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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Mar 1927, p. 7

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filE CANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMÂNVILL.E, THURSDAY, MARCH lOth., 1927 PÂQE SIVEN Test it Yourself ! GREE TEAT90 Write Salada, Toror-ito, for free samrple. Here! W E have stocked a compete line of MUI-M-ZWýŽ. rubbers, over- shoes and goloshes for men, women Corne in, and bring the famiiy. Let us fit them with snug, comfortable, waterpruof footwear, that wilI keep Bie C49%1. the feet dry and preventt colds and grippe. Look thern over-youMI like thema. L A. DILLICK, General Store Bowmanville Ont. Buy In Bowxanville- COAL BIN CETTING LOW? These cold wintry days are certainly causing lots of exercise around the coal bin. Well, when the bin gets so low that you must have more coal just order a couple tons of the fam- ous Lehigh Anthracite. It sure does make warmn friends. We are here to give you prompt service. Builders' Supplies a Specialty J. A. HOLGATE & SON Buildera' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville WE HAVE 11--- NEILSON'S ICE CREAM Kept in the Frigidaire Refrigerator. Sold in bricks, bulk or by the dish. There's none better. Bread is now 10e cash and carry at the shop or lc a loaf delivered or charged. The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville AGED DEVON FARMER DIES Mr. William Bines, Holtworthy The funeral services of the late I citizen of Holsworthy Mr. William; Bines who passed away very suddenly:, on Stinday, January 30, are reported thusl:. in The Cornish and Devon; Post of Launceston of February 13:1 Amidst feeiinzs of sincere sym- pathy, the funeral took place on Thursday, February 3rd., of Mr. Wni. Bines, who for a number of years has resided at Bodmin St.. Holswor- thy, and whose death took place <'n Sunday, January 3th after a brief iilness. Deceased and the family are well-known and hilzhly esteemed. Joining the U. M. Church as a lo- cal preacher in the year 1869, de-1 ceased actively identified himsýelf ini church work and wvas a valuedwme- ber down to short time prior to hi. death. In other branches ofcrh work he was also keenly inteetd and for some considerable time was, President of the Band of Hope. Asi an active member for many ,years of1 the Holsworthy Urban District Coun-; cil he took a zreat interest in the wefare of the people and the dis- trict, but at the last election,' owing to failing health, he relinquished his. candidature for a seat on the Coun-1 cil. There was a crowded attendance at the funeral in the U. M. Church, the service being conducted by Revs. J. Hicks and H. Haynes. Two of deceased's favourite hymns were sung and the organist, Mr. A. Oke rendered "0 Rest in the Lord", and at the close the Dead March. The remains were conveyed by motor hearse to Bridgerule Parish Churchyard, where the interment took place, a very large attendance also being present at the interment, to pay a tnken nf esteern and sym- pathy. The chief mourners were the wid- ow and Rhoda dauRhter), Ernest and Francis (sons), Mrs .F. H. Bines, (daughter-in-law), Mr. J. Littlejohns,1 (son-in-law,) Misses Littlejohns, (grand-daughters), Mr. E. Littlejohns (grandson), and many other rela-1 tives of the deceased and family. Owing to iiiness Mr. J. C. Bines, (son), was unable to be present. Their eldest dauehter, Nora, is in Canada, wif e of Mr. James A. Werry, Enniskkillen, in Durham County. Other relatives and friends at- tending: Mr. and Mrs. T. S. Skinner,' Mr. R. Skinner. Mrs. J. H. Skinner, Mr. J. Woodley, Mr. and Mrs. F. H. Olde, Mrs. P. G. Olde. Mrs. F. Olde, Mrs. J. C. Brown, Mr. R. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. A . Banburv. Mr. H. Pth- ick. The bearers were Messrs. Wm. Littlejohns, T. M. Bray, B. Ashton,l Thomas Oke, W. Hoskîn and W., Gloyn. The attendance of the general public comprised a large number of professional, business and private residents, and members of the Hols- worthy Urban District Council. By speciai request, there were no flowers other than a large cross from the widow and children. Among others who attended were: Mr. and Mrs. Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. Carthew, Mr. and Mrs. E. Gardener, Mr. and Mrs. Lucas. Mr. and Mrs. H Jeweil, Mr. and Mrs. R. B«ssett, Mr. and Mrs. W. Bassett, Mr. and Mrs. Bowden, Mr. and Mrs. Paddon, (Py- worthy), Mr. and Mrs. Risdon, Mr. and Mrs. F. Dinner, Messrs. W. Bick-l le, W. Casley, R. Kirell,R. Love, J. Gist, J. Barrett, J. Honey, R. Slug- gett, T. Rogers, J. Johns, D. Heddon, W. Vinnicombe, S. Rogers, S. Vinni- combe, A. Budd. S. Hoare, H. Mart- yn, F. Dinner, J. Sleeman, L. Silli- tant ,W. Baily (Launceston), R. and F. Hoskîn, (Launceston), Mesdames Shears, Shadrick, Hancock, Tape, I.i Gardener, H. Dymond, Goodman, Si1- lifant, J. Brock, Pope, Misses G. Dinner, B. Heddon, S. Cotton, Rout- ley, K. Barrett. The coffin of oak, with brasa mounts, bore the inscription: "Wil- liam Bines, dîed 3th January, 1927, aged 76 yearu". ALLIN FAMILY BEREAVED The numerous relatives and frienda of Mr. Norman Allun, Town- send Manor Farnm, Andover, Hamp- hire, England, wvho visited his rela- tives here a little over a year ago, will sympathize with him in the death of his only son, Richard Norman Al- lin, who died on Januaryr 17, after three days' illness from flu, aged 20 years .The Andover Advocate says: The death of Richard Norman AI- lindbas cas a gloom ever the p a rish, adasrmoved from our mist one who was popular and well beloved. The loss is, in itself, a tragedy, as he wa., the only surviving maie of his generation, on this side of the Atian-1 tic, bearing the name of Allin, as al descendant of a great family of Al- THE SAFETY IDELA Rulea for aafety are made to maye pain and ufforng-Sqafety raies are guid*-They point the. mae way. Elegance! T HE wonder of Wal Paper nowadays is flot alone the vast va- riety of designs in per- fect taste... Not alone the exquisite color harmonies and fas- cinating k. patterns and authentie textures, like silk and damask and tap- estry and fine leather ... The wonderful thing is the littie cost of making a roomn elegant, in the fine sense of that word! Whenever you like to corne in and see for yourself, we will like to show you ail we imply here. Wall Paper From 8C ROLL UP Champion Paint $1.25 QUART Guaranteed or money refunded G. Pritchard Decorator and Painter Phone 489 Bowmanville Tii ý Ini to lay Io Ae eggs, hens need ac V Ulittie things they th a up ranging in su, they can't get in winter. bitters, toflir s, digesters, heri minerails necesSary to egg-develu are combined in Pratts Poultr ulator. "More Eggs" guean 1>!!> pa WTY Ox 2 1857 7hen More bottle-fed babies have successfully rais:ýd on E Brand than on ail other.i foods comnbinedi. Write Borden Co. Limited, Moi fQr Free Baby Book. ir9nd 1 WhiIe yoN are Cfjoying Wrîgley's, you au getting bene fit1 OBITUARY Alfred William Allin A respected citizen was called toi rest on Monday, Febru.ary 28th* inl the person of Alfred William Ailin,! Carlisle Ave. He suffered a stroke, about six years ago and neyer fully recovered from the efects of it. Dur-I ing the past five -weeks he had been~ in Bowmanville Hospital where hel1 underwent a serious operation. He was a son cf the late Mr. and Mrs. John Allun and was born in Barnstaple, Devon, Engîand, over 62 years ago. He came to Canada in 1875 and settled on a farm in Dar- lington. In 1892 he wvas united in marriage with Annie Joliiff e who passed to rest on February 24, 1926. They lived in Salem and Courtice neighborhoods but retired from the farm and came te Bowmanville about a year ago. The funerai took place on Wed- nesday afternoon, service being con- ducted by Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor of Trinity United Church, assisted by Rev. W. A. Bunner and Rev. W. C. Washington. The paîl-bearers were six brothers- in-iaw, Messrs. John, William and James Jolliffe, John Chailis, John i Wakeley and Charles Glover. He leaves te mourn his ioss four sons, Aiba, Norman, Harry and Wil- liam, and one grandson Donald Allun, ail of Bowmanville. The floral offerings were beautiful j and inciuded tributes from the foi- and Mrs. Charles Giover and Miss Tillie Joiliffe, Toronto. Wreath-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Joiliffe, Mr. and Mrs. John Jolliffe, Toronto. Sprays--Mr. and Mrs. James Jolliffe and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Aluin and famiiy, Mr. and Mrs. William Jolliffe, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wight, ail of Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Mort Murdoff, Mr. and Mrs. T. W .Cawker, Mr. and Mrs. W J. Found, Goodyear Tire & Rubber Co., Dept. 273, Mr. 0. L. Metcaif, K E. Goddard and D. 0. Brown, Mr. and Mrs. John Ch'ilis Mr Samuel Allin, Mr. John T. Allun, «Bowman- ville; Mr .and Mrs. Geo. Edger and Mr. and Mrs. Hedley Oke, Ceurtice; Mr. and Mrs. John Wakeley and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Wiicox, Hampton. CARD 0F THANKS The family of the late A. W. Allun desîre te thank ail their friends and neighbors for the kindness and sym- pathy extended te them during the ilîneas and death, of their father, ai- se te the ýSuperintendent and nurses ef Bowmanville Hospital, and for the beautiful floral offerings. - e ALNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER My Dear Niece :-Somewhere te go, scmething te do is the restless ,. cry ef our young people in these dany years ago the young girls wvere probabiy content te sit at home in the long winter evenings with em- , broidery ,or sewing fine seams. And the boys. What did they do? Bocks were net se easy te ob- order tain, neither was reading se varied as ots of now; a few indoor games, perhape, dozen but mestiy they wouid stroil out to the street corners te met boon cern- y pick panions, or make for the village tav- nmrer, ern. The Girls were net allowed eut in the -bs and evenings and rarely associated with opinent boys excepting at the church doors ry Reg- once a week, and when they married iteed. it was te boys they scarceiy knew, se stiff and well-behaved wouid they be in their presence. The times are changed in this re- to@ spect for the better. The social; t club that bas sprung up la your coin- ~EE munity is certainly a very good thing, especially fer the young. The great idea in these modern days is heath-and more beaith; healthy minds as weil as healthy bod-1 ies. A hall where young folk can meet, congregate, dance and piay-as al young folk need te play-is conducive further te health. It bas a ç%holesome atmesphere, because aIl thinzs that are open and' Iabove board are whoîesome and McI ean. The rules of your littie club as you write me sound very thoreugh, more particularly the one that sets eut reasonable heurs. and ef the un-1 I obstrusive chaperoning ef. the young girls. What a restfuI feeling for yeu re been inothers te know that yeur own re- .a g 'l sponsibility with regard te your lit- infant 1 tle daughters are cbampîoned and Thce'shared as in co-partnersbip with yeu! ntrelý ýSuch a club is being worked in ce- itea, peration witb the home; net only is it giving the youngsters their chanceý E3327 of happy freedem, but it is aise heip- ing te keep them dloser te their w homes. L Instead et frettinir after town life,I 27 longing te leave home because they wish for freedom and fun or te do as they please, they will be content with these litle social Pleasures off- ered in their ce mmunity, comhining i with it a sympathetic knowledge that they are aise heîping towards a bet- - terment cf a state ef living. To forbid the children from such association is only te encourage a big break later on. Mereover whilst the younger set are frelicking and playing in harmiess enjcyment the parents can aise enjey a renewal et their youth in assisting them in * dance, song or cards, thus further establishing a strenger link between the ages. Net the old-fashioned great dis- tance between the very old and the very yeung. Should the parents bie stay-at-homes they can feel assured their children are safe knowing and trusting th egood moral tone cf the slittle country club bouse we wish as your friends and their endeavors every success in this undertaking as the care et the young people is what we are aIl striving for in this restless ir age. Your Lovinu Aunt Susan. LOVE WISE Him: "I love you as ne one ever loved before". Her: "I cant see much difference". EVENING DMESS(? A littie tulle, a yard et .11k; " litti. akin, as white as milk. A lîttle stra .How, dame ah. breathali " littie coZh-C"Good evenlng, Ev.. Westinghouse 55à Unegualled forlong rangevolumetone and selectivity. Rao ,is ,arJ0Jrs fi4hOffse «We had to get one that was tried, tested and proven." "As a Mother, my duty is to be the guardian of the family savings. Experience tells me to buy only quality products." "In every industry some naine stands out representing permanence, reliability, service, quality, progress. In Radio, as in every- thing electrical, that naine is Westinghouse. We made no experiment when we bought our Radiola, for it is a WJESTINGHOUSE." ASK YOUR DEALER Sales Oflîces in Principal Canadian Cilles CANADIAN WESTINGHOUSE COMPANY, LIMITEI) HAMILTON ..ONTARIO We sting-ho>u s HARRY ALUIN The only Authorized Dealer of Westinghouse Radios for Bowmanville and District Phone 337 King St. West Bowmanville Neyer Satisfied We are always trying to improve the service to our customers as well as endeavoring to give them the best quality and values in fresh grocer- ies. Our long experince enables us to buy to ad- vantage-and thus our customers reap the profit. We have worked up a wonderful demand in our Fish Department. Let us fil your next fish order and see what tempting fish we supply. CHINA AND GLASS WARE Mother, children or the hired girl are always breaking a dish or glass. It can't always be help- ed. But you do know we can replenish such ar- ticles from our large stock of China and Glass Ware. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville LUMBER JACK SAYS , "The greatest money saver is plain, commen-sense tbought". Our lumber wili fit your 'every building need. Our expert advice will as surely help you in your con- structian as the lumber and ether building materiais that go into the structure you are planning. See us -we serve yeu-te save. M¶CLELLAN&CO. LIN TED LUMBER 6e FUEL BUILDERS MATERIALS OFFICE PHONE 15 TRY OUR NEW PROCESS SAUSAGE Without Casings Made of just the finest of selected meats, seasoned with appetizing spices. A tasty nutritious meat food. Pure and wholesome. No nd igestible skins. Taste like more. Try thein today for dinner. On Sale at C. M .CAWKER & SON ....Phone 64 W. J. DUDLEY .............Phone 225 G. A. EDMONDSTONE ....Phone 21 PHARE & McCOY ..........Phone 518 amom TRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 10th., 1927 PAGE MVEN .w

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