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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 24 Mar 1927, p. 8

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PAGE EIGHT THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, 50WMANVILLI~, THURSDAY, MARCH 24th., 1927 LINDSAY'S NEW POSTMASTER NEWCASTLE Mr ohc *Mrhy hobs enMr. Irwin AlinbagslrhisrfanIThe jN4 e i 4ce ýt le I ride j4e r-i e it of the late Postmaster Palen, re- C. Aston at a figure whicb worksl__ ceived officiai notice Saturday of his out at a fraction over $130.00 an, H R D Y MA C 24h 1 7 appointment as Postmaster at Lind- acre. Mr. Ashton is to be congrat-iT RS A ,M CH 4h.197 say. The appointment will un- ulated on bis purchase. The farm doubtedly meet with general satis- is one of the best in the famous Shaw faction. It is a recognition of faith- section; it adjoins Mr. Ashton's on. NEWCASTLE SPRING FLOWER SHOW I UNITED CHURCH NEWS fui, efficient service extending over the nortb. It bas good buildings, a period of seventeen years. Mr. with stone stahling, a silo, good wat-, Miss Cooke, Pittsburg, Penn., is By Newcastle Horticultural Societyl Rev. E.- B. Cooke, in place of bis Murphy is a native of Lindsay and er supply, fine orcbard and is ideally' visiting bier brother, Mr. H. W. usual sermon, gave an interesting is popular with ail classes of the situated on the provincial highwayý Cooke. There was a fine display of many talk Sunday morning on the found- con1munity. He bas been painstak- wvitbin three quarters of a mile1 A nice quiet and select situation varieties of fiowcrs. bouse plants and'1 ing and development of Christian ing. courteous and cordial in bis re- of Sbaw's new scbool. Mr. Alliln, we, well-built bouse by tender. Sec W. spring bulbs, at the annual springi Preshyterian Church in Canada. Tbe lations with tbe public, and ail wili understand bas taken a one year, B. Pinch advt. flowcr sbow of Newcastle Horticult-I Missions in Central ýIndia by the congratulate him on bis well deservcd lease of tbe Jobn Middleton farmi on, Mr. Chas. Moise bas been visiting ural Society on March l7th.' Prcsbyterian Cburch began its work promotion. Postmaster Murphy en- the Third Line. ibsbohrj-avadsseM.ado The show wvas beld in the basement in Ind'a in 1876, tbe first two men in lised orseric duingth Grat Newcastle citizens rcad with feel-' îrs. Hawkins, Windsor. o the Community Hall and in con-1the fild bing Pcv. J. M. Douglas War in lO9tb Battalion. He Was ings of natural pride, in Toronto,' r n r.Autn Cmbl nection with it, according to the. and Rev. J. Fraser Campbell wbn is also identified with the 1O4th Pion- dailies last wcek, that a Newcastle r and MiyTrs.toAusintCamelle practice of several years past, teaIstili living and is now over eigbty eer Battalion and the Canadian En- lady, Mrs. Stella Anderson, daughter 1 and fa hilToonset tehe week was served from 5.30 to 8 p. m. by years of age. The enterprise bas gineers, bis service at the front ex- of Mrs. R. P. Butler, bad been select-1n(atteraksdcoagbr. the directors of the society. Many grown to large dimensions and is now, tending over a period of three years. cd as social bostess of the compîetely1 Mr. H. F. Pillswortb bas sold bis citizens grasped the opportunity of of course, under control of tbe Unit- -Lindsay Post. renovated castle-on-the-hill, Toronto ! butcher business to Mr. Albert Spen- enjoying a good meal for the nom-i cd Cbur-ch of Canada. Rev. Mr. Postmastcr Murphy is a brother of Casa Lomia, the most palatial andà cer Oshawa, wbo took charge tbe first mnal charge of 25c, wbich also ad- Cooke made intcrcsting reference to Mis Tres Mrph o i eplocdfinstappined patmet otl' of the %veek. mitted tbcm to the exhibition and' the Mission's recent jubilce celebra- with Messrs. S. W. Mason & Son, probably in Canada. One neyer knows1 Mrs. J. A. Snmith, Jr., returncd concluding program as well. The tion and stressed the importance of Bowmanville. who is watching one's actions or hoW. from a week's visit witb ber sister, tea tables wvcre appropriately and vigorously carrying on the work s0 onc is bing judged, but if it wcre Mrs. Jack Smith and other relatives prcttily decorated witb candles, wcll begun and steadily enlarged by ail written down, the stoiy of Mrs.' in Toronto. sbamrock and a variety of Irish fav- the uniting Preshyterian Cburcb. In BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS Anderson's good management of thei Mrs. S. Sculthorpe, Port Hope, ors. St. Patrick was honorcd in addition to tbe antbem by the choir Dr.Lo. ebetToont, xain Betty B Tea Rooms bere last sum-i and Mr. and Mrs. Milton Robertsbaw, thought and deed. Mr. W. H. Cooke and Mrs. George Dr. oLSatuday. ertai Toronto, xmn grun hwacu c stsl m Toronto, were weekend visitors at Mr Among the visitors in attendance Honey contributed a duet at the ev- ed the boys' eyes o audy pressed cranTrot usswbich1i W. H. Pearce's. were Mr. J. H. H. Jury, District Re- ening service. Amug te 7 bys n ottge"A"evetuîîyle toberMr PecyHar wet owntopresentative, Horticultural Societ- The interleague debate bas been heon te 3be os nd ottgA eely tbe blo e e mostie being chosen1 r ee aewn ,nt ies, and Mrs. W. C. Allun, Bowman- changed to Friday evening, Marcb require furthcr attention. Dr. Se- highly select rost sp, onsld e and Trento aetoChey v a onFr- ville. 25, instead of Tbursday as announced bert will latcr study the eye condi- stimulating reading. Newcastle i a attoatn h fnrlsr Mrs. E. C. Beman was tbis year last week. The debate will take tions in Cottage "B"'. eltdoe1r. nesns î vices and burial of bis grandmother, the winner of the C. D. Massey Grand place in the S. S. Auditorium-, Can- Through thekindnessAfnSirstion selec-1 th, late Mrs. Foster, wvho bad reacb- Challenge Cup. for the most ipoints ton vs. Newcastle. Everybody wel- THryorno the Cannadian Na- con. d the ripe age of ninety-three years. in the show, bcating Mrs. Matt. cre tional Railways bave donated a set- On Monday, Marcb 28, Enniskillen Brown, wbo bas won it for the past Sunday, March 27tb., Young Peop- of framed pictures depicting char- Young People will present their two years by the narrow margin of le's League Anniversary services. actcristic Canadian scenes to the SHE SLEEPS popular play "Dr. Jim" in the S. S. one point. Music by young people's choir. Mon- Scbool. Pictures donated 1)v Can- Room at 8 p. m. Newcastle or- Program following the tea was day evcning-Doctor Jim by Ennis- ada's two great national railways Mr&. Edith Ann Collacott, Tyrone 'chestra in attendance. Admissioniopened by the President, Mrs. J. E. ilnyugpol nS .Adtr bang alongside the War Memorial lie- 25c. Corne and enjoy yoursclvcs. Matcbctt, who congratulated the cl ugnrlamsin2c pictures given by the Imiprial Order To some is given to live a f ull lf- Ladies' Aid Dramatists and vocal-I winner and spoke briefly concerning ugnrlamsin2c of the Daughters of the Empiire. time in a very fcw ycars, and this, ists prescnted their play in Welcome the success of the show and the many LastSundy's espe Serice w;as ordaincd for Edith A. Trcwin,! last Friday evening under tbe aus- fine plants and fiowering hulhs on cx- LDE'ADDAAIT quite unique in the short istory of laco vifc y of Mr. harr o l- picut pes of the United Cburch Sunday bibition by the members of the so- IN TORONTO this most important phase of the tTon, bo cned ut School, and before leaving for home cicty._____ eigbt years more than two score I re served a delicious and much ap- Mr. H. Mitchell, Port Hope, judge Th LaisAdDratcC - scnfool Tron.toCntlY.yongyersas c out f c Se as ed lunch by the Sunday School of the twenty-six classes, delivered pany journcyed to Toronto on Tues- came down under the laesiCAf es nMndy ach1t. saffe. a very excellent addrcss. touching day cvening this week and presentcd Mr. Newton vinton and conducted W bat peace and rest it must bavel The Young Pcople's League anni- eloquently on horticulture in gencral their play Deacon Dubbs in the lect- the service in a most impressive man- been for ber after patiently bcaring versary will be bcld on Sunday, and dwelling more particularly on ure room of the St. Clair Ave. Un- ner. Mr. E. C. Cameron held the such pain and suff ering, yet with it j March 27, when Mr. H. W. Pointen the planning and care of tbe home. ited Church, Cor. Rushton Rd. intercst of evcry boy as lie delivered aIllise m-as ever bright and bopeful.i of Victoria College, Toronto, At the conclusion of bis address Mr. Teehv enafwcagsi a splendid address on 'Personality". In ber home wbcre she dispensedi will ýpreach at both services. garden in relation to hardy annuals. thereast vne tepayew casngsprn The young men's section maIe quar- bospitality wîth such a lavish band,ý Young peopl's choir will render s p - Frank Allin inoved and Mr. Thomas'tecs iethplyw fr r- tet fcaturcd the musical program she made for herself a bost of j cial music assisted by Miss Heflen Moffat seconded a vote of thanks and sented in Newcastle, but the dramn- with a vocal selection and Mr. vinton friends by ber gracious kindness and Argue, soloist, Bowmanvillc. appreciation to Mr. 'Mitchell botb fori atis personae in the four last pre- and Mr. J. Truscott sang solos. Oth- evcry ready welcomc. Her St. Georgc's Church, Rev. E. R. bis services as judge and fo is elon haDeaconDbs-H. R.of tearce; er members of the group also assist- ness of disposition and winsome pe-,James, Rector. Sunday, March 27. stimulating and practical address. Roe aegbMs Prc Hr; cd in the success of this service. sonality made bier whole life an in- 8a .Hl omno;i .m Rev. E. B. Cooke, 2nd Vice Presi- Aos Clema-Hord Alreyun ;r- Tebyofte cboardi-spîration to those who knew bier. - .Mrnig Pryer;mmn2o30 11p . m.n-dent, occupied the chair at this stage Ao oea-oadAln rl tinctly bonored in that Premier Fer- Early in hif e sh became a member day Scbool; 7 p. m.-Evensong. Wed-! and called upon NIrs. Matcbett opea ooeMrsut-. M.I. Mor guson bas very kindly consented to of the 'Mtbodist Cburcb, and ail nesday's-Litany at 4.30 p. m; Con- President of the Society, wbo gave so;RaMos Crawtt- EmeW.racn allow the ncwly formed Scout Troop througb the ycars took an active in-' firmation Class at 7:30. Friday's- Fiseyefu; and crefuîy preprediW.sbF. the privilege of being known as the terest in ail departmnents of church! Lenten services at 7:30 p. m. numbort of adedrsiessesos a n a Howard Ferguson troop. The in- work. Patrons of our Post Office, and Horticultural Association Convention Dcuteronomy Jones-Irwin Colwill; vestiture was made by the Scoutl Mrs. Collacott was the daughtcr that means evcrybody and bis family, heîd in Toronto in Feî)ruary. Mrs. Yennie Yensen-Miss Bertha Cowan; Commissioner for the District of Tor-1 of the late MNr. and Mrs. bilam ave misscd our genial Postmaster, Mîatchett bas .planiîed to give the re- Two scbool cildren-Margaret Toms onto, E. O'Callaghan. He was as-1 Trewin and was born near Haydon,' Mr. George Jamieson, from the office niainder of ber report at the April adarn RBoggs, P ans roiar and sîstcd by a number of the senior on the homestead now occupied byl the past two weeks but are glad to1 meeting. Aaunce oît, T lage quliaretand. members of the 27th troop of Tor- bier brother, Mr. Silas Trewini Herel harn that hie is recovering from bis A uialporm a rvic ickardl,hrol lgin, Mr. WD onto. The Scout Committee of she lived with bier parents until shel temporary indisposition and will Ay msialpW. J. S oidd. Rickard, LedrafrogadMislaur Allin ; Kitti.eD the School consisting of Dr. G. E. was united in marriage with Mr. i soon be on active duty again. In theMr.niteJ.CSurc hord, MsLeauoraggmmns an iss --Mrs.C A. Cowan;t Reaman, Superintendent, G. H. Dick- Harry M. Colacott, twenty-fivc years the meantime, Mrs. Jamieson and the Fseogns n insadSrpyHgis tg ietr inson, BA., and E. P. Bradt, B.S.A., ago, when she went to reside near capable assistant, Miss Rena Thomas Fihercoi orgaitand pinisteandle, reptyB Hgois tge Dretr were present and congratuhated the the village of Tyrone. have kept things running smoothly toysirnchoirlsof foty yougeophe, rsB. oi. newly formed troop on the bonor Mrs. Collacott is survived by bier and eficiently.bosadgrsften g. Thr Among those accompanying the which had been conferred upon themsorin hubn an tre cid Tm (Jir)Sne, obs contributions included Killarney,pat to Toronto cither in private sorrwin hubandandthre cild om Junor)SpenerwhobasOIe Zip Coon, and Hi Ho the Mcrrîo. partyo in one of the Bowmanvilk flot only by the Scout Commissioner, ren, Mrs. Clarence W. Woodley, Eva been lame for nearly a year as a The audience indicatcd its enjo y- busses wbicb was cbartered for tbe but also by the Premier, Scout workan Harry at home; also two sisters, result of an injury to bis foot, is ini ment of these numbers b y caro s o bas been carried on during the past Mrs. Will Smith and Mrs. H. N the Sick Children's Hospital, Toron- îplas and later endorsed a vtof W. D. Bragg, Miss Beatrice Bragg, fall and winter by Earle Cunning- Scott, and thrce brothers, Silas, Wil- to, undergoing treatment by a spe- appreciation, movcd by Mr. Thomas M~lLkM.Kn ere r Master, and Caude Ensor as Assist- sympatby of the wbolc conmunity is crs will be glad to learn that there Bradley. PernestPare, rsJac. . isme,Mr ant Scout Master. Scouting Will extended in their deep ioss. is no tubercular condition as fear-______PrcHrendJkM..Tos dutesprove t eoeo h otGco. Walton, Stanley Graham, Mrs. dopubatle to e n of the o st ro The funeral on Thursday was ed, and that there is every assurance popar ciii. ftesco Po very largely attended by friends and tbat the affected limb wilI be coni- SHAW'S NEWS H. S. Britton, Mrs. Fred Rowe, Mar- ______relatives, many of wbom despite the pletely cured, altbougb it will re- jreCwn oaCwn The man who bas accepted thor- naoalewabran od ad quire several montbs' treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Ahex. Prout spent The Newcastle folk were deligbt- oughness as bis gospel in life is a travclled a long distance to pay their1 Mrs. I. E. Bowell and grand- teweedi ootget fc ome tteS.CarCuc bad a t ea.Bo.last tribute of respect to a very dear, daugbter bave returned from Ottawa. Mr. and Mrs. R. L. Osborne,.. Miss and sec among tbe audience in the hadmnt et-o.fricnd. While in the Capital tbey attended a Beatrice Bragg visited Toronto lecture room at ieast two score form- The service at the bouse was con-1 number of fashionable social func- friends over the weekend .. . .Messrs er Newcastle, Bowxnanville and VEGETABLE GROWERS ducted by bier Pastor, Rev. J. R.1 tions including the vice-regal recep- Ewart Clemence and Norman Gil- Newtonville citizens, now residents Trumpour, who spoke very higbly ofJ tion and met for the first time Dur- bank spent Sunday at their respective in the city. It was a pleasure too The regular montbly meeting of bier if e and character, in ternis which' bam's sitting member, Mr. F. W. homes. . .. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Cry- to meet there and after the enter- the Ontario Vegetable Growers' As- were echoed in the hearts of ail Bowen M. P. Tàey were much im- derman and family spent Thursday, tainment chat witb Mr. and Mrs. sociation will be beld in the Council present. pressed witb bis popularity at the Marcb l7tb witb Mr. and Mrs. John Walter Seldon and Miss Adele Sehd- Room on Friday, March 25tb., at 8 Six nepbews ovingly bore the re- Capital and cbarmed witb bis gentle- Lord on the Lake Shore, below New- on wbo bad corne several miles u2p p. m. Mr. N. S. Plummcr's report ofman tobrhsrstn plc mnybargadcotymner castle, celehratîng the wedding an- the city to greet "Newcastlýe". Th. the annual convention postponed Messrs. Fred Wight, Lorne E. Phare, and bis abiiity to acquit bimself most niversary of the latter. Their many play was given a good reception andi from last montb, will be given. Melbourne Wight, o t, creditahiy on any occasion and in~ friends in this community offer con- after it was over those taking part Every member urgently requested to Wrightson Wigbt and Lance Phare. any company. gauain . iu.Cl .E er neeybn ayadsn be present. The interment took place in Bctb-I At Young People's League Mon- Snider, Scbool Inspectnr, visited our cere complimentary remarks regard- Chas. R. Bickle, Sccrctary. ed ecey h aybatfl a vnneoto fofcr a seat of lcarning on Tbursday.. . . Mr. ipg their acting and the general pre- ___________ floral offerings bore silent tribute of 1 beld witb good attendance : President Hrope n eiee abret Pr etaino hercmd0daa e the love and esteem in whicb the,1 -Lillian Clemence; lst 'Iice-C'nrd- Hpon Friday for a Quebec firm. . fore leaving for home ,members of eï ..Mr. Seward Dowson's sawing ma- the Ladies' Aid, Mrs. Darland's AUCTION SALES deceased was beld. Tbey included' on Ashton; 2nd Vice-Beatrice I chine is operating on the various grouP, served the visitors and their wreaths, pilhows emblems and sprays! ragg; 3rd Vice-Clarence Allun; from the Husband and faxnily; Mrs. 4tb Vice-Minnie Seiby; 5tb Vice- wood piles in tbe section.... Regular, friends a reai supper of meats, sal- Thuraday, March 31st-The Old W. Smith and Mrs. H. N. Scott; Mrs Florence Ashton; Recording Secre- meeting of the Farmers' Club was Ads, jellies, cake, tarts, etc., etc., in Gibson Homestead, lot 25 and 26, -1 ~~~~held in the Scbool-bouse on Tedytlebsmn o hc i atkn GisnHmstalt25ad2,Phare, Lorne and Lance; William,i tary-Eileen Cooke; Cor. Secretary eeigMrTuoBrgpesday1therebaetufoy r iahI artki con. 3, Clarke, comprising 150 acres, Sulas and Sidney Trewin; Mr. and ,-Bertha Cowan; Treasurr-Irwinevng Mr. A OWgtto ragg, prfDigweprcuarlingatgu- wilh be sohd by public auction on tbe M, Norman Colacott; Mr. and Mrs.1 ColwiIl; Pianist-Mrs. W. D. Bragg; M.C .Wgt ev fDrig prmseasosok n mpe J, igt r.adMrs. Greaa;,Adtr-r e Gibak, Ac ton, gave us a very comprehiensive Pe prems es, ansostckand i pe- Js ib; r'n r. reaa;Auiosarîel~c account of municipal affairs ,and Pesant Root easiy, inexpensively simt.derms nddat of psses-r Rchrd7rcnwa; e a le e A thenscinmtena- also an insizht into the work of that overcomes any tobacco habit. Send, sio mae now dy o sle. H.Wrightson and Melbourne Wight; Mr . .l . eig a peti teur august body the Counties' Councilý address: A. R. Stokes, Mohawk, Fior-t A. lYulmge. 12-1and Mlrs. Levi Skinner and family- ticipation o ae n cnet.u-Mr. Fan Osborne, Secretary, intro-ia 21 _______________ _____ r. and Mrs. T. Scott and Ronald:dr h ircin fIwi(o il uced several resolutions, whicb ee .Mn. and Mlrs. Chas. Phillips; Mr. and, Remember the Inter-League deliate discussed and passcd. Annie Allin,1 ____________ Mr.Percy Pbillhps; Mr and Mrs p 1 Friday night. Cake and ice cream Mary Clemence and Sadie Allin sangi Houses For Sale Hawood; r onNbe oen't esre fewrs Mr oh ole omnsteb src atrwrs very sweetly- 'My Rosary", accom- _____Instîtute and Ladies' Aid; Mr. and Regulai nmeeting of the Newcastle pani ed hy IMiss B ragg. Minnie Pearce,l We ha~ve on oîîr list a splendid lot of Mrs. John Hoidgc; Tyrone Choir; Mr.! Higb Sehool Literary Society 'ýa Eileen Cooke and Marion ltickardîi'5 ~ loprU~sinBornn~lI fr ou sle- J<lin Colwill and Son; The Primary bel(] on Friday,Mac .Epealysn to the dclight of ail "I neveîij ion The,ices art, rigbt and ,tiiere and l'Il Try Classes; Tyrone Sunday, worthy of mention w'as a debatc.1 kîiew how %txonderef ul you were" and are porne extra si)ecial offerlngs aimorigSbo. We annt escile t.er al li h Rlatvswr reetfo "Resolved that the wvorld is gri ,,ng as an encore "Down by the RiveFrO R fi-em. Tor-' better",;11t1e affirmative -being11upne0 N Codv u.I o wa n Cor. Sccretary-EvelynJ godvlu, ickard; Treasurer-Raye Deine; BUILDING BARGAINS Supt. Sseai Giving-Dorothy Heavy Siate Coated Rooflng & Gxocoe _ _ _ _ __r-Atha en S, BRIT~.,>'i.ings, Marion Rickard, Marion Rincb, 2.88; House Paint 2.45 gallon; H . S. B ITTO NI ilda Rowland, Tucker Coucb. Sand- Doors, Windows, P'ramnes, Floor-Dr Bake Newaste ~cescakeand emoade ereing, Walboard. Thousands ofDr & rc ew al erved at the close and enjoyed by Building Bargains. Free catalogue. Phone 106 ail. Everybody weloome to aur Mis- Halliday Comnpany, Box 231RI sion Band. Hamnilton. 9-4 LEST YOU DON'T KNO'W 1 want to set the people right on these points: (1) 1 seli Wall Paper-without placing you under obligation to have me hang it-from 8c roll Up. (2) 1 will gladly hang your Wall Paper, whether you buy it f rom me, f rom a local competi- tor or from a mail order house. (3) Or I will seli you Wall Paper and hang it for you. Which ever plan you choose be assured the service will be unexcelled and prices reasonable. We have the exclusive agency in Bowman- ville for Staunton Sunworthy Wall Paper. When you want Paint-we have it at $1.25 quart, guaranteed or money refunded. GEO. PRITCHARD Decorator and Painter Phone 420 Bowmanville Watch This Space Next Week for DILLICK'S SPRNC OPENING In Dry Goods, Men's Clothing and Footwear Keep Baby Out Doors You just can't re- sist taking the baby for a ride these de- lightful warmn sunny Spring days. The baby enjoys going out, too, providing there's a nice com- fortable carinage in which to ride. We have now on displaly a very attractive as- sortment of new carniages, the latest designs, al- most any size required, and at prices to suit every purse. Get a fuit season 's use of the baby carrnage by buying it now. F. F. Morris Co. The Home Furnishers Phone 10 Bowmanville Stores--Orono and Newcastle 1MASON & SON ANNOUNCE IAL OPENING New Ready-to Wear AND inery Departments N TH-E SECOND FLOOR 0F OUR STORE :)AY, MARCH 25th 2 to 10 p. m. and aucceeding days rfriends are cordially invited to be present and spect the very attractive display. ,, Beautiful Dresses, Chic Hats--most reason- ably priced. ry complete and present ail the decidedly later lady-to-Wear Garments that are inexpensive and exclusive. Y, MASON & SON Goods, Ready-to-wear, Millinery Bowmanville L re4 y,... ,P THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, JSOW-UANVILLL, THURSDAY, MARCH 24th., 1927 PAGE EIGHT

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