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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1927, p. 4

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PAGE 4 Dress Well For Less This Advt. Tells How to Do It. Ail Wool White Work! Sox 3 dozen pair only, white al wool work sox, heavy quality, values te 60e pair, on Sale 2 Pair For 95c Men's Fancy Tweed Suits$ 18.95 A splendid line , a choice se- lection, broken sizes. Suits that were up te $25.00, clearing for the holiday at only $18.95 Men's Fine Shirts $1.95 An assortment of Fine Shirts,i in ahl sizes, in broadcloths. ia plain white, mauve, fawn and blue at $1.95 Men's and Young Men's Suits $22.50 and $25.00 In ail the leading models, new patterns, the smartest styles1 we have ever shown, aIl sizes, for young and old at $22.50 and $25.00 Men's Overalis at $1 .69 Don't fail te see this line of Overalîs. Witb bib and braces in hlack, blue stripe and plain biue. a Union made overaîl, Our Special Price $1.69 Boys' Suits With Bloomn- er Trousers $7.95 This is a line wve are clearing, niany broken sizes, in Tweeds, Brown and Grey mixtures, also navy blue Irish serge suits and values up te $11.50, For Only $7.95 Boys' Cotton Stockings AIl sizes, very fine quality, 4 Pair For $1.00 Men's Navy Blue Suits $22.50 Double Breasted Models, fine bard finished worsteds witb small diamond weave design, very new, Special Price $22.50 WATCH OUR WINDOW FOR SPECIAL SHIRT VALUES THURSDAY, FRIDAY & SATURDAY T. B. GJLCHRIST Opposite Bank of Montreal Phone 61 Bowmanville Enjoy Better Meals A hastily prepared meal cannot be expected to be a good meal. To cook a good meal, take your time. Our grocery delivery service saves time for you. Gives you more time to devote to prepara- tion of food. Saves you the trouble of shopping around. Helps conserve your energy. It is hard for a tired cook to prepare a good meal. Telephone your order early to 65. We'l get the groceries to you promptly. You can rely on us for just the quality you require. Last but not least our prices are always reasonable. Big Demand For Dinner Sets We have had a big demand for Dinner Sets this Spring. Our large stock makes it possible to select just what you want in pattern and prie. Visit our China Department any time. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanvi île Beef Cattie Scarce Market reports show a scarcity of beef cattle which is general throughout the country. Anticipating this scarcity we have purchased and flow have on our own grass 40 choice young staîl fed cattle. These are now being used for our trade. and will be continued for our June and July require- ments. You are therefore assured, as usual, of get- ting the best and choicest meats at the old re- liable purveyors who have been serving Bowman- ville and district with good meat for 70 years. C, M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bownianville T'HE CAÇ&UN STATESMAJN, BOWMANVlLLE, TRURSUAI, MAY 26th., 1927. SALEM ENNISKILLEN TYRONE ens and b 1I1manville, Anniversary services of Salem Sun- Sunday School anniversary wasi Sunday Scbool anniversary was a Brent; MV day School will bie beld as follows: j eld Sunday under ideal weatherl wonderful success. Rev. Fred Lane, Bowmanv On Sunday, June 5th., Rev L. S.'conditions, At least 7'00 peoplel Canton, gave two splendid sermons key's; Mr Wight, B.A., B.D., Belleville, will assembled for the services wbichl to the filled church. Collections and Miss Aile preach at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. were held in the large covered shed.I1 subscriptions amounted to $151.00 ono, witb (Standard Time). Special music by Rev. Geo. Williams, B. A., rfission-1 The mucb appreciated quartet of e the Sunday Scbeol. On Monday, ary on furlough from Formosa, was Newcastle and the good music of the -- June 6. at 6.30 p. m. sharp, a league the special preacher. In the after- school added much to the success of TOWNý gamne of softball will be played hoe- noon he gave a graphic account of' the day..Mrs. Russell Wrigbt bas twveen Tyrone and Salem teanis. At that beautiful island and its people tbe topic at Young Peopl.2's League Court 8 p. m., the Leskard Dramati,. Clubi and an historical sketch of missioni this week.I iwill present the pepular 4 act playl work there as carried on by the, Sunday visitors:-lNr. and Mrs. J.1 Notice le "Twixt Love and Mýýoney". Special~ Presbyterian Cburch. In the cven- J. Devitt and Mr. and Mrs. W. J. S[:tifig of music. Admission 3.5e and 20c.1 ing bis subject was "The World Task Smett, Bobcaygeon, at Miss Viola the Tow Everybody corne. 21-2w 1 of the United Church'". Withý Shortt's; Mr. and Mrs. R. Virtue ton, on Tu( beautiful word pictures illuminated and Dorotby, Oshawa, Mrs. (Dr.) C. of 2 o'cloci by personal enthusiasm he led bisý W. Slemon, Marion and Keith, evr MAPLE GROVE jaudience te see the world mission of Bowmanville, and Mr. J. J. Virtue cipality fo 1 the Christian Church and how Christ and Miss Sadie Virtue, Hatnpton,.cAil pers( Miss Helen Worden, Oshawa, spent 1 meets the world's needs. The ser- with Miss F. Virtue; Mr. and Mrs. Cot, are 'Sunday with Miss Mabel Stevens ..vices were also brightened by special: Wilbert Ridge and Miss Margaret eald. Mr. and Mrs. D. H. Coates and son, choruses by the scbool assisted ty' Ridge, Oshawa, Mr .and Mrs. H. Dr. Llyn Coates, Brantford, motored Miss Velma Orchard and Messrs. Hooey, Miss Gladys Hooey, Miss Clerkc down on Saturday and visited ber Milton Stainton and George Rirtmmr, Marion Roach and Mr. Harry' Hather-Dtda brother, T. J. Cole, and other rela- violinists. The maIe quartet of T1rin- ly, Bowmanville, with Mr. and Mrs. tives... Mr. Raymond Snowden, îty Churcb, Bowmanville, aise gave R.' Hatherly; Misses Grace and Jean - parentaome. . . .Mr. and Mrs. h Gw selections at each service. The T'ýuntlle, Bowmanville, with their paretal ome . .Mr. nd rs. . Gchildren had been trained and the ,r.in(imother, Mrs. Lizzie Wight; Mr. Freeman and family, Mr. Thomas i program arranged hy Miss Elva Or- ani Mrs. Dudley, Wbitby, Mr. anid Snowden visited relatives at Kedron chard and Mrs. Lloyd Ashton. Sun- Mrs. W. J. Bradd, Bowmanville, at on Sunday... .Our girls journeyed to day offerings amotxnted te $45. The Mr. James Dudley's; Mr. and Mrs. Enniskillen on Tuesday afternoon icontinued celebrations on May 24th Talbert Findley and family, Thtorn- l and played a friendly game of soft- were carried eut under very adverse hilI, at Mr. Edward Virtue's; Miss hall, our girls winning by 2 runs. weatber conditions whicb seriously Edith Smith, Bowmanville, with lher A r Score 7-9 .... .Mr. Elgin Munday and affected the attendance. The pro-' mother, Mrs. Viola Smith; Miss El- Mr. Harvey Brooks, Town, motored gram of sports as arranged was car- va Virtue, Bowmanville, at hoe; te Uxbridge on Monday and visited ried eut in the afternoon. Ennis- Mrs. W. R. Clemens, Toroito, at e;. W it] friends over the 24th. .. .Preaching killen Public Scbeol was victorious A. W. Annis' and Mr. A. H. Brent's: service on Sunday at 2 p. m., Sunday in a softball game with Haydon, also Mýrs. Wm. Henderson, Bowmanville, School at 3 p. m.. r. . Special meeting the men in football with Hampton.: Mrs. Wm Cann, Salem, and Mr. te make final arrangements for the1 In the girls' softhall between Maple John MeFeeters, Toronto, veith Mr. anniversary on Friday evening at 8~ Grove and Ebenezer, Maple Grove' and Mrs. A. W. Annis; Mr Weslev p. m., in the hall. Everyhody cerne girls were the winners. PracticallY Little, Oshawa, -w.itb bis grandmoth- Evet .... A number fromt here attended aIl seating accommodation was occu- er, Mrs. Wm. Little; Mrs. Joseph com Base Line Anniversary. pied for the evening concert which' Wight, Bowmanville, with ber sister, o i You are invited te hear "Willow- was of a bigb order ,the artists h 'ifg Mrs. Geergia Phare; Mr. and Mrs. his eyE dale" at Base Line Scbool this Thurs- the Burt Lloyd Concert Cen'pany of J .H. Werry, BowmanviIloc,, anid Mrs day evening. Toronto. Burt Lloyd took the bouse William Brent at Mr Thomas Srott's; by storm wîth bis comiz ssngs and Mrs. F. G. Byam, Bowmanviîle, D CORIEfunny stories, wbile Miss Evelyne witb ber daugbter, Mrs. Luthe _______E Page, soprano, captivated aIl levers Hooper; Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Gui- yourse. Mis CrneCortce bobasco-îof good music witb ber solos. Miss ly, Teronte, at Mr. Norman Wood- orista p iseted he coure oon s cvin tIottrill more than thrilled ber aud- ley's; Mr. and Mrs. George Scott inge be serors. BnLakedours tice.ience in Highland costume and Arnot and Florence, Osbawa, with Mr. and Hv Mn ir ander Mrs. CBrlaeffuer . the Talkative Trickster made every Mrs. Levi Skinner; Mr. and 'Mrs. H v Po Pr. rs y, spent unda d one's sides ache with laug-bter l'y bis Fred Moore, Providence, at Mr. W. son, Pr erspn dywitb magic. Walter Hardacre, pianist, Moore's; Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis ed Mr. and Mrs. Alhert Rundle .. Mr. reunded eut one of the best concert and Miss Campbell, Hampton, at Mrs and Mrs. Alex. Ross, (nee May programs that bas ever conte into, E. Woodley's; Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Roberts,) Montreal, called on oid this locality. Gross rerripts were Annis, Ebenezer, Mrs. A. E. Clein- friends here on Sunday... . Mrs. A. about $300. ______________ E. Clemens and Miss Margaret Pol- Wonderful specials in Canton- Jui lock were guests of Mrs. Blake Courtice on Victoria Day.'. Reeve Dresses this weekend at Couch, John- N tc o C and Mrs. C. A. Wight and family, ston & Cryderman's. No ie t reditors Wben W Providence, were holiday visitors ai;_______ Mr. L. J. Courtice's ...Sorry te IN THE MATTER 0F 'THE ESTATE hearof Ms. orac Hacocks se- NSTL'ONOF THIOMAS S. COOPER, late of the hea o Mr. orce _________ NETLTO Township ot Darlington, farmer, dec-eas- ious iliness and hope she will soion ed.- bie around again ... . Rev. J. R. Bick A number of our citîzens attended NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that aU gave a fine missionary address to tbe Blackstock anniversary on Sunday persotîs having any dlaIm against the Epworth Leaguers on Thursday and Tuesday.... .Mr. and Mrs. A. J.late Thomas S. Cooper who died on ori MissLouse ourtce avea ValeMr.andMrs K. . Valeandabout Janu-try 24, 1924, are required to night; Ms oieCutc aeaVae r n r.K .Vae a end by poat, prepaid, or deliver te the bible story, a vocal duet was given son, St Catharines, Mr. and Mrs. M., undersigned executor, Charles M. Coop- by Master Harold Osborne and Don- W. Veale, Misses Helen and Marjorie er, their names and addresses and ful ald Courtice; piano solo, Miss Ada Veale, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Andrew particutars in writing of thoir dlaims and Annis; vocal solo, Miss Vera Werryj McGill, Janetville, visited their fat- tho aueetscrtes fany edb contributed te a good program . . . h er, Mr. John Veale and friends first AND TARE NOTICE that after the Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Tyrone, preach-1 of the week.. Mr. W. Leslie Wrîgbt,1 îC-th daiy of June. 1927, the sai'! Charles ed bere very acceptably on Sunday1 Windsor, is visiting bis parents, Mg.! M.toopier, executor, will listrih)ute the morning.... .A number frfm here at- 1 and Mrs. Peter Wright. . Rev. Royj 55o5(f the sani! deceasi'! tomong the tendedBase Lne îîrsons entiled theoîtîto. iaving regard tende BaseLine Arnversary on H. Riekard of Albert College, Belle- niyy b the cdaims of whi'i liechllte Sunday. ,. . .Glad te bea, Rev . C.* C ville, wbo was preaching anniversary, have h,,il noice andl îil, not l," able IWashington, our Pastor, is improving service at Blackstock occupied the to alty i,rson of whio'.c' aimi lie shail after bis illness and bopes te soon pulpit on Sunday... . Tbursday week ,it then have re.' lv 'il notice. take bis work. evening meeting took the formi of a M>aTEy, rrooth272r1 a.o We are told that the temperature patriotic meeting. President R. W.j îy CHARLES M. COOPER. Execotor. jumpcd up 42 degrees fromn Satur- Jackson gave a splendid papier on 411 Sîrathmore l3ouievîrîi, day cvening te Sunday afternoon. "Canada's Fair Dominion". Musict 21-1- Toronto (6), Ont. readings, etc., completed a good pro- 1 gram. In an after meeting it was. i decided te hold our anniversary onl SOLINA 1 Sunday and Monday, June 26-27... I o ie t r dt r W. M. S. met in Nestleton ChurcbtN tcho rdtr Mrs. McMaster, Miss Betsy and Thursday afternoon. Sixtb cbapterl I ,'T117IIE E Fte sao Master Jack, Toronto, with bier sis- 0f our study "The Wonderland of Ma :ry ~ Ann ry, r F the etwnf4 ter, Mrs. Chas. Parker. . .. Mrs. Har- India" vas taken by Mrs. G. Poutt, K o unvl 5. i lte ot i ftyhof10 WO (if old Thompson, Miss Marian and Ms. J. Taylor and Mrs R. Suggitt. wiîlow, dl-ceaîsd. Master Billy, Scarboro, at Miss Mary A lively discussion of study followed . NOTICE is herelîy gix'n.pirsu;itt10 Hogarth's and Mrs. James Hogartb's, Reading was taken by M~iss Steele 5'. 6 of Chtap,. P_1. SO . 1:04, andi Mrs. John Reynolds, Mr. and Mrs. andI a short talk on the "Situation l ,iting ims thr t, lî:ît saglarins h Jack Reynolds with Toronto friends in. China" by Nirs.G. Proutt. A i 110of he msaoriiy. i lCii lItst li W o'Miss Nsva Rainey n, d ainty surprise lunch was served by'"ie, who dieil on or about the 141h Oshaw'a, MisEseRieOoo atj 'Mrs. A. H. Veale and Mrs R. Sug- l!iiy ot Maly.1. are rûquîireil 10 qendl ly MIr. E. R. Ta3ylor's ...Miss Mar-1 gitt. A xeryprofitable and pîcasanti l'S. rie a l,îîr îliv r 10 W. ossv garet MeKessock is bolidaying with afternoon was spent Next meeting' for for thé saii! estate. on or betore the Brooklin fricnd5i.Miss Nora Wer- will be beld at Caisarea, aIl ladies, 9 1h dity of Jîîne. 1927. their elîrîstian an,! ry visited at Mr. J. A. Werry's, En-I wishing to donate a î0-inch squarei 5,1marsmis.n wi i di ossesthulth inisi ar- niskillen ...Mrs. S. Bush, Mrs. A. block for quilt will please hand it tei statemen t of their a'emitnts and te Bush and Miss Alice, Mr. Cecil Bush Mrs. Jackson during next montb.i naîturerc cfheiisectrities (if ii0y) itîlil y and Nirs. A. Miillson motored te St. Two new members were enrolled. . . hem dîîîy verifled liv statîîtory deciar-a- Catharines an<I Niagara te see the Annual meeting of Womett's Instit- l Ion. blossoms .. Sorry to hear of Mr. W ut1e ntehllo naMy ANO DTARE NOTICE that afier the' accident andi et infthealshort pogram, Mssai!,ai,9th îlay of Jiine, 1927. the assets of Montgomery's painful acdn n t6h fe hrtporm r.hei sali! sttwilI hi ilistrihuteil tumong resulting illness. We wisb bim a1 Lowe, Toronto,, who bas a mosti Ihe tar i es ent i Ied thereto itavinz regard speedy recovery. Ipleasing personality addressed thel onty 10 the dlaims cof whiih the sali! 1Solcitor shahl thon have nntjce, and the Eldad S. S. Anniversary services' meeting, bier suhject heing "Wbat e>i;t«"t- vint tho ia,e f,,r said assets will bc hcîd as follews: Sunday, *vay the Institute was doing and sbouîd or a ny p art th"ýreof le :îny person or 29 at 2 and 7 p. m. Sermons will'do" She said the werk done was persnsof whose î'ioim notice shahl not bc preached I)y Rcv. A. J.' Terrill, a wonderful achievemnent but that t hr iop ofcoliythe sai! olcto B.A., B.D., Pontypool. Singing by1 there were many tbings still te be DATED) 2lnd NMayA D, 1927. scbool anti choir under the direction, donc. She empbasized the need of W. ROSS STRIKE. of Mrs. John Baker. On Mýonday.Î commrunity work and how conditions1 Bowmanville. Otario. May 30, tea will bc served froîn 4 j in rural scbools could bie improved 12.Slrtrfrsîi aa, p. M. At 6 p. m., a football game, hy placing proper drinking apparatus wîil be playcd hctwecn Bownîanville i therein and that the dan ce mayblej and Solina teamns on the Communi tyl made a proper amusement by having~ play grounds, by Solina Schoo.l. At la chaperon appointed wbo would see1 8.15 p. m.. a higb-class concert will1 that proper heurs and con<luct would~ hc given hy Miss Neva EastwoodI ho maintained. After a brief reccss elocutionist, Oshawa, Mr. A. W. AI-' Mrs. Lowe again spoke on "Self HORSE ROUTE ____ Pure Bred Hackney Stallion CARD) 0F THANKS MAINSPRING (721) Mr. James Hodgson and family, Tyj- stair'.tstn. o t. îqaro ltiînt hmil' rne, desire te tbank al their friends' n orth of lBoys' Training ýiciooI, Dîiowmtmn- and neighhers; for their kindness andi Viii.) . By si)cal oî,îoî 'ilment ha wîill sympatbv during the illness and i alanl meî't mare, ati a reasonajite '!lst- death of their Ioved one, Mrs. James I ance. Hodgson, and for the beautiful floral' DESCRIPTION AND3 PEDIGREE offerings. Mtdnsprlng (721) la a c'îu.tnut wlh _______ star, born May 7, 1911, hred b1y so-afor Itoht. Bi4oth, 1lowmaniIîth. PeIgree IlDam -WaverIîýx' Flo)ra-445--(1791'tî 1693: El- CARD 0F THANKS nom (17932); ERimer .372«): ionny <161a). Sire--Terringlon î.t'yo401-(50)1 Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gilbert, 994; r)tnhtirtonn (447); Monkeihiod <260); & .Sir Chalte 2nîI 26i. h.Ih"rlýy 10271 I unny Acres", Enfield, hy tbis Sir ('harles (70);, ilIfrA <1. 1 means desire to tbank aIl theiri Enro1mnînt No.1617 ttglsR.red lnt friends and neigbbors wbo have made Can "' 1 1 nnItacknAy Siîl Itool, No. 721. enquiries or sent messages of sym-1 In.ppotpil anfi! r<ssod Octohîr ln, 1924ý patby andl gifts of fruit and flowers' TERMS $12 6 uîi'.aIi. 1i , 192q durinz Mrs. Gilbert's long illness. OSCAR J. LUXTON'. Proprietor. Tbey wisb especially te tbank Mr. t'hon(' 142r4, IL. R. 4, ilowmanvhhs. 21-2 and Mrs. W. J. Ormiston, Enfield, for their kindness in answering the tele- phone and delivering messages; and music Mr and Mrs. E. V. Hoar, Bowman- MISS STANLEY CHANT ville, for their kindness and assist- Miss Stanley Chant la startlng a ehaso ance during Mrs. Gilbert's stay ini of beennera in piano music. Termoq Bowmanv'ille Hospital, aIse Dr. H., moderate. Addreae-1{ampon R R. 1, or Telephona Ferguson and Rev. E. M. C'ook, Oshawa 1662-3. Enniskillen ,for their rympathetie 20.4we helpfulness. M!iss Margaret Pollock, Bow- 1with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. %r. and Mrs. James S.ouch, ville at Mr. Albert IIaw- r. and Mrs. W. Riddle and 'en and Mrs. W. Bahl, Or- h Mr. and Mrs . Wm. Virt- SHIP 0F DARLINGTON tof Revision and Appeal is herehy given that the First the Court of R' ,vision for hoi of Darlington wîtI 'w5eted at i Hll, int heVillaige of laoi esiay, June 7, 1927, at the hour 7k p. m., to heair and determin-' al complaints ,ind omissions inl mernnt roll for the said ,iiini- or the year 1927T. sons having bigin(.,.- If 1- request ,d to attend as afor'- W. R. ALUIN, of the Towvnship of Darlingtofl. Flampton this lt'th day of M',Y 4otorists! ,e Your Eyes thin the Law? ýry motorist in this .mnity should have ,s examined. you not owe it to ilf, your fellow mot- and to the public? Your Eyes Examin- i By Us Today try & Loveil fe Test Eyes Lt Is Done Properly U. F. 0. MEETING Providence Farmers' Club will meet on TuesdaY, MaY 31, in Shaw's School. Prograin: Report of differ- ent conventions; music by TambIyn'S Instrumental Quartet. tNew Footwear' For Summer IVES' SHOE STORE Present Shoe Values to Suit Every Need Just arrived-Shoes to match black and white costumes. These shoes are made with covered spike heels, round toe, short vamp, nar- row strap and trimmed wvitb xwhite kid. A snappy style and only $5.00 PAIR Our colored shoes are going strong. We have them in Blonde, Pastel ,Parchment, Rose Blush and Cherry Patent, ties and strap patterns. Prices range from $4.00 TO $7.00 PER PAIR Men's Oxfords bujît for the young man and older man, made in Black or Brown with welt soles and rubber heels, every pair a real fitter and correct in style and pattern. Values that are -eal values. $4.50 TO $8.00 PER PAIR BAGGAGE Special prices in Club Bags in split cowhide leather, Black or Brown, regularly sold at $7.50. OUR PRICE $5.75 A cbeap leather fibre Club Bag, just the thing for the picnic party SPECIAL $2.00 Ives' Shoe Store Foctwear and Travelling Gooda Bowmanville For Spring Feeding use Sehumacher FEED A growing ration you need at this time ofyear. Makes more miIk and builda up cows befor. You Put themn out on grass. For finishlng hoga which are to farrow. An economical feed, balanced in protein and carbohydrates. Contains the minerais your stock needs for good heaith. Actually cheaper than straight grain, considerlng the re8uIts it gives. Every ingredient le KILN-DRIED, thus preventing los fromn heating or dampness. Came ini and see Schumacher Food and lot us tell you about it. SOLD BY HARRY ALUIN PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE, ONT. pi I This vr Prices Week' s ks' New Coats 200 DRESSES Suitable for ail occasions, larg- est and wifhout a doubt the most wonderful collection we have ever shown-all sensibly priced. CJfh e f-itîle S1 opp e ,,WMANVIILLE- ONTrA Speca tin7Womengq#pprei Womervs Coats -Suits- Dresses-Hosiery - Goves -Underwear..-Etc. 30 COATS Ail new this season rieduced in prices for quick clearance to make room for more Dresses.

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