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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 May 1927, p. 7

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THE GANADIAN STATESMÂN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 26th., 1927. PAGE SEVEU PROT-ECTION FOR Automobile Owneis Our AUTOMOBILE POLICY will inaure your AUTOMO- BILE against bass or damage caused by Fire, Theft and Collision, and it will also pay dlaims made against YOU by others for Personal Injuries and Property-'Damage on ac- count of an accident cauaed, or alleged to be caused, by your car. The vaius cŽoverages are as follows for any one or ail: FIRE AND TRANSIT Insures against bass or dam- age by fire ariaing from any cause wbatsoever, and light- ning, anywhere in Canada or the United States. This policy also covers loss or damage to your automobile througb transportation perils, that is ,the stranding, sink- ing, collision, burning or de- railment of any conveyance in wbicb your Automobile is be- ing carried. THEFT Provides indemnity in the event of your car being stol- on.. Sbould it be recovered in a damaged condition we will bear the cost of repaira. Moto-Meters, Spot-Ligbts, ex- tra Tires, Tubes, Rime, Wheels and-or extra or Or- namental Fittingsarae nat in- sured, unless upon paymont of extra premium. PUBLIC LIABILITY Protection in respect of your legal liability for injuries or death causod, or allegod to be caused, to persons of the pub- lic by your Automobile. The usual limits are: In case of injuries to one person, $5,000 and to any number of persans in one accident, $10,000. In addition *a11 expenses of do- fending suits, even if ground- lesa, are paid by the Com- pany. PROPERTY DAMAGE Indemnities in respect of your legal liability for dam- age ta the property of OTH- ERS, inluding loss of use of their property, up to a limit of $1.000. COLLISION Pays for repaira to YOUR Automobile or equipment as a result of being damaged in a collision or upset. Consult us for rate., W. have the lowest. J. J. MASON & SON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowmanville REFINEMENTS RESPONSIBLE FpOR OLDSMOBI LE PERFORMANCE T HE quality and the performance of an automobile are flot intang- ibattributs. They arc bascd upon certain definite features of the car'& construction and by these features chey may be judged. When you corne to the point of investing in a car, you cnnot afFord ta bc satisfied wiîl, vague promises or Sener2lities. You owe it to your- self to investigate, point by point, the features vhich go tu make up the quality and value of the car you buy. Take these features and weigh them ndvidually in your judgrnene. C4mpare %hem with those of other cars at the price you wisb to pay. Oldsnobile Six invites you to makse the naost ezactins of inspections and the .nust thorough of comparisos of every feature wortlsy of con- aideration in an automobile le aks you to checkt them against cars ae lac aberre Oldsmobile price and to basn your judgment upon thse resuis of your investigation. Qsalit"-ompleeees-precision workmnanship-inherent in every in- dividual Oldimobide feture, are responsible for the abiding satisfaction which à te inevitable experience of the Oldamobile owner. lnspect and compare tIhe refinements responible for Oldamsobida pet- formance before you decide ispon your chaste of any car. CRANKCASE VENTriLATION HARMONIC BALANCER TWO.WAY COOLING DUAL AIR CLEANING FOURWHBEL BRAKES OIL FILTER TWIN-BEAM HEADLIGHTS THREB-WAY PRESSURE LUBRICATION THBRMOSTATIC CHIARGING CONTROL OF-2416 CORBETT MOTOR SALES CO., Bowmanville Ont. O)LDuq5ebEILBg* HOW MUCH DO YOU KNOW? About "Newcastle the Neat" At a winter banquet in the Com-, munity Hall put on by the youngi ladies of Unity S. S. Class of the United Church, Mr. J. E. W. Philp, (Jouncillor and Secretary-Treasurer of the Hall Managing Committee, proposed the toast to Our Villagein a speech bristiing with interest.ting facts. The text which follows was really prepared by a Newcastle ladyl and read by Mr. Philp as an act of1 co.urtesy in consideration of the lady's indisposition: Few places of its size have been so favored by Nature and in other ways at Newcastle. Its location is ideal. Perliapa it is flot the kindest thing that can be said of a town that it is an easy place to get away from, but the reverse holds equally true. Situated as we are on one of the finest Highways of our Province, it is a very easy matter for our friends to corne to us or for us to take advantage of any special at- tractions in the neighboring cities and towns. Good roads lead from the rural sections into our village and two of the finest railway systenis of the Dominion are at our doors. The Provincial Highway runs through Newcastle furnishing a splendid mot- or ride froni the east or west. Some of us have lbad our friends corne to visit us by boat, by way of Lake Ontario, while for those who prefer to travel by air a landing field' for airplane bas been provided in the east part of our village. This was~ tested out and found satisfactory some years ago as many of you will rernember. Some of the very finest farming land of the township is situated with- in the village limîts while we are sur- rounded by some of the best furit orchards of Ontario. We have splendid churches and Schools and many as fine homes as one would wish to own. Newcastle is noted for its beauti- fuI gardens and trees, and the elms along King Street are the envy of al wbo see tbem. O-ur lake front is a wonderful as- set to our village and is rapidly put- ting Newcastle-on-the-Lake on the map. Our communîty park is yearly be. coming mtore valuable as the trees and flowering sbrubs planted there become more established. We have a bowling green, tennis courts and skating rink that attract a good deal of attention from tbcse passing through our village and we have wbat we dlaim without any fear of contradiction to be the finest Com- munity Hall in any place 0f its size in Canada. If Newcastle had nothing else to recommend it, this splendid gift of Mr. Chester D. Mas- sey would make it a place well worth living in. To Newcastle belongs the distinc- tion of being the birtb place of sev- eral industries. The first Fishery in Canada still stands just west of us. While the original Massey Factory, the forerunner of the present Mas- sey-Harris system was located near the centre of the town. While New- castle mnay not he as busy an indust- rial centre as it was some forty or more years ago when Bond Head was a busy shipping port and wben it was no unusual thing to find 145,000 bus- hels of barley in the elevators there witb wagons and tearns stretching from the wharf up to Mr. Cbaplin's waiting to be unloaded. Stili we can offer many inducements to those wishing to join our community of cosy homes rather than busy factor- îes. Amongst aur people most indust- ries are represented. We have aur Be-man and our Butler, aur Fisher- men and our Cooks and Masons and Taylors and Smiths. We bave a man who can Caîl-voîl and wbo can Wright. Different nationalities and names are bere. We have aur Brittona and aur Scotta, we have James and Ho- yard, Rodger and Douglas, Philip and Thomas. We have aur Jack- sons, Thompeons and Jamiesons. Ho migbt bave added-We have Grays and Brawns and lack-burns but we never have the blues, and as some ai aur citizen. aaaert, this is somothing ta Bragg about. Wbat a variety ai scenic beauty, what a wealtb ai ro- mance is suggested by aur Meadava and Lakes, and Hedges and Woods and Moores! We bave Gaines but no loases, Wright& but no wrangs. In faet man can say vo're alI in and nothing out in Nowcastle. We have Laws, of course, but not barsb anes, Jimmie says they are very Beat. We have Couches for the woary and a Page for those vba vish to read. Do you not agreo vitb me that aur village bas been specially favared? The tablets in the Hall upstairs go ta show that Newcastle boys and girls have always been ready ta take their place in the world whén men and women are needod and 1 feel confi- dent that the saine loyal rosponse might be looked for sbould similar occasion arise. Newcastle bas added ber quota ta the names ai praminent men and women in aur own and other lands. The name ai Brent stands higb in clerical circles. One ai the most succesful teachera in Toronto is aur Nora Caleman. Amongst newapaper readers the country aver "Nancy Durham" ai the Globe and "Hope" ai the Farmer's Advocate are household words while veofa Newcastle are proud ta dlaimi them as Agnes Delamore and Dora Farneamb. In the industrial world the namnes Massey, Northrop and Chandler are well known. The younger genera- tion is keeping up the good work. In musical lines we have one brul- liant star and great honor vas brougbt ta Newcastle recently by aur ova Bob Walton. I feel quite con- fident that amongst some ai aur boys and girls playing about aur vil- lage ta-day are ta be found the bril- liant mon and wamon ai to-morrow.1 W. Logan Craig, for many years publisher q f the Grand Valley Otar- vidotte, whlch hoe diapoaed ai ta Jas. L. Landabarough of Shelburne, i back lqtota h. novuaper faine&gain, havlng purchsad thé Wsngham Ad- mnuo-T1im rom A. G. Smith. HOT WATER the minute you want itI Here is the moat econo- mical and efficient hot water heater ever invented. By adjusting it to your present boiler you wilI have hot water when you want it- without a minute'% delay or in.convenience. ThIfficiency of Mc- CasA& F Electric Water Heater is not aff ect- ed by lime or sedi- ment. It fit. snugly on the outside of the boiler-giving a continuous sup- ply of hot water at minimum cost. Suitable for either fiat rate or meter. McClary's A & P Heater and Fibre- formi Cover are the mos t satisfactory water heating equiprnent on the mnarket. The cover, attached to your present houler, pre- vents 80% of heat !ose-saving with- in a year or less so$ enough to pay for the entire coat of the equipment. Your dealer in electrical supplies wifl show you. 4as A&F Electrie WATER HETER Amn CCU Bl4Eavic Rage Sold in Bowmanville by W. LEN ELLIOrr Leaders 0f, Theni AU!. Il». h4gh.. expression ciFu,. atone quddiy and value la tihe Fufl-Siue Gmî-Dipp.d Bal- 1000. II. piaeramong BaRBon trsodth~ eadir pr@ved by perforan oe-- made possible by Gura-Dip- pfig, Fwretorâe - pr .oes Wo et.mgfthening the. wasto endure. the om Rafeming byic Leam fnal myow Fireatn deaier the . ny advantg.a of Gum - Dkppkg - the. add.d comnfort, dendabuit and gpotter emoocy. FPRETONE TIRE & RUEDER C» OFt CANADA LIMITEB Hamilton.. Ontario MOST MIL£.§ PER DOLLAR ihetea. DoMs the OulyOumIp"id Tfr FIRESTONE TIRES Are Sold By Jamieson Bros. Bowmanville & Oshawa IleWes Pr-oof That ZUTOO' Ends Ileadache Mr.. L . Toà»kDS. E-Mayor of Coad. yook Qu. prvs *It.m TYom ut Tajileta ro a e fwilve teoke fr h raco s -MM er bom-. aun éua "BECAUSE I LIVE" "Dead?" Nay, she is not dead. Who calîs her so? That she still lives I know,%; thel reason why, i Because the Master said long years~ agoi Who lives and who believes sballi neyer die. "Gone?" Aye, perbaps, but not for- ever gone: For though the time be distant or be near, This is declared in no uncertain tone, When Christ appears they shal with Him appear. "Far from us separated"? rod forbid She is witb Christ; and wbetber near or far. The self-sanie Christ with wbom our lif e ie hid; She there, we bere, in Christ unit- ed are. "But out of reach?" Yes, for a little while. eyes are dim. Called on ahead ,the welcome of ber smile Shall greet us where we though to welcome ber. "These empty hands 1" They ghall bel more than filled With blessings for anotherssav ing heart.be "This clamoring pain !" It shale stilled Witb peace wherewitb to healan other's smart. a~ I "eUt still we weep!" Why not? since Jesus wept,, Though even then I His eyes divine That only fo a seaqori Lazarus slept, And at His caîl awake again should "But if these bearts, before peace cometh break?" The blow that broke the alabaster fair Spilled, withou. waste, the nard forl Cbrist's sweet sake. And broadcast fiung to al its frag- rance rare.1 BOLSHEVISM VS. AMERICANISM By Chas. M. Bic., Lawyer, Denve,, Colorado. H. G. Wells. ominont writer and historian in England, cries down Dictator Mussolini, on the groundj that Mussolini did not croate FPas- cism, but on the other hand, Fasciin croatod bim. Thé spirit et Fascism, he says, "was fully vocal in Italy be- fore the war", wbich is a surpris- ingly bromidic remnark for a journal- îst, author and historian of Well's intelligence to mako. 0f course, the spirit of F'ascismi was in Italy long heforo Mussolini appearod on the scene! History off- ors no single example af an unknown or obscure 'person suddenly emorging froni nowhere to become, in a twink- ling, the îundisputed leader of mil. lions of peop le unless thoso people, consciously r nnconsciously, woro' ready and willing for such a leader. There is no such thing as a co- man rovolution. A man may have the eloquence of a Cicero gr a Dmos- thenes, or even of a angol and still not got anywhere, if his hoarers are not in the mood to accept bis preach- inga. The spirit of revoIt must be in tbe individual soul of the population, and for cause, before the would-be re- volutionist bas a ghost of a chance. Tho signera of the Declaration of Indepondence did net make the Amn- enican Revalution. Tbey meroly voicod wbat was already in every Amorican beart. Patrick Henry's "Give me liberty, or givo me Death", woîuld have beon laugbed at but for tho faet ho was succinctly uttoring wbat bis compatriots ah f ot, but lacked his gift of expressing. Reams of paper and barrels of ink are being expendod in the United States today, urging upon un the "red" peril. A lot of good people", munim r batflshevoiam oetomth msm r bhtl or tom-th republie. Stil athers are afraid oi fascism, and the possible appearance -ocf an Ainerican Mussolini. Somehow, constitutionally, wo faîl utterly ta thnill hy any such menace. The situation makes the man. Un- doubtedlly we have a Lenine or Mus- solini in aur midst today, but neithor will get anywbere, se long as the way in not paved for hîm. beeome oppreaaed; if eur government forgets it laU"of, by and for the people", and becomea indeed a gov- ernment of, by and for the iew, thon and not till thon, will we *have* need ta fear a Lenino or a Mussolini. Paderewski, genius thaugbho ein, cannat make atbs. drum saund like a. piano, nar a piano like a base drum. He cannot getot otaiis piano, even one note that was not built into it, or a single ebard that is not waiting thero ta be brought out by a talented hand. People are like that. They roact precisoly accerding ta the way they feel inside, net accarding ta the way some outsider toIls tbem they ought ta fool. If a nation is happy, if it in busy, or if it la even balf way weli gavera- ed, 'the best that wauld-be inciter. ta revolt get in ta bo called ".nuts" and 94cranka" witb an occasional abower ai over-ripe hon fruit. Contontment la a natien's antidote against oxtremista of any and aU kinds. IH would ho moro ta the eoint, therefare, vero vo ta spendi osa time in trying ta round up and bang Boîshevista, if any, and more time in keeping aur country the land af liberty and justice it started out to ho. Superior styles and values in Lad- ies' Spring Coats et Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman'.. Notbing as good for Astbma. As- thma remedies came and go but every year the salas ai the original Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Astbma Remedy grow greater and grater. No furtber evi- donce could ho asked ai its remark- able merit. It rohieves. It in al- way. ai the snme unvarying quality which the suf oerromm asthma learns ta know. Do not sufer au- ather attack, but gel I"us plendid i.medy today. "Let George Do It-Pl" Ta a very common expression but it has a very significant meaning when ap- plied to having Geo.. S Pritchard do your Paper Hanging- and S Painting. You are assured of a first-claas job in every particu- lar. BIG SALE OF~ SUNWORTHY WALL PAPER We are having a big demand for Staunton's famnous Sunworthy Wall Paper for which we have the exclusive agency in town. Wonderfi.l as- sortmnent from which to choose. Be sure to see our Wall Paper and realize the reasonable prices. WHY PAY MORE? Champion Guaranteeci Pint $1.25 Quart GEO. PRITCHARD Painter and Decorator Opposite Keraîake'. Drug Store, Bowmanviîîe Phone 489 C. A. Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville I ~ I H :~I 1: [(1P;1 'lii *.1 ~ t *Bymcad4~QJ~ tirnited IsYo1urW7oo fTreresistant? menace of fire by using Brantford Roofing. Ail Brantford Roofing products are fire-re- tardent and usually reduce insurance rates by 10 to 20 per cent. Specify Brantford for permanent roofi.ng satisfaction. Çb Brantford Roofing Co. Uàmited Brantford, Ontarioe EBraniford IROOFS4 Stock Carvied, Information Fi-u n.. nd Servce on Brantford Roofing rendored by Rico & Co.,-9 M M -M Bowmanville JJ THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, MAY 26th., 1927. Have You Tried Sheli Coal O011? It gives heat and light instead of soot and smoke. Try it and be convinced as others have. Batteries Charged PAGE SEVM

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