We building -... .~,s...garitOaMVIiLL. ~"THURSDAY. MARCH l7th. 1927. JOYS AND COMFORT 0f Modern Bathroom Fixtures Why not enjoy life as you go along and have ail the reasonable comforts and conveniences in the home that are possible? A modern bath-room with up-to-date fixtures is no longer a luxury but a necessity. We wifl gladly give you an estimate for in- stalling such fixtures. Don't hesitate. W., Len. ELLIOTT Plunibing, King st. W., Heating, Steamfitting Phone 348 Bowmanville SSpring Prospects For Building would be pleased to quote you prices on materials. Lime Gyproc Cernent Plaster Paris Asphait Roofing Hard Wall Plaster Hardwood Flooring Stucco (best on market) Customers, please return al cioth Canada Cernent sacks in their possession as in future nothing but paper sacks will be handled. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowrnanville FIFTYI L!RJ B anking Service and Prosperity__ PROSPERITY on the farm is lac- gciy dependent on factors heyond the reaini ef the farniers' control. l'hebe itust bc a good nmarket de- mand for famîîî protiocts anti the protduction costs nmust ho kept in prpr relation mwith nmarket mturng. Our~ Branch Manager is tbomougbiy famliliar witb the busineýss cf famm- itg andt is reatiy to assist in carry- ing your farin progmani te a success3- fui conclusion. TAN DARD BAN K BOWMANVILLE BRANCHH. W. Lapp, Manager Branches alto et Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono, Oshawa You Should Know WHERE THE BEEF COMES FROM THAT YOU EAT We don't take ail the credit for supplying our customers with tender juicy meat. A whole lot of the credit is due the breeders who feed the cattie we buy. Just now we are retaling beef bought from these well known farmers: 5 Steers and Heifers from Warden M. J. Elliott 14 Steers and Heifers from Carl Billings, Orono 7 Steers and Heif ers from Fred W. Bowen, M. P. 10 Steers and Heif ers from Mr. Reid (Lovekin Farm) 1 Steer, 1 Heifer, Eber Crago, Town Line They are a mighty fine lot of young cattle and are making excellent beef for our customers. Bet- ter order a roast or steak today. Delivery ToAll Parts of Town C. M. CAWK-ER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanville Phone 64 £HlE CAN AIIN ESArI.N i. t5 u'w n .N v -.-ýr, 'E-U -- 1 APPLE GROWERS' CONVENTION IN THE EDITOR'S MAIL Bi (Coninue mrm iat isue) Mrs. Susannah M. Clarke, Sidney, (Coninue frm lat isue) B. C.,' wrîting under date cf March te Banquet 8, says: We are enjoying beautiful th Spring weather in British Columbia t1I 0ol. R. J. Gui. who as chairman o! the already and the spring flo-wers are a( Banquet Committee, was larg'ely re- * M~ sponsible for the splendid succese of the bieoming, trees are budding adv culmnating -event in the Bowman House everybody is gardening. si at six oclock, presided at the head table Mr.Gogt.Wre, S i during tke evening's program. Ms ereC WreS tai Ove 10 prsnsmebe 'fo the N. Current, Sask., writes: Dear Sirs- t] & D. A. G. A., wearing their membershlp Please find enciased postai note forE badge, together with nearly ail the lead- two dollars for renewai te The States-1 lng business men of the tewn wre nVIih setdaround the tables and feased ma ch e look forward te e-I witix satisfaction on the roast chicken. cesving every week.. We are hav-I fruit pudding and other appetlzlng vianda n ie srn wahr hr t serv.ed by Capt. Dickinson and bis caurt- iprfesent. We havehd maher long10b eous and capable assistants. 1îtr u etavbsvmeee The King was teasted in meliow. ap -____bt ________ evre ne pie cider as befitted a banquet o! apple growers and in cennection with thé?i mneal, several rounds a! popular aongs§ FURNITURE SALE were indulged in led by Mr. t). MrrisenI at the piane. The banquettera were 5ai Strdy arb2tbEtteo se treated te a fine tineofo!music by thel atCay arlisihestAve.,oBew following Bowrnanville artist-Mr. Fran- late A W iiin,CalseA .,Bw cis Sutton. Mr. R. M. Mitchell, Mayor T. manvl' iexviiseli by publiic auctien 0 S. lilate and Mr. W. Ress Strike. thýe household funiture and effects. Mr. Suttons violin seljections con- Sec list in paper next week. Sale s sisted o! the old melody. OId Black Jee, at 1 o'cleck. Temms cash. Wm. J. played as a celle sole, a finie sooalend haisAutner a iolin duet. This ivas followed as an Chals utoer encore by a violin and guitar duet on the vioi. I a lv~ okado U TO A E tainly caught the famcy e! hîs listeners. The vocalîsîs ail received rousing en- j ceres and genereusly responded; Rod Friday, March i8th-H. D. Gerry Mitchell with his Ragged vagabond; wiii seli at Orene 20 mares and geid- IMayor Hoigate with his Off te Philadel- inssitable for farmm wok-seund, Iphia in the Mrning. and Mr Strike with l'Ini a Rover Frée. yeung and breken te harness. Sale Th e niwly elected President. Mr. E. H. at 1 'ciock. A. J. Stapies, Ciemk. Martyn, was graciously introduced by the retiring President, Mr. Waite. Mr. Tuesday, March 22-W. H. Webb, Martyn made a neat speech seasaned lot J1,, cen. 2, Darlington, (1 mile with some captivating humer. As he nest cf Bowmanviiie on Higbway), ruse from his chair. he wa.s greeted with "Hes a jelly gead Fellaw_, sang wth wili seli al cf his farm stock, impie- hearty enthuslasm.I ments, etc. Sale at 1 o'ciock. Sec Prof. P. W. ltodgetts, who substitut-1 bis. Wm. Man', Auctioneer. F. 0. ed fer the Hon. J. S. Martin,. whe was Mason, Cicrk. unable te leave the legisîature awing ta extremely important matters befere the TusaMrh2t-.Dvy bous e that cvenng, spoke on apt a- TuaaMrh2t-.Dvy keting and varis-ties which nas.te hef Lot 1, Con. 8, Dalilngton, wiil selI theme o! the whele day's meetings. He 29 bead of year olds and 2 year informed the apple grawers that the goiv- oids, 2 miich caws, genemal pumpese erniment througl the Dent. o! Ag- tem3an4 aroeodmr, riculture n'as giving serios considera a,3an ers n oa-ae tien te the requests of growvers for fruiti one 2-year aid colt, 4 bmood Yerk- testlng stations and that the best apin- 1sbire sows, 8 young ewes, quantity ion favored about 25 small stationslibay, seed oats. Sale at i a'clock. througheut the province with prebabll o1.Jcsn& oAcines three or four in NorthumbeŽrland in or-I e ako o, Acines 1der to test out varieties suitable ta local S.ndv oi 2dFeig sous andy * Arind.ntiOnS.n Saturday aftcmnoen on mighty sticky ice. Maroons defcated St. Pats by a mighty close score ta win the cham- pionshp. it nas nip and tuck ail the way before Mamoans finaliy em- erged on top with a anc-goal victory. Neither tcam had been previousiy defeated and the score of 4-3 just about indicates the pay. The cham- pions are: Mango (Captain), Hague, Brash, E. Usher, Cettreil, Hartford, Davis and Hamilton. bekal "Bmo last1 doul at Il Mast lie mentiofled seven standard varit ee les of apples which the Fruit lranch re- ments, 10 a. m. Compiete dispersaiee comrnended for plantiflg in Ontario, of ail machinery. Biggest sale o ffn na.miely-Mellba, a fine early variety, a season. R. J. Fleming Estate, has sed ang o the M clnt.ash,' Snow, m- Kin so ihway, between W hitby l tosh. DeliclaUs, Greenig, Golden Rus- adPceig rnie&Petcnl sett and Northerfl spy. and Pickerin. Penie Petie In closing lhe threw out a challenge te ucieees.1113!1 the apple growvers of these counties, by Tedy pi 2hAcinSl a an honest pack of the kind of apples TedyAil1tActOlSema wanted, te redeem the great and ever of Hoisteins, Yorkshires, Oxford Pro' expandiflg market of Western Canada. Downs, farmn machinery, etc., at Edg Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.L.Â., and Warden Twin Stream Farin, Lots 29 and 30, Mrs, M. J. Eliott favored the assemblage with Con. 3, Whitby Township. Sale at Cliff Sirett, retiring President of the Ontario pt e ils m a inEd F. G. Association gave some heipful Auctioneer. 1-4witl hints sand finally "The Hee.venly Twins"- Frank, surnamned Paterson and Walter Tuesday, April i 2th-Auctiofl Sale yl surnamed Smth, Agrlcultiiral Represen- ofpoet nw sTi temdr tatives in these United Couxties expres-fpoerykwnaTwn temdu ed their pleasure and satisfaction wthF'arin Lots 29 and 30, Con. 3, Whit- the whole day's proceedings, and Nith by Township, 365 acres, and exten- the perseverance, vira and optlmiem c& sive farni buildings. Sale at 12.45 S the association and alI its members. p. M. See bis. Win. Maw, Auc- o Two Great Truthi tioneer. 11-4 doll Ta sum up the convention there --t are two great truths staring appie L o gro'wers in the face at the present A uc ioflSale tume. The first is that good _________ac nipes, apples that are profitably sale- G J e akon utoerya abl e can be produced only by intel- aercie ntutosfo e ligent spraying. Prof. Ciesar iv eeednsrcosfom tE preached this at the convention, as THOMAS JACKSON ed hie has been preaching it for years, i and they ail know he is right; and Mr ta seil by auction on the premises Paterson and Mr. Smith back him up Lot 4, Con. 2, Darlington- and help force the truth home. o But these men do not stop ,Nth words or the giving of good advice. WEDNESDAY, MARCI{ 231 They carry their preaching into prac- The following valuabie Farm Stockq' tise and in order to assist the grow- implements, etc: ers to foilowv up this first truth and OS -1baktmachd reap the benefit, they have again HOS -1bakta, aced Iplanned to give the growers a coin- 9 years aid. weight 3000 lbs: 1 black petent spray service, which wiii be mare, 10 years aid, 1400 ibs; 1 available for ail those who are reaiiy brown geiding, il years oid, 1500 lbs; in earnest about the matter, and who 1 gencral purpose mare, 13 years are prepared and wiiiing te acecptitid, 1250 ibs; 1 tiriving mare, 10 advice and assistance in "Spraying years old.i For Better Fruit". CATTLE,Pure Bred Shorthorn-j T 'he second truth is that the moti- 1 Graceful of Park (imp.) 16347J ern arke is emaning straight female, 9 years oid. bull caif at foot;~ lien oarket s deanditsnfg crtan.1 Gracefui Beauty-200363-feniale, varieties of appes of dependabie 1 3 years aid, heifer caif at foot. I rdesnet a car, for instance con-1 CATTLE, Grades-i red cow, re- tainingý thirty-five varieties as seme newed January 15th; 1 red cow, re- local apple deaiers assert they have newevd January lOth; 1 red cow, re- been under the necessity of shippingl newed January 12th; 1 black caw, frc'in Durham eorchards; net a car, rlfrenew,%ed February lSth; 1 roan cew, say, containing about 20 barr eis cffrroW;. 1 black cow, due March 15; Northern Spics and about 150 or 2001 i Holstein cow, due May 4th; 1 red barreis cf a heterogeneus assem-lcow. bred December 2nd; 1 roan blage cf varieties and grades which heifer,l2wyears aid ,bred December the cansignee has often been forced ioth; i hite heifer, 2 years aid,i ta take for the sake cf getting the bred December l8th; 1 white heifer, much desired Spies. 1 year aid; 2 roan heifers, 1 year aid; No, the day fer a municipaiity of 1 red heifer, 1 year oid; 1 red heifer, commercial varieties is doomed and 1 year aid; 1 Holstein heifer, 10 mes. there are aiready signs that the day aid; 2 roan steers, 1 year aid, (baby is fast passing when, as Mr. Andrew beefs) ; 3 fat steers, 2 year aid; 1 fat Fulton has said, hie bas seen any- heifer, 2 year aid; i roan bull, 6 where fremn 85 ta 105 varieties of1 years old, weight 2000 lbs; 3 young apples in storage at the Brighton caives. plant at one time. HOGS-i saw, due April 27th; 1 SQxne growers, xwtching the trend sow farrow; 20 shoats, 125 ibs. each; cf tuhe nmarkets, have anticipatedi 6 pigs, 8 weeks aid. modern requirements and by wise POULTRY-75 Leghorn puliets; planting and systematic top grafting 10 Wyandette puliets; 3 Wyandotte are aimcady in lino or are fast get-j roasters. ting there with large quantities of I MPLEMENTS-Massey Harris a few cheice varieties. Binder, 6 ft. eut; Massey-Harris Demnstatin IMower, 5 ft. cut; Mýassey-Harris Grafting Drosrto Rake; 'Massev-Hamris Tedder;. Massey- But the time lias came when every Harris Seed Drill 13 Hoe; 2 Massey- appie ochartist in IDurhanm must Harris Cultivaters; 'M. H. Spreader, face the situation anti face it square- No. 4, Leov Down; Massey-Harris iy and in erder te help them, Mm. p. Disc Harrow, 12 Discs; Massey-Har- C. Paterson, Agiultural Representa- ris Riding Piew, single furrow; 2 tive, Port Hope, in conjunction with Massey-Harris Twin Plows; 2 Orono the Provincial Fruit Branch bas ar-1 single plows; 1 platfoi'm spring ranged te have Mr. James Neilson, B. wagon, 300 ibs. capacity; 1 Haines S.A., Vineland. give a number cf wagan and box, new rims and tires grafting denionstratiolis during the iast rail; 1 set of trucks; 1 set of latter part tif March in varieus appie sîcigils; stock rack; hay rack; tur- grewing sections cf the county. As nip rack; 2 gravel boxes; 1 wheeibar- Mr. Neilson wiil be able te spend a1 row; 1 bag truck; cutting box; 1 set censiderabie portion cf his time in cf scaies; fanning miii; Tolton pul- Durham this Spring hie will aise be per; apple panks and poles; 2 scufi- in a position te supervise the tep ers; forks, hees, etc., toa numeraus working operatians cf these whe de- ta mention; Buckeye Brooder, 500 sire his assistance and make applica- chick size, new last year; Magnet tien fer if by March 21st., te F. C. creani separater, in goed condition; Paterson, Part Hope. Daisy churn, No. 4, new iast year; Sarnia fence stretcher; 50 grain _________ ags; 1 hench vice; 3 neckyokes; 4 set of whiffletmees; i rubber tired COSTOF SHOOLFARM cvered buggy; 1 steel tired covered; COST0F SHOOLFARM 1 McLaughlin cutter. Repiying ta a question in the Leg- HARNESS-2 sets cf piew harn- isiature, 'Premier Ferguson stated essq; 1 set of double harness with that the total amount spent by the breching; 2 sets of single harness; geveriinient an the Boys' Training 6 herse ceilars. Scheai ut Bownanviile se far is FURNITURE-Somne household $437,000, cf which $339,00 was furniture. capital. Mr. William Hamnley is putting in a buggy, cutter, Wagon, plough, bar-f Stock and implemcnts cast $8,547 rows, set of harness. and $5,000 bas been realized fromn TERMS-On poultry, pigs and al the sale of iivesteck. There are 20suso$1 an udech;vr enpoye s a t h e oo n that amount 7 monts' credit n ap- mentbiy -aariesincluding thase of poe oe ern necta % fan bhsnds, total $2,281. At present poentsbargitrs t6% 1 there are approximateiy 74 boys in Sale at 12.30 'ciock sharp .0 the schooi. 1 A. J. Staples, CIerk. ah Club prcsented the play rwn Eyed Betty" at the School Friday night. It n'as without a ibt the finest entertainment seen he cheol se far and the beys st cnthusiasticaiiy agree that it one of the finest shws they have ýscen. Toe much appreciation mt be expressed by the boys and fffor the kindiy interest this Club shewn in the scheoi. Mrs. Bag- supervised the play on Frîday ,h and with ber were the foiiow- players and assisting artists: Her- in Lapp, Bert Coiweii, Mrs. T. E. Dut, Miss Marion Pickard, Athur ger, Mrs. Baker, George Young, sBowdier, Miss Irene Pawson, ýFrd Samis, Mrs. W. Hackney and ail Oliver. Mrs. Adamis enter- ed duing the first intermnission th several readings and Mrs. Col- se affered two fine vocal. numbers ing the second intermission. t. Paul's Sunday Schooi, Port )pe, reccntiy announced that a five lar goid piece wouid be an'arded the pupîl who recited four chapters the bible. The passages seiccted re frani the Book f John, and ýre compnised of over 100 verses. ck Chisiett, Brown St., aged 12 ms, recitcd the entire four chap- rs from memory and n'as present- [with bis reward at Sunday's ses- Dn of the Sunday School. Now -packed in Aluminum. IREDROSE T EAisgood tecri RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. PAGE TURE may's.siB r= Vike s*M ~C..a 24 e Ma a"u ~15.z. kL 5e1.oSdsom"TAS'TT" ,H-2-.Dq Q Ralulas'Se.]BREAD Olives 30 C a ae a o S.o C m lb e crau sa t is A jrlm, Uvwapoeatsi Wuampsd Cekry UbWS P effl e Wght P. M Siw$Jfs J.liy Pewees 4 Plu. Ze oe 3p~k~ 4~jw1y TUs6Sel 25C P.& G. Z: Soap 10 m.- SI Gest Ivory Soap 5 ç-l-25e s..S~5eIFLEXO RIs ,1C 1 , . . 2 aac Char 9e «U Sbh 4 ('the New and Funer Cs.e Asi PRODUCT 0F GENERAL MOTORS OP CANADA, LDMITED. P1430 HJ1-E moment-y ou see the new and finer Pontiac Six, you willI 7realize that General Motors have taken extraordinary measures to insure the continuance of Pontiac value leadership ini the field of low-priced sixes. . . . Here is the commanding beauty of new bodies by Fisher-lower, longer, finished in striking new Duco combinations with windows smardy recessed.. . . Here îs the substantial appearance of deeper radiator and new crown fenders of impressive grace. . . . Here are ail the advantages of numerous refinements, including. narrowed body pillars, tilting-beam head- lights with foot ýcon&~ol, new transmission and brake levers, and the like. . . . And, most important of, ail, here is the exceptional vale created by the new low prices at which ail body types are ol*ered. . . . The success of the Pontiac Six has gone înto hîs- tory, probably never to be equalled by a new niake of car! But already the new and finer Pontiac Six is striding away to new and more impressive records--for it constitutes the greatest value ever offered in a low-priced six. AT NEW LOW PRICES CORBETT MOTOR SALES 1 There n'as littie news of reai in- -rest for last week's paper except wh fact that Mr. Charters Sharpe of wh Normai Model Schooi, Toront, iddressed the boys at the Vesper ser- ice on Sunday afternoon. Mr. Sharpe arrived in time to assist with te Sunday School in the morning nd braught a realiy fine message te the boys in the afternoan. Mrs. G. E.Reaman n'as the soloist at this ser- vice. Last Sunday the service was taken ver entireiy by the Wintcr Sports Cub. Mr. Ross Strike spoke te the bys and musical numbers were sup- plied by members of the Club. The beys did their firt spring hik- ing on Saturday afternoon. They were away ail afternaon and covered bout six miles. The Ford Moter Company cf Tor- nt, has made a splendid denation f a cutan-ay Ford matr te the cheel for instructive purpases. This s a valued addition ta the Motor l4echanies Department. Dr. Campbell f Trnto, donated a genuine Engiish bull pup te the choal. The new deg bas taken up, residence at cttage "B", se each cttage bas it's own mascat non'. il fil 1 Ont Bowmanville