rHE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVIL~, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 10, 1927 PAGE SEVEN e egl n order l g slenleitdo e to lay lots of littie things tlsey pick up ranging in suxflnîr, they can't get in winter. The bitters, tonics, digcsters, hcrbs and mi nerais necessary ta egg-development are combined in Pratts Poîltry Reg- ulator. "More Eggs" guaranteed. PoYultriij Resiulator 5.1d 6y Deulars arvCnad.a Writ ô,PArn POULTRY BOCK FIREE J[old Mhe TMkUGT--- Fix in your mind this one thought, and "hold it"-speed is a neces- sity in present-day business, and long Distance makes it pos- sible. "No amaunt of indus- try or increased eu- penditure will protect a nierchant who is not using the telelphone to make salesIlie can't move f a s t enourgh wthout it" - says a leading authority. lMany subscribers who S us,ýd to thinkl they hlad to niake Persoln-to- Pei-son cails now find th,-I,,tlsey reacis the per-.on they want wi'th Stationr - ta - Station calîs. They ar quick- el- ard ('neapeir. Every Bell Telephone i.s a Long Distance Statinin. To have the children sound and healthy is the first care oit a mother. They cannot be healthy if troubled with wo'rms. Use Mother GravEs' Worm Exterminator. The worms that infest childress frorn their bir-th are of t%vc kinds, thoase that find lodgement in the stomach and those tihat are found in the intestines. The latter are the moast destructive, as they dling ta the wa]ls of the intestines and if not lInterfered with work havoc there. Miller's Worm Powders dislodge both kinds and while expelling tfihem from the system serve ta repair the dam- age they have caused. A beautiful picture ai scenery atl Ja. par 41ark, one of Canadu's Nu- .ionah neseive spaces for the preser- vution of ganse, suitably framed, was recenthy pcesented to tise Public Library by the popuhar Mequber for Durhami la the Federal House, Mn. F W. Bawen. Library bas been enriched thÈs week witis 200 volu-mes irons thie Depantusent ai Educutian, Toranto, wonks ai popular authors ai History, Truvel, Sociohegy and Fiction, and ulso a goodhy numben ai Juvenihe books. Dr. M. M. Tu.cker, aiter 43 years' faithful service as Treasuren ai Clarke Town.shp tendered bis resig- nation ,owing ta 111 healtis. Tise doctor laya down thse mantle ai offi- ce with tise satisfaction that of tise isuge bulk of public money that ha pa,sseld tbrough bis hands duning tisose yeurs, nat ane cent waa lest ta bise townslsep and this we can say he was ut aIl times courteous and prompt la tise discisurge ai bis dut- iees. He succeeded bis fatiser, tise late J. L. Tuicker, ta the office. Clerk A. J. Staples, was appointed Treas- urer pro tem. A Household Medicine.-Tisey tisat are acquaiattd with tise sterling pts- perties of Dr. Tisomas' Eclectric Oil in tise treatnsent of mnay atîncents would flot be without it in tise bouse. lt is truly a hou-zehold medicine and it L-- effective la dealing witis many qrdinary complaints it is an inex- pensive medicine. Sa, keep it at hand, as tise caîl far it may camne most unexpectedly. ORONO 1(Frein The News of February 3rdý Miss Edna Hogg la visiting friends in Hamilton. Mission Bani; will hold a Mirsiýon- ary concert on Fri.day, February 25. Mr. Thos. Cowan has beer laid up for.th-e past two weeks but is out again. Mrs. Wm. Stapies spent the past week ut her son's, Mr. Elmo Staples, Toronto. Mrs. Win. Underwood, Toronto, spent the past week with ber aunt, Mn~. Hunter. Mr. Henry Yonker la spendinga week with his brother-in-law, Dr. P. J. Ross, Detroit, Micir. Miss Ivy Hamm, Toronto, is spend- ing a couple of weeks wiUh her brother and sister flere. The men of Park St. Ohurch are holding a social evening with apecial features on February 14th. Friends will be plea-sed ta learr that Miss K. McKay, who is ut Bow- mameille Hos;pital, la recovering. Mr. Harold Ho-oey who bas movec ta Bowmanville is succeeded on tih~ north mail route by Gordon Wuton- Miss Helene Waddell 0'f the or onto Teaching Staff, was home at 'her sisters, Mizeea Waddell, aver the weekend. Mr. Fred Lorriman and Mr. E. Ger- row, Toronto teaching staff, and Miss Loreen Lorniman, spent the weekend at home. Womnen's Missionary Society af Park St. United Chur.-h are holding Annual Thank-Offering service on Sunday, February 13th at 7 p. m. Mr. Alex. Bowen of Detroit, Mich., und Mr. Stanley Bowen of Wash- burn Ild., spent the weekend with their parents, Mn. and Mrs. H. C. Bowen. Mr. James Nesbitt, Newtonville, was la town Tuesday. His son Frank, wliho was at one time on the staff of the Standard Bank here lai now, he informed us, Manager of the Spruce Lake, Sask. Branch. Mr. uad Mrs. Thas. Conroy af Tuntle Mountain, Man., are visiting ut Mr. Isaac Winter's. Mr. Conroy has tenanted Mn. Winter's furm inl the Prairie Province for a nuniber of yeans and has made good. Mrs. Harold Hooey, (nee Kathleenl Allen), Secretary and Accountant Durhami Canning Ca., bas been trans- ferred to Bowmanville rwhere she willi occupy the sume position she so cred- itubly fllled at the Orono Bnancb. Mr. Thos. Hogg is attending the McCormick Deering Dealers Con- vention in Hamilton. At the close the dealers wiere guests of the In- ternational Harvester Co. at a ban- quet in the Royal Connaught Hotel. By letters received by bis parents here, Mr. Bill Armnstrong, Jr., who hais been visiting his uncle, Dr. Hum- ry Armnstrong, ut Billings, Mon., is having an enjoyable time. He was leaving in a duy or two for Seattle ta visit hua si.ster, Rutlih, on his way ta Culifornia. Euchre and dance ut the Town Hall under the auspices of L.O.L. No. 409, Fniday evening, was well at- tended. Edgerton's Orchestra fur- nished music for the dance wrhicb was mrauh eaijoyed. Mr& J. I. Cooper was winner of the ladies euchre prize, and Mn,. A. A. Somerville (persanating gentleman) geta prize. A nice lunch was serve.. W. M. S. met Tuesday afternoon w'ith the usual good attendante. ..roup No. 5 with Mrs. Ruiney as eader lhad charge of the pregram. The scripture lesson was taken oy lirs. Waish; the devotional leaflet by lira. C. A. Chapman; duet by Mrs. A. E. Chapman and Mrs. McKay. The Study Book by ML-s Taylor, Mrs. Mtibe.' and Mrs. Chatterton; reuding 'HoYme Life in India" by Mns. A. Saunders. ANNUAL REPORT NEWCASTLE MEMORIAL LIBRARY sFMollowi'ng report was presented by Miss Ethel Lokhiart, Secretary- TiQasurt r, at -,le January meeting. It relates ta .ýoth finances and sta- Plti.'ics for year 1926: f Receipts Bal. on hand Jan. 1, 1926.-$ 34.48 tLegisiative Grant........... 139.39 Municipal appropriation ... 399.75 Fines...................... 32.51 Members' fees.............. 20.10 Sale of book............... .75 Li'brary Aid Donation....... 200.00 $826.98 Expenditures ýp [t it r. $826.98 Bo(oks added during year: By pur- chause 189, by donation 34-total 223. Total ýooks in Librury of ahl classes: Aduit 1662, Juvc-nili 558- tbtal 2220. :Fatronage: Generai works 1, Philosapby 12, Religion 16, Sociology 1, Natural Science 127, Useful Aits 19, Fine Arts 28, Literature 99, Hil- tory 98, Travel 90, Biography 108, Fiction 7327, Juvenile Fiction 1676 -Totoal 9602. Magazines loaned- 722. Thc-e were 315 niembers, thus eacb meniber reud an aveasge of 30.4 b(oaks. Municripal appropriation was 60e per capituai the village population, as compared with 50c in 1925. The Librury Board is indebted ta, Mr. N. T. Selby, Regina, Sask., for his donation of the REgina Leader whjclh may no-w be found on the Lib- rary tables every naing. Officers of Library are: Mr. J. W. Bradley, Chairman; Miss Ethel Lock- hart, Sec retary-Treasurer; Miss Cora Butler, Librarian. UNITY CLASS BANQUET By Ladies of Newcastle United Church W&* Great Succes. and Enjoyable Funetion. Daintily laid tables; decorations of pink and green and gold, featur- ing artificial flowers, candles la tal candlesticks crepe puper and ever- greens, and silver bowIs ai rosy cheeked upples; delicately fiavored tomato s.oup; delectable hum and di- gestible salad; relIs and jellies and coffee; Durham apple pie, deliclous ice cream and dinkable punch; dap- per young mon carrying louded trays; dazzling feminine lovelibess; decorous service; deli-gstful music; definite toasts and distinctive re- plies; diversified relaxation la the foi-m ai table sangs; and a discern- ing and deeply thougltaut ad- dress; these were sane oi tise f eat- urcs tha.t combined in the aggregate ta make tise banquet la Community' Hall Thunsday evening, January 27tis i by ti)e young ladies ai Unity CI9s ai thse United Churcb Sunduy Scisool sud which was pronouniced by tisase lnauttendance ta be oaes 6f tise fineat community functions they ever ut- tended. It was a big undertakîng for one Sunday Schoo I Cla.s t-o provide a banquet and entertaiamesit for near- ly 200 people, but the succesa ai thse eveat proved that tise members were quite equal ta the task. A favorite hymn enjoins us ta count our bhessiisgs...... one b one. Tao begia witb tbe young lad-t ies ai this oùss are: M"s Edna Rickard, Presâdent; Misses Ruth Haacock, Mai'ion Allia, Noa Cowan, Marjory Cowun, May Clark, Marjory Clemente, Annie Wrag Minnie Bates, Bes-aice Gilbank, AIa ColwilTucker Couch, Etheq lAlin. Misses Lillian Clemeace, Beatrice Bragg, Minnie Selby, Lilian Coiwill who now teach other chasses la tise Sunay School; Mni. J. H. Jase, Mrs Wellington Brunt, wiso stihl retain their membership in the chasa, and also the f ollawing young ladies af atiser units wiso kindly assWltsd in waiting on tables: Misses Rue and Bessie Clark, Rue Deline, Eileen Cooke and Florence Ashton. Mem- bers wha were unable ta take a part urwing ta illness and ather reasons are, Misses Bertisa Cowan, Muriel Brudley, Cara Caswelh, Gladys Shaw, Veima Mallough. At t.he head table sut Rev. Roy H. Rickard, B. A., of Albert Coîhege, Belleville, the guest and speaker af the evcning, Rev. and Mrs. E. B.t Cooke, Mr. and Mns. W. J. ýS. Rick-t acd, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Riekard, Mr and Mrts. J. E. W. Pisilp, Mn. J. H. Jase, Mr. J. W. Bradley and Mn. W . D. Biagg, Unity Chass teaciser. Instrumental and vocal numbeis (luing the evening were piano solosf by Miss Bernice Gilbank and Misa Beatnice Bragg; piano duets by Mis- es Ada and Dorothy Allia, Proviý dence; guitar selections by Mr. Hu-t bit Osàoi-n; vocal solos by Rev.1 Roy H. Rickard and Mc. Robt. Walt-1 on witlh piano accampaninsents by Mrs. Launu Fisher; aiso phenty oi rounds and sangs ai relaxation be- tween table courses ,led by Rev. Roy. Tise toast ist inchuded: Thse King, proposed by Toast Master Mr. W. F. Rickaî-d and druak la the aforesaid lemon, raspberry and cherry punch; Our Town, proposed by J. E. W. Piip and replied ta byt J. H. Jase, bath Councillors; Thet Cisurcis, by W. J. S. Rickaild, replied1 ta by Rev. E. B. Coake; Tise Sunday Schoal, by W. D. Bragg, replied te by J. W. 1Rradley; and tise Young1 Men ai Weicome Chuss, proposed in( an original paem wriiich pravokedi rounds oi amusement, by Miss Lî1ý ian Cenience, and responded ta by everybody singing 'They are joBy good Fellows'. , The speeches and rpies were ail good in subStance, ansd wsl delivered and eicited the genuine applauce of tise banquettera Rev. Mr. Rickard's addres on s %Lederslsip ior Young People" wast finely aproprLate for such an occa- si"n and grpped thse intkaleeut oithe gatlsening tramn beglnning to end. t TIle expesises ai thse banquet weret heavy, andI ahbmuie finanices were Iy1 no mus athe chiot conuideratla,, COURTICE SPLENDID BOYS' CONCLAVE Report of S. S. No. 8, Darlington, Premier of Boy&' Parliament Was for January, names in order of mer-1 Present. 5t r.. IV-Gladys Bickle, Anniel A conclave of boys was held in, Wilkins, Douglas Courtice, Archie Hampton on Friday, January 28th.1 MNuir, Norman Walter, Clare Court- It began in the afternoon when sev-, ice. eral matters xvere discussed and ex-; Jr IV--Jack Gay, Hazel Walter, plained by EarI Tautensiager, Prem- Walter Shortt, Nora Adams, Marion ler of the Sixth Older Boys' Parlia-1 Trevail, Robert Courtice, Eva Court- ment of Ontario and Mr. Lawrence ice, Helen Wilkins, Kenneth EsserY. Mogntjoy, member from West Dur-1 Sr. III-Lorna Barber, Bernice hum. Gay, Harry Bickle, George Shortt, Asmtosspe a evdb Wilfred Brown, Robert Barber, Aile mtnldesftrwihte Rizneck, Elsie Courtice, Dora Riz-. roamn adis afernwhîth MLain neck, Mary Konopachi.prga wabgu wthM.L - Jr. III-Talbert Gearing, Sadie AI_ rence Mountioy in the chair. Rev. lin, Bruce Muir, Curtis Gearing, ÇC. C. Washington, Courtice, led in Florence Wilkins, Hector Barrett, community singing. Lawrence; Claude Graham, Eldon Essery, Mabelf Mountjoy gave bis -report of the Walter, Ross Baison, absent. 1 Boys' Purliament. He explained that the financing of the Boys' Work C. E Williamson, teacher. Board and the summer camps in the Junior ROOmI several districts for the coming year Sr. II-Joyce Washington, Flor- wus to be. made possible by a Bond ence Courtice, Rosena Edgar, Audrey- Selling Campaign which sta.rted on Trevail, Raymond Barber, Marion Saturday. He also advocated a Courtice, Elsie Brock, Edith Allia. summer camp in this county and cali- Jr. II--Jiine Walter, Leslie Kin&- ed on Jjm Devitt to give any suggest- ma, Ella Baldwin, Edith Essery, ions on the subject. Hattie Snudden. Premier Earl Tautenslager gave an lst Ciasa-Gladys Reynolds, Mar- inspiring address on "Bond Selling" garet Gay, Ronald Grahamn, John and "Camp Life". He explained Walter, Margaret Adams, Jean Gay, that the Boys' Work Board had manyý Gordon Balson, Ivan Cochrane, Rutlh expenses, such as, sending their men Nichol, Bernice Co.chrane, William to conferences ail over the continent, Cochane Ramon Bason Doria and salaries of officiaIs, financing of1 Wilkins, Sandy Muir, Elmer Huggins, boys' camps and several other expen-' Ire ne Nichols, Win. Nichols, Max ditures. He beiieved West Duxrham Nichois. gol aeago os apa Sr. r.-orohy Suddn, er-there is nothing like a real holidayi man Allin, Fred Adams, Alex. Kon- for a lad in a camp to develop himj opachi. lath right way which is C.S.E.T.1 Pr. B-Theda Taylor, Frances Rey- way. The speaker gave some nolds, Lawrence Courtice, Ernest pleusing experiences of bis own ut Gearing, Ethel Walter, Blanche Tay- camp. The Premier and Lawrence lor. Mountjoy put on a dialogue on "How Pr. -A-Tommy Barber, Walte.r ta seil Bonds". Lawrence was the StapILas, Bill Varcoe, Junior Varcoe, salesman and Mr. Tautensiager the; Gladys Welsh, Percy NichaIs. buyer. It was very_ amusing and! C. G. Nicholson, toucher. the feilows gained some valuableý NEWCASTLE PUB]LIC SCHOOL moved a vote Report for January ofa thanks ta the ladies af Hampton IChurch who furnished the supper and Sr. Room-Examined la Arith- to ali participants in the conclave who metic, Composition, Gegraphy, His- assisted in making it a success. Mer-1 tory and Grammar: ril Ferguson seconded the motion.* Sr. IV-Lawrence Gaines 61, AI- Rev. C. C. Washington closed thel fred Garrod 58, Betty Garrod 58, meeting with the benediction. Albert Pearce 54, Vivian Simpson 50, Rosa Cowun 48, Ruby Nicholas 42, Marion Rinelh 39. FAITHFUL SUNDAY SCHOOL J.r. IV-Vern O'Neill 79, _John I WOR.KER Rickard 61, Fred 'Cowan 59, Garnet ba Gasweilk 54, Betty Lake 48, Ruthi Moose Jaw Evening Timess the Piilsworth 44, David Gray 38, Violetl folowins ta say about Mis. J. Bell-! Henning 37, Donald, McEachern 411 amy of that city, a native of Durham1 al, Ruby Shaw 57 a2, Jessie Van-I County, and weli-kncswn to the people1 Dusen 36 a3, Velma Brown 33 a3.1 of this vicinity, being a daughter of Sr. III-Edwin Hancock 82, Billiel the late Mr. and Mrs. James Cryder- Phiips 71, Jamie Wright 70, Georgej man of Hampton and sister of Mr. I3uckley 65, Lewis Clark 65, AIda. J. H. Cryderman Bowsnanville. The Pillsworth 62. Billy Toms 60, Adair. Times says: àlere was a large at- Hancock 60, Milton Brawn 55, Irenel tendance *t the Hilîcreat Sunday Brereton 53, Helena Hayes 51, Flor-- School on Sunday afternoon, January ente Spencer 48, Tom Spencer 47, 9, the building being filled to capa- Mary Breretan 46, Gordon Garrod 62 cityo h caino h rsn ai, Allan Spencer 59 ai, Fre ctyatocsion of the prer hchw snar- Couch 47 ai, Walter Simpson 36.a2. to fthe Sbnane ho f h eas awa ai, 2, etc.-No. of examinationa!e ateSnaySio o h it- missed. et standing amuxic the United ThS A.RoderPriicialChureh Sunday Sch& in the city1 TIsa. A.Rodgr, Pincial.After the openîng proceedinga, a let- Intermediat. Room ter was read by Mrv. Lamne Silverun Examinutions in Writhg, Spelling, tram Winnipeg thanking thse eide Aritismetit, Composition: of Hilîcreat Mission 'Band for the. Jr. IfI--Jean Rickard 91, Huber-t beautiful dalla sent to thse poor child-. Hubert Anderson 82, Marie Hennin« ren, of that city. Dalla were aisal 79, Billie Brunt 79, Gwen Wiliiams sent ta the Indian ebildren la the I 78, Harry Coucb 76, Alecia Wil-. nntis of tise province. ha 75, Margaret Toms 75, Georgel Mrs. John Beluamy then present-I Grahiam 74, Miary Van flusen 63 ai, ed the banner and spoke ai bier long' Lyle Moore 59, Marlon Aldread 56 association with Sunduy &baol worki ai, Mary -Chaplin 40 a2, H-arold whicb dated 'back 44 years. Sbe ai-1 Brown 38 il. luied ta the tact that she was now1 Sr. II-Evelyn Allia 91, Jack caued thse "Grandmother of Sunday Toms 75, David Noden 70, Jack Rare Sebools and Mission Banda" and shej 66, Marjory Lycett 66 fi, larlie expesed thse pleaseure that it gave Brereton 65, Louise Hancock 64, hrtohand tebne vrt h Harold Deline 38 ai, îl. Heres S tayhe aneo vel a h Jr. II-Jean Gibsom 87, LoisHMax- rea un a scool.snt h tin 75, Katie Clark 63, Borbbie Dcs Mra.Bîay lopesne h 54 fi, Tal-bot Aldread 34 1ai, î c prizes for regular attendante ta the F--below 50%,A-Absent. scisolars ai the Sunday Schoal who H. A. Ilase, teacseo. had been awarded tbeni for thse pat year. Sr. [-Jas Hoclda 77, Norton Rev. A. C. Burley, Pastar ai tbe Cowan 76, Dorotby Henning 75, church spoke bnlefly ai the wondenful Mike Anych 75, Ilean Clark 74, Dor- work begun so long ago by Mrs. Bell-J odbhy Alds'ead 73, Maraoss Eddy 7.3, amy, and littie Miss Evelyn Buxley1 Hazel McMannua 70, John VanDusen sweetiy and gracefuiiy preaented Mmm 69, Hilliard Brown 32, Muriel Sbaw Beliiamy wlth a beautiful b:asket ail 29 (absent thnougb il-mess>, I.A'oyd mumis fram the teacisers and offlcers1 Aldread 27. ai Hilcrest Sunday Sehool. Promoted froni Primer ta Jr: First Mr. Water Giles also addeçl hua -Ruth Honey, Clarence Clarke, Ar- tributs ta the appreciation tisut had chie Martin, Frances Brereton, Reta been expressed af the work accom- Powell, Stanely Brown. plisbed by Mrs. Bellumy la connec- Hazel Barrie, teacber.1 io witis Sunday Sehool and Mission __________ and work la tise eity. ST. GEORGE'S A.Y.P.A. STARKVIE Newca.-tle branch af the A.Y.P.A.1 held its January mseeting la tisePr- (Crôowded osut, Iùst week) isis Hall. Tise mensbera spent a ve-yl Our social circle was isehd hasti interesting and enjoyable eveniag en .- week at tise home ai S. G. Haloweh. titled "A Nigbt witis Dickens". Aiter A very profitable time was spent. tise usual opening exercises Misai Thse circle ia grawing in interest; it Brock gave a vEry instructive and l divi-ded inta thres groupa ned, isumorous taýlk about Dicken-, in white and blue, tise aide winning tise whicis she described his early life, most, points is ta be entertained ut, a bis pastimes, acquaintances and isisi banquet given by tise lasers. Every writings. Mr. Clarence Gaines r-ead person la tise vicinity should attend iront "Pickwick Papers", choosing tisese meetings which are held Wed-1 one ai DickenLs huinorous atonies. nesday ai sacis week la tise basement Misa Aresta Martin read a mare ai the cisurcis (Sisilois), the meetings seriaus part irons Dickens describing are interesting and profitable.. tise pon system ai education whicis Sorny ta repart M.rs. John MeKay on he tries ta iniprove by his writings. tise sick hist. ... Recent nains have Miss Eheanur Anderson read tise fil%t cnused tise roada ta be la paon con- chapter ai "Great Expectatios" dition la some places ..Dr. MeCul- wi was gneathy, appreriated by lougs visited these choola one day _________lat week and vaccinated ail who de- sired ta be donc.... Mn. Bert Reid Externally or îîsternally, it is shippesd two loaýds ai stock hast week Good.-Whea applied externaliy by irt]u ttin Mz ea brisk rubbi-ng, Dr. Thsomas' Echectrie Soucis and Miss Beatrice Soucis spent 011 opens tise pores an-d penetrates tise weekend ut Mrs. S. G. HalhawehI's tise tissue, toucising tIse- seat ai the * - * Miss Nettie Muhd-rew, Elizabeth-1 trouble and îmmcdiateiy uffardiag re- ville, wlo bus been visitiag at Mra.1 liei. Admiiniastered internuily, it Wiifred McKay's hua returned home, will stihl tise irritation in tie trt,,. Miss Gludys Reid spent a few whc indues cauisng ndwil ne- days with Miss Noréma Haiioweli ... lieve affections ai tise branchial tub-'1 Ghad, ta ses a new pt-aecui es and respirutory organs. 'Pry it, bas been udded ta aur daily train. and be convinced. Tise travelling public and scisool children ahouhd use tise new coach. tise girls cleared aven $30.00. It certainly was worth while. The clasm an whoee invittonh wag p ement, and ail otiser wbo iseard 'hlm, cannat adoquately convey bc, Mn. Riekard tusur appreciation oft the sacrifice hie niade [n co~lybg irons Bell-eville andI retunnsg thse Sans. evening, travelling by a C.P.R. flyer to Boiwmuisvi¶¶e andI beffg moto«Wa back ta thse saine station by 'Mr. W. D. Bnagg ta talas ano*Der tlsrough train homne.1 Makes Bstieathiing Easy. Tise con- striction et the air pas»ages and thel strugghe tfon breath, teeo familiar evri- dence oi asthmatit trouble, cannot daunt Dr. J. D. Kelhegg's Asthma Reniedy. 'Ilii is the famous rem- edy whichis laknown tan and 'widîe ior its comaPhete effectivenesa even under very severe conddtions. It la uo un- triies, expenlnsentall pripaaratlo', but one wfth maxy years oi atirong 5sci- vice -belhsdnd ut. Buy it frein yaur noms-est d«ee.1 1Ask Your Grocer For It M Adult Class Books......... $ 78.36 Adult Fiction.............. 116.12 Juvenile Class Books ... 6.18 Juvenile Fiction............ 44.99 Magazines..................76.09 lnsurance.................. 25.00 Rent...................... 300.00 Librarian's Salary.......... 150.00 Printing, etc,*.............1.9 Ont. Lit. Assol,,ation Fee.. 2.00 Express and Postage ... 5.67 Cash on ihand.............. 20.67 Astondig Low Priées onPiions'0'. e eek-en s9moedPicnic Hamssencr 190b. ePeamseaiCottage ROMi 240m. Pure Lard Dmedeor tengt Uhteekin i. Cmain94 3 -1b. m h .Ilo I-lb Pau u Vb. Bicaou aeen BI~ rakit b. S nuraaierYw 30lb: i. Nll 1-b-79 Chateau Loci 3 0 Sb. 1i8b.v69 KraftChB*akfB 370HeImz PometsAIUI15 btLm Coo a efst eas 9 '/2*Ibau"0%s e tmecp L iSe D rlk_. 9 LitieChif 10Th New Brau aC loup the rlas. l5 ~ Vveh Ceb lekuapes Ivas pau Moove" es tet2on t Co h LUeala t Snps BlalkimselN.. a Produ7ce Co eo rS33OII WE HAVE IT--- NEILSON'S ICE CREAM Kept in the Frigidaire Refrigerator. Sold in bricks, bulk or by the dish. There's none better. Bread is now lOc"cash and carry at the shop or lic a loaf delivered or charged. The Bowmanvilfle Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville GREEN TEA a Superior to any other green teas old. ECONOMICAL BUYJNG It's very often quite a task to know just what kind of meat to have for dinner or any other meal. It is very often quite a problem after you have de- cided upon what you want to make it fit your pock- etbook. But both these problems can be easily solved at Edmondstone's. Our experience in cutting meats is proven to your advantage every time you buy meat here. We can give you the most profitable cuts at the Iowest prices, quality considered, of course. We are flot quoting prices here but you can be assured the most economical buying, if you allow us to cater to your Meat needs. Always The Right Cut At The Right Price. G, A. Edmiondstone Phone 21 Bowmnanville Buy In Bowmanville- COAL BIN GETTINC, LOW? These cold wintry days are certainly.causing lots of exercise around the coal bin. Well, when the bin gets so low that you must have more coal just order a couple tons of the fam- ous Lehigh Anthracite. It sure does make warm friends. We are here to give you prompt service. Builders' Supplies a Specialty J. A. HOLGATE & SON *Builde' Supplies and Fuel ... Phone 153 or 202 Bowm&Uville 1 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, J3,OWMA.NVIL.,L, THURSDAY, FEBRUAR-Y 10, 1927 1 PAGE SEVICN