PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Tor University. Graduate of the B College of Dental Surgeons of tario. Office King St., Bowmani Office phone 40. House phone X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental Col] Toronto. Office, King St. East,1 manville. Office hours 9 a. m. p. m. daily except Sunday. p] 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto versity and member of Royal Col -'f Dental Surgeons. Licensed practise in Ontario and the Doi ion. Dentistry in aIl iLs brari4 Office-King St., Bowinanville, posite Bank of Montreal. Phone LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. 1 Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm and Tý Property. Royal Bank Build Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to at. D. B. Simpon., Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Mozjey to Loan Phone Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for e Offices-Bleakley Block, King Bowmanville, Ontario. Phcul Office 102, Bouse 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Coqnplete Motor Horse Equipineni All caîLs prompt attended to. Frivate Ambulanc Bowmanvibbe phon( 10 and 34 Branch Stores Orono & Newcast ALAN M. WILLIAMS Emrbalmer and Funeral Direct Cails given prompt and personal tention. No extra charge ford tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowmi ,ville, Ont. 3- MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. à Gold Medalist of Trinity Universi Toronto. Four years attending Pl sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carn Hospital, Pittaburg, Ks. Officea Residence, Wellington Street, Bo manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Collel Toronto, formerly of Enniskilb Office and Residence, Dr. Beit former residence on Church Stre Bowinanvilbe. Phone 259. 44 VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day Night cails promptly attendedt Office: King St. East, Bowmanvill Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. 5 Orono Honor Graduate of Universityi Toronto. Ail cases given prom] and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phone Clarke 8921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctionoer Farm and Bouse Sales a Specýalt: Ternis moderate. Enniakillen P. ( Phone 197r3.1- CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLES THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate of Toronto Colleg of Chiropractic will be in the B"' nianville Office Tueaday, Thursda and Saturday evenings, phone 141J Reidential celaîmiade during forE noona. PAINTING AND DECORATING See the 1927 line of Wall Papers. Maximurs a specialty. Pricc-s the bes- yet. Phono for any desircd information. J. H. ABERNETHY Phone 431 Bowniariviiîe SKATING Band at Taylor's Rink, Bowmanville Tueaday, lThu: -scay Sattircay Nights Admission 20c and i Skating Saturday Afternoons Adukts 15c Children 10e rori Ilego Bov to lhon Un: fleg mir or 301 ing '9 aale. St. nes: or it ly ýce e le tor. at. dis- an- ty, >hy- ne] nd 1. -ge, len. et, 4-t. or to. le. se. of Ipt ,y. f. j-1 ge THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, MARCH 1Oth., 1927 THE EDITOR TALKS WATCHING YOURSELF GO BY ROTARY'S ETHICAL CODE DURHAM BREEDERS' BANQUET It has often been said and it is Just stand aside and watch yourself My business standards shaîl have to true that school teachers do nlot go by; in themn a note of sympathy for our (Continued £rom first page) yal generally reccive the recognition andi Think of yourself as "hie" instead of common humanitv. My business> )n consideration thcy as members of so- P'. dealings, ambitions and relations tricts of Canada to secure the service le. ciety. their position and the import-l Wateh losely as in other mon you shaîl always cause mie to take intoi of a pure bred bull was very much 2. ance of the work they do should re- note consideration niy highest duties, as ai in the public interestsý and foît that ceive from the people of the commun- The bag-kneed trousers and the seedy miember of society. In everv position asrn fotshudb u ot ity in which they teach. In an ad-1 coat; in business life,. in every responsi- by the people to influence the Gov-1 dress to women the Rev. Billy Sun-, Pick flaws. find fault, forget the manl bility that cornes beforeme v he nmnent to arrange to continue the glday is reported as snying: "The big- is you, and strivo to make your! thought shall bc to fiîl that respon. Polc.e~ct< h fot fsm ,_gest place in the world is that xvhich estimiate ring truc. sibility and discharge that duty;eae heefrs fsm 6 s being filled by the people who arel Confront yourself and look you in when 1 have ended each of -them',Ï i reeders in concentratiîîg on milk >6closely in touch with youtb. Beingi the eye- shall have lifted the level of human production and claimied that tbey ,ne a king. an eniperor or a president' Just stand asîde and watch yourself ideals and achievenents a littie high-l %vere developing a cow that was notý is mighty small potatoes compared to' go b y. er than I fourni it. As a Rotarian it a Shorthorn at ail but an imitation boing a mother or the teacher of is mny duty: of a dairy cow. lie declared, how- children-whether in a public school cidual t alSotîn hudb orinainay-holad they filîll.nterpret ail your motives just as' FIRST: To con'dder mvy vocatiol'ever htalSoton hudb ge pliacsuograt thatthreiso n though Worthy. and as affordinjz me distinct dui prpose as it is the great dual placs s grat hat her isnetan:purposc hreed of the worid andlvhile to angel in heaven who would nlot be' You looked on one whose aims you opportunity to serve society. there are nany good milk producing I did not know, SECOND: T mrv isli-cso cthtp nosuiyh t-glad to give n bushel of diamonds to, o nîgîe otmp ug y T mrv msî,i-cn1 fSothtp nosuivh s. boot to come dowvn to carth and tak et nigiecnep ug thrul creuse m efficiency and enlarge my recnmrnended thi, breeders keepingi -their places.1 you when service, and by 5<) doing attest my recordîs of their production and 1 You sec you shirk, O commonost of faith in the fundamiental principle of prizes boing offered for this class of 'i Conîanding an army is little, mon! Rotarv. that he pr'ofits miost who cows. more than swoeping a stre r espise your cowardice; condemn serves best. The study of feodinz costs was pounding an anvil compared with the! whate'erTID:T raie thtIn anoervy im ratprt ht training of boys and girls. The'Yunt oaasnssi o nynbsnesmnad nbtothosc eef mon baihotnider a hmuc mother of the chibd Moses did more wh u oere asns nyuaybTIR:T elz ht1a ef e a o osdrda ic foi' the world tban ail the kings that'Dfn o n eetta hms ceed; but that 1 am first an ethical as the dairy'men halh been forced to Egyp evr hd. he mn o woan efen ne on deect hatshaen an, and wish no success tbat is not do. Egyt ever a hd t e t ruwoan your oye- founded on the highest justice and 'Po.Dvwsi grsvefr vnho teac a cbie d to love rtrutndhand Just stand asîde and wtch yourself moaitin defense o f the bre(l and bis ad- h1 eale9toeprtyadht go hyboaiy. dress was inspiring and timely te the vice is of greater benefit te the worbd, FOURTH: To hold that the ex- breeders and also elicited high praise tha th inenton f aflyng achj .change of my goods, nuy service, andi from the uî'ban guests presont. ine that will take you to the moon. And then-with eyes utiveiled to' My ideas for profit ji, legitimato and Mr. W. F. Rickard ps'oposed a before breakfast. Uncýonsciouslyj T eth loth- ical, provitled that ail parties in toast to the guests, respondod to by C. ecer e i oin influen-, oe sins that with sweet cbarity you'd the exchange are benefitted thereby. Mayor T. S . Holgate who paid higb ces that will damn or bleas this old clothe- to1t ro.Da universe and bring new worlds out Back to your self-walled tenement FIFTH: To use my endeavors t tribute t rf.Dyand umorousl Sof chaos and transform them for you'll go ebevate the standards of the vocation gave him reasons for leaving thel God". With tolerance for ail who dwell ho- iti which I ain engaged, and so te farm.. Tom aiso sang an old time * * * bow. conduct my affairs that others in my song to the enjoymont of ail.- People who do nothing else te The faults of others then will dwarf vocation may find it wise, profitable Mr. F. W. Bowen, M. P., said he' help the teacher are ever ready _to and shrik- and conducive to happiness to emu- felt quite at home with the Shorthorn criticize them, require them to be Love's chain grows stronger by one late My example. Breeders as producing commercial e. scrupulously circumspect in and out ghyln SIXTH: To conduct my business in befations. Goodpre b isfre bup- of school--quite right too. for by anal-i When you with "hoe" as aubstitute for ucamnnrttimygveapreras oluoy pessnta i rd uc- 1: agous mnneproce1sa, chilaperdren abolabsorbsntithelprdu qualites pofe acher. srbtharve fect service oqual to or even botter igsteers, that would dress 5 or 6U~ qualiies f t a teacbTe's e av stood aside and watched your- than my competitor, and when i more beef than the average of mark- born imitators and atahrse self go hy. doubt to give added service beyond et cattle. Therein lay the secret of ample is far more persuasive thani the strict nieasureo f deht or obliga-poftmkn toteedras eb the precepts they may try to incul-1 ______________ tion. poi-nkn otefee swl cat. Dscorse ma covine, utas to the butcher. Ho aise congrat- cs 50 eatsa frce' SEVENTH ovunderstatdulated the club on the honors hrought the daily lesson of their life is a con-ý self. Personality is gre. that tofoitebv some members winning bigh lr stant sermon. A leason penetrates' that we should cultivate it, if we one of the greatest assets of a pro- teitb smrd4 a wnnn hg more easily through the eyes thanl have itnot. There neyer wasa fessional or of a business man is bis a,,a-I t the Royal Show. through the ears and this is the reas-1 teacher who did nlot put somethingý friends, and that any advantage Mr. W. J. Bragg, M. P. P., aiso ex- on that the moving picture is becom- of bimself into bis utterances in the gained by reason of friendship is tended felicitations and while dairy- ing sucb a strong factor in Canadian' class-room. 'One of the saddest eminenthy ethical ani proper. ing had been his lino when farming educational proceases. Alexander~ sights on earth is a half-doad teach-1 he recognized the importance of the the Great acknowledged that he owedi or workîng upon a half-dead class,î EIGHTH :To hold that true frionds beef industry and expressed bis best not ess to Aristotle, his teacher,f the product of bis own handicraft.* j an nothing of one another, and wisbes for the future Of the business. than to King Phillip his father, for ifi Compare this picture with one where1 that any abuse of the confidence of Mr. R. M. Mitchell added enjoy- hoe owod bis life to the latter hoe ow-1 the teacher is alert, full of energy1 friendship for profit is foreign to the ment to the occasion with two spien- ed ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - 1h oo fbslf obstab netuis.Wehratahr spirit of Rotary, and in violation of did solos heartily encored by the as- or. i shaîl be a source of inspiration ort its Code of Ethics. sembly, Mr. Davo Morrison being ac- * have a parabyzing influence upon the copns. M.Hbr sonIi Evey sccesfu tachr mst~clssdepndsto seCaryles i-'NIN'H :To considor no personalcmatit MrHurtsorea- Everysuccssfu teaher ustlass depnds o useCarlle'sim- cces legtinite o entertained tshentetagaththringeri witht place a high value on bis or bier own! agery, whetber hoe is a live coal or a ucs eiiit rehclwib~ webl rendored guitar solos. character. "As is the teacher, so 15 dead cînder. Enthusîasmn makes yo secured by taking unfair advantage GdSbogtavr the choo"-a axi trie, bt fr- Vtalie yur tachig ýof certain opportunities in the social God ave the King bogtavr - hescol"a aimtrte utfo- convincing. -Vitalize yournqueteacabinge. I h ever true. Qualities pass impercept-, Give to your class the best that is inJ order that are absolutely denied oth sfcelnsfuebnqouraetn t cose ith iby ro te eahe itoth car1 ouan te es wllcoeors t . nor wil Itake advantage of o feigsopnouaeet-bann ibl frm te eacer ntoth chr-Iyouan th bet wllcom bak o un to tachievu material suc- for the future of this onterprising -acter of the pupil and help to form! You. rtuite it. Piato bas left a very forcible!** ceas that others will not take because and succesaful association. and igniican saingregadingthI of the questionable morality involved responsihility of the teacher. "If ai Not every person intereated in shoemaker ia a poor workmran the1 achools appreciates the hig value of TE H:ohontmrobiae _______________ State will not sufer much damagel tact in a teacher. Tact is one of 1j to a Brother Rotarian than I amn to -for only a few Athenians will ho poor-l the elemonts of personality. Ai every other man in human society; Ily shod, but if teachers of youth! writer bas said that it oils the mach- because the genias of Rotary is nlot 1 prfom hei duie caelesl th' nery of life. Let us add that it in its cumpetition but in its co-op- "G9ho are the filis Spermeir utes care leiosslythe' oils the machinerv of the class-room eration; for provincialisni cati nove r wilh turn out ignorant and viciousi and establishea barmonious relations have a place in an institution like M4/OST generations, who wihl endanger the' between pupila and teacher. Real Rotary, and Rotarians assort that bu- prosperity and the very existence oi! tact, wicb is spontaneous, is a re- mari rigbts are not confined to Rot-? te State". finement of feelings that pringa ary Clubs but are as deep and as ** * frmake ecpino h i h road as the race itself; and for What a combination of qualities of othera. The tactful teacher nov- these bigh "i-oses doos Rotary cx- apparently incompatible are required er wounds the sensibilities of bis pup-1 ist to educate ail mon and ail in- That is the question for so stupendous a work! The prime ils and oven bis corrections are giveni stitutions. every good buyer asks requisite, of every teacher is a mag- with sucb kîndneas that they are ELEVENTH: Finally, helieving iti himself before estab- netic personality, that indefinableidoubly effective. He dues not, how-~ the universality of the Golden Rul e îishing a new connec- charm that is to a person wbat the,( ever, ing bis own individuality, yet~ -Ail things wbatsoever ye would perfume is to the fiower. Like many lho bas the facubty of adapting bum- that mon should do uinte you, do ye tion. Other things other great things in life, the terni self to the various temperamentals of even se0tunto tbem-we contend that being equal, his an- 'proaity .mat luedfiihis pupils and thereby nipa antagon- Society best bolds together when swr s,"h fim tion. Iihovragoiu a-'iam in the bud. A tactful personf equal opportunity is accorded ail gregtio ofahi hos beutiful at-I enforces the rulea of the scbool with-mon in the natural resources of this, ta r otaett tributea, manners, speech, appear- n htbrans n espotism planet. slctbsns n ance, etc., which constitute the ideal wbich even grown-ups rosent. Human! fi orders." character. In a word, it is one's control bîke Divine control should ho LATMRETEE m îndividuality, that which makes une prompted by love. PATMR RE distinctive. Wben 'President Gar- ** field said that bis idea of a university A resident of Ontario may secure Such firms depend was a log witb a tudent at une end, Doubtless the firat ethical cod-In number of treos up to 3,500 free upon the telephone, and Mark Hopkins at the other, hoe tien for an ideal class is the estab- eacb yoar for planting waste acres because it enables stressed the element in education,I lihment of a genuino bond of sym-' of the farm, or for filing in the them to be alert. the moat potent and significant-tho' patby between the teacher and the woodlot. Additiunai quantities nia Toe wo s h personality of thet* * r.pupil. This croates an atmospbere bthuad atthe rate of $4.00 lier tehoe he mse t of encouragement, suggestion and i-tosn.tlpoe te ms Thon teacher critica demand that spirtien, whereas the absence of it Alite qantyomarals are necessarily the the teacher of their cildren shahl frequently tends to the diintegra- on hand oach year for wndbreak mnost alert. possosa a winning personality. For-1 tion and demoralization of the clasa. work, 500 treos being the maximum tunate, indeed, is the toachor wboi One may hoe a briliant instructor, given te one individual.* * * bas it, for peraonality is a dominant: capable of adorning minds witjplis me OtaoFoestrymiBranh esupn ubcier h factor for ail who ever oxpoct to hol knowledgo, but ho will nover educate plies moreorensoti milon trsd os ay ubibtes ho leaders of mon. Its absence is veryà children unlesa hoe bolda the key toe erfrrfrsigwr.ue otikte a often a bindrance to aucceas. Some' their bearta. The ideal teacher in Over tbree thousand residonts of to make Persgn-to- peopîe excuse their faults on the pleaf ail bis concerna, wins the confidence Ontario planted trees in 1925. esncl owfd of personality, over whicb, they say,! of a child and there is thon, but one The re benglatied inOrtr-fiPerson cyalino thie tbey bave no control. This is ani stop to a powerful influence over bis î ttepeette fryfv htte ec h iluson Oe' eronîiy s 1o every act. municipal demonstration forests, person they want with necessarily stable and permanent. If la not aympatby a quality te ho do- fu onyfrst fuetosn Station- to - Station w-e find in ourselves certain undesir-1 sired by overybody? Observe its acres each and soveral large blocks cails. They are quick- able traita, due to long-formed hb-' value to the oratur. Who moves of Crown ]and. its, we may, if we wisb, eliîninate mon te action? It is nut the mati Frntrtr n nomto radcepr tbem hy reversing the habits. Thomas' of cool, clear intellect who, being on! rite: Ontario Forestry Brancb, A. Kempis says: "Habit is overcomo the beight forgets that ho was ever 1Primn Buildings, Toronto. by habit". We may build up any, in tbe valley. Ho makes t buse on a type of personality wo desîî'e, if we Iower plane întonscly conscious ofl THESE MODERN TWISTS are prepared to exorcise our will the distance that separates tbom. ______ sufficicntly. To do this efllcîently, it' Such a une may Ife admircd for bis! Police ('bief: "Wbat! You mca,, is necossary, first to have a vivid con-' oratorical ahility but hlievîll l u os:y this fellow cb>ked a womanto ception of one's ideal. Realize, vis-' ho a leader. On the contrary, if bl I doth in a cabaret in front of two "baracter. position,;strggld ad oercme he ,.., <s, ("l, .eryîod 2 snouî<î însîst on a persunai applca-*** tion wben in quest of a new teacher îs su that they may sec beforo en-, llaving dealt thus fulhy witb the* gagiiig an applicant of what peraun-' importance of a ploasing and tactfull aiiy toy eomtoho osssse, frpersonality on the part of the suc-j it is truc that the teacher -witb a tvinî- cessful teacher of cbihdron, our space ning, pieasing personality bas a is uscd for this issue, but we may inl strong- ally in sehool work. A ce-, a future number refor to other vaitu- fractory pupil succumba to tbe powerabe hrctisi fadsbe of personal influence whcn compul-- ttacher. sion fails. It suffices to place a bar, xvo are well aware thut w>' havej ofc softa ion nteimmediate pros- suid soine of th.ýse things lun this coI- onc ofa agnt n order that it, umn befoce now, lbut sorte thing, take on magnetic qualitios. In lîke bave onough good in tboin to Ittar manner, pi4pils are attractcd by a rc-potition. XVc cati nover pay a teacher of striking personality andticinî ihtitt oorhs suc auneisable to direct, control,j three touchers whosu per.sonality in- antI culp witbout any apparent cvi-' spiiie-tlandi oncouraged us tt) stucly donce of authority. i diligtntIy and createti a love foc * * * j coudi g good bîooks antI other gttod Stcessing the great importance of literature. aý stî-ung andI masterful personality' on the part of a teacher, Rcv. Dr. ('ody at a National Convention spokej HCE at lengtb on this subjoct. Ho said HCE that the solution of the world'sj The minister and bis bride were graveat problems lies in the recogni-, prcparing to cat a bite at a luncheon- tion of the worth of personality and etu Thoy were husihy ongagcd in the reconstruction of personality with the bibI of fare wlîen the wait- for what cati ho reconstructcd f w css, wbo xvas a much calcimined and do not take in hand our persona-l-r- pcroxided young miss, came up to construction? Ho added that the tako their order. Suddenly the young ideais of pedagogy coincided with the minister looked up from the bill of Christian ideais and the developmentl fare, smilcd sweetly at the waitress, of Christian ideals was perso nalityi and, saîd: "How is the cbicken to- at its beight. If man dîd not value' dar" 7 himself ho dld not make the jgreateatý 'Pretty good, kid", àihe retorted, possible contribution to God and hlm-1i IlHow are you?" BANK 0F MONTREAL Establislied 1817 ASSETS and ILIABILITIES 3 lst january, 1927 ASSETS Csh onhad . . . . . .....$o,,98,2a8.94 Deposits with and notes and cheques of other Banks..... .. .. .. Deposit with Central Gold Reserve Cail and Short loans on Bonds, Deben- > turcs and Stocks ...... Dominion and Provincial Governmcnt Securities........ .. .. .. Canadian Municipal Securities and British, Foreign and Colonial Public Securitica other than Canadian .. Railway and other Bonds, Debentures and Stocks.... .. .. .. 45,426,911.24 1 2,000,000.00 172,7,34,147-52 73,3 19,891.45 27,678,Ob9.32. 4,179, z 11.09 Quick Assets.. $420o58791 19.56 I.oans and Discounts and other Assets 328,087,758.70 Bank Premises.... .. . . . ...... 8oo,ooo.oo Liab1ities of customers under letters of credit (as per contra) ..........12,237,992-47 Total Assets . . $772,712,870.73 LIABILM~ES TO PUBLIC Notes in circulation 41,505,531-00 Depoit . .............642,947,383.20 Letters of creIt outstanding ... 12,237,992-47 Other liabilities............12,02.8,285.08 Total Liabdities to Publit $ 708,719,191-75 Excess of Assets over Liabilities to Public...... ..$ 63,993,678-98 JLt better lve stock buiRd yu akacu -< The Royal Banik Fm f Canada Bowmanville P>ranch - R. F. Aitchison, Manager 12L Marlks ofDe Sti~t mnade possible by volume production NEW LOWER PRICES Roadter, $655.00 Touring, $65500 Coupe, $780.00 Coach, $760.00 Sedaq. $865,00 L.andau .'dan, 5930.00 C.briolet, $890,00 Rnadser Delivery.$655.00 Commercial Chmuà.$490.OO Utility Expren Cham, $645,00 Prices ai &ticry. sau-twu gTnssExra On the basis of its marvellous beauty and vrace, its rîtivmechanical imp)rv>-mcntî< ad is remnarkable performance, tht Most Beautifttl Chîx ,r' lut n Chuvtro)ltt 1 încîntîîîîîq, the most outtstandin!g autornoh:, r.value in the how pii> ,fiel >1 Ani,)n_,ts n Ilani.,,, nîmt menis are in, Iudrd fiat u es wht rh have bren reza rld iter>t,(fot i a irk, t istimnt itn un tht miosi rustlv of cars. New Bodies by Fisher New Gasoline Gauge New Duco Colors New A.C. Ou l lter New FuIl-Crown Foender, New A.C. Air Cleaner New Design Radiator New Tire Carrier New Sliding Seats in Coach New Bullet-type Lamipe New Coincidental Steering New Larger Steering Wheel and Ignition Lock Yet, due to the economies of volume production, uccasiotied by the phetiomenal popular- ity of Chevrolet, the Most Beautiful Chevrolet in Chevrulet History la nuw selling at nov and EVEN LOWER prices, Uic lowest for which Chevrohet bas ever been sold in Canada. CF-LS4 ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED Oshawa4 Ont. H. D. CLE34ENS, Sub Dealer, West End Garage, Bo w anvIie 1 -.1 1 1