PAGE SIXTEE ANA IAN STAT SMA , BO MAN ILL . TH TR~ A DIAZV ' l, 1 927n £et Us V ou on Whether you are building or re-floorng- Whiether your choice be Plain Red or Quarter- cuft White Oak, Maple, Birch or Mahogany. Let us show you samples and quote you prices on Seamnan Kent Hardwood Flooringc. Frmn forest to finished product Seainan-Kent methocL, safeguard the users interests at every step. For 25 years Seaman Kent have been leaders and, today, half the Hardwood Floors in Canada an by Seaman Kent. E McCIellan & Co@ Bowmnanville Limited W. cary a fuUeh ief Seaman-Kent Hardwe.d Ploor Finjahe. anhbu»m id W HEN coosing a shingle-you ougbt to know exactly the kind cf protection it will give you. Take a Johns- Manvilie Rigîd Asbestos Shingle, turn the white-hot flame of a blow-torch on it and see for yourself that it's fire-proofJ You'il neyer need te fear the flying sparks or bumn. ing brands that corne froni nearby Aires. A rigid slab of permanence made cf in- destructible Canadîari asbestes and Portland cernent. 'Tbat's the sort of shingle that scomn3 the nee~d of repilacement or repair. Wheii *hese beautiful siiingies are laid, tbey will ive vou everlastirg protection from weather, fi-cm tirne and from fire. Before you choose a shingle "Try an' burn it." CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE CO., LTD. 19 Front Street, East, Toronte, Ont. RIGTD P ~SO SHINGLES BOWMANVILLE McCLELLAN & Co Phone 15. Limited A.iieith %vil] isiribrîte-th(,aset ,nf the world and influenced industry. R~'Rou0i aid dýcewseni among thf eRn utle An alternating current tube is now Cook'& n.Oihereunîn,, havin théregri4<n nly1)tt on the market. It takes the needed A #of*, ri" p daims eof which ho.shall îh.n havé had M eiectric power for the receiving box. ue pm edcie.Sld in tbu" notice and ill 1net be lialeientoans ir es ef tricks fronitbe socket in the ¶gecu of strenth-No. 1, 81g son of whosén daint he shsll ot then have o2,43.-No. 8. 83 p«e o.received notice. wall or chandelier. It dees away 48od i~aL dults tmat DATEP at Bewnsnvîîîe this 17th day with batteries and things. A revolu- Ofl I tof! rc Of MaY___1927,_ tin, we are told by some enth¶s.1 .p.îeP b Add u.i >127 _ __ _ THE COKM.CDCIRECO, M- . a. v.aULD, wronganj leutemur ,03SoIIcltor fo Gro XBelth. Be Sure To Say I RADIO ACTIVITY evolution is nearer correct. ORONO By Cas. . Bîe. BA., LB. bas been on the way for years. By Cas.M. iceB.A, LB., Several, witb the intuition of genius, (From The News of May 19tb) I Denver, Colorado. saw it in their mninds vears ago and Mran Ms.AfBelOaa -have been working at it, and the idea were in town over Sunday. Were aIl the literature of our time is now so far advanced, practically, MisNv anynueatOh to dis ppear in some great conflag- that the internathnal radioD trust r Maiss Neya in y, nurees at Osh ration Ji ke that of the burning of the combine has taken it in haîîd. aait5homendu atowesbldy U Alexandria Library, which suspended As a matter cf fact, the tl'ing bais ~hm. .Rlhhzbe ut ma's progression for a very mucb been waiting on the !eaLue Congress thr. Ast.A. Rorphmaoen ute odl logrperiod than did any war everi for rnontbs, and as soon as the "air"th patvekomrewt bld waged, and the word Radium rea v- as "cleared" politically, manufact- isinintelg ed, those wbo migbt corne after, -tieotenwtue vs ordered Nlrs. D. Noble bas returned from a Radio, it would be tbe key to opcn ftb ether, was in shap)e to make its Mr. Frank Pearson, wbo bas Lee the bieroglypbics 0f this century. ukases effective, tberc jas no use in very seriously il' is moving abouti For the preser.t purpose tbe word puttig trtl ing invc ntions o-n the with the assistance of crutches. was coined less than 30 years ago. market to furtber cbog the ether -Mrs. W. J. Nobes and little daugh-1 With its coming many, many of the space, about whicb ive know next to ter Shirley, Toronto, spent a fpev scientific textbooks might as well nothing, altbough w-e a~using it to davs ith ber motber, Mrs. Johni It is1 bave been burned. Radi-a ray! an amazing r'xte-at considering the Wannan.1 In be final analysis, the universe is an brief intervai since the secret xvas Corns cannot exist when Hoib-I aggregation of rays built up into discovered. N-vay's Corn Remover is applied toI many wonderful things, including the That strange feliow who discover- tbem, because it goes te tbe root an di' burnan body, but not the soul-the ed the principle of alttrnating cur- kilîs the growtb. ISavs latter being a super-ray. rent, is alixe-Tesla. He bas lived to Mrs. A. J. Knox is visiting lier1J In fancy we bave been looking in- see bis prophesies in practice. But sons Mr. Frank Knox, teacber at to the earth's magic-box and a very tbe Serb finds it difficut!t to get down1 Queen's Coibege, Kingston, and wonderful tbing it is, too, and neyerito eartb and stay thelr_. bis brain C(harles of that city. V eing the saine for an instant. Our guidel is like the wbirl of his oivn dinainoi. bas been Kari K. Darrow of thbe Belli The new alteriating, eurrent tube Mr. Walter Sherwin was taken Telephone Systern laboratores, ano4consists of 'be usual lube elcment3 again to bospital at Bownianviîle n a uhrt.H sscientifically'arrangedin'oveetmanrwh Monday of this weok having to un- RbGni ethical in al be writes ,very math-I the exception of the filament or dergo another operatien. RbGnl ematical and, leaving aside the equa-1 emitter of the electrons, . wbicb is 31r. and Mrs. T. Tennant, Master Heart au tions, a deligbtful story-teller andj said to be a replaceable heater e-le- Bruce Tennant and Master Grabami true exponent. ment, cperated eitber in series or Trewin of Toronto, spent the week- If you or But there were tirnes in the tel'ing parallel witb respect to the other end wîtb Dr. and Mrs. Kerslake. arwrre of bis story, bowever, wben we hadjitubes in the set. arre.E wToot, il orrnces,1 te almost call for bis credentials, be- _________________ speak at the Orono Woren's Instit- one in tbisç cause bie seemed to be leading us in- ute meeting in the Council Chamber ask your di to the patbs of Alchemy, and we werel on Tuesday, May 3ist at 3 p. M. two-ounce bc irnagining ourselves back centuries rij H t No cbild sbould be aîîowed to suif- ago with the allegorical writers and Drn H tfa e er an bour from worns wben prompt 0n"' occultists. He is telling of trans- relief can be got in a simple but mutation in tbe officiai journal of ~ih M asT strong remedY-.'Iotber Graves' that great organization wbicb spends W t e l C 1Wormn Exterminator. 50 rnany, many millions a year in re- Mr. J. Sneddu and son Donal serh ok.S op Stomach ad dorn J. B. Hall, Toronto, Mtr He is writing too, as if the ele- lddw Monday, the fornier taking ments were alive-tbey migbrble U * back some sbrubbery for bis lawn, animais or at îeast growing plants. uisorders from tbe Orono Forestry NJursery. Tbis industrial research man writes The members of -Wolverbamnpton of the parents and daughters and WHAT PHYSICIANS AbVISE Lodge Sons of England, attended - granddaugbters of the radio-active service at St. Saviour's Cburcb on elernents, as if they-metals, ores, Tbousands of unfortunate People1 Sunday afternoon. Rev. R. J. Sbires cbemicals-were procreating species. sufer almost daily from dyspepsia, of St. Jobn's Cburcb, Bowmanville, He writes of the genealogies of thern indigestion, fermentation, sour, acid bad charge. as if tbey were buman families. stomnacb, flatulence, gases or distress MiersWmPodsaeset Dea mater stif nd onsnse afer atig. If tbey would only and palatable to cbîldren wbo show Organic and inorganic chemistryl Let formn the agreeable habit of slowly no besitancy in taking tbern. Tbey sorne one draw the dividing line to- drinking after meal a glassful of will certainly bring Worm troubles to day. Tbe earth is tbrobbing, vibrat- bot water 'containing a teaspoonful an end. Tbey are a strengtbening ing with if e, so is the wboie uni-1 or two tablets of Bisurated Magnesia and stinialating medicine, correcting verse. Transmutation and death are they would soon find their stomach so tbe disorders of digestion tbat the convertible ternis in geoiogy. strengthened and iinproved that they worms cause and imparting a bealtby Notbing constant but change. Tbat could eat the richest and most satis- tone to tbe system most beneficial to is what Darrow is driving at and fying meals without the least sym-j deveiopment. proving by radioactîvity. tom of indigestion. Tbe Young People of Park St. Alcbemy? Wby, yes. By the Nearly ail se calied digestive troub- United Cburcb bave formed a Tennisi great alcbemist ini bis Vulcan labor- les are caused by an excess of acidj Club with tbe following officers:I atory, wbo uses forces whicb buman and an instiffiient blood supply in the President-Mrs. O. W. Rolpb; Vice- attainnient fails to approac-pres. stoniacb, causing the food to ferment President-A. McNeil; Secretary- sure and begt in conceivable and the and sour before digestion can take John Milison; Treasurer-Ethel vital energy that He aIone can create place. A glass of bot water will Winter. and guide. draw tbe blood te the stomach and Mr. W. C. Ellis, Principal of Un- That energy appears more clearly the Bisurated Magnesia will neut- ionville Public Scl'ool, and assistant, Yoq in tbe radio-active elements like rad- ralize tbe stomach acids and niake Miss M. Armstrong, and friead Miss De- ium and its affinities. But remember, the food contents bland and sweet. Anderson, nietoroýd down Sunday for what is radio-active today may be Easy, natural digestion witbout dis- a few heurs to visit wîtb the former's i ti dead Nature%~ "te- tress of any kind is the result. Bis- brother, Mr. R. C. Ellis, at Mr. J. F. m morrow '-and wbat is inert to-day urated Magnesia is not a laxative, is Lorriman 's. rnay be active tomorrow-action and barniless, pleasant and easy to take Tbe Family Pbysician.-Tbe geod reaction. and can be obtained frorn any re- doctor is always wortb bis fee. But it In bis littie laboratory man inter- hiable local druggist. Do not con- is not always possible te get a doctor - feres with Great Nature and chips fuse Bisurated Magnesia with etber just wben you want hirn. In sucb from an ator an electron or se. If forma of Magnesia-milks, citrates, cases, commen sense suggests tbe hie coul1d reacb the nucleus of the etc., but get it in the pure Bisurated use of reliable borne remedies, ruch aom and isturb it, sornething would form (powder or tablets) especially as Dr. Thomas' Eciectric OuI, 'vbicb bappen that right paralyze the plan- prepared for this purpose. is wonderfuily effective in easing in-1 et and bring down the wbole solar fiarnratory pains and bealing cuts, systern, se linked together is the uni-- scratches, bruises and sprains. The verse presence of this remedy in tiie family But Nature is indifferent at timesD ~JA~medîcîne chest saves many a fee. te what man rnay do to one of ber PAINS LL Mr. and Mrs. O. W itýolph, Dr. and J. Hat offsprings, and lets the electro ngo, Irs, Kerslake and Mrs. R. Il Brown and the aom becoms somernngneflV motored te -Tyronc on Fia vn At ether times she fils in the gap 'n ig*EU D 11teWla "iloda seme mystericus manner like healing V B D i was presented by the yeung people a wound.oftaditit -odlgtuv- Modern science daes net use the Too htdsrc. Tedlgtu o ancient Alcbemical terms net at ail. w Morne Case of Femisi Me i. cal selections were centributed by Mrs. Roiph ,with vielin obligato by Science bas tbe law et displacement nesa Relieved hy L7030 .Pink- Dr.'Ktrsîakeý. -transmutation in theïr stead, but it Teana etn tteWCT is net wbolly understeod yet. We ham's VegetaL Compowkd Uhewa bel meingbe fSunday cbeo are told hy Mr. Darrow, that the firstle Ro ofPrStetCucWd haîf et this "displacement law", sig- Barringtosî, N. S. Ihad terribl e sdaoom ePrk Str wethe'burb, W-.ýngP nifies that the omission cf alpha- feelings, beadaches, back and side nesday aftere ene th PesitomngPE particles by a radie-element is the aches and pains ail over my body.î ofcrswr lctd rsdIt EE siga 0f a transmutation ef that ele- wouid bave to gotei bed every month Mrs.baldy TtVce rs aM aine; 2dy Vice-Mrs. ifhaEASE 0C ment into tbe next but one of those and ntugwotld do me or M Rec .-ey.-Mrs.d Vc-. G lln; reas preceding it in tbe procession of the laban a my fatber di d My WM Rc-e'.Ms .T li;Te C elements along wbat is termed the for me as I hâve two children and -Mrs. A. Henry; Cor. Se'y.-Mrs. "Periodic Law". But wby the skip? we bave quite a big place. I read un Green. LN Tbe second baîf of the iaw of dis- the paper about Lydia E. Pinkham's' Your berne Medicine Cest.- LWCURIOtJ. placement means that the radie-ele- Vegetable Compouind, and then got a Arnong the standard bousehold remne- MASTER I nient changes over into anotber wbicb litûwe bock about t " h the mail des- a sol always he on band in supILR[ is one step furtber up the procession and my husbad senittoaton s and your bomne medicine cbest, none is UOt ,E of eemets.Whyup? Whynotmore frou> the store. I amn feeling lectric Oil. Its manifold usefulness A down? finenwend> doi&Ial my worlcand am in relieving pain and healing sicknessL'Sp0 Then tbere are tbe mysterieus ab4e to, go eut around mDore. I tell rny i nw ymn buad bu "isotope s"-"th e sainie same and net friends it is LydiaER Plnkhan's Veg- ithe ian. iays hus Dsroas tbe ame, iftheIribismmaybe-table Compound tbat mnires me feel Eclectrie Oil fer relieving rbeunîatîcUr perrnitted. There is lead and lead. se weii. "-Mr&.VPCreaR2JCBARDSON,1T a Analysis will not show the difference. IBaS gton, NoaSoa and sciatic pains, treating sore But ordinary lead and "artificial" jtbroats and cbests, cougbs, hurns, lead, each sbowing the sairne to as-. Duli Pai» in Back scalds, cuts, bruises and sprains. sayer our chemist, te the pbysicist arel StThomnas, Ont. -'II took four L.O.B.A. No. 71.-,,PInde of C'larke, net the sanie, and yet tbey are iead.1 bottles of Lydia E. Pikhani's Vege- organizeil one year ago, beld their It ail depends upon tbe arrangements I table Compound and found great re- flrst birtbday supper in the Orange of tbe electrons witbin tbe atoi.1 lief frorn the dul], heaypiains in the Hall Sat urday evening and w-as well Raimbsnwbehi-e no sraie n akadtewanss ptoie. I -sa xeln GREEN TEA "S by far the Most delicicus. ASIK for At. Dangerous Varicose s Can Be Reduced at Home rand Upward Toward the Oil (full strength) and apply night eBlood in Vain* Flows and morning to the swollen, en- That Way. larged veins. Soon you will notice that they are growing smalIer and rany relative or friendu the treatment should be continued because of varicose vein, until the veins are of normal size. the best advice that any_ So penetrating and powerful is Em- world can give you is to erald Oul that even Piles are quickly Iruggist for an original absorbed. Jury & LoveIl selle ottle of Moone's Emerald lots of it. DUNLOP OFFICIAL SERVICE DEPOTS ttely, Bowmanville R. W. Nicholis, Courtice Corbett Motor Sales, Bowmanville H. C. Bonathan, Newcastle Li]he7h Ings 'OPu ,ke for Granted w/zenYom buy a fcLauolfio-Buick 4LLthe really important things about an automnobileb McLaughlin-Buick owners take for granted- Because McLaughlin- Buick designers and >uîlders take nothing for granted. .onstant seeking te improve on McLaùghlin. ;uick quality has resulted in sanie of the most npcrtant automobile advances cf the Century . . the McLaughlin-Buick engine, vibration- ess beyond belief, with its triple seal against ccess wear . . . the Sealed Chassis . . . the lacuum-cleaned Crankcase,whîch solves once m r aIl the probienu cf cil-dilution . . . the [cLaughlin -Buick Mechanical Four-Wheel rakes, unsurpassed for dependability... he princely beauty and luxunicus conifort cf &cLaughlin-Buick Fisher Bodies. CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO., ýowmanville Ont 'LAUGH. i. '1 WILL BU PAGE SIX THE CANA.DIAN 8TATMSUAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSI)AY. MAY 28th 1 q9,7 I mal 1