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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1927, p. 7

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1HK CANADIAN STATEBMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MARICH 24th., 1927 PAGE SEVEIi It Wil Delight You iCI AJi Ail - - - '1ai Perfect1l' balanced-ouuperb lin flavour. Wormns feed upon the vitality of chi]dren and endanger their lives. A simple and effective remedy is Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator. Zutoo Tablets Do Three Things -stoo Headache in 20 minutes 1reak up a CoId over nigbt I ! NIonthlypains of women. There is one thing they wil flot dO-thcy won't hurt you. Her majesty the Han is runningi marathon with ber ladysbip the covç There is no ipoisonous ingredier in Holloway's Corn Remover, andi can be used without danger or in jury. Srfte Speed~ Relief Sed 10e c rae us aatrial 50 $1be. et or n 5ctan $ibe.letna.ou roaito. cm T R CZ* SMULTIS We Have ml Something You'd Like lni the way of out-door footwear. Smart and tyliah, OM rubbera' and over- aborn for girls and womnen are aiea strong, sttirdy and long-wearing. We carry a complete range of styles and sizes; if you will cail and inspect g themn, we are sure RTHER What you wuzt A. DILLICK, General Store Bownianville Ont. AWÂY DOWN IN TEXAS lumber board measure iper day for DURHAM COUNTY BOYS 100 years nilyucorne to thel No. 3-Alpha Pinch, Bowmanv iii. Rio Gran which divides Old Mexico; Accord ing to a Cleveland paper we froni El Paso. note that Dr. Jabez H. Elliott, Tor- Far far away towards the always From the west to enter Texas we onto, one of tbe international author- warma country where the birds and'corne through Colorado and at itslities on the treatment of tuberculos-ý tourists go for the winter there is a border stand xith our backs to the is, wvas in Cleveland last month at-~ country called Texas. It is the big- Colorado River which is one of the tending a convention at the College1! gest State in the Union, having an great rivers of North Anierica, form- of Physicians. While there be was area of 265,8J6 square miles. It cd in southern Utah by the con- guest speaker at the National Towni bas been under the flags of France, fluence of the Green and Grand nyv- and Country Club luncheon being Spain and Mexico and has flown its ers it intersects the north west corn- introduced by bis schoolboy pal of own Lone Star banner as the Texas er of Arizona and becomes the east- old B. H. S. days, M. A. James jr. Republic, after nine years as a sep- ern boundary of Nevada and Califor- arate Commonwealth. Texas joined nia flows southward until it reaches "The Eastern Underwriter" New the Union in 1845, so it is rich in tide water in the Gulf of California. York City, a weekly newspaper inter- history. It drains a territory of 300 tbousand preting the true spirit of insurance, Think of getting on a fast train square miles, and traced back to its in its issue of Marcb 4tb devoted at Bowmanville, travel 27 bours and principal source 2,000 miles long. At baîf a page to an interview on "Fact- you are in Kansas City but not out- three points-Needles, Parker and ory Safety Work" by B. Scbuyler side of Texas in one direction by 200 Yuma, it is crossed by a railroad. Edsall, son of Mrs. S. S. Edsall of miles. Or start at Bowmanville and Elsewbere its coarse lies far thel this town, wbo is Superintendent of go to Winnipeg te cross it tbe otber routes of Commerce and travel. I Inspection and Engineering witb the way-some out of doors you say. It tbe beart of a vast region, fenced on Metropolitan Casualty Insurance Co. a is bigger tban France and is the only one side by arid plains and forests, The introductory paragrapb reads: State wbose crop values exceed a and on the other by formidable 'Barton S. Edsall, wbose experience billion dollars and leads ail the mountains. as a safety engineer in insurance t states in railroad mlae On this river is the Rosefelt dam companies dates back to 1916 when it qot ar ieae constructed by tbe government in bie was with the Hartford Accident & Ms hnsaeon a big scale, 1911 at a cost of 7 million, forms Indemnity, and wbo previous to that n- hee-bigmountains, big plains, big one of the largeat artificial lakes in time had e.tensive training as an in- - cities big people. EbigPaso ats i the world-30 miles long and 4 miles spector and foreman in Canadian of tesieodtle lacitzeninte wide. Its front is a carved wall of factories, bas corne out this week Unithedstend t. 4s ctie in the-2 masonary 50 ft. tbick at base, 284 witb an intcresting treatise on the onitd Sanestill gr4ing. l-2 ft. higb and 1125 ft across sur- type of safety work wbich every years odadsilgofn. I l mountecl by an auto driveway 16 ft. factory should instaîl and vigorously even proud that in its wide domain wide ana filled a river bcd tbat for follow". Scbuyler's many friends in is the largest praisie dog town in untold centuries had been eitber a Bowmanville will be pleased to know the United States. Many of tbe raging torrent or a dry ravine-now of the prominent place be Le taking *rivers and lakes are teeming with fisb controîîed, the streams passing over in bis chosen profession. and is the home in Wînter o fwild turbines and through flunies gener- geese and otber water fowl, wbicb ating power and then passing on to On many occasions it bas been our; somties ailydaren th syln irgte the tbousands of acres of pleasure to reproduce sketches of their flights. Tbe forest is the lusb valley land wbich once it bad Durham Old Boys from the Torontoi baunts of wild turkey and quail, îoved to ride over and destroy. la Telegram'a daily feature, "A Peep while in mountain parts black bear fact, wbat was once its enemy is now bebind tbe Curtains of Time". Last and deer roam. its best friend. week two prominent men well- As we have time and leisure, we About 800 million people are to- known in tbis county were thrown may see things of interest, if we day sustained on food raised on ir- on the spot light. corne to El Paso by entering Texas rigated land that once went to waste In Wednesday's paper a write-up from the nortb, soutb, east and west given up to rattlesnakes, bats and was given of Arthur J. Trebilcock, sides. To get the best impression, prairie dogs. In the Yuma region son of tbe late P. C. and Mrs. Trebil- it is well to enter at tbe front door there are 30 tbousand acres to cot- cock of this town. Arthur bas rend- of the State wbicb is the east-fac- ton, 30 thousand to alfalfa and a ered valuable service to the Conser- ing the flaming sunrise. Then we thousand to vegetables; that a few vative party in the past two federal start at Louisiana witb the Mississip<pil years ago was untoucbed by plough elections on tbe political platformn River the longest in North America or boe. Rural districts are well pro- "stumping" most eff ectively in all -3,000 miles at our backs.1 vided with schools and cbildren wbo parts of the prbvince. He is a con- A river that was and is the borne live any distance are conveyed to and vincing speaker and displays con- of the end-wbeel paddle boats onej from in motor busses free of charge. siderable oratory. -At the January of tbem tbe largest and best most Away towards tbe east are mount- municipal elections Artbur was elect- luxuriantly furnished-tbe "Nat ains singly and in groups and ranges ed to the Board of Education. We cbez"-was laid to rest a few years full of gold, sîlver, copper lots of it-I suspect that sucb a position witb its ago after 30 years of continuous tons are there fabulous wealth. Many~ limîted opportunities for service will service, carrying in that time more bave died searching. Can you im-j only bie a stepping stone to bigber presidents, more State governors, agine a gold rush? There was one and greater tbings, viz: Alderman, more royalty, dukes, nobles and some years ago to a town called Controller, Mayor or Member of princesses, more conventions, more jRbyolite whicb grew like a mushroomi Parliarnent. His public career is wedding parties, more excursions, over nigt-water and provisions being watcbed with keen înterest by more passengers more freigbt, mules, brougbt fromn a distance. Shelter, bis many friends in bis borne town. borses and lumber than any otber cburches, court bouse witb jail were The Telegram besides showing bis boat on the river. Gambling was built, a railroad spur was put in and photo now and at six years of age tbe order of the day and many a in a few weeks population was over says: "Artbur J. Trebilcock was southerner witb broad acres of cotton1 10,000 but in a few years sometbing born in Bowmanville and was educat- and sugar cane, berds of horses ,cat- bappened, the gold played out, and ed tbere. He is a graduate of Os- tie and mules and bornes to shelteri there was a wide scramble for shelt- goode Hall, and bas practised in Tor- tbe belp bas stepped off the gang. er! AIl stands stili today, milîs onto for a number of years. Mr. plank at New Orleans after a trip that ground up ricb gold and cop- Trebilcock went to Red Lake in north to Cairo or Cincinnati fleeced per aIl abandomed. Life there to- 1926, and opened the first lawyer's of everything, and when after rnany1 day is scarce-a fevi snakes or Office tbere. He is a School 'Prus- years the captain and owner diedi borned toads are the limit. Wbîle tee for Ward Three. Mr. Trebil- bis wife took comand until the old above puzzled vultures soar around cock is a member of St. Andrew's boat days of usefulness were aeer. wondering wby the automobiles don't Lodge, A.F.&A.M., McKinley L.O. For bundreds of miles you corne die like the donkeys and mules used L.,* Summit Golf and Country Club througb sugar plantations, away to to in tbe desert and give thern some- and tbe Briars Golf Club at Jackson's the sky line, witb mills dotted here thing to eat. If you could find the Point". and there for you are now in the last resting places of bones bleacb- The Telegram on Thursday featur- sugar bowl of Louisiana and often ing in the bright sunshine or kindlyi ed a prominent business executive you get glinipses of the mansions of covered in a shallow grave by drift- 'wbo iaDurbam County boy by adop- the plantars, ernbowered in magnolia ing sands, you could with safety use tien orsprefýerence, as lie and bis fam- groves, built to face the highways. a bundred markers never -mind name ily are residents of Newcastle more Thare is exceptional scanery, very or age but on each marker put this tban baîf the year. The subject of pîcturesque and varied. iIt is a naw epitaph "He ran out of water mus-J this sketch is Roderick Leslie country and yet an old one-new ing on the ruins of this once ricb but Wrigt-born in Northamptonshire, in developments and you pass by the now extinct gold rush". England, and was educated ati plantations of the Old South, andi You observe thare was once cheer- Northampton Grammar Scbool, farms of the New South. Our fulness there for there still stands a Oundle and Trinîty Collage, Dublin. marsby bayous and our rivers fiow-I building built entirely of beer and Coming to Canada in 1913, hae was ing to the Gulf, past ranges dotted champagne bottles bottles emptied by accountant at the Toronto Y.M.C.A., witb cattle and where the cowboys entbusîastic pionears ,then used for and subsequently with Irish and live in their saddles; peaks standing building purposes. Maulson, Limited. When the Wahl dark against the sky and canyons Away to the east near the raîlway Company of Canada was organized in with their rushing streams; and for- and close to the Rio Grand River is 1921, he became secretary-treasurer ests of cacctî. one of the finest cactus gardens in of that company, and, since January, Then go on to Cowley whose milîs Amenic, axtending - five miles along 1925, has been vice-president and dlean and sbîp % million bags Of the railroad. Including giant cactus, general manager. He is a past rice a year on to Cicero where 200 barrel cactus, night bloorning, the presîdent of the C adian Society of thousand turkeys are shipped a year. jmigcn ats rclypa otAccountants end is a member On troub te bgget rnchin rn-cactus and 28 other varieties, while of the Ontario, Granite, City and erica-more than 100 miles across at certain seasons desert flowers and Toronto Cricket Clubs ( the Toronto and railroads, towns and villages, bloom laden shrubs carpet hilîside Board of Trade, and the Canadian tbrougb and in it and we enter El and dale. Corne east 200 miles and Manufacturers' Association. Paso from the east. you are in Texas and 200 miles fur- Now for the nortb: Approaching ther on you are in El Paso. In recalling the days of Confedera-1 El Paso from the nortb you enter I would lika to be witb you a while tien the Toronto Star reported the, Texas through New Mexico and if and hear again your voices. But following very interesting intevewl you enter by the east side or west since we are so far away and we witb Dr. D. J. Goggin, a D:ýurbham side will make a vast difference. But can't hope to great 1 send to you thisi Old Boy, a Cartwright blazer and the west side will give you the most greeting and hope we soon again rnay proud of it: variety. If you like it, corne down meet. Dr. D. J. Goggin is one f h by Santa Rose or San Miguet county young old men wbo bas a clear wbere there is vary littla irrigation- recollaction of matters that interest- only a small canal carriad from the ed him at tft time, but the introduc- Pecos for a 100 years or more-and tion of the measure for confedera- you will see tbe natives tbresbing si* &qqtion was not one of tbem. He is thei ont bytraaîngit ot wth ,* iliterary adviser to Macmillan and ghioats and ceaing it bytssnit I Company, and was formerly school up to the wind from a blankat. Then inspecter in Saskatchewan. to tbem cutting alfalfa with a hook "I remamber tbe celebrations bed or cycle, gatbering it into bundles.1 on tbe lst of July very well, bccaýuse No modern improvemants. If thaypue ra yun I had an examination toe asnx want sheltar they take brusb and Aue ray f day and 1 bad to spend thewoeda logs and maka a tepec if tbcy are -,-;;cectened country in preparation. My father and hungry they shoot wild ducks and vl b c ounger brother went to town to see other game or catch a fisb. Tbcy nikdobl nc the calebration tbere and I reniemberi make thin sboes and clothes out ofl hecause mnoGt of its my brotber's account of it. I do' skins. Tbey have no use for money vtrcneths not remember the partcardyf -no stores, no goods to buy. Marcb 8, bowever, b 1t do the per- Corne by the . eAst id -yu.se 1he bee, eapratd-io, -rywel I was1back in teà silece iad hontast th pur an u~f< Ithouglit to be a wise thing to get to- invigoratlng air and grew Young gether. The Orange order was Prom the soutb you corne tbrough Bmbuo@ and te Englisb agreed about it. The Signorla and Chichua Counties where ol& 6 *a o r Co troubles of 1866 'were fresh la our there in the laget forest In Old " eâ oUL gwDCjC lez mmnds and began to brlng home toi Mexco-8 % million acres ndadn-a-f5W rom UD~ "" un Young fellows what wualnvolved ough timber ta out 1 million f-.to.." IBritish coanqetion". buy McuiLa10id Bkk for GRADES far steeper than any f ound ln ordinary driv- îng offer no obstacles to the resistless power af McLaughlin-Buick's Valve-in-Head Engine. Seventy-flve actua) horsepower is beneath the hood of the Greatest McLaughlin-Buick-yet so flexible, so eaaily controlled, so responaive, so vibrationless, that you are unaware of the presence of an engine and realise only that a tirelesa force is working to your will. How littie the McLaughlin-Buick owner is concernied with this masterful engine may be judged by the facts that he need change the oul only once a season - that troubles due to crankcase dilution, the presetice of dust, grit or water are eliminated by the Crankcase Ventilation uystern, the Sealed Chassis and the Triple Sealed Engins -acombined protection found in no other car at any prîce. go, for power -abundant--tmtiring--.dependable-flCZxible BUY MCLAUGHIN - BUICK Corbett Motor Sales Bowmanville Ont. 7ih. eaies MÇLAUQHLIN-W av.,,'. wUUNx SETTI& AUTOMOBILES A&% EuiLTr. àIMLWOIDUCU»icK WI&LL DuiLtHziM Neyer Satisfied, We are always trying to improve the service to our customers as well as endeavoring to give them the best quality and values in frè'sh grocer- ies. Our long experince enables us to buy to ad- vantage-and thus our customers reap the profit. We have worked up a wonderful demand in our Fish Department. Let us fil your next fish order and see what tempting fish we supply. CHINA AND GLASS WARE Mother, chiidren or the hired girl are always breaking a dish or glass. Lt can't always be help- ed. But you do know we ticles from our large stock Ware. can replenish such ar- of China and Glass ARCHIE TAITI Phone 65 Bowman villej byllcCIla~C zte Ours is the fuel that can keep your house warm and comfortable to live in, so plan to point your next coal order in oui' direction. MI1LLER75 WOIRM .POWDERS REJVE UE I8TEW CONDITION BACUONT ON SY 7THE PRESENOSR OP WORMS ANDO RESTORE 7THE 01111.0T07 NORMAL MEALTH. L O ARCOTICS -PLECASANT AS su.A You Should Know WHERE THE BEEF COMES FROM THAT YOU EAT We don't takeifl the credit for supplying our customers with tender juicy meat. A whole lot of the credit is due the breeders who feed the cattie we buy. Just now we are retaling beef bought from these well known farmers: 5 Steers and Heifeî's from Warden M. J. Elliott 14 Steers and Fleifers from Carl Billings, Orono 7 Steers and Heifers from Fred W. Bowen, M. P. 10 Steers and Heifers from Mr. Reid (Lovekin Farm) 1 Steer, 1 Heifer, Eber Crago, Town Line They are a mighty fine lot of young cattle and are making excellent beef for our customers. Bet- ter order a roast or steak today. Delivery To Ail Parts of Town C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building JÉutchers Bowmanville Phone 64 QNTENTED 1 Contentment is not merely a state of mind that cornes with the knowledge that you have everything you want. Part of it is due to knowing that that which you have worked so hard for is PItOTECTED FINANCIALLY!1 That if destruction were its fate today, you'd be ready to build again to-morrow! IF YýOU CARRY F!RE Insurance on your home or store-you can sit back and breathe easy. If not, you have a worry that should be on our shoulders. See us today about a policy!1 J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAPJCH 24th., 1927 PAGE BEVER

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