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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Apr 1927, p. 1

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Zbe ~t~te~inan With Which Is Incorporated T-ne Bowrnanviile News Vol. LXXJII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVJLLE, ONT., THURSDAY, APIIIL 7th., 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Con)v Nn 14 Mrs. Geo. J. Bray and ýdaughter MEN'S CANADIAN CLUB West Durham Gwyn, Toronto, Miss Muriel Ever I-- e son and friend Miss Dorotby Van- Mr. C. H. Caban. K. C., M. P., Ir LuvnOshwa wre ecnt uetsMontreal, Que., will address thel £L,%- .4Iers Institute oflveOsbaw, ere rcntges Men's Canadian Club at tbe BalmoralerTipT Otw of rlaties hre.Hotel on Friday, April 8tb at 7. 15 Eraser n oOt P. M. Mr. Caban is one of .5he T evc YC .R ev outstanding debaters in the House ofTansrieb .N .La ~ ~Commons and is in great demand as; Tuesday night, April 12, 1927. 4&~ L K JN1~ la speaker for Canadian Clubs. Hia1 ALL RINGS ~subject will be "Recent Dcvelpa .Fr mene i te CnadenConstitution". 1,ave Bowmanville 12 :39-$10.7ý Members of the club are to be hosts Leave Newcastle 12 :45-$10.5C now in stock, and every other to the ladies at this banquet, eacbl Leave Newtonville 12:55-$10.00 article in the store considered mrember having the priviflege of en-, Leave Port Hope 1 :10-$ 9.65 tertaining one lady guest. Tickets will be good for ten days -bcrths extra. Arrive in Ottawa Jew elryWednesday morning, April 13 st Jewely7 :45 a. m. Hotel accommodation not exceeding $10.00 for three nights Will be sold in our Final Anniversaryj -to be arranged on train. Cîcrane aleatServices Wednesday, April l3th-Visit to Houses of Parliament, gusts of Mr. of F. W. Bowen, M. P., for luncheon. E A T YST. ANDREW'S rngourof GoVernor-General Gr.undsd, R l aprk, Theig- H ALF PRICE Preabyterian Church way, Britannia 5he on Mint, National Muaeujm, Experimen_ It wll b man a dy beore uchtal Fanm, Banquet with Guides as It il bemay da bfor sch SUNDAY, APRIL 1Oth guests. values will be available agaim. Saturday, April l6tb-Normal Rev. Dr. A. S. Grant School, Publie Schools, Free after- 1noon. Toronto, Gn. Secrctary Board Undcrsigned muet be notifled nol A e Eli t Misions of the Prembyterian later than Monday, April lîth il A e. E lo Church in Canada, will preach at you intend jiugpry Jewcler, Bowmanville 1 la. m. and 7 p. m.Th.A.RdrN cate -Try Bowinanville Fàt- Charming New Spring Goods Stunning New Coats For Spring Distinguished modela faahioned of the loveijeat fabrica, Black Satina, Black 811ks, Pofret Twil and Tricotines, in pretty shades of Biege, Tan, Copen and Navy, zizea front 4 to 46, SPECIAL PRICES $10.75 TO $45.00 i I FINE SHOWING NEW GINGHAMS Best Canadian, fast colora, a2 inchez wide, check and plain, 25c and 30c per yard. LADIES' VESTS AND BLOOMERS Silk stripe in Wite, Peach, Pink and Mauve, ONLY 50c EACH CARMENT ART SILK VESTS Ladies' Art Silk Veste in White, Peach, Pink and Mauve, Vsta $1.00, $1.25, Bloomers 89c, $1.50 LA&DIE-S' SILK HOSE 75c: A specially good hose for the money, pure sllk, reinforced with rayon, s11k to top, in ail the good shacies, including White, Black. Nude, Sand and Champagne, sizea 8% to 10, SPECIL VALUE AT 75c LADIES' SILK HOSE $1.00 At thia price we show two particularly good Uines including the Monarcb Green Stripe and the 'Jenny Uind'. We have these km ail the new shades, izea 8 % to 10, they are excellent value at $1.00 BETTER SILK HOSE AT $1.50 For those who require a better Silk Home we have tbree makers gooda at $1.50. These are pure thread silk, eitber ribbed or wide tops km ail the new shades, size 8Y2 to 10, good to wear and good value at $1.50 ........ Spring Fashions for Men and Boys The New Suits ,Top Coats, Hats, Caps and Furnishings in general al show better qualities, new shades, Iatest style requirernents, and withal prices show a very marked moderation. You wiIl be pleased with the dis- tinctively srnart wear of our stock forSpring. MEN'S TOP COATS SNAP RIMMED ýHATS See our Young Men's Overcoats of Ligbt Tweed, Try one of the new Snap Rimmed Hat.. witb the very newest at $15.00 coiorcd bands at $2.95 ___________________________Black Stiff Hats, new and very dressy at *5.00 The famous Canadian Made Brock Hat which is BOYS' 4-PIECE SUITS advertised in Toronto at $6.50, our price bas Boys' Suits in Natty Tweeds with otie long andalysbe*.0 one short pair of pants at only $ 10.50 MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS - - New patterns are very distinctively and pleas- FANCY SOCKS ing, ail sizes $1.50, $2.00, $2.50, $3.50, $4.50 Quality of our goods are neyer sacrificed to meet Silk and Lisle 50c, 75c and $1.00 a price. Dependabie goods at reasonable prices make lasting customers Couch,Jçihflston& Cryderman, Bowmanville Phono 104 Lirniten I iL au £m FI ur lam We have on our let a splendld lot cf propertieesin Eowmanville for your selec. tien The pricec are right and there are omeextra speciaJ offeringsa a.nong theni. We cannot deacnibe them ail In the space but these two are an example: Six ltoomned house on Churoh St. freme wlth verandah, funnace, electrlc Ughta and town water, ail in goodci o ition, garage andi umall garden Price below value. Solid brick house, central location, a snap for sormeone who wants a reai firet- clsas horne, hardwood iloers, beautiful r- ception hall, ail cenvenience., garage a.nd everything yeur heart can deuire. Price right, away below value. Seo our cemplote liât If you are think- Ing ef baying a home.. J. J. MASON & SON Insurance & Resi Estate, *owmanvIlle Homne-Made Cooking AND Apron Sale yul be held in ST. ANDREW'S SUNDAY SCHOOL ROOM «e1 Friday, April 8th at 3 P. M. Afteemoon Te& Served Mitchell'. Drug Store Royal Theatre Friday-Saturday, April 8-9 Zane Grey'a "Man of the Forest" Witb Jack Hoît and Georgie Hale. Matnee Saturday at 2.30 p. mi. Chapten 9 of "Sunken Silver" and regular programme. Monday-Tuesday, April 11.12 "Bardley's The Magnificent" Witb John Gilbert, Eleanor Board- mran, Roy D'arcy and Karl Dane Fromi story by Rafael Sabatine The Prince of "The Merry Widow" in anbther great picture. Wednesday-Thuraday, April 13.14 ..The Mytery Club" Based on the Sat. Eve. story "Crimes of The Anm Chair Club" by Arthur Somers Roche. Witb Matt Moore, Edith Roberts. Also chapter 2 of "The House Witbout a Key." ,OMING April 18.19 "Mae Understandizg Heant" by Peter B. Kne. April 25-26 Lon Cbaney in "Tefl lt To The Marines" COMING SOON "Slide Kelly, Slide" "Mhe Kid Brother", "The Scariet 1Letter"- R. M. HOLLINGSHEAD BY-LAW se- 1h, en he h. ENTERED INTO REST Là Mr&. M. A. James, Bowmanvilli A beautîful and usefuJ life loi on Saturday afternoon when Mà Jane Bray, dearly beloved wife rMr. M. A. James, Centre Stre passed into eternity in ber 83rd ye Mrs. James was the second daul eter f the late Jonathan and Sop] 75Cole Bray, and altbough born 50 Pickeing townhip in Ontario Coi 5ty on March 5tb., 1845, apent t greater part of bier hife previous Ys bier marriage at the Bray homeate Va at EnfieId ini the northern part nn On October 7, 1873, she was unit tinmarriage with Mr. James and wi the exception of a year in Bradle2 mchool section and 3 % years Baltîmore, Ontario, tbey have liv, in Bowimanvihle ever since spendii te nearly forty-eigbt ycars in Loi r.Villa-the bouse in whicb she passi nto ber final remt. Deceaaed was a very quiet retirii *wonian, who loved bier home and h -family and where bier greater delig8 and pleasure were found in ministe h ing to their needs. She waa vei i- fond of reading and bier mind wi js well stored with the bemt thinga life, which afforded mach comfc dwhile deprived of momne pleasurq that others could enjoy. In ear life ahe became a member of ti et ible Christian Cburch and later the Methodist Churcb and waa faithful attendant aa long as beali pensnitted but through defectiN hearing was nlot always privilegedt hear the service but neyer allowe that to prevent bier front being km hE place in the Houme of God. Owing te a very severe attackc influenza in March, 1926, she hâ mince been in failing health but on for the past iew weeka did she fa toteavI ber bied for a short titi each day. Despite the best cane that nurse and doctor couid give, she graduall failed until the angel of mercy re leaaed bier from bier great sufferingz Besides lber sorrowimg huaband who la in very feeble heahth, ahi leaves a famuly of five children i(two baving passed away in infancy) two daughters, Mrs. William A White and Mrs. James A. Phillipe oi New York City, who have apent th( past five wceks with their parents three sona--Marhahl J. A. James Cleveland, Ohio, and Norman S. R and Geo. W. James wIho succeeded their father as publishera of ThE Canadian Statesman and who wert ahi present at the faneraI. She ii aIme survived by three brothens, Dr, James Bray, Toronto; Messrs. Sam. uel and Frederick Bray, Eat Whit. by. The funeraI whicb was pnivate took place from the family residence, "Lorne Villa", on Tucmday after noon, April 5th.. service being con- ducted by bier pastor, Rev. J. U. Rob- ina of Trinity United Cburch, as sisted by Rev. E. A. Tonkin, a life- long friend of Mys. James and bier husband. 1Rev. Mn. Robins based bis remarkm on the words "Today shaît thou be with me in Parai and gave a very comforting message te thome whc moun the bass of a good wife, a de- voted mother and kind friend. Six nephews, Messrs. James A. and S . Edgar Wcrry, Franklin Bray, Harry T. and Francis 0. James and Frederick J. Van Nest cannied the remains of thein beloved aunt to bier last resting place in the famihy plot in Bowmafiville Cemetery. The floral offerings expressive of the sympatby of a large circle of friends with tbe bereaved ones were very beautiful, *including: Pilhow froni the Famuly. Wreaths from tbe grandcbihdren, Mr. and Mrs. James A. Phillips and famihy, (New York); the Werry Families, the Van Nest Families, (Toronto); J. J. r4ason and Famulies, Couch, John- ston & Cryderman. Sprays: Mrs. W. C. Cole and Reta, Mr. Allan Bat- tl and Bob, Mrs. Viola Smith and Edith, Mr. and Mrs. W. P. Corbett, 'Iand Mrs. S. W. Mason and Mr. and Mrs. S. M. Scott, Dr. and Mns. G. E. Reaman, Gnandma Pbilliips and Ida, (New York); Mr. and Mrs J. H. .lobnston. Mr. and Mns. E. C. Rebder, Misses Ethel and Heren Mlorris, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Scott, (Toronto); Mn. and Mns. C. W. E. lfeatb, (Ottawa); Mn. and Mrs. Non- man E. Wrigbt, (St. Catharines); Ladies' Aid Tninity Cburcb. Sprays: Miss Margaret Wbite, (Millbrook); Mrn. Thomas Snowden, Mn. and Mrs. HI. Freeman, Mn. and Mns. L. C. Snowden, Mn. and Mrs. D). R. Mur- 'ison, Mn. and Mrs. T. F. Wrigbt, St. Catharines); Mn. and Mrs. T. W. 'nwken, Mn. and Mrs. F. C. Van- stone, Mn and Mns. H. C. Higgin- bothani, (Cobourg); Mn. S. J. ackman & Sons, Mr. and Mrs. Ken- aI Doîl, Mn. and Mrs. A. R. Alla- way, (Oshawa.) Basket of Roses: Stateanian Office Staff, Misses E. E. Haycraft, Elva B. Bragg, Reta T. Vick--- Wo-n's Misona- S- CARD 0F THANKS i Mr. M. A. James and family wisbi to co nvey to their many friends tbeir sincere thanka and apprec i. tion for tbe many acta of kindnessi and expressions of synipatby during the ilîness and bass of a dear wife and loving mother. The first of a thrilling series of atories based on the early fur trading days in the North West written by Samuel Alexander White is one of the notable features of the April nuniber of Red and Gun and Silver Pox News which is just issued. The tory "Blended Brigades", however, is only one Item of a table of con- tenta. Bonnycastle Dale bau an in- teresting mlacellany of nature notes front the Maritimes M. Mortimer Batten P. Z. &~ writes thia month about the permpIdne and thé ukunk. os ýei ,ei Lig ph 1 BEAUTIFUL NEW DRESSES Just received in Satin Crepe, Canton Crepe, Crepe Romaine and Georgette, aIl moderately priced, izes 16 to 48. ARTISTIC DRAPERIES Just received a large shipment of nets in Silk and Cotton, Lace and Silk Panels, Chintz and Cretonnes, ail marked at our usual low prices. NEW DRESS GOODS In Satin Crepes, Canton Crepes, Fanc7 511km, Rayon Silks and Crepes, latest designs. Axk to' see our 60c uine of Dress Goods. NL Amb..- eai't-a tan oY mss aciarinwnicn was very appropriate te the evening. A but- ton and buttonhole contest was won by Mrs. Gould. Games and exer- cises under the supervision of Miss Peardon kept ail busy for quite a while. A recitation, "Over the hills te the Poorbouse,"1 was splendidly given hy Mrs. Gould, Mrs. T. Brown ably taking the part of "Poor Old MoDther." A song rendered by Mrm. Mason receîved hearty applause, to whicb she responded witb "Stoney broke in London Town."y A short business session took Place after which lunch was served consimting of bot dogs, pickles and coffee and waa thoroughly enjoyed by' everyone. During the lunch mauch exciternent was caused by the arrivaI of several telegrams for various members of the Club, and were read out by the one receiving ane. All were quite Justified In having a real good laugh a the messages pooved very humor.. oUs. The singlng of The Good-night Song and National Anthem closed au. other Vezy sucesiaful meeting. il !M Henry Miller Presenta Ruth Chatterton with Bruce McRae and strong cast in 'Corne out of the Kitchen' a comedy in three acta by A. E. Thomas based on the story of the same name by Alice Duer Miller The above is a copy of the play bill at the first performance in the Geo. M. Cohan Theatre, New York. A strong cast Inter presented this play for a week to crowded bouses at the Royal Alexander, Toronto. SEE "Corne out of the Kitchen" Comnedy in three acts- in OPERA HOUSE, BOWMANVILLE on Tuesday and Wednesday, 'April 12th and 13th at 8 P. M. Under auspices Trinity ladies' Aid Southern Melodies by Orchestra Admisi.on 35c; ReoeSeatesoc0 Plan opens flday Noon et ed Altbougb the vote was amal o e Rtoin.St.Paul's' Chumrch lary Wednesday te grant a fixed asseas-Bigtn ofment of $15,000 te the R. M. Hol- St. Paul's Church, Rev. D. W. Best, eet, lingshead Co. of Canada Lirited, the D. D., minister. il a. m.-"Wher a. ratepayes voted in no uncrtain Cities are Moved". 7 p. m-"-Tbe 191- manner in favor o! the by-aw, the song that Anges Cannot Sing"l. 2.30 )hia P. m.-Sunday School and BibIe in official returna being: Classes. uheno hWr For Against St. Andnew's Prembyterian Church. th N r h a d . . . . . . 1 8 1 8 R e v . R . M e D e rm e n t, m in iste r. A n - to West Wnrd............. 87 6 nivrsar services on Sunday at 1-1 ea outh Ward........ i.... 75 '7 n. m. and 7 P. m. Rev. Dr. A. S. of - -J Grant will preach at both services. ed 343 21 Sundy School at 2.30 p. m. ith Loyalty to the industries of the Trinity United Charch, Rev. J. U ýy's town was agnin shown, as has been Robins, Pastor. Sunday services il a. at the case many times in the past, in m. and 7 p. m. Sunday Scbool ai 'ed the overwhelming support given the 2.30 p. m. Good music at all ser- ing by-law wbich may also be taken as vices in charge cf Mn. Francis Sut- me a vote cf confidence in the Hollinga- ton, choir directon and organist. cd bcad Company. No organizcd efforti was made te get out the vote as it St. John's"Anglican Churc, e. wn as a foregone conclusion that the R. J. Sbires, Rector. Palm Sunday, er ctizens were heartily in accord with Aipril 10, 1927. 8 a. m.-Hloly ht the agreement the counicil bnd made Communion, il a. m.-Mornm* er- with the Company. An effort from P rayer. 2.30 p. m.-Sunday School. ?r certain quartera wa made te stir up t 7 p. m.-Evenin Prayer. Confirmna- ras opposition to the by-law but the tien Cîas cnchiTuesday at 8 p. m. in of electens hnd the good senne te ignore Panish Hall. )nt the false and mislending statements Lagyatnddndvrhcfi res of the perpetrator. ýgl ted advr lpu ly In conversation Wednesday ni et services werc njoyed by Trinity lie witb M. R. M. Ho1ingsea,.1 Unitd Chuch congregations on Sn- cf wbo bnd coule over from Camden, da. ey.J.U Rbns tepot a N. J., to speed up production in thelo, recbd good sermon in the tIi anaianplan bee, e exreaed orning on the "Power of Thougbt" ve appreciation at the way the citîzens and h ed a e recepto ieved wbea to backed up the Mayor and Council in fffty ensshp wcr te rcve in ed support f the by-aw and the confi- m m csi ih te c ac. er dence and support given ie raia the evning the Pasto's subjct waa tion which in retura would ogthein "Self Control", basing is sermon on of part te warrant saine. Bus. esstha* the wordm "Let very man bie Swift as btte inCanaa tateieear, etc", James 1:19. The j terlatCan aday thndhe xpected choir ncndered good music and Mr. theplat ws aay ehidln filîing A. E. Hircock sang a solo with 3, 1 its orders wjbich would take at leat splendid cffect. Communion services e thnee weeks to overtake. were hchd morning and eveaing whn The Company was recelving won- a record numben participated in the s denfal support froni jobbers. An in- sacrament cf the Lord's upr IY stance o! this was shown in TorontoSppr e- where even out cf cigbt cf the lna. IL est jobbens bad taken on the W;Yiz l, products. DURHAM CLUB le Mn. Hollingahead further stated l, that they wee aiming te manufact- The monthly meeting of the Dur- )ue their gooda hee se that Cana- ham Club was held on Thursday ev- L ians may buy Whiz hies at the ening, March 31, at the residence of )f saine prices as are in effect ln the Col. and Ms. Stuart, 42 Heathdale, ie United States regadesq o! the duty Road. Toronto. Dr. James L. Hughes , which might permit them te charge presided and was looking well after 5highen prices in Canada. is trip to Texas. The meetings o! ______________this season bave been the best in j - - -----ycars and thia one was the largeat ,e Mn. and Mis. La Verne Hoff, (Mon- we have had. The Club was plcaaed , treal) ; Krs. John James and faunili1sto have Mayor Holgate front Bow- Among those attending the fu. nianville and bie fricads that came -eral from a distance were: Dr.I with bim. James Bray, Ms. Chas. W. Smyth, J A resolution f sympathy was -M. Fred J. Van Nest, Mrs. Leslie M. moved by M. George MGill, second- Keit, Mrs. Maude B. Harris, Mrs.I d by Mr. 0. 0. 'Wodn te two f e Harold Tuck, Misa Laura M. Wickett, oui members, Dr. Frank C. and Mn. Dr. Julia Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. J. n. Arthur J. Trebilcock on the deatb o! B. Staples, Toronto; Ms. John James, their brother Paul. It was very M. and Mrs. Clarence Hayes, M. spPropriate toe have two o! bis form- and Ms. Harry T. James, Columbus; er choolmates te move and* second M. and Ms. W. Charles Wery, M. the motion. Ase a motion o! syn- and Mrs. Milf ord Wilkins, Mr. and pathy was moved by Mr. J. D. Feach- rMia. Edwand James, Mn. and Mrs. le, seconded by Prof. Squnir te be Francis 0. James, Oshawa; Ms. R. j. extelded te Ms. J. C. Elliott on the 1 Luke, M. and Ms. H. Fletcher death o!bier fathe, M. W. H. Onr. iWery and Hrold Werry, Kedron; The pxogramn waa excellent and FMr. Samuel Bray and M. Frankin those taking part were-Missin. )Biray, Enfield; M. James Arthur Tamnblyn*, Dr. and Mi. Stephenson, Wery, Miss Mac Wery, Mr. and Ms. R. Rogers, Dr. and Mrs. Flath, Ms. W. Francis Weny, Ennikillen; Mima Egen, Miss Baker, (Belleville), Miss Ellen J. James, M. A. I, Pas- M. Taylor, Mayor Holgate and R. ce, Mr. and Mrs. S. Edgar Werry, M. Mitchell c! Bowmanville. Dr. MissJ. H. (Nora) Werry, Solina; J. D. Goggin gave a tlk on pioner M. and Mrs. L C. Snowden, Ms. datya in the North West. The no- H. G. Freeman, Mape Grove. cial hur whie efrshments wee le- "No more working in the vineyard, nc seved was very much enjoyed. No more stnuggling in the fight; _____ EStand 1 here with loins ginded r Ready for my upwand flight. Sweetly c'en my spirit fainting, WHITE SILIELD CLUB r Peace from beaven acems te flow; iSeek ne longer te detain me: A vcny happy cvening was spent Loose the cabie-het me go! by The White Sbield Club on Tues- r day, Mnrcb 29, whcn a Hand'Timea Holy angels round me hovering, Party was the occasion of mach jol- Their light forma I aimoat sec; lification. A splendid aetting was Golden hanp and crown immortal, given the affair by the banning o! Tbey arc holding ont te me. candîca in saucens as the onhy menas Endless joy, etennal pleasures, cf iigbtîng, and each one was greet- Soon on me tbey wilh beatow; cd on entering by a big poster Froni their presence do net keep me: "Hard Times" ait on the floon, mszch Loose the cable-let mie go! te, the amusement -of everybody, but onders had to be obeyed. After 'a Wben so near the Holy City, ' period of many quenies on who's who, Even at its pennly gate, electric ligbts wene turned on and Wbile its songa are wafted to me, those wbo bad net participatcd km Would you bave me longer wait? make-up wene prescnted *ith the O, the joy that fils this moment! moat poventy stricken collection o! O, be appinesa I know! people one ever wanted to beboîd, Seek no longer to detain me: nag bags must bave been dug te the Loose the cable-let me go". veny deptbs to account for the pro. .fusion of naga, patches and sackings 'Only good night, beloved and not froni wbicb dresses and suits had farewell, been nmade. It waa a very bard task A little wvhile and aIl His saints shahl for the judges to pick out the beat dwell costumes nepresenting "Hard Tmes." In hallowed union indivisible Pnizes wvere eventuaily awarded te Good Nigbt Mns. Wiseman, Mns. Hall, Mis. Until we nîeet again befone His Lange and Mrs. F. Clarke, which tlsroýne, gvene also in keeping witb Hard Clotbed in the spotiess robe Hegie Times. His own, j A true adTmslte was rend YI MINISTERS AND CHURCHES Rev. T. A. Nind, Toronto. may be

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