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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Feb 1927, p. 3

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~EE CANADIA.N STATEBEAN, BOWMANViLLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927. PAGE TERER Opportunity Knocks Now is your opportunity to buy good team Harness Cheap: 11/ý" Team Harness, Back Bands, Bridies, Pole Straps, Martingales, lines, traces with heel chains ............................................ $30.0 Home Made /2" Team H-arness, Bridies, Pole Strap, martingales, lines, back pads, cruppers, hand sewn all through .........................$57.50 No-Buekle Harness on hand at $10.00 less than advertised in catalogue. Royal Purpie Caif Meal, Chick Feed, Poultry Specifie ,Cough Cure, Wormn Cure, Roupe Cure, always on hand. MASON & DALE Pbone 145 PopulaT Hardware Store Bowmanville WE REFUSE TO BE UNDERSOLD IN GROCERIES Buy your Groceries the "'NELLES CASH AND DELIVERY WAY" and you can start a bank account with wbat we Save you in your purchases. Our regular prices are often lower than some so-called bargain prices. W. G. Nelles Phone 62 Bowmanville CON TENTED I Contentment is not znerely a state of mind that cornes with the knowledge that you have everything you want. Part of it is due to knowing tbat that which you have worked so bard for is PROTECTED FINANCIALLY! That if destruction were its fate today, you'd be ready to build again to-morrow! IF YOU CARRY FIRE Insurance on your home or store-you can sit back and breathe easy. If not, you bave a worry that should be on our shoulders. See us today about a policy! J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville Does Your Butcher Know Your Individual Wants? Does he know what kind of steaks you like? Whether you want chops cut thick or thin? The kind of roast and how you want it prepared? We are specialists in that kind of trade .Once we learn your preferences, you can depend on getting meats of the choicest quality cut and prepared just the way you want them. No doubt some of your best friends have told you about our meats-or have you dined at their homes and enjoyed a nice, juicy roast, a delicious chop, or a steak wbich f airly melted in your mouth. That's wvhat you can clepend on getting if you let us supply the meat for your table. Delivery To Ail Parts of Town C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville MANY CASES IN POLICE COURT DURING PAST YEAR Chief Richard Jarvis Presents Hia 37th Annual Report The Statesman bas neyer made ai practice of reporting court news from week to week as this paper bas always taken the stand that little good is derived fromn giving publicity to happenings heard in a court room. Because this departmnent of the town's municipal activities is noti featured in the local press some citi-1 zens are inclined to believe that the- police are negligent of their duty.1 For the benefit of our readers andi in fairness to Chief Richard Jarvis and Night Constable Walter Hall we publish the following report from the Police Department which was readi at February Council meeting: To His Worship, the Mayor and Council of the Town of Bowmanvîlle and Chairman of the Police Commit- tee. Gentiemen,-I beg to submit my annual report on the working of the Police Department for the year end-1 ing December 31,. 1926, including a summary of the cases tried in the Police Court. It is with some satis- faction that I am able again to re- port no serious crimes such as murder The Police Court records show a decrease in amount of fines and costs collected, the defendants ap- parently choosing to take the jail termi in lieu of the money penalty. A great many accidents occur caused by motor vehicle traffic, gen- erally a property damage resulting. There is altogether too much speed- ing and reckless driving. The De- partment should have some better means of curbing the reckless driver. as the increased motor traffic will on- ly result in a greater number of acci- dents and fatalities. During the year 174 cases have been called in the Police Court for the year ending December 31, 1926, as follows:1 Breach of O. T. A ............... 9 Reckless driving. .:............. 7 Breach of Motor Vehicle Act . .. .39 Prejury.................. ...... 1 Vagrancy...................... 10 Fraud .... ..............31 Breaking, entering and theft .... 3 Theft..........................12 Assauit (Common). ............. 1 Assault doing bodily injury....... 1 Drunk and disorderly...........il1 Breach of Lottery Act........... 2 Trespassing on railway property. 2 Assault indecent)...............2 Obtaining by false pretence .... 1 Peddling wNithout a license....... 3 Transient traders.............11 Leaving accident without giving namne.............4 Neglect to suppo rt famrily....... Breach of Bicycle By-Law....... 1 Breach of Milk 'By-Law.......... 1 Disorderly conduct.............. 2 Throwing stones at trains....... 5 Wounding...................... 2 Assaulting wife................. 1 Neglecting to support aged parents 61 Manslaughter.................... 1 Breach of Children's Protection Act 1 Breach of Stallion's Act......... 1 Overloading motor truck......... 1 Horse stealing............ ...... 1 Breach of fruit act............. 2 Shooting with intent............. 1 Permitting cows to trespass... 3 Number of remanded cases ...321 Total 174 Police have been active in visitingj the difl'erent premises under license, first to see that ail places requiring licenses have taken out saine; sec- ondly to se that the places are pro- perly conducted. It has not been fournd necessary to prosecute to any extent. J43 doors of business promises havei been found open or insecure at nightj by the police and the owners notifie d. There is considerable carelessness on the part of citizens in this respect.I 160 transient lodgers were given shelter in the police celîs and allowed to go the foluwing morning. There were 241 occurrences of lost 'and stolen property persons wanted, etc., reported to the police as follows: Bowmanville 33, Ontario 173, Can- ada 10, United States 25-Total 241. Property to the value of $1500.00j reported lost or stoien in the towpj was recovered by the Police during I the year. Two automobiles were reported stolen in the Town. These were re- tovered and returned to the ownersi also three fromn outside municipaîx- 1 ties were reported. These were re-1 covered and returned to the owners.1 10 bicycles were reported stolen during the year, of this number 81 have been recovered and returned to4 the owners. 2 are still under in-3 vestigation. The police responded to aIl fire1 alarnis during the year. Two fatalities caused by motor car accidents also large property served instructing a dlean up, also 38 placards placed on bouses under quarantine for contagious diseases. Three prisoners: Jack Martin, John Kemp and Frank Williams, aIl of Toronto, were sentenced in this court by -Police Magistrate W. F. Ward to four and three years, respectively, charged breaking, entering and theft fromn a dry goods store in this town to the Kingston Penitentiary. SPEED SKATING MEET AT BOWMANVI'LLE FEB. 23rd Many have heard that ýBowman- ville is to be treated to an honest- to-goodness speed skating meet. This big event on Wednesday, evening, February 23rd., should make Tay- lor's Arena the centre of interest for miles around. As far as is known, this is the first time that this sport bas been introduced in Bownaanville and it should go over big and attain the success that is necessary to estab- lish this meet as an annual affair. Speed skating appeals to ail sport- lovîng people as a dlean, red-bloodedI Canadian formn of competition and to those who have no particular in-. terest in sports it provides as thrilling a spectacle as will be seen any-where. This meet is the ressuit of months of careful planning and its sole pur. pose is to supply competition and stimulate sports in Bowznanville. It is only one of a series of ventures being planned by a Physical Depart- ment of the Boys' Training School to help bring Bowznanville to the fore as a leadîng sporting centre. No tournament was ever successfully a one man job and the meet on Feb- ruary 23rd bas behind it that live- wire organization, the Winter Sports Club under whose auspices the races are being held. - Lela BrooksPotter Champion Skater of the World Races For AUl In the closed events no entries will be acepted from Toronto skaters, nor will any Toronto skater compete ini any closed event. It would hardly be fair to local entrants if the more experienced Toronto skaters were al- lowed to step in and capture ail thé awards. The races for both men and ladies of ail ages are open to skaters from BoWmanville, Oshawa, Whitby, Port Hope, Cobourg and al points in between. Entry blanks have been out for some time and are in the hands of ail sporting or- ganizations and schools in these towns. Races for men and boys: under 14 -220 yds; under 16-440 yds; un- der 18-880 yds;open (no age lim- it-440 yds; 880 yds; Blue Streak Derby-1 mile; Relay Race-Closed to 0. H. A. clubs; Relay race-open to al other clubs. Races for laldies: under 14-220 yds; under 16-220 yds; under 18- 440 yds; open (no age limit)-220 yds; 440 yds. First prize in the Blue Streak Derby will be a pair of Blue Streak Racing tubes donated by A. G. 1Spalding and Sons, of Toronto. Other awards wiil be medals. Two splendid Challenge trophies are up for coxnpetition in the Relay races. Martyn Bros. of the Bbwiing Allelys donated the one for the hockey play- ers relay. Those 'wishing to enter should remember that they must have their entries in by Tuesday, Febru-1 ary 22nd. Special Events Eleven skaters from Toronto will be here to show their skill in a pro- gram of speciai races and novelty events. Every one of the eleven la a recognized champion. A summary of the Toronto skaters and their re- cords will give an idea, of the quality of this program: Lela Brooks-Potter--Champion of the World, holder of six worlds Re- cords. Margaret McBride-National Champion of Canada under 18, Nat- ional Senior Champion of Canada 220 yds. Indoor City of Toronto Champion. Doris Keating-Indoor and out- door City of Toronto Champion. Elenor Rowles-Indoor City of Toronto Champion under 16. Geraldine Mackie-National Cham- pion of Canada under 18 and Interi national Indoor champion of Canadal and the United States 220 yds. Leslie Burt-Nat ional Champion of Canada under 18 and Nationall Champion of the United States(jn ior). (un1 Roy Pendrel-National Champion of Canada 220 yds., Ontario Indoor and outdoor Champion. Fred Brooks-National Champion of Canada 440 yds. Jimmie Good-Champion of On- tario Indoor and Outdoor under 12. Orel Duffy-National Champion of~ Canada uinder 9 years. Arthur Flack-Canadian Champ-I ion Barrel jumper and Class "B"' skating champion. Lela Brooks-Potter will appearj in at least two of the speciai events. She will be featured in a race against four O.H.A. hockey players. The World's Champion will skate the en- tire distance of one mile against the four players skating in relays one-' quarter mile each. Lela will be ex- tended to the limit to win as a fresh' skater will enter the race every 4401 yards. Invitations have been sent to Osh- awa, Bowinanvîlle, 'Port Hope and Cobourg 0. H. A. clubs asking them to send along the fastest akater on their team to enter this race against Lela. Among numerous other exhibitionsi will be featured Art Flack, the Champion barrel juniper. Art has cleared ten barrels successfully andi will prove to the people of Bowman- ville that he is a real champion. Orel Duffy is a sensation in Tor- onto skating circles and Margareti McBride is the only lady skater who bas ever extended Lela Brooka-Potter since she became World's Champion. This meet is sanctioned by the Ontario Speed Skating Association. Entry forms may be obtained at Taylor's Arena. For other informa- tion get in touch with J. E. Cunning- ham, Physical Director, Boys' Train- ing School, Bowmanville. The Poor Man's Friend.-Put up in smaîl bottles that are easily port- able and sold for a very small suni, Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil possesses cheapyness and the varied uses to power in concentrated form. Uses which it can be put make it the poor man 's friend. No dealer's stock is coniplete without it. DIVIDEND NOTICE] NO. 77I Imperial Royalties Company announces that the regular Monthly Dividend of one and one-haîf per cent. (1% %) will be payable on February 28th to shareholders of rec- ord of February 25th. This is Montbly Dividend No. 77, making a total of one hundred and thirty-six per cent. (136%) paid to share- holders since organization in April, 1920. IMPERIAL ROYALTIES COMPANY By J. E. Horn K. il. Komipte & Co. Limited Toronto and London Ontario W. P. Corbett Now Sells Willard 's "Famous Chocolates" The demand for chocolates bas become so great that we have found it necessary to improve our facilities for handling this growing business. We have, therefore, been fortunate in securing the selected agency for Willard's "Famous Chocolates". TRY A BOX AND YOU WILL FIND Chocolates of outstanding quality and variety. Chocolates always fresh. Chocolates attractively and conveniently boxed. Chocolates that are popularly priced. Chocolates that carry guarantee of satisfaction. We have installed a special Willard Choco-. late Shoppe display case which insures the fresh- ness of these famous chocolates. POPULARLY PRICED AT 60c POUND Don't overlook the fact that we seli bread at store 10c loaf cash and carry, or lic delivered or charged. W. P. Corbett Baker and Confecioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Now packed in Aluminum. T EAis good tea" Your grocer knows when you order RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE you are a judge of fine tea. ECONOMICAL BUYING, It's very often quite a task to know just what kind of meat to bave for dinner or any other meal. It is very often quite a problem after you have de- cided upon what you want to make it fit your pock- etbook. But both these problems can be easily solved at Edmondstone's. Our experience in cutting meats is proven to your advantage every time you buy meat here. We can give you the most profitable cuts at the lowest prices, quality considered, of course. We are not quoting prices here but you can be assured the most economical buying, if you allow us to cater to your Meat needs. Always The Right Cut At The Right Price- GA. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville Neyer Satisfied We are always trying to improve the service to our customers as weII as endeavoring to give them the best quality and values in fresh grocer- ies. Our long experince enables us to buy to ad- vantage-and thus our customers reap the profit. We have worked up a wonderful demand ini our Fisb Department. Let us fill your next fish order and see wbat tempting fish we supply. CHINA AND GLASS WARE Motber, children or the hired girl are always breaking a dish or glass. It can't always be help- ed. But you do know we can replenish such ar- ticles from our large stock of China and Glass Ware. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Does Your Furnace Require Attention? Your furnace bas had pretty steady and sev use so far this winter. Perbaps it needs cieaiing out, a new grate or other attention eo as to geit the best resuits. Just give us a ring-Phone 348- and one of our -expert iechanics wll}i be on the job. We repair and supply parts for all make,,: f furnaces. W- Len. ELLIOTT Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting King St. W., Phone 348 Bowmanville 1 1 1 ME CANADIAN STATEBMAI%, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 17, 1927. PAGE TRREE

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