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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1927, p. 6

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PAGE SÈE Better Value Xconomy in its rich dra'wing Lreshne.. Th e answer to the an'b um iv A 0 HNS-MANILLE RigidAsestos 'Shingle defies the white-hot flame of the blow-torch. It defies the menace of flying sparks and bumning brands. It is ab- solutely fire-proof: Johns-Manville Asbestos Shingles are made of Canadian asbestos rock fib-re and Portland cernent pressed into rigid slabs of permanence. Delicately coiored to meet the most arti.-t-ic taste-. The match- Iess beauty of these shingles is backed by a rugged strength that resists the on- slaughts of weather and time. If you want to be sure the shingle is safe just "Try an' burn it." CANADIAN JCI-NS-MANVILLE CO., LTD. 19 Front Street, East, Toronto, Ont. JOHNS-l MANvILL RIGID ASBESTOS SHINGLES BOWMANVILLE McCLELLAN & Co Phone 15. Limited ORONOTry Magnesia For (From The News of June 2nd) So a h ao u Miss Jessie Riddell, Toronto, is vis- St m c roub iting at Mr. C. J. Thornton's. Rev. S. T. Tucker is attending Bay To Neutralize Acidity and Ferment of Quinte Conference at Oshawa. tian. Prevents Indigestion, Sour Orono defeated Bowmanville in the opening game of the Junior group Gassy Stomach. basebail series. People who suifer from indigE Mr. S. Halliday is having the ver- tion usually have tried pepsin, cha andah in front of his residence en- coal, drugs and various digesti, closed witb a glass front. aids and got little more than slig Mrs. F. S. Blackburn bas returned ternporary relief-sometimes flote home from a week's visit witb ber en that. sisters in Toronto and Hamilton. But before giving up to cbron Miss Aima Cuttell bas been ap- dyspepsia, just try tbe effect of a li pointed organist of St. Saviour's tie Bisurated Magnesia-not tbe o Church in succession to Miss MýcCut- dinary commercial carbonate, citra- cbeon. or milk, but pure Bisurated Magnes Mis SdieBrwnR.N.,issped-wbich you can obtain from pract isSaiew eBr n o dn .,i pnd- cally any druggist in eitber powdo tiin es fe f wees ncodinor.g to or tablet forrn. taepless fbrcuin r.Fe Take a teaspoonful of thepowdi Staples.or four compressed tablets with Rev. W. A. Bunner, Bowmanville, little water after your next meal, ai preacbed in Park St. Cburcb Sunday see what a difference this makes.« morning and at Leskard in tbe af- will instantly neutralize the dange: tern oon. ous, barmful acid in tbe atomac Tbe Durbam Regiment Band of wbich now causes your food to feý this town assisted Hampton band at ment and sour, making gas, win4 tbe musical concert at Tyrone Tues- flatulence, heartburn and tbe bloate day evening. or beavy, lumpy feeling tbat seerr Paring a corn is botb risky and to follow most everytbing you eai ineffective. It is mucb better to use You canejo your meals without Holloway's Corn Remover and eradi- fear of indgetion. cate them entirely.________ ______ Clarke Township Sunday Scbool -- Convention will be beld in Park St. fhif Church on Tuesday, June l4tb, af- ternoon and vng sessions.joineNG W OMEN the telephone office staff at Osbawa being succeeded at Orono excbange U F M S by ber sister, Miss Beula MeCut- cbeon. TheSeTw Found Relief Lb MsW.Limbert, TorontoTwand duhMrs. . Jobnston and' aund Takint Lyclia E. Pikkam's son 0f Calgary, are spending a few Vegotable Comepound weeks witb her daughter, Mrs. R. H. Brown. Ayer's Cilif, Qnebec.- I have Rev. C. W. DeMille, King Street been teaching for thre years, and Church, Osbawa, a former junior atthe endof the pastor on Orono Circuit, was elected year I always feel President of the Bay of Quinte Con- tired and have no ference.awful 8ick each Mr. Isaac Winter bas returned from - xonthtoo.hav n a week's visit witb friends in Tor- pansinm onto. He is now baving concrete u 'Y J,.m im y ba foundation and floor placed in the * -- waqoblged to stop summer kitcben. workig. A friend Complets in itself, Mother Graves' ne Worm Exterminator does flot recjuire l LCdia E. Pink- the assistance of any otber medicine ~*ChXl5Vgetable to make it effective. It does flot ' Compound to me fail to do its work.dI heard many wornen telling how In te pblibedresuta xamna-good i t was no 1 lonit it would help In hepubisedreslt exmia-me. .And itdd. W I take six tions in tbe Faculty of Dentistry,. bottjee every year and recommend it Toronto, we are pleased to notice the to others.'" - DONALDA FANTEUX, name of Mr. Andrew Somerville as Ayer. Cliff, Quebea. baving passed bis third year. "Unabje to Work"' At Bnwmanville Walter Gray, CanINoaS ti." ajr Cartwrigbt, was found guilty by rCuarnngpNvrSiais su grea suffr Police Magistrate Floyd of operating r at thoe ti ndes atsffrn stillcontrry totbe inand r-thedpa~ins uig a sill cotray t th inandre-vomitmng adfanting. 1 was teach- venue act, and was fined $400 and ing sehool and often for sorne hours costs.I would be unable to atted to my Mr. George Couvier leaves tbis work. Tbrough an advertisement in week for Sydenham wbere hie takes the papers I knew of Lydia E. Pink- over the position of pumper at that ham'a Vegetable Compound, and it station on tbe C.N.R. main line, a has been of great benefit ta me, the similar job to tbat be beld at tbe troumbles belng cepietely relieved. " station bere, but gets an increase in --LAUPRA J.-5 TON, Canning, King'@ salary. Coanty, Nova Scotia. c Mr. Isaac Chapman delivered to________________ Foster 29 bead of choice fat cattle today, wbicb averaged in weigbt 1125 lbs. Councillor Morton, Jas. 2 M I U E Cochrane and S. Berry also sbipped M II U L very fine stock, wbicb with bogs in That's ail. Twenty minutes after taking addition made up tbree car loads. a ZUTOO tablet your headache will b. It Testifies for Itself.-Dr. Thom- galle. as' Eclectric Qil needs no testimonial One of thon littIe tablets-safe, ceHable of its powers other than itself. Wbo- and harmle« as soda-will stop any ever tries it for coughs or colds, for headache fin 20 minutes. cuts or contusions, for sprains or Or, better still, taken when you feel the burns, for pains in the limbs or body headache comning on, a ZUTOO tablet well know that tbe medicine proves will ward it off-nip it in the bud. itself and needs no guarantee. This No u e u ci Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Curtis who recently sold bis fine farmn near Ty - rone are now residents of this town, occupying the divelling recently purchased by tbema fromn Mr. Lewie Junker, Main Street Soutb, and in il A which they are baving new bard *, eRTHOMAS W wond floors laid. B P~e 'D ~ 'We roce ived a card yestorday from Mn. John Armstrong fnom Rossland, B. C., in wbicbho says: "I saw Curt- is McKeen and bis mother at Pentict- on, B. C. Rev. Mr. McKeen was in Vancouver when I xvas there. At Rossland ho cnuldn't find a soul that even beard of the "Silver Bell" or "Cromwxell" mines in wbicb several of our citizens ,years ago, invested thein bard earned cash. The residenco and thirteen acres of ]and facing on Mifl Street, pro- penty 0f tbe late James Maguire, was puncbased this week by Mr. Ephraim Evans of Yelverton, Manvers Town- ship, wbo purposes making bis home in tbis town. This property wbicb adjoins tbe scbool grounds was oni- ginally owned by Mn. Charles Bar- natt, thon by Mr. John Milîson, and succeeding bim Mn. A. J. Staples who huilt the present fine residence wbich ';tands on tbe proporty. Mothers Value this Oi.-Mothers wbo know how suddenîy croup may seize their children and bow naccs- sary prompt action is in applying re- lief, always keep at band a supply of Dr. Thomas' Eclectric 011, because expenionce bas taught tbem that thisi is an excellent preparation for thel treatment 0f tbis ailment. And tbey are wise, for its various uses render it a valuable medicine. ri ar -vi ev- i, it si cti- dr t ms OIIL * A SuRE rSAFE AND 91MPE* 0EEY R ALLTHE CO mO S AILIMENT OF MA N AND B T. I HU ALWAYS SE KEPT ON HAND. AS A MORE SER- VICEABLE PREPAR- A I S FOR SUC H USES CANNOT 13BE FOUNO. GE A aniTO -DAY ANDi HAV E UT READY FOR THIE TIME WHEN YOU The Great Englis.h Prcparatnn. (cnefs and ivigorates the uhole uervous system. makes ne-w Biood in nid Veins. Used for Nervous DIebilat>, Mental aind Brain Worry Dsndency. Lou. of EncrEs, Palpitation . the Heart,EaiIing Memer.. rice Stperbox,l. for $5. tSold b>, alldruggises. or mailed in plain pkg. on receipt of price New plimphilit maied 'ci.UTE WM OMÉDN&IN< CO..QTOO.Wv Cook'& Regulating Comnpound A 19safe, ro2,oble reg"*#m medicine. bld in threesde- 4 bl~ d- i gu. -or sn Pdtn r o f tprie.. Fer, amhlt.Addreas THlE COOK MEDICINECOM, Varicose Veins Reduced Or Money Back Says Jury & Loveli This Simple Home Treatment Giving normal. Amating Reaulte Moone's Emerald Oil is also a marvelous healing agent. The world progresses. Today al- One application for instance stops ments that took weeks to treat can the itcbing of eczema, and a few ap- now bc ended in a few days. If plications cause the eruptions to dry you bave varicoso veina or bunches up, scale off and completely disap- you can start today to brîng tbem pear. It is equally as effective in back to normal size, and if you are brber's itch, sait rheum, redness wise you wilI do so. and inflammatory skin trouble. Just get an original bottle of People wbo want to reduce varn- Moone's Emerald Qil at any dispens- cose veina, or get rid of eczema, ul- ing pharmacost and apply it night cers or piles in a few days should nd morning to the enlarged veina,.flot hesitate to get a bottle at once. It la very pawerful and penetrating, It in sa powerfull that a amaîl bottle and only a little is required. lasta a long time. Any pharmacy After a few days' treatment the can supply you. J=Ta' & Lavell sella veins will begin ta grow amnaller and lota af it. by regular use will boon reduce to it EDITOR'S NOTE DoToeFar o hs BAlt Pae la wee sd: Toonh cs ry sthae oly place to raise cbildren. The first 12 years in the country (presumably on a farm) gives a boy a better educa- tion tban any university can. The country boy must amuse himself, must makze bis o-wn toya, devise bis own gaines and provide bis own thrills. He can entertain bimself in the fields, in the woods, anywbere. He is so interested he would flot be botbered witb too much cuddling (sucb as too many city children re- ceive, be might bave said trutbfully). 'l DURHAM COUNTY BOYS r Mr. Stephen H. Short, Vineland,ý Nortb Carolina, brother of Mr. W.1 rD. Short, Concession St., Bot,,,an- 1ville ,was born near Hampton i ~Darlington sometime near the middle t of last century. He bas a very _1 clever son named Ira, wbo is making igond in bis profession, according to The' Westingbouse Magazine wbich publishes bis portrait and says: Ira Short, formerly Gear Engineer of the Engineering Departinent at the Soutb Philadoîphia Works, was re- cently promoted to the position of Marine Engineer. He entered the apprenticesbip course of the Westing- hous~e Company at East Pittsburgh in 1911, and was transferred to the Condenser Engineering Department specializing on condensing apparatus as applied to marine installations. He remained in this work until 1917 wben he was transferred ta tbe Mar- ine Engineering Department. Mr. Short continued in marine engineer- ing work until 1923 at which time he was promoted to the position of Gear Engineer, continuing in this capacity until bis recent appointment as Marine Engineer. During bis work wit.h the Westing- bouse Company Mr. Short assisted in designing propulsion equipment for a number of United States Navy Des- troyers and marchant vessaIs. He also carried out considerable devel- opmant work on gears. Mr. Short is an associate member of tbe "Arn- enican Gear Manufacturers' Associa- tion".1 BOYS' TRAINING SCHOOL NEWS New scbool building ia rapidly tak-, ing shape and roof will soon be com-ý mon ced. Boys are busy seeding and caring for their garden plots undar direc- tion of Farm Dire'ctor, E. P. Bradt. Grounds present a greatly cbanged appearance these ditys witb so much grading and planting of trees and sbrubs going on. Mr. J. W. Hopkins, Secretary of tbe Metropolitin Board of Toronto Y.M.C.A., addressed the montbly Vesper Service Sunday. Mra. G. E. Reaman was the soloist, accompanied by Dr .Reaan at the piano. Seventy boys from the Scbool were guests of Manager Jack Gunn at the openit.ir hall gar:i. Saturday. The Iboys badl a great ti ne and L.-cidental- ly made i' -uf n ise, as Buwman- ville put the game safely away from Cobourg. Patrol Leaders and seconda of the Howard Ferguson Troop of Boy Scouts spant four days in camp over -the 'ioliday weakcnd. Three of thel days wvere anything but pleasant wbile one was dIeal It was a suc- cessful trip, bo'wever, and mucb good work was don. School team defaated the town Public School boys in their first basa- baIl game Friday by 31 to 12. Game was won in first inning wben school team scored 18 rans wbila holding their opponents scoreleas. Promn thon on ît was a very even atrair. This is refresbing after the consistent manner town be.ys bave trimmed school baIl teams. Return game sbould be differpnt as less tban baîf the boys who played Friday have the nacassnry 350 marks for last month to enabla thein to go to town to play. LOVE FOR ENGLAND (Wrîtten by an American profesaor during the war and sent to The Star by a friand.) A song of hate is a song of Bell, Some thora be that sing it well. Let themn sing it loud and long, We lift oun bearts in a loftier song. We lift our bearts to Heaven aboya, Singing the glory ni ber we love. ENGLAND. Glory of thought and glory of deed, Glony of Hampden and Runnymade,, Glory of ships that sought far goals, eGlory of swords and glory of souls1 Clony of songg mounting as birds, Glory immortal of magical words, Glory of Milton,'glory of Nelson, Tragical glory o fGordon and Scott, Glory of Shelley, glory of Sidney, Glony transcodent that penishes not. Here la the story, bora ha the glory, ENGLAND. Shatter ber beauteous breast ye may The spirit of England none can slay. Dasb the bomb on the dome of St. Pauls- 1Deem ye the fame of the Admirai fa Ils? Pry ye the atone irom the chancel floor- Dreain ye that Shakespeare shall live no more? Where la the giant sbat that kilîs Wordsworth walking the aId green huIs? Trample the red rose on the ground,, Keats la beauty while Eartb spina round. Bind bar, grind ber, burn ber with lire, Ciat ber ashes inta the sea; She shaîl escape, she shaîl aspire, She shall arise ta make men free. She shalh arisa in a sacred %corn,, Ligbting the lives that are yet un- born, Spirit supamnal, Splendor eternal, ENGLAND. -Helen Gray Cone. Astbmna Can Be Cured. Its suif - ering is as neadlesa as it is terrible ta endure. Aiter its many years af relief af the most stubbamn cases no sufferer can daubt the perfect effect- iventass of Dr. J. D. Kellagg'a Asth- mna Remedy. Comfort af body and peace ai mmnd returu witb Ita use and nights ai sound sleep corne baek for gaod. Ask yaur druggiat; be eam supply yau. I~~P1~~.Jjj I II.JiUK...i I IKiIIIK...)iII II.J11111..)iJ I 111111 I K.I1 jJj~~~ MiEN!O which would you rather do- CHOP WOOD or STRIKE A MATCH. It's meonLike thse Kaiser diat chocp woad for thse funa of it. Scriking a imctdi s go much easier! Kindling 'wod dy r 'e for every man onace be btzys bis ifea Pefec il Cook Stov'e. is biggest job in helpêng ber ta get thse meal after that is tae strike the match. At thse toucis of a match ta the wick thse coo&cing begins. No sitting aromnd, waiting for it to burn up. Meals are prepared iut na time, and there's na waste of fuel ! Ever good wife deserves a Per-fectian. New niodels now sbowing - moderate prices $9.00 to $170Mo. Dîstrî,uted ini Canada by vasa SHEET METAL PRODUCTS C>OCMAA MOICRyAr.u TcMoerrsqye ED«NTOasvsV&sct -LG&1 PERFECTIO'rN 011 Cook St.w and Omns She Saved thse Cake! "My <gko Ji"kewm ont W" aé balf-/*wkgd ceowi.eSbr p cke st ,,>, ren &oerto MY Plaeea" 1 J ,"ed m'y Prrftction oven i qickiy, baked tb,. cake é«d i wes ood! Insusmme, mv Pefe ondot orvcrkeî t&é kjtcb,x; iberr's na s>4itfig ueood for bubby; no drior gadinonneeed Jo hé almays >iiiing on, fueL" Mnr.O..,C6u O. SOLD BY MASON & RICE & CO. DALE, DUSTAN'S CASH HARDWARE Our recent sale of Canned CanUed SPeas was so immense that we know some of aur cus- p I A tomera were disappojnted. Conscquently we are re- Ayluner No. 42 Speating the sale sa as ta Brand sieve tim2 give everyone the oppor- Domino dm tunity ta secure a suppîy. Brand Fancy tins Co QuaA ty : orCGolt ar teAsparagus U 19 Handy Anunna Powder 4 pktt. 25' Toniato Catsup b I9e s Brangu8BaïaPowder Un 23c- Special Annouincenienc of the aria i of another ment ber of s the "Tasty" Bread fcmnîly "TASTY" Fruit Bread er«cs>eA REAL TREAT -A wehy conparnin o'Taiey" White I w' The samne hîgh.quality Bread Lwith the finest fruit added in 4C si the correct proportion to make the ideal Fruit Loaf. SChristie'. Bicu t Mixzed Fruit lb.uts35 Doino go CKipper Snacks Red wiug Corn Flakes Pka. Grape Juice 2511 PUffed Rice 171,,.. -1 c KKovabLmaeor. Pan" ViWbeat 144 .., Al.er Brand Orangeade 14e Vamp @ustty Juaket Tabiets BainsMake cr.1.4 2fer 25v EJ EANS PineapPi. 23e Shbrrff's Medlu tinlas 5 D.9 L. D<Sk Fri ~ TEA ~ Drinks 9 abiff 19e Racon mm, - 2SC 210 33e l1l umBo MHE CANADIAN STATEBMMq-, BOWJ4NVIL.,, THURSDAY. JUTNE Q+h. 197. iiiriiinliK 3=>ý. À (2 5,O or acciderntadeath. 150........$3.40 (3) $25 per month for tota and 35......... 60.t,5 permanent disability and 40......... 71.40 $2,500 at death-noPreniums 45 ........ 85.75 payable durinig disability. E X CE L SI INSRACELIFE _COMPANY HEAD OFRCE-EXCEISMO LIFE BUILDNG, TORONTO -~MAIL TlffS TO-DAY t W. BLAKE MMURTRY, Ditrit Agent, Z Sme d Wmmx" dw«*a.tthi -DOUBLE INDEMINIV Myage ________________.__............__... .. QI- ltà-Fi. 01 mis a-ma MMMB" 'i "v SOLD BY MASON & 1 k ý

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