PAGE IX PH CAN.DIM4STATEMANBOWMAVILLj THU#LAn.,PRIT 7thi Policy ? Spedinen Rates for $2500 Âge Rate 20--p8.75 25-- 44.90 30-- 53.25 35-- 65.40 40- 83.751 EXCELSIOR INSURANCE LIFE COMPANY HEAD OFFICE-EXCEIOR LIFE BUIL.DING, TORONTO MAIL THIS TO-DAY- 'ti W. BLAKE McMURTRY, District Agent, Bowmanville, Ont. 44~i Send me fufl inlo m ±c about yoz I fEAL " Po iy. LJFE yzg A HIGH QUALITY LOW PRICED SIX wrrH ÇOURvWHEEL BRAKES Thie anmncnt of Four-Wlseel Brakem as standard equipment on the OIdanoWie Six-together with a number of other meâ- portant advances in contructiou-affords ttill furtiser cause for aaz-t ate tie value oilered by this low-priced, higlt-quality No otser automobile on thse Canadian market teday preserits, at sncb niodest cost, the reraible conibinatiori cf adivancedl fea- turcs whîcb distinguisis Oldeniobile Six . . . features whicb iucludle, in addition te tise Four-Wheel Brakes, new, larger, baloca tires, crankcase ventilation, cd Sîiter, dual air cleaner, thermo- seatic charging control and hosts c' others. Wisen yeu consider tise councle<s quality features incorperated in Oldsmobile Sx-vou will sc,celv be able to credit the phcnorn- erially low prices at which Oldusmobile c2n now be bsught. Only. tise enormous purchasîng and osanufacturing economies oe Gem- tntl Motors make possible such striking vau Before you decide on any car you -ce it to yourself to insp cct thterew Oldîrnbile Six t or Iio'msOcF-1,716 Tere are a feu, good errtorics still aveilable fer responsible dealer Write OlIs Motor Works cf Canada, Linie'ed, Oshawa, Ontario CORBET' r MOTOR SALES CO. Bowmanvile, Ontario OLD~IBiLE A~.IIIL../J 9 *LLA51*.Sfl *i fl211 III p The annual Irish nigbt giv( the Women's Institute on Marc was wl attended . A sple nd ish program was given consisti: cboruses, solos, duets, instrume ieadinLgs, songs in costume, 5 Serve Dominion Stores Tea and Delight Tour Friend.s i- 3 5 E~Iv.ry housewife like. to D.S.L. Bulkklb 3 serve geed tea. When you non. 590 %-ab. 270 --serve Dominion Stores TeaM % ,yeu w.11 he certain of giv- Domno i-lb. 63o ea & ng absolutely the best. AlY l.3 1 direct from the land cf -- Ensh Ew.BAIL&M ! -I6 DoJNiÎi.'YSkmc growth, and we offer some -l. m C Domino ykattractive values this Peas, Corn or spcaLmie f e$" 100 valu. eu.mea. tyle DAYSII>E 2pkt..* 5 Cholce 2tisBrand k Powder b 1 Quallty 23 pin Qat - 17e AYLMER BRAND 2tins 25e Tiger Catsup Ret.Qurt - 17c choice Quallty Telfer'a Steln: 5able Lib' surrat2tis2eChocolate Reef Un 'lnt Libys aurkau ztis ~c Pif Mad by BvrUit Ld. ant DelnoteSpnac 2Unit Chocolate Kraft Cheese Piece DemoteAsparagus e M.ahCoad Ses sur specl idisplay Rg 5 TeipsNo . sae tn01 f lib. pts. Rg 5 Taps N. I s uare i. ~ .Canadin and 2 e- Domino Wax Bea ns Lîbnb~urer and29 9b 5 L~ C rit"D ftBuy Wrapped BreadC ~i II~ A LI ¶ Lu This loaf is different and ha« eA yy BR : Dmade many friends "ltIl t's Wrapped" FuU WeIgbt Loaf Fc Dio You Know TIs There are some remarkable features about our"Ideal Policy". For instance, it gives healthy males, between 15 nd 45 years of age, the privilege of securing at Iow premniums, limited in number, $2,500 insurance without medical exanation. Write for details. * I rm H ad e ad ute el *Of/If ~trcte< idAt'kr .a.utabe replyÉ '" nes ve ybdodyferthe frekid- fo O GH .C Ln fess, e andoffee tfeo * Fo COGHs CODS O!A taityte ail proscratd the *and BRONCHITIS *rest cf the evening a pn * * * j speech m aking, gca py in n dancing. cr lyn n lu amm punwowrffl * 1 V* ORONO (From The News of Marc] Miss Bernice Tucker wa from Ottawa over the weeke Miss Viola Gilfillan wa from Toronto over the weec Mis. James MacDonald, Tc visiting her niece, Mrs. Adol ry. Annual High School 0 Contest and Concert, Frida 8th. Mr. Allen Moffatt is mi Bowmanville to work in the factory. Corns disappear when trea Holloway's Corn Remover leaving a scar. Mrs. Campbell and son G( Toronto, spent the weekendi sister, Mrs. O. Scott. Mis. Wallace Jamieson0 mins, is visiting her parents, Mrs. C. G. Armstrong. Mr. Chartes Miller, Toront ager of the Red Rose Tea Co. over Sunday with his parents. Mr. Orm Walter, London, ing bis brother, Mr. W. J. and sister, Mrs. W. L. Gerry Mr. Dewey Harness will the residence on Concession S shortly to be vacated by Mr. Megit. Mr. Alfred Elliott, Ele( Toronto, spent the weekendN aunts, Mrs. R. Fowler and Mi Tamblyn. :Peevish, pale, restless, and cbildren owe their condit worms. Mother Graves' W. terminator will relieve themi store health. Mr. A. A. Rolph picked a ha bouquet of pansy blossonis fro: garden, March 17th., a morer intimation of the advance of than the appearance of the ro Dr. J. B. Tucker left Friday return home to Hazenmore, after spending a couple of with his father, Dr. M. M.1 whose condition o! healthr unchanged. Mr. Robt. Gordon had an ai acute indigestion last weeki Mrs. Gordon is in a helpless tion, their daughter, Mrs.( was phoned for and came dow7 the city for a few days. Mr.( is able to be out around again. Mr. James Moffatt was sp fire wood at bis residence morning when the axe he was caugbt on the clothes line c bum to loet control, when it hlm on the left foot cutting tI the boot and almost severing tl middle toes. Mis. A. A. Rolph was cal Taunton, Darlington Township, day morning owing te the dez ber friend, Mrs. William Leask passed suddenly away as the o! a stroke. Mr. and Mrs.C Rolph attended the funeral Wi day. Interment at Buwma Cemetery. Cuts and Bruises Disappear.- suffering f rom cuts, scra bruises, sprains, soie throat or and any similar ailment, use Thomas' Eclectric Qil. Its hi Power is well-known in every s of the community. A bottlec Thomas' Eclectric sbould bc in medicine chest ready for the gencies that may always hea pated. New officers of the Mission are: President-Frank Mclrýl lst Viee-Marjory Graham; Vice-Myrtle Tamblyn; 3rdV Ethel Graham; Secretary- Spry; Treasurer-KathIeenS Pianits--Eileeýn Riddcll, Betty Flower Commtte-Ella McRo< Margaret Milîson, Ethel Star-k,1 Winter, Annahel McKay, Mar ROY; îMite Box Superintendc Viola Noden. h NESTLETON eh 30th)Mr. Henry Sheffield, Detroit,ù as home visîting at Mi. R. C. Jacksn's.... ýend -> Mi. and Mis. Sidney Trewin and kendhom family, Enniskillen, weîo visitorî ek.end. witb bier sister, Mis. S. H. Malcolmn 1; *î--- last week. .. . Mi. and Mis. Andiew .oronto , __ McGill, Janetville, Mi. M. W. Veale lph en ~Toronto, Mi. L. W. Veale, Water- for, M. A J.Veale and Mrs. E. C. )ratorical Veale, St. Catharines, weîe visitors ýay, April ~ ~~ with their father, Mr. John Veale, ov-ig tew-ho wvas veiy ill but is much improv- nning q ed at tme of writing. ... Mr. Allai atdwith Joncs can tlardlQ B A., teck charge cf the mid-week without meeting on the United Chuîcb cn l'orbes' cial Tusa vng and gave us a go eigher hcfobm - .Lilsofficers were elected :-President- withher WhenRobn, . &3l~ iii Mr. R. W. Jackson; Vice President- Henderson CLo. by ý ii Miss Sara Armstrong; Secretary- Mi. and Distance Foî4> ýs Mr. Merrili Thcmpson, Ast. Secre- M r. and f or ý L . F rb s. 'fitat tary- M iss C lara P orteous; T reasur - te a- makes it a pecrsc.-t-ýper- or-Miss Enid Dickey; Executivi ., viied . otn Committeo-Mjss Jennie Gordon, )., isied on all.Fores s etcn Miss Ellen Lansing, Mi. George S.out. Somnetinies it takles Black, Mi. borne Thompson. Rev. is visit- cjuite a wvhile before the Mi. Griffith gave another sermon en Walter, operator cm' get him on~ the Prodigal Son on Sunday, the top- ic being the Great Father love cf T. clp the wire. God, taking "While hoe was yet a St. Soth Tiere are three othu rn- Igroat way off ho vont eut te meolý Rihad loyees in the Henderson i-m". A good practical quoîy. Why offcchardugly Pted o net more eople attend te heai ctrician, on the details of the btisi- schgdsemn .Yuaril copied fîem the Oshawa Refermer oni with bis ness, who could give Ro- "Misplaced Sympathy" found mucli Fis Js. binson the information he favor witb many readers and the idscl ants. One of them could i question comes if the officers cf the ickly W ceuntry condone such offences wbat to always be reached by a wiîî oui country como te. orm Ex- Station-to-Station cal], coet- 1 and re- about twenty per cent BURKETON sndsome less than a Person-to.-Per -_ __ _ anm e ir son caji. A play was put on by the Young ,om heirPeople's League on Thursday night, relilable E4It is werth coneid"rinqi, bcfor, March 24th. It dealt with the life of f spring ,ou mnake a Lonq Distance call, a Chinese family both before and obin. if Station-to-Stc ien service will after Christianity had onterod the ýy on bis itot give you iwhat you want. home. Ding, a book-seller and bis Sask., wife are about te send their daugh- weeks toi, Kon-Ying, te a Goveînment Higb Tucker, School, but under the influence o! romains their noighboî ,Siong Le, decide te' send ber te a Mission School. Sang- tack of Peh, te whom Kon-Ying is betîothed,1 and as bas been away te school learning 3condi- M@ about Western ways. Wbile at the Carlton school she beains about Jesus, and 'n froni on bier retuin home with ber teacher Gordorn __________________ begs that their slave girl ho sent te school aIse. Afteî Kon-Ying is mai- ýplitting ending with a contest which put ried to Sang-Peb they keep on witb Friday everyone in îeadiness for the excel- their work and ar2 responsîble for in- s usingilent lunch served. Miss Walsh troducing Christianity into their new 2ausing gave a full acceufit cf the good woîk home. Chaiacters-Ding, a book- struck being done hy Institutes, wbich on- selle-Mr. A. Stainton; His wife- through circle the globe. Miss Thelma Gilders; Kon-Ying, bis th two Mr. C. F. Awde bas commenced daugteî-Miss Florence Aveiy; work remodelling bis brick building Siong Le, a neighbo-Mr. D. Adams; lIed te east side MilI St., îecently occupied Sang-Peh, a boy te whom Kon-Yîng , Mon- by Mis. Harrison, and when complet- is betrothed-Mr. R. Wilson; Ya T'eu Dath o! ed wll bave a modern dwelling for a slave girl-Miss Ora Abbott; Miss k, who hinisel! and family. This building Simmons, a teacher in a Mission îesult som forty-five years age was occu- School-Miss Elsie Abbott. This 0. W. pied by the Wilsons, a well-known saine play is being presented in En- ednes- family bore at that time who carried niskillen, Easter Monday night... ianville on a boot and shoe business. Bill Young People's beague mret on Marcb was a membeî cf the old cornet band, 3 1st. New officers are:-President - enAI. McKeown leader, and on moving -Mr. S. J. Pedlar; lst Vice-Miss --hnte Bowman-ville became a member o! Ora Abhott; 2nd Vice-Mi. George atches, the D. O. & P. Ce. band, which \vas McCutcheon; 3rd Vice-Mis, S. J. rcbest thon at its best. Pedlar; 4tb Vice-Miss Thelma Gild- 3e Dr. ers; .Junior Vice-Miss beona Mc- ealing The four year old son of Mi. Rich- icughlin; Secrtary-M.Niss Florence ection aid Megit bappened with a serîcus Averv; Treasuier-Miss Mildred o! Dr. accident Wednesday afterneon, when Avery Organist-Mi.RbîtW- Lovery with bis six year old brother he was ,nRoetWl orner- playing near the at4ble o! teamsteî _'o_ antici- Frank Allin, pulled. over a heavy wagon box standing on its side, pin- PRESENTATION IN CARTWRIGHT iRand, ning hlm undeîneath. The eIder_____ fullen; cbuld ian and told bis mother but1 Olel Resielents Kindiy Remnembereel ;2ndj she was unable te lift the box, and1 On Wednesday, March 23rd., a Vice-_ got the assistance cf Mi. Allin. On' very sociable andl and much enjoyed -Jean the arrivaI cf the doctor the thigh ovening was spent at the home of Stark; bone was found te ho brokon near Mr. R. J. Bruce, Si., Cartwright, Rowve the bip and the little fellow was rush- when scine 75 neighbors, relatives berts,i ed te Bowmanville Hospital for treat- aînd membcis cf Devitts, b. O. b. No. Hazel ment. 13, teck him by surprise and Present- igaret Miller's Worm Pcwdeîs are the cd Mr. Bruce and bis sister, Mis. lent- medicine for children who are foun lrandon, %vith the folicwirig address: suffrin fro th ravges 0 f Mr. Brandon and Mr. Bruce:-, ,e ywsufferng frmm the ravae fe We, your friends, neighbors andj on by, w'erma. h ydiionsmedael alter the Bi ther Orangînen have assombled id Ir- worms suhsist and drive them htbe here osedapaan evig ing o! the system, and, at the samne time. %vith you, since we have leaîned that ntals, tbey are tenical intheir effect unYcu ae abouenm ebesc our cern-. etc., the digestive organs, iestoring t. rnYun:taver a nummbor cf earscoand te bealthful operation and ensuring mnt o ubro er n ___immunity fîem fuither diserders we are losing good neigbbors, kind froi suc a cuse.friends and upîigbt citizens. We are fro suh acaue.glad te beain that youî new home At Park St. United Church Sun- will net be far away, se that you ,,day evening the scats cf the choir rnay oftten iutuin to visit with us. galleîy were cccupiod by mon and When old friends part it is gener- boys who had spont minny evenings ally with mingled feelings o! regret together cemmunity singing during and lonesorneness and we foot these the winteîrnmontbs, and botb in the eotions quite strongly as you go service cf song and in the volun- from oui midst. May you in your taries acquitted tbemselves rnost new enviîcnmont foîm many new creditably. A special feature was fiiendships, since friendship is truly the singing cf an old familiar song one cf the great things cf life. As "The Little Brown Cbuîch in the a token cf oui esteem, gcod wishes Dell" by the boy section, which was and kind affections please accept sweetly rendeîed and much enjoyed, these chairs and may yeu onjoy them by the largo congregatien. Mi. R. for many yeaîs te ceme. Wishing H. Brown presided at the nigan in yeu eveîy happiness in your new bier usual excellent manner. Pastor home. Tuckei who spoke on "Authority in Sîgned-R. J. Bruce, W. M., on Religion" was listened te ih ra behaîf cf members cf Devitt's L. O. interest. L. No. 43. Mi. Bruce having disposed cf bis It Will Relieve ed-odsaefi iiMDwo fToiento,-i- ni, le 1,r in id Sheli Coal O011? It gives hçat and Iight instead of soot and smoke. Try it and be convinced as others have. RE»-- ROSE: T1 EAis good ei RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. IEDWARDSIBURG' CRO CORN SYRUJP BRAND The CANADA STAPCil CO, LIMITEU MONTREAL 0.10 ProVed safe by millions and prescribed by physicians for Colds Headache Neuritis DOES NOTFECT THE HEART j ALCceptq l "Bayer" package 5 a fewlich contains proven directions. Handy "Bayer" boxes of 12 tablets Also bottles of 24 and 100-Druggista. Aspirin l9 Oie trade mark retter.d ln Oseada) or Bayer manufactur'e or monoceete- acidester of Salleylilaujd (Aeetyl Salicylte Acid, "A. S. A.")I. White LtI.lawell own tiiat Aspi rin mneans Bayer mnanufacture. to asslat tbe publie agaiiet Imitations, the. Tablet, Dt Bayer Oompany wiIt be atami>ed with their goeeral trade mak, the "Bayer Com.." Lumbago bdumbadLuaNd PAGE 311 THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, APRIL 7th.. 192-7 Ce A. Bartlett King St. East, Bowmanville Phonbead pe10 KnSt. Est Bmnve Beauty, strength, fire-resist.ance -y ou get al these in Brantford Super-lite Slates, besides Double Thickness alI over the roof and Tri pie Thickness over 48%7 of the roof. Special Lock Butt prevents bulging and curling. Brantford Above is straight view of Brantford Super-Tite Slates, showing triple thickness in shaded aiea. Made in four fade- less colors and when laid give an appealing "keystone" effect. F Brantford Roofing Co. l. Limited Brantford, Ont. 9 a Stock Carried, Information Furruashed and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Rie& Co., - - - Bowmanville Imported direct from the Orient in metal lined chests. Blended and packed into 1 lb., 1//2lb., ¼ lb. Have You Tried 4 ) Phone 110