PÂGE SIXTE CANADIAN RTATESMN, BOWMANVILL. THURSDAY. MLR>CH 24th. 192'7 Simple Remedy IBY-LAW No.... For ad toma h jA By-Law of the Municipal Coun- GioesBQuicSRelief ci of the Town of Bowrnanville t IM. Hollingshead Co. of Canada Lim- No Need of Strong Medicine* or ited and to authonize an agreement Det-Famous but Simple Old Eug- for that purpose. lhah Recipe Keepe Stomach in Fine Whereas for the purpose of more Condition, Baniahez After-Eat- effectuaîîy carrying out an agree- ing Diatrets. ment niade between the Corporation of the Town of Bowmanville as If you are a victim of Stomach Vèndon and the R. M. Hollingshead Troubles--Gas, Sourness, Pain or Compan" as Purchasen dated Novem- Bloating-you xnay have quick and ber 13th., 1926, the benefit of which certain relief by following this simp- has been assigned to The R. M. Hol- le advice. lingshead Co. of Canada Limited, the Don't take strong medicines, arti- Municipal Couneil of the Corpora- ficial digestants or pull down your tion of the Town of Bowmanville system by following unnecessary deem it advisable and in the interest starvation diets. l of the Corporation to grant a fixed Nover hurry youn meals or over- assessment for the years 1927 tc' eat of anything, but within rea.son 1936 both inclusive to The R. M. Hol- xnost folks may eat what they like- lingshead Co. of Canada Ltd. as set if they will keep their stoxnach sweet, forth in a certain proposed Agree- dlean -and active and free from the ment between the said Corporation souingacis tat indr o paa-and the said Company marked Sched- lyze the work of digestion. l"A heto And the best and easiest way to do.1 Be it therefore enacted as a By- this to follow every meal witih a small Lawv of the Coroporation of The amount of pure Bisurated MagnesiaI Town of Bowmanville as follows: -a pleasant, harmless and inexpen- sive form of Magnesia, that promptly First :-That the Corporation of neutralizos acidity and keeps your the Town of Bowmanville be and is stomach sweet and dlean. hereby authorized to enter into, ex- A week's trial of Bi-surated Mag-, ecute and deliver a certain agree-1 nesia, which may be obtained from' ment with The R. M. Hol]ingsheadq any druggist "at sinall cost", will Co. of Canada Limited, dated thej easily convince you of the great val- Slst day of January, 1927, in ac- ue of this old English recipe. cordance with the form hereto an - nexed marked Schedulo "A", hereb declared to be and form part of t hisý IN ý ýr@jffl By-.Law. 'ijou can SEJLMOIC- THIS wAY You eall up customners by telephone to offer them sornething. As soon as you begin to describe the article they recolleet having seen one like it, or they have read adver- tisements describing, it. If a customer has confidence in your mnethods, making a sale becomes easy - because people are rapidly becoming edu- cated to buy by tele- phone many articles they formerly thouglit they had to examine before purchasing. Try it! m.. Many subscribers who used to think they had to make Person-to-. Person cals inov find that they reach the peimon they want with Staton to- Stat ion calis. They ar-e quick.. er and cheaper. ASTHMA CHRONIC BRONCHITIS, HEAD AND IBRONCHIAL COLOS, MAY FEVER BwattowRj.2MARcpa,, es Send5 for tril Teruptetons, Toronto. $let your druggist*ma IRAZ-MbAUI Many ,Children and Adulés Keep Strong On scorr's EMULSION It 's The Pleasant Way To Take Cod-Iiver Oil Vitamins Scott & Rownre. TrornIt,î out± 26-4 Second :-That the Mayor and Clerk of the said Corporation are hereby authorized and empowered to sign and execute the said Agreement on behaîf of the Corporation, and the Clerk of the Corporation is hereby autborized and empowered to affix thereto its Corporate Seal. Third :-That upon the execution of the said Agreement by the Cor- poration and the Company the assess- ment in respect of the Lands and Premises therein described, and of ail buildings, plant, macbinory and fixtures now erected or whicb may~ hereafter be erected thereon shal for aIl purposes, save and except for scbool purposes and local improve- ment rates. be fixed at not more than the sum of Fifteen Tbousand Dollar ($15,000) for each of the years 1927 to 1936 both inclusive, and save as aforesaid the said Company and the said lands and premises. and the buildings, plant, machinory and fix- tures erected or to be erected, used or to ho used thereon, shall for the years 1927 to 1936 both inclusive be exempt from taxation by the Corpor- ation. Fourth :-That upon being te quested by the said Company this By-Law be suhmitted to the duly qualified ratepayors of the Corpora- tion for their approval.1 Second reading Match 7, 1927. Passed this day of1 1927. (- lerk. ayor. fl J j~/~IJV N fl Muaic in the Schoola IJY LA N o ee During the past yeaî- two Super. v isors of Musijc have been appointed A By-LaNx te provtde for the tak- one at lPort Hope and the 'other at ing cof the Votes of the qualifled Newcastle. Bowmiaaville scbooîs havi IElectors cf the' Town of Boivmian- had a Supervisor in this branch of in- ville tipon a certain By-Law for the structioïn for a nunîber of veat-s purpose cf authonîzing the Corpora- These are aIl the Urban schools in tîon cf the Town cf Bîîwnîanville te this inspectotate. There are ton rural enter inte an agreement with the R. schools which are receiving preper M Hollingshead Company of Canada training in music under a qualifiod Lîîîîited. and in the interest cf this teacht't-of nmusic. The conditions Corporation te gi-ant a fixed Assess- are encouraging and very satisfact. nient of $1 5.000.00 for the yearsI cryt, aýnd( show the popula-ity of this 1927 te I1936, both inclusive, te thelinsti-uetion among the par-enta. All I said R. M. Hollingsbead Company of other schools are being taught chor- jCanada Ltmite(]. us singing by their respective teach- 1Therefore the Municipal Council ers throughout the year. cf the Corporation of the Town Of Agiriculture Bownmanx'illo enacts as follows : Teaching of this subject shews First :-For the purpose of ascer- considerable improvemont due, no I taining whether the ratepayers of the doubt, te the greater stress and bet- ITown cf Bowmanville qualified to ton instructton in this important vote upon a By-Law of the -C orpiora- bnanch at the Normal Schocîs. Net tien o the Town ef Bowmanvjlle oaly are aIl the schools doing the .granting The R. M. Hellingshead Ce. ork of the Minimum Course laid - f Canada Ltd., a fixed assesmnent down in the Course of Study for in respect ef the lands and ptemises Public Sehools, but aIl but ene Runal therein described and cf aIl buildings School are doing the wonk cf the plants, machineny, and fixtures new Supplenientary Course as weIl. erected or which may hereafter be Hot Lunches erected theneca shaîl for aIl purposes (save and except for school purposes Greater interost is being sbown in anti Local Imprevement rates) ho prevtding bot lunches durtng thel flxed at net more than the sum of winter months, as is shown by the in-, Fifteen Thousand Dollars ($15 000.- crea.sedl number of sehools which un- 00, for each cf the years 1927 te dertook this werk. 1936 beth inclusive, and save as Schooi Fairs afîîresaid the said C'ompany and the Eight successful Scbool Faits were saud lands andi premises and the held. That this werk is recegnized as buildings, plant, macbinery and fix- tmportant is shoxvn by the centinued tarcs erected or te ho erected, usetl interest andI largo attendance cf the or te be used thereon, shaîl for the' parents and people of the commun- years 1927 te i.19:6 both inclutsive, bc ity. enmpt freni Taxation by the (et.- ç,s h bare poratitîn assent te the same. A PolI SchocLbrre wilI bue pened in the l'o%&n cf Bow- . Total appr<îved value cf libranies nianville on Wednesday, the Sixth tn rural scheels at end cf 1925 was day of April, 1927, at the heur' cf $4959, and in Urban schoels $7411 nînc ocdock in the fore-noon and total cf $5700. Duning this year continue open until five Wcclck in ver $400 bas been spent te botter the afternocn at the st'veral I'olling equtpnîent in this respect. Dijvisionts as follows:1 Fiftb Forma Certification Out of 98 teachors, 14 bold i class certificatos and 84 second-iý certificates. While an increase 3 teachers holding first-class cer cates is encouraging, still it bas been as great as one could reas ably expect if the achool boa were f ully alive to the value of curing a teacher of the higheste best academic training possible. Salaries Average salary paid in ru schools was $1017 a decrease of over 1925. This is to be regret as it tends towards a lack ofp manency wbicb is so essential in teaching profession if the best int osts of the pupils and hence of1 country are to bc senved. Average salary paid in ut schools was $1048, an increase $14 ovor 1925. This is due to thq being very few changes in ut schools and by trustee boards sbc ing their appreciation of the va] of experience by increasing salar of their teachers. Average salary paid in aIl scho of the inspectorate was $1027, increase of $1 over 1925. Change of Teachera During the year there were 21c of 66 in the rural schools, ando out of 32 in the urban schools. Tbr of these changes were caused toachers getting married, tbree better positions being secured ini ban schools, and 16 the result of desire on the part of the teachersf a change in surnoundings. In case was it tbe result of inefficienc as I believe in every case the truste were willing that no change shou take place. Woric of the Teachera The werk of the teachers as whole bas been very good indeed organization, methods and ability impart instruction. The discipli' with few exceptions, bas been sali factory, in many scbools havinge perienced teachons, excellent. Mostly aIl the teachers recogni their responsibility as leaders in Il community by sponding their xvoî ends in their respective sections. Attendance While the regularity of. attendar tn most of the rural sections is rea onably satisfactory, there are still ntîmhen of sections where the irregi larity is very marked, owing to very great extent to the lack of i terest on the part of parents wv have net yet learned the value ofi educatien as a preparatory step lea( ing to their children's success in li SCHOOL INSPECTOR'S REF, Inapectorate No. 1 of Northue, land and Durham for 1926. Citizens in Durhanm County si be specially interested in the fol ing report on Public School ai in this county prepared by Li, Col. E. E. Snider, Port Hope, spector for Division No. 1: Teachers During the year there was an crease of one teacher in Ui schools, and a decrease of on( Rural schools, showing totg], of teachers-20 male teachers, 78 male teachers. ht ie 1 n i ir la tt io: r ,u pe: th ~ite ra îc er ýba a ftr my inspecterai duties, 1 wish t-o ex- press my sincene tbanks and appre- No sensible penson wilI continue to ctation for the kindîy courtesy and sufer from thoso intense, agonizing, considerat ion extendetl to me 'at ail throbbiag bunion pains when the now tîmes. powerful penetrating yet harmless antiseptic EeadOul can readily ho obtained at aay woli stocked drug Wonms are encouraged by morbid store. conditions of the stomach and bow- Apply a fow drops ovor the in,- els, and se subsist. MilIer's Worm flameti swollen joint and sec how Powders will alter these conditions speedily the pain disappears. A few almost immediately and will sweep more applications and the swollen the worms away. No destructive joint is reduccd te normal. parasite can live in contact with this 'So marvelously pewei-ful is Emer- modicine, which is not only a Worm aid 011 that seft cotas scem te shnivel destroer, but a health-giving mcdi- right up and drop off. ine mest hen)eficial to the young con- Jury & 1.evell guarantees it aînd are stitution. dispeasiag it to many foot sufferons.) "A" For the West Wartl ut the- ('ouncil Roem in the Municipal Buildling cof the Town of Biîwman- ville andl John Lyle shah! he Deputy Returning Offtcer anti Ann Lyle shal bel'l(Icrk "B For the North Ward at the Pump) Iltinse on the North Sid' cf ('hurch St. and betwt'en Temîîerancfe anti Divisîin Streets, andi Chas. Ilounsaîl shallit- [)cputy Rturning While there was aa increased num- beor of seheols who untlertook te dci passing of tlîjs By-law. Thind:- Mu nn ici paîit Co 'ii-l i Biuildling in inanvillh'oc t). 1927, at jOlcrai,,, Miss jAura C.aldwaell snaîiil'-eî OD'S PHOSPMODINIE. buol (Ilet.x sg - 9The G<;c.,t F ngisli Preparatinr, 1i I c ilj q [unes au Tl î'iv lie whoic "t".I"r the -South Xariiin the. 1,i lv i'eiis vteî,î. mal e. wt'PlIubl ic School ion Victoria St. unid b - i Debd i eilied 'r ', ioSJamîes Nokes shah iîe Dt-puty Iteturti- ii:h 'îsiln'.I cvi iof nerrr,-,Palpitation î,,j1ing (ilier anti Dorvali 'îcksîîn shal i w the 1, ' i.o/ng Meînnry. Pt ce $ 2 re.îlox,?. b l oilh1 (lt.k. Nlr i l 11 fur 15 ' " bI v ait l rigg i'ts, î'r n m.cd iori' ' fiil, i pkg. on Tie, e't o0f ici' - New ,.nle atI S<'î'întl .-"hat on the- th day if (:. -E1E WOÛo fAMeDtCINE r.o.-T1cf TeNi iprih A. 1). 1927.,(lie Mayor' tf it' i W î;ii 'iTown îof Ituixnianvilît' siî;ll ai ' Cook's Regulating Comnpound tend at the t inceil i i n atit'e i Mîunic'îial i iitiiiiig in (t'e o tf, î A uie, ceiabIl e ,7eulI xiNtl etilt'en i'citck i n iit l i 'Ili radicine. SoIij in tim.e d e- nth grecs of trength- No. i.i; fi, e-n tin tt a ppoinlat pe-rsonst) 5 t l ~~ No. 2, 83; No. 3, S-5 Per box.i tend ut the' variios poiIing iplaces î. Il oil yail d,-uggiats, or ëent t dunt ant iut tht'finnal summing up A. 1). 19-27. repaid on ireeleipt of prie, pn Fnee rpnphet. Addree: tif tht' votes hy (lit' (lerk respective- THE COOK MEDICINECO.. Iy. Cia lehalf of the persons inturîst-, John Lyle. TOROTOOT.(Ftmret! la and premoting or epposing thel -That the Clerk cf the saud it shaîl attend a t thti Rooiiim n the Mutnicipa;l in (lie saT! own ofif Hîw n tIte 7th day cf Aptil at eleven iî'(I'ek ie1liei tii 'îîmi r) thIeii- numbeîr.î'îý 11fi, ie -itid 1v :î, his I it ifi 111(, ii' :. ii ' iLaw sl ii . l vthf reitît ii îf tii t îî']î' of i i i f lt,~an iii i. t 111 Coin l l o fî i lt . i I i hui-l BYLaw ' :I]]t;ak< t' iifa a l p -iî. 1i - r. li' 7th iIuy îîf .l M 't Clerk T. S. Holgate, Mayor. DRT ier- oud rairs eut. - In- in- .an in 98 f e- *st- lass of tifi- not ýrds se- and iraI 15 ed )er- the br- S heto, an W of tu ere Mi )an T1 )W Re ýe an îes Th Re ioîs Hc an ME Mi Th Hu ut a 1 me i ree Va '>' wil r- a rr bit no ,y, ld j Do for Wfl a sur in anc to anc l, Xe] is- ly, c.fro hot ze- c- Fif ton No. req e me] s- and a ccý u-mei a cou n- A4 lo whi In 192 Ac r- dati dat 1 ,e vilît ri- inthe- core îd ng iling t-basc is A r- ing tion ings SOffic 0 A] least tand t ure matt jsecti, rwillil deeni of tii to a Wheat and clover have been hard tby ice it is feared. NJow is the time to paint and re- Jr farm implements and machines. A.sthma Doesn't Wear Off Alone. )flot make the mistake of waiting rasthma to wear away by itself. hile you are waiting the disease is rely gathering a stronger foothold A you live in danger of stronger Id yet stronger attacks. Dr. J. D. flogg's Asthma Remedy taken ear- 1will prevent incipient condition Dm becoming cbronic and saves urs of awfu I suffering. fth Form work ,only five: Hamp- iEnniskillen, Solina, Bethany and ý17, Darlington, met the standard juired by the Education Depart- !t to qualify for the Legislative dCounty grants. These schools re- ve& $301.21 from the Govern- it and an equal amount from îhe nties. As there were only three schools ich qualified for the grants in 5, q healthy increase is shownun om modat ions A new two-roomieu school, up-to- ýin every panticular, Ivas erected Enniskillen, aad an excellent two- n addition xvas madie te Bownian- eCenttral School. [any othen boards have itnprîîved premises by painting and te-de- ating, erectiag newv fences. pro- ing water by drillod wells, build- new water closets, or by, instal- rchemical sanitary closets in ement "of schools. ýs these improvements hav-e been e withîîut any undue pressure be- exerted by any officiai. it WeUhd m te indicate a growing approcia- Sof thte value of good surrouatl- 3for the childnen. Clai Visita [I schools wore visited twice, at -t At the time of theso visits, at other times, 1 had the pIpas- *of meeting maay trustees on oers cf interest to thein particular ions, andi found tbom anxious and ig to make any impnovemont ced essential to the bost welfare he pupils. To these, as well as ll other officiaIs, with whem I DIVIDEND NOTICE NO. 78 Imperial Royalties Comapany announces that the regular Monthly Dividend of one and one-haif per cent. (1% %) will be payable on March 3lst to shareholders of rec- cord of March 25th. This is Monthly Dividend No. 78 making a total of one * hundred and thirty-seven and one-half per cent (1371/2) paid to sharebolders since or- ganization in April, 1920. IMPERIAL ROYALTIES COMPANY By J. E. Horn K. Hl. Kompfe & Co Limited Toronto and London Ontario WEDDING Hodgaon-Virtue The home of Mr. and Mrs. Albert males, 10 Lindsay Avenue, Toron- )on Monday afternoon, March 14, athe scene of a quiet, but pretty 'dding when Miss Vera Marie Vir- e, daughter of the late Mr. and rs. Edward Virtue, of Myrite and 'rone, became the bride of Mr. obert George Hodgson, son of Mr. d Mrs. William Hodgson, Raglan. .e ceremony was performed by ev. Mr. Barker. Miss Blanche odgson, sister of the bridegroom, ide a charming bridesmaid, while 1 Bert Smales, was the best man. he groom's gift to the bride was a udson seal coat, to the bridesmaid bracelet, and to the best man a tie n. -After a trip to Montreal and ancouver, Mr. and Mrs. Hodgson il reside in Toronto. Mn. Sam Smith, Stephens Mill, Darlington, who had a narrow escape from being killed a couple of weeks ago while working in the woods, a heavy log which he was loading on the sleighs tolling over on him, is said to be makiag satisfactory recový- ety. A team of herses had to be hitched on to remove the log before he got relief. Dr. J. B. Tucker of Hazen"mote, Sask., is speading a few weeks wit his father, Dr. M. M. Tucket, whose, condition of health romains unchang- ed. Dr. J. B. Tucker in additio te his practice conduets a drug store at Hazenmone. It is about five years siace bisprevieus visit. FoIlMi app)ear-ances the west is certaialy 1 Among the bequests of the lato Mrs. A. R. Gamsby of Millbrook, formienîx of this tewn, is $500.00 te Park St. United Chunch, Orone, the revenue from which gees towa-ds the support of the minister; and $1, 000 the revenue from ,%hieh is te ho distnibutcd ut Christmas season anîeng the needy cf Otono and is te be handlod by the ministers cf the churches cf the village. Useful in Camp.-Exployers, sun- voyons, prospectons and hunters will find Dr. Thomas' Eclectric Oil very useful in camp. When the foot and legs are wet and celd, it is well to tub them freely with the 011 and the result wilI ho the prevention cf pains in the muscles, and sbould a cut, on contusion, or spraia be sustained, nothing could be botter as a dressing on lotion. Speedy Relief From1 Bunions-Soft Corns rue lful Chevrolet r vrolet Hisorq CI-am GRONO (Fromn The News of March 17th) Mrs. AIf. Beal and famnily are mov- ing to Oshawa. Miss Ruth Mercer, Port Hope, is guest of Miss Beulah McCutcheon. Mrs. C. B. Borland, Toronto, is vis- iting at Mr. Wm. Staples', and other friends. Orono Library Board have receiv- od their annual Government grant $83.00. Mrs. Fred Tamblyn foîl and in- .jured ber knee and is conlined to her bed. Miss Evelyn Buchanan, teacber at Fort Erie, spent a weekend with berý sister bere. Mrs. George Mitchell is spending a few days with frtends in Toronto and Newmarket. Miss Greta Davey of Normal Scbool, Peterboro, spent the 'week- end at home. Major H. W. Powell of Toronto, was guest at Mr. S. Cuttell's and at- tended Masonic Lodge. .Mr. Clarence Duncan, Millbrook, and Mr. Bert Jones, Peterboro, are visiting tbe former's father here. Miss Neya Rainey and Miss Marion Brown, in training at Osbawa Hos- pital, wene home for tbe weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Seymour, ENew Toronto, visited over tbe week- end at bis fatber's, Mr. George Sey- mour. Mr. Walter Sberwin, west of the town, will build a 30 ft. addition to bis barn this .spring, making a build- ing 90 fret in length, with a hip roof. Mr. F. Morse, baker, bas moved from North Mill Street to the Robt. Fosten residence on Park St., beîng more convenient to the Corbett Bak- ery. Miss Foster, Principal of our Pub- lic School, is ill with tonsilitis at ber home in Bowmanville, and in conse- quence the pupils are baving a holi- day. Miss Loreen Lorriman and Miss Jenvis of Toronto University, Mr. Fred Lorriman, Mr. Todd and Dr. F. J. Cuttell motored down from the city for the past weekend. Mr. Fred A. Nesbitt, owner of the south part of lot 15, concession 4, C larke, bas purchased from. the Frank Lloyd Estate, fifty acres ad- joining those lands, and Mr. Russell MeNeil bas rented the latter proper- ty for a term. Mr. Wmn. Hale of Hope Township, bas purchased the Roddick farm wbich Mr. McNeil is Colds Headache Neuritis DOE.SI NOT AFFECT THE HEART Accept o2ly '"Bayer" package Safe~which contains proven directions. Handy "Biaver" boxes of 12 tablets Sa/ýAlso bottles of 24 and lO-Druggists. Aspirin la the traite mark týexlatcred in Canadla) nf fBayer manufacture ofrMioacetie- aeidetar of Sattcyllcarid (Acetyl gatleytle AcId, -A. S. A."). Wilie It la well known that Aupirin meana Bayer manufacture. te a'I.,. the public agaînat imitations, the Tablet9 of Bayer Company WUI be atamped wlth thefr gencrat traite mark, the "Bayer Cruas." Lumbago As there is the qualiîy of the thorough- brcd la tht appearaice of the- Most. Beauttfui Che%,rolet ln Chevrolet His- tory , se therc is titi' anie qîtaliIv ln its Performance. New retiner.îent5' added to the snîooth, powt'rful Chevrolet ea- gine (the New A C Ar 'lc'aner andti 01 luler, for exatiî;lc) offer defiaite a&ssur- atir e i long'er I;fe, ix-tt-r iperatietî and gri-ater ecronemv. TheMt Beatitiful Chevrolet ina Chev- roiet i i sîL rY s tîlw se'ling at NEW andl LOtVER l'RICES.-the Ioesct for a-luth Chevro!et bas evrr been sold in Roadoter, $655.00, Touring, $655.00 Coupe, $780.00 NEW Coach. $760.00 Sedan, $865.00 Landau Sedan, $930.00 LOWER Cabriolet, $890.00 Roadoter Delivery, $655.00 PRICES Conuewrcal Chassià4 $490,00 UtiitY ExPreu Chamis, $645.00 Fricej at Foctory, Oshaueo-Governmetî Taxes Exrar DEALERS FOR CHEVROLET & OAKLAND ONTARIO MOTOR SALES LIMITED Oshawa, Ont. H. D. CLEMENS, Sub Deal, fWe&tEnd Garage, Bowmanille. N OT erelyto provide an econo- N mica! eneecans of tranisportation bas been the aim in the making cf the Most hlcautifî,l Chev~rolet !îut te pro- duce a car, St Icw urice, which weuld satisfy the motorists' finer tastes. True distinction is eviii, iiin erry line of the isher-lBuilt iiidit s îîf ti)e- ost Beautiful Chevroe t 'i iî'vrolet Hts- tory. Reftnncaîct:ndl coiiitaste ate reflcctc-d ia the nrtw ri:co roîîîrings.-- in the ich, hliioas phi,]Prii.- in lte handsornc tw a-wt:'i:tîîr îIsig'n-in 11'e massive full-crown tenders-- n the fine-quality hariIwar-la the completc- FIG-LAX for CONSTIPATION and STOMACH and LIVER DISORDERS 25 and 50 cents at Druggists Distinictioni Have You Triëd Sheil Coal 011? It gives heat and light instead of soot and smoke. Try it and be convinced as others have. Batteries Charged Ce A, Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville Now packed in Aluminum, the same as years ago. RtD ]OSIE T EAis good ted' RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. Children£Th rive onIt% PAGE SIX ClArl,