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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWOi - I DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Bonor graduate in Dentistry Torontc University. Graduate of the Royal College of Dental Surgeons of Or- tario. Office King St., Bowmanville, Office phone 40. House phone 22. X-Ray Equipnent in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental College Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal Colege 'f Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail ita3 branches. Office-King St., Bowmianville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farm and Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to late D. B. Simpson, K.C. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phono 91 Bowmanvilie, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Maney ta baRn. Bonds for sale. Offices-Bieakiey Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontaria. Phones: Office 102, flouse 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motor or Horse Equipment All cail promptly attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanville phone 10 and 34 Branch Stores- Oroiio & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phonos 58 or 159, Bowman- ,ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist af Trinity University, Toronto. Four yeare attending Phy- sician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and Residence, Wellngton Street, Bow- rnanviile. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night calis promptly attended ta. Office: King St. East, Bowmian ville. Phono 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Se. Orono Honor Graduate of University of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention. Offce- Dr. McEfroy's former office. Phonos: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and flouse Sales a Spec!alty. Terms moderato. Enniakillen P._O. Phone 197r3. 1tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduate ai Toronto Coliege of Chiropractic will be in the Bo'w- manville Office Tuesday, Thnrisday and Saturday evonings, phono 141J Residential calsa made during iore- floofl. PAINTING AND DECORATING 1 See the 1927 line of Wall Me î1riilzdn' hût Far! We wouldn t gay that Wrigley's bas a place at the weddîr'g frrerny, butin times Of streje ,r~ when you have a trying C ua to face- use Wrigley'a niew DOUBLE MINT-t s e Peppemint mil mmrMea THE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY. MARCH 17th. 1927. NEW LOWER PRICES Rmsu1uer-$65500 Torina 6.5riS Q (ukpe - 780(0 ( -h -7000 Selu -- ,.00 S"lii -600 t .it,.t CltJehivK"7 65.00 tr, '. 490M0 'tfllil>, Exprms Cha-. 645.00 P'ù es ItFatCgua'y Govowm,aa Tm« 5zbu. CF-2414 THE EDITOR TALKS THE EDITOR TALKS HISTORY 0F FLOUR MILLING take eut the larger foreign materials. 1 The iower sieves are finer and allowv In the great game of life take en- Basil King thinks the white race is (Continued front page 1) the seeds and sniall wheat te go ta couragement frein the examples of exceedingly obstinate, stubborn and of a crude miortai and using a wood-! through and the good wheat runs al others who have won success by their sclfwilied and bard to be convinced e n pounder to break the grain.- Laterl cvcr the end. n- perseverance, industry and use of! that their views, methods and cust- a niii was bujît at Napanee and tbel Next the wheat is put tbrough 2 eone of ife's greatest possessions-J omts are flot the right ones, hence are distance soniewhat shortened. Then1 scourers which drive the wheat . commion sense-ever bearing in mnd,, bard to teach after they grow to one was bujlt at Belleville, next ati around very fast in an iron cylinder too, that what man bas donc, man i a(ulthood. No doubt hie is more! Port Hope and finaily the flrst gristi by mneans of beaters which scours can do and ad(i on your owrs ac- titan haîf correct in this matter, for1 iiil in Bowmianviile 'was built about the iheait whiie a strong air current count: So can , tee. Oenyr0t sams mosil eprsaea-î YM. ohn Bork about where is passed through it. This dra-sou eknows %%-at hoe can (o tili hie tries ureat miany people the absolute ne-~ our present iiil stands. About 1820 ail the miaterial which is cieaned tii b_ ard enougb and long enougb. Have ecessity for best health conditions to ilitvas bought bY Mr. Chas. Bowmnan, of the wheat. Next a smiall streami 6 courage, abso. to attempt the ifficuit box o fiesh air at nighit-timoe in their. after )whomi the town \vas namned. of water is poured on the wheat le tasks that confront you and if atl sleeping rooms. Dr . Arthur L. The present iii xas erectcd in, xviie it is going through a conveyor first you (lnt suecee(l, try, try again, l'ester gives this oixtertnce: 1850. Th aeM.Jh cMrr ihtooglymxsu h ha Wene rbina Boucemand tho wodred ome time ago 1 had an argument often told nie about watching the until every kernel is wct. on a farm inour sectin whoswe otîtwith ait elderly man on this topic, lhomen building h iiatio h h xha stenawwdt st adin riotwasectcin tbse oba-' taking the stand that night air W is fltbeuity the>- had in raising thel stand in a bin for- about 24 hours 7e tadin taitwa taklng hehar d ýbad for the healtb, whiie my conten-! ifferent lient., ani how the timiberl untii the moisture penetrates the ;jobs înstead of letttîng bis father i tion xas that night air is no differentj in it %vas hewn out itistead of saw n. I skin or bran of the wheat thereby 1themi with the resuit that ho became! from day air and is good for the, Two barreis of flour mialle fromt makin, the bran tough so that wheb an expert farmer-a leader in the, beaitb . My friend argued that inJ wheat grown in Clarke amil ground voheat is ground on the rolis the :Zý 9ccmmunity and admired for bis suP-1 the oid country tbey aiways kept tbe into flour at this iiiii wero sent to the bran xiii corne off in big flakes n i erior skili anu personal wvorthI. rer-1 windows tightiy ciosed at night be-j London, England. Exhibition of 1851 rather than eut up into snmali par- *sons wbo achieve succcss in any uine, cause the night air affected pecpîe'sý and there reeivedl the fiîrst prize ticies xvich wouid get into the flour -of activity aiways comniand reset eyes, and in support of bis argument Afterwards they were presented to1 Wben the wheat is properly con Tobeafai t atepttodowhtie stated that five times as many the Rev. Mr. Noci, private chaplaini ditioned or tempered it is then ru Tec a dwbat te Creatordo gaus people on this side cf the water wear1 to Her Majesty, Queen Victoria. through two more scourers in order we can doisooeac the t raeu glasses. This baneful effect (sic) About this time there were 4 other to dlean off anytbing that the wate the abiiity te ci neo h ta- f night air is just one cf a long list, milîs built in t(iwn-an oatmceal mili may have loosene(i before geing into edies of our civilization.. It is a' each of whicb is an eutgrewth If in the flats south of the bridge andi the rolla to be ground into flour. douberime a crime against urs onepoinilfnc.rsuesiu- three fleur milis; one on the old elec- There are four pair of corrugated aneacrmeagint uîetrtenie* lîight property, une on the site of relis wbicb are calbed Break rolis. the Creain cf Barlev Camp and theý The first Break roll just opens up the A very successful business woman,l Then lie says as a matter cf factý other where Mackays Mill is situat- kernel of wbeat andi the other threc in an address te ambiticus yeung a anaiysis cf serne air ccllected at ced. pair cf relis are uaed te get the in- wemen ernpieyees, speaking eut of lingt~el ieth an id iîtns ceueiutl18 er part cf the wheat aeparated freon thefulesscf er wn xpesene igs s ar gtbeedat rid-day. The wh*en the firat relier systein \;as in-I the bran. The bran then gees te a and observation in the business worid; tbeery that there is a difference in stalieti in this section of the country. 'bran duster which takes eut any said: "Don't avoid, but seek respefi- the air cf day and night is km te the 1 remember as a boy watcbing thein fleur that may stili bie sticking to the 1 sibility". belief tbat there are geblins, witches grinti fleur on the olti milîstones bran before it gees te the bran bin. "Manly people, employeecalal theiri and such like floating tbreugb the air which were aboeut 41 ', feet in dia- The inner part cf the wbeat is in lives don't like responsibility, dcn'tl at nigbt. During the night we are meter. The wheat xvas fed into a the form of middlings whicb are sent want it, because tbey are afraid theyl eccupying a constant position for a hole in the centre cf the top mili- te the purifiera whicb draw e ut any will make mistakes. Do these peeple centinucus period cf eight heurs, and stone whicb revoived on the bced- impurities which are miixeti with get anywbere? Tbey do net. Un-1 the turne is spent indoers. We are stene. The whieat xvas zround by thein and they are then sent te differ- less you bave responsibiiity o your net meving froin place te Place,. th, two faces cf the tones coming ent middlinga roils according te their shouiders, you are cf cemparatively'spending part cf the turne eutdcors together and was graduaily workcd size te be reduced te fleur. After little value, and can bie readiby re-J as is the case during our waking out te the outaide by furrows in the geing through cach pair cf relIs the piacei. Sbouldering respensihibityl heurs. Lying quietby, we re-inhale faces of the stenes.* Afterwards it material is sifted on sifters anti what dEvelcps strength; sidestepping it in- seme cof the expired air with eacb inl- had te be put through a reci which is fine enciugb is sent te the flour hin creases weakness and tiidity". i spiration. Obviously it is neces- separateti the fleur frein the bran as flour, and the cearser part'is sent * * * sary that the air in the reoinlie re- anti shorts, te another rellIte be still further re- Emnerson advised a clasa cf stud- newed and that it bie activeiy dir-, These milistones hadti t be Sharp- duceti and the tailinga wbich are ieft ents te abways do wbat yau are culating te insure a fresh suppiy. eneti about every ten tiays andti tek' ever are sent te the shorts bin. r afraidt t do. .Write that sentence iW This necessity is very apparent te the a goed deal of skill te de. It would There are twe principal varieties your beart; anti never try te evade' nostrils cf anyone who steps inte a take a man about a day te do this cf what-spring and faîl. The any responsibility that cernes te yeu. hbedroin with cleaed windews that for. he hadti te ake fine marks with aprin.g wheat wbicb is grewn in West- To do Se is te close the deor cn yeur; has been eccupieti by a sleeping per- a mill-pick and these had to bc about crn Canada is used for making Bread advancement; te throw away tbel son during the previcus eight heurs. a sixteenth of an inch apart. fleur oniy and makes the best bread very cppertunity that would lio ai * e**i fleur in the wcrld. Wbile the falb stepping-stene te the achievernent of 1 We fancy every practising nxedicalJ maTiedne lt oa geafota nthe Iwheat grown in Ontario is useti ai- you amitin. e al kew eope1 an ouli tliof nmany interesting1 way the atones were sharpeneti. The) tegether for Pastry fleur as it la wjio bave neyer dared ta go onhc-,experiencea hie bas bad i n visiting 1top atone or innroa dien 1 i'tand w esn we ast yfl mittees, or on officiali oadn cern- rwa divn hinthe ndmestr bwete atr lu bave neyer been abl te getfupdinurthe air very feuil mneans cf a spindie and it was very Th misinCad in 1925 age te speak in publie, or even in so50ffctv means cf ventilation, and impoandt te ave hgon e poropr grounti &,901.000 bushels cf wheat ciai gatheringa. They are abways1 the opposition met againat opcning i The onby manî now living in this making 17,769,000 bhis. cf fleur. iooking for a back seat and sbrinkingl a xindow. Mereover, sanitary COIscionta kefw sdt The capacity cf the milis in Canada frein responaibilityl gîneers have cernpiicd figures andli make flour on the iil tones is Mr. -iS 12100hb.prdyc hc They are sby, sensitive, tlm'd, facta wbicb clearby show that in mucbl John Santers, Horsey St., whe is ati Ontario bas over haif. In 1925 7cbaracters ambitious, but neyer put-I lesa turne than this the oxygen in thel present caretaker of Royal Bank. Canadians consumet on an average - titheinseives in. a position te .e-1 rocin bas ueen consumed andureplac- Until about 60 yeairs ago -wootienof19lsoflurwieteya cerne the big men and women they! cd by carbun dioxite. Fcrtunateiyj water wheeîs w'ere used te run the before they consumet 205 ibs. eacb. are capable cf becoming. Tbey go; for the intividual whe believes an ex- mnillstenes. In the wvinter watex ____________________ tbrougb life disappointed, their am.-' cluding the nigbt air eneugh getsl wouid freeze on thcm over nigbt and bitions largeiy tbwarted, their self-1 tbro ugh the cracks and crevîces tej have tole ut f v morning. expression strangled, because they i defeat bis purpose an dkeep b un go-1I a adt offkepte wee bi neyer dare ta do the thinga they are liing. It is a common observation' anceti in the winter on acceunt cf perfectly capable cf doing. that people wbo are accustomedt te this ice wbich matie it turn wîtb a * * * living out-of-deers fiad it very diffi-I wop. These have been repiacet by Ia one cf bis characteristic inspi- cuit te adapt theinseives te indoorI turbine wator wheeis wbich are the rationai taîks te young rnen in Suc- life. We who live indoors oursel- oniy cnes in use now. ceas Magazine last year Dr. Orisen ves exhibît the effects cf leas fresh With the 01(1 systen cof miiiing B I I Swett Martien la reportedt t have! air during the winter iin the forin cf eacb fariner bat bis cwn whcat sait: If you go througb life sidestep-~ the "colts" that are se prevalent at ground inte fleur anti the milier teck ,/iï;; piag responsibiiities, fearing te trusti thîs turne cf the year. And anycie. hia pay eut la toi1. That is, hie got yeurself, sbrinking frein the untrîcti, who îa ia the habit of sleeping with one bushel.of wbcat eut of every 12 the unknown, yeu wili neyer get the windows openi fintis it practicaliy in- for grinting it inteffo r h %3 splendid training that la necessary possible to de SI in a cieset reoin. 'fariner.- fer he evoepinnt f yur hgbet ** *Now regarding the prescrit methot d possible manhoti or wcmaabood. This bumrous stery la toit cf a o f making fleur. The wbcat is firat . 44.67' Some savage tribes belileve that the man wbe went te a botel. AfterJ passeti er seme magnets wbicb take " spirit anti strength cf the enemiesi being in bcd a long turne, unable te eut nails or ethor piecea cf iron f"4î j tbey conquer in battie enter inte sieep, hoe recaliet that be bat not op- Iwbich inay bo in the wbeat. Then Yf<n them, anti afterwarts beip thein toi cnet the wintow. Ho get up anti,1 it is put threugb a rilling separator. flgbt their batties. Every vitr!uai efnitesitcb, grepet bisi A strong current cf air lifts eut all attia te their strength. 1 way te wbere hoe thought the window the igbt material anti the top sieves .~. In a similar way every victory we.1 was. He fuinhiet arounti unable aiiow the wbeat te pasa through but achieve ovor aur mental enernies, te fiat the atch anti finally, losing________________ makes us stro'nger. There is act-I bis temper, kicked bis foot truh ualby somethiag which entera inte us' the glass, went back tc bot anti wýas" frein every mastereti obstacle, every soon sount asleep. The next mcm- Notice to Creditors ceaqueret eaerny of our suces fiag lho wasa aazedtotesec the wintio aur character developmnt, thttae intact, while next te it stooti a bock- 'INrTE MATTER 0F the Estate of posesionofus ndmakes us ail the case through the ticor cf wbicbhoieMnraTarXo tetwsi fDr strenger fer aubsequent cattles. t had kik a a hl. Tuhs 'iinlinicton, ini the ounty or Durham, mac-T fEbnn atdas to aur seL-reliance, anti urgesi aginatian was warkiag ever-tirne, buti rled woman. decased. T fi b ig rqi us en te further trials ef aur strength' it shows the power of habit. NTC ahrb ie usatt amr ifra Th*ea ysen * NTCf oorh ivnprsatoofarns lfeac -te greater victories. e i eailti S ec. 56 of Chan. 121. R. S.. that al Se it is up te every yauag persani a sleeping reoin is fouatieticn the aeaInt tI,,,.s tau,.cfthie ald Manervata OcbO ta chose in yeuth what tbey are toble1 physical fact that warrn air riscs te- HarriB. deceased, who died on or about ular bra.nch of farmir -a shirker cf respoasibibity, a faib- wart the ceiîing whiîe colt air ty the 17th (Laiy cf Novermber, 1926. are r"- lire;or aseeke of espstaysltyciuired (o send by p1oet. orepald or de- ur; r sekr i esonibliy next the feoor. If the reoin cea- livor te tho undiersîgnied Adminîistrator a winner la the great garine cf lufe, i tains one wintiow the upper saab Ti,, Trut iaisad Gîarantne COm),iny, Whatei taking the urge frern the truth that~ shoubti be lowereti anti the under saab l1.mited, Tironto. or te the uîndlersign±l wl i what others bave donc yen can do,! ast hr hr r w Solctor, i or hefori' 1h twenty-third ilfn tOO.ed dows tth e ee tWowi- day f Mh, 1927, their clrlilan ami _______theupper sash cf on ay 1eaiun.,m,*.s nd addrea-e with fuîll par-thpa lowered anti the under saab <oi the f t1lîýia.~n wrîtjng cf ihe-ir cdaim.s, andl other raisot. To get the mixîIl in, tetonlt f thir îcc~~aanid th,-nt- MAKE IT YOUR COMMUNITY anieunt of fresb air one sbeuit sleep, thVm dily %x.ritted l)hy saalîory îl'elara- ilain the current cf air between the tion. Withb keen appreciatica that it iatnows. Naturaily people subjoct the mothers, housewives, sisters, antitd otnerii niote fotiAND)TAI<E NOTICU 'bat ifter the. sweethearts la Bowmanviiie whe doltoc dfs xviii fiatad this efecI ai, 2o . o f Mi.i',17.th. salid of drats wil fin thisuntiesîrabie. I Adnilnltstrnbor syil proe..ed 10 illaîrîiute i NO fully 90 per cent cf the shopping,' Nom is it absebutcly aecoasary. Thoselith . r f Il salI il 1ýetsoil amoor this message is courteousiy subrnîtt-, 'ho want fresh air witbcut undue 1' i0- anjiî' l-ideIming re- a mat.riali ssit .1la echa creen the tliii iii-il, , i, owii iArîhnis- every oe a mtrily asti'muslinsrtenin teopenng. Durînigj i cvili beliîr, fr sii eaTOT AL A SS ET S 1 the furtbur tievelopment anti growth iiiwcather there s a dispoîsition toj or iîv îiîrrt h-ýf o O3(in, ta'r, or cf Bewmanviiic. keep eut the colt ail- in the interesti ~ ~rcri.(iiie~il e (emmuaity growth binges a fîso-,cf-wrinth andi cinfoît. Dci,'t do î,:rî,iî.-r Ils si iuteiy upori business deveiopmcnt. it. You may pay a heavy penalty I.i 1acr 1' There is oniy coe"U" la coin-! Use plenty cf lbcd clothes, hotb r.over'l, fý7 1înuinitu-aindt f i lanoortion te, anti untier you, ant iget ail the frcsh' THE TRUSTS & GUARANTEE COMý - ' Î iehr(, can h. ne higheî noa!t.- The cordial friendiy atniospherc lite valuti.. o'agos tir ligge r ahiir- 1 fint iun little toxvns. tunities than is bîiiught aiiî,,ît Instill, me with a kintiiy cc throiîgh tho volume <f iiusineiis ohich Anti drivesi axay niy frowns. î the îlfe of cvery coîiiioîunity,. Anti, tee, it seceema thc people there Yoîir dllars sent ai humie nîoîkiiArce more content cf mmnd, this volurne, andi if wo ti ivitie tllhi,3î Than city fciks xvliî rush andt tat, dollars xith out-of-totwn store,; we Some littie thriil te finti. wieak n <our otiO'n lii ti lflOts i 00<iThtei ittie town provides its tbcills huipis iof intrerîseulvalties n thv rom- ' ho sainle as cities do- inîiit~'in wjtb c iie.I But thiers s mit lihi place tiot tila Nto itolît ,îu are na-n MYilil Lif's cup %vith bitter bîcw. plans for an extensive spring lîuying, They fiat their fun in simple things,I calnpaigei. . With litie pcmp anti show, Why dît look first la Bowvmanvîîîe1 Anti yet truc happiness it irrirlgs stores,scee the new încrchan<iist now; As those you've tricîl it know. on tiispbay, note the rùui values off-1 ered-xvhctber it hie apparci or foot;, Perbaps you say that 'rn a "rube" necessities or luxonis. Te feci the way b do- Yen wiil fatd pricea just as lew Anti sonre right say "That guy's a anti quaity just as bigh--nicre cf- bochl" ton higher-aat heme-town mer- Anti raybe that la truc. chants a great deai more obiiging. But, "rube" or not, I'd hoe content, Its yeur tewn-and mry tcwn-j To bhofai anali renown- let's make it grew. Have quite fun, pay ittie rent, 1Thore la prosperity fer Bowrnan- Within saine littie tawxîn. viloe when we stick together. 1.--C. S. Kinnison. uuaIity-" Perfornuinc ii i 7 r,,otjoi Comparable to thliC(ostliest Cou s NI %RTT ' Iydlih ni-ebelîcul Fishe r oi < '1.I,, i,-o imus u- iiu, r I nn, rr, li ,xri-,, il, s uîi,liu <tik s a d pi-1 m r-srriil s ilany ,-înoes of st>ir andl lîaul>,, as tic Most Beaul.îtld t 'hrvrolût. Anîd, undpuriving this riiirlflm andbeauty itaa nii and m higher t&lanl of ut qîiiiv Itsmd' vairIltnurer influile New 001lFilter, Air (Jeantr, BulIlet-typf letad and Cou I-flana Newl> iku.igimî K.,iîairr, Full Crown Fend- en,. SlIdin Seau' ni the Coach,.and many Otkmw~ eaily tue nuuueow ta menue. But seeing the Mi Beautiful 'ý' j i nou enougli. . . (mi>, who-i yen have nidden in ihh car aniS rricen k an vou fully i)enlrurirao. lO the .xurlutes whirli gakneri the tijle d lb,. Mi-i l'Suuvrf-ul, t Nisti' E"imuaaulan d 1hp Snîu,t mevîle rtfli present. enhanceil hb ew jrniuuvelnenla, in thme Most Seautiful &evrut. Iti s amazing indced tha tbe Mont Betifiil tlwvrdet in ChevroW iet stoey h zow asllh au new &Mdlower pricea - the I.awM kg uwh thevret bu ~ b. salddim mk i ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED Oàhawa, Ont H. D. CIL-VUNS, 8mb Dealer, Waett Bd Garage, D.wmaa',iU.

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