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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1927, p. 2

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PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, JULY 7th., 1927 DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Bonor graduate in Dentistry Torc University. Graduate of the R( College of Dental Surgeons of tario. Office King St., Bowmanv Office phone 40. House phone X-Ray Equipment in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Graduate of Royal Dental Col Toronto. Office, King St. East, E manville. Office hours 9 a. m. t p. m. daily except Sunday. Ph~ 90. House phone 283. DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Ronor graduate of Toronto 1 versity and member of Royal Coll 91 Dental Surgeons. Licensed practise in Ontario and the Dor Ion. Dentistry in all ita branc' Office-King St., Bowmanville, posite Bank of Montreal. Phone LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. E Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to loan on Farm anld To Property. Royal Bank Buildi Bowmanville. Phono 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to late D. B. Simpsob, K< Barrister, Solicitor, Nota.ry Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money to Loan Phoize Bowmmnville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money to boan. Bonds for au Offces-Bleakley Block, KingE Bowmanville, Ontario. Phoût Office 102. House 409. FLJNERAL DIRECTORS F.. F. MORRIS CO. Complete Motur Horse Equipment All caîlsprompt) attended to. Private Ambulanc Bowmanville phone 10 and 34 Branch Stores- Orono & Newcaatl * ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Directc Calîs given prompt and personala tention. No extra charge for di tance. Phono& 58 or 159, Bowma ville, Ont. 3-t MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M Gold Medalist of Trinity Universit Toronto. Four years atteniding Ph, aîi-an and Surgeon at Mt. Carn Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office ai %esidence, Wellington Street, Boi nianville. Phono 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical Cllbeg Toronto, formerly of Enniskille Office and Residence, Dr. Beith former residenco on Church Stree Bowmanville. Phone 259. 44- VETERINARY DR. F. '. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Dayc Night calis promptly attended t( Office: King St. East, Bowmanvill( Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc Orono Honor Graduate of University o Toronto. Ail cases given promp and carefu! attention. Offie- Dr. McElroy's former office. Phones Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctioneer Farm and House Sales a Specialty. Torms moderate. Enniskjllen P. O. Phone 197r3. 1-tf. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKLEY honor graduateofo Toronto College of Chiropractie will be in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Thtir3day and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Residential calls made during fore- noons. GOOD SCHOO)LSj grow. The Shaw Schools have THE EDITOR TALKS i VO YOU REMEMBER WHEN? BOWMANVILLE REVISITED OBITURY In last issue we said some thingsl When a certain Captain Nicholson By John Eliott, B.A., Former Prin. WeliIngton Hall, Oshawa -nto about where women are going which o! the North King, the Port Hope; ciPal of Bowmanville High School, w ' on- before the Confederation Jubilee to, up his lake trips an-d became a den-~ Hall was held from his late resi- LA K G EST D JSPLA Y 0 F '111e. read and discuss. This week onj tiat in Rochester? Ho was welli (Continucd from last issue) dence, June 18, and wa;attended by rwq 22. authority of The Dominion Councili known to many in Bowmanville. If you visit Bowmanville be sure friends and relatives from Hilton, i£ fK L1 1R 'um of Women of Canada we tell what 1t seBeM vnu n ve heN YTrotBomniIead OK D ET women are doing and hope every When M. A. James made six or, oscBeh vneadviwt . Toontope , Baedow a verad woman whe has a husband wiîî geti more annual trips to England, Ire-i great old trees, beech and maple, oak otHp. Dcasdwowsvr eghlm to-read the startling facts herein~ land and Scotland, and sometimes and elm ,chestnut and basswood and popular among the young people of re setd Paris, and persenally conducted over-1 others-a picture in themsclves. The1 the Ponix Lodge Nole2Gand wis 0W- *6 seas groups of schoolxnarms and! fine old McLaughlin Home is occupied Past Chief Patriarch in the Encamp- Don't expeet the good housewife to stand ,on6 Those of us who remember the oterndcardfrb agtro h ment hranch. At the time of histo 1.14 Loodays before Confederation (1867) ilt Dr. J. W. MicLaughlin-Mrs. E. death he was treasurer of this lodge. over a hot stove these daYs t cook t meals. kn1 thtoa'sshre was main- We Rbr Bihmaeatrip to S enkler and hier husband, Mr. E. The funeral was conducted by the ly in the home. Now women lind: Seotland nearly every winter orý S. Senkler, barrister, whom 1 reniera- Oddfellows. The great number of Just sgett e htocsoal h re a paein practically altrades an! prisundggesbltcotto Blheerintthats henoiccasaionafloalllyuts shef ordere ster Unplaesos eie ail andv' sPaingo or some other experienced cent and star Rugby player at the in xvhich the deceased was held thru- cooked mreat foi, a change. WTe have a large var- loge part in municipal, provincial adhremng vr ananadh d bgbel ct heUBiv]ersi they f hernhewasas ud- tforltre itesanestifledte h ete tni prfsinbsdstkn1natv Clydsaeso vand bing back t he Uiest fTrot.ottectyad cnt.iety of appetizing cooked mneats that will appeal tfederal affairs, one woman has occu delcesdalsad keshth Many excellent citizens have come mn- pied a seat in the Dominion Househ oni aeyer u a aesRcadOhw hes. for the past six years. scetecon't d tetw, nlt cr u ws JmsRcadOh to every memnber of the family. op- 1 ~When many of the town and gon- lad t see how many of thc old stock P- Sixty years ago the teaching pro-: try boys earned a trip to Liverpool or! are still herc. Stepping out from behind cars ~0.fession was largely in the hands of Glasgow and a week or two in the, It xvas a pleasure to sec Mr. J~. parked on Olive Avenue, Oshawa, on When you w-ara fresh or cured meats we also nmen, for the mest part poorly equip-' Old Country by acting as!abrIB atnsili uies h a- Saturday near midnight. James Rich- a .s hippcd .Mrtnsi nbsies teBb ards, 117 Church Street, wvas struck have them. ped for their work and sadly under-1 maid to hundreds of cattle hpe cocks-father and son-are still op- by an unk nown niotoristanree- paid. Now, espccially in the publie' overseas by Williams & Hall or otherý posite the Balmoral Hotel in Michael adinresfoiwhc edei th schools, tcaching is almost exclusive-1 drovers?I Treleven's stand with the . e njrencfrHo spwit ledodn unde b ly donc by womcn, there bcing à9th,_- oth !o hccone. ln fOshawa Gen r asintng on scus-a 975 women teachers in Canada as. When the Algerian, the Crhae-1gocerigo h or nde ryeenin. vThout I rof\.the dcardst aant1,2me.ian and the Alexandrian of the Tor- A .s. Tc oneno he ar -h agint 1,42n* n * ente to Montreal fieo tab tt' Thc Balmoral vas never in better caused the accident has net been G ing, In nany cases womnen have dis- aIl sidewheelers, used te make r2911-1 shape and it interested nme te learn found. Poe2 o mnil carded their aprons and donned ever9ý lar stops at Port Bowmanville? AI that the present proprietor, Mr. A. The late Mr. Richards had becn a Phn 21lo an le alîs. There is one woman mining favorite drive in those days was te 1J. Wadhams. is a Durham old boy resident of Oshawa fer the past six- engineer in the Dominion, twcntv-one' meet the boat at five o'clock. John! who grew up ini the township of teen years, ceming, here from Pick-[ C.C. electrical engineers and six civil en-' McClellan was harbormaster for1 Hope. ering township where he farmed for gincers. Se far, ne woman black- mnny years. Mr. Frank F . Morris is a worthy. a time. He was hemn in Darlington smith or veterinary surgeons arc re- . successor of his father. the late Leviý township. corded, but there are women paint-I Whcn Luther Hogarth of Solinaj Morris, Mason & Dale are here yet He is survived by his wifc and1 91 crs, boiler makers ,engine builders, Bn died dentistry withl Dr. J. M., Tom Dustan carrnes on the store of a family of five sons ,Hanson, Her-1 __________________ carpenters ectc. The census shows' rmacombe, graduated from Ann W. H. Dustan. who is, 1 believe, ab- bcrt and Frank of Oshawa, John o! 587 wemen bai-bers and hairdressers 1 Arbor Dental College of the Univer- sent in California. T. H. Knight, Pickering- township and Wesley of threc hoetblacks, thirty-four boet:1 sîty of Michigan and returned te as-, Xdolph Nichai . .Ai-chie Tait.. W. T. Toroate and three daughtcrs, Mrs. crand h ree a feu wogrs. Skecn1 str. Bdfor iascf n erointwherc Allen o! the Big 20 Book Store, Har- K. Brown,~ Mrs. Thos. Lawrie and Insurance Protection erandh reaerscth aufe rs:. -kevep- st r. B.for aef i ewtersoit henl yadCals ie h aos Mrs. A. Cockerham of Oshawa. ale.enthiliiga oin and fifty- hec is today one of the best known ryadCa] icte Msn, Mrs. W. Fursey of Oshawa, and _________ oe arteirlvig and egnga rshci peilst? Cru .ather and soi. John F. Homne, are Mrs. Lee of Pickering township ai-rNeA C E N P O E TO G IS St.oonearetrappers ad egged in Pro sthteSeils DrusD l nteFotSret hs N U A C M A SP O E TO G IS les fishing,, one is a cemctery-kceper' inel w - r.B's laboratory assist- silonte ratStee. Chs.M an at that time. Cawker andI his son.Wesley, are istrs and gravedigger and another an ant oîd stand ,although the former is O RL S OR D M G BY F E, Y autone. * 1 h wr the financial backers and casing in his attention to business. tabry pelsIknw adAC DE TBY L -H L HYD A H In *eti ndsre* one id'mngr of the MthFactory i, The drug ani its associate business stî-awberr3Viopatches I Anie alnd ACiD roeciaNT, B ILL-HdEALTH, oby suD EAreT In erai inusris wnsa nathe Soutb Ward? These Safety. is stili cared for by Juiry & Lord]l, daughter otla MiSanne Allin, employment te a predominating de-: Matches werc abot the - e f a I M MthlladauRgKrlae htcr cf tn heate amuel Ai in, TishProtecnadcan be provie fornou bsound reproest grec. Textiles absorb a vast amount. match head, made uo e szer o fa Pd icel n .R esikwolrs nwhtwsthe Elliott ptie natis ad Caian Cu roempniecin thi gny, at bore t or o! female labor, over 57,000 women, able composition, and a inlanri-1 and j. A. MleClellan is still at the home in my Bowmanville dayspoibertsegveyurorpoeconw nyurque t being emplayed in textile factories,' in a triple barrel hoîder on the Prin , helni as manager- of the Bank of' O h -stsd fe tcDra REY UF LYIN U E OD Y Jy while 41,211 are engaged in manu- cpeo natmtcpni. YuMnicl r.S ilyi tl Textile establishment in the old y facturing textile goods and w earing presscd down the plunger in the mid-'i 'atc nl i.C .Seoa foundry building arc Archie Tait in IF NOT, WHY NOT? k arlo9 min 1662 redes-dle barrel and a match hcad ase Darliagton alil bey froin Enaiskillen1, the octagon, Blake McMe.Nui-try, Rer. apcee !dhc 6,1pafosneo hesd bre s ote is occupying the former Dr. Alex- J. U. Robins in Trinity United If you have net secured this protection against boss, or are tailoresses.i centre one and was pressed thi it iesdn. Church Parsonage, and then Rev. W insufficiently protected, ACT NOW. Delays are sometimes There are over 35,000 salcswomen ciaws that ignited it. It iwassu Carl B. Kt-nt is postmaster. T. - C'. Washinngton, MA., and bis good dangerous, and simple evcry-day accidents, frequently occasion lein Canada and over 8,000 are cm:ps ebebl i lceut l n thur Cawker is in the Customs Office wife 87 and 83 years yeung, with 59~ serieus financial loss. ployed in banks. One important sumed and forced eut when a new' and the veteran John Lyle. J. P., is yeaî-s of happy useful niarried lifej -occupation, telephone eperation, is one was lighted, but a scar on my, Town Clcrk .and his son, Alex, Treas- behind theni. Bath werc at church Evening appointmeats made on rcqucst. practicalîr monopoiized by women., wrist remiads me that the mechan- uel» twice on the Sunday 1I was in the' This Agency represents, amongst others, the wcll-known Oct cf 13,769 engaged in this work, ism did net always work with pcr-1 A special ,).]it was madle to TheJ town. Theiî- daughtcr, 'Mrs. B. M. SU N LIFE ASSURANCE COMPANY 0F CANADA, and THE or. 12,827 are womcn. * fect efficiency, as a flaming matchi States-man OfficeC. it w-as a plcasurel; Warnica. lives with themi. Fartberi MAPLE LEAF FARMERS MUTUAL FIRE INSURANCE COM- at-* once left the cîaws and flcw up my' te meet again the James Br-othersi on are John Hellyar, W .C. Allin, AY oho h -r aoual nw nti iiiy li- Women have invaded the profes- sîceve and hurned itself into the' who ai-e, George as business manager, a veteran teacher taking life easy AX oho -ic r aorbykow nti iiiy a- siens, 152 beiag physicians and sur- skia. It was bard te dislodge as, and Norman in charge cf the mechan- after mianv years o! faithful ser- geons, a aumber have heen admitted the bumiag composition became very'ia vatmn.pein toginch re, . R os an d t.oWthew-est to the Bar, and are aow Vractisîng sticky and stuck until it buraed out., team and fu]iy maintaining the tra- i teQurerbos.an t teIIs -law, aad two are judgcs anac1 justices.,J.. ditions o! the . ii home paper. Th I on Low-e Street, wvhich aIse is p avcd, D TV .S 0 3 L Theîe ai-e eleven womcn clergy and' -Whistling y___ .Redr fth onald îîe raEI TH rnc.andRea Esate gen Boma..d l 199 missionaries. J ha.ve a worthY belper in the e ThcEss ora. C Rodnrof Cth BowmanilGnrIlsrne nielEtt AetBwiuil _____________________________Miss E. E. Haycraft. te whem States- Founrtyad so ve no!C. hehodrMastir Tac farm bas always uemanc mnraded1 arc inan e mretbanj W. C. King home with Mrs. (Dr.)' t« the attention o o n ut1î readrs i-e eted moi-e hcalliry aative, ismeinthe Jorph_____________________________________ Y,,lyina ineicpait, btiandacf heprvicesmaethiythebunt- Cainadasbeutiuohoe exthesebprovinces_________made___ __________change,_____ Iy- now has 15,949 listcd as farmers as' when the provincial fa changewa Over the way, the good old store' Pattinson and bis tidy garden heing nel cm.pard ý.vth 64,288franchiseriexw-asd.cf Coucb, Jofhnstoa & Crs-dei-man opposite. Next aloag Centre Street nd of the salI. There are besides 225 *%v*was visited. Xas please d to se-c. it i are Mrs. H. W. Burk, W. B. Couch, ýw- womca gardeners and one ]oac fe-1 Among the womea w-ho have serr I bokîng se vc]l rearrangcd, moe cm-1 L. W. Elliott la his new alocaer maie earns her ivlihood by raisiag' cd their provinces in the legisiatures ized and imipreved, but mare plcased, residence, Neil Yellowlees and Mrs. !ur-bearing animais. Domestie scr- is Mi-s. Raiph Smith cf Vancourer,1 ta find aIl thret- branches cf the orig-i Reid. wbose busband W. H. Reid., vas vice is stili the greatest source o! whosc husband w-as a member of the mnal families repî-cseated on the staff.1 in bis day a member of theOntario ee, emnployaient for women and there Fadeaailouse and later Provincial C . Avery John-tan is here, J. Herbert! Lezislatui-e. Mr. M. H. 'Minore o n. are at preseat about 80,000 eaiploy-' Treasurer. Upon bis death Mrs.ý Cryderman with bis two business-Iikeý C.P.R., lives in the corner house and Give the Cook a Holiday hs ed in privatc homes. 1Smnith contestcd his seat and won. i sons, Laury and Ficd, and chief o!i on the opposite corner in the W.* R. et, Thenuringproesson asattact) Se bs srviedthrcc clections and aIl W. B. Coucb who carrnes bis 881 Clemeas bouse is Mm. Cee. Hall who -t. cd a hcst o! women and the total uras thc flrst w'eman te sit as'a asem- yvears o! life se graccfuliyBow-niaa-. bas greatly improved the property. ' By letting us do the baking for the family number of nurses new- in training in ber of a British geverament. v ýille bas ne more honore ciize Doubtiess other sections of the d --- Canada is over 21,000. Tbere are Mrs. Edith Rogers o! Winnipeg,' than be. town would show as large a propor- during the w'arm weather. WTe can supply besides 11,192 nuns occupied mainîy nitic some years of social andpa- A short visit witb hoA Jmewsl tien of old familiar naines on the everything from a loaf of nourishing bread to a in urin ad eacin. ioiework, was elected te the Mani- the senior editor, at bis hoeIlirsdnc ol toba legîsiature in 1920 and bas been' a privilege te me. Ie is (Te e cntiued fancy clecoî-ated w,,edding cake. And ,Just as Ia th es'e and many other ivays the a member of that body ever since.' handicapped by a dullness inhaig(ob Itne)goda ohrmks r s .r .ý' Caa ia ern bas red erpabl-ei s theay dficalhtndcfatHudson Bieryithat bas come upon him and bis ityCate takemabesare terpubilc Comp h any oficii anfaatiuesof Bar' heaith is -ucb that bc bas to conservel oda ohrmks r s e. and ýeconk..icife o! the Dominion, province. b is strength but bis eyc is as brightSTA HITCK S wýhile still maintaining lber original * * * Tseîe l7he ow rnanvillTIB aker plc ntahm. Sebs si nAbrasvri nh an d bis intellect as kenaser M. A. JAMES placein t home She as, a it n Albrta sveralwomenhave hereon bis table %vere the papers of'T e B w a v le B k r C. were, become cmancipatcd, every served in the Legislature . Mrs .NcI-, the day and bis corresl)oatlnce. Be- To Europe-Canadian Pacific, White waik cf life is open to bier, ln ail lie McClung w-as elccted te tbe ýo-,lois- ivas a pile o! more than a huan- Star Dominion, Cunard, Amoerican ucsost hrte' aevBwnni4 >f professions and trades sha comipetes' vincial House after active W. C.T. U. dredlettes o! ympatChrecived sk fo infomatio,. Phno E Ptwith mea. aThe colleges arc open and press work. She is a novclistaftr e eatb o!fs baty elo ved ar-sateamanOffrice B ow ne b" te womcn,a thing untbougbt ofaf and bas been la polities since 1921., fe h et fhsblvdpr-SaemnOfcBwavle -the time cf Confederation and bigh Mrs. Mary Irene Parlby represents nce-ri"' life. Manv cf these were S:bonors,.scholarsbips, and medals, are Lacombe district la the Legislatureprsonally acknowbedgcd. Over 78 as frequently won by women as by Her home is Dartmoor Ranch, Alix,, years o! life, with a busy careeci- e men. Women are aow equipped to Alberta, and she is a member of a b mnd him, be is spendiag'an honored bce the truc helpmates o! men in the family o! British parliamentarian S old aire, net in idleness, but kcepiîîg home, la professions, and even in and naval officers. She, tee, bas wondlemfully in touch with passing "big business."1 bec-n active in public life silice 1921. events. * * *Miss Raberta MacAdams (siace mar-, A picasant call vas madell on niy, For the first fifty years cf Coafed- ied) sat in the Albèrta House for gondl friend David Keitb and bis wife ci-atica the legal status of Canadian sanie time, and Mrs. Louise MeIKin-' on Concession Street. Ninety years R -women renîaincd practically un- ney sias the first sioman in Canada sit lightly on him. onta evitlence 9>4 changeil, but witb the World W'ar te 'bc elccted at the polis. She, tee,' of bis vigor is bis iveil kcpt garden..l nI tente wd ulc fot ifat for sanie tiaw in the Legislatuî-e.' Hi- neizbbor is Mrs. T. e.M- taeyeai-s the ralationsbip of the ** ~Io bmIcnmtltî ntheru ivoiren of the D)ominion te public a!- Many wenîea la the past !ew ycars liant recor-dloo!lber son Lacreace. he fair-s teck a radical change-. And it have been unsucccssful candidates langaduatedti Iis year aI Tai-ctii is durng these aine post-war years elections and niaay more have been versitv and i-i cnteriag ipon the studv. 0 that woaîen have assumetl the full actýve ia political organizations. o fLa. B respensiiliti.s î,f citizeasbip. j This geaci-al miovameat bas bean sup-- mmivha ddc tht saca i-miespieii-îei 10 ani exentby he 1 A brnef s isit with W. J. Br-agg, M. plnetdtosm xen yteem- 1 1.,mîîlbiEwf- î It-î-hat-a have- beïen namittîd to, mii institutions ployient of womcn in the ci cctoî-al E ' lil * n'Strniet, opposite the Ipublic cf liaiag and bmiî e( preven that nmiahinei-i. Receatiy ivomn have <choocl gi- inds fresiîeii-d a friend- N ow Is th e TIin ie th ý-v ari aide ta caniti.wi h the heei n iplax-i-ila-s rcturinig alU-ms' iifîne easaiwn t o m f et--atian" in .everv <l-at-'and ptliing ciir-i-k. sip -r- n ic tiieer -iieîl- itheii niment cf -tuily maind neai miii la skill Recentiy we noticcd la a city daily farti nmair lro-videncî ýcliurcîth -b and miechan icai cîl-mations t bat tbeiî "A Mît h-r cf a Fntiiakiag a I ý-s. :iý rry ta heaî 1: îîîw closetl. W.PmFL j îrsonti stmtus bhas bern recogaizî-d strongljlea lforer -ect eîîii f aire cap-, . s-,i;1l putininay' an hliiir îoi ihaTo J-lave You r FurnaýcePut in Sh apeý -'nin thi- miedicai rofe-..iin. all- s - 1iîen is ilcs-cl rsa- ,]]plî- v._cl- 1 îc-îi.it.l.i l. oiii- svîîtnn i rusî i-. Manv woeun Ii~lf-Itii'iti n- of Mrs lPauilTîiit-c n -ie î.rving a nilrmin tiitits anti h ifý ýtht-e tnî fktgmiil' trI: l- A llattl, -AntbîayL. GG R E AY niian ontaheb- -untv i-<ttiicis if i-tral -slave, Mti-I.Mi,. Tho;. Tii. 1R. M. Mit-i . G R E AA diist1i-ts. '[bi5s phase cf wtiiotn's 'Tis j ust sîlmt vtu aie antidlo; titi-]1 I--A James. Nttiiittn S. 1Il. iîmît ici palta litn pulic mattrs bhas The-i gis-e tii the svcild the- lb--t vou Jtinia-, Mrsg. James RicktmntlJ -J.- ise e-o tauaelîyaa<i<u have, mtnatICs..MmoCh.M Plumnbing, Tinsmnithing, Heating, Phone 18, Bowmanville protvincimalnets which bas-e gis-en w-o-' Anailtht- hast siil] coma lîack tii ytîu.Cmîsker, WI. M. Ives, W. Claude aiea the rîght ta equal citizeaship -Mmîdilin- S. Biidge.,;(Marîy IiMi.ToasB nmy bold with mca in municipal affaiî-s. 'Most Ainge de Vere, 1844-1920.>)- neiglîlor w-ho bas oaa cf the best We do Ai) Kinds of Sheet Meta) Work. No. 4 PAGE TWO THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWY.ANVILLE THURSDAY, JULY 7th., 1927

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