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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1927, p. 1

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Zbr *tttteeman With Which Is Incorporated Trie Bowmanville News Vol. LXXIII M. A. JAMES & SONS, Publishers. BOWMANVILLE, ONT., THURSDAY, JULY 7th., 1.27 $2.00 a Year In Advance 5c'a Copy No.27 1~ mi. q Watch Our Windows FOR JUly l2th Specials Which will include Cameras................11 Spectacles .............. $2.95 Gillette Bazon and 35c tub, Shaving Creani......... 35c Russian Oil, 16 oz. boUtle ... 79e Vacuum Bottles........... *49e Genuine Thermos ýBottîra ..$ 1.00 Jury & Loveli Whrn we test eyes it ia don. properly Dress Up For H( The Diamond Jubilee Celebration of Confed Wahited GLORIOUS TWELFTH WALK GIRL FOR GENERAL HOUSEWORKf AT BOWMANVILLE -Or by the day. Apply te Mrs. P. J.PlnCopedFrBîClbrtn EBis, ELgin St., Bowmianv-flie, phore, lan opeedFrBgteerto 327w. _____26-tf! --8,000 Visitors Expected- WANTD-Bay Canage[n god~ Special Train Chartered condition, also a New Perfection Coal, 011 Steve, 3 hurmer. Apply to "R. S",! Present indications point to the Drawer B, Bowmnanvifle. 27-l'Ilargest gathering and celebration --ever held in Bowmanville when the STENOGRAPHER WANTED-To work Orange Walk for Ontario East will ln office of manufacturini- plant, Bow-1 manville. Apply ln own hand wrîting. take place in this town next Tuesday, state educational standing, experience, , July l2th. age, salai-y expected, and when at Ubertyr Those in charge of the celebration to take position. Addres box 295, Bow- manville. 27 iare putting forth every effort to imake the 237th anniversary of the B1attlr of the Boyne an interesting and memorable occasion. CounfederaOronge Lodge for miles Cori*fe atin arIn isbringing large representa- 1 tives. A special train has been chartered te bring the rwsfo Jubilee Tea Lakefield, Peterboro and intrrmrd- iate points. and Sale of You will neyer remember the time when se many Drass Bands and Fife Home-Made Cooking and Drum Bands were in town at one Will be held on the lawn of Hundreda of people who are not1 Orangemen will be attracted to Bow- St.Andew' PrsbtqerieMn nanvîlle that day to Bee the parade St. ndrws Pesband enjoy the merniment and demon- Church, Bowmanville stration. I Citizens should co-operate in every wvay possible te assist the Orangemen Friday, July 8th in welcoming and entertaining the to decorate their places of business from 4 te 6 p. nm. and citîzens along the route 0f mai-ch should aise decorate their residences. Bring your friends with yoli Societies from ail the churches _______________________ have generously offered to serve meschat day in their respective fcoIroems. Hotels, cafes and restaurants are znaking special pre-1 1 Orange Lodge beadquarters for in- J formation will be in the store occu-r pied so many years by the late P. C Trrbilcock and recently vacated by W.Berry. 0 Grand parade will start at 1 p. m. (daylight savîng tinie,) froni Public o lid a y sScbool and wîhl proceed east along Wellington to George George te Centrec Centre te Concession I Concession to Liberty c] Liberty to Ontario Ontario to Quren I Quren te Scugog rieration is an oc- King & Scugog to Fair Grounds cabon nenevery person wilI De aresseci at tileir best. And there is no better place to buy that outfit than at our store. Every department is equipped to supply- you with the newest niaterials at reasonable prices. New Goods For Hot Weather Line of Silk Vests and Bloomers, clearing at ...........69e each Ladies' Silk Hose, ail newest shades, priced froni 50e to $2.00 Balance of Spring Coats take a further drop in price for quick clearance. Chenule Rugs, 27 x 54 in, varlous designs and colors, Special at $2.19 Beautifully Tailored Ladies' Navy Blue Suits, now selling at less than haîf original price. Everyone must be sold. New Silk Celanese Dresses, guaranteed fast colors, washable and unshrinkable, flot expensive either. Another shipment of beautiful Summer Dresses, great variety to choose from. Just received direct from England Duro Broadcloths, ail colors, fadeless. New colored Silk Bedspreads, in Ivory, Rose, Gold and Blue. You will take a pride in having one of these. See our New Silk Rayon Dress Goods at 50e and 60 yard These new goods and bargain prices should mean brisk buying this week. Men's Cool Clothes for Hot Weather Buy your outfit for summer wear here SUMMER SUITS $16.75 Summer Suits, Greys, Fawns, plain and stripes, double and single breasted, just the thing for holiday wear, as low as $16.75 and Up. STRAW HATS 85c Straw Hats, whatever style you fancy, in Sailors or Panamas, from 85e up SPORT SHIRTS $1.95 New line of Men's Sport Shirts, for tennis and outing occasions, plain white, cream and fancy colors, Special at $1.95. MEN'S BLAZERS $5.95 Men's Blazers, almost any combination of colors desired, extra good values at $5.95 BROWNIE SUITS HALF PRICE Only a few little Brownie Suits left at less than haîf price. Couch,Jhns ton & Crydermian, Bowmanvlll. Phono 104 *LImited a. The above route makes a march ol slightly over three miles and will Ilikely take one and a balh houra tc tpass a gwven point.- 01tIfan Regi. ment Band will Iead' .the parade. Four handsome trophies and two huge Union Jacks wil be offered foi prizes in the parade. Adresses will be given by H. A. Graham, Kingston, Grand Organizer of Ontario East, Dr. T. E. Kaiser, jM. P., Oshawa, General John Hughes, Past Grand Master, Ontario East, Mr. Fred W. Bowen, M. P., Mayor T. S.* Holgate, Warden M. J. Ellinftt and others Afte thespeehesa very attract. for old and young. An intermediate Ileague basebail gamne between Bow- Imanville And Oshawa will be played Iat 3 p. m. Another feature will be a gymnastic display by the stud- ents of Boys' Training Sehool. JTown people are requested not ta Park their cars on King Street next Tuesday. It will greatly facilitate in the handling of traffie. There ia a lot more that might be said about this big celebration. But enougb bas been told here. Corne ta Bowmanville next Tuesday, bring the whole family, and join in the demonstration either as a partici- pan t or spectator as you are assured of a real good time. Entertainment Choir Concert AND Organ Recital Will be given in Trinity United Church BOWMANVILLE Tuesday, July 12 at 8.15 P. M. PROGRAM: Will b. given by these artiats: MISS PEARL NEWTON Elocutionlst, Toronto C. FRANKLIN LEGGE Organiat, Toronto INITY CHOIR Francis Sutton, Director Admission 50c and 25e ti Roon, 4-Sr. lU to Jr. IV <Tacher- Miss Helen G. Morris) Honouna-Leonai-d Wilson, Viol.i MitFeetera, Has-old Coînier, Job: Blunt,1 Dudley Bradd, June Lougb. nan, Madelîne Jones, Bessie Martin, r Pas&..-Dorothy Edgr, Louisè Col., Grace Welsh, Jasper Smith, RutI Puzrdy, Ned Rehder, Editii Cart. wright, Winton Bagnell aild Francem -Clark, equal, Brusie Gives, Sidney IDillic'k Tommy Lyhe, Kathleen West- inutt, Ruth Hayman, Francis iks son, Bîlda Hall, Audr-ey Prout, Jean Herring, Jack Beach, Walter Hately, Lawrence Lonsbers-y, Rosas Richards, S»eîyn 0k., Bilda Simnick. Recommended...George Graham (Ill), Hazel Curran, Lyle Wood, tBector Gould. BOOM S-Sr. 111 to Jr. IV * (Teachen-Miss Greta Wickrtt) L Honours-Evelyn Baby. Pasa-Muniel Taylor, Jack Allin, rArthun Bumpage, Penn Smnith, Betty Bic, and Alma Rickards equal, Edith *Sellers, Elsi, Large, Delbent Yeo, Jack Turner and Kathleen Thurston, equal. Recommended--.<reta Witiieridge, Ivan Bobbs, Donald Sutten, Madeline BRynard, Glynn Large, Arvilla Jack- man. Lila Brown. Jr. 111 to Sr. 111 Honours-Aud-ey Craig, Greta Pearce, Bars-y Jackman, Russell Bayes and Byron Vanstone equal, Doris Hall, Alice Pus-dy, Editi Mon-la, Eileen Hately, Francis Brant, Gwen- dolyn Ballantyne, Vera Lonabenry. Pas-Jck Lunney, Robent Kent, Elizabeth Adams, Christina Crombie. Boom "-r. III to Jr. IV (Teachen-Mias Majorie Robins) Pas&-Willie Wallace, Mary Towns, Raymond Connons, Willie Mutton, Orland Plummer ,Evelyn Taylor, Fred Mutton. Recommenndd-Jimn Pickas-d, Vel- ma Bell, Florence Pundy, Margaret Cole, Boland Bat.. Roon, 6-Jr. 111 to Sr. 111 Honours--Chesten Jury, Jean Mes-- nia, Alex. Colville, Lorraine Pickai'd, Bill Allin, Gertrude Hooper, Dorothy Rowr and Aileen Gibbs, equal, Walt- en Goode. Pass-Erneat Perfect, Mary Thompsen, Jack Came-on, Marion Glanville, Eugene Connora, Jack Ben- nett, Doris Bennrtt, Russel Oke, Ar- letta Maynard, Flossir Yro, Helen Mason (passed on term wonk.) Recommended-Bes-t Wiseman, Guehda Trimble, Georgina Caverly. Boom 7-r. 111 to Sr. 111 (Teaciier-Miss Leta L. Bragg) Hoiiour-lBrtty Tamblyn, Ted Johns, Hurbert Hooper, James S- son. Paà&-ýBillie Dunlop, Phihip Pat- trick, George Tardiff, Milton Yeo, Chas-le Richards, Lucy Bern, Jack Curs-an Sam Allin VIet Crainb, Cecil iackman anâ Clarence *Gant- (Continurd on hast page) Royal Theatre Friclay.Saturday, July 8-9 «'Under The. Rouge" With Tom Moore & Eileen Perey From the story by A. P. Younger Matinee Saturday at 2.30 p. m. Children 5c. "«Casey of The. Coast Guard" and regular programme Monday-Tuesday, July 11-12 "Captain Salvation" With Lais Hansen, Pauline Stark, Marceline Day, Ernest Torrence and George Fawcett. Mighty as the sea in thrills, this spectacular romance will sweep you off your fret! A beauty amazingly cast up by a storni car- ries storm and strife into the lives of men! Made from the fam- ous novel and serial by Frederick William Wallace. Monday 8.30 p. m. as usual Tuesday at 10.30 a. mi. and 7.30 to 11.30 P. M. Usual Prices Wednenday-Thursday, July 13.14 Patsy Ruth Miller in "What Every Girl Should Know" A comedy drama of youth, pluck and Irish luck. and Chapter 5 of "On Guard" w PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTIOP Honours are those pupils tak 75% and over; Pass 60%; Rec< mended are tbosr who were ill at time of the examinatiens, or v failed a f ew marks only and are commendrd on their year's woi Names in order of menit. Winners of Special Prizes 1 Miss Evelyn Goddard, daughter Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Goddard, a Pupil of Principal J. H. Jobnston, 1 Uie honour of winning the gold mec contributrd by the Depantmrnt Education, Toronto, to tbe pupil c taining tbe bigbest marks on a t( palier on "Confederation" set by t Department. AIl pupils in Four Classes tbroughout inspectorate b~ 1, West Durhami, wrote on this papi Women's Canadian Club Prizes f highest standing in Canadian Bisto during the year in the Entran Class lst, George Weekes, son Mr. and Mrs. Ed. F. Weekes; 2n Maurice Rose, son of Mr. and Mi David Rosner. Men's Canadian Club Prize f, higbest marks in Canadian History Junior IV Class at June Examiin.ri< -Elsie Carruthers, daughtrr of M and Mrs. W. H. Carruthers, of Roo 3-Tachen, Miss M. M. Jennings. School Board will contribute priz as usual to the highest standin pupils in eacb of the. ronnis. Rooi 2--Jr. IV to Sr. IV (Teacber-C. E. Brunton) Honours-Charlie Cawker, Marii Slemon, Edward Richards, Mauri Booth, Elford Cox. Pasa--Onville Soucb, Gordon J low, Dorothy Somnerscales, Bilt Brown, Ai-chie Woods, Alan Williar Alan Adams, Alex Crombie, Lai rence Williams, Jack Hall, Robe Bat. Recommnieded-..Elva Drrw, Jei Purdy, Russel Smith. Roon, 3-Jr. IV to Sr. IV (Teacher-Miss M. M. Jenninga) Honours--Phyllis Challis, Albri Culley, Jean Wisemnan, Donald Wi lama, Leon Gunn, Roy Neads, Ha: îld Gibbs, Bennice Rundle. Paso-Yvonne Tigbe, Edward Flai man, Nina Richards, Walter Crai, Mtelbourne Hawley, Jack Jenning Ifargaret Colville, Rowrll Bell, Clai ence Oke, Bloau Camspbell, Tom Bar-i ton, KarI Smnith, Gordon Flaxmnan. Recomned-Elie Carrutheî (wrete on two subjects only, ill: Edward Bagnel <ilI), Walter'Col (hi), Borea Murdoif, Maurice Prou' qS.J JUBILEE CELEBRATION inj A MEMORABLE OCCASI( m- Grand Parade-Unique Floats-EB the Crowd&-Fne Program-Good With Weatber rk. Wt almoat ideai wrather cond tiens Bowmanville's big celebratio brld Fniday, July lat., te mark th of DIamond Jubilereof Confederatio Lnd proved te be an unqualifird succe&ý as It attractd a large crowd from th l town and surrounding rural district of and an enthusiastic spirit of goodwi b- and thanksgîving combinrd te mai est the observance one of the girates he historical events in the historyo 'th this community. Fo. Every street in town fs-om th r. main business section te the small lor residential streets on the outskirtso Sy the town were in gay holiday attir ýce with flags, bunting, streamers ani of* standards decorating shopa and resi id, dences te cmmemorate Canada' rs. 6Oth Birtbday. It was a day in which old ari ýor young joined banda with equal priti in and enthusiasm. The older citizea on naturally rrflected on past event Ir. and achievemnent while the younge: iigeneration were full of eptimism fi the country's future progress an( ;es presperity. ig The officiaI epening f the day' prograi began with a monster par ade whîch fan exceeded the expecta tiens of the Confederation Commit tee, and provrd a pleasing aurpris, onand source of entertainnient to th( ce hundreda of people who lined thi streets as the parade proceeded aleng o the route of masch. Shortly after one o'clock braded a by Mayor T. S. Bolgate in a pecially Ins deceratrd Cadillac car the paradE W- moved off from the Public Schooc rt down 51vr Street te King Street. As a rear guard te Bis Wership as n wel as eaing the Bey Scouts Char- lie Cawker and Jim Williams, sons of pieneen famifirs of this town, werr munted on teir prancing ponîs. Brent azlewood was in command of the Scouts who followed ri on foot and with fancy deceratri. il bicycles. r-W. B. Tapson, a veteran and faitb- ful member of the old D. 0. & P. Co. SBand, acted as Driuni Major te the 9, Durham Regîrent Band of Orono, B, which erganization rendered excel- r- lent service and higb-clasa musical t- prograni during the afternon and evening. ne An outatanding feature of the par- , ade was the large nuniber of yen.- le able citizens 75 years of age anc t, eder wo ad an onored position in the prceeding and were driven in cars. Among theseCpioneers were W. M. Ives, C. . Cawker, David Keith, W. B. Couch, W. Garrett, Rev. W. H. Spargo, Rev. C C. Wash- ýt ington, Bey. E. A. Tonkin, R . Tren- a outb, Rd. Hanilyn, T. Banilyn, Wm. 1- Richards, James Elliott, Rd. WViddi-1 1combe, John Perey, F. N. Stevens,ý DM. A. James, T. H. Spry, Alan Btt- h tIr, Isaac Lathi-ope, Jos. Byer, Chas. -Cox, J. Shipman, John Grigg, R. s Mallory, J. T. Allen, Sami Allen, Win *Allin, John Morris, John Babcock, -C. Rehder, Nathan Borne, Jos. Le- -Belle, Wm. Byslop, J Ryan, Wmn. nPointen, Town, Simon Baskerville. 'Geo. P. Rickard, W. C. Baldwin, Rd. Allin, Newcastle, and others. The numerous historic fraternal, commercial, humorous and burlesque afloats were attractive, unique and or- iginal. Fisst came the "'Maple Buds", eighteen little girls dressd in wiite and red and green trimminga being the colora of the. Juveniles of the Companions of the Forest. Ladies responsible for arranging this flot ywere Mesdames E. Mitchell, . Ash- Irle, T. Brookbam and D. Bicicell. e, Western Canada was well repres- îented by four Rough Ridera in real cow boy outfita-Messrs. J. Sheean, J. Blunt, R. McGiaw, Misa Somer- scalles. Imprrsenations andi clowns added barrels of mersirent te the occasion with Luther Nichois, R. B. Dilling, Victor Jrffey and Mr. Cousins tk- *ing the leading roIls. A score or more of boys on fancy dcorated bicycles reminded one that thià mode of transportation is still *popular in this age of rase via metor power vehicles. Frank Williams, local Manager ell Telephon. C., rode a high- wheeled bicycle whicb was ene of the. neal antiques of the parade. The1 bike belongs te Ted Baggith, Hamp- ton, wbo dug it out of a hay rnow. Donald Williarns accompanird bisi dad iding a modern bicycle. Then came the achool cbildren wbo "made the parade" in the minds of many onlookers ,and were given rounds of applause and chera as tbey. marcbrd along neatly dresard wearing gay colorrd bead gear and pape- sashes. There must have bren a thousand childiren marching wbich Included pupils frorn Newcastle, Base Line, Darlingzton and other npces. The LOCAL AND OTHERWISE Miss Winnie Varcoreof local Post Big Office Staff is holidaying in To rente. Mn. and Ms-s. J. C. Cairns left for uebec, Juy 4 and Nothern Ontar- ie. di- Trinity Chusrch Choir Concert is on ion Tuesday, July 12th at 8.15 p. m. ;l. Loera of good rnusic will enjoy this on i-airtreat. os. Mrs. D. T. Morris, Misses Ethel lie and Helen Morris are spending two et wreks' vacation at Corbett's Point, ri11 Lake Scugog. ce Local amateur di-amatists will b. ýt interested in the competition an- of nouncrd in tuis issue by West Dus- ham Agricultural Society. lie Mr. George C. Foste- ef Mariposa, le bas meved te, town, baving bought 'fthe Adams ps-operty on King St E., re next te tth. Scebel bouse. id si Miss Eleanon Wood sang several 's selections splendidly at the. Presby- trian Concert on Monday evenig iat Newtonvilie which was gratly le enjeyed by ahl. li Mr~. and, Mr. Wm. Pearl, Port TO'wns end, WVash., who are on a 7,500 er mil mt0rng trip, wr-r gurats ef orbler anMs C. N. Rua., Carlishe id Avenue, over the weekend. Wornen's Hospital Auxiliai-y wiIl '~meet at the Nurses' Residence on Fi-. r- day, July Stb at 3.30 p. m. Import- a- ant business is to cerne before the, [t_ meeting and a full attendance ha i-e- se qurstrd. le Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Cryderman, Mi-. ie and Mrs. Fred H. Crydernian and ig daugtr Ruthi, bad a vrry eajoyable 3-days' motor tri p visiting towns and dcities along the. Kingaton Higiiway as ýdfan eaat as Cornwall. [y le Principal anid Mrs. T. F. Wrihght ,~and farnuly, St. Cathar-ines, metoned b o Ottawa to participate in the. ~Diamond Jubile. of Cenfederation. r-They gave us a fiiendly cal Tuesday is while on the return trip. , Miss Laura Brirnacombe, Elgin ýg Street, Miss E. E. Bayci-aft of Tii. ýn Stateaman, Mr. and Ms-s. Wm. Wal- ,i lace, Mn. and Mra. Richard Snowdn, id Oshawa, wene a motor party te Niagara Falls on July lot. - Mrs. R. J. Luke and daugbters, Mrs. W. L. Mountjoy, Kedron, and ýe Olive and son -Bert Luke, Toroente, calird on Bowmnanville relatives Sun- -day on their way homewai-d froin LI visiting Mr. John Currie, Stir-ling, IOnt. Mr. and Ms-s Cha4es W. Smyth, -Miss Grace Tremees-, Tes-onto, and -Dr. Mabal V. Bray, of Medical Staff dof *Mountain* Sanitas-ium, Hamnilton, wre Diamond Jubiler guesta of Mn. and Mrs. F. A. Ponter, Norweod ePlace. Aftes- the. Osangernen'a bigwalk and celebration on the Glorious -Twelfth, (Tuesday, Jnly l2th), ne- Imemben tint a musical and literas-y ti-eat la in store f or aIl those who tcas-e te attend at Trinity Chus-ch at '18.15 P. M. Ser advt. for particu- las-s. Mr-. and Mrs. Alfr-ed M. Peate, Miss Mas-ion and Mi-. Amiel Wus-m, Baltimnore, Md., Mr,. and Mrs. Seveir, Wilmington, U.S., ai-e visiting the. formrr's sister, Mrs. J. H. Dai-ch, Manvers Road, and brother, Ms-. Frank Peate, Orono, and other rela- tives, ens-ente te Califonnia where they intend spending 4 montha at Los Angeles witb their frienda, Ms-. and Mrs. Arthus- Clmvell. A Confedes-ation Jubiler Tea and ale of Bome-cookingr wiil b. hehd on the. lawn of St. Andr-ew's Presbyte- lian Chus-ch on Fiiday, ,Tly Sth frein 4 te 6 P. M. Biing yens- lrhende wlth yeu. BIG FIGURE PAID FOR SHORtTHORN SIRE Darlington Breeder Maies Important Sales et Record Price. On. of the largest and mont im- pertant individual sales of-live stock made in tuis section of Ontario for some years was made lent wrek when Mn. John Baker, Solina, prominent Dailington brerder, sold bis famous Shortuorn berd sire, Tiiornhani Min- strel, a 3-year old bull, te Mn. Dun- can Camspbell of Moffat, Ontario, for $1000.00. Tii.puschas.- after in- specting Mn. Baken's berd theught se rnuch 0f the calves of this champion sire that h.e aise bougbt tuner of them with thein dama bred te tir samn sire. The pnice paid for the. entire consignment was in ther neigh- borhoed of $2000.00. Thornham instrel issired b liott, Guelph, paid $35,000, and in out of an imported Osange Blossoni cow. At the. Royal Winten Show in Tor~onto hast November Thornham Minstrel was 2nd in the 2-year ohd clas and was declared the beat 2- year old bull in Canada, being beaten only by a bull froni United States. Be bas bren a successful sire havîng preduced winning stock shown at al Inn

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