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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 17 Mar 1927, p. 5

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rB~ GAI< ~DL&N 5TATE8MAN, BVWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH l7th. 1927. PAGE FIVE Choicest Meats With change of seasons corne change in appe- tites. So often you need to coax the appetite along with "something different' -tasty-extra palatable meats-meats that are tender, whole- some and full of food nourishment. No doubt we have just what is needed to ans- wer that problem 'Just what I wanted". Our large variety of fresh, cured and cooked meats makes shopping a pleasure at this shop. G. A. Edmondstone Pone 21 Bowmanville Insurance Protection INSURANCE MEANS PROTECTION AGAINST YOUR LOSS OR DAMAGE BY FIRE, BY ACCIDENT, BY ILL-HEALTH, BY DEATH This Protection can be provided for you by sound representa- tive Engiish and Canadian Companies in tbis Agency, at lowest possible rates to give you propen protection when you'require it. ARE YOU FULLY INSURED TO-DAY? IF NOT, WHY NOT? -If you have net secured this protection against loss, on are insufficiently protected, ACT NOW. Deiays are sometimes dangerous, and simple eveny-day accidents, frequently occasion senlous financiai losa. Evening appointments made on request. This Agency represents, amongst others, the weli-known SUN LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA, and THE MAPLE LEAF FARMERLS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM- PANY, both of whicb are favourably known in this viinity. EDITH V. SCOBELL Genoral Inaurance and Real Estat. Agent Bowmanvill. [ MILLER'S IDEAL tIncubators and Brooders You are not experimenting when you buy Miller's Ideal Incubators or Brooders. They are among the oldest and most progressive manufact-' urers of these machines in Amenica. Every ma- chine is sold under a money back guarantee. You take no chance when you buy an Ideal. For resuits the Ontario Agricultural College, Guelph, says this machine gave best results of any makes used there. See Our Big Display of Poultry Supplies fLower Prices Make Buying An Ideal Also Very Attractive -Dustan's Cash Hardware -"We Serve Veu Weil Bowmanvlll. -JI S. W. MASON & SON ANNOUNI FORMAL OPE Ladies' New Ready-to AND Mihinery Departm< LOCATED ON THE SECOND FLOOR 0F FRIDAY, MARCH2 From 2 to 10 p. m. and sutceedingi You and your friends are cordially invited inspeet the very attractive displý New Spring Coats, Beautiful Dresses, Chic Hî ably priced. Oui- stocks are very complete and present ail tl innovations in Ready-to-Wear Garments thai and exclusive. S. W. MASON & S Dry Goocis, Ready-to-wear, Millir, Phone'106 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE j LOCAL ANID OTHERWISE 1 Mrs. S. Harris, Oshawa, spent Sun- Miss. Ada Webber, Toronto, spent PIGs day with bier sister, Mrs. Jamesi Sunday at home. to Mre. Courtice. ; Gold- ring found. Enquire at AP Mr. and Mrs. Shirley Denison, Tor-1 Statesman Office. good oe onto, visited bier sister, Miss Fair-1 Mr. Fred L. Bray, Enfield, visited son, Bc bairn on Saturday. his sister, Mrs. M. A. James, last PorA Mrs. C. Avery Johnston is visit-j week. ain pot ing lier daughter, Mrs. (Dr.) W. T.1 Mr. F. Charles Hill, Kenmore, N. R. veale, Harrow, Ont. I Y., visited his mother, Mrs. S. F. Hill FOR Mr. and Mrs. John Melntyre have'at Mrs. H. Burk's, Centre St., on chine a returned from a pleasant visit withl Tuesday. ing ord old friends in Toronto. Miss Ethel Pouipardl, Campbellford, FEEC Mr. C .H. Lowens, Toronto, spent has returned to her former position rowed the weekend with is parents, Mr.i in the Dingman & Edhiondstone, Mil- Oats. and Mrs. R. J. Lowens. linery Parlors. ton, R. Rev Dr Hrwod g .ln alect- Congratulations to Rev. Dr. Hor- HORE ure on the "Evolution of Music at wood who bas recently been appoint- horse, Port Hope on Friday afternoon to ed Examiner on staff of the Tor- sel, set the Woman's Canadian Club. oltdosrvtr f ui.Hoc Mrs. James Courtice celebratedi bier 79tb birtbday on Tbursday,, A pleasant social evening was PLA' Marcb 10, when a few friends spent spent at the home of Mrs. Fred Lyle,' O"- 2 a pleasant afternoon witb bier. Scugog Street, on Thur9flay, March able, Mr. and Mrs. T. Pezim and son' 10 when the Installation Staff of Office. Clifton, Grace Street, Toronto, were Rebekab Lodge and a few intimate -R guests of Mr. and Mrs. George Prit- friends assembled to do honor to m-ails chard, King Street, over Sunday. their District Deputy President, Mrs. Price $ Everson Prout. An address was A. H. Spring Millinery now on display read by Mrs. Maurice Tamblyn and phone at Miss Harnden's. Yeu are wel- Mrs Fred Baker and Mrs. Pred FOR- come to caîl any day and inspect Lyle on behaif of tbe friends made 10 and the new styles, colors and meterials., the présentation of a silver tea ser- red, G, If you desire to see the newest in vice and band carved quarter-cut ply to Spring Millînery attend tbe Openings oak tray. Gamtes, music and re- ville, p at Dingman & Edmondstone's on Fni- fresbments were enjoyed and the ev- jANY dyadStraMarcb 18 and 19. ening ipleasantly spent. Pece Wednesday, Marcb 3th., the as- reits sociated Music Study Clubs of Osb- îland. awa, Bowmanville and Port Hope "THE FIRE BRIGADE" R. Ca, will give a concert in St. Mark's Par-' Cmn oteRyl barMn O isb Hall, Port Hope. Cmn eteRylTete o-F ,Mr. Cecil Brunton, of Tara, bas day and Tuesday ,Marcb 28 and '9, kins. been appointed on the staff of Bow- under the auspices of tbe Bowman- hard 1 manville Public School, .succeeding ville Fire Brigade is "The Fire Bri- piLrt p gade" with May McAvoy, Charle be cIea Mr. J .Cawood who bas accepted ar ternis. position with tbe Goodyear Tire & Ray. This wondeilul picture is Pro- manvil Rubbe Co.duced in co-operation witb tbe Inter- Rubbe Co.national' Association of Pire Chiefs Bowxnanville Women's Institut e tbis pîcture is sure to astound and will meet on Friday. Marcb 25tb amaze you with its thousand and one at tbe bome of Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs. great thrilling moments, many Of FAR? Irish program in cbarge of Mrs. themn neyer attempted before on the ail don Found's group. Ail members and acreen. We prophesy tbat "The to Rd. friends attend. Fire Brigade" will be acclaimed tbe- Mrs. P. C. Trebilcock and Miss 'greatest of ail fire melodramas. Bi Margaret Trebilcock were called to Admission both evenings 35e and Peterboro on Wednesday owing to 2c tax. Tickets may be bad froM FOR tbe serious ilîness of tbe former's any member of Fire Brigade on and s. c. son, Mr. Paul Trebilcock, who is in after Saturday ,March 19th. This is direct tbe hospital suffering from erysipelas. a rare opportunity of enjoying aena Mn. and Mrs. Walter Sherwîn, Or- good night's entertainment and as- egg Pei ono, announce the engagement of sisting the Firemen's Fund. Tbis B. CreE their youngest daugbter, Florence picture wîll positively play in Toron- G May, to Mr. J. B. Laurie Cole, eld- to at at least double the admission. horn e est son of Mr. and Mrs. T. J. T Cole,i ______________ traînf Bowmanville, the marriage to take erelsr place-the latter part of Marcb BIRTHS settint A musicale and afternoon tea will' WESTLAKE-In Bowmanvtlie Hospit- Bowm. be given by Mrs. A. M. Hardy's al, March 151h, 1927. to Mr. and Mrs. - group of Trinity United Church'Ross Westlake. a son. BAB) Ladies' Aid at the home of Mrs. W.1 BURtGESS-In Oshawa, on Sunday. hens ir C. Ferguson, Liberty Street North1 February 27, 1927. te Mr. and Mrs. Mor- pedigre Wednsdayaftenoon Marh ' ley Burges. (nee Enid Soucb. 261 French greati on Wdedyatron ac 23.* st. a daugbter. <Edlth Jean.) White Admision 25c. You are invited. a limit A pleasant surprise party 'Was hel Pried at the home of Mr. and Mrs. C. DEAT}IS by lo0. King, Ontario Street, on Saturday1 Bowm, evening, wben some friends and sis-. COLLACOTT-In B3owmanville, March ters f Loge Drhamcalled on tbeml 14, 1927, Editb Ann Trewln, belovtd wife tons f Loge Drbamof Mr, Harry M. Colacott, aed4 years. to celebrarte tbeir wedding anniver- uea rmtefmt residence. sary and presented themt wjtb some Itetîtesda, on Tbursday, Marcb 17th., at veny useful gifts. An address was 2.30 p. m., te Bethesda Oemetery. HELI read by tbe Presîdent, Mrs. F. J .BUHI Waterloo, Marcb 13, 19297, H. Libera Bateman te which tbey ably replied. 70 Buase-ao oBotHpe gd1. Bom The evening was spent in music and WAKELIN-1n Bowmanviîle. February MAR games endtng in the wee smaîl houns 23, 1927, Catherine, widow of the late eral fai by singing "Auld Làng Syne". William Wakelîn, in ber 87th yesur. housei Poster, Jerusalem Lodge A.F.&A.M., No. MARSH-tn Bowmanvite, on Monday, 205j. 31, was bonored at its regular mon-1 March 14, 1927, Florence L. Marsh, only tbly meeting on Wednesday, March. daughter o! the late E. R. Bounsaîl. 9tb: wib a isi frm Dr Noman MARTYN-In Bowmanvitle, on Sunday, H 9thý wih a isi frm Dr Nomanmarch 13, 1927. Flizabetb Hooper, be- H A. MacLeod, Brockville. After the. lovc.d wife o! Mr. J. 11. Martyn, in ber initiation ceremony exemplified witb 73rd year. WAN musical itual Dr. MacLeod gaveai JOHNSTON-At 26 'tuir St. Torontul Beowma veny inîpressive and interesting ad loi Sunda y, Miarci 13, 1927, George H.- dres n te dapahlit c M Jotînston, aged 65 years. Intcrment at HELI dres ontheadapabiityof ason-j i tiversjîle Cemettry, Lndsay. ]F.ter van tw ary. Over one bundred bretbren, o! lrs. Jo,. ONeill, Bovnanviltc. no was including several visitors, wene in PATERSON-On Thutrsdlay, mari 10, Itaztew attendance and greatly enjoyed the 1927. a t Richumond iiii1,litelena Bates, be- occasion. Worsbipful Master R. J. toved, wife cf the latc. Atexander Pater- GIRL GilI prs'eson, in ber 74111 3er. Sist.er-in-lax, o! raphty Gill residd. 1Mrs. WV. il. Williams, Li.berty-st ., and the gooda A pleasant social evening wvas beldý late Mrs. Louise P'aterson. Bowmanville.I arv Osi on Thunsday last at the bome of Mrs.I _---_______________ ress, Wmn. Adams, Westmount, when ai number of friends assembled toi IN MEMORIAM WAN spend a social heur and take a kindlyjLEN UTNSYORI oîggetieral fanewell cf Mrs. E. S. Clark, Scugogi meoyo u ia agtrsdsseel St., wbo with bier family is leaving Ln Gertrude. wtîo teparted this life corner sbortly for California, Mr. Clark bav-j for igber service on '\areb 12, 1925. ville. tng spent tbe winter there. During. The tender cord o! love 19 broken, the evening Miss Editb Weekes ex- That boun<i our bearts In pleasure; tbe urpse f te gtheingThe unseen love c! (in reached out plainedth upsoftegtrii And took our worldty treasure. and Mrs. W. L. Buttery presented W, mourni the loss o! one so dear, RICI Mrs. Clark witb a silver sandwich Our biearts are sad today, 06. c1 tnay on bebaîf cf those present, as a1 To thlt the one we loved so dear, cash.o token cf remembranqe of ber stay un We trled to save, but ail in vain. ens Av, Bowrnanville. Refresbments were You suffered mucb withb atience bore F.jgm, sered nd soia hor ejoyd. Physicians wers in vain, Higb seredanda ocal ou enoydTilil Ged above in Hie great love, o! drat Mrs. Adams was assisted by bier Relcased you from aIl pain. perienc daughter, Mrs. Clark of Oshawa. You are gone but net forgotten, Advert Ytars can neyer case the pain, _____________________________In the bearts o! cnes wbo loved you, Tilt the day vo meet again. Sadly mlssed by 'Moîber, Pather, SistersFO I and Brothers. F- OaR and îi [CE Houses To Rent Son.d HOUSE TO RENT-Witb tbree acres o! land In Boxvmanville. Apply to W. F. X'.ard, _Barrister, liowmanville. -tf FOR HOUSGE TO RENT-6 roomed bouse& or for ofea MOEV rou ae nd II L.ýs r ~ ~ ~ ~ are a niuiher o! fruit trees. Ayn n teres ttd is lnvit.d( to colt any lime anI ;O N linspet tbe property. Wltb a little eut-I àery two .faYnllies. As this property is to bel Bowmanvlle prieyo and terme hTenersaitl be on- prie ond ou mg enersonse at your Bowmanvillecelved up 10 TliurslaIY, Marcb Ilst. Ap- ply on the lrefises ta W. B. Plnch, cor -ner Liberty and Conesasion Streets, Iiow- manville, box 97. 5-tf, - Articles For Sale S FOR SALE-Young pige. Apply e. W. J . Smialc, Hampton. 11-1 3LES FOR SALE-A few barrels of oooklng apples. Apply te H. Paw- 3owmanville, phone 28r3. il-tf rATOES FOR SALE-Green Mount- tatoes. Apply to Russell Wright, 5, Bowmanville. phone 181-31. 11-2 SALE-Gold Medal Tatking Ma- at second-hand price, in good work- rder. Must be sold. See It at J. ason & Son. 8-t ED GRAIN FOR SALE-English 2- barley. also Amierican Banner C. A. Blanchard & Son, Hamp- *t R. 1. Phone 35Or6. 11-2 RSEt FOR SALE--Gffod dri ing 1aIsô buggy and harness. Will ýparatel3r If dealred. Apply 10 Har- ooey, DukEý St., Bowmanville, phone 11-2w VYERPIANO FOR SALE-With 200 Player Rolle. Cost $1,000.Q0, in f condition, will oel very reason- rnuet be sold. Inquire Statesian 8-t N FOR SALE-30 x 50 ft. on stone stables underneath. Will seli cbekp. $200. On Lot 14, Con. 5, Darington. 1. Hardy, R. R. 6, Bowmianville, 2117rl3. 9-t :SALE-Twvo young Durham buils, Id 13 nionths old, pure bred, color louceater and Ramsby Strain. Ap- 3W. C. Ashton, R. R. 4, Bowmafl- phone 104-22. 11-2w INER OATS FOR SALE--Car of SRiver Oats. germinated 94%, 44 lbs. These oats gave splendid 2In past years on llght and heavy 95c bushel. Order early. C. irveth, Newcastle. 11-3- RSALE-Dominion Pianos, of ail sold on payments spread over two Steinway, Helntzman and Ger- Heintzman used pianos taken as payment on Dominion pianos wvil] eared at bargaîn prices and on easy ;.F. J. Mitchell, Distrlbutor, Bow- lle. 5-t To Let RM TO RENT-iZO acres. Plowing De. Possession Apritlslt. Apply 1. Millson, R. R. 1. Enniskllen. 9-2 Baby Chicks and Eggs R SALE--Gulds (220) ared-to-lay White, Leghorn Cookerel purchaaed theadlng pen selected large prov- Lality bred-to-lay Hens. Eggs for ng $1.00 settlng. Aise good 60 >erless Incubator. Sell cheap. H. eper. Bowmanvilte, box 306. il-tf GS FOR I4ATCHING-White Lýeg- eggs for hatching from Oldha3n dams and slred by reglstered oock- rom 220 to 260 egg dams, $1,00 per g,$7.60 per hundred. Baby chicks 120e each. Apply Howard Gibson, nanville R. R. 4, phone 3811 Clarke. 10-3w- BY CHICKS--S. C. White Leghorns, rnated With cockerels from specia reed stock. This Uine bas givien satisfaction to our clistomers.. sWyandottes, good matings, also ted numb>er of settings from pens Jto cholce John S. Martln cockerels. $5 for là. Aise eggs for hatchlng 0. W. H. Carruthers, R. R. 1, aanville, phone 38-2. 9-tf. Farm Help Wanted .P WANTED-Man wanted t0 accident and sickness Insurance. al terme. Apply H1-. R.", Drawer )wmanville. 11-1- RIEO MAN WANTED-For gen- [rm work and used to mllking. free and other privileges. Apply H. M. rManlvers Rd.. Bowmanvitle, phone 10-t elp Wanted -Female ýN - Dr)nýng Boomi girl. The nan 1-buse, LI.,lovmanville. 11-1 LP WANTED--GCood genernl 5Cr- want t1 at once. Good wages and shing. Aplt Mrs. <Dr.) B3. J. voo(C, W tlington St., Bowmanvitle. 9-tf IL WANTED-For som,- stenog- work. but mostîyA erical, muet bc iffiurs St 1,(experlence,alt- :t)et et. nd 4'n can st art. A.4 l Advertiser 134 184, Bowmanville. 11-t '.JTED--C.lthlc young woman for ,al hf ,iseNvork, muait be a good plain 0- o<l refenrinces requlred, an eld- ýupl only. Apply Mrs. J. Harvey, rCtvîrch anI Scugog Sts,, Bowman- Wanted 'E LAKE-Summ-er cottage want- lose to lake, state price,, wll psy Write R. Campbell, 644 St. Clar- Lvenue. Toronto. 11-3w' LP WANTED-Young man wlth School education, some %jpo vIedge LVtlng necessary. sti1t9,a e x- nce. and salary expect.5 A(ldress tiser, box 424, llowmahville. 11-1 Apartments to Rent RRENT-Four room apartment In ,n Block, witl soon be vacant, heat water provlded, electrlc stove sup- for cooking. See J. J. Mason & 8-t For Sale or Rent RSALE OR RENT-One nlne-room- )d brick bungalow bouse for sale rrent. Re-modeled, modemn conven- %acre garden. Apply to J. R. HOT CROSS BUNS TUESDAYS-THURSDAYS-SATURDAYS DURING LENT Our recipe for Hot Cross Buns has caused many favorable comments in the past and wiIl again ap- peal to popular favor-made with best quality butter and other high grade ingredients. 25è A DOZEN TeBowmanvilie Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowmanville Keep Baby Ont Doors You just can't re- sist taking the baby for a ride these de- lightful warm sunny Spring days. The baby enjoys going out, too, providing there's a niee com- fortable cardage in which to ride. We have now on displaly a very attractive as- sortment of new carrnages, the Iatest designs, al- most any size required, and at prices to suit every purse. Get a full season 's use of the baby carniage by buying it now. Fe F. Morris Co. The Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville Stores-Orono and Newcastle Goôd Values in W ailpapers Bedroom ]ýapers, in pinks, blues, greens, ail over pat- terms, suitable for bedrooms at 5c and 10c per roll. Borders to match. Living Room and Dining Room Papers in dark shades over patterns for 15e and of blues, tans and greens. Ahl 20c per roll. Any of these papers would be good value at double the price. Seciire some while they last. So much depeizds o» the Wall Paper THE differencc between com- mýonpiace rooms and thone possessing beauty and charm depends greatly on your choice of wall paper. Frein car extensive stock cf finsus MAXIMUR ""d cUrer Vail Pipera you will ind your idea cf the ri8lre eaper te properly deccrate each roomn of the bcum .Our experience in - home decoration is always at ycur disposal. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bocatore B cwmanville F. J- Spring Showing of Suits and Overcoats The Finest In This Town AND PRICES AT .20% LESS THAN ANOTHER STORE Sole Agency For 2Oth Century Brand Clothing S, G, CHARTRAN PHONE26 BWMANVILL ME CAII fàDIAN STATESULAN, BUWMAN VILLE, THURSDAY, MARCH 17th. 1927. PH16NE 26 BOWMANVILLE PAGE PM

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