PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, B0WMM~VILLE THURSDAY, MARCH 24th., 1927 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toroi University. Graduate of the Roi College of Dental Surgeons ofC tario. Office King St., Bowmanvil Office phone 40. House phone X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental Collel Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bo manville. Office hours 9 a. m. to p. m. daily except Sunday. Pho 90a. House phone 90b. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Ul versity and member of Royal Colle 4~ Dental Surgeons. Licensed practise in Ontario and the Domi ion. Dentistry in aIl ita branchi Offce-King St., Bownianville,c posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 3C LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan on Farm anId Tov Property. Royal Bank Buildi Bowmanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to late D. B. Simnpson, K.' Berrister, Solicitor, Notary Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phoneo Bowm.nville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for es] Offices Bleakley Block, King S, Bowmanville, Ontario. Phone Offie 102, Bouse 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. *MORRIS CO. Complote Motor Herse Equipment AIl calls prom2ptl] attended to. Private Anibulanci Bowmanville phono 10 and 34 Branch Stores- Orono & Newcastli ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Directoi Calîs given prompt and personal st tention. No extra charge for di, tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman '111le, Ont. 3-tl MEDI CAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University Toronto. Four years attending Ph: iclan and Surgeon at Mt. Carme Hospital, Pittsb'urg, Ks. Office ani Residence, Wellington Street, Bow manville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen Office and Residence, Dr. Beith' former -residence on Cburch Street Bowmanville. Phono 259. 44-t VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day oz Night calls promptly attended tc. Office: King St. East, Bownianville. Phono 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Honor Graduate of U.niversity of Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and careful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Spec;alty. Terms moderato. Enniskillen P. O. Phono 197r3. 1-tf, CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduato of Toronto College of Chiropractic will be in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Tharadsy and Saturday evenings, phono 141J. Residential calîs made during fore- neona. PAINTING AND DECORATING See the 1927 Ilne of Xall Papers. Maximurs a zipecialLy. Prices the besý yet. l'hone for any desired information. J. H. ABERNETI-Y Phono 431 lBowinanville THE EDITOR TALKS GETTING RID 0F INTOLERANCE' LETTER FROM LONDON, ONTr. IN TI] This Lenten feast of 40 days in Presumably wise and a very well- Very many of our readers share Mrs. T.E ,nto which Christians are expected to known man was quoted as saying with us, we have reason te know, tbe Toronto,w gyl give mucb time te serieus medita- last week, "Give me the radius of pleasure Mr. John Elliott's letters al- attonded ti On- tion, prayer and thanksgiving for all any man's intelligence, and I will ways give us and our only complaint manville la Ile. the mercies, blessings and personali describe the circumforence of bis witb this one is of its brevity. We tors as foll 22. liberties wve as a Christian nation are toberance"l. An epigram may be a are glald te boar that our former Dear Sur permitted te enjoy is surely one very peculiarly deadly formn of untruth friend of our teaching days in Balti- very mucb ftting time in whicb te 'ceunt our and folly, but bere la one, surely, that more, January 18, 1875 te July 10, ing me the many blessings and name them one bas mucb of wisdom and reality in it. 1878-is stiill engaged in cburch acti- ing The St ýg, by one". Tee few of us, it is to bel Intolerance alI the way tbrough vities and the theught cornes: Wbat turn eut a oW feared, really give the seriolns buman bistory bas been the child of an inspiration and influence for gond tbink then 06 theught we should te the persenal ob- ignorance. Mon would be mucbho must have radîated in aIl tbese man" is a Dne ligatiens wvo are under te the Giver more kindly and friendly and sym- ovor 50 years.-Editor. 1 aIl had a1 of aIl the goed things and blessings1 pathetic and buman if tbey were Dear Mr. James:-You like te hear' and sincere which are bostowved upon us as a more intelligent, and saw more deep- of eld friends and se PI report tbat pleasure of people. In view ef aIl the mercies, i ly and truly into life and reality. I saw and beard Rev. David Rogers next year. Fni- blessings and umaterial advantagos! Toleranco is a result of broad vision; at the mid-week service in the Metre- splendid si that ceme te usbourly, daily, yearly it grows among mon and women wbo politan United Churcb, Rev. J. Bruce if tbey bad oga dunoueatly existenceop e , moare v e caround an(l tbru things; intel- IHunter, Pastor, last Wednesday would net *t l rtefipepe?-on I1 orance is a result of faulty vision, of1 nigbt. Please note that we have our skaters ies. yen acquaintances bow many can misty sigbt, of prejudice and the nar- a M.%etrepolitan in London new. In lookin yunamne wb are giving evidence of 1 rowing processes of ignorance. The former First Metbodist Cbnrcb results 1 o-being as tbankful te enr~ Great Bene-1 Btonofte rubsista scagd in naine wben Good's afte farter as tbey sbenld be? It is true' botb tolerance and intelerance caný the First Presbyterian, Rov. Wil- bis birthday -Tba aahsankgvinabt te inale ay f very easily be made te look lîke some liam Beattie, minister, aIse won the 0 C Thaksgvin, bt hw 1ttl 'slt!thingo vich they very decidedly arel entered the Union and Dr. Beattie's cently in tl ol)sorvod fer roal, gonuine giving of inet. A man who is said te be tel- cburcb became the First United now hoe has CdfralHserant is te many people a man inclin-j erct bonefits te us. la it o bevde ob aygi butsm er Rev. Mr. Rogers is a fermer as- adian Natio rather as a day for sport, pleasure vuýs' an( scia aseblis ithacom important matters: a man witbot istant pastor of the Metropolitan ie under 12 wn ad scialassmbles wth co-, strengtb of conviction or any sound and ho was cordially greetod wben on spoed sk pany'ng esig and entertain- conscience or deterrnined will tht he came over £rom bis berne city of but feel prc n ment? *i makes hlm stand steadfast for the) St. Thomas te speak on "Great make a vor thinga wbich are rigbt. Intolerance Preachers I bave Heard". He re- rink but hi Tbat pepular writer of peetryý on the other band, is often judged tains mucb of bis old power of mem about akatir C. g triping bumanieoreis-Eg and A. etborough-going conscientieus- ory and that marvellous memory fer used te the guest wroteman antrtEdrlAst; ness and a courageous adherence te people, places and dates, se that it estber sse en TrtiAe frcastN o-g firm principle. One of the most was interesting te hoar hlm tell of zeieonsse of The esmU. . mnthle I intolerant mon we ever knew seemod Wmn. Morley Punshon wbo was lent Asrn 91 -o .~te tblnk of bimself as a specially by British Miethodists te Canada for the Weed1 fui" Myfresfo ein Tbih e epr ue orthy example of devotion te higb five years heginning in 1868, during The deatl ful foi wic w rprlue orprinciple. wh icb the Metropolitan Cburcb, Tor- on Thursda our readers a few paragraphs. Af t or Ho saî eudebten nowabut.D.Psonpac-rrnnt bis introduction ho asks: Wbat bavel o hl e1ug ewe thel otwsbit r uso rah rmnn 1 te bc thankful for? Wbat bas real tbing and the thing wbicb can se' ed the dedicatory sermon and of Mrs. McKib le. anyone te be thankful fer? Has easily be made te look like it? Well,i course, Mr. Rogers told us the toxt. daugbter of try little bit of trouble robbed life it isn't se easy doing that. No one Ho referred te the old man eloquent -Joseph S.E of ail its cbarm? Hsliedatuj wisbos te be theugbt intolerant of of Canadian Metbodism-Rev. Gee. The Unit justly with me? Have I ufrd course, se wben ho begins te develep Douglas, blind and affhicted with par- Hope, were more than my neigbbors? During1 the kind of spirit hoe calîs it by a alysis but keen of intellect and won- Garnett fan - te as yarbae ben epivdjmore attractive name. There are derful in bis flights of eloquence. The concert on1 of anything really necessary te my, few mattors cencorning which we can Aoia rayeinD itTI ebr bappiness? I think net. AnywNay, deceive ourselves more completely mage ,John Potts, James Henderson, Mr. T. W.S I would rather rejeice in the beauty than cencerning that vital mattor of Ezra Stafford and Samuel J. Hunter director, wo of life than always deplere the our own opinion and conviction about and others wero referred te and in correctly th or cruelty and bitterness of it. ourselves. seme cases choice passages from their characters. * *But there is ne mattor about wbicb addresses were given. y Thon be proceeds te meditate; a man sbould take bimself moreî An rig- Cisenrwa r.J tbusly: Today, as I write these ines, orously in band than that one. And teloliotta frendefM..B a mes Otno i hMs se I amn in ne need of assistance of anyl 1 arn sure it would be a vory whole- HallddysaBliorOn. nww Torossn kind. I do net need a docter. I some proceeding if somo day wen, aMatiet Chh bndore.iocsoda at spctae canse wihot gases ndmy enei e refeeling specially convinced Metropolian Curcher.H ndatspcli cfa sec wittlasse ,ndIy en el twe are brave&3efenders of telgreetings. giate. Or ef hcaringis stiEl a.te.arsont, ll that ofareut-elis principal ,e and sleep well. In ne way arnIl rigbt againat aIl the werld, wo would' RvE..PeroasrofDn School in th misorable. The value I place uponj face ourselvos bonestly wltb the pos-i das, bas been absent from bis pul- liam, la pr, -my blessings sball bc fixed while: sibility that, instead of being that,j pit under medical troatmont for sev High Scbooc tboy are still mine, net after I bave; we were. becoming intolerant old oral woeks but la expected back te lest tbem. For divine favors aI-1 curmudgeons, growing nrow ad1l upi et udy. Rv D . Thie oni r. ready granted, my gratitude shahl bel projudiced and thorougbly obnoxious, McCamus bas been serving very ac-con taidp given, lot the future held wbat it te tbe world about us. If closeat ceptably as substitute pastor during, jorhamite .-may.i scrutiny does net prove us te be that, Mr. Pearson's illness. asr 1- arn thankfnl for my frienda.i ne possible barinwill be done, and You wilMr ho pamse d en hav or enan tf Others may have richer and cleverer! getting rid of intolerance would bo elMrMCau'cdnhve ohrwmon ag -and more famous friends than 1, but, such a fine achievoment that its ac- corne on. One daughter is a grad-otris ne one bas truer or btter comirados! cemPlrshment would justify any kind uato nurse in Toronto; anether is on Evory stop of the way, frorn ry car-j of beroe measures-The New Out-j the teaching staff of Jarvis St. Col- 766 Waterlo iest beyhoed te the presont minute, look. legiate and also associated in work I bave bad good company. I bave y, friends who cerne without being ask-, AUNT SUSAN'S WEEKLY LETTER y- ed, and wbo go witbout being sont; ____ el frienda wbe are nover absent, tbougb My Dear Niece:-You will derive Ld tbe be mles ~ay. *mucb pleasuro frum koeping a diary, ~ 1* Couningbis any blesing hobut try te write of events and im- name tbrn oe b on as ollws~pressions and net you.r private per- I arn thankful for my bealtb. 1 an sonal feelings. Sucb a diary willlV e tbankful that 1 can risc each rnerning, thon be of great interest in future ,n. for the task it bringa, and go un- years te others besides yourself. ,~ bampered te my duty. I arn tbank- Te diary of the old-fasbioned Sful for my wife's goed health and young woman used te be an outlet tfor the good health of my chiîdren; for ber ornotion, but the modemn for their laughter and their count- young woman finds that this outletf less charma; for the homo wbichi tltceocss sbields us aIl and for the gardeni Avoid recording yeur persona! whcre we play. I arn tbankfui for' opinions of neigbbors or relatives the car we ride in and the shees we write as few namnes of people as r woar; the beds we sleep in and the' possible. books we read togother. Iarn thank-1 Tben yen need nover blush with fuI for our neighbers and for our, annoyance ln aftor years when re- eneigbborbood. ferring te the past days. I arn thankful for our country. Il Pooplo's opinions change with the wouid rather rear my cbildren in this yer;mroe esnwoi e-1 groat country than in any ether na- ing you now will in aIl probability tien on the globe. I believe that be a dear friend later on. the chance for bappineas, for splend-1 A diary can be of use in many gor, for beauty ,for achievernent la ways; it records events in orderîy re-1 -greater bore than anywbere else un-' tation and the gradual advancement der the sun.* * *i in our work; it alse shows up the ave ived another happy er many wasted days and the preclus and amthanfulfor t. ear timo that slips by unbeeded. and am hanful or i. Ihave j Again it can ho the cause of en- traelld frand 1hv enmn Iorgmn n ehlain we friends. If there are still te comel we read of difficult achievements bappicr and richer years than this, Il rnastered and the obtaining of our shall be grateful; but if those yeara' desires by bard Werk and persover- *whicb are te follow bring trouble andi anco; it can aise faitbfully record theI *misery in their train, I shaîl at least' growtb of our children, mentally and 1 *have this year te rernember. Yostor-! pbysically. <ay is gene, nover te return. But' * Keep aIl ugly and sad events eutN *yosterday was! Through the mis-' of it if possible, or comment upon look back at that yesterday when 1' et had and bad timos la often the smiled and was glad. source of more contentment in thel I arn thankful that I have neyer present. knowvn want, bunger, <or absolute des-I The sunny happenings rnay make pair. Se far, many et the ilîs of us wisb for the old times again, un- rlite bave missed mie altogethor. Il tii we set te work te write of the, bave been hurt by sorrew, toucbed good times we are new enjoying. 1 ta *bv disappointment; 1 bave tailed, For the record of years wili showl Ibe New S a 1%here I bad hope<I te succccd; it bas us the rapîîlrty of time, the many, raineil on nmy picnic days, ami some& changes that corne andi go, and val ue4EDA o îf ry drearna have been sbattered.1 cf rnakîng the meat "ot wbat wte yet But in the main, mv Uife bas been may spend", so that these days in ei"L'ha rih uvtnnmberil thbl, anoddscb fturerefe ncwie, a bappecontent-dScl"L-ha ciean-living people wbo a're the back-i anîl fit tbom fer the battle of life; bone cf our nation. Some mon they bnild thK¶r bopes and drearna cheat and some steal and sonneceom- about a faitb wbicb serves themn and 6 ,obi t mit inurder; soe wives prove un- sustains them tbrougb the bitternes truc; sorno children diagrace their cf grief; they are neyer utterly ileso-1 parents; but the majority of peoiple late and they flnd picasure and satis- in thia country do none of these faction in their lives, even though thinga, and I anm tbanflcfn for that. thcy have snffered rnucb aiong the TI K way and missed many of the goals TI K It la a stretch of tîme te ho lived which they had hoped te attain. This on this earth; te grow from child- la the most any man can do, beho o9Bnet e hood to manhood and womanhood; t<> rich or poor. go wo igive thankIr. 9Bn i FHE EDITOR'S MAIL B. Duffey, 606 Ontario St., w'ho with ber young Orel tho skating mieet in Bow- last montb writes the edi- lows: is:-I wisb te thank you for your kindness in send- epapers. I enjoyed read- itatesman. You cortainiv aneat little paper and 1 name "Canadian States- grand name for it. We lovely time in your town rely hope to have the ,f v'isiting your rink again 1 think you have sonie ;aters in Bowrnanvjlle and td a tramner to coach them. bhave much to fear frorn rs. ig over the speed skating notice you have Jimmie eas Il years, but ho is 12. y being on June 6th. Orel Ontario Championship re- the 12 year old class, so ithe school titie under 10 title under 10 years, Can- inal under i?. and Ontar- 12. This is Orel's flrst year kates and we cannet help 'oud of him. Ho did not ery good sbowing in your Pe is just a little nervous Jng indoors, as ho bas been klarge outdoor rinks. g man ia needed te enforce Act against sow thistles. .bh occurred at Port Arthur lay of H. A. McKibbin, banker in bis 59tb year. ibbin who survives, was a of the late Mr. and Mrs. King, Port Hope. ited Cburch Choir of Port re guests of the three amilies at a masquerade Friday nigbt wben the 45 ame representing a song. Stanley, organist and choir von the prize for guessing th greatest number of M. E. Addison at Annesley rito, and the third is the st in London South Colle- îe of the boys. Laurence, tl of the Trafalgar Publie ;is city and the other. Wil- incipal of the Walkerton Il. ,Of The Statesman wbich ny last letter to you was passing it from one old to another. Your paper of friendly cléaring bouse id women who migbt not hear from one another. John Elliott. eo St., London, March 14, 1927. ~. * ~ *rV'N1 I IEfNII IIfU Il W~11I I E? Without Medical Ruamination Our UIdeel" Pfcy, wlIow pro- SpedmnRat mmiuxm, iited ini number, and for $2 500 la speciay adapted wO the young 20-$38.73 man of today. Hea]tby maies, 15 25- 44.9C to 45, miay secure anmnts up to 30- 53.25 $2,500 without examination. Write 35- 65.4C today for particulars. 40- 93.75 EXCE L4SIOR INSURANCE LIFE COMPANY HF-AD OFFICa--.KzcmIOa MLIFE BUILDING, TORONTO MAIL THIS TO-DAY- W. BLAKE McMURTRY, District Agent, Bowmanviiie, Ont. sSd me hMi nmation &bout your "IDELAL" PoilgW. si à EXCELSOR LI FE My un~___________ ~j>.' No Other Automobile/ CJHERE is no automobile of any make or size '1that offers the Canadian buyer more per dollar than the New Star Car. Exclusive mechanical and body features are backed by a 'manufacturing and sales policy that is consistent and thereby guarantees stability of price, service and re.-sale value. s of Canada, Limnited -E__SA K*.CA R. FOURS sIXE 9crat t*ý,heL,,ow VPr ice ld D-& SON MOTOR SALE Phone 533 OSHAWA Country Customers With bad roads travelling to town is difficuit -but thanks to the rural mail we can give you p)rompt service. Phone us your next order by 8.45 a. m. and we wvill send it out to you same morning. This appiies to any of the 6 rural routes going cout of Bowmanville. F'or town custnmers we deliver promptly to ail par-ts of the town. We solicit a share of your patronage. LANCE CARNET CPhare hrs& *1McCoy Cah and Delivery Butchr Phono 58 Bown=aaylll. 5 litilLAIILAIIIL THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, MARCH 24th., 1927 PAGE TWO liff 1111K liti[L -21IK-AlIK DL K À Torcrita- (Izi"nA!m MWAM