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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1927, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanviile News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MARCH 24th, 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Copy No.12 DINGMAN & EDMONDSTONE'S SPRINC HATS Rocognized everywbere for their CHIC AND STYLE The>' are distinctive and Hand-mado Store Open Friday Night, March 25 You are cordially invited to in- spoct our bats at any tume. Dingman & Edmondstone '7 -Try Bowmanville First- Authoritative St:a New Spring Cg Straight, slim and siender still-the coat fo season, but how utterly different froni the coat oi panels, belts. Tiers and intricate designs wor materials have turned simple plain coats into ga allurement. Royal Theatre Friday.Saturday, March 25-26 House Peters In James Oliver Curwood's "Prisoners of the Stormi" Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. nm. "Sunken Silver" and regular Programme Monday-Tuenday, March 28-29 "'The Fire Brigade" With Charles Ray and May McAvoy and "Songs of Scotland" at 7.30 and 9.15 p. m. Admission 35c, tax 2c Matinee for publie achool children Monday at 4 o'clock Admission 15c, tax le Weduesday-Thuraday, Mar. 30-31 "The Ice Flood" With Kenneth Harlan and Viola Dana COMING APRIL 6-7 Harold Lloyd in "For Heaven's Sake"- NOTE-Pleàse note starting time of "The Fire Brigade" Short haired suinmer furs are worked into shawl collars and waved moline into many different varieties of smart collars. Squirrel, Anierican Broadtail and Lapin are other popular furs. Navy'blue is the. predominating color, while Biege, Honey Grey. Black and Rosewood shades are also in demand. Many New Dresses Arrive There is a fascinating simplicity about these new frocks; with their slim lines, their fan pleats, their coat effeets and their noticeably tailored appearance. You'll like the new shades of Biege, Fallow, Meerschaum, Sweetmeat, Blush Rose and Vanilla. Ail Silk Fiat Crêpe and Crepe Satin are the materials used. Ladies' Winter Coats Clearing at Haif Price A FEW COATS AT $500 EACH DOLLAR BARGAINS IN CORSETS A special lot of corsets, regular $3.50 to $5.00 are marked down at $1.00. Men's Fancy Tweed.Overcoats Almost ail sizes available, well made, this year's styles, some priced as low as........................................... $14.50 Boys' Brownie Suits, just a few left, and they are inarked down to haïf original price. Boys' Odd Pants, balance of this line is being cleared at very low prices. MEN'S SUITS FROM $12.50 UP BOYS' SWEATERS WORTH $1.45 FOR 9& Couch, Jihnston & Cryderman. Howmanville Phone 104 LîmItea The Junior Auxiliar>' of Triait>' United Gburch held a supper meeting at the homo of Miss Vesta Spargo on Tuesday evening. After a ver>' ast- isfying and suniptuons meal. Mms. <Rev.) J. U. Robins, took the chair, andb conducted the election of officers the following being elocted: non. President-Mms. J. U. Robins; Presi- dent-Miss Vesta Spargo; lat Vice- Miss Florence Worry; 2nd Vice-Mms Rosa Strike; Recordîng Secretar>- Miss Rilda Slenion; Corresponding Secretar>'-Miss Lena Haddy; Treas- urer-Misa Grace Trewin; Assistant -Mms. C. H. Mason; Finance Com- mittee: Systematie Givinc-Mlsa Mini. Webber, Mms E. Cox, Miss Grace Trewin, Miss Haines and Mms. Elton Werry; Mite Box-Mms. Elmer Cox; Strangers' Secretar>'-Mms. W. C. ires;mSuppi>' Committee-Miss M. Webber, Mrs. H. H. Richards, Mrs. W. J. Found; Literature Secretar>- Mms. W. T. Quinn; Pianist-Miss R. Haines. , The study book was takea b>' Mra. Ires sncb Mms.Gox after whicb the meeting closed la the us- ual way. April meeting at the home of Miss Lena Haddy. Spring Oponiag at S. W. Mason & Son's on Frida>', Marcb 25th. Watcb for date of pIl>' "Here comes the bridegroorn" b>' Triniit>' Young People. It's coming soon and you w.ill ho sure to like it-the Hovis Loaf at Corbett's Baker>' SALE 0F Home-Made Cooking AND Rummage Sale on Satuirday, Mlarch 26 at 3 o'clock at St. Paul's Lecture Room1 " Il HOSPITAL BIRTHDAY PARTY MINISTERS AND CUCE The annual Birthday Party of Rev. J. E. Glover, Cambray, has Bowmanville Hospital will be beld on accepted a cali to Sinithfield andb Rev Thursday, March 24, at the Nurses' H. H. Mutton wiIl g-) to Cambray. Residence froni 3.30 to 6 and froni Rev. A. H. Foster, pastor of the 7 to 10 p. m. Donations will bc United Cburcb, Madoc, bas received received. An opportunity will alsclan invitation to beronie the minister be given to inspect the new build- at Parkhill 1United Church, London ing. iConfereace. Rev. C. W. DeMille has accepted an invitation to romnain for another FURNITURE SALE year as pastor of King Street United 1Cburcb, Osbawa. lis salar>' wil! The undersigned bas received in- be increased from $2,500 to $2,750. structions from Estate of late St. Josepb's R. C. Churcb. Satur- ALFRED W. ALLIN day-8 p. m. Lenteri service. Sun- to seil b>' public auction at bis late School 2.30p.m. Evening-7 p. m. residence sermon and benedietion. Rev. P. P. Carlisle Ave., BowmanviIlel Butler. ChrRe.D W on- Best, D. D., Minister. 11 a. m.- SATURDAY, MARCH 26th Communin. 7p. m.-"The Prinar The following furniture, etc: Law of Life". 2.30 p. m.-Sunday Parlor Suite, Dominion Organ, Scbool and Bible Classes. Dining-room Table, Dining-room Trinity United Cburch, Rev. J. U~ Chairs, Sofa Pictures, 3 Rocking Robins, Pastor, will preach at il a. Chairs, 2 âmall Tables, Quebec ni and 7 p. Mi. Sunday Scbool ai Cook Stove, (new), Perfection Goal 230 p. m. Good music at ail ser- Oil Stove, Kitchen Table, Kitchen vices in charge of Mr. Francis Sut- Chairs, Singer Sewing Machine, 2 ton, choir director and organist. Congoleuni Rugs, 4 Tapestry Rugs, StAde'Prsyran huc Hall Rack, 2 pair Arcb Curtains, St ndwsPeberaChc, Window Curtains, 1 Bed-room Suite, corner Teniperance and Cburch Sts., 2 Dressers, 2 Beds, 3 Mattresses, 3 Rev. Robt. McDerment, Minister. 11 Bed Springs, Electric Light Fixtures a. m.-Holy Communion; 7 p. m.- for Dining-rooni, Sitting-room and Evening Worship; 2:30 p. n.-Sun- Hall, Dishes and Kitchen Utensils. day School. Everybody welcome. Other articles too nunierous to mien A preparator>' service will be held tion. Thursday evening ,March 24tb.. ai TERS-.CAS Sle t IP~ i~ St. John's Anglican Churcb, Rev. W. J. CHALLIS, Auctioneer. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Fourtb Sun- - _____________________ 1 day in Lent, Marcb 27, 1927. S a . -Hnly Communion, Il a. m.-Morn- ing Prayer and Litany. 2.30 p. am.- Sunda>' School. -7 p. n.-Evening Prayer. Rev. Canon C. R. dePen- cier, M. A., Oshawa. Confirmiation lass in Parisb Hall each Tuesday at 8 p. ni. Lenten service in church each Frida>' t 8 p.*ni. St. John's A.Y.P.A. will meet on Monda>', Marcb 28, at 8 p. ni. An y les the Mosleni World b>' Miss Harris, one of the missionaries of the Churcb of England in Canada at Cairo, o a t iEgypt. A short musical prograni o a ts will be included and a silver collec- tion will be takea for missionar>' work and to cover expenses. Miss Harris is tboroughly familiar with the Holy Land and country round about, and ber lecture sbould be of great interest. J t is boped that 'r the new Spring tihere will be a larrPýattendance botb 'f last year. Tucks, bers of St. John's AX.P.A. are most ýrkedout n - lainearnestly requested by the President rkedouton painto attend the Vestry meeting to-day arrnients of infinite (Tbursday) at 8 p. ni. in the Parish Hall. ST. ANDREW'S IRISH MUSICAL SA large audience assembled in St vAndrew's Sunday School on Wednes day evening, March 16tb, to hear ai te Irish Musicale. The entertainmeni Id was a delight from beginning to end ýr Rev. Robt. McDerment acted a n chairman. The hall was tastefull: decorated witb Irish emblems and ai d the close of the prograin refresh. ýr ments were served. AIl the artist. d acquitted theniselves creditably anè I! were loudly applauded. ProceedE amounted to over $50. The pro. gram included: Piano duet-MisE Doncaster and Newton Hackney. - Song-Mrs. A. Colville; Reading.- Miss Fbo. Oliver; Duet-Miss Borea Murdoif and Albert Culley; Reading Miss Ferguson; Violin solo-Oscai rJamieson; Song-Miss Helen Argue; Piano quartet-Miss Cole, Mrs Clemens, Miss Booth, Miss-Jamieson; ySong-Miss Margaret Allin; Reading y -Mrs. Cameron; Piano duet-Mrs. y Cole and Mrs. Clemens; Song-Mrs. jA. Colville. God Save the King. ST. PATRICK AT ST. PAUL'S In the Lecture Rooni of St. Paul's Cburcb a very interesting and de- llightful evening was spent in cele- -brating St. Patrick's day on March - 7th. Dr. D. W. Best as chairman, in bis usual bappy manner, related d some good Irish stories. Community ýsinging of Irish songs the words of whicb were thrown on the canvas and with Mr. N. S. Stewart at the piano and Mrs. Best as leader was beartily sung by the large crowd present. Solos were rendered by Mr. Stewart, -Mrs. Brown, Mrs. C. H. Dudley g and Mr. R. M. Mitchell and a quar- tet by Messrs. C. S. Halîmfan, G. E nChase, H. J. Knight and S. Glanville y AIl responded to encores and were hgreatly appreciated. Dr. F. J. Horwood gave the Hîist- > ory of Muisc in a very clear, concise instructive and highly humorous ad dress, wbicb demonstrated that he is thoroughly master of his subi ect. A number of laugh provoking Ir- ish jokes and stories were told by 1many of the men. - Following this was a hoop drill rpresented by twelve girls in the teen ;age. The boops and girls were 1prettily decked in green wbicb added 1to the appropriateness of the occa- Fsion. Miss E. Peardon who in-. structed the girls, deserves mucb credit. Singing of God Save Thie King brought to an end« one of the beat Irisb evenings beld in St. Paul's Church. TRINITY YOUNG PEOPLE GIVE FINE IRISH PROGRAM Aver>' fine prograni was gîven by Trinity Young People's League at the Irish concert on Monday even- ing ,March 2lst. A large crowd turned out to bear it. The numbers were typicaîlly Irish and as a conse- quence laugbter was never long ab-1 sent from the proceedings. Mr. R. M. Mitchell who was i splendid voice rendered a ver>' pleasing Irish Ballad. Mrs. Win. Adams evoked peals of laugbter witb her description of Bridget's advent- ure with the setting hon, and ro- sponded with a witty encore. Miss Lena Haddy, after carefully censor- ing the jokes wbich were left b>' contributors in the ancient 1h bait, read a considerable number, and very few chestnuts put in an appear- ance. Mr. Francis Sutton pleased the audience very mucb with bis ren- dîtion of an Irisb tune as a cello andi flute solo and then as a duet, al on bis violîn, and responded with an encore. A quartet composed of Misses Margaret Allin and Helen Ar- gue and Messrs. M. S. Dale and W. R. Strike sang "Tbe Minstrel Boy' ind as an encore "When you and 1 %vere you.ng Maggie." No Irish pro î'ram is complete wtbout a clothes idne, so Mrs. Elmer Cox and Miss Rutb Haines appeared in a dialogue with one as a background adorned witb the family wasb, and the laugbt- er was continuous througbout. These ladies are accomplished actresses. Mr Lorne Jackman rave an address on things Irish wbich, was a real model of covering a lot of ground in a very interesting and humorous way inaa short space of time. Miss Mar- garet Allin wns rigbt at home wben singing "Wben Irish eyes are smil- ing", whicb proved a ver>' popular number. Mrs. Adams recited Henry Drummond's "Little Dominique," as- surîng ber audience tbat Drummond was an Irisbnian. It was a splendid effort and Mrs. Adams was compelled to reapond witb "Aw do it Again" wbich tickled the young people most visibl>'. Mr. Sutton also was gen- erous and gave another violin solo, being accompanied on the piano by Miss Helen Morris in al bis numbers. The Mail & Empire adrertisùl the Picture Puzzle la The Statesman and as the above winnera are regular readers of 'The Great Faml>' Jour- nal' we again pause to romark that "It pays to advertise--and it pays Handsomel>' to Rend the Adrertise- monts". ORANGEMEN TO CELEBRATE AT BOWMANVILLE Planning For Big Wablc JuIy l2th Alter' an absence of nearl>' 25 years Bowmanviiie is to bo honored with an Orsngemen's Walk and Celebration on Tuesday, Jul>' l2tb. This wili be tbe 237tb annivemsar>' of the Battle of the Boyne. The local Orange Lodge No. 2884, under the direction of Andrew Con- neîl, Worshipful Master, H. Henning, Secretar>'. sndbCrelghton Denitt, Count>' Master, bas extended a cord- ial invitation to ahil odges in this district to come to Bowmanvilie on July 12tb next, snb celebrate in a fitting manner the giorious, pions and immortal niemor>' of King Wil- liam III. Aiready accoptances bave been received fmom alI lodges lu Esandb West Durhami, Oshawa, and nearl>' aill odges in Ontario South, SO that a big gathering la assured sud a Glorinus Twelftb la a certaint>'. BARGAINS IN CHOICE MEATS Alex. Edmondstone wlll bave a special sale of choice meats for Fr1- day anb Saturda>' on!>' at these low cash prices, deiivered la tnwn: Breakfast Bacon.......... 35elM. Round Steak ......... i..... 20e lb. Sirloin Steak............. 2e lb. Shouidor Roast Beef. .14e te 17e lM. -.--à . 1 - --q z 4 bt lait LPAUL E. TREBILCOCK DIES LOCAL AND OTHERWISE b.AFTER SHORT ILLNESS Miss Edna Osborne recently vis- S- His man>' old friends in this town ited bier sister, Mrs. L. T. Gu>', Osh- In were shocked to bear of the passing awa. kt of Mr. Paul E. Trebilcock in Queen Mrs. Wmn. Fuller, Green River, bas 1-Mary Hospital, Peterboro, on Thurs- been visiting bier brother, Mr. Eli la day, March l7tb., after a ten days' Wilson, Liberty Place. IY ilîness froni orysipelas. Mr. andb Mrs. T. F. Leach bave re- kt He was bora in Bowmanville in turned from a trip to Detroit, St. 1885 ,being third son of the late P. Thomas, Alliston and Toronto. C. Trebilcock, stationer, and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. Haddy dTrebilcock. He was educated at the and son Jack, Toronto, are visiting -Public and High Scbools here and Mr. andb Mrs. John Hicks, Inverness, after travelling for some tume for Miss. Latest reports is that Mr. ýCopp-Clark Company, Toronto, hoe Haddy is looking quite alderxnanic and bis brother, Fred W., bought the since arriving in the Sun>' South. retail stationer>' business of A. H. aStratton at Peterboro in 1911, after- Mrs. R. Freeland, Toronto, wbo 9 wards extending it to compete in the came ofnMto atnd MstJHe Gode Ir wholesale trade, whicb the>' deveiop- Weisg, r.aievstdad uMrs.J Hor-o ed into one of the best known bus- ries,.lso is ite a abrsof old '; esses in Eastern Ontario. [n 1918 sfried. tBis enihteenbears ie a bis brother Fred, ipassed away. Short- self omnilbttm a 9 ly after Paul sufferod the bass of bis dealt ver>' leniently witb bier. wife wbo was Miss Florence Scott, Mr. Porc>' Mercer, son of Mr. and Ioaving an infant daughter. Mrs. W. H. Mercer, 240 Ritson Rd. Besides bis daughter,* Florence S., Oshawa, and formeri>' of Bow- Scott Trebilcock, lie laves te our manville, bas accepted the position his early pasai in , smother, Ms. P. of organist and choir master of the C. Trebilcock of this town, two Anglican Cburcb at Whitby. Percy'sa broters Dr Frnk C Trbilockman>' friends in bis native town wil and Mr r. ra J. Trebilcock be pleased to hear of bis musical at- 'ber of the Toronto Board of Educa- taof sents and succersincbis con tion, both of Toronto, and four ais- profession adofe icee cn ters, Mrs. H. F. Hutchinson, Toron- grTuhations. ordrprt h hto; Mrs. (Dr.) J. G. Adami, Great TeCourWrdrprinth Barrington, Mass; Miss. Margaret Beethoven-Chopin recital giron b>' fTrebilcock, Bowmanville; sncb M. the Music Study Club in that town dNorman Hanile>', Peterboro. Mr. says: Mrs. T. W. Cawker, soloist, I1Trebilcock was a member of the Bowmanrille, carried out a difficuit dScottisb Rite and of Corinthian Lod- prograni with excellence. She made ges, A-F.&A.M. a charming appearance as sbe came Thefunra tok pac Saurd>'upon the platform to sing bier first bafternootn fromk the residence of hisnubeadws acreda uh father-in-law, Mr. William Scott, 109 meed of applause. She aiso sang Hunter Street, East, Peterboro, in- in beautiful voice and witb admir- -terment taking place in Little Lake al xrsii Te Mie' Cemeter>'. v. ani Wrenn and Wisb" Chopin andb froni Beethoven, officated.the higbly classical number, "Ade- Rer. . E.Toddlaide", wbicb, is beard aIl ton seldoni. e A Good Citizen Passez Mrs. Cawker's singing was greatl>' (Prom The Peterboro Examiner) appreciated. Thodeab, fte a hor ilnes, o .Man>' of. our older readers will be Paul Trebilcock bas left the commua- nestdnteneaimwicap sit>' in a condition of sbock at the peared in Friday's Toronto papota sudden passing of a well-known and that on Match 17, Conductor Rance popular citizen, cut down in the' Norton, Toronto, and a native son of prime of life. Bowmnanville, celebratod bis 67tb Mr. Trebilcock, one of the city's birtbday. Mr. Norton who la one younger business men, bad endeared of the best known and moat ppular h iniself te many citizens durian bis conductora in this (part of tne pro- vince bas recenti>' completed 60 serenteen years' residence in Zeter-eassrvcwibte andaN- borough, b>' his unfailing courtes>' in = Riwy. H sCifcn bis business relations and bis genial dti r oonatlw> o Diis ief on-17 and likeable attitude toward ail mwitbOdctr of raly onDvisndo.17 whom lie came into contact. Ordfo nmer of RalwyCodutrs an-a He was in erer>' sense of the be o uie fyascn pasa odctzn aigaqii ductor on the International G. N .R. pibthrasefa1gontientin aquiet1 train, runming between Toronto and j~ ~ a btepfliersth.in in> noeMontreal. niments that bd s h i a the bet-_____ terment of Peterborough, and ani- mated b>' a siacere desire that thel BOWMANVILLE LADY WINS cit>'lbe bad adopted as bis home Isooo RZ sbould advance on sound and sane' $100.00____ lines. atvrgtYugMuAa mn In bis passing man>' Peterborough Crwih on a loAnn people have best a warni friend, the Prime Winnera wbose place in their circle of more liniste acquaintances will be indeed Mrm. H. W. Lapp, wif e of Mr. difficult te fill. Lapp, local manager Standard Bank, bas been receiving the congratula- tions of bier man>' friends on bier re- PIANO AND VIOLIN RECITAL cent success lunwinng the third FILLS OPERA HOLJSE prie of $1<}000l te0al0 R puire "G-Word" Picture Puzzle con- The per Hose as flle tothetest. The announcement apiieared lu The Ope a H use wa fi led te he Saturdav'spaper and the glad uew s doors Tuesday :vening b>' parents, pradi'ke wildfire around town. reatve adfrens fthe pupils of Mr. F. Converse Smith andb Mm. H .1 Some look upon sncb an award and D. Clemeas, A.T.G.M,, wbena a recital prize as luck, but the>' overlook the was giron of piano and violin selec- patience and time, n doubt man>" tiens The program was ver>' in- bours, that tkÊ wianer spent over the teresting and entertaining as Le pages of an uIIIboi ged.Webster's In-- sented b>' the clever artists aene ai- ternational Dictioaiary picking ont moat beginners leadiug up te t>: the naines of ail obects-and there more advanced pupils. Alil nuni- 4t5 were 446 in the picturo-beginning were ver>' creditabb>' rendered ac- with the letter 'G'. Mrs. Lapp's cording to the age and experience persererance and persistence were of the young musicians. It would amPI rewarded in the bonor and be a difficult task to comment and check she bas already received. do justice to eacb item so that we West Durhami ladbthe distinction only gire the prograni whicb was as of baviag another prize winner in 1follows: this interesting contcat itr the person Piano duet, The little Hayniakers of Byron F. Hyland, Nestletnn, who (Lawson>, Plsyful Kittens (Small- wss 20tb., bis winning being $15.00. wood)-Eileen Hatel>' and Joyce Our readers will recaîl tbat hast fal IuIon Mr. Hyland wrote several ver>' inter- Piano, The Clown (Risher)-Eun- esting and descriptive bttera for The. ice Chi~ps. Statesman of bis travels. in Great Violin. Minuet (Seitz)-Bradlç,v Britain and Europe. Honeyman. Piano Duet, Autunin Days (Lind- say)-Kathleen Thurston and Aud- rey' Prout. Violin, Berceuse (Nelson)-Roy Hooper. Piaîno, Barcarolle (Off enbach), Waltz from Faust (Guonod)-Win-1 ton Bagneil. Violin, Pastorale, Waîtz (Sitt)-i Mildred Pincb.0 Piano Duet Approach of Spring, (Lindsay) -Gertrude Hooper sndb Arletta Maynard. Piano, Dance Tzigane (Mlnik)- MarionSlomon. Violin, Petite Valse (Mendelssohn) -Ned Rehder. Piano Trio, Militar>' Polonaise (Chopin)-Heien Argue, Mao Brent and Mrs. Cbemens. Piano, Theme sndb Variations (Beethoven)>-Charlie Cawker. Violin, Minuet (Paderewski)-Os- car Jamieson. Piano Duet, Qui Vire (Ganz-j Doris sndb Gladys Jamieson. Violin, Waltz (Hunînel-Bur-nîiit- er), Introduction andb Polonaisej (Bobm)-Elaine Reaman.f Piano Trio, GaIlop Brilliant (Woo]-E enhaupt)-Doris sncb Gladys Jamie-1 son, Bernice Bagneli.1 v iolin, Brindisi Waltz (Allard)-1 Phyllis Saunders.r Piano Duet, Wedding of the Winds (Hall)-Heien Argue andb Mae Brent. Violin, Liebesfreud (Kreisler), Ave Maria (Schubert-Wlhelmji)- Sandy Jones. Concerto for twn Violins (Bac)- Sandy Jones and Mr. *Smith, witb Phyllis Saunders at the piano. GCd Save The King.c At the close Mrn. Glemens was1 presented b>' Mins Eunice Chippa1 wlth a beautiful bouquet of plnk car- natibus.11

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