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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1927, p. 4

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PGE 4r"E CAPI IDIAN BTATE8MAN, BOWMAJNVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 9th., 1927. 17- 1 1 Keep the Pantry WelI Stocked WITH CORBETT'S BAKERY PRODUCTS The prudent, farsighted mother always sees that ber pantry is well stocked with good things to eat-the kiddies are always hungry-visitors may drop in at any moment-Friends from a dist- ance may drive up in their car and it is but right that the pantry curtain contain "plenty" for al contingen cies. Under just such circumstances Corbett's Bak- jery Products are the right and proper kind. Our large and varied assortment of Cakes, Pies, Rolis, Bun s, Pastries and Breads leave nothing to be de- sired, and their keeping qualities are so that you can have them on hand for days and not aff ect their delicious freshness. When it's something to eat-Corbett's make a real treat. We Specialize in Wedding Cakes W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bowmanville Look For the Sheil Sign Then purchase Shell Aviation an ~ Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasolîne knowrn the world over. Test it your- 1% self. You'll find quality is cheapest and best in the long mun. Special Work Clothes 1Bargains Thursday - Friday - Saturday Khaki or Blue Work Shirts, very heavy quai- ity, llaugh's Special Brand, worth $1.35, SPECIAL AT 98c MEN'S OVERALLS AT $1.69 PAIR Union Made Overali with bib, Black, Blue and Blue Stripe, On Sale at $1.69 Pair or 2 Pair For $3.00 1 Men's Work Pants Very i isbed bairlin( made wear, fine bard fin- Trousers, ie stripe, for bard worth $3.00, ON SALE $2.69 Men's Fine Shirts Broadclotbs, shades of Blue, Grey, Peacb and Work Sîirts in Fawn, Mauve, White, ON SALE $1.95 EACH 2 FOR $3.75 MEN'S UNDERWEAR Combinations with buttons, a splendid quai- ity, ail sizes .......................................... 89c MEN'S COMBINATIONS Very fine quality, no button style, Arrow make ..................Our Special Price, each 98c Boys' (Black), al obtainable Cotton Heavy1 sizes from 51,1, to Ribbed Stockings, 91/2, the best values 29c Pair or 4 Pair For 98c Men's Navy Blue Herringbone Suits The popular Double Breasted Models, we are making a special of this line at only ........$19.95 Other Suits From $1 5.00 to $37-50 T. B. Gilchrist Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville EN4FIELD Mr. John Hepburn attended the Hepburn-Ratcliffe picnic at Beams- ville on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ormiston, Mr. Arthur Ormis- ton and Miss verna Ormiston attend- ed the picnic. They also motoredi to Niagara Falls before coming home1 .... Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Srnythe,- Miss Irene H. Bray and Mr. A. W.' Worthington, Toornto, were recent guests witli Mr. and Mrs. S. Bray. Anniversary services this year will be held in the forni of an Old Boys' and Girls' Reunion. On Sunday, June l2th at 2.30 and 7 p. mi. Rev. Milton Sanderson, Birch Ciff, will preach. Miss Irene Bray, Toronto, will sing at each service and assist the choir. On Monday, June l3th at 3 p. ni. those present will be called to order when Prof. J. B. Reynolds, Guelph, will give an address-also other old boys and girls that are present. Tea served from 5 to 7 p. M. Prograni in evening will be given by Johnston Entertainers,1 Blackwater. Admission: tea and concert 60c; tea or concert 40c; Chiidren, tea and concert 35c; tea or concert 20c. HAMPTON The oethly meeting of Hampton Wonieih Institute was held in the basemenT cf the churcli on Wednes- day afternoon ,June lst, the Presi- dent, Mrs. J. R. Knox, presiding. Meeting opened by singing "The Maple Leaf", after which the Lord's Prayer was repeated in unison. Mns, Lowe, Toronto, the Department speaker, gave a very heipful talk EBENEZER Anniversary services of Ebenezer Sunday School will be held as fol- lows: On Sunday, June 12, ser- nmons will be preached at 10.30 a. ni., 2.30 and 7.30 p. ni., (Standard time) [by Rev. E. W. Rowland, Onîemee. Special music by ochool and choir. No tea will be held on Monday so ail are asked to contribute liberally to the offering on Sunday. Corne and enjoy the day with us. The play entitled "The Hoodoo" will be given Monday, June 13, at 8 p. Mn. Admission 25e and 15c. KEDRON ANNIVERSARY ServiceL w-ill be held on Sunday, June l9th at 2 and 7 p. ni. Rev. C. A. Myers, Tioronto, is the preacher of the day. Singing by the school and Miss Eacott, contralto soloist, St. Catharines. On Tuesday, June 2lst., tea will be served frorn 4.30 until ail are qatisfled. Bail game w-ill bc played between Solina an<l Zion teanis at 6.30 p. ni. At 8 p. ir.. Bownianviile talent will present their* popular play of 3 acts "Here cornes the Bridegrooni". This wvill be sup- plemented by the following artists: Mesdames T. W'. Cawker and C. H.I Dudley, Misses M. Pickard and D. Plumnier, Messrs. W. R. Strike and F. Sutton. An excellent prograni is assured. Admission: Adults, tea or concert 40c; tea and concert 65c; children tea or concert 25c'; tea and concert 40c. Rosa Lee, Gordon Davis, Supt. Secretary.1 NESTLETON The annuai celebration in con- nection with the local Court Cana- dian Order of Foresters took place on Friday, June 3, with a bail tour- nament. Tea and play ini the af- ternoon. A good gaine -f hasebal îwas played betwee'i Val<'ntia and 1Nestieton resulting in a victory for the visiting tearn, the scoie being 5- 3. A game of softball was played between members of Lindsay Court C.O.F. and members of the locall court, the visitors again zetting î0-e best of the garne, score 10-11 ini favor of Lindsay. A sipcuous% tea was served after a good play by the Ballyduif Draniatic Club entitlen "Lena Rivers" which was well put on .Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wright visited his brother ,Mr. and Mrn. R. A. Wright in Oshawa and attendcd Con- ference. MAPLE GROVE Miss Marjory Stevens, Miss Merle So)nley, Uxbridge, spent the weekend with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens. .. . Several froni here attended Conference at Oshawa on Sunday ... . Don't forget Maple Grove Anniversary on Sunday and Monday, June l9th and 20ýh. Full particulars next week .... .Rev. Thos. McNaught, Renfrew, assisted Pastor Washington Sunday afternoon by~ preachîng very acceptably on "Par- ental Responsibility". .Sunday School at 10 a. mi. No service next Sunday afte'rnoon on account of Eb- enezer anniversary... .Mr. Rayrnond Snowden, Toronto, spent Sunday tion niake this uiee year a bnanner SALEM inreas tom________le yara ane Attend Ebenezer Monday evening year for our brandi, every memberj1 Large and well pleased audiences and hear "The Hoodoo". working and heiping along the best greeted Rev. L. S. Wight, Belleville,______ things in life. A favorite song on Sunday when lie preached timely "Spread a littie gladness" was then and appropriate sermons at the af- sung by aIl; Mrs. C. J. Kerslake and ternoon and evening anniveraarY ENNISKILLEN Miss N. Horn rendered a piano duet. services. Many old friends on the- The second part of Mrs. Lowe's ad- Tyrone Circuit showed their delight Visitors: Mr. Gordon Bradley and dress was on "Self Control", in con- and appreciation by coxing froni ail Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Bradley, Whitby, cluding she reminded us that "He parts of the circuit to hear and en- Mir. and Mrs. Albert Harris and fai who conquers his owfl spirit is joy his earnest messages. The Sun- ily visited at Mrs. Win. Oke's on Sun- mightier than lie who taketh a city". day School under direction of miss day.Mr. and Mrs. W. Sanderson Meeting closed with the Institute Effie Rutledge with Mrs. Fred Honey and fanoily visited Mr. and Mrs. Jas. ode. Attendance sixty. Lunch was as organist rendered good music, Oke, Clarke .... Rev. G. T. McKenzie, meeind"GandsolthespDay" Juî singing at both services. The offer- Yarker, Rev. J. H. Stainton, M.A.,' 7,ein athmeoGra . A. eers. ' îJuyng for the afternoon was the largest Adolphustown, called on friends here 7, a hoe o Mrs A.Petrs. ever, arnounting to about $60. which on Monday after attending the con- Ebenezer Young People are pre- was very encouraging to Mr. F. Cat- ference in Oshawa. . . Mr. Emerson senting "The Hoodoo" on Monday or, the Superintendent. and bis offi- Laundry ,Bancroft, visited at the evening. Hear theni. cers and teachers. On Monday a~ Parsonage on Tuesday. . .. Mrs. H. J League softball gamne 'as played, Werry, Mr .and Mrs. W. J. Stainton SOLINA Tyrone vs. Salemi, score 15-S in fav. and Bernice visited friends in Osh- ______or of the former. In the evening awa and attended Conference ser- Mrs. G. A. Ross, Owen Sound, Leskard youngz people presented vices on Sunday. .Rev. J. M. Whyte, Miss E. Peardon, Bowinanville, are' their play "Twixt love and Money" 1 Eldorado, visited at the Parsonage on guests at Mr. A. L. Pascoe's ....giving a fine entertainnient to a Trhursday. ... Mr. and Mrs. Russel Don't forget the young married peo- good crowd. Miss Evelyn Brent in Gilbert and Miss Velma were in Tor- le' pinxc TbrsdyJun l6h, t vcalsoos accompanied by hier sis- onto Tuesday attending the funeral at Lakeview Park, Oshawa. Dinner ter Mae. and Mr. George RichardsofD.CD.MClugofWin- at 12 o'clock .... Mr. Norman Rey- vvith violin solos, did rnuch to rnake! ton. nolds, M.A., and Mrs. Reynolds, Tor- the evening pleasant. Proceeds ofb _____ onto, Mr. and Mrs. R. Somerville th e evening concert were most sat- Miss Margaret and baby Joyce, Cher isfactory.HA TN rywood, Mr. Jini Reynolds, Toronto Anniversary visitors: Mr. andHAPO Mr. Joe Reynolds, Simcoe, visited Mrs. J. A. McFeeters and family, their niother, Mrs. John Reynolds.. Toronto, at Mr. W. J. Cann's; Mr. Recent visitors: Miss H. Emmer- .Mr. and Mrs. S. E. Werry, son and Mrs. A. B. Werry, Ehenezer, at son and Mrs. Eastman, Bowmnanville, George and Wesley, Mr. B. G' Stev Mr. W. G. Werry's; Mr. and Mrs. S visited their cousin, Mrs. R. Knox,1 ens spent Sunday at Mr. W. C. Wer J. Honey, Bowrnanville, at Mr. Fredi recently;Dr. J. H. Elliott, Miss Grace ry's, Oshawa .... .Deputy-Reeve Silas Honey's; Rev. and Mrs. L. S. Wight, Elliott, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Jos. H~ i Willianis is attending County-Council Belleville, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Braggl Baulch and Mr. B. Baulci, Port in Cobourg this wcek.. Pleasd t Bowmanville, Rev. J. R. Trumpouri Hope, at Mr. C. J. Kerslake's; Mr. g rta»M.W . oto e a and famuly and Miss Turner, Tyrone,' and Mrs. F. W. L. Tamblyn and fani- hbetr thtMrW.h.mongoeywa Mr. andMr.. S. Moffat and fani- ily, Orono, with her brothers and ville Hospital on Sunday last. We ily, Orono, at Mr. F. L. Squair's; Miss sisters here; Miss Nancy Johns, Tor- wisi hini a speedy recovery. ... Mr. Ethel H. Mollon, Bownianville, at Mr onto, with hier motier, Mrs._ C.1I and Mrs. Chas. Nelson and Miss Mur G. A. Stephens'; Mr. and Mrs. F.1 John's; Mr. Albert Allin home fromil iel, Toronto, visited at Deputy-Reeve Mclndoo and family, Orono, at Mr.* Toronto University; Mrs. Albertal Sulas Williams'. . .. Miss Ruth Land- Arthur Welsh's; Mr. and Mrs. JohnI Hansman, Port Hope, visited Mrs. R. or, Oshawa, visited Miss Nora Roi- Cornish, Mr. Win. Cornish, Orono, Katerson and other relatives; Mr. ins .. . .Mrs. F. Cloette, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. David Hooper, Tyrone, an<l Mrs. Clark Greenaway, Port spent the weekcnd with hier itr at Mr. E. J. Doidge's; Mr. Ewart Hope, with Mrs. W. R. Greenaway Mrs. Jack Reynolds ........ Regular Pollard, Toronto, at Mr. Charles .. Several of our citizens are sport- church services next Sunday. Mr Pollard's; Mr. and Mrs. Orville Hen- ing new cars.... The ladies who at- and Mrs. L. C. Pascoe, Miss Bessie, dorson, Orillia, at Mr. W. W. Rend- tended Women's Institute meeting Enfield. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Hogarth orson's; Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Challis, on Wednesday last were much pleas- and daughtcr, Harmony, were Sun-1 Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs. Theron' ed with the speaker, Mrs. M. E.1 day visitors with Miss Mary Hogarthi Mo untjoy, Haydon. at Mr. John~ Lowe, Toronto... .Mr. and Mrs. W. and Mr-. R. Pascoe. . .. Go to Bow Rutledgc's; Miss Ferg-uson, Hamp- Au6;tin. Miss A. Trenouth, Mrr. B.1 manville Saturdav n;zht and see So1 ton. at Mr. Geo. Cornish's; Miss Ella Hansman. Mr. and Mrs. J. Baulch,I lina and Bowma nville play footballl Collacott, Toronto .at Mr. George R. Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. James ... Reembr Wmens IstiuteCollacott's:, Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Bigelow#, Mrs. Browvn, Kirby, Mr. Rernmber Womns Istitte oley .Mr. and Mrs. John Munday, and Mrs. C. Blgelow, Tyrone. Mrs. vicnîc on Solina School groundso al rvM.adM, ihr DeGeurre, Toronto, Mr. Paul Wil- June 18th. %fpieolcv ow, Mr. a ex. Rickins' liamis, Cosarea, were recent guests Go and cnjoy "The Hoodoo" at Misses Lane, Miss Reta Power, Mr. of Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Elliott. Ebenezer, Monday evening. 1 Earl Osborne, Town, at Mr. Len Hear "The Hoodoo' at Ebenezer -Richar<l's on Monday, June l3ti. TYRONE__________ __ Mr. William Staples and Miss F. music Virtue visited Mr. Arthur Stainton, MISS STANLEY HN Zion . ... Mr. Dave Noble, Orono,l Mis sfsanley Chant is st«ar-ting a ciass visited at Mr. J. Storey's. . .. Mr. and of 1hginnferf ln piano music - Trms Mr.F .Byam and family visitedj1 ,ýif-"If de)tnR R , rTeeho Cannington friends..Mr. Hugh i Osh Iawa165R3.1,oTleon and Miss Annie McCullough, Ponty-1 O2aw 162-3 pool, visited at Mr. R. McCullough's.4w . Mr. and Mrs. Leo. Wcbber Whitby, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Scott and! E E TR I Miss Florence Scott, Oshawa, Sun-I Y S R I daycd at Mr. Norman Woodley's. ..i Tyrone Women's Missionary Societyj Just a word or two about the met in thc vostry at 2.30 p. nm. on1 "Eyestrain" of which you have so Thursday. Junc 2nd, when t he fol-1 often heard. Eyestrain dues not lowing prograni was given: Watch'l necessarily involve poor vision or Tower, Miss F. Virtue; reading, Mrs. discomfort and pain in the eyos. H. us ae nIda .R . With eyestrain your visiùn may odgson; solo, Miss Evelyn Bront;u bo as good as anyoncs and you splendid paper, Mrs. (Rev) J. R. may have no ocular pain, but Trumpour; reading, Miss Viola SEEING CLEARLY is not the Shortt, "Two Ways of Doing It." ... same as SEEING EASILY. ..Y oung Peoplc's League on Thurs- People with defective eyes often day, June 2nd, was in charge of lst seceryb odn n oc Vice Pros., Miss Margaret Moore. in claerly ysogadingooanvisiorc- Prograni: Splendid topic on "What 11'sng t hei s oga ivogoosn do the People of the World Want?"' It lîkewhpnagstaputirehos by Mr. Floyd Dudley; vocal duet huntilo anae o ulth o Nina Hodgson and Adelaide Annis;I ev od reading, Mr. Fred Goodman. Leaguel Nervous energy is the fuel orf Tiursday night as usual, Mr. Albert1 the eyes. If your eyes are de- HuIs will give the topic ...Tuxis fective in this way they are usîng boys will meet in the vestry on Fri- more than their fair share of day n ight. ...Don't forget Long yo.ur stock of fuel, thcroby de- Sault Anniversary, June l9th and priving other bodiy fonctions of 22nd ...Mr. and Mrs. James BaIl their jost due of driving force. and famuly, Clarke, Mr. and Mrs. That is why the effects of eye- Levi Ward, Bowmanville, Mr. Wil-. strain nîay be felt not in the eyes liami Ward, Columbus, visited at Mr. thoniselves but in other parts of William Virtuc's. ..Miss Gertrude the body. Headacies, indigest- Olver, Bobcaygeon, Mr. Kenneti and ion, mental depression and ner- Miss Mac Lamb, Enniskillen, visited vous oxhaustion mnay result froni with Miss V. Shortt. . .. Congratula- Overworked cyes. tions to Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Woodley on the arrivaI of a young son. . . Mr. What About Your Lyca? and Mrs. B. Gardiner, Florence and It will he a pleasure to have Annie with friends in Lindsay. .. ...you consuit our Registercd Op- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Hathcrly and tometri!;t, R. M. Mitchell. Harry visited at Mr. Wilbert Ridgc's, Oshawa ... . Mr. and Mrs. A. W. An- See Mitchell and See W.ll. nîs and famuly visited friends in Oshawa ... Mis Clara Woodley vis- R. M. Mitchell & Co. itedMrs W.Hamley, Bowmanville. ...Miss Florence Down visited T friends here..Miss Leverne Bur- THE QUALITY DRUG STORE gess spent Sunday with Miss Flora Bowmanvill. Ont. MeRobert . ... Mrs. Wm. Little vis- Phone 92-Nightsanmd Suadays E ited friends in Toronto.. . Mrs. Viola 280 Smith and Ivan visited at Mr. J.à BRown's, Solina.1c COURTICE Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden and Miss Patty, Toronto, were Sunday guests of his mother, Mms. John Worden.. Mr. and ilrs. Sam Rundle, Detroit, U. S., are visiting relatives in our vicinity. . .. Mrs. Rocliffe, Co- Ibourg, spent a few days at the Par-1 sonage with Rev. and Mrs. C.-C. Washington ... . On Sunday ir. andl Mrs. Sami Rundie, Mr. and Mrs. AI-1 bertRundle and Mrs. A. F. Rundiel and 'Miss Annie Hoît motored to Liridsîy and spent the day with Mr.i and Mrs. John Asimore. ..Rev..J R. Butler, Frankford, called on ïr. W. E. Courtice and Mr. W. R. Court- ice w-hile attending ('onfercnce in Oshawa... . On Thursday afternomn about fourteen ladies, members of the executive of tie W. MI. S. met at the Parsonagc, tic home orf the ]'rcsi- dont, Mrs. (Rev..) C. C. Washington. The prograni was arranged for the rest of tic year, following thc group systeni tic leaders were appointedi and ail other necess.pry bus:ine"s transactod. We regret very muci that our President fris to leave us. .Mrs. Washington bs heen a most efficient and willing worker ;n ail tic departments of our churci work. Mrs. Frank Rundle xas unaniniously ap- pointed as President for tic rest of tic terni. . .. Soniday morning we had as our preacher the Rev. Thomias Mc- Naught, B.D., of White Lake, Ont., who preached a beaîîtiful and most effective sermon. Our Pastor, Rev. C. C. Washington was with us also and spoke of the intimate friondsiip ictween hiniself and Mr. MeNaught since ticy were in tic sanie village some years ago, Mr. McNaugit being tic Preshyterian mist'rýr and Mr. Washington the Methio.ist minister. Those who were presenz w-ill have pleasant memories of tic service and Rev. Mr. MeNaught will Aind a warn welcornc here at any future time, *. The montily meetînz of W. M. S. will bc postponed until Thursday, June 16 and wiil be held at tic homne of Mrs. Ross Pe,'rce.... .Do not for- get the S. S. Anniversary at Eben. ezer next Sunday. .. .pleased to ee little Misa Eileen Piekell out again after ber long stay in on account of her broken Ieg. The open hearth steel wire fencing which gives much stronger and a more durable fence, for farmn use or ornarnental fencing, manufactured by Steel Company of Canada, biggest Company in Canada. Consuit us before doing your fencing. Local Dealers for Brantford and Bird Roofing. MASO N & DALE Phono 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville Harry Allun Speaking: Fromn the Busy Corner Grocer BUSINESS ATTRACTS BUSINESS The old saying that "business attracts business" is cer- tainly dem onstrated these days at our grocery store. UNPRECEDENTED DEMAND Besides hustling around filling staple lines of groceries, we have required extra help to supply the unprecedented demand for Flowers, Plants, Shrubs and Vegetables for planting which we are selling at such reasonable prices. No better values anywhere. SOLD 5 TONS DAIRY RATION Then so far this Spring we have sold over 5 tons of Dairy Ration, the great milk producer, to farmers in this dis- trict. It's giving wonderful resuits, too. CHICKEN FEED PRODUCES RESULTS Chicken feed is another of our strong sellers. We are soon to start on our third ton of Ful-O-Pep Chick Starter and H-O Steamn-Cooked Chick Feed. PINEAPPLES 2 FOR 35c. To wind up our "Store News" for this week we are feat- uring large ripe Pineapples at 2 for 35c. We recornmend and Sel HARRY ALLIN DON'T WAIT LONGER Have that modern bathroom with up-to- date fixtures instalied in your home now. Y ou have been talk- ing about if for a long tirne. Corne in today __ and get an estimate of the cost. Like ohers, you wiil, no doubt, be surprised at the sr-na]] cost for a -> first class guaranteed W. Len. ELLIOTT Plumbing, King Stf. W., Heating, Steaniitting Phone 348 Bowmanville DO IlNOW PAINT YOUR HOUSE WITH CONFIDENCE By Using CHAMPION GU ARANTEED PAINT A firat-class Paint at a reasônable price. $4.50 Gal. $1.25 Qt. 65c Pint Every can carnies a money-back guarantee if not satisfactory. GET OUR PRICES FOR Glass-Paint-Oil-Varnish..Wall Paper--Paste Powder-.- Shellac-Paint Brushes-Scribber-. Etc. GEO. PRITCHARD Painter and Decorator Opposite Keralaloe's Drug Store, Bownianville Phone 489 Ont. Do Your Fencing Now -AND DO IT WITH Invincible Fencing C. A.Bartlett Phon 110King St. East, Bowmanviile Phione 61 0. PAGE 4 m L Phone 110 rriquine 150 isuwrelANViL" 1 C

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