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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Feb 1927, p. 3

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£HE CAIADIAN STATESMAI',. 5OWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 Opportunity Knocks Now is your opportunity to buy good team Harness Cheap: 1/,2 Team Harness, Back Bands, Bridies, Pole Straps, Martingales, lines, traces with heel chains ............................................. $30-00 Home Made ',/" Team Harness, Bridies, Pole Strap, martingales, lines, back pads, cruppers, band sewn al through ..........................$57.50 No-Buekie Harness on hand at $10.00 less than, advertised in catalogue. Royal Purpie Caif Meal, Chick Feed, Poultry Specifie ,Cough Cure, Worm Cure, Roupe Cure, always on hand. MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville iWE REFUSE] TO BE UNDERSOLD IN GROCERIES Buy your Groceries the "NELLES CASH AND DELIVERY WAY" and you can start a bank account with what we save you in your purchases. Our regular prices are often lower than some so-called bargain prices. W.- G. Nelles Phone 62 Bowmanville CON TENTEDI Contentment is not merely a state of mind that cornes with the knowledge that you have everything you want. Part of it is due to knowing that that which you have worked so hard for is PROTECTED FINANCIALLY!1 That if destruction were its fate today, you'd be ready to build again to-morrow!1 IF YOU CARRY FIRE Insurance on your home or store-you can sit back and breathe easy. If not, you have a worry that should be on our shoulders. See us today about a policy! J J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Does Your Butcher Know Your Individual Wants ? Does he know what kind of steaks you like? Whether you want chopa cut thick or thin? The kind of roast and how you want ,it prepared? We are specialists in that kind of trade .Once we learn your preferences, you can depend on getting meats of the choicest quality cut and prepared just the way you want them. No doubt some of your best friends have told you about our meats-or have you dined at their homes and enjoyed a nice, juicy roast, a delicious chop, or a steak which fairly melted in your mouth. That's what you can depend on getting if you let us supply the meat for your table. Delivery To Ail Parts of Town C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bownianville ITRINITY UNITED CHURCH IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL CONGEGATONA MEEINGMrs. Wilfred S. Rose, Wallace- Owing tc the crowdpd condition ol buzrg, Ont, box 583: 1 surely have Th11-9 ma at ekth ~eujo>yed the "Do You Remnmbers". mary of reports presented at the an- nual congregational meeting off Trlin-1 Mrs. Wmn..Woodley, Lindsay: The ity United Ghurch, Bowmanville, had Statesinan gives me more than twa to be held o', er ror mi~s issue. We dollars worth of pleasure. I finel I feel sure the members and adher- must continue my subecription. enta of this church wil'l be greatly ine.W-cGl,3 heLnes tercste-d in these repoéytts which fol- e.W MGil31TeLnns 10w: Bain Ave., Toronto: We look forwaTd and read with interest the weekly Womens Mision" Soietypaper witlh ne,%vs f rom and of our Wome's Mssioary ocsey nomne town. Mrs. J. E. Elliott presented thel following report:1 Miss Elva Griffin, 122 Dawlish The Women's Missionary Societyl Ave., Toronto, writes: I do flot know is one of the live organizations in ourl what I would do without The church. Membership last year was Statesinan. I look forward to get- 162 annual members. At present ting it every week. there are 113 paid up annual men -____ bers, 34 life members, and 3 assoc- i HowelI Rowland, Newcastle: Please iate members. Meetings are held find enclosed Poest Office'Order for first Tuesday off every month with$2OfoTh Stemn fra- an average attendance of 61 and other year. About election time highst attendance being 92 in Oc. fm swear l'Il quit the paiper, and then tuber at quarterly tea. Meetings Rcv. J. U. Robins after the election is over we feel thati have been very interesting as thel we wouiid bute to be without it. atudy of missions in India bas beeni Pastou off Trinity United CiurhSm Im don't read it al but 1 taken up and that is a new field for, who has been invited to rea n- always read the Taîlks by the Editor. us as the Methodists haed no mission- other year at ani increase i salary._____ aries there prior to union. Society________________ Mrs. (Dr.) Mabel C. Hartman, is divided into il groups, each group OIds, Alta: Dear Miss Hayraft-It being responsible for one meeting. day evening at 8 p. m. and has a seems as if when writing to Thel Members have made 780 caIls duringi membersliip of 135. The society lai Statesman office I should send a fewl the year, 406 church calls, 138 calîs organized under new departments as words to you. Amn encloc-iu $2.00O on sick ones, 78 calis on strangers, outlined by United Church Board: for The Stateann '- In n and 158 cails on shut-ins. 23 mem-1 îst-Study of United Church; 2nd! St.atesinan there are so mantr ne'wl bers are tithers who give one-tentb -missions, especially India; 31N- "" name leno'ugh off neold off hei incme o th Lod. 6 *~onea left to make it interestin g. of hei inometo he ord 0Problem of Peace; 4th-Canadian1 TE. Higginbothann,( Jenie Mc- members subscribe for the Mission-. Men and Women off Letters; 5th- Lean), told me when I first came ary Monthly. 3 dozen quarts of Social; 6th-Recreation. At pres- out here that after I'd ýbeen here ai fruit were sent to the Victor Home. ent the members are interested in the few years I'd ýbe reading even thel Society patched and quilted 13 quilts, forming off a Parlihment which wili1 adve rtisements in the home paper. I: also sent a bale valued at $41.00 toi be used as a forum for the, discus- do read them quite often too, for Il Victor Home, and another valued at~ sion of many questions affecting li'ke to .see what S. W. Mason & Son's, $99.00 to Fred Victor Mission, Ter- young people. Last year the League Couch, Joihnston & Crydennan andi ot. Dring this year $370.77 has contributed $300 to Maintenance & other local merchanjts have to say. been raised toward an objective Of Extension Fund and have the samne Renembe.r me to any of thse old: $610. Money is raised by meansi objective for this yeair. The League gang" who are still aTound. off fees, systemnatic giving by envel-1 financially supports its own activities. ope each month, Mite boxes, Thank-' Dr. H. C. Phiilips, 332 Lake Ave.,l offerings, Quarterly Teas, and Public canadien Girls Ia Training Rochester, N. Y.: 1 njy the articles, Meetings.1 Canadian Girls In Training is comn-. undr the heading "DoYou Remem,- Young Women's Auxiliary which is. posed of four groups under direction ber". My mother is with us this organized froi our former Mission of MrM C. W. Siemon, Miss Verte winteil. She is now in bher 89thý Circle meets every month and holda Spargo, Mrs. W. H. Argue and Miss1 YeLarand enjoying fairly guod health.1 very interesting meetings. 'r'ay Marion Belîman, with a menxbership Se enjoysgon the rounds with' have 28 members. They raise their of 60 girls. Aeaetennc mE. MyHervaegt is of thely is-! rnoney by systematic giving, Mitel from 45 to 50. Meet on Wednes- 1SS.M bevtin f h ok Boxes and Easter Thank-offering, day at 7.30 in the S. S. roosa. Pr fof ro hibtison doeve lotecn- and once a quarter a suppe'r meeting, grain includes the four-fold life- you- I fin ore dikig epeia They have raiaed $67.08 and expect Intellectual, spiritual, Physical and ly anong the wo'men and the young ta reach their objective $158 by end Social. Each group is working for people. Crime bas greatly increas- off year. recognition by the "Girls Work ed. Mo'tality [las been for ottE A Mission Circle lias just been or- Board." 25 % off meetings are mis- by te young. eepz-olnitioin1 ganîzed with 9 members. They sionary. The girls are required as ts servingo liquor was unknown aZil have held two meetings and we are a group to keep 60% off the code. social gathrnga Now it is thse uni-' hoping great things off thein in the Some items on the code are: To de- versaI custonm. This ia from an>' future., vote some time each day to prayer own observation not froin hearsay. The Mission Band meets every two and Bible atudy; To attend public weeks and 'have very interesting worsbip at least once on Sunday; To OBITUARY meetings with a membership of 25. think over earnestly each evening ____ We are using the Study Book "The this question: Have 1 today tried to M..M~Jn osn Two Young Arabs" and find it an be tboughtfui, courteous and unselff- M$ ayJse woBownavill ideal way of studying Missions in In- isb in my> treatanent off others; As dia. We have patched 4 quilt8 forlwell as several athers, for exaiiple, Mrs. Mark Dowson who bad en baby cota and sent thein to the Victor j cleaning teeth twice a day and sleep-l in Bowmanville Hospital for about Home, Toronto, and the girls werei ing nine hours with windows open. eight months, passed away peacefully delighted with this work. We have' Girls are also required to take part early Sunda>' marning, January 16. raised $16.27 from fees, mite boxes, in planning prograni and atvte.Sehdbe aln nhat ic and sale off calendars. We hope ta In July we had our first camp at Lake the death off her husband on April 21, reach $35 by end of year. Scugog. Miss Finlay of Toronto, 1922. She was the younger was director and we had 38 in at: daugbter off the late Diggory Truscott Ladies' Aid tendance. We are planning te hold snd Mary Ann Davey and was born Mrs. M. J. Elliott read repiort Of another camp next S11napler. April in Darlington in 1852. She wasi Ladies' Aid tram April Tht, 1926, to 1, 1926, we had on hand $120.00 to-mrre to heaeMrkDwn Jan. 1927, wbich shows a miember- wards camp ffund, etc. We have in 1871, living in Providence neigh- ship off 121. Eight regular meet-l now on band $141.67. borhood titI 1904, since then the>' ings have been held with an averagej There are three Tuxis Squares with asahave rded n Btowmtanile. shen attendance off 39 and three apecialI total memabership off 35, mentors bie- wsanrdtMehitndwsn meetngs $3840 as ben ollet .example to aIl who knew her in meeingfes. $3n40Ma aee coct ~- ing Wreford Souch, Dr. R. E. Dinni- cheerfulness, unselfishness and kind- gdie ys Inicawa conro bh well, John Cawood. Two groupa off ly thought. If she could speak give byMissNicawa rmwhich Trail Rangers, mensbership 27, mien- goad off no one, she spoke not at we realized $90.60. In July we re- tors, Stuart James, James Devit L anda al Her great hobby was the cul- ceived $37.38 proceeds off Strawber- Merle Ferguson. Each g'roup meets tivation off beautiful flowers, and lier ry ~ ~ ~ o Soil nO tober ,ecteredone night a week in a Recreation home was always bright with floral ta the delegates of:h Yug Room a t rear off T. B. Gilorist's decorations. People 's Conference, receipts being store wbich is provided through the. $66.60. In November a Chicken Trustee Board. They are self sup- The funeral was beld froiniber Pie Supper was served and $176.77 esdneCnesin Stet eat realized. With hese and other n nso far as activities off each eiecCneso tet st sndies suc h hasclection, etorî group is concerned. Program con- the service being condu.cted by Rev. receipts to date are $572.30. Ex- sists off regular ffour-fold developnim e r ent . WRbinC.str ff riiUnit- penditures include instaîîing an elecl outlined by Tuxis work. edonCandrh e. W. . ashing-r tric stove in the Parsonage, stove and Maintenance and Extension Fund also present. installation $173.50; $50.00 wyas giv- Mr. J. J. Mason presented factsi The paîl-bearers were aIl cousins en to the Sunda>' Schaol Anniversar>' and figures off this ver>' important. off deceased, viz: Messrs. Mark Black- and $300.00 to the Thank-offering departinent wbich under the budget burn, Fred Blackburn, Norman Al- Fund. A piano bench was purchas- systein includes missionar>', educa- lin and Mark Allun. ed for the Sunday School roini and tînnal, social service, evangelisam Floral tributes were received froi other furnishinga for the pantry, andi general conference, superannuation, ber chldren, ber grandchildren, Mr. our sick and shut-in members bave sustentation, contingent and paron- and Mrs. J. K. Valleau, Mr. and Mrs been remembered with flowers, leav- age aid. Mr. Mason made a strong D. McDonald, Mr. A. H. Allin and ing a bank balance off $112.32. appeal for a more liberal support to Trinity W. M. Society. Sunday School ward this fund. ifChxistianity is &lie leaves ta maurn lber bs aa Mr. T. C. Jeweîl gave, a very in- ta, be given ta the world, he said it daughter, Mrs. Wesley R. Allin, Lakee teresting and informative reiport will be anl>' possible when churches Shore West, snd a son, Seward froni the Sunday Scboal showing a such as oura are willing ta make sac- 'ruscott Dowson, Providence, also total enrolment off 750-pupils 595,1 rifices and entertain a true mission- a sister, Mrs. Maria Hobbs off this offcer an techea 6, Hme e- ar>' spirit. A self centred church is tOwTi. partmnent 35, Cradle Rall 60. Larg- not* manifesting the fundainental A preaus oedrm s s gone, est attendance was 514. principles off christianîty. Referring Aview oe ssil Financial report off scliool frosi te the administration off the United A place is vacant in aur heartas April 1, 1926, te, January 23, 1927,1 Ghurch off Canada Mr. Mason said no Wbicb neyer can bie filled. sbowed receipts off $1390.19 and ex-1 financial institution conducts its bus- God in His wiadomn bas recalled, penditures off $717.15, leaving bal-i ine5a affaira at so law a ratio off ex- The boan Ris lave has given, ance off $673.04.I pense at this great cbnrch organizaý- And tbaugh the body slumbera biera Yon Ldes ibeCls iÎ,o n. Trinit>' United Church's The soul is sale in heaven. Youn Laies Bibe Cas allotment toward this f und this yeari The Y. L. B. Class is very much is $4450, and tibere is still a ittlel a.live with a ammberqhip off 8,RndAlest .o ha- tismont .CAD.0 THNK Mir. W. Rçoss Strke gave th1e re- Siources of~ revenue are fram pew o ai eiod $2871.55, balance parts for the variaus Young People's renta, tbank-offering and surplus $519.07. organisations off the church which are f rom Quarterl>' Board (Sunday offer -_____ ail ver>' active and doing splendid inga). Receipta show Tbank-offer- work. lng $2010.30; Pew renta $424,18; Holloway's Corn Remover takes Young People's Society (formeirl>' received from Quarterly Board the corn out b>' the roots. Try i~i EpwoSrth Leegue) meeta every Mon- $1210; renta $25.70; -balance frani and prove it.1 PAGE THREE Corne tO e d y r h v e e r e n t t v el under auspices of the Ladies' Guild SPLENDID PROGRAM AND REFRESHMENTS TICKETS 35c [ ARCHIE TAIT-The Old Reliable Grocer B Harry Allun Is Featuring Friday and Saturday:. Todhunter's Cocoa, 1 lb. package ...........20e Pure Gold Quick Dessert Powders, 3 for ....25e Vi-Tone, a tonic food beverage ........40e and 65e Sour Mixed Pickles, large 35e oz. bottie ....35e Toilet Paper, 6 large rolîs ....................25e CORN SYRUP WEEK We have just received a fresh shipment of de- liejous Corn Syrup in 2, 5 and 10 lb. tins and 3 IL glass jars. This syrup is just great with pancak- es. Try some and see. FISH HEADQUARTERS We pride ourselves in the large variety of fish -always the best at lowest prices. We Recommend :-HARRY ALLINI PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE We Sel Every Suice Is Deliclous When You Eat Corbett's Wholesome Biead you eat the best in bread. Made from the choicest hard wheat flour, and baked in our mod- ern ovens by expert bakers. Always the same- always the best. Every slice from crust to crust is delicious and every loaf cuts into slices most tempting and appetizing. Let us supply you with this nourishing bread. 10c loaf cash and carry at the store lic loaf clelivered or charged We have Willard's Ice Cream in bulk, brick, cones or eskimo pies. We Specialize in Wedding Cakes W. P. Corbett Baker and Bowmanville Phone 3 Con fectione Orono Have You Tried Sheli Coal Oiu? It gives heat and light instead of soot and smoke. Try it and be convinced as others have. Batteries Charged C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville VALENTINE Entertainment Monday, Feb. 14 at 8 p. m. St. John's Church

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