LrE CANADIAN STATESMAISi,IOWMANVILLEK, TH-URSDAY, MARCH lOtb., 1927 PAG£EIEGEIT BY- LAW No....: A By-La-w of the Municipal Coun- cil of the Town of Bowmianville to grant a fixed assessment te The R. M. Hollingshead Co. of Canada Lirn- jted and to authorize an agreenent for that purpose. Whereas for the purpose of more effectualY carrying out an agrree- ment made between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville as Vendor and the R. M. Hollingshead Company as Purchaser dated Novemi- ber l3th.. 1926. the henefit of which bas been assigned to The R. M. Roi- lingshead Co. of Canada Limited, the Municipal Council otf the Corpora- tion of the Town of Bownanvilie deem it advisable ant in the interest of the Corporation tu grant a flxed assessnîent for- the years 1927 to 1936 both inclusiv.e to The R. M. Hoi- lingshead Co. of Canada Ltd. as set foi-th in a certain proposed Agrree- ment btween the said Corporation and the said C'ompanyv marked Sched- ule "A" hereto. Be it therefore enacted as a By- Law of the Coroporation of The Town of Bownianville as follows: F'rst :-That the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville be and is hereby authorized te enter into. ex- ecute and deliver a certain agree- ment %vith The R. M. Hollingshead Co. of Canada Limited, dated thet 3lst day of January, 1927. in ac- cordance with the forai hereto an-, nexed marked Schedule "A". hereby dec]ared te ho and form part ef this By-Law. Second:-That the Mayor andi Clerk of the said Corporation are1 hereby autherized and ernpowered te sign and execute the said Agreernenti on behalf of the Corporation, and the 1 Clerk of the Corporationî is hereby ( authorized and empowered te affix', thereto its Corporate Seal. Third :-That upon the execution of the said Agreernent by the Cor- poration and the Company the assess- ment in respect of the Lands and Premises therein described, and of ail buildings, plant, machinery and fixtures now erected or which may hereafter be erected thereon shall for aIl purposes. save and except for school purposes and local impruve- ment rates. be fixed at net more than the sum of Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15,000) for cach of the years 1927t te 1936 both inclusive, and save as aferesaid the said Company and the said lands and premises and the buildings, plant, machinery and fix- tures erected or te be erected, used or te ho used thereon, shall for the. years 1927 te 1936 both inclusive be exempt from taxation by tbe Corpor- ation. Fourth:-That upon being re- quested by the said Comnpaay this By-Law be submitted te the diily qualified ratepayers of tbe Corpora- tion fer their approvai. Second reading March 7, 1927. Passed this 1927. Clerk. day et Mayor. BY-LAW No.. ABy-Law te provîde for the tak- ing et the Votes etftýe qualified Electons et the Town et Bowman- ville upon a certain By-Law for the purpose et authorîzîng the Corpora- tien et the Town et Bowmanville te enter into an agreement with the R. M. Hehingshead Comnpany et Canada Limitcd, and in the interest et this -Try Bowmai MORE MONI POULTRY Don't hesitate anv loî fitable business of î'aising We are starting man., with MiI1eîi Ideal Incubatc The great fundamenti and brooding are 1elfect( in these machines. * At the 0. A. C'. Gue11p best resuits of any inakes * We have almost ev( way of iuouItîrY suplies- Uis ouI'iCces are CxCCLtioi A square deal for eve twDustan's Cas -w _Serve You Weiil' Corporation te grant a fixed Assess-I ment et $15,000.00 for the eas sadR. M. Holliagsbead Comnpany ofev c a t Ird p n e rt Canada Linlited. 1T U S A A C 0h,12 Therefore the Municipal Council T U S A ,M RC Oh,12 of the Corporation of the Town of Bowmianville enacts as fcllows: Fist-orte upoeoface-NEWCASTLE TEACHER AND PRESIDENT NEWCASTLE PUBLIC SCHOOL First:-Fo the urpoe cf scor-________ ________ taining wbether the ratepayers of the Miss Marion Baskervihle is borneRM Report et the standing cf the pu- Town cf Bewmianville qualified te' from Toronto. Mîemhers cf the Young Ladies' UnI puls cf Newcastle Public School for vote upon a By-Law cf the Corpera- ~î.FakBnet rsetteiyCaae h ntd Sna eray tien cf the Towvn cf Bowmanvillel r rn entJ. pn h t ls fte Uie udyi eray granting The R. M.%. Hollingshead Co.' weekend with Newcastle relatives. Schoel of which MUr. W. D. Bragg isi SrRoem-Examined in Spelling, cf Canada Ltd., a fixed assessment Mrs. Frank Bene, Lake Shore, bas the teacher and cf which Mrs. Bragg i %Writing. Reading and Mental Arith- ini respect of the lands and promises been enjoying a few wceks' visit with bas been tbe energetic president paidî ietiC. therein described and et ail buildings Montreal relatives, a surprise visit te the bride andi Sr. 1V-Betty Garrcd 8.3, Rosa Cow- pat.machinery, and fixtures aow, lae escMs ilcTyo bridegroem on Tuesday eveniag, an 84, Albert Pearce 82, Lawrence Plardtesects TldeTalr arhlst., and presented them witb(Garres 78, Vivianihplsen7, Ar-d plants. o which may hereafter be home agaîn fronm ber recent twoe a pair cf brunze candle sticks andiGaines 75.Ruby nipon7,alr-d crected thereca shail fer ail purpcses muonths' visit in Toronto. clrdcnls adalrebozeznRnh(1 ýsave and except fer scheel pur-poses' Miss Hazel Barrie spente theze onweek- 61 aind Local Iarvnen ae)bel Missb Tcruntarriter unt e e-jardinere containing a finle shamreck Jr. IV-Ruby Shaw 92, Verna p raa ntmoethn tes) cfendiaToHunto nd th ler an, Mrs. plant. Miss Ruth Ilancock read a O'Neill 89, Ruth Pillswerth 80, Jessie ofe(l at net mule thandthe 5cmrelatives. nicely written address whicb wasi VanDusen 70, Johin Rickard 69, Don F0)fea husandhDollars ($1 3,000. Mr. Allan Howard, Toronto, spent suitably replied te by the happy andi- McEacherni 65. Betty Lake 67,, Gar- IOî fo boaiclofiveyarsa192î tetbe weekend at borne witb bis par- grateful recipients. The yeung lad-, net Caswell and David Gray 6-1, Fred aforesaid the said Company and thel ents, 1ev. and Mrs. Scott Howard. îes having brought ample refresh- Cowan 58, Violet Henning -58, Velmia sai(l lands and premises and the,.%Ir. and Mrs. H. F. Pillswcrth, ments, and being accnpanied by a' Brown 60 a2. buildings, plant, machinery and fix-I son Joe and little datîgter Norma, number of their gentlemen friends, a Sr. III-Gordon Garrod 82, FIer- tures erected or te be erected, usedi tripped te Toronto hy meter last g ced, jolly time was spent before dis- ence Spencer 81, Biliy Phillips 80, or tu be used thereon, shaîl for the1 week. 1 persing. Cars were provided for Tomi Spencer and Adair Hancock 80, vearF 1927 te 1936 botb inclusive, bel Reeve and Mrs. H. S. Britten werc the trip front the village by '%r J. Mil tont Brown 75, Billy Toms 71, ýýxnit romTaatonby the Cor-1 thm e ag uberof .h H. Jose, Mr. Emerson Fisher and*Mr. Jarnie Wright 70. George Buckley epinastethTaxatinie at brene t la r enum aye feir Arthur Bragg. and Fred Couch 69, Irene Brereton frllbcome nteTw o o-Mrh2 68, Mary Brereton 66, Ada Pils- manile oenepeedined the o S f ew Mrc 2d.worth 66, Helena Hayes 66, Lewis manill onWedesaytheSixblMr. Wiibur Baskcrviile returned DR.AMATISTS IN ORONO Clark 60, Walter Simpson 45 ai, day of Apnil, 1927, at the heur et;i at week from Toronte where hie Edwin Hancock 80 a3, Allan Spencer cnine o'cnock lhefere-ooin 1d &pet- several days seeing the winter Ladies' Aid Dnamatists pnesented absent. ctne penn tithefvera o'ik isigbts et the city. their play, "Deacon Dubbs" te a full ai, 2, etc-No. of examinations thevastene n at the wsevraoiig M~r. Ret. Douglas is suffering bouse in tbe Town Hall, Orono, last absent. Thos. A. Rodger, teacher. Divsins s ellwsfrom a lame back as the result et a Friday evening. Miss Launa Ailin, "A" For the West Ward at theý painful fahh and is incapacitated from sîster of Mr. Harold Allia, again Intermediate Room Council Reom in the Municipal. werk for tea days or a fortnight. took the soprano in the înixed quartet Examined in Literature, Geograp- Building of the Town of Bowrnan- Mr. C. J. Lamb, Mr. Geo. Robin- which was accompanied, as at Rarnp- hy, Reading and Aithmetic. ville and John Lyle shall bc DeputyJ son, Mr. Leonard Heard, Mr..J. ton, by Mrs. Chas. A. Cowan, plan- Jr. III-.Jean Rickand 83, Hubert Returning Officen and Ann Lyle shaîll S. Rickard and Mr. W. H. Pearce ne- [îst. Tbe Newcastle cornpany greatiy Anderson 81, Biliy Brunt 79, Mary be Poli Clerk. cently disposed of fine specimens et unjoyed the music hefore and be- VanDusen 75, George Graham 72, herse fiesh te Mn. Williamson whoi tween acts by the Oreno Orchestra, Ahecia Williamns 71, Marie Henning "B" For the North Ward at the, oddacra rn atýek unden direction et Mr. A. J. Knox, 69, Margaret Torns 67, Lyle Moore Pump Rouse on the North Side of: NwateHriclua oit as it is quite certain did the wbole 59 FI, Gwen Wiliamns 57 al, Hanry Chrc etee emerae~hoNg anastl SpHrting ltuaoety Show denie. Last cf al cf the happy Couch 47 FI, Harold Brown 34 F3, andrc DSio nd Strees nd mpaChas. ingornutall sprusul. r.h of emri was the refreshing lunch Marion Aldread, ilI, Mary Chaplin ansaDivishanîl beepu n I i mnt Hll s a. M.H fsandwiches, cake and tea, servcd ill. Bounallshal b DeuyReturning1 Mtchell ,Manager Ontario Gardens, ia the basement of the hall hy Mr. Sr. I-Harold Deline 84, Jack Officer and Miss Aura Caldwell shah1i Port Hope, wiil judge the 26 classes an1r.S utl, r n i.N' 4 bc Pol Clerk. eaiwr n eivra drs ndivhlMrS. Cuan lD r. J.nJ. ilfilN,-Rare 84,.David Noden 82. Evelyn AI- offoesaddlve nadesi olilM.adis.J .Gliln lin 77, Marjory Lycett 76, Chanlie the evcning. Mn. Drurnmond, manager cf the Breton 76, Jean Gibson 71, Jack "C" For the South Ward in the' Mr. William Jarnieson's series ot Standard Bank; '.%r. adMi-. rak om 69, Louise Hancock ill. Public Sehool on Victoria St. and James Nokes shal bc Deputy Return- riay and Saturday auction sales Hall and ethers. Their hospital1ity Jr. II-Lois Martin 69 FI, Bobbie igOrcrand Dorval Tbickson shalIý continue te draw crowds et eag- 15 gratefuily rememl)ered. Mrs. Benj. Duck 63 al, Kate Clark 62 FI, TaI- in Ofiererh uyers with the result that a large Moise acompanied the cast as stage bot Aldread 62 FI. be PolI Clerk.j percentage et bis recent big stock et decorator and iber artistic work i isH .Miotahr Seod-hto h t a hardware bas found its -way te the this respect was mucb admired inMs . .Msntahr Seen:-ba n heSt dy0 i homes and premises et oui' citizens~ everv ene, both off and on the styg Junior Room apil A. . 127etheMyr'fte and people et the surrounding coun-______ Jr. I-Ruth Reaey 75, Frances tend Ttwn ou oncill oom in tetry. Breneton 67, Clarence Clarke 64, Mnicial Be Cuilng in the w el Mcmbers ef the Horticultural Se- SHAW'S Reta Powell 63, Archie Martin 62, Bownmanville at eleven o'clock in theý ciety under the presidency et Mrs. J Stanley Brown 48. tore-neen te appoint pensons te at- , E. Matchett heldi a combined hus-I Mr. and Mns. Cleve Clemience i Sr. I-Dorotby Aldread 75, Non- tend at the vaieus peiling places', loess and social meeting in Commua- and Mihdred, Oshawa, MnI. and Mrs. Iton Cowan 74, Mike Arych 73, Dor- opened and at the final sumring up, ity Hall on Monday evening. Febru- H. Cole ,Hampton, with Mr. and Mrs othy Hcnning 71, Marion Eddy 70, et the votes by the Cierk respective-' ary 28thi. Atter completing ar- F. Cryderman. . Mbs ellie Kinkton, 1J oe Rockin 69, Hazel McMannus 67, iy, on bebaît et the pensons interiest-; rangements fer the annual spring Bowmanville, was weekend gucst et John VanDusen 62, Ilean Clark 55*, edl in and prerneting or eppesing the! fiower show on the attennoon and Miss Wianifred Rickaid ..Sorry te Muriel Shaw 50*, Rilliard Brown 36. passing et this By-Law. evening et Mancb 17tb., a pleasant bear et the senieus illness et Mrs. T. *-....Absent througb illness. Figures heur was spent in vaieus games. C. Bragg and aIl hbe for bier a stand fer per cent. Third :-That the Cierk et the saîd Ladies, den't fail te attend the spcedy reccery. Nurse Mary Young, Miss Hazel Barrie, teacher. 'Municipality shahl attend at the Sping Milincry Openings on Fniday Bowmanville, is in attendance. Mn.1 Council Reom in the Municipal, and Saturday, Marcb l8th and 19th. Ewart Cemence, Oshawa, spent Sun-' Building in the said Town et Bew Ding-man & Edmondstone will hae ayat hoen.... Mr. R. H. Rickard, manvilie on the 7th day et April A.I lovcly bats te suit evenyene in aIl the B. A., Belleville, gave bis relatives a U. F. O. NOTICE D. 1927, at elevea o'ciock in the, pepular new shades, mimosa, biege, short visit on bis retura from the Providence Farmers' Club wiUl tene-noon te sum up tbe numben etý rose biege, monkey skia, Pervouche Mendelssehn choir concerts in Ton-r. tSa' ShoTedy votes givea ton and against this By1 blue, Ryacintb blue, black and white,jente... .Miss Helen Argue sang at a Metarc Sh. GeSodpogram.say Law, and if the said By-Law shah bel ed, navy and rose, concert at Maple Greve on Friday Mrh1t. Go rgai canicd hy the nequisite numben et eoniteraiîle Newcastle. news lioItob. cecîing.. Miss Marion Rickard spent 0. R. Bragg, H. E. Osborne, the said Electons. the same shaîl bel , eld over unti next at.k the wecknd with Miss Eileen Hocken, President. Se'y.-Treas. finalIy considened and passed hy the Maple Grove . ... Mrs. Chas. Osborne Municipal Council et the Corporation is stayiag witb MnI. and Mns. T. C. et the Town et Bowmanville on the TRIBUTE TO LIFE AND Bragg... Mn. Gordon and Miss Fier- 2nd day et May A. D. 1927, at the CHARACTER 0F PHYSICIAN once Ashten ententaiaed a aumben et heur et eight o'clock in the evening tnicads by taking them in a sleighGE RA at the Ceuncil Room la the said Mua Refenence was made las t week te oad te Bowniaaville rink on Thuns- G N R icipal Building. the very lange numben et relatives day evening and aftcwands te a sup- and tniends fnom outside peints whe per at thein home. Fort:Ths -'- sal ak eehere last week atnigth- Miss Ileatrice Bragg sîs-nt thi. a.knnt effect on the final psig thecof. fun erai et the ltDr. Afrd a n- il er sîter rs CI)ilMina assNewcastate.lf.e.Fana-Mr. Gio lait, andî,lMr. cemh. Among the number, besides %V.J.S. Riokard deitveretl valuable Passed the 7th day et March Mrs. (1ev.) A. N. McEvoy and horsts te i}rcno on Frltiay for Mr. Tom A. D. 1927. daughten, Detroit, who had been bere Williîtfson ...Regulaýr meseting of tht.- Farmers' Clutb was helid in thé . S.Son o Joh Lye.T. . okaefor seme weeks, Mn. and Mns. George Tutsîiay ev.ning. Prebiîk.nt Otto Bragg JohnLyle T.S. Hlicae, arncomh and daughter, Oshawa, la the chair. Mr. Russeil Osbiorne gave Cienk Mayor., and Miss Dora Fanncomb, Toronto, a v,-ry int.'ri.stiag taik on th.e Higtory ofP 1 who had spent much et the tirne at Shorliiorn t;tttle. Miss l)orothvr Allun bed - iv.,a. reatin g inher u suai ttitmaoari- the last by the dyiag physician's be-nr; Misses Bernice Giih'tnk andi Minnie side, wcne: Rev. Fred E. Farncornb îtarc,, sang very swt' tly '$,hen 1 arn and Mr. Arthur Faracomb, Toronto; temptedanti sad"; r,'gii lent gave a Mn. J. E. Atkinson, Dr. E. A. Lewis, short taik on ceooer..tive work Méet .nvile Fist- ng waii closed by sngîîîg 110w t, ntiy nvleFis-Dr. Waiton BaIl, Rev. John Bona- Swee,,t Afton". Don't ranas the next than, Mn. Alex. McLeod, Dr. and meeting March 15th. Mrs. Gco. R-. Carveth, Mn. Tbompson,_____________ -Mr. Gardiner, King Edward Htl EY R I I GMn. George et McWiliams & Ever-Fo est, Mr. Cecil Honnocks, Mn. T. An- Ho sesFo Sale derson, Mn. Arthur Brookshanks, Mnr____ and E G Hanry Rowand, Toronto; Mn. Philip' W- have on cîîrliîst a si I edi lot or ~q3 SKetchuni, Trinity College Schooi, i 1wavlýfryn adMns. Cecii Cannon, Dr. R. BeIt,titm nttderle th iiai n 1 riger. Get into the pro- Oshawa; Mns. Thos. Liddle, Grimns- s_,c 1out li.sqc.c t ir-in anlii. by; Dr. and Mns. H. Clarke, Bright-. Six Re0111- house on tiî,iS raîneI ,r )oultry and eggs. on; Miss Violet McMillan, Bowrnan -' tl ,r.i,.lfiinýie 1'r!, iglîlsi y on te roa to sccess ville; and many others from Bow- andti iown it;lrail nii îs -liiion., lonteI osces manville, Orono, Newcastle and sur- wrartl nd niaii garttu i , Iic a General Mot. )r ad rodes.rounding centres preserit at the ser- %,tiiir an entirely i c)sadBodr.vice in St. Gcor-c's ('hurcb Sýlolitil lionhe, etiraltl iiii.tltin Sixes, notably ai princileS of hatchîno' Teîograms were aiso received from nt i tts., ,lt'iawit loii<, lttIitift i I Osiincporating degree I Bisbop Charles H. Brent and faiîy,îv'în liaili. tii coîîv--ni, n î-,, -r an. rnments in de il to the highest degee Buffalo ; and Rev ýA. N. McIEvoyv. ie- *,.%ryttiiiig vton ot:rt cni-î-Pi e rcs I troit. aI <11055 alie M stelectif' Soîr -,nltc,.e list if >s <ttî tr. thiîîk the low.price, )li, this machine gavetheti f b i)tittga boninwhsei h, tis achie gve te isurace J. J.MASON & SON -iSo igiast Sused there. i OBITUARY & Reali Estate, aowmnanviiie oiualPn ertig needein the I a 1 Mn. John T. Fe'e. Omemee 1 __ __--i- New Fiisl When You Need GROCERIES-BREAD-BUNS-CAKESr- PASTRY-CHOCOLATES-ICE CREAM -SOFT DRINKS-ETC. Bring or seîîd your order to this store where it wiII receive prompt attention and you will get good valut. H. S. BRITTON,, IBakcer & Grocer Newcstle i ,;:, Il, i fouîr wîç,tiu a l if a'iiclij tiiti I rttl i t,i ns, tii.. ifuni ittr tti is if lit h r tsî(r, IMrs. W. J. Brtagg, bae !l'it r i.t a slli:inlf r t-- iii willt r t tîî iiînlîstered te ber ,,itî t. ii' tit lr- ft1f l , -it iy, o il ioui <he qulotly paastd a.way as i],iis t! v Ii it,. nti, XNi 'iIAi r,'t'l' t tu flir 0sl'i fi 1 .Y ;itttiîtitttri t4 i i l ,son Tes- ît I t siri I l iii.. EN -lI î*ý ,,il ,î t-it;iIt l t of ai îî îil ii ilt.. f xi i i 4ît Iii il iii 1,f ... ii S'. t t ndut, tvd bis ,t,lîî,A.l .îi ii itiit î Iiao thit '.sis r tti tir ,fi.'11w t, i t.i -il-t . W iii t ii i i t t tutti il .1 tîltît I tu jIl NItfitrîft iiit,i il inîs .rlfî,îîîIIIitly rtf i'.l,'îîtîry. 1927 ail Il t-,ýlibo ", i.oi lI xecutrS a y litîves fao sisters. Mrs Thos t, .or.,f- r sîîî îiîl is. l. 1,t or , fiwi ini...I BU L IN AR A N ani ot Irlbe.Th . Sut wn, "1,l ot iil.qjnlfo 1lV-1.,T ssrîîîîs oierato1 l.- lir ,Is <' 2.88; I)y h ous:t tPaitnt 2.45 gallen;rib An.oa1 whe1e woi1anded the funeG:îL ing, WallePord. peThusanda o!-tl 1-anfolflorl [Mn.i- J ohnTF.,M 'li ulgBran. Fre oata1o2ue in tiinoW. 1-g9W.A.6.CA PBIL MicelOemee. Mon ltan headHaiayCrpn, ox 21 ToronowmHhaii, ononto, ami a vry lare ailton. 9-4dRooi niîber o relatives frei the vicnty. _____ __________ __________ _____ _of fol onIy rn arrestingrab deeperadia more awe plUoasare1 the aoeepted iD provideg Window le end fiimed D"ilick's Prices iSPEAK for THEMSELVES MEN'S NAVY BLUE OVERCOATS $25 to $30 FOR $12.50 Men's Fine Rubbers, $1.50 pair for ..........98e rLadies 'Rubbers $1.00 pair for.:................. 59e Men's Fleece Underwear, $1.00 for ........69e Menîs Big B Overails, yuu know them $2 for $1.39 Mcî1's Fine Boots, black or brown, $4.50 for $2.95 Men's Work Boots $4I.50 for ..................$2.95 Men's Hleavy Work Rubbers $3.75 for ....$2.89 Men's Caps, $2.00 for .........................75e Men's Big B. Work Shirts, $1.00 for ..........69e Men's Mediumn Weight Combination Under- wear $2.25 for.................................. $1.49 Small Girls Flannel or Serge Dresses, Regular $3.50 for ........................................$1.98 A. DILLICK King & Division Sts Bowmanville ceasing before old age cornes on, Age Rate is specialy adapted to the young 20-$38.75 man of today. Heahthy maIes, 15 25- 44.90 to 45, may secure amjounts up to 30- 53.25 $2,500 witbeut examination. Write 351ý- 65.40 today for particulars. 40- 83.75 EXCE LSI OR INSURANCE LIFE COMPANY HF'10 OFFICE-EXCELSIOR LIFE BUILDING, TORONTýrO MAIL THIS TO-DAY W. BLAKE MeMURTRY, District Agent. ~l ~ Bowmanvilie, Ont. ~ ~. ~ ~ Send me fliaioemma±,& bout yoar t1IDIAV' ?oly. Nsme... Addr.-.- L MOTORS" LATEST ACHIEVEMENT rhe New and Finer qTLALC SIX SIEDAN $985 atFactory,Osaa Sales Tax Extria NO EXCISE TAX tors today aunouncea new lins of Pontiac [enhancsd iu besutY, gnumerous reflne- aigu, caring news -sund conastituting the fng developmnent in Je six fild since tbs -introduction of the riic Six! rer Body e in any low-prscsd en acbieved such cous- tuty sud luxury. The by Fisher ars longet, Pperbly execîged SDuco Colora ize their inherent smuni- >dy type are finiahed in sutomso Duco colon. auty and Style cbeauty bas alway beau >But now in diese new nod" hbm been scbieved "w beaty, but alsoosu aksuen-the reslt of a Laic.; larger, heavier, and ping crown f enders; sud .e heediamnpa. Windsheld narrowed to ouf orm <o bd cuatom.built vogue and à widet arc of visabihy. ,Iges mne unartly recesaed d in a contrsting celer. I Mechanical Refinements The n.ew and fiuer Pontiac Six introducea many new featurea and reflnements in engineering design ---such as tilting.beam headlights with f oot c 0.trol, new transi- mission and brake levers, steening wbeel with alumnuut spider, a jciutch even amoother and mot. positive in action and an oil-ased universl joint. STwo New Body Types Two entirsly new body types of charsIcteristic beauty have been added to the Pontiac Six lins. These are a dashing, youthful Sport Roadater and sa4- nger Sport Cabriolet, te rival e v~ogue snd smartuesa of the bighest priced cars of ths day. Both are ofFersd at pue hich rellect thie econornies of Genera Motora' tremendous putrchas. ing paver Fruen dis bout of its introduction, the Pontiac Six kindled sndiusiasni AI over dis land. Developed on the great General Motors Pi'oving Ground, i intr.oduced elements of gtamina, per- formance, economy and coinfort unheard of nt ths price Now tee i a new and fiuer Pontiac Six-a triumph reflecting al the expetience, skill and tremendous resourcea of Genetal Motors I Corne min See this bistory-makuig carl1 GENERAL MOTORS PRODUCTS 0F CANADA, LIMITED Postiar Division Sbi.oyo eea .s lCpaeLstdOSHAWA. ONTARIO AT NEW LOW PRICES Sedan $985 Sport Roadster $965 SportCabriolet (4-pass.> $1045 Coupe $965 Landau Sedan $1125 DeLuxe Landau Sedan $1220 AU Prka as ac or7OShoesi-S3155Ta z lr-No Excite Tax PF431O CORBATT MOTOR SALES, Bowmanville OXt.