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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1927, p. 1

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With Which Is Incorporated Tue Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, MAY 26th., 1927 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c a Conv No. 2 L .. .1 k .1 Dance! AT East Side Pavilion BOWMANVILLE BEACH Every Wednesday and Saturday during monthi of June. -Monday, Wednesdav and Saturday after J une. Dancing at 8.30 p. m. (Daylight Saving Time) Dance To The Music by Fred Tuesrk and his Montniarte NMusicians 3 DANCES FOR 25c F. DEPEW. WHEN You Need A Shave you sheuld have a good Shaving Crearn which will soften the beard and leave your face smooth after. PAR Shaving Cream will do both and it works perfectly in cold or hot water. Double Size Tube 50c Gillette Blades 1/2 pkg 45c This Week KERSLAKE'S PHONE 49 The Dependable Drug Store By special invitation Kitty WilI Arrive Again at OPERA HOUSE BOWMANVI LLE on Tuesday, May 31 at 8.1.5 P. M. Under auspices of St. John's Church "The Arrivai of Kitty"l wiIl be re-presented by following caste: Mns. Alan Campbell, Miss Muriel Sissori, Miss Inene Pawson, Miss Ina Pethick ,Mr. Geo. Rattembury, Mn. Herman Lapp, Mn. Bill Oliver, Mn. Bud Petbick, Mn. Bernard Baldwiri. Tickets 35c New Coats And Dresses For Spring and Summer Wear iLatest Styles - Newest Materials - Moderately Priced 10 Ladies' Cloth Tailored Suits, Tricotines and Poiret Twills, worth up to $25.00, Specially Priced For Quick Seliing $5.00 LADIES' DRESSES For this weekend we are featuring somne won- derful Speciais in Ladies' Canton Crepe Dresses. Don't fait to see these bargains. Knit Suits, Dresses, Coats and Sport Sweat- ers-the very newest in these good&-just op- ened up this week. Just opened out another sbipment of Ladie' Dresses in Fancy Silka, F'ugi Siika, Crepeà and Broadctotha, tateât style., beet quality and lowest prices. NEW RAYON CREPE DRESS GOODS Pretty fabrica of Rayon and Cotton at soc, 60C. 89c, $1.25 and $1.50 LADIES' SILK HOSE Ladies' Silk Hose- in ait the tatest shades at 50c, 75c, $1.00, $1.50 and $2.00 Pair KAYSER SILK GLOVES Kayser Sitk Gloves, latest shades in al sizes, FROM $1.00 TO 42.00 PER PAIR CURTAIN MATERIALS Lovely aaaortment of materiais for Over Curtains, in ptain, flgured and striped from 90e TO $3.50 COTTON CURTAIN NETS Cotton Curtain Nets from Me. TO $1.0 ART SILK PANELS A very beaUtiful assortment frosa $3.50 TO $6.00 EACH -I Royal Theatre Friday-Saturday, May 27-28 Buck Jones In "The War Hors." A Cowboy amd bis fatthfui steed on the Westera Front. Matince Saturday at 2.30 p. m. "The Bar C Mystr" amd negutan piogram Monday-Tuesday, May 30-31 Ramon Novarro Witb Alice Teriy Ia l'Loyers" "The Worîd and Hi* Wife" Wednesday-Thursday, June 1-2 "Frisco Sally Levy I With Sally O'Neill amd Roy JO lit. ih In Eye Shade Caps FOR SUnny Days Used for Tennis, Basebal Canoeing, Motoring and ail outdoor sport&. Big assortment at 19c EACH 8 HOURS' SERVICE For Developing and Printing your Films, We have the only developing and printing plant in town which enables us to give you auch quick ser- vice. Jury & Lovel When We Test Eyes it La Done Properly DOES YOUR WATCH OR CLOCK NEED I'hen hring itt lei>,shop. Att rk hackt'cl lw 40 s tors' exper- ce as practical %vat ch and dlock pairer. All "'îk ieft Nwith 11W sgicrie 1 dn't carry a s' *'i of gonds", tanything you vat ldP in a Weliv Storv 1 can cet in 24 iu r 1( a d llfori I î h n ren sec). Crombie, :t te) Harry AP!iî's Groceryi Store ision St. llowrnanvitte Vo i,-ti lar G Neit 2 only, Men's Navy Cheviot Suits, Regilar $24.50 FOR $17.75 2 omiy, Young Men's Brown Herningbome Suits, Regular $25.00 AT *18.50 MEN'S TOP COATS Sec our Younmg Men's Ovencoats of Light Tweed, the very ewcst at $15.00 BOYS' 4-PIECE SUITS Boy's' Suits in Ntty Tseedswith otie long and one short pair cf pants at cly $10.50 bttvs' Po. iiSuit-. ncgtili,ld frtm $9.7.5 tt '3 Now Clearing at About Haif Price 2 only, Light Fancy Tweed Suits, Regular $25, FOR *16.75 Othen individual suita at lesa than regular pnice, just crie Icft of a lime at $15.00 UP SNAP RIMMED HATS Try onie cf the neiv Snap Rimmed Hats witb coloncd bands at $2.95 Black Stiff Hats, new and very dressy at $5.00 The farnous Canadian Made Bnock Hat which la advcrtised in Tororito at $6.50, cun pnice bas always been $6.00 MEN'S FANCY SHIRTS Nous- patterns are veny distinctivelv and pleas- irig, att sizes *1.50, *2.00, $2.50, $3.50, *4.50 Quriity of oui' goods are nevon sacnificed to meet a 1pce. D(epnîiaîtle gocnds ot ncasoiiuble pices miake lasting custoiners Co'chJqhnson& Cryderman, bowmanvlÂe Plione 104 Limitec -N il Bargains In Men's Suits I -. -- 'Il 1 fil m 1 1 1 MsI. Arthur Moore, EmalsIrii Thene quietiy passed away Monday, May lGth, Viola Pearl Il beloved wife of Arthur Moore, niakillen, mmd daughter of Mr. Mrs. John H. Truli, Bowman, aged 37 yeans. Mis. Moore seemed in ber u hemlth on Friday pieceding ,!eatb, wben she left ber home Enniakilien where she ncsided h er husbmnd ad is parents, M. Mrs. Jabez Moore, to spend as holiday with ber parents in Bowr ville. On Smtuznday sbe and fiv ber sistens met at their pan( home and bad a happy time toget On the Monday nîonning vhen did not corne to breakfast witb others hen mothen wcnt to ber r and quietly caiied ber nme. 'W she did mot amswer ber mn, thougbt she siept and left ber t then hnuu'. She we'nt again to refit and wben again there Ivas nesporiso tn ber caîl she tnioti oronge ber anid failing to do sit zrand-daugbtor quicklm' aum il'n. Slenii sîbo pronounccri life tinct. The decoajscd Ias of a quiiet tin-sînui,'nature l)assleriatets' f ef hiin. lci' sutiuion den h s r'ot shttck to aIl]ber fan 'l fî'iciits. 'The funril sers ides on We~di tlax. :Tovi ". wreyn'lngl et-tI idtIw e-o c'onductctl lt' F. M. ( îr ikie and I P r . ) . - t.B w î m î v l o r ~'ît ii itttI Eînisttilltn. o "Ill Illett î Ga"tro ', a favoreî- 'ii e ittasedj The int'Ierljt iii:tii n otlosdu (eilltoî's. S'I 'dand bis parents. hliii-mtl :il1 fatlîoî'antI sisters. Mit. Iý1:i7It1t Mriz .-If. \s' . I lîîtI Sns. \on-ton Edzar. Mis, ljin Riciltý Md.rîls. Attan Lavis, Osbni The îul-on'e ~ccsix hi'eth- in-l:uîs. Arthtin Stainten.AMf. A Newfotn Edzarn. iiiis Glaid%"- Haon Richards and Allauî LIN Th c fow os w tre %t'-(. he uti anl corsistcd f: Pillow, liusbar The iaughimg, dancing, filmnh: The combination of a Jewiý l'tber amd an Irish mother-1, wonder she got into trouble-ai aughed mnd danced ber way ini love! Also chapter § 0 "«The Hous. Without &ae1 COMING JUNE 6.7 Johm Gilbert mnd Greta Garbo1 'FIesh and the Devil" -1 OBITUARY Mrs. James Hodgson, Tyrc The passing of Margaret beioved wif e of Mr. James Hl Tyrone, on Saturday, May 14, the death of a highty respecto dent of Darlington, wvho after iliness bas been called to the of a higher tife. Deceased wý in August, 1849. She was oi farnily of eight chiidren, out oi oniy three are living. She was united in marniag James Hodgson on Septembt 1874, and tbey have spent their lives near Tyrone. The brated their golden wedding years ago at the home of the R. J. Hodgson, in Tyrone villa Early in life she u.nited wi Methodist Church and as long was able she was a faitbful rr and attendant thereto. Altbougb of a quiet and r disposition, she had a host of1 as many expressions of lov% sympathy were given toi the be ones. She wilt be greatty mû the home and community as sl neyer as happy as when surri by ber friends and dispensing hi lity. Hier borne was always o er friends. In bier demisea neigbbor and friend bas passý one wbo was atways ready to 1 every good work for the bette of the churcb and commur which se ived. The funerat was hetd on M~ afternoon May 16th., from thE ity residence. so-uth of TyronE was largely attended by symj ing friends and neigbbors who to pay their tast tribute of ri to one who had been a respecte zen for many years. Thea was conducted by Rev. J. R., Pour, Pastor of Tyrone Circui ter singing "Rock of Ages" fottowed a few words of chee: comfort witb prayer, then the si of "Safe in tbe Arms of Jesus' ed the service. The cortege proceeded to Bel Cemetery wbere interment took in the famiy plot. Besides lier husband she teav mourn ber loss one son, Robert Tyrone; and one daughter, Mr. G. Hooper, also of Tyrone. On ter, Mrs. James Storie and brother, Mr. John Noble, boi Tyrone, and one brother, Mr.1 Noble, Orono, also survives. The pail-bearers were: Messr H. Mutton, Albert Hawkey, Th Richards, Geo. Smith, A. W. and W. H. Hooper. The flower-bearers were: M, L. T. McLaughlin, Lorne Phare, Stapies, Frank Werry, Luther 1 er, P. Hayward, A. W. Clemeni Roy and Atbert Huis. The floral offerings were beai including a piltow from the fai Sprays from the grandchitdren, and Mrm. Geo. W. McLaughlin, awa; Sheaf fromi Mr. and Mrn. , Wood, Toronto; Sheaf, Mr and H. M. Asling, Toronto; Wreath, and Mrs. RaY McLaughtin, Osh Sprays, Mr. and Mis. A. Creaig Mr. and Ms. Frank Thomas, Mis L. Jones, Toronto; Miss Aima lard and Miss A.nnie Johns. Blow ville; Mr. and Mis. C. F. Awde, and Mrs. F. Werry, Mr. and P. HaYward, Mr. and Mis. A. Annis, Mr. V. A. and Miss M. E er, Toronto; Mr. and lirs. Ed- Doidge, BOwmanville; Mri. and' James Storie ,Mr. John Noble,' and Mis. Wilt Cann, Mr. and Wm. Henderson and Mi .and Mi jPLANS FOR ORANGE WALK LOCAL AND OTHERWSE ,one About 2500 Orangemen Expected at Hear "Wilowdale" at Base Line Bowmanville 12th of JuIy this (Tbursday) evening. Noble, Mrs. Foster G. Bray, Toronto, spent .odgsor., People of B-owmanviile and dis- the weekend with ber parent, M. records trict bave sometbing to look forward and Mrs. W. B. Pincb. Led resi- te when the Orangemen of the Coun- M .a d M s h ri a s n h v ra long ty of Durham West celebrate the Mran Ms.CaeDwonbv reward 237th anniversary of the Battie or te to tenir homek in Campeil- ras bor a the B oyne, in B ow m anville July 12tt o d a t r sp n i g a w ek wt.h i ne of a The local Lodge, (L.0.L No. 2384), grandson, Mr. Harold Clemens. ýf which is laying plans for the county walk. The play "The Arrivai of Kitty" Arranemens arebein pla ned the Opera House on Wednesday A r r n g e e n t a r b e n g l a n e d a n d T h u r s d a y e v e n i n g s d r e w g o o d g e w ith bD Y th is g e n e ra l c o m m itte e : C h a ir. a d e c s r v di g b a a o u er 6, an-. Cnnel; ecrtar-H.for att. The characters were well att of H enning; T reasurer-J. Sw indels ; h s n a d al d d w l . T e p o l eyceIe- Committee men-Major F H. Boun: hsnadaIddwl. Tepol thnee sali, C. Gatcheil and F.msSelr of St. John's Cburch bave been re- ei n son, T his com m ittee w ill also have cha ge qu s e to p e nt i on e m r , o age. of ecepion grondsandcomne te the Opera House next Tues- cge. of reception, ganunds and pnîzes. d ith the Chaininen of other sub committees ysevelfn.njyi fry as she are :-F. H. Bounsail; Sports-C.sef ember Gatchel; Decoration-Thos. Seters; Empire Day celebration by the Transportation-.J Swindes; Souven- pupils of the town public schools waa retrin ir--A. Fletcher; Finance-F. H. inarred by a downpour of ramn which ering ounsal Parking-A. Haliday; Pub-, prevented carrying out the original fieands licity andi Advertising-H. Henning. pîogram in the morning. In the. af- e andternoon they mnarcbed te the Soldiers' reaved Responses from the invitation sent Memnorial suid after a short prayer ssed in out bave been received from the fol led by Rev. J. U. Robins, three of the ;e w as iow ing counties: D urham Ea t,j st u e t , o ha f t e p pi s d - 2unded Durham West, Ontario Soutb, Peter- outdnts, on beaothn eaiisade lospita- bore West, Victoria and Toronto. ~ie )Pen to Over 60 lodges haveacpe th -e base of the monument. Singing v v acetedth i- of '0 Canada' and 'Grod Save the a good vitations te be bere on the Glorous K « 'b o g t he a h ri t a ied on, T w elft . T his m eans that at east ing ' r t g t t e g t e i g t sudden close as the rain again put help in 2500 Orangemen wili be in B',wman- in an appeanance. erment ville that day. Officers and memnbers of Welling- nity in The local lodge apprecate the as- ton Lodge, No. 19, S.O.E., the Juv- sistance of churches te provide meals enlIe Lodge and Daughters and Maids [onday for the visitors. If tbe ladies societ- of England attended service at St. e f mm - ies of the churches w l l get in touch J h ' b r b o u d y m r i g e,tand witb Secretary Henningbe il give when visiting brethren from Oshawa, pathiz- them necessany information. Hampton and other places joined )came _____ witb them. Rev. R. J . Sbires, Rect- repect or, preached a very suitable sermon d citi- EXCURSION TO ROCHESTER and the choir rendered good music. ervice1 They marcbed te the Soldiens' Me- Trum- Wade'à Annuai Outing to "Fower morial where a brief service was t. Af- City", Wednesday, June Sth beid and a beautiful wreath placed there_____ on the monument. On returning to ýr and Al aboard! Warden M. J. El- the Lodge Room a earty vote of inging liott announces the annual boat trip tbanks wms moved and seconded, clos- of the Counties' Counicillors and expressing appreciation te the choir, others to Rochester via Ontario Fer- officias and minister for courtey ex- :hesda ry on June Sth. Leave Cobourg tended to the Lodge. place1 8.30 a. m.; returning leave Rochester 3îembers of Bowmanville Women's 6 p. m. and Genesee Dock 6.30 Pn. M. Institute spent a pleasant evening at ves to Ial standard time. Return fane: the home of Mis. Geo. B. Bickle, j. ofi adults $2.05; children $1.05; inciud- Liberty Street, on Monday, May 23, rs.D. img war tax. Tickets good te stop in bonor of one of thein xnemhc-rs, e ais- over tilt June 9, 1927. Mrs. W. B. Pînch, wbo [s movimg to Sone An invitation is extended to cti- Toronto. The evening was pleasantly )t of zens of Northumberland and Durhamk sPent, Mrs. Alex. Colville and Mrs. David Counties te take in this popular trip. R. Thompson endering deligtful Get acquminted vwitb mnemb.srs of solos,. accompanied on the piano by T. J. Counties' Counil. Meet old friends.1 Miss Evelyn Bickle, while Mrs. W. hoa Enjoy the sait on Lake Ontario. Seel, Adams was happy ilaler humrons Annis the many attractions and beautyl recitt1ons. Ms. J. T. Hooper read spots in Rochester, "The Flow ra .hrtadress wliîe Mrs. Geo. H. lessirs. City". Let's go. Bickeiî îpresented a dozen silver tea Wm. poons (Adams Patter), exressive of the good wisbes of the membsrq Ho MINISTERS AND CHURCHES f the Institute. Mis. Pincb s, R. thanked the membeis for their good St. Andrew's Preabyterian Cbuîcb. wisbes and gift and ail sang beartily ,tiful Rev. R. McDerment, minister. Sun- "For She's a Jolly Good Fellow". .mily; day service at il a. m. and 7 p. m. Miss E. E. Haycraftpresided, and ïMr. Sunday School at 2.30 p. m. after asocial bour in wbich abund- Osb- E. R. St. Paul's Curc, Rev. D. W. ance of refehments were served SMs. Best, D.D., Minister. 11 a. M.- Mrs. E. R. Bounsal on beaf of mît i r The doing of mall things greatly: present thaked the hostess, Ms. hawa; 7 p m.-'The City of the Future".« Bickle, for opeing her home for the gmle' 2.30 p. m.-Sanday School and Bible occasion md al oined handsanmd s Ida Classes. sang Auld Lang Syne. Mr. and Mrs. Pinch hatvimg sold their hame tPot- St. Joseph's R. C. Church. Sun- are movimg to Toronto where they l'm - day services. Mass at il a. m. will reside ini future. ý,M. dygh savig time) ; Sudy Members of Cobourg ad Boy- Mr cho'fat 230 Pý. ~l~Eje nn 7 p. manville Rotary Clubs held au inter- RO PP Butler. . citY meeting et the Bowman Houas lward Friday eveing when about eight7 Mi. et. John's Anglican Chwerh , Rey otarians were present. Re. Robt. Mr. R. J. Sbies, Rector Sunda, iifter, Nicholson, of Sudbury Rotary Club, Mrs. Ascension Day, May 29tý., 1927. il who was visiting ini Cobourg, gave .L.a. m.-Holy Communion and Ser- an inteney interestimg addreas on mon. 2.30 p. m.--Sunday Schooi the "Economic Value of Birds,» in 7 p. m.-Evening Vrayer. -hich lie emphasized the necesity of protectîng birds un every possible Old friends of Rc. R. A. and Ms way as tey are man's best friemd. ron Delve, formely of Courtice Circuit,. Weîe it mot foi birds, he smid, thin TnuI, will bie peased to know that their wold would bie uninhbitable as the En- son, William, was ecetly ecom- earth would bie overun with inscta and mended by the Kingston Presbytery and bugs. Re made the statemeut iville, as a suitable candidate for the min- that man's et gret war might ot istry of the United Curch of Can- be between nations, but betweeu usual ada. He is now in Alberta, station- mani and the thousands of varions er ed at Vilna (near Edmonto-,--ks a i nsecta that pey upon vegetable lie. near Student Missionary. He as just The musical part of the pograrn was with completed bs 2nd yeari Art at furnnshed by M. Frank Odfeld, andQuen'sUniensty, Kingston. ' Toronto, who delighted bsflo s h o r t _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ R o ta ia n s w ith s u c b f a v o r ite s a s ,mari-The Sengeant Mayor, The Vagabond, e of Broken Weel, Father, Mothes and, Mandalay, mreds of Yesterday, -ent' Sisters; Sprays, M. and Mrs. Jabez The Adjutant and others. e was the. Moore, M. and Mrs. Wilfed Sand-_Iaccompànied at the piano by Ms. ishe erson, Mr. and Mns. Wili Oke Mnr. Oldfiled. Rev. J. U. Robins gave a ithe and Ms. J. J. Smith, Mn and Ms . short talk on Rotary Education and nomr Chas. Smith, Mn. mnd Mns. Frank Or-, D. R. Morrison spoke on the unique len chard and famly, Enniskillen; Mn. topc of Deadwood. Geo. E. Chase, )then and Mrs. Leslie Snowden, Mal President of Bowmanville Rotary an- Grove; Mn. and MNs. James Ho- Club, iincsided. er at, Sdina; 11r. and Ms. W. G.- H. C. Osborne, Communitv Grocer, sno GlIadwûl, Ms Sanders and family, Centre Street,' Bowmnanville, wil t,, Mn. anrd Mna. Gilbert - Wilkinson, keep bi-satone open everv evening, er Misses Olive Mutton and Enina A-j except Wednesday, during ice creamn mced c u nbrack. M. and Ms. Wilbur1"aeson until 10 p. m. (dayigt sav- 1xMoore, N. and Mrsz. John Hoidge . ng time). Neilson's Ice Cneam, Tororit,,N. arid Mns. E.. Plovntgbt'l Grocenies, Fresb Fruit in season. and 0<shaa; -Mr and Mis. Aldon TrulIl fnd z011î fiul'r. 1i.ant irsi. 11. Avers! iu.e ani d Mis. C . E. Heirn. llanuî tonl lit is] N, ,n( it( ýA à- enna'bian td'o rà ire

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