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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1927, p. 3

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fRE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 26th., 1927. PAGE THEZE t Nugget Wbite Dreasrng lsa srosi "stlcker." The longest, fastest set can't shake off j snowy whitenees. Whcthcr votir shoce canvas or buck. always use "Nuggee" WhIte wiNUgGEDfressng Th are'sa " Nugal'"ahade for .very sao. mode.U HE COLEMAN Stove in a modern up-ote- minute cooking unit. It brin"galal the advatae of city gai service rlght Into your home-no mater where you live.. asy, economical and safe ta orats. Makes and burns i1w own gas-na piping, nowrlng, no installetion expene.. Wlth the Improved generetor, the Colemnan la ready wth ful cooidng hat in a minute or losi Produces a cleewr cookiiig fire-no ooot on utenails. QuicJoer cc.okng action-balla half a gallon af water in 4j minutes. You have a steadder caalng blase --lnstently rsguiatess any good grade of regular motor gasoline se fueL y a aeyu choice af many new and attractive mndsb wthandwSthout aovens and warning cabinets. Ail reasonablyprlced. Lot your dealer dornonstrate Cab*man Stavea. If ho la not snpplied, wite n. Addrsea Dept. B310 THB COLEMAN LAMP & STOVE CO.. là&. Qu... st. Eu" sMd Davtss A. GAS PRESSURE STOVIES SOLD BY MASON & DALE, DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE Pure tea of finest quality, free of dust and packed in Aluminum. TEAs goocttea'" RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. M 460 Domiton Storesq throughout Ontario and Quebec. A mighty chain built on Service and Quality. Buy "Where Quality Counta " andm save regularly Hfilerest Banud Hartlett "ru,@c SPEA R S Nea tm7cu sCanpbel'Is Tomato Soup 1:11d, Special W.kemd D«M» Mr*" ami Sale e emy Qualft7 3 s ayale PeeOean 2 m 2 3 C L.b.,d Fruit.ss. l U5tUdU eVa b &e ~Apke* '~ . Cll. *b.il P od Wheîle29 ,.e ..Pitt" 590, ~ s. elccu Chrriesoot. 2I eame fl mt i Crk 24 I weet 9 M Flak lm ~t ~ 2es Pfrun e HW tced 8e sse MO q teste BtZactve uminiat ued ort frs Be sue a.dgotocomreteon ___ vroo * ,.NW< st andPrutenesa e laum sWw.e~W e ale2a5Ct z , i34mesouan" %,leh Oeoaf teseatret se.ke3sSDOIdaJue portraisi Ridgetown Ont., 1927. See the bangaininl Men's Suits st Coucb, Johngton & Crydernman's. Geo. Crombie, who has had 40 yeans' expenience as a watch and dlock repairer, solicits a share of your business. See bis advt. BLACK MODEL The Pure Bred Ciydesdale Stallion "Black Model" [16880]. An Ai Premium Horse and one af the best broeding hanses in this part, the pro- perty of W. J. Ormiston, Enfield, Ontario, will make the season of 1927, cammoncing May 23rd., as follows: Monday afternoon-Will beave bis own stable, Enfild, and, proceed ta Jas. Crossman's, Haydon,' for the night; Tuesday noon-At H.1 G. Macklin's, Tyrone; Ttiesday night; -At J. T. J. Coie's, Bethesda; Wed-1 nesday noon-At Walter J. Rick-j ard's, Shaw's Schooi; Wednesday1 night-At Beith's Waverley Stables,: Bawrnanville; Thursday noon-At' Fred Courtice'a, Courtîce; Thursday, night-At Bert Glaspell's, Taunton;, Frlday noon-At Gardon Scatt's,, Perrirnan's School; Friday night-' Return ta hie own stable and romain' till Monday afternoon. Terma $15, tryiing bard to get yur goat, When the claws of grim depression seern ta grah yo1 by the throat, Pucker up your lips, aId man, and whistle for awhile, For a whistle is the happy second cousin ta a srnile. Whistie when yaure aut of wark; whistle when you're blue, Whistle when you're broke and al the bills are coming due; Business cares and warries fade, al worsted in the fray, And clouds of gloom soon vanish when you whistie 'em away. The darkness keeps away from cheer, the time is always noon To the fellow who can smile a bit and whistle up a tune; Sa pueker up your lips, old rnan, and whistle for a whie, 'Cause a whistle is the happy second cousin ta a srnile. Whistling Jies. NOTICE I arn prepared ta do ail kinds of cernent wark: Foundatiana, Floors, Sidewalks, etc. Aiso Cernent Blocks and orna. mental cernent brick of several designs. Estimates given free. Wark done prornptly and at- isfactory. L. TURNERjL Phone 170 Seugog St. Bowrnanvllle se Nêsendme * SM FARTICULARLY UNT(RUTSO 15- Cb,.I N.,, ct.e Il,, T..,tu kU.,.,S.. D.Iv r.,.I..i FI.hê,4 F'-..-~-'e. I ______________ T ~ V.,S..< i~~] liii L.I.u.tu. e. .g.,é~d le. e8 I. slely - ut.. OBITUARY DO YOU REMEMBER WHEN? HIGH SCHOOL CADETS Frederick Denseni, Bowmanvilie Mars of Whistling Jin'a Contributions Annual review of High School i Cadet Corps took place on Tltursday, A highiy respected citizen in the i John Black asked sorne time ago May 12th at 2.30 P. m. The salute persan of Frederick'Densem passed: if anyone rernembered how Bowrnan- was taken by Captain Lee of Military to the reward of a life well-livedi on' ville celebrated Queen Victoria's District Headquarters, No. 3, Kings- Tuesday, May 17th in bis seventy- Jubilee in 1887. That year was a ton. There were 63 cadets on par- ninth year. He had been inf faiin1adrnark in my life as rny father ade, under the command of Capt. health for some logtm when, tok me ta spend the summer in Eng- Clinton Caverly, Lieut. Jim Devitt about a week ago, hie contractedI land and we spent two weeks in Lon- and Lieut. Stuart Candler. A large pneumonia from which he did nlot re-, don during the celebration and saw audience including Colonel E. E. cover. i not only processions in which Queen Snider, Major W. J. Hoar and Coi. The late Frederick Densem wasl Victoria and the Prince of Wales L. T. McLaughiin witnessed the ,ar- born in Bath, County of Somrilerset-l (afterwards King Edward the Sev- bous movements and the Corps gave sbire, England, in 1848, where he 1 enth) took part, but attended the a splendid sbowing. Besides the spent bis early days. In 1866 he!Arnerican Exhibition in whlch Buif- officers special credit is due to Sergt- was united in marriage ,ith Annie aiso Bill and bis Cowboy and Indian Major A. McDonald and Sergt. John Elizabeth Freeman wbo predereased troupe put on the first Wiid West James, who were called uapon 1y bim on November 9tb., 1909. He Show ever beld in England? the Inspecting Officer to put the came te Canada in 181i2 and settled Few boys of eleven years of age1whole company througb rifle drill. in Bowmanville, working for manviever had such a train of thrills as Il At tbe conclusion of the review years in the Upper Canada FurniturýeJ experienced during that momentous Capt. Lee decorated the company Factorv and the Dominion Organ & trip. 1 was well versed in English commander with a silver medal, the Piano Co. history and knew what to look for platoon commandens with bronze Deceased ýwas a life-iong memberi when we visited the Tower of Lon- medais. and the shooting champion of the Anglican Churcb, having for' don, St. Paul's Cathedral where. 1 for the past year, Pte. H. Colmer. many years assisted in St. Jobn«s climbed the 365 steps ta the Whisper- with a gold medal. He then com- Choir, also a member of the Orange ing Gallery, the Houses of Parlia- plimented oficers and men on their Order and in politics a staunch "on- ment, Windsor Castle, Buckingham excellent work. servative. Palace, Madame Taussad's Wax Mr. W. B. Couch, Chairman of the His genial and kindly disposition, Works, the Zoological Gardens in High School Board, nmade a short endeared hlm to many friends. Thruj Regent's Park, the greatest in the~ speech and was presented with a ail bis long ilness his daughter, world, the Crystal Palace whene the bouquet by Miss Esther Wallace on Mary, had been most faithful and Jubilee Firoworks were superwonden- behaîf of the Literary Society, after devoted, giving bim constant and un- fui for that time, and many other which the Corps presented arms ta remitting attention. He was the places of histonical and scenic in- Mr. Couch. last surviving member of his family, td'rest in good old Mennie England Proceedings ciosed with tbree bis only brother John, having died1 from Liverpool ta London and from cheers for His Majesty the King, several years ago. London ta Land's End, with sevenai three cheers for Capt. Lee, and a The funeral tock place on T'nurs- weeks amid gloriaus rural and ses-~ short march route tbrouth the town. day, May 19, the service being con- coast beauties of Devonshire and ducted by Rev. R. J. Sbire":, Rector Cornwall.1 of St. John's ('huren. Tb-ý floral We crossed from New York on S.t offerings were many and very beauti- S. City of Rome, then the îargestf The very newest in Enit Suits, fui. steamship afloat, and at Liverpool on C aats, Dresses, Sport Sweaters just He leaves taenîourn bis loss four the Mersey River saw the Great unpacked at Couch, Johnston & sons, John in Portland, Oregon; Eastern just as it was broken up af- Cryderman's. Frederick, William and Arthur, Bow- ter flnishing its great task-tbe lay- manville; and two daughtors, Mrs. ing of the flrst and second Atlantic Chas. Goodman and Miss Mary, at cables. home, besides nint, grandcbildren ivhen the Chinese Statearnan, Là PORT DARLINGTON HARBOR CO. and ten great grand-cbiidren. Hung Chang a giant in stature com- ANNUAL MEETING The pali-bearprs were: Messrs. pared with the average Chinamlin Ntc shrb ie htteana Charles Goodman ,Alan Densom, we see, visited the Toronto EXPosi- Genpral Meeting of the Stocklholders of Milton Wilcox, PhiliD Jerreatt, Sam- tien, and during the sojourn in Tor-1 thle Port Dariington Harbor Company uel Warren andl Everett Orniiston. onto gave an interview in which hel wii be heid at the office of the com- The relatives attending froni a clairned that thousands of years agt> pany. Port Dariington, Town of Bowman- distncewer: M. ai Ms. . Jr- i th tine f te geatChieseville, on Mondly, the sixth day of June, Mitnewrs.E outba'nd Mrs. H. Den- pilosher Cmeofuieus, b is epe 12,at th; hour of four ociock in the reatt, Mr.E otan r.H e-pioohrCnuis i epeatternoon for the -etectiono'of Directors semn, Mrs. A. Densern Mrs. George1 ee8 a dacd idsrai for thle said company for ensu ing ya Alu an daghtr, issGrea Aunthat they had ail the modern mach- "nd for transaction of such business as ail 0 Tornto.may come before the meeting. aloToot.ineny, mechanicai rnethods and elect- J. A. McCLELLAN, ical devices that we have today. And Sicretary. CARD 0F THANKS that labor saving through their use tiated at Bowrnanviile, May 17, 1927. advanced ta such a degree that it was 202w 'ie family of tbe late Frederick decidod by universal consent ta throw Densemn desire tij thank the many ail machinery and such contrivances friends and neighbors for the syrn- jnte the sea or destroy in some way patby and 1kindines.4 shown them dur- and stant ail over again porforrning ing the illness and death of their wonk by band. He was net generaliy father, and Io- the beautiful floral believed as he could nlot show ado- offerings. quate proof, and the prirnitive rneth-, '0WN 0F BOWMANVILLE ods now in use in China do net justi- COURT 0F REVISION AND APPEAL THE SOLDIERS' MEMORIAL fy the belief that the Chinose are 1 oic i 'hrey gve that the tiret _______ ~or ever have been a race of inventors, sNttiilgf hut of eiiofrth Amid ail the records which mention mechanical geniuses or great think- Town of Bownianvilie will be held in the Brave fathers and ni thers and ens. Among their four hundred mil- Coune 1 Room In said Town on Thursday, wies lon yu anceat thei tmo June 2nd, 1927, at 7.30 p. m. ta hear and wivs, . ion yo cn cun îrgreat e determine the several comglaint.s af er- This monument calleth attention on the fingers of one handf r ors and omissions in the Assessment To soldiers who laid down their When a stereoscope and dozens of Rail of. the said Muntcipality for the year lives. double vie'w photographs pl*in and' Ail persons having business at the colored, of Niagara Falls, the Rockyl Court are requested to attend as afome- It tells of the thought which inspired Mountains, etc., were part of the en-1 said. thmtertairiment along with the farnily Ceka JOHN LYLE, tbem ofthe Town af Bowmanvil!e. To promptly respond to the cali album in every parlor? Dated this lSth day of May, 1927. 20-2 And go where the Empire required When Wax Flowers, immortellesi ______________ them and ornarnents made with white and To place on its aitar thein ail. colored crystals, set in deep glass frames lined with black velvet with Though dangers were thick in tbe heavy gilt picture frarne fronts, were ocean, popuiar parlor ornarnents and were And foos were infesting the air, displayed at Faîl Fairs in the Art They proved their unswerving de- Departments? votion1 When Cycioramas and Panarama By wonth that no words can de-i Views of vaniaus war scenes were ii clare.1 on view at fifty cents a persan, 1nowspaperrnen and chiidren free inr E We tbink of brave mon who wero every lange city? Isn't there a cy- wounded- clonama building still standing in Tor- The injured, the maimed and the onto near the Union Depot? blind: We think of their courage unbounided When oranges wene punchased on- Who willingiy died for mainkiiid. Wy at Christmas time and when there' was sickness in the home? When Witb parents and sisters and brothers1 oysters were served oniy once or Aff ection is prompted toesay: twice during each winter, and every While honour is given ta other church onganization on fraternal body None could ho more wontyta gave an oysten supper in January thoy. or February each year? . When we boys ail beiieved that While those who are grateful arelthe fish worms we saw on the aide- aiming wib aks after the ston came down Their deeds wt due honaun to setl with the nain? A]l citizens join in excliming When we aise believed that if we Thei naes e wll nverforet.soaked hains from hanses' tails in Thei naes e wil nver g.,water lu the waterbarrel or cistern The service they rend ered we treas-; long enough they would turn into ure snakes? 1 More highly than language can Wheu we believed that hoopsuakes tell: took their talla in their moutha and I ' untfedmw rzebyn s1ae do u yet.in ftr s S Thtfedmw pibyn ens-dochaed sbt oln.atruSm For wbich they sel valiautly feli. T. Watson.1 When the zpesky imps of oloom are. CORBETr MOTOR SALES CO. Bowmanville, Ontauio PRODUCT 0FP GENERAL -MOTORS 0F CANADA, LIMITHD six TRE famous inside passage on the cost of British Columbia lias but two scenic rivais in the whole worldl This sheltered channel hugs mountain- rimmed aud glacier-clad shores for one thousand miles, threading fjords more beautiful than those of Norway. If yau pIn your vacation trip, into Britishi Columbia b* Canadian National Railways, and hamewards by Canadian Pacific Railway, you wiii enjay thia wonderfai steaxuship trip froni Prince Rupert ta Victoria and Vancouver. Came westward and aeo 'Canada's Evergreea Playground,"' a land of towering mauntains, fertile valleys, and tremendous forests that border on the great Pacific. A land of oppartunity greater and richer in naturel resources thon the states of Washington, Oregon aud California combined. A land sa rich and sa large it could support twenty million people, yet today there are but 560,000 saufs deveiaping and participating in its wealth. Truly a land of opportunity Mail coupon for detailed information. BRITISH COLUMBIA PUBLICITY COMMITTEE 348 PENDER STREET W. VANCOUVER, B.C. N OT even t ' -f4'z" 'l ur- ing 1926-îior even izs tre"'cndous sales, which more than doubled the best previous first-vez.- rccord f n rc make of car.- Not cvec:: thcýý amazing achievements ce'n compare with the present-cfay triumphs oi the New and Finer Pontiac Six! The neasons for this spectacular advance i populanity arc obvious. Aiwnys a surpassing value, the New and Finer Pontiac Six now towers above its field like a beacon i the nigbt. Vivid new beauty enhances the fine crafts- manship of its new lower bodies by Fisher. Chassis rcfinements emphasizc the thrilliug performiance of its fanions six-cylinden motor. Fnesh and original combinations of enduring Duco iend a markeci note of style to its six smiart body types. Yet even with aIl these improvemnents the New and Finer Pontiac Six selîs for new low prices!1 Neyer bas such surpassing value been offered i a low-priced quality six. Neyer bas any car of its price kindied sucli wiidfire buying en- thusiasml! And never bas any car in it clam so cleariy deserved sudi success 1 PF2710 AT NEW LOW PRICES ME CANADIAN STATESMAh. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 26th., 1927. PAGE TE 1 O.M H-

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