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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1927, p. 3

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LHE CANADIAN ~TATESMAN. BOWMANVILLh, THURSDAY, JULY 7th., 1927 PAGE THEEN S. S. NO. 3, DARLINGTON June Scbool report of S. S. No. 3, Dertington: Sr. IV-*Waiteri Blackburn 83, *Iva Fotey 82, *Leah1 Bell 79. Jr. 1V-Ethel Hoppe 70,g Lewis Rundie 64, tDorothy Rundlej 59, tFreda Attree 41. Sr. 11-Bobj Pl'nipan 70. Jr. III-Bessie 1', ckbura 69, Florence Foley 68, .itith Daîziet 41. Sr. 11-*Winnieà tibson 79, Jack Finaigan 69. Jr. 11 .Wilbur Blackburn 75, Hze ~s 70, Aloysius Kush 72, Anale Kushr 6 6. Sr. I-*Grace Truil 87, Eunice Lene 65, Bobbie Gibson 64, Jr. Pr.-*Hazel TrulI, 'Helen Rund- te, * Douglas Hoippa, Bernice Roberts, S my VanCamp, Hazel Robena Vete Gibson. 'honours; 1-feu. une (below 60% on total). Ruby M. Bragg teacher. FERTIL FOR FALL IIUNDREDS of Ontar, that a complete fertilizer "Special" 3-10-5 yields ti on fail wheat. In certain quarteî-s the u V ecommended, but this arti ~and liable to contain free destroys lime in the soil a velopment, is too risky to la it not significant thet la thec of the United States, fanniens ai Acid Phosphate thet manufacture Iy coasiderng chenging the no Write us for a copy ol 'FERTILIZERS FOR just published, giviagf Scottish Fertili Dept. O. W. WEI Summer We give special attent care of our meats duringt So that you are assured o: matter what your order ma Prompt service and fr LANCE Phare & Cash &Bd D.liv.ry Butchers Phos Huge Saving Sb. made by dealiug at a,1 y h cusewsves of Ontario in thear purci the begnning of this yrar. Aze you ~«"TAS' BRE, e Quaker Corn Fi AI-.y. F..h .nd Cri.p Choice P u e Fancy» Dine Rose Rmice CL~alirLima Be ~Tonato So Pure S Raspberry Ja i lafId 3-lb Glass Jarts SBacon 3YC Root Bi Machine Siced lb.1 29e pk Lobster ý,'s 39C Watr.:: RaddIo erte Fi .... . Sure-Jets Ni. '"n 6eSurprise ' Chose* c.b.. Auparal J= 1 *iu ths 2 SCIIM.BIUU3?BUIU2 Tough luck! Another loss, but LOCAL AND OTHERWISE TURN BACK TIME i FOOTBALL what a gaine! Cobourg litermediatesi 1 lN HIS FLIGHT1 squeezed out a victory here F'riday Lirs, W. E. Booth, towpi, Mrs. S. BowmanvilleZ--Tyrone 1 morning by 3-2. "Dutch" Osborne in. C. Booth, Toronto, are leaving for Review of Prof. John Squair's Hist. the box showed bis stuf in reat style England on Friday, July 8th., re- ou-Y of the Iownships of Darliagton I2owmanvitle and Tyrone played and althougb the regular catcher was, turning end of September. and Clarke by W. L. Sraitb in a t High School ground Saturday ev- absent ,Cooke did bis part in a sat- Rev. and Mrs. C. C. Washington: Toronto Daily Star. ening, town boys winning by 2 goals isfactory manner. Then "Stu" and family and Mrs. C. 0. Johnston, te 1. The game was ptayed with Jams it bi uue luk ute h orieae1edngamnh Egerton Ryerson, Morley Punshon,1 a hot sun overhead to cheer the hiddes bit ick wlith thr e menhf ourtime, rs P int, M ao aLachlan Taylor, William Ormiston. players and before many ontookers. ain hl rc it he e one out.meDutcPinfanned the These prophets and priests of *a Bowmanvitte won the toss and kick-1 thid an an.dutsav ed the oe Mr. A .H. Scobeil was an interested, generation long since past leed a ed down. Soon after the kick Hoari penit. Wel thre snt mch orespetao~ t te Damod ubteef great procession of miaisters wbo made a miss kick, sending the ball o e aid abou the ga'tme c oe Celebration at Ottawa and geto stalk across the stage ýin Squair's with a swerve tbrough bis owa goal, that it was a reai exciting contest 1isbroherrM. Js. cobll and Clarke. being impossible to save beating the for the fuil fine iinings. Principal W. J. Morrison ,Miss 1 emro es that go back to cbitd-, goalie unawares. Tyrone forwards Bowmaaville: Catcher-Cooke K. Smith and Miss E'velyn Joness are bood may exaggerate but it seems tej took mltof the homy during this Pitcbr-Osorne latbaseJame; in Toronto examiniag papers n con- the writer of this review that thesejif lbuhtehm emfr 2nd Ber-Csoiwel;iSot S top-me nection wihexas.Schl de-, four, ait of whom the pioneers of thel wards made severai gallant efforts Mos 3d Base-e;Shta StoR. - partmentexms townships of Darlington and Clarkel to score. The game finished Bow- Thurston; C. F.-Desjorges; L. F- Mrs. Jean McGregor, Librarien of ý were priviieged to hear, stand bead 1 manville2, Tyrone 1. Piper. Bowmanviite Public Library, attend-. and shouiders above other pulpit or-I Tyrone-Gel-Asbton; Backs- ed the 49th annuai coaference of the' ators either of that time or this. On-' Hoar, McCullough; Haîf Backs- - American Library Association wbicb ty two of the four have Ibheard-1 Byem, E. Virtue, G. Smith; For- was beid in Toronto, June 20-27. 1Ryerson and Taytor, but the aames1 wards-Little. Hayward, Hatton, Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Haddy and of ail four were as househotd words 1 Fraser, J. Smith. son Jack, after a visit witb retatives! in every home of Ontario in Inyt Bowvmanville-Goal--S. Jeffery;- bere teft Saturdey to spent a month youtb. Ryersoa was welt strickeni Backs-A. Lobb, McCoy; Hatf Backsl at Port Sanfietd, Muskoke. Miss i in vears whea I heard bim et thef -Muir, Lobb ,Brown; Forwards- Lena Haddy accompanied them. * ayng of the cornerstone of Ryersoni White, Keel, J. Brown, Graham, Tii- IZ E R S Folowing members of Public-Hl of Whitby Ladies' College and, ley.adig ~~ W H EA T ~~~~~at Tara; Miss Nellie E.Montgomery vic and majestic presence were stil1ligcnl"b helgt0 hc h gent at Peterboro.i ces in rapt attention. Taylor, beard-! author's father read to bis family io frmes no relizeMrs M.A. Mrri, Mis Ehel ed tike a Hebrew prophet and witb ai and nceighbors aews fromn the then iofanirsno ralzeMr. .Morris, Miss EvtnJes, twfl, voice like unto the rolt of distant seat of war in the Crimea; "news" as ur Scttsh MorrandMrss. G. W. Grner, oswa,~ thunder, 1 heard at a Metbodist by the way, in those days ,before the such a u etih M.adMs .W anr saa camp meeting in the outskirta of the advent of the cable and with few e most profitable resuits motored to Gananoque Friday and- vitlage of Thoraton. It was night1 land wires, was weeks old when read. spent a deligbtfut weekead among and the illumination was furnisbed, Eqadifcty ilbeoudb the Thouaad Islads.lredIwith a protective 'those whose memory does net go Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Dustan r by pmto ehin la I eevte use of Acid Phosphate is turned Saturday from an 8mn mi ea ofeat ,on pilaetformseeatdj back at teast to the later days of the rnoths1 t a eigt f sx fet. Theweidpioneer period in picturing the con- -ile being a raw material visit witb their son, Mr. Win. ustan, iflames above ad the darkenigte iin ne hc ineslvd Fresno, Catifornia. Mr. utnop still furtber above made5fI ~ ~ a ia ptr-e iin ne hc inesivd Suiphurie Acid, which appears greatly benefitted in bealtbi fect setting and when Taylor iii the Take a few ittustratioas, Anson Ifrom bis sojourn in the Suanyl climax of bis prayer catled on the, Green, wbo was the firat Methodisti .nd retards bacterial de- South.1 Almigbty "to shake sinners over thel minister te preacb et Smith's Creek,' use. Among tbe several little ferewelt pit of bell" one could actuaiiy feet n ow Port Hope, hed, we are told, evets n hnorof rs.B. . Igha,! he hudersrunup hespines of a shoemeke's shop for bis churcb on older fertilizer using sections wee ionor of MrnstonB. E iem,, thoe shd der rnetesought the tatoccasion. Rev. John Ryerson, ire now se prejudiced ageinat is regretted by the many friends sheî penitent beach.- After that exper- a n eIder brother of Egerton, who -ers in thet territory are present- made during bier short stay la Owen, ience 1 can easily visualize the scenes wascinrcacrgue fthenBey oQuint iame of the article? Sound, was a prettily arranged littie, Prof. Squair telts of in dealing with fciriaci drciexdngfroteast tee one afteraoon last week, wbichj tbe protracted meetings in the Dar-i of Prince lewar county to40es )f our new pamphlet claimed Mrs. J. E. Jobnston as bost-1 lington and Clarke of fifty vears ago Of Bwavle rvl ,0 FALL WHEAT" esa. Mr. and Mrs. Iagham left on'-the frenzy of those sezd ih lmites on borseback and preacbed 250 furtber information. the S. S.- Manitoutin on Monday for consciousness of sin and the "amens" emn ntecus ihspsoa Sault Ste Marie, tbence by niotor to and "ballelujaha" of the rigbteous as duties ta a single year. At a much Toga Sak, her the wil sendthEl siner soght orgvenss.later date tbere la a story of an im- Toga Sek, weretbeywii sped te siner soubt orgienes. m ersion et Orono, in the depth of 1 summer.-Owen Sound Sun-Times. 1Tbe power of protreiture sbownj winter, by one of the denominations izers Linîited Balance Ladies' Spring Coats sell- 1 la dealing witb the camp meetings later merged la the Metbodist Cburch ing et greetty reduced prices. Coucb,; and protracted meetings of the past! of Canada. People took their re- LLAND, ONTARIO Johaston & Cryderman. jis equelty conspicuouss "%vben thej1 ligion seriously wben the Ontario of Silk Rayon Dress Goodsaet 50ce nd, eutbor 0f the book under revîew today was still kaown as Upper Cen- 60c yard. Coucb, Johaston & Cry-î cornes to deat with the politîcal de-j ade. derman. bastes witnessed la the eartier deys Of$ The change la physical and econ- the two froatier townships of West omic conditions that have taken Durbham. In two of the chief scenea place la the life time of the author PUBLIC NURSE'S REPORT Edward Btake, the Daniel Webster of "Dariington and Clarke" are ai- of Canadien public tife, la introduc-. most unbetievabte to people under Report of Public Health Nurse for ed One cen actuaily see, la reed- forty years of age. Salmon, enter- the month of June: 1 ing what Prof. Squeir says of the ing Witmot's creek from the lake, Homes visited 93, visita to parentJ-1 vents, the great figure of Blake, were, we are told, et one tume caught ai cases 2, postaatat 1, adult 10, la- rising ike a mouaitain above the ob- as fer north as Leskard. A salmon M e a tsfant 33, preschool 62. schooi 80- scuring f og, and starting et ten woutd aeed an eirptaae equipmeat M e a tsotal18csefomui o'clock et night, holding spelibound to make thet journey now. Trickey's Cases not found 8; miseelleneous for two hours an audience welt aigh Corners ,which once held out hopes vists ; vsit tecass o comun-! ut e seepbythe platitudes and of becoming a thriving village, and cbediseeses-chicken pox 2; Ger-irepetitions of previous speakers- the namne of which wes givea by a ition to the selection and man measles 2; social service vits 3; speakers wbose narnes Squaîr mer- I man wbo couid put in repeir anythiag offce our 23 reerrd t dotorcifully refrains froni mentioning.1Jfrom an old-fashioned shot gun toi theohotcsumeursmon;hs.faadedentistc12. More strikig stillisl the scene fori tbe finest watch, la merety a narnel the hothers confereanncentsthed142toalwbîcb the village of Orono furnisbedj now, not even a fragment of e build- fohr ofrne ed4 oa the settiag and whea Bleake aadi ing left. Of the foeur mili owned by the hoicst eats no attendance 27, infants 12, preschools Macdougall met la joint debate.- the author's father and where John :) h hietmas o 15. I Save during a brief period when aI Atkinsoa was once engaged as railler, Scbool report-Visita to achools 29,~ passing thunder stormn made it in-' n othing but the oid miii race re-1 ýay be.clasa room inspections 23, pupils ia-, possible to heer even the sonorousý mains. Newcastle, the birthpiace of spected 919, referred to doctor 5, re. tones sof Blake or the far-carrylagi the great Massey industry, in 1846, ~e dlier inton.ferred te dentist 1, treated 10 x teno r of Mecdougeil, this debate con-, bad an axe fectory and two wagon ree elieryin own elded14,defects corrected 2 ed tinued from dark until dawa. Otd makers. Bowmenvitie et the saine ritted 30, seen la office 29. residents of Clarke stilt speak with time bad a cloth fectory, tannery, Olga L. Tod. something ekin to reverence of that oast meel milI, pottery, chair fectory, night of nights when men and women etc. Farn umplements were made GARN T TNNI TORNAET I remained witbout sense of weariness ia Orono. Smait griat milîs were GAR ET ENNS TURNMEN ito the end. Squeir says Mecdougalti scettered aIl over tbe two townahips.1 L.H.CokeWis en. was outciassed but if so bie could 1 Neerly aIl of these littIe industries u~L.e H. CoAn e Mason J nr Single* bardly bave been et bis best. I have disappeared. Sadder still ia And Td MasnJuior_ Sngle heard Macdougaii ail the way from: the disappeerance of so many of the Bowanill Tnni CubSault Ste. Marie to the eestern end j people. Near one corner on the me 518 ~~~~Bowmanvillbenaie wTeitemebCourts, of Manitoulin Island la the federall fourth concessioa of Clarke, where me 88 Bwmanill hav ben alve ith xciemat the, election of '82 and lie impressed mel five familles et one tîme lived, there pat week on account of the opening, thea as lie irnpressed me now as the are only two now. 0f 40 famiilles tournament in men's singles and jun - i reatest politicel debater 0f bis time.1 once living in school section No. 91 ior singles. The finals la the men's,' splendid Presence, e pteasing voice1 Dertington, onty 16 are represented z events was particularly interesting, of marvelous carrying power, a rnem-, by people living there today. 0f 501 and keeniy contested wben L. H. ory wvich beld everything once heardi familles once living in S. S. No. 9 Cooke nosed out W. R. Strike by 7.ý and e convincing power ta argumentî Clarke, but eleven are still represent- 5 and 6i-3. Scores by rounds follow: bie possessed ta fuît measure. Hisi ed. Prof. Squair attributes the dis- one weakaess xvas that bis record did appearance of su many of the oid lit Round net always rua on aIt fours with hisj familles to the obiteration of village Wines usrs Screargument, industries. Other causes, however,l J.W. le ander R . ul6or6e Possibly the most veluabte and en-' have made their effect fett as well. F. Sutton Neil Stewart 6-0 6- during part of Prof. Squair's bo s United States railway building and J. W. Devitt B. C. Baldwin 7-56-0 in the pictures drawa of pioneer days the opening of the American west, J.M.James 'L. Jackman 1-6 6-3 74, in the two townships dealt with endJ foltowed by raitway building in Cen- S W. F. Soucb J. B. Kent 6-3 6-4 n the cumpanisun with the present.i adta and the opening of our own M. Guld Bud etbck 6~ 60In reading this part, buweven the w est, have been important factors. L. H. ooke Russeti mth6-0 6-0 young peuple of todey woutd almosti Greater 'han aIt etse is the presence S ea al ayiB Bunsîl T A.Dusan defult need a glossary of ternis which were of the pioneertag spirit in the hloodl 0 ~J. R. Stutt L. M. Plummer 6-0 6-1la fnefmitiar use in pioneer daya but 0f our peple-a spirit thet bas car-, Domnion Store C. H. Dudley P. Cowling 6-0 6-2 are weil aigb obsolete now, "Jack ried the men of Gîengenry, for ex-I Dr Sissun F. C. Vanstone (defauît) ligbt", "Sbianey", "pine guni", etc., 1arnp le, aIl the way fromn the Ottawal av dM. A. Neal B. Mitchell 6-3 6-2 woutd lbe atmost as puzzling to the1 vattey to the witds of tbe Yukon. SavieilH. Campbell E. S. Varcue 6-2 6-11 chuol, child of today as the tîne "Old One of the changes noted by Prof. haies cf our ' TASTY" Bread, since J. Cewood F. E. Goddard 7-5 5-76- Betty's joints are on the rack" wasi Squair is aIltet the good. Ia the FW . R Jaes ermn L.pp7 56-11 puzzling to the authon whea hie wasl beginning it wes the idea of Goven- shwig S.hs an . Joeb ed Southey7- 6-4 61in tbe otd third-or was it the f ourth? aunr Sinicue to parcel out Daliagton abang lam 2UOO bs s uh n ,t E.LOlive GodouBeth efau-lt-3 -reader. It is doubtful if the arid Clarke, in common with the rest 1hm uhuruo h W. R. Strike. Melville Date (defeult)! achool cbild of todey wuuld even l of Upper Canada, in large estates rhýh .i4knowwha ismean bythe"sputter-' with a landed enistocrecy fashioned t .od,, h. ,mu U Dr. LeMey F. H. Cryderman 6-3 6-41 nwwe smatb h on thet of England. H pl that TY White Loal eI 2nd Round 1 ___- cherne failed and, as Pro - uain Fruit J .Sto says, the neat work of settliag the AD rus14eg5 J Alexander F.Sto 6-3 6.01 townsis wsdn ymn a k. W Suh M. Gould 6-4367.'Iomen cuming here meialy froml Ubr-IB~Ted Meson Jebez Vanstone 6-2 6-2 i ev Dresses this weekand et Coucb, John- FitDn IL'y G. Adams Everett Quinn 6-3 5-7 6-41 . .AlelAIE&Cydrans ýgus "roide Kenneth Mitchell John Jury 6-4 7-.5; ~ .A ln so &Cyemn JPeare I150 duinsRun BIG 20 BOOKSTORE ORDER COAL NOW LC 'Dat. 1Oghs.~ A. Kent B. Hazlewood 6-1 3-6 6.Bmavl.Ot 30 DtesýmO ht- Ted Mazon Gordon Adamis 6-1 6-2 Quantity of Stove and Nut Cote at les c sTyroae Station. Orders delivered Finals if desired. R. H. Collacott, Phone !É MM Ted Maman Art Kent 8-6 6-4 7-5 181-12, Bowrnvitle.. 24-8'1 Are You Building' or Repairing? If you are contemplating building or making alterations to your premises we are recognized as headquarters for builders' supplies. We have the variety and our prices are right. See us before buying. How about putting in your coal for next winter? No better time than now. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Thanks aCUSTOMERS FOR THOUGHTFULNESS We take this 'opportunity of thanking our many customers for their. thoughtful consideration in buying their meat requirements ahead which enabled our employees as well as ourselves to en- joy the Confederation Jubilee holidays to the full extent. It was a wonderful diamond jubilee demon- stration ,both locally and nationally, and worthy of the great country of which we are proud to be- long. C, M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville The Pleasure of a Bat h Is spoiled if the bathroom equip- ment is flot up-to- date and in first- class condition. Let us equip your bath- room and we'11 promise you that you and your fam- ily will take pride and ,pleasure in showing it to friends and guests. We repair all kinds of bathr room ,bedroom, kitchen and laundry equipment. W,. Len. Elliott Plumbing, Heating, Steamfitting King St. W., Phone 348 Bowmanvllle Summer Cooking We seli and recommend Florence Autoimatic Red Star Oji & Ga« Colemap Gas Perfection Qil *STOVES Se. Our Display Before Biiyl"'g MASON &, DALE. Meont 145 PopuaRT Hardware Store 1Bomauyjtl s fr rHE t;AIADIAN STATESMiN.N. BOWMANVILLL, THURSDAY, JULY 7th., 1927 PAGE THREIC

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