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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 9 Jun 1927, p. 8

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PAGE ZIGE'! THE CANÂDIAN STATESMAN. OWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JUNE 9th., 1927. SHAW'S SCHOOL BOARD 0F EDUCATION ThNe' ica teIrdi i ert j ~~~Report of S. S. No. 1, Darlington, ectiPblcadigShos for May: Sr. IV-Sadie Allun 80, are planning to take part in the Dia-1 Charlie Clemence 77, Oswald Ander-1 mond Jubilee Celebration of Con- THURSDAY, JUNE 9th., 1927 Bon 74, Newton Ashton 64, Garnetti federation in Bownianville on July____________ __________________ Riekard 55. Jr. Ill-Annie Allun,[lst. The Village Council will pro- Mary Clemence. Sr. LI-ThorntonviefetrnprainNECSLUNTDCU HNWSPO ER OS B ND Anderson, Allun Rowe, Jean Clem-viefetrnprainNECSLUNTDC RHNWSPNER OSEB ND ence, Ormsby Anderson. Jr. II-i Board has ordered a new silk flag Reeve H. S. Britton is attending A well filled church greeted Rcv. Mr.. and Mrs. Geo. Robinson and Helen Rickard, Roy Ashton, Ruthl orte scheol flagstaif for July lst. Counties' Council at Cobourg. W. J. H. Smythe, M.A., B.D., Wel- famiiy, Pioneer Farni, were burncd Cobbledick, Murray Wiight. lst-EI-'frh fod obldik P. -retol Board is advertising for a new Ladies Aïd meets today (Thurs- ington, when hie preached on Sunday' out Monday afternoon, iosing pract- Rickard ,Harold Crook. Pr. A-, teacher for junior room of Public day) at Mrs. H. W. Dudley's.mrngtrm heplt icheiayeeytngithhos.Fe Pauline Gill, Jinimie Lovekin, Gor- scoli lc o isBri ho is~ Mr. Ken Pea rce is relieving the tel- supplied with such scholarly zeal andi occurred about 4 o'clock when Mr.. _______ don Aluin. Figures indicate per cent. 1er of the hank in Nehtonville who is uhasticfditsen yer oisnadsnCarewret Miss Beatrice Bragg, teacher.1 goîng te Oshawa. on vacation. ago this spring whcn the Methodist1 the biacksmith shop in Ne wcastie, ___________________Mr.__and_______P.__F._________________ Pastor, Rev. H. S. Spence was ill. He ' Helen xvas at school and, Reg. the Mr. nd rs. . F LeGesly wee rakes the sanie pleasing choice ofý eider son, plowing in a nearby field. I i f~ guests of Mr. and Mrs. C. C. Grubbe, words and speaks with the saine easy. _Mrs. Robinson was out hanging some $5 t 5 Weston, over the weekend. grace but assured 'conviction as he' clethes on the line and on re-enter- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Martin and did then while the college manner. ing to the kitchen, noticed ameke is-l family, Toronto, spent the weekend has undergone an inevitable evolu-I suing from above the beaverboardl wih isfaheMr Rbt Mrtn tonasth yas n Mear k et cilng SeP ricel dffe Mr. and Mrs. Henry Dickson, Tor- have lengthened. Mr. Smythe tooký the %vater in hier tubs on the spotrk t r onto, were weekend guesta of Mr. as his text, Rev. 3: 8 "Bchold, 1 havei where the fire seemed to be but an r.CrsLwadotherrea set before te noe door, andcud not e;bu on tives. man can shut it", describing in aw avail. AND SQ WILL THEIR HUSBANDS Mr. and Mrs. T. W. Jackson took rnost interesting way how the doori She and Reg. managed te save a in the Warden's excursion te Roches- is open in many ways te those wbo; few pieces of furniture, but very lit- Compare the values which w _________ter and visited their daughter, Mrs. have the will te enter. After thel tic, before the whole heuse was a offer with those of any ote Percy Brown. sermon Mi.. Robt. Walten sang in, mass of roaring, crackiing flames Mr. nd rs.Lyn Duleyandsonfa ultless style and glorieus voice that could be beard a mile away.delr mmb taal Be sure and see our Window Display where Mac, and Miss Laura McQuecn, Tor- "he Earth is the Lerd's". Owing te the secluded position of cars have been thoroughlyre we re emostatig tiswee a onerfl d- nte, were weckend guests of Mi.. Rev. E. B. Cooke preached at Col- the bouse, aimost surreunded by weaedmntaigti ekawnefld- and Mrs. H. W. Dudley. berne both morning and evening, at v.oods and rews of trees and erchard, conditioned ,are ready to drv velopment in the art of Fuirniture Finishing known Mr. and Mrs. Albert Spencer and which latter service a local quartet,i on the banks of the creek at the UI)pwyadaeprtce yo- as Mr and Mrs. Hurlbert and little Mi.. W. F. Rickard, Mr.. Harold Allîn, per Marsh, and because of the fact wyad repoct b duheMiss Kathleen, spent Sun- Mrs. (Rev.) E. B. Cooke and Mrs.1 that there was ne phone in the bouse, 3dygaate N - A I IHday in Oshawa, Miss Kathleen being W.fD Bragg assisted in the servicel very few neigbbors icarnedofef N - A FI IHon the afternon program in cennec- ofreengie nvwosietatin th r.ey were mn tlle C.N. . e o n en Bwi.cOur prices have always bee t will flot chip, Crack or Stain, is not affect- tien ith, the conference services in frea. working onues they e inieC .R ti osie teeIowest, and many of them ar the King Street United Church. frta okn ntetakopst h ed by hot or cold water, hot dishes, etc. Ms ae are a eind tMr, Rickard nmotored te Coîborneboean buie oer bnteysiiuthredcdoecu- Ilot dishes may be set on the dining-room Jposition as teacher of the Junior ingwt hni. .D.Bagsaw ath fla ut tsth e e ate te saes rom of oui. public sehool which she and members of the quartet whosaentigfutr.geqckal. table without any nervous fears of the consequen- 1 a ildwt uc eoinadIwei.e pleased te render what service A sewing machine and one smal ces. An.over-turned cup of hot tea will leave j complete satisfaction for tbe past a nepeso fgai tvewr mn h e rils five years, and bas acccpted a posi- tde and appreciatien which linger taken eut of the house; but all the L . I ak. Ustabtlofiko eiieo ioonteOhw ahigsf. with certain menîbers ,for the muai- knitchenware and dishes were de- g < IW1r iv f r l a e no mrks Upet botleof ik o meicie Ol ton n th Osawateahin stff. cal help to Newcastle Orchestra by stroyed. victuals ail burned as well as your fine furniture and there'lI be flot a stain to Rev. W. J. H. Smythe, M.A., Mr.. Greenfield and of the many tumes the wearing apparel of the famiiyl abu.B.D., while on bis way frein con- he came up from Newtonville witb except what they had on at the time woITyabut ference at Oshawa te his church at his cornet te pructice or play at pub- and alI tbeir persenal cffccts. e Agents for McLaughlin-Oldsmobil--Pnta NO-MA Furitur is aterpoofunafect- Wellington last Sunday, where lie lic functions. The loss was partially cevered by Kn t omnil hn 4 ed by hiquids, hot as boilrng, it is durable, tough dînner with Mi.. and Mrs. Howard burned-out farnily, they have another_________________________________ and wear-resisting. positively will not chip or Cookehafter preachin~g in the United NEWCASTLE W. M. S. bouse on their farm across the road craze. Mi.s. Harry R. Smith and daughter Owing te the Mission Band con- for many y cars by the Waltons. No longer worrv ~~Helen Marie, Utica, N. Y., are visit- cert being held ie the Suinday Scheel Nibosadfinsraiig N logrneed the careful housewife or ing hier parents, Mi.. and Mrs. John Hall on Thursday, June 2nd, the t hat t s nd rs ese a bouse over accidents. NO-MAR Furniture has an Robinson. Wednesday was celc- June meeting of the W. M. S. was keeping je an empty bouse and with' brated by relatives freni ewman-1 heId on Tuesday, May 3lst., with the ,ta huh nmngv r n "Ironclad" finish which makes it impervious to u.n- ville and Tyrone, Helcn's 2nd birth- President, Mrs. E. B. Cooke, je the that tRoubinnmad, aeMi.andw î sihtlystans ad bemises.day anniversary. Mrs. Touhey, chair, and a record attendance, thejofMs.Robnsendfai artc s bo Wers sîghty stans an blemshes.Rochester, N. Y., is guest of Mrs. hall being well fillcd. The devo- of ay needfl riceso dns Truly a remarkable blessing to home-keepers Robinson.f tional period was conducted by thedacvng.fPicePr who take a pride in fine furriture.hoeas ekroiLsAges cipueLsn; rs Coecm House, there is removed one of the sp rt THS 'A ERTETCal., je company with nurse, Miss E.' phasized the supreme importance of very o]dest landmarks erected by i r . r THIS ATER-EST arren is tayin wit 111rand he sptel macedlineithen townsbipl maein CelaonshipoftCarke. ILateryaiy Co Specil deonstrtionof N -MAR urnirWr.rnm5an g wli he Mi.. and be effective in the work of the King-1 as oused ait least six generations Sricil dmostrtin o N -MA frniur Mr op iran Alun.se as ecs tedom. Mrs. Cooke aIse askcd ail toi of Lovekins and their descendants, Agricultural surveys proeta that wil not mark" n thisStoreoccupys.berbnson bouseercaslsoonbeas thatwil no "mrk"in hisstoe, ow.Mi.. and Nirs. H. C. Bonathan can net forget, Rev. E. R. James, Rector Ms oisnadbrcide en the fariner wbo banks a mont ml ofSt. Georgesan r.Jms hintedrc ieo ecfo he or creani check soon become n ep Wfecary lagestok o Dnin-Rom nd get their new bouse, the former J. 1',adMs Jms '. ete ietln tdecn ri h W caralag stc ofDnn-omad J. Uglow shop, ready for occupation. werc at this time probably sailing on~ pioncer Lovekin, the first white man endent ef financial werrie. h Bed-room Furniture and pnicesan em tosi The Mission Band of the Ulnited thndocean, hbemeward bound for Eng-i to settie in the township. dairy cow-tbe milk chequ- h andtestosui Curc ae vrygraetl t Ms. n. d and in solicitude for theni te BANKING bank acceunt form an indescibl everyone. E. Bem an, Mr rs. J. . HanockM.. sîng "Eternal Father strong teoi chain which defies "bard tiesan O. PReand alI t C.he adies whMr. Save". Usual routine business 'was FMbusiness depressions. Sincr 17 SOMET INGE TIREY NEWwi.iigaykelpnd, supphelaeiavhor dealt witb, Mrs. J. A. Butler an- I the Standard Bank of Cand ba SO EHN N IEYN Wwligyhlespl aeilfrnouncing that the annuai quiiting I catered to the needs eotf ar A Fodin Bay Canag GoCart Chirtie costumes for teiespeialy gmi weuld be held in Taesday, June 14, [,M fariner, rendering efficient sriet a lt for baby to'eat out of and a parcel carrier t r.can nwbo arc wiiling te hel.p will be wel-' bis ait a iaefrein a sister church and gave se i ome. Afternen tea will be served.' ALL IN ONE freely et bier tinie and talents. j An intcresting prograin was given i Carrige uholsered in anew aterpoof ap- ing eorg andMaster Adair consisting ef readings by Mrs. Tru- ih Y u Carnage pholsterd in a nw Waterpoof Tap- Hancock celebrated their birthdays mac Clarke and Mrs. Robert Graham; Vli u T Î\ /.1 ~ BLu% estî-y. See This Demonstrated. on June 3rd., with many flags flying a, duet sung witb exquisite sxeetnessj MA R À high je their bonor. Adair is 13 and by Mrs. E. B. Ceoke and Mrs. W. D. CA'A in recognition cf the mementeus tact Bragg "The mian of Galilee". MrsyBO MAN OFL B ANC-W 4M Lap aae cf baving entered the much talked Hloward Cooke read a very intere- OMNIL RNHH .L 1' f teen age hie gave a party te about ing leter frein Miss McHlarrie cf le-1I Branches aisol et Newcastle, Newtonville, Orono. shw ~AjVII~ISWIL!1 thirty of bis boy and girl friends. It dia, wbo bas endeared herself te al _____ F .rF , M o ri s C o~. being a notable day the weathei. was interested in tbe work cf Missions inihcOl~ adyu the eats were the hest and al bad a taken by Miss Drunimccd giving syn-i Home Furnishers Phone 1 ol time. Dpsis o "The public beaitb oki hnyufeltrdadyu Mr.. Peter Laing ,Fourth Line, India"; Mrs. J. A. Butler "The Mcdi-e cnul s butyu Bowmanville (Lockhart's), lest bis iinplement and --al Work cf oui. Cburcb in India";j criving shed with nearîy all contents and Mrs. J. Middieten, 'Oppertuni- cyes. Oui. advise is free and including bis car by lire early Sunday ties and pressing needs in India". merning. A seed drill was one of The 2nd quarterly afterrîoen tea1 oui. price mederate, if glasses are _______________________________________________ the few inîpleinents saved. It is %vas served by a number cf ladies, requred thught the fie originated in the car, thus bringing te a close a profitabile eurd pcssihly from a short circuit. The and pleasant atternoon. elalarm went eut about 6 o'clock andj Reading Glasses (shell rirnuned> before long a host et people freni, $295 ..~ - .~ *....'o' every direction, some frein manySH S - >î. miles distant ,were on tbe scene te j "> .*:;Î~ rne ba epte cud o- The Board ot Education met in the H U STLE TH EM A lO N ~~, -s, O unateiy the barn nearby was wet Libraryr et the Scbool on Monday ev-1 JR.l~il frmSaturday's rains, as was the nng rsH.GMatnHowelV -~ va groud an evrytheg roun, ~and Joy Martyn, Stratford, visited f J A h consequence et wbich there was littîetied b nte Kn' itdy Wben We Test Eyes It là, Donc ... . Mr.. Percy Gilbank, Queen'u Uni-i rpel trouble un cenfining the blaze te tbe versity, Kingston, bas gene to the IPoel -l~-a oohrfo hd.Western Provinces te take upmiso makes clllcfs grow a oohrfo Mrs. Henry Rowe and about foi.ty work during the summer vacation. .Itia co bnd tatg members cf ber Orono Mission Bandî Dr. Edgar Allie, Edmoenton, vismt- can. I sa cmie trig motei.ed te Newcastle on Tbui.sday ed bis brethers, previeus te sauîung àgoigaddveoigfo. Pe tend the Newcastle Mission Band's soe's bouse was tetaliy destroyed byj vents white daroa bowel tobe entertaiement, "An Evening je In- fie on Tuesday, witb practieally all! dia," and were se delighted with tbe the contents and a censiderablellgwanes rmte i o "PgatEntertaiement" that tbey ameunt cf money ..Clare Aii n t er W ek of lgwans. Po oe i oe O u customff S -M ~~~~at once extended an invitation te Alvin Dowsoe ,Clinton Caverly. <fi.oml al auiy ee eteig Mrs. Howard Cuoke, ber assistants Kurv Inn), and Stanley Rickard ac- dffi ffi !ed u*h ~~~and the members cf the Band te re- compaeied by Gould ThurstnaÀ e od ri edb peat it in Orono je the near futr.A IIan u vety rganfedb Furtheil reference-will be made.teGregory Coer of B. H. S. d dqLATHFODlniBARNUN"CHIK SCATC 13 AT V1 t i w n i v 11,it e 3fit h d22v-3 rt, I r .r1 1tdsn trin, .. if . .ri- s tye , s I .... . .. 38 tir- ffh dy -rt'r n t o- -i 0 -,srr,, i- s-styes secil.........389it %vill receive prompt attention and o wîg SUM ER ESSUN' trt,rv]' rif lr %Iill1wsai Fx-,or1-i good valut, f~UM E SESIN 1, tr fi.. ,' '1-far the srri Ir-t or nv !yP, n rrti r-r ftri iyyPsrqron ,r î,crsrin.s I L C ' SH WS12 SCHO L r 111f)nr, i rrr rr nette,- slll icit hava I n rri . biy him at 1fr-. lfr,,, of lolw present ter m frora July 4th srîch rt.rS.rfiîiî'n. I __ hout any holidays forced ui)ofl D'î:?riln.12.King and Division Sta., kr&Goe ecsl st1u de nts. Make tf1roe conrt for pro. 3d une B27 gress. Enter any day. W. R. Shaw, TYTLER & SPROULE, BowmanvilIe BkrJroe IRegistrar, 46 Bloor West, Toronto. 19 Tororito Str-r-i. Tcroeîto, ___________________________________ Sciulfetors for ',,îjid Exrxrutor. 1. à -..t

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