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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 2 Jun 1927, p. 6

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- ~ ~THURSDlAY, JUNE 2iid., 1927 Everywvhere-Women Endorse this Greatest of Elements W OMEN from every Cana- dian community are testify. in.- to the unfailing dependability, safety and satisfactory service of McClary's Speediron Element. These testimonials are unsolicited. They corne as free tributes fi-rn thou- rands of satisfled uisera of McClary's Electric Range. Such nation-wide appreval proves what McClary's have long claimed-that the Speediron is the meet reliable and ser- viceable element on the market. The Speediron i. repairable, renew. able and exceptionaîîy economical. The coils are protected by a smeooth, cast- hron, removable cooking surface. Before buying, sec this wonder ele- ment produced and used exciusively by McClaY'sý. Made in the very style and can . yourequire and sold at a price yeu McCI-aW Electric Range Aiso au Ca9 A ~PBetri aeHeater W. LEN. ELLJOTT BOWMANVILLE, ONT. witbout risk No rs- u e ok Johns-Manville Asbestos Shiagles go night over the old roof. N o risk-ofdirt and sbingles old shingles stay on the roof. The double roof keeps out both suner heat and wiinter cold. No risk-oned~:ingeai Asbestos Shingles are made of roc- tbey will outiast your home. No *ko fr nth of flamecan't burntheseAsbestos shingles. No risko lanAseso or rot. They neyer wear out. right over the old roof T'r'HE old method of tearing off old shingles is -0-log out of date. It's quicker, .9cleaner and easier to re-roof right over the old shingles. It's easy te get the beauty, permanence and fire- safety of Johas-Manvifle Asbestos Shinglea. CANADIAN JOHNS-MANVILLE CO., Ltd. 19 Front St. East, Toronto, Ont. JONS-AVIL AsbestoS Shingles BOWMANVILLE McCLELLAN & Co Limited CCUtre of Canada's Confederation Celebration OBITLIARY Mr&. W. J. Jolliffe, Toronto Mrs. Clara Jolliffe, ivife of the late Rev. W. J. Jolliffe, a former pastor of Bowmanville Methndist Church, whose return to her home in Toronto had been expected last week, died suddenly at the home of her son, Dr. Arthur Jolliffe, in San Diego ,California, where she was visiting. The late Mrs. Jolliffe, daughter of the late Isaac Robins m,1 was born in Toronto on June 12th,J 1846. She was the younger of a long lived family of five, the oldestj of her three sisters having reachedj 90 years of age, and a brother in~ Winnipeg, 85 years. She is survived by five children: Edith, Ruby and Norman living in New York; Dr. Ar- thur Jolliffe, San Diego, California, and Ernest Jolliffe, Toronto. 1 S. O. Taylor, Port Hope Mr. S. 0. Taylor, Port Hop passed away peacefully at his i-e dence ,May 22. The laite Mi-. Ta loi- had been ill for th,3 past foi months with pernicious anaemia ai the end came vei-y peacefully. D ceased, who was in his 74th year, wý born in the township of Clar-ke, tv miles north of Newtonville. 1 was the only son of the late S. Taylq and Mary Gifford and after farmir foir a number of years made h residence in Bowmanville for tweni years. Latex-, however, he returi ed to farimng and worked the hom, stead and was the third generatb, to o s asthe ]and was original] onducin a suecessful farmni b Us iness nhe moved to Port Hope son five years ago. in politics the lait ri. Taylor ivas a staunch Conservî tive and in religion an ardent Pi-e berian. Deceased wvas exceptioi ally well liked by a wide circle o people ivho admired him for hi frankneis nnd kindly disposition. Left to mourn his passing are hi widow, two daughiters, Mrs. Kari 5y mens, Chicago, 11; and Miss Mai- Taylor of Toronto; and two sons, È A. Taylor of Toi-ento; and Kennetl Taylor, Detroit, 'Mich. One sister Mrs. J. K. Gahratth of Toronto, ais( survives. AUNT SUSANS WEEKLY LETTEJ My Dear Niece.*-It is not a com« foitable feeling to think you are under an obligation to one who has done yeu a kindness-in fact, it is not quite the right spirit to take their gifts or help. It really is youi- pride-a sort of false pride-that is hurt and is caus- ing you to desire te return to theni even more than they have given you. That argues you are feeling a peculiar superiority which you v-ould indignantly deny. If someone helps you in any way, or gîves You some little thing, yeu are net always bound te return this in full; te do se mas' look like condescension, espec- ially if you return it twe-fold. You are spoiling a beautiful feel- ing and r&ughly handling a grand impulse. Your attitude expresses a reluctance of receiving their belli or gifts. Se f ew people know how te show their gratitude or express thanks tactfully; it la net always shown by return gifts or hy repayment. Be- tween real friends or the members of a family such a feeling should net for a moment exist. What is done or given is meant, and is not wished te be refuÀnded in any way. fit is necessary te use great tact in showing thanks. There is a peculiar pleasure in giv- ing-it is a pleasure unique and sweet, andl when we gracefully ac- cept something froni another we do net lower ourselves in any way. In fact, by shewing oui- thanks and gratitude in a proper spirit we repa9y theni fully by allowing them that happiness. To own we are uinder an obligation iS te kilI a great pleas- ure and will often sever a friendship. This dees net mean yeu are nover te lo a zeod turn semetime, but you .shr,ulri ,endeavor te do se at a diffor. e nt tirnr.. and in other way;, :and as if ne)t particularly refunding a debt. Thanks and gratitude cao be shewn in se many ways and net nec- e-.earily in duplicate foi-m; and be ep-alycareful when the kindnesç dene te yen is by semeene in position inferier te you. Add te their pleasure by allowing theni to feel you are under an obli- jgation te theni; this cannot hurt vou and gives theni an uplifting feeling that you, perhaps, may never feel. J ~Your loving A.untSsn SOFTBALL SCHEDULE Central Darlington League June 1-Hampton at Providence 6-Tyrone at Salemi i O-Providence at Maple Grove 15-Saleni at Hamnpton 17-Maple Grove at Tyrone 2O--Salem at Maple Grove 24-Tyrone at Providence 29-Maple Grove at Hampton July 4-Hampton at Tyrone 6-Salem at Providence 8-Providence at Hampton ll---Salemn at Tyrone 13-Maple Grove at Providence 15-Hampton at Salemi 18-Tyrone at Maple Gi-ove 20-Maple Grove at Salemi 22-Providence at Tyrone 25-Hampton at Maple Grove 27-Tyrone at Hampton 29-Providence at Salemi M. Wight, T. Hoar, President. Secretary. SICK ABED EIONTMONTHS After Takig Lydia EL Piakham's Vegetable Coenpound Could De AUl Her Work and Gaimed in Weght eJ I eft Saskatcdevan. - «'I bad inwrd roules hedacesand severe S- 1 pains in my back and sides. 1 was )f se sick generally ýu that I could net in bed most of the .4i't tinie for eight h unablete attend D ceuld net do my i work. She told me te try Lyd3 E.Pnkai's Vege- table Compeund, and after taking two botties I could get up and dress my- self. I aIse teck Lydia E. Pinkham's Blood Mediýine. When I firs t took the medicine I only weigbed seventy- eight pounda. New 1 weigh twice as 3 mucb. If I get eut of sorts or weary and can't sleep I always take anether hottle of the Vegetable Compound. I.find it uwonderf-ully good foi- fe- maIetrobles, and have reconi- mendedt tegomy neighbors. I will be ony telad te answer any letters I receive asking about it.' - Mrs. WILLIAM RITCHIE, Box 486, Melfort, Saskatchewan.c Any Ileadaclie -S'ck -Nervous Relieved by Zuloo MA SAPE AND SURE REMEDY FOR AIUING CHILDREN MILLER'S POVhD'RS CON~TAIN No NARCOIIoe U £*LY tAK EN IIM. N fflu "OUT OLcAT gm- Ai UWEET AS 5UGAft w DIQS PHOSPHODINEý Thef Great English Preparaton. .dTone, and nvigorates t he whole nI,'~ eryÇ,t', system. makes new Blood i~j..n tEd Veins. tlsed for Neri'uus ïmliebiity. Metal and Drain Wouy te ert. Fstit emny . cSpio. for S5' od by aildrgglii, or,mauledlin pi pkt. on revep< f ,n( . Ne.pephlig maied lrw.-NE WOOD .rwcusu 5ZO..Toawr.on0 Cook'& Rogulating Compound A a. eblw%,. ,#td< tees of mmstg-No. 1. $Il .0288-1 No, a, 85 p«, box; soie a e cf r @Mt TIIE COOIEDICINECO. YOIIonT.007.(FoemrlyWiduj OLD PAL 0F MINE We, who miss from hi. wonted place, Know that, in passing, he but gently slept : That, long ere this, across that peace- fuI face The quickening wings of God have seftly swept. Arrayed in gai-nent new and spot- less cdean No pain-racked body now his soul dismays, For, through his suffering, he has earned, I wean The right to higher life and bright- er days. Unhampered now by fetters not bis own His place he takes among those greater men Who have passed on to where theyre better known, Though still, if we but knew, with- in our ken. Think you sncb courage, candor, grace Such sympathy and tenderness of heart Shaîl lack for fitting work nor flnd a place Among those souls whom God hasi called apart? His task, his labor, that we cannot tell Though this we know, as Jf we saw hlm there,, No matter what it be, we know full That moi-taI carie nor fear do flot Perhaps in halls of learning dees he stand Following his choice that was de-1 nied him here, Selving some problere or aiding with his hand Seme other seul in need of friend- ]y cheer. We who, in the shadow, yt must dwell For just a little longer while and then Take each our place te laor long and well To fit ourselves te be true sons f nmen. fad we but haf the dlaim te laurel- crown As he, who bas passed on, cao fit- tîng wear We should nt fear the darkness3 glowering down Nor shame te lift oui- faces over iThus do we leave him in that i-ealm nf light For he has work te do set y the hand f One on whorn there ase came the night, Which cornes despite oui- protest or demand. Just this I ask, for this I humbly pray Then, when my tire shall core, l'Il net repine- If he'l nt pass me by nor turn away; Nor e'er forget he'q still-old pal1 of mine. F. J. G. Rev. F. W. Anderson, Port Hope, and Rev. Dr. Dougal, Oshawa, ex- changed pulpits on Sunda3- evening. ,MagesiaBest For IWarne Against Doping Stoniach With Artificial Digestents Most people who suffer, eiter oc- casinally or chronically romi gas, sourness and indigestion, have nOw discontinued disagreeable diets, pat- ent foods and the use of harnful drugs, stomach tonics, medicines and artificial digestents, and instead, fol- lowing the advice se ften given in these colunins, take a teaspoonful or two tablets of Bisurated Magnesia in a little water after meas with the result that their stomach ne longer troubles them, they are able te eat as they please and they enjoy much better health. Those who use Bis- urated Magnesia neer dread the ap- proach of meal tume becausè they know this wonderful anti-acid and food corrective, whicb an be oh- tained froni any good drug store, will instantly neutralize the sto inach acid- ' food fermentation ,and without the slightest pain or diseomfort. Try tbis plan yourself, but be certain to get Bieurated Magnesia especialy prepared for stomah use. Make up your mind today that~ will thoroughly convince you that by you are go ing to give your skin a' sticking aithfully to it for a short real chance to get well. while you skin troubles wvill be a You've prebably been, like a lot thing of the l)ast. of other people, convinced that the Don't expect a single bottie to. do only thing to use was an ointment it ail at once but one bottie we know or salve (seme of them are very will show yeu beyond al] question good) but in the big majority of cas- that you have at last discovered one es these sticky salves simply clog the way to restore your skin to perfect pores and the condition primarily re- health. mains the samie. Reniember that Moone's Emerald Go te Jury & LovelI or any other Oil is a dlean, powerful penetrating good druggist today and get an oni Antiseptic Oil that does not stain or ginal bottle of Moone's Emerald Oul. leave a greasy residue and that it The very flrst application will give must give complete satisfaction or you relief and a few short treatmentsi your money cheerfully refunded. Over 30 years the same good tea. Now packed in Aluminum. IRE» ROSIE TEAis gooditel, RED ROSE ORANGE PEKOE is extra good. PAGE SIX &ExperienceI Phone 15. THE CANADIANSTATESM&N. ROWMAMVIT-T-V ,rWTTT)QnAX7 1-1- - . ---- Nice Young Beef We have purchased for immediate selling J some of the finest young beef that is procurable. The quality cannot be beaten. Try a roast or steak and be convinced that you get the best meats at oui' shop. We are prepared to give special attention to church anniversary needs in meat. We Deliver The Goods LANCE CARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Butchers Phoine 518 Bowmanville Why Not Benefit B3Y To-day's Low iPrices On Coal? Fi your bins now with LEHIGH VALLEY ANTHRACITE for next winter's needs while prices are at their lowest for the year. Advance in coal prices are predicted. NEEDING BULDERS' SUPPLIES? If you are building a new house, repairing or altering your present home we have the necessary builders' supplies to do the job economically and satisfactorily J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowraanville This Great Healing 011 Must Banish Eczema and Skin Troubles Or Your Money Back. Thats the Plan on Which Emer- il

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