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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1927, p. 1

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With Which Is Iricorporated Tne ]Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. IBOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 $2.00 aYear i Avanep ". .1 ____________________________ Specioal Royal Theatre Friday.Saturciay, February 11.12 "The Deserts Toit"' With Francis McDonald, Kathleen Key, Tom Santschi and Anna May Wang '%atinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Sîecial for Saturday Matinese Peb 12 Chapter one of "Sunken Sliver"' With Alene Rtay and Walter Miller Admission for this matinee only Children 5c and 1 oent tax Monday-Tucsday, Pcb. 14-15 Elinor G1lyn's L11ove's Blindncss" With Antonho Moreno snd Pauline Stark Wednesday.Tliuraday, Pcb. 10-17 'Eve's Leaves"' With .-trice Joy ançi William Boyd Rehert Edeson, Walter Long Friday.Saturday, Fcb. 18-19 Jaekle Coogan ini "JhnyOt Vour Hair Cut', Bargains Next Saturday When we announce a special sale of Bargains people know that they are going to get the biggest dollars worth of value that can be had. Saturday next we are laying aside scores of articles picked from nearly every department of oui' store which are marked down to cost and less to clear out before stocktaking. This is a genuine Couch, Johnston & Cryderman Bargain Sale that makes buying a saving investment. LADIES' COATS NOW HALF PRICE And a few way below cost--only $5.00 each Drastic Reductions Ahl Ladies' Dresses in Silk Crepe, Canton or Cloth, clearing at drastie reductions. Sizes and Dresses to suit ail. Men's Fancy Tweed Overcoats Almost ail sizes available, well made, this year's styles, some priced as low as........................................... $14.W0 Boys' Brownie Suits, just a few left, and they are marked down to haïf original price. Boys' Odd Pants, balance of this line is being cleared at very low prices. MEN'S 54J1TS FROM $12.50 UP BOYS' SWEATERS WORTH $1.45 FOR 9&c Couch, Jihnston & Cryderman. B3owmanville Phono .104 Limiten PUBLIC HEALTH NURSE REPORT FOR JANUARY The fowing report covers the work of the Public Health Nurse during the month qf Januauiy, 1927:. No. af homes vi.nted 94; No. of visits te prenatal cases 4; Postnaftal 2; Aduit 20; Infant 29; Pre school 171; Scilool 101-Total 227, No. of cases flot found 6; No. of miscelilneous visits 9; Vi :its to cases of con=unicable diseases, (chiicken pox) 18; Social service visits 5; No. of office hours 25; Referred to doctor and dentist 18. Child wel-fame ooeifereincesl for in- fants and pmeschoel children are had 1every Friday front 2.30 te 4.30 p. m. l in thse Council Roem of tlhe Town SHal report-No. of visita te 1c-d-o Centrafl 20; Southl Word 12; (iasa room inspections 21; pupilîn_- spected 765; speciai physicai inspect- ions by ndunue 9; defectas uspected by nurse 7; refeffired te, doctor 7; re- ferred te dentiat 9; treaited 75; ex- cluded 25; readmtittedi 178; seen in office 49; coniplete physical exant- mnations by doctor 21. Tiough the generosity of îtiie Women's Institute anid Rotary Club 20 school children &nie being sup- pied dafly with màlk at the. public chools. Week of Janiuary 3lst 120 childiren wSe drinking ni4lk eÀt tihe iCentral Sc'hool; 32 children weree drinking milk at South Ward School. Dr. Kitedly Plnm the Provincial De- partment of Health is at the schocl jmaking coinpleite Olvyical examina tions of sohool children. The Medi- cal Servîce DeptL of the scheel today ProvideS for a Pihyicail exarnination of ail scihool child5ren on enter-mg Vthe public school aind a second examina- tien in thle senior roont bef<vre Ieav- ngIn this way deftect which oýiLerwise -Mi 910 go nticedi am brought te the attention of parenta and referred te tileir own phiyici for correction. Olga L Tod, P- -- ï-sa t-h M,,. 1 j MUSIC STUF>Y CLUB The regular nonthly meeting c- ile Music 0mub was held in St. PaWni Schoolrooem on Wednesday, Febmuai 2nd ait 8 o'clock. It was "Juvenil Nlight"' and was in chai.rge of Misse Heen Morris, Aura Cadwel an' Greta Wckett. The pTeoram, wa- as follows: Double qurtet "ie Win. er Tineie aH ere " by E. Cartwright F. Clarke, L. Cale, B. Murdoif, Hl Cikner JS. DillMck, N .exer and A Culîey; A paper cn Sm Aitufiur Sui, luvan by !lsie Carretihes followed b: "'The Windznill Song" (SuMvain) jb: Vthe etorus; a paper on Franz Schu. bert and a piano number "lm, ptoiptu" (Schiubert) by Phylli Ohalihe; a papeb on Johanne Braihma by F)velyn Goddard follc>wei by a sextetbe 'aWoodand Lullaby', (Brahmns) by Geraldine Wianw, Marion Mfiný Marien Leggott, Ada Jaêknsan, Rith Tuerk, andi Evelym Goddard~; chorus "T1%e Bugle Hemn" folk dance "Ribbon, Dance" by Begý ty Rice, G'wen Ballantyne,e Elleen Gib., Hed.ei Mason, Jean Morris, Eleen Rately, Veela L«nsberryad Fern Snith; choru s" S oues (Lh) ; solo 'Ibe Fat 1 s(Dloepe) by Martn A'llin chorus; "S8tan Tren*hng O'eoe Us'; Paper Taooe LeecheUty and a piano »k i'¶I'h Two IMzlka" (Leschetizky) by Char. lie Ceiwker; Chorus "The. Sums Toî GinI"; sextette "I sing bcaiuse 1 lome to sixtg" ('Piasud); per on Sir Henry Bishep îby Ge 'gne Williamae fol!edby a choruss "O whee dso fai , e ie (B'" ); eloing chiorus "Day Break". The acoompanrias were Mioes LeUa Bragg and Aura Caldwell. MAPLE LEAF BIRTHDAY PARTYl 1. A very pleaant evening wae speni on Thuray, February .Srd., in the Forestiers' Hall, when. the Compati. ions oai Maple Leaf Cirele, No. 143, celeibrated %t nineteenth birthflday. Ont af Vwo guesta present were the High 'Chief Conipanien 'Burt and Higih Court Secretary, Bro. A. ýMartin who miade cong'ratulsbory and mi- structive speeches, aiter whieh Coin. panioen Robinson nmuade a pré-enta- Vianof an English soveredgn te High Chief Companion Burt on behalf ofa the Crnpanions of Maple Leaf Circlie. High Ohief Companion Burt re- p lied, hanldng one and «Il for heii' lcndeaa, and said sbëe was always sure of a lheafty welicore in Bas'- mnivile. A splendid pragraîn was rendered the artists bei.ng Mms J. E. Anderr. son, Mm. Holt, Mrs. A. 'Colviille and Conipanion Mrs. Canerion. Comipati- ions Hall, Gouid and Gatcihell pre- aentied a dialogue whieb wati heartily appreoiaité. A vote of haiiks was preenied the autista by Chief Comrpanuion Muttoci. A bountfidl banquet iellk>wed whidh ¶vas heartiiy partaken of. Thie Birtlhday cake, whiclh was donalbed -by Companion Barton, looked splendid hihted sith nineten eaind'le& i . hi Ohiéf Companion Burt placed Vl knife inth cake and said she deeni- éd t an hoinor te becrse1 on such an occaeion and 'ised thé Maple Leaïf Circle many happy years ofi Thé vry enjoyable evéndng was tihen brought Vo a close. WI'LLARD'S CHOCOLATE SHOPPE In order ta keep up wlth thé cbanging tinte. W. P. Corbett, ]Baker andCo- féctiane, bas bad InstalleS ln bie storeo what la known as a "Willard's Choclate Shoppé". Ths enablés oustomérs te get thé beat gra:de o! chocolats», absalutciy fi-eah, ln attractive and oonvoaiént packt- ages at théehioplar pria.etr fflvouad. Lovere of chocoats@ 'db ou'<ainy appa'.- date tbis Improved m.awtoe. Try a - da~. Il JWARDEN ELLIOYrHNOE Enjoyable Citlzens' Banquet Given Th . Warden at Balmoral Hotel. A génération has corne ani gon.' who knew not what it meant to have a Ward- en of the United C'ountifes elécted fromn ils ratepiayers ta this exaltéd position of the 'First Citizen of Northumblerland antI Durhamn". But such cannot be said of B3owrnanvilloe citizens in the year 1927 for thé barren hopes of a tird of a oénitury have at last been reaiizéd. A young unknown tiller of thé soul mov- éd auto thîs municipality a score of years ago a.nd, continued hie arduous labors under the inspiring bIne skies and broa.d fertile fields. Who cari imagine this young swains thoughts as he followed the plongh and wént about hie daily chores these long years? Was It nos' ambition béing réalizéd? Had a goal been reached? Or was It just destiny un- folding lier mysterious plan? YVouth had grewm nto, nmanhoad. The responsibility of citizénahip had been met fairiy and squarely step by step: Town Counillor-Deputy Réýevé--Reevie. No, the pinnacle of public service had not beén reacliéd yét? Prom such pleasant rfltections wé sud- denly fl.nd ourselves In a crowded ban- quet hall. The commnand cornes fréinm the Toastrnaster at the héad table: "Gentlemen, I would ask you to nése and drink with me the health of our honoîsed guest, Milton J. Elliott, Warden ef the Ubnited Counties of Northumnberland and Durham and Reeve of Bowmanvilie". The toast was drunk with sincerity and en- thnstasrn. Then wlth one accord the banquettérsl applaudéd, cbeered and broke forth mbt that Jeyful song which le soe expressive on such occasions 'He's a Jolly good announced tlîis s'éek thé offer ai a mas True, thé bonored gnést of thé occa- acceptable anti prartîcal gift. Genera sion was smiling-but thé pictuné s'ai Motora Limiteti, Oshiawa, threngh thE not complète, tIhe story s'as net haIt kintinesa of Geo. W. Mceaugblin .whc told. Seatéd closie by at thé létI et the bas always rétained a kéen interest i Chairman wa-s thé modest anti réservéd bis native County of Du-bain, ban pré- father of thé Ward!en-John C. Bllitt- séritetilta thée>101er Méchanice' Depart- attérnPtng, as best he coulti, ta, conceal ment of thé boys' schoal a Chevrolet car, thé jay and pride which s'as welting up aiGu a complété engine anti varions parts. In a parental heart, for a son whe bail brauglit sncb distinction anti bonor ta Through thé klndtnesls of Mr. E. W. thé family naine. himaselt and thé tow-nlBeatty, K.C., Président ai thé Canadiar hé represéntéti which ls bis berne. Paife aiwa Company, the School bas -~ ~ u~o a uopy riu. fi GRAND OPENING Nurses' Residence at Bowmanvllc Hospital orn Wednesday, Feb. lOth. The fine nw3soe brick building nwhich has recently been completed 9and equipped for the Nurses' Resi- -dence in connection with Bowman- Sville Hospital will be opened for the afirst time to the public on Wednes- 1day, Febria.y 16 fro'm 5.30 to 6 p. m. -and front 7. 0 0 bo 9 p. m,1. T'he Offiers and Board of Direct- ors for the Hospital extend a cosrdi.al invitation to citizens in town and country to attend this public open- ing of the residence when an oppor- tunity wIll be given alI to inspSit this very modern and niuch needed residence for the nurses. No fommal ceremony will be held ton this occasion and no adraission ifee wil1 be, made. FORSALE! 2 storey brick veneer bunga- low, contains 3 nice bedroomas and commodious 3-piece beath- roont, MUai and ample closet ac- commodation, upstairs; and liv- ingroors, dirnngoom, kitchen and hall do-%nstair; hardwood floors on downstairs (except kitchen) ; cernent cdllar, divided; pipýelees furnace, electric lighting; piazza acroffl front of house, and cernent walks to front and side doors. Haff acre of nice land with about 13 Spy apple trees Price $3300 on easy terins. Five milin- utes wal:k north front C. P. R. Station. 2 sto;rey 'brick house; contans 4 bedToos, 3 piece bathroo m, hall and ivingniooni, dinungroont, kitchen, bail, sum.rner kitchen; bot air furnace, electric ligihting, oement cellar. About quarter acre of nice garden land. Eigh)t rinuotes walk east fron C. P. R. Station. Pfince $3300 on easy terins. A13o several other resldential properties for sale, ais weUl as f arrn properties. Apply Vo Edith V. Scobeli Insurance and Real Estate Agent Bownianville GOVERNMENT ARBORETUM FOR BOWMANVILLE Located at Boys' Training Schooi C)The lilustrateel ad<iress on '-Civic lrn- prov'"rent given hy Mr. H. J. Moore in the Opra 1-ibuse, Friday evening wsa well attended y citizens who were keen- ly interesteti in beeutifYing the town. With tie pictures thrown on the canvas Fand the speaker's rerarks il made a fhappy combination which was both ln- teresting and instructiv'e. Mr. Moore sprung a pleaant surprise on the audience liv announing that the Provincial goverrnment had approved and sanctiond the etabishing of an arbor- 3eturn and btanical gardens t thé arn of thé Boys' Training Shool. Fifty ac- res wil be set aside for this purpose and frorn prsent plans and future develop- mente- It promises to be one of thie most attractive and beautiful places ef its kind in Canada. It should be tihe means of bringing thousands of tourists and 0o, et ai MINISTERS AM4 CHURCHES ýe ào St. Andrews .Pi-ebytérlan Church. ors- ln ner TemPerance and Cburch Streeta. Rev. s- ltobt. McDerment, M.A., minister. Màorn- t- ing worship Il a. m. Evening worship, r7 p m. Sunday Scoal at 2.30 P. in. S. Trinlty United Chnu"c Rev. J. !U. Rob- iris, laster. Snniday services: il a. m. *and 7 p. m-Sermons by thé Pastor. .nGad musical services in charge et Mr-. Francis Sutton and the choir. 2.30 p. mi -Sunday Ochool and Bible Classes St. PaanIs Church, 11ev. D. W. Beat, D. D ., Minister il1a.&im- The Bey. Dr. . J. Horwood will preacl. 7 p. in.- Thé ministér. SubJeet "Pré-ocoupatbon. and the Iavestmcnt ef Lite". 2.30 p. nim -Sunday fichool. SIL. Joeet's PL C. Chch. iMok9n-. ing-mam 8.30. Soeahuy She- 2.30 p. m. Evening-7 p. nm Serio kand BenedictiSi. Bey. P. P. But. e er. y Mersbers of & John's AY.P.X will iold then' nmeeting on We<hus- day Februery 16th. Valentine Par- ty. St Geofge'a A.Y.P.A., New- castle, are expected te visit tiekn. MembSsruaire asked te attend the. Gu±Id conicert on Mo'nday St. JoWn'aAngâc" Churcli, Bev. RL J. SuiresReet= . Septusgemne, Febumary â, ,1§27. 8 a. rn-JBiey er. 2.30p P. ---S unday A 7 p. ni-Evemi4ngPryer. Confirs- Umi iCâan each Tùueday lin PMÏMi Hall et 8 p. M. Rev. A. C. Huston of Albut Cel- lege, Belleville, la supplying Col- borne United Churcb. durlng the ah- sence of Rev. S. C. Moore, Puatiar, wilo is apending a few months in Arizona, for recovery of Voici and throat troubae. HOCKEY NEWS Bowmanvill. 5-(Msbawa 4 Bowmanvilîe Juniors gave Oshawa lté greateat surprise et their young lve whfn thé city team camnehbe's la*t Thuraday. Thé visitora weré iigbtly over-confidént anid Ibis gave thé locale thé start on thein. Bowmanyillîtes wes'O "right thé,,,- and worked bard ail the titre., Osboi-ne and Freeman making a suprême défense wbieh only allawed "Doo" Rowdén and bis team mates to work tlîrough three or four tirés. Final score s'as 6-4 ln favor af the home téani. Whan Oshawa reacbed thé bown dark- nésa preyailed as same wires wenée brait- en putting thé lighla on thé "blink," ao the gainé did nat begin tilI 10 p. in. Al- thaugh sne et the local fans bad gene homýe a fair crowd tram Whitby, Oshawa aud Bowmanvilhe were at111 theré when thé gaine startéd and not many went hoine before thé gainei¶nished at 11.45. Thé fana were surpnlsed te se the Improveinent the local teain had mode aines the gaine ln Oshawa. Thé local forward lins showed excellent condition and their combination s'as much toc, good for thé visitons. *The Individuel rushes of thé visitors practlcally loat the gainé for thein as thé local. knew what ta expect and it s'as nat liard te checkt ane man. Line-up: Bowmanyillte: GoCal-J. James, Défense -Osborne, Fréeman; Centré--Candler; Wings-Rundle, MeMuilon; Sube.-Hoop,- er, Turner. Oshawa: Goal-Lévéqué; Defon.b.- Cook, Elliott; Oentre--joyce; Wing.-- Rowden, Black; Suhs.--Conlin. On thé strength of this final victory thé mémbera cf thé local teain bad a blew-out by attcsiding a pro ganté in Toronto Saturday night. CHAMPION SICATERS COMING Azrangémente are about eomploted for holding a big skating tournarmest et Taylor'a Aréna. Bowrmanvilé,estonWe4- néeS.,>, Fébruary 23rd, at 8 P. i. Ucq et Canada'. champion slkatèe you ha,. rese, about wlU b. um..Wa*iotr more. Particulare nezI wéck. alsc, be.. presentedwith six ramea pct. Sunes tiép)ictin& Canadiaxi scenes. MN 1r IBeatty's interéat iln boys' work im wéll eknown througb bis connection with the as Boys' arin and Training School aI le Shawbridge, Quebec. j- DOLLAR DAY BARGAINS ta Citizens are affured of arother feat ai o bargaisu Ibis wéék at Aléx. Elliot's Selling Out Jéwéry Sale. On frday a.nt Saturday this wek hé as set sabeý as Dollar Days w.en majiny artcie whicb usually ssI up to $5.00 wll be soiS fr >-,1.00. You wil gét an Idea ofetoinseto 1 thesé bargains ln hi. advt on page 5. Id By al messe ylit Mr. Elliot'. store osn *thée daya. There'UH besoething la *thé list iu will neet. - A more représentative gatbéning tban thii.one ta honor a citizen bas net béai theld in thé bown for man>. a day. Aimast évery walk of lufe In thé comrnunity ws ~représenteil, Includlng Hie Warahip the Siayon, Ceunciliea, 'Towni Officia. tocal Ciei-gy, Mrchants, Proféssionai Sien, ,y Manufacturera, Member of Fariiamrit, Members ai Scbool Beards, Educ-ational. isba. Politiciens, ex-Wardene. County je Officiais, Milits.ry men. Agriculturais a and other citizens wlthout classifica- d tions. The banquet was héid Tneeday ev'en a ing. Febrnary 4. et tie Balmoral Hotél, névéry sat ini thé large dlning-raom hé' Ing accupleti. Mayor T. S. Holgate s'aa -thé Master et Cérémonies ani carnieti Il eut bis dutiés in bis usuel génial and Jetv- laIe mariner. Polles'ing a splendId chiait. I en suppes' for which Mn. Wadhama ban aiready bécotas juatly tameus a progran, of boansiand minuala asgivén. Général IJohn Hughes propoeS thé toast te "Thtl eKing". Messages et regret at net béingi pre.ent 'dere réaS frein éx-Wai'dena A. .J -Hendéiuon of MlUbroeiký andWalter y Fould@ et Hastings anS cothers. r Dr. 1) W. BEkit pe'opoed thé toast i"Thé Parliaments of Canada" which s'as Iréspendéd te by Fred W. Bowén, M. P., for Durhamn, and Ex-Warder Fred Stade ofa Northumberlanti Cont.. Alderman W. C. Caveniy propejéti the toast -Our Municipalitiee and Industries", *respoiisés belig matie y Ex-lteeve C. E. Reider. A. M. Hiardy-, Dr. G. C. Bon- tnycastle, John Baker and John ryle. .. P. Colt. Naïl F. MacNachtan. tie vénérablei -counties clerk and treasurer wheolins a record ai nearly 62 years' service Ini the ('ounties Council proposed the toast 'Thé ounties of Northumberland andi Dur- Iin'm. Thé speaker related sore né - ..strgrenuiniscéncfs :anti istory et tiiesé countiés as fan back as 1798. Hé aise outlineti thé décoruin olisenvéti andi rulea of procédure In thé ceunties par- 1Liament. Ex-Wardens liarry Rt Pllt- lips of Bitnlion, andi J. L. MeCamus, Cavari, matie éloquent réilis te tiai toast. John lVItMillan, Supt. of Hou»e of Reftuge, s'as aiso caltai ait. Thé fellos'ing riante. wérécoupleS, with thé toast efthle evening tb "Thé Nés' Warden": Alan Campîbell, Président Chamber of Comimercé; W. B. Coucb, Chairman Higi Sohool Board, Ex-Mayor' Archie Tîtit and Mayor Hoigate.- Wartien Eltiott i replying ta titis toast sait il s'as thé bardest part ot hie wholé campaign te corné hère anti Usten teaail thé nice things being "adt about 1dm. 1-1'e éxpréssét iebisthanks anti appréciation te thosé prenant for hanoring himlmaii Iis way andtiet thé électers for thair patience In permitting hlm te represeqit tison In Cauntiés Cauricil se long whIcb made it passible te bring thé Wardenahip ta Bes'- manvilté Hé reférredte the tébusines training one get In thé Countles Cuna- cil anti thé abbéù anti efficient servie. renderéti by thé vétéran clérk, Col. Mac- Nacitan. Hé aise éxînésset i@bispersonal Pioaaure that séveral éx-Wai',jéa were préent. Toast te "Tha Pi-en" s'as repondéd te1 by J. W. Hynda and Gac. W. James. Mr.i James hati thé pieasant tiuty of prenant-c ing a beautîful bouquet of rosés, on b.-1 half of thoéé preeent, te thé Wardén for ' Mrs. Eltiot-t who sbares s'lth ber bushand1 Ibis nés' boucs.1 Betweui théep6eéche severai VOaMI solS ee'. ungby W. Pe u triké and Geo. B. Ches" with D. R. Ilorriseet at thé The MuuMcoe sa thalng clos" wtl1 aul »ésh ésWyl hmi Uf Di- g 'G 0 eaada1'1 THE NEW WARDEN MILTON J. LIT WýVtrden ElliOtI ltaone of thé youngest mien ta filU this Position. bélng but 43 Years ai age. Hé la a native et Clarke Tos'nship, anti bas resiléti in liowmian. ville for thé past. 22 years, wiière hé con. ducta a tarin St thé corner of Concession Street a.nd Manvtera 11usd, tamflliai1y1 knos'n as thé Nurser'y Cornera, anti de, votes bis enérgy taeinixeti tarming anti fruit. Tisa lis sixti yéar at thé Countiés Cauncil It being bis fourth té,-m as reey,' white hé servéti twa years as v'ed oneé yeer as tas'n councillor. Hé bas fluieti a numbér of Positions on théc Coran- tics tCouncli, havirig béen chairman of thé County Property Coinmitt&. hclairmai for' Durham of lte Boni grtilBridgé Co(MnilitLee, as Weèil as a meMber Of ail tée otber committes ,Héeisa a('onser- vative In politica. a menbér of lhe A.F. &A.M., I.0.0.3'., anti LOL. Forn sev- erai yéar hé s'as presitient af thé Went Durhamn Consérvativé Assoceiation, and la higbly regardedIin bia own tos'n, as weil as having thé confidence anti respect Of Inrnébr. of thé ceunties ceuncil. Hé la a marrieti man, bl@s'lte belng Déila Osborne, ycungesî daughter ef the laté Mi'. anS Mrs' John Osborne. Bow'nma- ville. Bis élection as Wai-deii gives thé ceuntie a broad-minded, capable aIl- round mm m sethéir preiSng aube', and 116 là to b. oongstulatéd on gouring this bonoreS mati oved eflo. at auoh as g 5WU'om te. Charming Valentines More popular than ever this year will be the good old custom of sending a card of greeting on St. Valentine's Day, February Fourteenth. Charming cards, with many a quaint conceit, are on view at Big 20 Bookstore Priced from 5c upwards. W. T. A11eîi BIG 20 BOWMWANVILLE The moral and financial support of local Bcwmaivillée Chamber cf Commerce to Pu btis wonderful opportunity and Tire & Rubler Company, ad han a- proposition acroas for Blowranvtle. This anged that Wedneday aternoon r7eb. cari bét be accomplished by nnted and ruarY 10h.. froin 2:00 te, 4:30, wW hée the cooPerative effort tbrougb an organiza- vlsitlng hours at the local Goodyear tion such as thé Hortlcultw'al Society. Plant. Witb thé prospects of snch a beauty spot This will give citizens cf Bowmnanvlflc belng developed in Our midst citizens district an opp'tmdnty ta inspect Mail should literally fiock for rnembierahip ln very lntea'égtýi plant and to lmewfilrat- the society and offér 10 do thelr sharé hand; wbat and bow i-nbboe gooda are to make certain et the arboretuin foi- manufactnred. Bowimanville. Bring yeur w1fe or any member of the family Over 14 yearu of age. Stranger. wlll need ta bé ildentified befere recelving HANDSOME GIFTS PRESENTED a paso. Special guides will také visites' TO BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOLI thnugli the factoy ln groupe et bn.( ( 4 1 lir. U. m. ltetunan, Superirltendent of Governnient Rnvn' 'r-ini- Qhýl - entrance. z 4 be eayia i* an

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