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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Feb 1927, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT PilE CANADIAN STATESMAN, IOWMANVILLE, TUSAFBUR 4 97 DARLINGTON WOMAN PASSES WHITE SHIELD CLUB Mrs. Margaret Ellen Triali, Hampton The VaetnePry edbth The N qe w gc4a ýt1qi e icide pern ______ TH AwelI-knownan highly respected ruary l5th was, indeed, a gala night j resident of Darlington in the person when about 70 members and friends THERD Y E R A Y2t.12 eof Margaret Ellen Truli, wfe of Er- gathered in St. Paul's Lecture Roin VDA ,FE R AR 4t 12 vin A. Trull of Hampton, passed which was prettily decorated with______r t away on Thursday, February 17th. appropriate ernblems and flowers. Fol- SADR She had been in ili health for sev- lowing the roll call and cornmunity NEWCASTLE UNITED CHURCH LADIES 'AID ENFIELD 0F CANADA eral months and during the past f ew singing, a grand promenade of those_____ weeks has been confined to hier home.1 in fancy costume te strains of rnusic Mr. J. C. Hancock was home from Presents Fascinating Drama of Ruralý Our school bas been closed for FIFTY -SECOND ANNUAL SAT M N She was the daughter of the late Mr.î played by Mrs. M. A. Neal proved a Oshawa for the weekend. Life. over a week, Miss Mark has been and Mrs. Thomas Peters, Hampton,j great fun-maker. Prizes were Ice harvest is practically complet- under the doctor's care at Parkhill' OTEE REDNG3sJN A Y12 and was born in Darlington. Afteriawarded to Mrs. Thos. Gould and ed, blocks recently cut being 20 to As an evening's real gripping, fas- .Mr. Chas. Simson had3a very hier marriage she with lier husband Mrs. W. Hall for the best dresses, 22 inches thick. cinatingintrtin.etth crnd. sc Css hsle idpo ay a god1 lived on a farma near Hampton until 'Mrq. F. Bateman carrying off tbel draina "Deacon Dubbs", as presented prices .vere realized. On Wednesday POI N LS CO N about seven yea.rs ago when tbey prize for best maIe attire. Mrs. Best Mhlr. asn Ms.h warked Alin aMd.y a Ladies' Aid cast on Tuesday i evening before the sale, the Ladies'f C . removed to the village of Hamnpton. and Miss Peardon kindly undertookicidespnthwekd itM. evening in Newcastle Community, A id xith their family connections Balance brought forward. Fehruary Ist, 1926 $27820 She was a niember of Hampton Un- the role of judges. A splendid and Mrs. Sydney Venton, Osbawa. Hall, bas assuredly earned its title. and a few others assembled at thel Profit-s for the ycar endcd .tanuary 3lut, 1927,after dî'ducji pes. ited Churcb, vas a good neighbor and program of games under tbe super- Mrs. J. E. Matchett who wvas in Citizens of the village and vicinitylhorne of Mr. and Mrs. Simpson toeîbills, Provincial and Municipal tie and r :king provso o a a kind and sympathizing friend. vision of Miss Peardon kept aIl in the Toronto attending the Provincial determined net to miss any go odi spend a social evening before they and doubtfuildebts 82....,88..6...7.. The funeral took place frorn the highest of spirits and everyone had Horticultural C'onvention, bas return- thing, turned out in large numbersi e t or Ridgetown. When the $.2,7. family residence on Saturday l9th quite a strenuous time cornpeting one ed borne. and by their frequent applause and' guests had aIl arrived Mrs. L. C. Pas-, D a. insan ad ascodutedhylir it te the. wosogsred-by their manifestations of varied' coe called the rneeting to order and, Dividend No. 112 paid, May lst, 1926 ...................... 4,720 Pastor, Rev. J. R. ik rdb r. Best wered yMs Bs e greatly ai,-AiFocCm Bodnisitn emotions in reaction te the ups and! read the following address:[)vddNo14 iNombrl.1964,720 Te pî-ers ee esr.preciated. Lunch was serv itbl bisirparet, MrCam n Mrs W. H. n- eventsandicated theni pleaure oandeYare. nd iout retimpsurpr- d Diar ax nd Not 44 ati on .... 48192............. Tahntnefaorafom. owsendevr bagin cure f ea Messdrs. man:-Divident No. 145 pa.yable, February Ist, 1927 14....0 Charles Stonhousand CharlesHantings derson. Rfflrve for Dominion Income Tax a.nd. candalesewiaT.dPaIle.interest in the play. finl es ail coming so increionousîy toi Contriboted te Officers' Pension Fund . 5.000 FJ.GotadLeiT.Pco. were ready to do fl utc ete Mrs. JseBsevvl pn h ouîr homîe to-niglît lifting ti uich a( aac are owr ... . ...... ....... Flwrbaeswere Wallace Horn, slni ra ffl utc ote es akril spent theyofgodeasprvde The actors and actresses played nt, ring youir door unhidiln. But Bîuecrid rad.......................37767 Flowe bearrs god cas proidedweekend witb ber daughters, Misses their parts rnost creditably and un- one senior, il ouîglil flt to hc too nîuch 1097.7 Ernest Horn, Clifford Peters, Tom1 and a jolly haif-hour was socially Irene and Marion and other relatives personated the characters se effect- ne f nuliise10yOii, for ýou certainiyGE R LST EM N Peters, Roy Tru and Walter TrulI. spent, after wbich the goodnigbt in Toronto. ualta wt bstaesti.g n oti lttîik1htir vî L ST . aTuryE12 Surviving are lier husband, one sang was sung and thus ended one d gratefuiiast ltYeui slip away unnot-I 1tJnay 9- son Lorenzo ,Hamnpton; and two of the most successful events of the Mr. Herb. Hancock's children who outdoor scenery, the music and îced from ourtiuhîit. So to-nught thelLABITS daughters, Mrs. Edgar Hern, Hanip- season. have al bad the cbickenpox in turn faefo, mmn efr b ethers Of the tnfilitLite Aid to-1 Nots of the Bank in circuIatio5n 58,100 i ad ro mn, n bfoeth az wier-th their husbands and the memn- Dpîiait.s bearinginterest uncudnginterelt to date) $578,290 ton. and 'Mrs. Gilbert Wilkinson, Tor~- have now recovered and will soion h ft uine hr ppae bers of the choir have met ta do you 1)eposits flot bearîng inter.t 14....5.1 onto. back ta school. o h uineteeapae ebe1 honor sby te ding this adîtresa bo you Th lrlofeig er euiul BRHA SRRS rasiiga ra bntuy, nest te and atio t av e a happy social evviiing deis a by oterBanks iCaad. ...72..588.. Th lora offerings rom be.autifulTheBbiRTHDAY SURPRISE Mr.goodness succession of actual hap-' together ani 10 shuike the good hanil ofraradue te other Banks in Canada.. 9,382 e eig.fellowship witb you ere Yoîî louve us to Balances due te Banks and Bankiîîg Correspondenu ts evhrthm John TrulI, Mr. and Mmls. Lewis m rerry party of about 30 friends and Mrs. W. D. ýBragg, arrived homePfi. enter youm chosomi work in another in Ca.nada.2.4..2.6.. and relatives assembled at the home from their honeyrnoon ta Toronto, spmre etters of Credit itutstanding ... .4..66 i a t o h rces a e -Liabilitien sot includied in the 244,404.............. TrulI and farnily, Mr. and Mrs. Cas-1 Cast of characters are:- . e are ail awam'e that 'No man live- Dividemid No. 145, payable tat February, 1927.....................4,020 ey Trul adall, Mr. and s Ia rlMA. onfMrs. H. . Ding,FQbuee reet8, i sn Tusayeenn.The Deacon from West Virginia- thtunto h mself- We.may rmove away Femer Dividends unclaimed .977..... C.TuI m n Ms r rl »on riday ee ingFebanduave18,inr r.and Mrs. Walter' Paoe bave Darius Dubbs. but we lave an influence h hind us that Capital Stock paid in. . 4.......400..... an Ms.AI.AyeMm ad'~rsJ oorofbe brbdy ndgvenbe- ,a gsurvives 'The si,îîere in whuch we maveReserve Fund... . . . . .20.000 an rtbmSt aitony, M. and Ms. n oun upie Drn h vn nvdfrom the triangle wbicb is to Amos Coleman, bis nephew,a ay bo very snillhuit te force for good alance nf Profit and Losà Account carried frad.....37767 sonRicars, m.andMm. wlîs îg rs.Rat. ows radthe fl-be transformed into a modern mater manly, bandsone young lawyer- ire cxert mluy bc e y large. l0nfild $049678 so ihrs r.adMs il lowin.g address and Miss Minnie Web- camp and are naw settled in the Ged- Howard Allin. is a word that convs nos iameaning tean~AST GIadwell, Mm. and Mms. Allan Lavis,ý e nbhl ftoepeetpe des bouse, Edwamd St. otsider lu is fot ex en recorded AST Mr n r.Newton Edgar, Mm. and eâ nbhî fths rsn r-,Rawdon Crawley, a dosserting mîimongst bbe smallest of thie smaîî places; Curreuit coin hetdi by-thp Bank ....-....... 5.8,.1....8. Mr.andMrs Mrs.Dilling -ih almug rLwreCleWolbtfl ushadvlin a nd ~ .Dominion Notes held-.830970 Mrs. R. Avery, Mm. and Mrs. W. W sne ,s îgwtainue Mr areCl .ols apur- a îanauescaied con it if %îî ero dîîavng i na<>ofaur Deposits in the Central Gotd Reservea 1......0.. Hon orgadhlrn r n'tea, set of the bridaI rase pattern: cbased the James Robinson farin vict-Ernerson Fisher. priovice yo atmiy lx, sure we woatlîl Deposit with the Minister for the purpes of the Cir c utatio ud20000 Hamn fou gmndcbldmeM.manmarkmit in prouuily, tmvc«*iuse Eîufield Notesof othec Banks 0,280 Mrs. George White, Mm. and Ms.h Mjr eNtAcinrmas- WrnPetrsandfamly Mt. Jhn Bowrnanville, Feb. l8tb., 1927. ot fNwavle eetybub ao cut utaerand meni Hane-te ulis.We lruly hope nited States and other Foreign ('urreni .. 47426 W .Ptran aiyMr Jonafine registered Sborthamn caw frar Justice of the Peace-T. W. Jackson. that it bas indeui ed e honme to you în Ceusonohreas .96661 Jacks Mm.and rs. rn. Sort, DearBirte:-We you *frendsMr W. F. Rickard. It will make a Deuteronomy Jones, a ustie youth, tftmleshot sus fthYeu ord îiurint in! aaduea. kanBn...orcpodnt.....,nm 88.640 Hampton Adult Bible Class and and near of kim, bave stolen !in upoflsplendid addition ta bis hemd's dams. s. n..kad-ri.o.il urmuît .ta.hewtr nNd tHesacttton ouWhme hi eenRos Rlegbth Iadng ad, hedery creek luis floîred sere.nely on i t5Dominion and Provincial Government Securitim eflt îng fot s hives or raberJ Several af aur citizens were guests brave litle scboaî ma'am prttyand w rtrauismfue ygngisftts-eceeig market value $038464 CARD 0F THA)K (tbaugh some perhaps may be warth of Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Gibsan at an ,prttyandcalsaug a.s it riîupled gaily under th1e Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Forpig wacigbu1sfins utt o- enjayablo party given by tbern îast popular-Mrs. Percy Haro. briuige.over which you thare so oftenanCooalPhiScuii ttrtinCn- Miss Philipena asopover, .ajfimst- crnr9llt'd adjs ui av ild man olnialeble e cigmrketaflue 2,858.56Can1 Mr. Ervin A. Tuladfmly rtI t o uo sn nthaf hf rs opportnint andjof Mss i5kepea opomtuer hafrs-odsiessandgs t a othe havelired ust that e xein rkct v alu . .548 cusfurm nitn reaî,ed youlr harvests enjaying Railway and otimer nonds, EDebentures and Stocks, nt friends an neighbobarsr the kndnOun thehdSysndameanervice, inm Md (istheonCurrent Luanae thed drs SouWts uto<'athda levav ofltealimeofointercspti fui g t e il e s a d d a h o r oman n aur livt s th " at o e ki nd ",ess al As ci anq e n not ionn,î a n i cie Yensn t e w iBr i re d ma pn e r xp ren es a d ct v ti o -C rentuL oliand , cimar t etosa r idied for 484,4<îo. T r l n o t e U a u t fu f o a n d t fri h en i o s h a t c one m fy ro bn t o t acu sa i d b y b r a g h e , r i l w o D a l t t e en t- B emathy y u g ba e C a- fith a u im o srmsib fo r y o u se iv e a M or altga e o c l aer ....b..the.ank .6....... bearng. rt. oe th s wy eare borte StinsnofG onorg . lec they sentheaho an afr t rsi t larg acein muyasur hetsand leDig-RaiEteohrtaniakrms Horticulural Co vention it Mrs.W . F. R ckaLialbrilieeing in th uatomerservond and Lebans tufiCreditTown%.periccontria .an S4h.1.Di6t.ic of our youh, yet itcala necourser Tenie Yense;n, h e wdihie Wuton n adimte But ngfl poiio o alb D.duitu brm u we kew watleouldn made îtthe denegatesnfroînn Orono andd mranr c thn anlmnîrRity and at iotitieg onher Aent aset iued t. o roidg................1oroi OIURan rediesta oefo th tacmaiblirday, spakgir wo aatuesD nt -Beprts hall Co- wcan vtryo altaghforyou re lea Mriav-nRa gtt odh h ak Frindafer minddeprt, wecoo.Gannoue Ms. icso, Ms.Mc cil enionshul bemae f he plaus, nut esa atlne aives. co Reae $90.439.637.5ank3reise I r. Ta swyw r eeSiso fTrno hysetawn itYN.dran ad rchseaeEilDor Samul b ath notBoa frie1 Na. mnyof s d nt kow owKayandMr. Jcksn. om ofMrs Stta, a oergnc ou faofl fae ntispek a yu apAt' conT Is thorene onlntehunionor bboreveyoflasheareniy ifommenyrîuan r y tu 1 ill ii, bu toaharsBankPreosa etmore hCanerai Manages wit Thtbt o oeadn9 ad yout arew, m do it maer, Itw tety oî nuom foum Lroaîundomtd ftreM . or', raa n et yo r afldirtues. Ytourn te sesnticue nth oeoç .......... ~voaskis hatyauwil kidlyaccpt aun peplejauneyd t Osa0 asp'oke nad b eo agtshel pt a meary wiî beteasugheu are le sav thii in fond memembrance frain ourom.Gn ondayevens.ig in, Mr. HMe- Piiea eyhav at u fe hn nseu fM.adMs UIOR'RPR OTESAEODR AW h ot e ct ien a ssrend a a fin ds an n ao f o n k or your Couc ndb s . a ckho nrd he L aguem eondth ot sh ould hoeum a e f tae i mpoo, n d \Ve hal ope bth at bou l be W i.ss .ctc a k n d cc utaieted e B n aC adaîtîed on Me e o u i n h r f h a t ,w r f M s u n nday F bru am 7, wb n M . u.Y kufa ety me moi e sa fd uspeanu teaty i he as . tV e. ar n W HIT3lm 9l.b db nbE a N .1coîm c m'e,îa,,r mîcr birtd y o f 19, an d e aIl si er e l relyd t n te m wi ai t t e Ki g t k b r p rt n t e ev i g of t e a y t a e, tou gh li s epam edbý u hy c.. . ba e lanedlt i.i aoale n esla la, eli erqmrd. u nsa op i Samuol hop~~~~e ak that yuyou ours wkin lllie t. hurcpespleagoureyeto shainhohe isia preenatin. rs. tpt o f bad nuy mill ew sal tl leogteaisut eaacioucddeBakhanbacdsi îac urntueb.v ec aîhnmi.pnec a ag floySr.îng and onjay life for rnany yeums series of the intor-Lougue debates. anly four days ta mernarize ber lines spirit. in the Latdies' Aid mrs. Smîuson [tan. Deesdwas br n Cornwall, ta came. The local teamn, Mr. Clarence Allun and get into the eearsals; but sho e' hve found you very belîttul although 7htle a".mentcftandaho-mbandat i.cia6.d ffiufi _d 1phb.nb. EgadMa 18183 In1867 te afamily af ornaIt chiluirefi, 3yet .esuidb.atnoy3m.91 li a ntdi araewith Ein- Thougb somewbat oecm ihand Miss Lillian Clemence are receîv- did it, and everyone i the bous e Yaucmanaged ta bc of reat assilalice, you We cutifY hat in outpinion.the aboe gemeal statce,nt fLmbîu.nÂu.Ja naJwlSagie agtrof the surprise, Mms. Dilling ropliod thank- ing rnany congratulations an their knows witb what admirable abîlity. wero always ta ho depende<i uî,n ta (Ia 3 l1. 97 ddoath-bteesndi- of bBak. -d i. n .coJcnaaîhbaaîtiB lat JhnSanuieCorwalEng. îng aIl for higodwsean victory against such a fine city teum. A carparate part of the draina Yr sbare altbough often of necessityD.M.M yeam laely owcstleyuug peplegreatly en- wthaut wbich it would net bave beeon background that lhraws into relief ltme Toronto. Febcu.y, lutà. 1927 A. B. S'HERD .. ago and spont rnost of bis marriod eening was happily spont in music joyed the evoning and speaks in bigh complote was the singing by a mixed beauties of the pictume. In fact fthot life in Bowrnanville. Deceased was and a rscilpleasuros and at the ternis of the fiendliness and bas- quartette ietin ranscenos, accam- tuuuukgmoui s of fondaimentail imputortac ___________________________________ a god bnet nd aibfl orerconclusion efreshinents wome sorved pitality of Oshawa yug paî.pne y m.LuaFse n thet the picture. Neither IlscuimpIte- and a quiet disposition, reacbing aadonydbyal Rev. E. B. Cooke ,Pastor, and Mm J. piano, the members of the quartette have contributoîl a very gretut dal ofl good aId ago. Deceased wagod a Among those p rosent froin a dist- W. Bradley, who acted as ane of the being Mm. W. F. Rickard, Mm. H. C. splendid layalty tboaur Aiul mid ram-I continuaI warfame against badily in- ance were Mrs. flobt. Towns and son judges accompanied the local gmoup. Allin, Mrs. W. D. Bragg and Miss munity. bv fimmities which gradually weakened Jack, Mm. and Mrs. Lloyd Dillinan The debaters and a few friends made Hattie Mason. sidralon h cnhbave u ver lat on his vitality, yot na word of compluint Mr. and Mrs. Albert Carneran, Wihit- the trip in a privato car. An incident in the play roquirod ta have you ivittu us. We hope that i escaped bis lips. Wbile hoe toiled on by. saine little schoal cbildren; thoy wero the days ta came you willl fot farget us,' in bis frail bouse hope flauisbed in Newcastle friends will moud witb nicely irnpersanated by Jean Rick- but will give many a kindly thougbt tao interest that the following ladies ard, Margaret Toms and Rota Cooke. Enflel the ann ere istio o uermetd Dur broisbear an ftb neatougr NONOG.ENARIAN PASSES froin this village were at Ottawa and M.RyBonwstecpbehame pulace wt yhappyro e mth and bas now gone ta onjoy the prom- TO REST were presented ta His Excelbency dMcn Ra Brfonr sthe ly ocle hom'efravut with many a îup eor. _________Lard Willingdon, Gavemnar Genemal dnin.ate oftejllrocld es M.y ouheve met ep îre tof igtoi ~ i ise, "In mBetaher'Millseare miy ntof tecornhkn g bee ng n nyour rmemories waîî, a piet-U W**UU mansions, if it were not se I would m* ez ileEee, Sln fCaaa r.F.W oe for shahbeFtaUyau th baetl yu oue peare aaNewcastat, wife.of the member fF. Ihile thetNewcatee satr aC.or hich shave e t orte Bow nan il the aseadrurrnsed anwnbeshaîflal.net tar- plae oryou. hee assd wa onFrda, e-Duha, augnbtonewet Fencb ,deligbtful selections as required. get you. Woriis seer m aal and cold. The annual meetings of the Nortbumtberland adDra p ruar 18,at te reidene ofMrs.the rapey caght ith renc Mr.Simponwlth whlch ta xrmt He beaves ta mrnun his loss four Win. Adams, Bowmanville, one ofiowers in gold and rase tones. Mrs. The carnmittele in charge is vemy Yau aur very great appreciation of yaur Growers' Association, wiIl be beldn b dauhtes ad treesons: Mms. James Nature's noble wornon in the persan C. I. Bowell of Newcastle, daugbter- grateful ta Mr. W. N. Buckley for helptulness and service ta the cammun- AdmAsiManitoba; Mrs. Winaet-eiy. i aeeihoeig ond, In smck-s M.FrdJc- knawn as "Aunt Betsy", %,Wbo bad Bowoll, Belleville, was wearin« a ta Mrs. Boni. Moise and Mrs. Wm. neos, or In shorlage et help, you were manan r.Fe Luxtan, Town; reacbed the advanced age af nearîy gown of black velvet witb train de- Pamnaîl wba se tastefully decorated ame of the flrst ta offer aid Such ace Mr.WiliamHealHamiltan; Mess- 95 yoans. Sbe was bomn and bad pended fnom tbe shoulders and trim- the stage, and tealal others wbo belp- 11)mr ould ive a the. Aci nd0 HourI, xteDvosieEg mdwthetvelvet. MssAdeline aod ta b oud i ebghborsth Ains o U S A, M Tbe funeral took place on Wednes- iand, until fourteen years aowben Ida Parker of Sbeffield, England, ______ ords are what count and we can trut.h- day, February 9, froin the nesidence she came ta Canada witb bier ~sister, wba was presented by bier grand-ful say you always lent a betping bond 'S ta an'yone In need. What higher praise, Meetings at 10.00 a. m. and 2.00p.in of bis daughter, Mrs. Fred Juckman, Mns. Arnald of Toronto, wbo liad mother, Mrs. C. I. Bowell, who NEWCASTLE CHURCHES is il passlible ta give? Thon, in the van- Banquet at tbe Hotel Bowman at 6.00 p. i.a bc h Brown Street. Servico was conducted been ta bier native land on a visit. brougbt ber up, Wearing a white i loua aittlvlUes of the church you have by Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Tnîn- Miss Miller intended ta make a visit fnock of satin and fine lace, carrying United Cburcb, Rev. E. B. Coake, itoa-«n acîveü part, an secrelsry et the HON. J. S. MARTIN,. MINISTER 0F AXaIUTR ityUntedChrch Te itemen o tw yarswih lerCandin rla asheaf of pink roses. Pastar. Sunday ,February 27th. 1il Church Board you have given af your ty TpacJ n omnitd bucb Te Cinteryntivof tyars itbber Canain mela-aI ime willingly and as a member af the will ho the principal speaker tookplac inBowranvlle ometry.tiverbu a nubrombnspe.ar.-Morning osbip. 2.30 p.. choir you weme very fa.thful anid gave The paîl-bearers wee:-Messrs. vented hiem return and later she suiff. Scbg o .m-vnn rel tyu ae You will, indeed4, George H. Bickell, Samuel Candler, ered a stroke and fan soverul yeams SHAW"S service. Subject, "Cbnist's Pýublic ho fnismnCd.- PROGRAMME James Mornow, James Mattbews, now bas been an invalid. Aftem the D Ministry" by tbe pastar, illustrated Bt we have great taith in you anid John Reid and John Waînuacott. deatb of bier sisten, she livod witb ber nr. Slenion, M. H. O. for Darling- by lantern slides. ut lites challenge and besone t ily10.0uelm. Pro. Folled byOtarogea dicson n sxgad ieMiss Arnold, btoigta ll- great bec-amie tyau have leamrnd ta serve.Gulh oowd b gee erlycare fo durn-gmostof he ppil. Mis Forene Ahtonen-27, Rev. E. R. James, Rector. 8 a. m. ank youi la accepl theilestriai] giflsa s ard aeornd Ccil onchy, Tr- ukpyqofeot.eMr. and wrrg- 2.00 p.m.Anrew ulonPliDivision, adGog isn v 'm thth sicvý isi hatth yar, NrflkFritGrowens' Co-opertv sscain ery peasanly atber omExopFri-rnrnnt plyVine.30and,.-"Top an ila e rTo wono; . hemdebte, "R solved that I ventio _Y___ ____ JaG. WA T fPrlident.H. SIand, Seretary Da g tr n m ni M s ila n ,thu s e f nea laie n plac o n s d oev nn Me sta praa t le b nceSan clipii itiog. Th eity As Ye r iys etigu, o yu a "Marketing"._____Jas.__A.__ _____ __ Thekleaninta;fSrays, Bcurukdain- na y muItlhmeo o e- apnd esr.tCanceba Iîi liit" d VILLAGE OFiCIALctserAiPeinTE theiwmur. w l,îni, taIuisi'omiiunby itu01in-clua EprmntlS JacknîMr.and Mm.Howd Mus. Ftank Flou ad o tsantaftrf aat. r. m W .S ikrdmase-n he MuniipalCunci u tsmeu yTou Wgacoluy waoy mu t ciituitu,, JakmnM ad ms re Jokn T he Muny vo ry autflkoe e cor- smdte evcsofM.B C ar ui otn o ody ueitgFb .îai n uîî ufie ur, reiii,. and aMisfeanuiy M an d Moro to;S onsrd J.ko n n lG.lbr R gla eeig f Povd nc ui he crenPea uttt'a mesi- n Cihiuu tiu'u lul eH.h' m --mîan A N-,Mr. _-A e in Anath. s wo îtndd the F arinns'CluResoul iith svenion- amies bt.y recivetl in a21of Muici- Ou' if t i u v ' I i.s 'ii, u, ir f lu i Ot e -l t i u~ , le u i ' li.n a b stru k ) , a n d th e e n c o re o n t. A ~ t i ~ - .M e n 's F in e R u b b e r s , $ 1 ,5 0 p a ir f o i' . . . . 8 aItuIts«-- aio uit vu iiic milar nu b it int; ANiI, T'A K ENi I"-u-'E Lit a ttir sucli Valentine, addeîi mucb ta the enjay- L d e R b e s$ .0 p i o ... ANuI 'tNt: Nu't'ti'llIaI ater uuiIu tmong tsofth"'heur front this rising yolung star in twlreeepomtaetin nd----m ÂMns ' TAsss $20 sad lc mau . mtaî Ie ts ofoti-htth t, aIdExeuntt ice, anThisspeniby good fiprpaedM 'Work Pants, $2.00 for ...........14 leib theri'unto bmvingu'u .'.mrd i ntathelabla for the saîuî assoIs or any rxrtS.Chs. AF. dMisydemmaannd eMs alb Horse Hide Mitts, wool lined, $15 fr. 9 claires of wblch h,, sIailIthon have had tiieneof la any persan or personsai« whose .Ca.Aln n isLlinCet notice andi wil nîut 1)'-timibl, ta a. pran daim noitce shallot have boenm roeelv- once aranged a contest ta the evi- of wtuost' elairm i'"sIaIt lttmu ae ci by them aI the flime, cf sucb distribu- dent amusement of ail. Refresb- reaetved niotic, t ien. mots were served under the direc- .S R T O N . D LI or Frebruary, 11027. day of F'ebruary, 1927. tinoilsbre obeic n Baker & Grocer Newcastle King & Division StsBwmnle M.G.V GULSoictrW.A F CMBEL Mrs W. J. S. Rickard assisted by 8 of foM. . . OUlO, Zoilct, por. . F. o.SlcitorEfor thebyoung gentlemen mombers of the I fo D.A.B.TllyIxeutg18-4t lae.Onara. Saato n or tejclb

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