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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1927, p. 4

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PAGE 4 Crash lTowelling, odd lengthsse Silk Rayon Dress Goods at 50c and cially priced at Couch, Johnston ,& 60e yard. Couch, Jobnston & Cry- Crydermnan's. derman. SWEEKLY STORE NEWS From the Busy Corner Grocer BUSINESS ATTRACTS BUSINESS The old saying that "business attracts business" is cer- tainly demonstrated these days at oun groceny store. UNPRECEDENTED DEMAND Besides hustling around filing staple lines of groceries, we bave requîred extra help to supply the unprecedented demand for Flowers, Plants, Sbrubs and Vegetables for planting wbicb we are selling at such reasonable prices. No better values anywhere. SOLD 5 TONS DAIRY RATION Then se far this Spring we bave sold over 5 tons of Dairy Ration, the great milk producer, to fariners in this dis- trict. It's giving wonderful results, too. CHICKEN FEED PRODUCES RESULTS Chicken teed is another of our strong sellers. We are soon to start on our third ton of Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter and H-O Steam-Cooked Cbick Feed. PINEAPPLES 2 FOR 35c. To wind up our "Store News" for this week we are feat- uring large ripe Pineapples at 2 for 35c. We recommend and SelI IIARRY ALLIN =L!eaaalrjI-. PHONE 186 BOWMAN VILLE Keep the Pantry WeIl Stocked WITH CORBET'S BAKERY PRODUCTS The prudent, farsighted mother always sees that her pantry is well stocked with good things to eat-the kiddies are always hungry-visitors may drop in at any moment-Friends frorn a dist- ance may drive up in their car and it is but right that the pantry curtain contain "plenty" for al contingencies. Under just such circumstances Corbett's Bak- ery Produets are the right and proper kind. Our large and varied assortmerit of Cakes, Pies, Roîls, Buns, Pastries and Breads leave nothing to be de- sired, and their keeping qualities are so that you can have them on hand for days and not affect their delicious freshness. When it's something to eat-Corbett's make a real treat. We Specialize in Wedding Cakes W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville BOYS' COTTON STOCKINGS Black, in heavy ribbed effects. 4 PAIR FOR $1.00 Phone 61 SALEM Anniversary services of Salem Sun- day School will be held as follows: On Sunday, June 5th., Rev. L. S. Wight, B.A., B.D., Belleville, will preach at 2.30 and 7.30 p. m. (Standard Time). Special music by the Sunday School. On Monday, June 6, at 6.30 p. m. sharp, a league game 0f softball will be played bc- tween Tyrone and Salem tennis. At 8 p. m., the Leskard Dramatie Club will present the popular 4 act play "Twixt Love and Money". Special mnusic. Admission 35e and 20c. Everybody corne. 21-2w ENFIELD Mrs. Frank Gilbert was in the city last week consulting a specialist... Mrs. E. Annis, Wbitby, Mrs. G. F. Leask, Taunton, were recent guests of Mrs. Frank Gilbert... Mn. and Mns. Garnet Cochrane and family, Mr. J. Gibson and Mr. MacClean, Oshawa, and Mr. Floyd Cochrane, Bowmanville, visited at Mr. George Cocbrane's recently .... Mr. and Mr2. W. Stinson and Mr. and Mrs. EIowve, Detroit, bave been visit-ng at Mr. J. Stinson's ... . Mn. and Mrs. James Stark motored to Lake Simcoe last Saturday .... Mr. George Cochrane bas once more brought home the red tickets on bis horses. Ho worq five firsts at Uxbridge fair on May 24th. A good sbowing for "Highfield Farm" .... Mr .and Nirs. Gordon White, Oshawa, w*re ruests of Mr. Wallace Scott over Sunday ... . Mr. Frank Page, Toronto, and Mrq. Branton, Osbawa, visited this week at Mn. S. Page's.... Drs. Berry, Osh- ~awa and Ferguson, Enniskillen, bad a consultation over Mr. Harold Coch- rane on Saturday. --lad to know Harold's chances are good for re- covery... . Mn. and Mrs. Ellis Pascoe, Brooklin, Mr. and Mrs. John Ormis- ton, Oshawa, visited at Mr. G. Orniis- ton's last Saturday.. See last week's news on another page. See the bargaint, in Men's Suits at' Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderxnan's. i COURTICE Messrs. Gordon and Jack Pickell, Detroit, are spending a few days with their tather and sistens here.. Several from bere attended the an- niversary atEldad .... On Tbunsday afternoon the Ladies' Berean Class held its montbly meeting at the home of Mns. Herbent Nichols. Meeting opened witb the President, Mns. W. R. Courtice, in the chair. Alter the devotional a good deal o! business was transacted and following program presented: a solo by Mns. Albert Rundle; the chapter from the book was splendidly given by Mns. Clar- ence Penfound; a social tume was spent together, the retresbment cern- mnittee serving a most appetizing lunch te about twenty-five ladies. Mns. Nichols was a most genial host- ess. Our class accepted an invita- tion te hold our next meeting on June 3th at the home et Miss Jennie Armour.. We were very pleased oni Sunday te bave our Pastor, Rev. C. C. Washington, in the pulpit again atter bis illness. Ris discourses were excellent..Mr. and Mns. Sol. H. Hancock and son Elbert, Roches- ter, visited relatives here last week and attended the wedding celebrationi et bis sisten, Mrs. Levi Brunt at En- niskillen... .Mrs. T. G. Mason, Bew-1 manville, was guest at her bohrs Mn. W. R. Courtice. .. .Ebenezer An- niversary Sunday, June l2th. Wonderful specials in Canton Dresses this week.,nd at Couch, John- ston & Cryderman's. 2]Big Suit Specials Thursday - Friday - Saturday 30 Men'a and Young Men's Suit. Purchased Direct Froin Manufacturer at a Tremendous Recluction SEE THESE SUITS AND BARGAIN GET A BARGAIN NO. 1 15 Men's Suits, Double Breasted, bard1 ed, aIl Pure Wool Scotch Tweeds in Grey ringbone effects, worth $37.50, OUR BARGAIN PRICE $26-95 finish-' Her- MEN'S OVERALLS With Bib and Braces,' Black, Blue and Blue Stripe at $1.6e PAIR Te« B. Gilchrist Opposite Bank of Montreal llow.auVille F.NNISKILLEN EBEIIIEZER Miss Nellie Ormiston and Mns. Anniversary services of Ebeneizer Philip Stone, Columbus, visited the Sunday School will be beld as fol- former's sister-in-law, Mns. Edithi lows: On Sunday,, June 12, ser- 1 Riggs .. . .Mrs. C. J. Pascoe, Toronto, mons will be preached at 110.30 a.M. bas been visiting numerous friends 2.30 and 7.30 p. m., (Standard time), here... Mr. Clark Dorland, fourth hy Rev. E. W. Rowland, Omemee. *year medical student of Toronto Special music by school and choir. No cUniversity, has successfully gained tea will be held on Monday so alP - his year in the final examinations. . .1 are asked to contribute libernlly to tYoung People's League wilI be held; the ofl'ering on Sunday. Corne andi )on Thursday evening. An addressi enjoy the day with us. 1 will be given by Mr. A. H. Davis, re-ý 1I presentative of the Upper Canadal .Bible Society .... .No evening service; 7next Sunday owing to the pastor be-i HAMPTON ing at Conference at Oshawa ... Darlington S. S. Convention willl Mr. and Mns. Alberf Oke andj meet here on June 15t..... Mr. and' ebjîdren, Enniskillen, spent Sunday Mrs. James A. Werry attended Eldad at Mr. C. Hastings'.... Mr. and Mns. ranniversary on Sunday.... Rep-int E. Doncaster and Mr. and Mrs. Milt- of the wedding celebration of Mr. and~ on Avery, Toronto, visited at- Mr. Mrs. Levi Brunt o)n another page. R. Avey's.... Mrs. Walter Lang-j 1maid, Oshawa, bas been visiting at' 1 Encourage the C.G.I.T. by at-: Mrs. C.. Langmaid's. ... Mr. and Mrs.i tending the drama "Willowdale" on' J. L. Johns, Mr .and Mrs. L. Trulli Friday, June I otb. It's a good play, and Mns. C. Kent visited friends atl too. Orono ... . Mr. Ross Trenouth, De- troit, with bis parents, Mr. and M rs. MAPLEGROVEA. Trenouth... .Mr. and Mrs. O. J. MAPLEGROVEClatwortby, Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. R. Hooey, Cameron, Mr. and Mrs. Mrs. J. R. Burnett, Mr. and Mrs.! MeMillan, Peterboro, vîsited at Mrs Brown and family, Miss Menzies,'~ Cawrh'.. r n n Torotovisied he frme's sste, E atwCreeper and sons, Jak an Moron.oF.vSwallowthe. . mersse r. ad r en SouandsansMr.a. El- Claude. Tueker,..S.ir.ind vis elot,FOrterieu, iitd wMbr Elve Clrueds overthe tieeknd, vis. ' in the vr ig ec iie tly reAlargve JohendsMcGr te eegor .at ..itb, vsinumber rie re tended . EAlag bern cusin at b, Mr H G.Frema , Olanivbery on Sund ay nddMonday Te usyn,..Msses. viola an M abe vray nSna adMna teesand..Misserioanod Motol.Rev. Mr. Hillis who is attending SteensandMis Vea Wod rotr- the 'Bay of Quinte Conference at ed to Uxbridge on Saturday and v"--, Oshawa will preach here Sunday at ited the fonxner's sister, and other 10 30 a m. ..Mrs. A. Arnott was in frîends ever the weekend.. Mr. and, Oshawa Monday attending the tun- Mrs. L. C. Snowden visited at Mr. T.ý eral o! her brother. the late Mn, S. Baker's on Sunday and attended the Trevail.. Mr. and Mrs. James anniversary. .. . The play entitled Curtis visited friends in Oshawa on "Patsy" put on by the girls ot the Saturday. .Young People's meetingi softball team was spiendidly given Friday evening was in charge o! the and created lots ot laughter. Mn.- Social vice-President, Miss Ruth Fred Stevens gave a recitation, inul5i Johns. Bible lesson was rend by was turnished by Misses Margaret Miss Blanche Cryderman; devotional Abernethy and Mabel Stevens; a reci- was in charge o! Miss L. Reynolds; tation by Miss Winnie Lancaster. piano solo, Miss 1, Campbell; reading, Proceeds $19,21,.,.. ,Glad te see Pas- Miss Mariorie Pascoe; vocal duet, tor Washington out on Sunday alter- Miss E. Langmaid and Mr. Laverne neon atter bis recent illness, when Clemens; after whicb a co)ntest waa he çpreached a capital sermon. very much enjoyed and meeting closed with benediction. Selid leather heavy work boots are SOLINA greatly reduced in price nt Hcrn's 1 Store. Betnesda iramatic Club wiI1 pre- sent "Willowdale" at Enniskillen on F'iday, June 10. Don't misa it. Good crowds attended Eldad Sun- day School annivensary and greeted Rev. A. J. Ternill, B.A., B.D., Ponty- pool, at both services on Sunday. Rev. Terrill is a very forcetul speaker and delivered two excel'cnt serinons. 17he singing under the direction ot Mrs.. J. Baker was very mucb enjoyed. On Menday atternvon a geod prognam ef sports was held on the school, grounds. At 6 o'clock a league: football match vas played betweenj Bowmanville and Solina, the lattese winning in a score of 4-0. An ex- cellent supper waR served by the lad-' i es et the church tromn 4.30 until 3111 were satisfed At ýz o'clock a highi class concert was given by the fol-1 lowing artists:-Mr. A. W. Allin, in seng, story and community singing enlivened the audience; Mrs. Little,I soloist, and 'Mn. Little, accompanliet of Linîdsay, M> a aitwood, ýrl"cution-l :ist ot Oshawai,' was well received on ' this hier second appearance here. Mr. jFrancis Sutton, violinist, Bowman- manville, delighted alil w'ith bis num-Î bers. Miss Edith Peardon, Bow- J manville, gave a fine exhibition et j club-swinging. Local talent also assisted. Pnoceeds $273. Miss Ada Pascoe, nurse-mn-train-I ing, Toronto', spent a week with ber parents, Mn. and Mns. H. G . Pasco i....No services bore next Sunday on account of Zion anniversary.,..1 Pleased te see se many visitons atl our annivensary on Sunday... Word: bas been received by ber relatives here that Miss Lena Taylor who hasi been doing missienary work in Chinai for some timne is on bei way home.1 Solid leather beavy work boots arel Stre.tl reduced in pnice at ilorn's~ I M . nd I-AYDON M.adMrs. John Wright visitedj with friends in London. ... Mr. and Mrs. James Crossman visited friends in Cartwright .. .. Mr. Wm. Aunger, Toronto, visited at Mr. R. Aunger's. ...Mr. and Mrs. W. Ridge and daughter, Margaret, Oshawa, visited at Mr. John Wright's.... Mr, and Mrs. Theron Mountjoy Sundayed with Mr. Roy Langmaid, Solina... . Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Miles, Col-1 borne, spent Sunday witb bis brother, Mr. Miles...Mrs. Publow and daughters, Ruth and Kathleen, Mrs.1 Grant and sons Bill and Jim, Tor-: onto, were bolidaying at Mrs. W. H.1 Creeper's. ... Mr. and Mrs. Welsb,I1 Toronto, visited at Mr. C. Avery's.', - Mr. and Mns. Doidge and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. John Slemoni and Mr. and Mrs. Tbeo. Slemon Sunel dayed at Mr. S. Trewin's. We are! glad that Mr. Trewin is up again after his recent iUness ........ Mr.I Eugene Beecb who has charge at St. Ola, exchanged pulpits on May 22 with Rev. Mr. Swayne, Manchester ...Mrs. G. Stephens, Hamnpton, Mn Gordon vanCamp and son Earl,'Btase Line, visited at Mr. A. Beec's... Glad to see Mns. Beech able to be' out aga.n..... Mr. and Mrs. Beecb, Ada and Fred, visited Mr. and Mns. Everett Beech, Port Hope ...Mr, Jas. Kennedy, Jr., Mr. Fred and Miss Meta Ashton, Toronto, visited at Mr H. Ashton's ... . *Mn. Reuben Ashtonî and sons Henry and Cyrus Asbtonl and daughters Kathleen ,lrene, Miss Robert.s, Miss Doris Painton, Port Hope, visited Mns. Leslie Graham.. - Mr. and Mrs. Woolings, Stanley, Norman and Beatrice, Mr. Rob Smith, Toronto, Sundayed at Mr. H. Ashton'q. Miss Rema Bradley had charge of the Junior League Sunday evening. Balance Ladies' Spring Coats sel]- iniz at greatly reduced prîces. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. f4usic MISS STANLEY CHANT Mien Stanley Chant la stArtIng a clasal of beginners la piano munie. Terma miodarate. Addrme-Hampton B R. 1, or Tlephon, Qass1652-3. 20 Dozen Extra Quality DOLLAR DAYS 39c EACH Women's Chamoisette Gloves, colora, Mode, Grey and Sand, Regular 89c, DOLLAR DAYS 2 PAIR $100o Kiddies' 718 Sox, izes 6 te 9 14, DOLLAR DAYS 2 PAIR FOR $1.00 500 yards Fiat Crepe, full yard wide, nice mediunm weigbt, Regular $2.75 yd. DOLLAR DAYS $1.89 YARD Gingham Special, a host of -patterns of Anderson's best, Regular 35c, DOLLAR DAYS 4 YARDS FOR $1.00 500 yards of 30 inch Fugi Silk, every color including White, fast colors, Reg- ular 79e yard, DOLLAR DAYS 1 % YARDS $1.00 500 yards yard-wide Victoria Suiting, suitable for womnen's and children'a Dresses, Regular 45c yard, DOLLAR DAYS 3 YARDS FOR $1.00 100 Yards Black Duchesu Satin, a won- derful cloth, DOLLAR DAYS $1.00 YARD Huge Special-Plain Cotton Broadcloths, 40 inches wide, very finest eloth, DOLLAR DAYS 69c YARD B.est Jacquard Bath Towels, DOLLAR DAYS 3 FOR $1.00 Pure Linen Tea Towel, ready made, DOLLAR DAYS à YARDS $1.00 Holeproof Hosiery, ail colora and aises, Regular $1.75, DOLLAR DAYS $1.00 50 dozen Liule and Cotton Hose, prîced originally to 75e pair, DOLLAR DAYS 4 PAIR FOR $.100 Aý new shipment of Silk Hlosiery, every pair guaranteed, Regular $1.50, DOLLAR DAYS 89e PAIR Phone 106 Look For the Shel Sign Then purchase Shell Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'll find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. Ce A, Bartlett Phone 110 King St. East, Bowrnanville Do Your Fencing Now .AND DO IT WITH Invincible Fencing The open hearth steel wire fencing which_ I gives mucli stronger and a more durable fence, for farm use or ornamental fencing, manufactured by Steel Company of Canada, biggest Company in Canada. Consuit us before doing your fencing. Local Dealers for Brantford and Bird Rocfng MASO N & DALE Phone 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville - I S. W. Mason & Son's I Four Dozen Only, Women's in e Rats, Priced up to $5.00 1 DOLLAR DAY $1.00 EACH Two hundred only, Japanese Rag Rugs. Note the sizes and extremely low prices Size 18 in. x 36 in., 2 Rugi For *1.00 Size 27 in. x 54 in., 2 Ruga For *1.69 500 yards Extra Fine Factory Cotton, 36 in. wide, Regular 27c, DOLLAR DAYS 6 YARDS *1.00 Yard wide fine quality Scotch Curtain Net with lace border, DOLLAR DAYS 5 YARDS *1.00 Linen Towelling et extra weight and supenior finish, DOLLAR DAYS 4 YARDS $1.00 Flannelette Blankets, a limited supply et the fine Ibex largeat bed size, DOLLAR DAYS *2.00 PAIR Huge purchase of Women's Underwear, Bleemens and Vesta, made of cotton, some witb a silk stnipe, others plain o! geod weigbt, short or ne sleeves, tailored comty or opera tops. The bloomers extra value. Note the prices. Colons Pink, Peach, White and Mauve, BLOOMERS: 2 FOR $1.00 VESTS: 2 FOR $1.00 Women's Crepe Bloomers, DOLLAR DAYS 69c Women's Broadcloth Bloomers, DOLLAR DAYS $1.00 PAIR Cbildren's Broadclotb Bloomers, guar- anteed fast colons, al sizes, DOLLAR DAYS 2 PAIR $1.50 Children's vests and Cembinatirins, EACH GARMENT DOLLAR DAYS 19e Women's Cbambnay and Gingham House Dresses, EACH $1.00 A Corselette Special, exceptionaîîy weU made et a fine pink bnocaded clotb, aize 30 to 46, DOLLAR DAYS 89e PAIR Save on amallwares, Compare Prires. and Bloomer Elastie, 6 yds........... 25c Bias Fold Tape, 5 yards........... 17« Twill Tape, 3 for................ 25c White Pearl Buttons, 3 carda . 1..je Pins, 3 packages................. oc Safety Pins, 3 carda.............. 15c Mending Wool ,any colon, per 14 oz. Se Hair Pins ,3 fon................. 25c Cheese Cloth, 5 yarda........... 39c B@wmaaVille THE CAIÇ .DIAN S TATE8MA4N, BOWXAr4VILLE, THURSD.AY, JUNE 2nd., 1927 Double Day Dollar- Days Friday and Satuirday, June 3rd and 4th. Hundreds of Real Bargains for Thrifty Housewives. Be early for these Specials as the quantites ini some instances are Iimnited. BARGAIN NO. il 15 Men's Suits, AIl Wool Scotch Tweeds, in a nice Fawn effect ,new models, aIl sizes and worth $37.50,IIf OUR BARGAIN PRICE $26.95 MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN'S NA VY BLUE HERRINGBONE SUITS A Special Bargain For The Above Three Day. Only A LINE WE ARE CLEARING AT ONLY $19.95 OTHER SPECIALS 5 dozen Fine Shirts, Travellers' Samples, the loveliest patterns, we have ever shown and at a discount of 25% off Regular Prices. S. W. Ma son & Son Dry Goodi, Ready-to-W.ar, MilIinery i

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