PAGE TWO THE CANADIÂN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, MAY 23th., 1927. DENALTHEEDTORTAKSCONFEDERATION AND AFTER- LOCAL AND OTHERWISE had greater influence on c-vilization, 1__________F ROGES contributed more to the success of DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Our History of Bible Christians i SIXY YERS 0JPRORES Gale Garrett, 18 the ambitious ,aid of the unfortunate Honr rauat i Dntitr Trono heDariington Circuit in last issue Idea of Confedieration Scarf e Ave., Brantford, Ont.,' cor- and comfort of the discouraged, than o fl e f ! Unierit. Gadat o th Rya ws bouhtupto 1853 and ail fin -_,________uan gecy Coliege of Dental Surgeons of On- ancial records were in £.s.d-pounds, Wh is o ie h dao rtcle statemient in Whistling Jim'san trhu nagcy tario. Office King St., Bowmanviile. shillings and pense. Revs. Paul ikn together in a strong and per- Rev. "Do YouaRkemember n-lW h" AtHoeretn" fae of the ann op uaic iTh s Office phone 40. House phone 22. Robins and George Haycraft were the manent union the scattered colonies buiîtLCe la ark s son-in amewhs 'tdHombe" of the PortHoe Musc X-Ray Equipment in Office. regular ministers and Mr. Nichiolas of British North America, it would Bain, a gentleman of advanced SuyCu edi h ntdCuc Rodd was a hired local preacher-ail be difflouit to say. Probably, like thought and reading. Ris widow Wednesday afternoon were the re- I t r s i g T s i o i l DR. J. C. DEVITT receiving £9 per quarter, "everything a good many other important move- -r.Bi ie ihhrsn r ports given hy ear'h of the four clubs ments, this idea of Confederation was C. Bain, la-wyer, Minneapolis, Minapeeto ebrhp uesadtosnso oe oai hi okn nPret Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- At the May Quarteriy Meeting at a graduai growth, simmering in the adte ii r.n r.Gr regulations and a generai outiine of Tcns of huadofwredol ti ckngnPretý manvile. Offce hors andthey vsit M and Ms. Garett te the gapro orram pforouthearpreviCousStyear.EvOilowCookl atoeass.owEeeryeaowhntr mavle fiehus9 a. mi. to 6 Bethesda James Hughes, at 21 years minds of a few men of vision until annually and renew the friendsh iTh eort for the Oshawa Club was women tell us: p.m.dalyexep Sndy. Phneof age, was recommencieu to Dist-th time was ripe to make it a real- formed in Bowmanville when thIPe re 90. House phone 283. rict meeting to travel and Peter Wer- ity. Most people are inciined to iived here. Thank you. Mrs. tCar- iebyMsChrsMud;is DR .E DNIEL ry, Richard Smale and j. Thornelassociate it with the Fathers of Con- rett. Mr. James Gale, former editor E. Morris read that from Bowmnan- "Mi, Perfectiosss sst me greatly in "My Perfection is ec'snornical in iiul D.RE.DNIELmville; Cobourg's xvas presented b asciosas ose osulks-.oal andi clean, requires s aull space Unit-admebr fRya oleeAnnuai Meeting "to consider the' lier than their day. They, how- with his sister in Brantford and \ve MRsEPLo d o r .ortHope. afsss,11cýJn as btmieusani. sicebrhavether, no heit ane r upipesintorpi verityandmemer f RyalCoIegepowers with which we consider the ever, took hoid of it and trîmmed and are glad to hear that his health hasRee eotd frPr oe l i,,i l ýctir ocirnyo ie orp of Dental Surgeons. Licensed tO General or Annuai Meeting in Con- fashioned it into a practicable somewhat improved.s Those taking part in the programn ther. i cn aIl tred and lbusr.ry, and cdean." practise in Ontario and the Domin- ada shouid be vested according to thel scheme. TePinigPrs h ostmn, Mr w re Ms. . .Gea . cEpais; a kefr wsrb- heli e r ,has e IsA.EDrOt Ion Dntsty i al tebrachs.reuet o te isionryCemite1 0f the thirty-three Fathers of pewerful, the most hêlpful,. and the M~r,. T. W. Cawker, acconanied by that thc pecrless lI sets-on - als Office-King St., Bowmanville, OP- in Engiand". Confederation, perhaps seven may most constant friend of man; it is the M~rs D. R. Morrison, violin obligato stands in ,ith the cook'- is sure c tohbn lofth eretonbi poste an ofMotrel. hoe 31. At August Q. Ni.-.Mîchaeln.s-it be regarded as the governing minds. beacon of hope, the lamp of iearning by Mr. F. Sutton; double trio by brin5.' or arry o t s.. un the rnorin.1lk ___ ____ was carried tiiat Hampton wvas a bet- These wvere the actual Fathers of and the iight of progresq; it is the Mesdames Dudley, Neal, Best, Anrler- Nies. E. S., Arr/,,rstburg& Ont. à se. n( its accomrnodating quic( ter place for the ministet's heuse Confederation-Macdonaid, Cartier, compantion of %wisdom and the cham- son and Foster. High tea was serv-* uscfuînecss." te ascertain what expense had been and it is probable that Gait, although kolde n h oro po-epesd r.W dm paig" iem efcinc]sieb-NR.J . t 'lr'»Ot M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., IL. D. incurred by Providence Board and' ijttle is heard of him today, shouid tknowledge, uadarthe o ir o oppor exprssedMrs. . Acmsapasige1 ike mi ef.ncectionoresuiest s'c .Ms.RS.Mr'.O Barrister, Solicitor, Notary report at next Q. M. At the Dist-i rank high even among these. With- theories into facts, and~ dreamit into. andi econsnical. "Haive fossnc4tise Perfection nil stole Money to loan on Farmi and Town rict Meeting at Columbus on May 27,1 eut the influence and enthusiasm of realities; it is thc ambasador of ac-1 10 Ladies' Cloth- Tailored Suits, Nias. N\. L., Bs.amit ille, Ont. vers- s' sensscin ssckness, particularly Property. Royal Bank Building, Rv.PuRois Aba Mors(Criri ulhveenimsilelconsplishment ,and the herald of worth up te $25.00, go on sale Thurs- ll umry litl r:i .as do g.rocs1 s sick Bowmanviile. Phone 351. Thomas Green, R. L. Tncker, JohnI te persuade French Canada te con-1 achievement; the preserrer of the dyno t$50 ah he iiawe eusSalo .ne .îuat Hodgson and John Pinch, prearhers,j sent te the union; Brown ensurod. past, the recorder of the present, and flot last long at this price. Couch, "Dsbecs requi.inug a constant brut for an Mis. A. V., Port Arthur, Ont. W. R. STRIKE and John H. Smaie, John Dix and the support of the influentiai Re-l the inspiration of thoý future;iha Johnston & Cryderman. any citn .nefsns bccookesi on ITI ucssrIlutD.B ipok ..ent. and Tilley won the Maritimes; Mc- Porfectow :k. 1 arn ce roent ta rbn BarseSlctr oay Newcastle friends wanted a chapel Geo by his eloquence swayed the Ir- 1~ have prepared ans-. !h for the t"iMlly Solicitor for Bank of Montreai but the Q. M. was of opinion that the ish vote; and Macdonald's inimitable that it will turii out as i anrscuî'are." Money to Loan Phaiso 91 friends there must undertake the re- leadership piloted Confederation 5Mats. T. W., enjus-ut, Ont. Bowmanville, Ontario sponsibiiity. through countless difficulties; but it At the February Q. M. fin 1851 a remains true that without the far- O* W. F. WARD, B. A. cemmittee was appointed te secure, sightedness and enthusiasm and con-1 I on a ig BarseSolicitor, Nota!'y money te erect a buitabie memioriaij ýtructive mind of Alexander Gait it in hmats oes i us rmit Barrsteran Bonds for aule. te Rev. Phiilip James -.sho had psej' very uniikeiy if the Dominion riiccount ast i ead ol o b eertn t im1l 5 burners. i>rices $15 te $150. Distri- Offices-Bieakley Block, King St.t, srwad o ul ee.oclbain t im Bowmanville, Ontalio. Phones: James Hughes was provided with a n uiee e l ~buted in Canada by Ofie12 os 0.herse, saddle and bridie. Gait saw, years beforo his asse- R a C n ene c Atffidad10Ma,9, Q. M.4Wn. itt ciates, that a union of ail the pro- Particularly as a matter of famiiy TLl[EMEAPRoCTC.ouI At Ewas a yintQd.tM.attn isdtti vinces was the only solution of the convenience dees the joint account TESMOTA L TRODuTO WC.""\TPLGDA FNRLDRC RS Meeting. Preachers' salaries wore problemt, the oniy way eut of the demonstrate its value. Ail funds EDMONTON VANCOUV ER CALGARY FNRLDRCOS considered. People shoulil net wish political tangie which every year was. depesited are subject te withdrawai l F. F. MORRIS CO. te see their ministers less c3Dmfort-1 becoming more hopoless. He took at any time by either of the persons able than themseives. Recommended, the idea Of Confederation and, with BANKING in whose names the joint account is Complets Motav,. orthtslrebeafoovs infinite care, buiit it up into a cern- Fopened. In case of the decease of ' CI D Hosfqimn htslaisb sflo itnge spraticand pliticas of hsdam eroh oeo teprtiesholingEajointC TIO Horse Euipmont men £27 los a year; married preache-ial cee h IT ccutalmnymyb ihrw Ailecs.apromptly ers £45 a year. Ciidren, fph- nepri eand prtcanso i aewr n of th ey aies oîng aJont attended ta £7. 4s., 2nd de, £6. 12s., 3rd do £6,i snciined at first te iaugh at him and IYEAR ItceuntintherStAdardt Ban i -il C /? tzls andreai Private Ambulance 4th and every additionai child £5. 8s, te brush his plan aside as an impos- by outhenother.tadjoiBn s anga a-C ckSovsaz v Bowinanville phono up te 14 years of age. Preachers sible dream, but in the end they werel convenience where twe people desire SOL BY MASON & DALE, DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE 10 and 34 having herses providod by the Con- forced te admit that it was net onîyj access te the same funds. Branch Stores~ nexion may retain them at £8 each. practicable but the only possible road1 Orono & Newcastle In future they must provide their, te peace and socurity. Gai t net onlyj -own herse, saddie and bridle andi developed the scheme of Confederaý pay their farriers bis. No aiiow-! tien, but hie, more than any otheri n e n la dË t r lP is AA M. ance to be granted for doctor's at- man, prepared the public mind tej S M D ANIN 1I}R Dj B A N Kar omtyelvdby ALNM ILAS tendanee or funerais. Money advanc- accept it. In seasen an d eut ef OF CANAJÀ%DA.'t Embaimer and Funerai Director. ed for preachers' houses or chapeis I season lhe taiked Cenfederation, and, BO MNILDRNHHlW ap aae HITASBESOOFRNRYFFT AS Calls given prompt and personal at- must ho refunded in quarteriy instail- although ne speli-bindWrIhisac1ear,7' tention. No extra charge for dis- monts by the circuits. legicai mmnd, his compiete faith in Branches al"o at N'ewcastle, N.wtonville, Orono, Oshawa DEFORE1 S TO IA L THGRAT EKSELER T tance. Phones 58 or 159, Bowman- Annuai Meeting was advised te ac-1 the idea, and the confidence that _____________CURATIVE__________ .* i'lue, Ont. 3-tf. cept offer of Bewmanville friends to people had in is integrity, won thel pay Rev. Gea. Haycraft's saiary in-ýspoto huadso iieswoîm dependent of chiidren's allowance, if1 otherwise might have regarded the MEDIAL ie b apointd t theciruit extunion of the provinces as a mad and year. Rev. P. Robins te be the Sup- aI rusexermIt B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. Il, C. M. erintendent. Mary Ann Robins' lst Without questioning for a moinenti Gold Medalist of Trinity University, qr. saiary paid was £2. 3 S. 9d: Paid' the debt that Canada Owes te thel Toronto. Four years atteiding Phy- for Nicholas Rodd's herse £16. 5. genius of Macdonald ,in steering the ~-~ oician and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel November Q. M. was held at Pro- ship of state through the rocks and .> f' Resience Welingon Sree., Bw- or te qurte: Res. P Roins 12 icia jlsousiesa nd mra isndr- ~~h ito r Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and vidence when these salaries were paid wircipo osiearys rc and pro --"r manie. PhWllnon Sret 108orte.urtr Rv. .Rois 1.standings into the harbour of Con- 1 . los, Henry Ebbott's £6. 5s, James fd Hughes £6. 5s, Geo. Haycraft £1'> edration it is only just to Alex- . 1 C. W. SLEMON, M. D.l C. M. 1O rahr'cide 88 ander Gait te remember that ho, r Graduate of Trinity Medical Coliege, Heuse rent £1, taxes 16s. 7d. Ricb-aeealohrswdtehedta Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. ard Allun and Win. Windatt, Circuit Macdonald reanpud. Macdonald was Offie ad ReillnceDr.Beit's tewads.a shrewd and cautieus statesman. Ho Offie ad Rsi'enc, D. Biths Sewads. Chas. R. Tamblyn, Geo. had ne faith in rash experiments. Ho former rusidence on Church Street, Hazeidine, Peter Wurry, Roertknwtath wie ndscsfu Bowmanville. Phon 259. 44-t.Couetce an arndoar wre apoint Phon 25. 4-t.Coutic an Mr Hor wre ppont-politician led the people the way __________a____________________ edr Circuit MasnagsiWng Committeeforec they wure aiready inclined te go. busiess Whn epens oferot-jMac donald was indeed the captairi of__ VETERINARY ing preachers' bouses is met £1 a qr.j Confederation, but Gaît was its pro- R.F .TIGHE be charged as rent te help raise al phet.I - fund fer building other circuit bouses. loehr eoeadatrCn VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or John Pincb and James Huges- eAioeh,Aefoand ftiloC on-a Night calîs promptîy attonded te. were appointed to ecome a fdrtin .uadr ilch Gi Office: King St. East, Bowmanvilie. course of study for the ministers. At'gvnurysxyerstthsrvc Phono .3.oet is country. He iivud te sou its Phone243.District Meeting beld at Eldad on, weak and scattured provinces weid-J E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. v. S.. May 31, 1855 Rev. John B. Tapp wasl ed into a powurful and ambitious Chairman, James Hughes, Secretary. Dominion. A man of rare persanal Honor G radaeofn ivrîy o Othurs present: P. Robins, A. charm, modust and unassuming but Hono Grduae 'f Uivesit ofMorris, Henry Ebbott, J. Hodgson, witb a quiet dignity that command- Toronto. AIl cases given prompt Geo. Haycraft, John Clarke, Richard ec respect, ho had the genîus of bisg and carefui attention. Offie- Allin, W. Windatt.I Dr. McElroy'a former offico. Phones: Rcmedu htprahrb family for finance and colonization, Clarke 8921 - .reachr. b and was a master of diplomacy. It Clake891;Orono 18-1. stationed on Bowmanville District. 1 is only right that Canadians shouid Darlington East-Paul Robins, S. P.1rumind themaulves that Ile owe a Robins. Darlington West-Honry i debt of gratitude te this man whose AUCTIONEERS Ebbott, J. Hoopur. Mariposa-J. constructive vision and untiring THEO Si. SLEMON Hughes. Pickring-John 1B. TaPp, effort wrere devoted 80 largeiy te thefi Auction«r J. Hodgson. Port Perry-Abrami creation and uphuilding of the Do- Morris. minion. Frarm and Hous Sales a Specialty. Report on the Spiritual State- Torms moderate. Enniskilien P. O0._____________ Phone 197r3. 1_-f: Ruspectîng our experionce: '"We1 wu love vtheorna love:u ound;1l monts: Darlington East-W. Hooper, o " " 0 ions; exult in our Guide; and re joicel S. P. Robins. Dariington West-. CHIROPUACTIC AND DRUGLF-33 in hope of a happy end". ~ Ebhctt, John Hooper.'Port Porry Mis- THEROPY Reprusuntatives to Conlurence p sion-Roburt Miller. Mariposa--J. DUWNE. STECKLEY pointed: Rova. Robins, Morris, HogH. Eyn, erc Cwil Pik Io*rgrdat c Trnt CU son. Laymen-Richard Ailin ering--Paul Robins. Scott-Thom- of Chiropractic will ha in the ow Thomas Courtice, John Dix, WM. as R. Hull. manville Office Tueaday, ï<j Windatt. Rev. R. Miller to change uvury 4th end iturday evenings, phone 141 Thefourth Annual Meeting for week with Dlarlington West preaeh- n L Radntial mlimuader. n p- .Bowmanville District was held at 1ers. Sytar -, tbying ordeal te, fac-u.e Conference and Ezra Turner ho tak- Bethesda Leakard Orono 1~ WrWiek's new DOUBLE on on as paid local preacher. D'e ritcatg te£Ilrcel e Rocommended to Conferuncê that--! aU T i' ela regular Book Room ho opuned i _______________.. * -. Bowmanviiie and trýat Rev. Geo. Hay-ExlsvAgnsfrteNwSaSiadForCidr crf eBo;.k Stewaxd, with saiaryEcuseAetsfrteNwSaSianForClde Cars, for Darlington and Whitby Townships as Conferenre may decide. T E D CSO Revs. J. H. Eynon, W. 11ooper, About School Work for Young peopflo Her botad e.HaeaT elain IghShoDl EISIrON eHICKSON MOTOR SALES ondaw St.W. ~~~~ministeriai and Wm. Landor bu the Probably our curriculum may help. T9Bn t . Llay delegate te Conference. Malled rea on requet to Shaw'@ (>bha172ld 45 Statloiting Comnmittes re cer- ________________________,_44___________ BowmnanviSUe172oand445 mendod to Confeenco tho"n appoint- We.t, Toronto. Po:4