des- ription of vehicles used in C. W. which are warranted equal to any in the province and are "Ild on very moderate terms. Sutton, Thomas C., cheniet, drug- gist and wine merchant, King St. Vines and liquors of superior quality onstantly on hand. NJotice to Creditors IN THE SURROGATE OOURT 0F THE UNITED COUNTIES 0F NORTII- 'MEERLAND AND DURHIAM. In tire Estate of Mary Re-ynotdb, late cf the Township of Darlington In the ouinty or I)urbarn, widow, deceased. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that ail persons having da-imns against ttre Estate :f Mary RItynoIds, tate of titi Township r, i î:rlington. widow, ead, who lied on or about tir( 22nd dany ofr.Jan- iary 1927, are reqiliren to mail or de- v--r th., garne with fi piarticulars to the jnileýrsi cri c on or beýfor,, tie 181 b day )f Febriiary, A> D. 1927. vérifled by ailS- lai i aflî-r sshi eh iate tir(-e Exeeutors ili distribute the asmsit, or tir,- Egate iaving regarîl only te the cdaim,, ihen rtwianville, Ontarlo, Janiîary 27th *T. 1927. W. F.WARD, B. A., Soicitor for the Executors. i - 3 Bowmianville, Ont. NIotice to, Creditors 114 TUE ESTATE OP 'WILLIAM lITCiI.TIIORSEY, DEASEIi. Ail i,,rsons having dlaims against the, .tat,- of William Mitcheilll or,,ey, laie (f hi town of Bowmanville, in the oitnty of Durham, Esquiîre,leesl ho lji-il on or about the iirst day of [nrary. 1927, aire hereby notibied (to set ri o tii' uniierstgnî'dl Execittor on or 'fort- t1b 5,-vi.nt(i--nti h daîy of 1-ehru,îîry, 927. fuîll partbdîîiars of thebr clims. nii-iit -ya fter the salI seven teen lb ny of February. 1927, (lie assîts of the ýstator wl bil h îlstrlbuteîl amongst the irti,-,, -ntltled( thereto, having regard mly tri elaiis of whbch the Exerijior fal then bave notice. riATED at Bowmanvilue (his 26th day d January, A. D. 1927. NATIONAL TRUST COMPANY, LIMITE O, 20 Klug St. nat, Toronto, Ontario By: W. R. Strike, 1- Their UoIoltor heroin. t]t seil ortz tfu c 'nu E P r %XýXN 1 iii I(11 Il K.>I Il L(..JI I BL..>.I Il IL..JI Il Ik.)I I I 1Lu" AMÇTHER BoOKIET ,fr FARMERS. IN pursuance of its policy of friendly co-opera tion with the farming interests of this country, the Bank of Montreal is now issuing a new text book for farrners, entitled "Sheep for Mutton, Wool and Money.' The bookiet is a practical guide to the breeding and feeding of sbeep, and its value is greatly mncreased by photographs ilustrating every point that is made. A copy may be obtained, without charge, on application at our nearest Branch. Previous booklets distributed by the Bank are- 1I)iversified Farming" "The Cow, the Mother of Prosperity" -Poultry for the Farma and Home- "Hogs for Park and Profit" The Bank bas distributed tens of thousands of these booklets throughout Canada, and nu- meroua farmers have expressed their apprecaa- tion to our local Managers. BANK 0F MONTREAL Established 1817 Total Msuma in exceas of $750,000,000 BOWMANVILLE BRANCH J. A. McCellan, Mamge -Buy In Bownianvlle- The Old Reliable Grocery Io determnined to give ail it.s old and any new customers the Best Service Best Groceries Best Satisfaction That will be the means of adding you to our growing list of customers. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville *0111 61 a à b7.-7k a à 3 WI.-ýl. m a a a m 2 %7 4 a a 1 y m>,, F Internai and E ernal Pains n alins are promptjy relieved by týýIýDD" THOMAS, ECLEC 1 1 L TT IHH 77 1 H.Ayl 11 IF EGI F NEARLY F Tý. REINE, SELLER _r,,A'&'EZVWIU UMEROUS qmm.m i DEFORE 18 A TESTIMONIAL THAT EAKS Fo CURATIVE ALITIE& THE CANADIAN STATE&MAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, FERRUARY 3rd., 1927 PAGE TWO Succéssfu1 Year lie Company's History in volume of business, a continuance al îy experience. sa tisfactory interest rther reduced expense rate, as the idicate. 1922 1924 1926 -$ 1,964,133 $ 2,427,491 $ 2,982,956 - 8,080,260 10,063,408 12,107,343 « 9,753,844 12,715,690 16,814,386 » 48,412,253 57,782,440 69,491,590 -LI FECOPN ai Report or Agency Representation Write 5 MvcMURTRY, District Agent wumanville, Ontario.

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