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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1927, p. 3

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filE CANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARGE.. 24th., 192? PAGE TERIZ "ne eau Always Cet a Lean!"'1 T HE farmer who cleans up bis JIlans at the bank after every harvest rarely has ddficukty in flnancing bis f arm. When you need credit f rom the bank, a statement of your affairs given to the manager in confidence will create a better understanding between you end your banker. The R,.oyal Banik of Canada Bowmanville Branch ILR F. Aitchison, Manager 12 FBANNER OATS FOR SALE I arn getting my father, R. H. about March 22nd and weighs 44 ibç tested for purity. a car of Peace Rive'- Oats from Carveth, Grande Prairie, Alta., i. These oats germinated 94 % S. They are being government I have had three cars of these oats in past years which gave splendid resuits on light and heavy land. Price 95e Bushel At Newcastle C. R. Carveth' IL -1~3 Choicest Meats With change of seasons( tites. So often you need1 corne change in appe- to coax the appetite along with "som ethi ng different' -tasty-extra palatable meats-meats-that are tender, whole- some and full of food nourishment. No doubt we have just what is needed to ans- wer that problem "Just what I wanted". Our large variety of fresh, cured and cooked meats makes shopping a pleasure at this shop. G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville Our Formars Accocnî Book sil Provo muieZ i managinj Peons AaAhforatopy. H. J. Gibson.1 A MINING SYNDICATE OPPORTUNITY A PRE-ORGANIZA.- TION syndicate is be- ing formed, by a weil- known Toronto invest- ment banker, of a company in process of formation. This com- pany will amalgamate two of the most promis- ing silver properties in the Gowganda district, equipped with a 100- ton mili and power lines. 30,000 tons of 35- ounce ore on the dumps at present, ready to start miliing ore at once. This offers, to the man with $50 or more to in- vest, a speculation of tinusuai profit possibili- ties. For further information address K. K., Drawer1 B, Bowmanvllle. M-H. Pressure cultlvator, 9 tooth; M.-H. 4 herse seed drill, 20 disks; Hart Parr 15-30 gasoline tracter; M-H. 3 furrow power lift plow for Hart Parr tracter; set cf M-Il, double dise for Hart Parr tracter; Coekshutt cultivater, 20 teeth, f~or tracter; M-Il. 15 tOath pressure culUi- vator, for Hart Parr tractor; Hay Prese, Swayne Robinson, ize 17 x 22; Hoover potato planter: M .-Ii. 2 furrow powler lift ilow for Foroson; Oliver No. 7 2 furrow lift plow; M-1-i No. 3 12-inch Bliz- zard cuiting box; MN-i liand packer; Saw- yer Mlasseyrebult 36i in. grain separator, iu nch bedy; 6 Verty single walking plows; 2 wagon lorries, ight; 3 heavy wagon lorries; light deivery wagon; 4 Bain wagons; flat wagon racks; 3 hay racks, 4 sets of sloighs; ight delivery .4lcigh; 2 2-herse buggies; M-H. hay raik4-; 2 M-Il. ight gang Piows; 3 Sets'I M-It. iren wagon trucks; 2 gravel boxes; 12 sets ef doubletrees; 12 pulleys for hay; logging chaîna; Ferrell No. 16 seed clean- ing machine; Elmira est rolling machine; Arnerican Ont grinder; Chatham hand fanning ilI; i-H. hand chaf cutting bex; 2 M-H. turnip pulpers; De Lavai separator. Ne. 15, wlth power attach- ment; mlk cana; da.Iry equlpment;; Iadders; shovels; farrm bols of ail des- criptions; camp aves; amalI wood steves; heaters; steve Pipes; equipment for re-grindina F'ordson tracter blocks; 2 lents; 3 amaîl gasoline engines. mofînted on skids and trucks, wlth water pumping attachment; cook steve; 500 white press- 0(1 brick; cement ýnd dlay tile, al sizea; blacksrnith's supplIes. HARNESS, HAV, ETC-2 scesof doub- letrees; sets of single hamneau; 40 herse collars, ail laces; seigh bells; briffîes; hames; backbands and a large assort- nment ef harnees, quantity cf choie tim- ethy hay; ground oats fer hog feed; quantity of wnoie Ijax seed for feed; grain baga and old sacke; 60 heavy eteer halters. FURNITURE. ETC.-Complete equIP- ment fronm a large boarding hane,In- luding chairs. beda, maîtresses, springs, tables, davenperts. washstands. stoves, crocks, dshes, knives and forks. spoons, palle; cnpboards, etc. SALE AT 10 A. M. Lunch Provlded No Reserve TERMS--AJI suis cf 125 anti under, cash; ever that amount 8 menthe' credit te parties furnishlflg appreved joint notes. 5 per cent aiîowed for cash In lien of notes. PRENTICE & PRENTICE, Auctlonseru. LETTER FROMq INDIA LOCAL AN4D OTHERWISE We were pleased to receive last Rev. A. C. Hie, Bobcaygeon, has week this very interestîng letter been invited to Hastings United from Rev. H. J. Gibson, son of Mn. Churcb and Rev. M. L. Hinton, Past- and birs. John H Gibson, Newcastle, or for the past seven years St Hast- wbo with Mrs Gibson left for India ings bas been invited to Bobcaygeon. last September: The death occurred at the Count- Saugor, C. P., India, Feb. 11, 1927 ies' Home for the Aged, Cobourg, on Dean Friends in the Homeland: March 5 cf William Hubbard, a 'l arn tealing a few moments to former resident cf Burketon, aged write to you ail if ýhe Editor will be 68 yeans, after a seven days' iilness good enough te give me space. rmpe ona I have been away fromn Canada frRn pneumoni. CakPso f long enough te feel bomesick at Rv imtG lne atrc tirnes. But when sncb times corne Bell Street United Church, Ottawa,l we just turn our faces to the needas ince ýJuly, 1924, bas accepted a cal cf this land and rejoice that we are frorn the congregatien of Glenmountl bere. United Church, Toronto, and will Enroute we stayed about a month assume bis new ipastorate next July. in England and in that time we vis- Rev. F. R. Meredith, Pastor of the ited rnany places of historical and Glenmount United Churcb for the legendany înterest. Our first week- past six years, will succeed Mn.1 end was spent in Norwich which dates Clarke at Bell Street. Rev. Mr. away back te the Norman period. Clarke was a former pastor of Bow- Time and space forbid that I sbould manville Metbodist Churcb. dwell as long as I sbould like upon The rnany fienas of Mrs. Frank our visits in England. I1 cannot re- Prouse are sorry te hear of bier ser- frain, however, from recalling the ious illness. A week ago last Sun- times we stood at the "Unknown" day she was in Bowrnanville visiting Soidiers' grave in the old Abbey. No bier daugbter, Mrs. Beden Pingle, corner of peets or kings was as much and on the following day she became frequented as that grave near the worse. Medicai aid was called in, place where Livingstone reposes. and the case was seon diagnosed as We left England in cornpany with one of diphtberia of a severe type. three others on October 14, and witb- Other complications developed in- out anything to mar it we had a de- ciuding an affection of the heart. On lightful voyage ianding at Bombayl Saturday bier condition was extreme- on November 6. Prom there we l Y critical, and that evening tbe cris- teck train to Saugor. This tnp tecklis was reached, and since she bas only 24 heurs and we neacbed berelbeen improving. Whiie she is not the night cf the cencluding meeting yet eut cf danger, strong hepes are ef the Annual Saugor Convention at entertained for ber ultirnate reccv- which rnany hundreds cf Indians te- ery. A trained nurse is in constant ceived a blessing. attendance and everything la being The first thing we bad te do was dene te basten bier recovery.-Pick- te settie down to the-language study. ering News. India is separated by rnany dialects The home cf Mrs. Charles Werry, which are pVictically different lang- 109 Agnes Street, was the scene ef nages. Our task happens te bc Hin- a joiiy St. Patrick's tea given by Mrs di which is one cf the easiest. We Frank Ward's group ef the King St. are new well o n the way with it hav- Ladies' Aid Society. Mrs. Werry ing almost finisbed the-second reader and Mrs. Ward received the guests, and being able te carry on a simple, who were delighted with the St. Pst- conversation. We are very proud rick's strain wbich was carried eut cf ourselves wben We croate a sent-I in the decorations of the tables, ence but we must be careful not to~ which ccnsisted cf snail green bask- make mistakes. Fer instance, bits. lets cf candy and quaint French scr-i Gibson tried to tell the teacher that, viettes. The large table wvas pretty I went eut te feed the bien and she with large, silvor boxes of candy and told hlm that I went out toeset the bits cf decorative green. Duning hen. The hien laid an egg and hie the tes bout, a program was given asked bier if eur liens oniy laid one consisting cf a solo by Mrs. Noble; egg and she told him that we were piano solo, Marion Gummow; noci- only one hien. I w'anted to ask a tations by June Luke and Maxime lad if bie would like to be a meter Noble. During tbe aftcrnoon Miss mechanic and I ahked bîm if be want- Marion Gummow gave musical select-r ed one. One cf the ladies desined ions.-,Osbawa Reformer. te tell a fruit seller that she bad some Nation-widc Fame.-There is scan- bananas and sh etold hlm that she ceîy a corner cf this great Dominion was a banana. wberc tbe meits cf Dr. Thomas' Ec- Then we had te get settled in our icctric 011 bave flot been tricd and home. The home had te be repair. proved. It is one cf the worid's ed first. To got anytbing donc in most efficient remedies for sore Canada is easy-if yen bave the tbroat, lame back and many ether money. Here it doesn't make mucb ailments arising from inflammation. difference. Unless you stand over Rubbcd on the skia its healing power youn workmen ho will do your job i, readily absorbed, and it can aiso very speedily. He built a steve for be taken internally. us cf brick and mud. A week lateri the cerner felI eut cf it. That's a sample cf everytbing they do for you. It teck a mcnth instead cf two weeks AUCTION SALES te have our repsiring doe. It wcuidn't have beon done yet had I Tueuday, April 12th-Auction Sale net rncved into the rooms that were cf Hoisteins, York-sbires, Oxford habitable and camp on the trail cf Downs, farrn machinery, etc., at every man on bis job. But here we Twin Stream Farm, Lots 29 and 30, are at last in a six roomed bungalow Cen. 3, Witby Township. Sale at wbicb wili last at loast as long as 1 p. m. See buis. Wm. Maw, the dry weatbor continues. I expectiAuctieneen. 11- thon it will disappear. ,11-4 We love tho people of India. Tbey Tuesday, April 12th-Auction Salei lie, they steal and do everything they cf prcperty known as Twin Stream' have beon taught te do by the west- Farm, Lots 29 and 30, Con. 3, Whit- erner. The sin lies in bing found bv Township, 365 acres, and exton- eut. If yen buy milk yen musti sfvo farm buildings. Sale at 12.451 watch it mîlked or yen will get haif 1p. m. See bills. Wm. Maw, Auc- water. If yen toll yonr servant tel tieneer. 11-4 watcbholi wiil tell yen hie did se and if you ask hlm wbther it was a cow or buffalo bie will say hie dosn't kncw which. Its net lack cf know- A i to ceg f the animai but lack cf skil u to Sale in lieing. The milkrnan wiil bring ____ bis buffale or cow arcund te yonr C diprasle fmlc door te milk it and thon yen watch Compietc ipra aeo ie the proccss. cows, iniplernonts,' etc. Biggest Our work consists iargeiy in preach-1 machinery sale cf season. ing in the villages. The village The undorsignod bas receivod in- people are very tirnid. At first they structions from the Exocuters cf the mun from us. Then aftcr somo days estate cf the they will cerne te us fer medicino and Late Robert John Fleming The Word. They listen very at- tontiveiy te the proaching and ask te sdil by public auction sorne intelligent questions. Theotv 5 Con 2, Pickering Tp. stay whon they once corne and watch Lt5 ns est. To tborn it is bighly enter- (3 miles east cf Pickering on taining. Kingston Highway) Hene in Saugor we bave a boys' Saturday, April 2nd., 1927 crpbanage. Thore are 50 lads cf ail ages and they are an interesting at 10 a. m. sharp, the following crcwd. I bave taken oven orne cf property, namely: tbern as Scouts and Cubs and they MILCH COWS-15 Grade Milch Cowis, show tbernseives very enthusîastic in due te freshen around timne of sale. the wonk. Wben one considers IMPLEMENTS, ETC-Z Binders. M.- wbat bas been donc for tbese lads H., 7 ft; 2 Mowers, M-H.,6 fi f; 2 M-H. Hay Tedders; 30 h. p. horizontal baller who otherwise wouid be bcgging one and engine; 2 Cern Cultivators, M-H., is bumbly grateful te "Him ' wbc 2 row No. 5; 2 John Deere check rew; calîs". Sincenely , - - cor.plantere: 3 M-Il. 1-herse walking GENERAL MOTORS, LATEOT ACHIEVEMonT 'Yhe New and Fi ner çolqLCSIX çl EN ERAL MOTORS startled the world last year by Sdeveloping the Pontiac Six to meet the dernand for a six of truly high quality and truly low price. Now, after the greatest first year ever enjoyed by a new make of car, cornes the new and finer Pontiac Six-built in the vast new Pontiac factories and representing General Motors' most recent achieve- ment!. . . _Neyer did any six of comparable price offer such irresistible appearance and advanced design! New Fisher Bodies, longer, lower a.nd arresting in their beauty! AIl new Duco color combinations! New mechanical improvernents, and refinements, including new crown fenders and tilting-beani headlights with foot control 1 And, ini spite of ail these added features-even lower prices! . .4 Corne in! Learn the truly amazing value off ered ini this history-making car- PF-1 530 AT NEW LOW PRICES PRoDucT o0of GNlmumaoTRs 0F cANADX, LIMITED CORBETT MOTOR SALES Bowmanville Ont. 440 440 E]sto'res eSks s wn WbIhe:UG SA VIN GSON 'T UI"S expre quod AKING SUPPLIES TRIS WEEK 5 d y cfwhoje-it s ti posît.i ely '£1SL khlec, loi cannot 5 dealera PUIRE LARD 50.kLS edo Chepu ta. hoO.ag Sediens 2 ""wîs 25e 3 lb. Pai 45eC I lb.prrnt 19C ' ez. Pkt. Dsuert 25 Brn balking Powdew r 2CSeiss3Pt.2 C Fien, Saking Powdoe '.32'c Peaches eeg. a". 3m 5 Delumont. Fruits l * ~Lenten Suggestions Prom the flaet orebardm t oin radMACARONI or E CatillraU o aorIzq PGEI SUsced Pincappl. 2@cTmaors , PGEI Zrushed Pineappi, 24c Catsup la DuIk 3 Ibo- 25e Yellow diang Peachell 250 Meium 91Siz.i 5 si b. Pacikaze 2 ukgs. 2!c ~ Arictu23e Beti.SARDINES 150.S Victery Brarnd Californie Lily Brand Pickles » 39c LIMA DEANS Clt... ealRaidie 25CcU Large soe ed 90Cheesel 5Sweet Mized 2 C lbs. 25 C ce&uldenban< 35 or Ornions 49 Corn Ne3 Ia 5TELFER MOLLY'O c1IDomino TeA 17e C-7 ISCUJITS 33%. i 'eno d fekut a'lb. OBITUARY George H. Joliaton, Toronto George R. Johnoton passed aw»y S'widay at hi. late residence, 26 ir Street, Toronto. A native cf Lind- say, where he was bora 65 yearu ago, fie came to Toronto some four years ago on retiring from active business. Hie was a member of St. Anne's An- g lican Church. He was aloo a mem- Sr of the Canadien Order cf Odd- fellows., A widow and live cblîdren survive: Mrs. H. A. Sprague, Frankford; birs Joe O'Neill, Bowmnvi11e; Mnr. Verne Higginbotham, Mrn. Ernest Lenard, Misé Marjorie Johnston, Toronto; Mrs. Charles Begg, Port- land, Ore; and Mns. Mercer, Seattle, are sisters. The remains were taken te Lind- say on Wednesday for interment in the famiiy plot in Riverside Cerne- tery. HOT CROSS BUNS TUESDAYS-THUJRSDAYS-SATUlRDAYS DURING LENT Our recipe for Hot Cross Buns has caused many favorable comments in the past and will again ap- peal to popular favor-made with best quaiity butter and other high grade ingredients. 25c A DOZEN The Bowmanviile Bakery Successrs to Christie's Bakery BowmanvilleI Spring Prospects For Building We would be pleased to quote you prices on builliing materials. Lime Gyproc Cernent Plaster Paris Asphait Roofing Hard Wall Plaster Hardwood Flooring Stucco (best on market) Customers, please return al cloth Canada Cernent sacks in their possession as in future nothing but paper sacks will be handled. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Bowmanville Phone 153 or 202 ME CAIIAi)i&N STATESMAIN, BOWMANVILLE, TRURSDAY, MARCEL 24th., 1927 ., PAGE TH ti

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