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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1927, p. 4

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PAGE 4 f E CAS JIAN TAT SMAN BO MANV LLE THU SDA , JU Y UMm-MM2' Conipetition! Plays West Durham Agricultural Sa- ciety will canduct a competition open ta Darlington and Clarke Townsbip for amateur plays ta be put on in the Bawmnanville Op- ena House about tbe time of Baw- manville Fair in September. Prizes will be off ered as fol- lows: IST PRIZE-$50.OO 2ND PRIZE-$40.OO $20.00 each to other accept- ed contestants. Tbe Agricultural Society will furmisb hall, advertising and LIKeI5 1M. vand ivrs. r red ueiisem and Entnies must be made by TYRONE family, Mr. and Mrs. Milton Wilcox; IAugust lst with sprays from Women's Missionary Monthly meeting of Tyrone Wom- Society, The Adult Bible Class, Mr. C. H. MASON, en's Institute and Ladies' Aid met at and Mrs. Harry Coulter, Mr. and IBawsnanville Secretar the home of Mn,. Russell Wright on Mns. R. Croft, Mrs. J. Clark, Mrs. j _____________________Wednesday, June lStb. A good pro- Gunri an+' Raymond, Mns. J. Smith, gram was given consisting of a paper Mr. and Mrs. Bloomer, Mr. and Mn,. by Miss Florence Gardiner on "How Triggs and daughter, Mrs. D. Wil. to Make our Institute Intenesting cax, Mrs. J. Burns and Mrs. Kensey, and Efficient", wbich was very pract- IMr. and Mrs. J. Petre, Mr. and Mns. ical; music by victrola; reading an Wilbur Byers. "Head or Hand" by Mrs. C. Smith. After the program a social haîf baur CARD 0F THANKS wa njyd J £t e Visitors: Mrs. Stutt, Orono, with Mr. Henry Wilcax and family de- J on eelier brother. Mn. Honatia Hilîs; Mr. sire to express their sincere thanks and Mrs. Albent Hawkey at Mn. and ta tbe many friends and neighbors Mn,. James Souch's, Bowmanville;I for their kindness and syinpathy 'l7a cumC. W. Woodley and babe E4. Mn,. Jas. 'Wilcax ,also for tbe many heautiful Wigbt's, Bowmanville; Mn. and Mns.i floral tnibutes. Will Smith and family, Enfield, at _____ Pow der Mr. Harry Collacott's; Miss Hazel Turne Miss Ethela ber home in INDUSTRIAL DAY EXCURSION Clanemont; Ms EhlSkinnen, Ton-____ The largest selling Talcum onto, at home.Bo anllto RheerRta Congratulations ta Annie Gandin-IBwavle oRcetrRtr Powder an the mnarket. er, pupil of Mrs. T. Barr, A.T.C.M., Satus-day, JuIy 9th on passing ber Elementary Theany M Regulanly sold at 25c tin exams witb bonors... Mn. and M ns. amy citizen, of Eastern Ontario Luther Goodman and Clarence at- are cantemplating a trip ta Rochest- tended Old Boys' Reunion at Waod- er, Industrial Day, Saturday, July 9. Special This Week stock and also had a pleasant time Rochester is a city of beauty and is iwitb Dundas friends. ..Miss Irene especially considered such, on ac- <I 11*Cameron bas heen writing bier En- caunt of its magnificent bornes and 19c Tin itrance exams at Sauina and returned its beautiful parks and gardens. In- home Sunday witb ber parents,Mn deed, it bas been fittingly named and Mn,. Herb. Camenon wbo visited "h lwrCt" nai ac Not mare than two tins ta a bi brother, James Cameron.... and "Sea Breeze" Park are favorite Women's Missionany Society wil resorta for young and oId alike; or custamer at this price. 'meet on Tbunsday (ta-day) at 2.30 ?'e may jaunt out ta tbe Bail Stad- IP. m. -.-Our pastor, Rev. j. R. îium and see an International Base-' ITrumpour, will speak ta members of bail Game. Orange Lodge on Sunday at 10.30 a.1 The palatial steamer "Ontario 2" Jury & Lovofeilhe lodges are iwill carry you acros, amidst the cool Ju y& L v l jwloe..ClrneadEanI Good-irefresbing breezes of Loke Ontaria.1 man and Carl Bradley wrote their Dance in tbe Music Room or join in Wben We Test Eyes It Io Done Entrance in Bowmanville Idst week. the deck games if you wish. You Properly . . . Hampton boys played a game of.I may bring alomg youn basket or one softball bere-9-2 ini favor of Ty- may get meals aboard ,as tbe Buffet rame. Luncheon and Dining Room service Young ladies of Tyrone Young cannot bie sunpassed. ----JPeople', League met on Tbursday. The attractive fane 0f $3.00 has ________________________I Pnogram opened witb a bymn and been named fnom Bowmanville ta 1 pnayer by President, Miss Hazel Rochester return and excursion fanes ITurner. Topic, "The Measune of will prevail from Newcastle, Port jTrue Citizemsip," was well given byljHope and Cobourg. Special C. N. Miss Viola Shortt; neading by Mn,.1 R. train wil leave fnom Bawmanville Effi ienc J. R. Trumpoun and vocal duet by Uptowm Station 7.00 a. m. dayligbt EyeEfficaen y Misses M. Moore and H. Turner. savimg time. Special boat will J Miss Florence Gardiner gave a read- leave Cobourg dock 8.45 a. m. day- !Img after wbich aIl joined in singing light saving tîme. See your local As we stated in oun adventiSE- "Maple Leaf Fonever" and "0 Can- C.N.R Agent fan furtber information. ment of last week, eveny_ cy.ada. " Meeting closed with readings witb the exception of some un- by Miss Kathleen McCullough ; and ' 1N';j corrected sbortsigbted eyes, Miss May Cameron. needs assistance wben reading after the age of fanty to farty- CUTIENi Au IMRIE AT y five years. People, generally, _________ V ar bgnnn t Ealj Holiday Detroit, . and s aTHE nN trealiES I T Y Hugh Fisimmons, DMn.oand Mrs. UTAnUa .Mn,. Marshall Saules and family, CHAUT U U of Bifocal glasses or glasses Miss Ethel Brooks, Toronto, wjth Mn. S_____ witb a correction for distance adMn,. S. S. Brooks; Mr. and Mrs.0 and a correction for near, botb d odn atrHretadNtdPbiitadEua n graund in one lens. We supply Ms odn atrHretadNtdPbiitadEua this style with no unsightly MsIra, Weyburn, Sask,, witb bis wafers ta get dîrty or ta faloff i nte rs.a dihe relatie ndtis tor to Spea.k Here. and tbey are so groumd that the vcntyM.AdiWbrnad is division btwe the t o' in Della Grand Rapids, guests af-Mns,!- 's EliOsborne; Mr. and Mn,. T. Sand-; "Working Together for Billions" Wili visible. Caîl and let R.' M. ersan st Mn. W. R. Courtice', and Mtithl, au uRegiste reO tm Ira Trlls;Mn. and Mns. Dean andi Be Subjeot of TremendouaIy n Oei sh o ouals ur dieen family, Grand Rapids, Mich., Mn. and Ifteresting Discussion. ar ee Bif ndocalservceOun-ces Mns. Frank Taylor and family, Mid-i 1 sae gtd. ars ]c s n and, and Mn,. Arthur Johnston andi Norman Allen Imrie, noted î'ublicilst0 supse.family, Port Sidney, Miss Moaa and world traveller, bas been secured.4 Our store wiil b. open for busi- Johnston and Hanx.y Bloam Toronta Iosea eea tecmngDmno ness as usual on Saturday Juiy 2 Miss Blanche Taylor Victoria Han" hta pea eona the vnial Doino bar, Miss A. Walsh, Kitchener, Ont.., g TgeherforBilios. Mn. William Pike and family, Dan- j"WrigTgte o ilos R. . itcel & o. lingtom, at Mn. H. S. Taylor',. 1 Captain Imie 19a Canadlan. Hel m R. . M tch ll C . O Thrsdy lstthe Ladies Ber-lreceivpd iednto in Canada ande THE QUALITY DRUG STORE eam Clas, beld its montbly meetingE Bowynnvill Ont. at Miss Jenny Armou', home. Pro- I Bowaniii Ot. gram consisted of organ selectian by' Phone 92-Nights and Sundays Misses Louise Osborne and Hazel: 280 Rundie; a chapten from the book p 1"Bible types of modern Women" oni "The woman quiet" who was Mary! who sat at Jesus' feet and heard hi, a S word, was splendidiy taken by nF. C2 ~ oss Pearce; a vocal solo was nicely sang by Miss Francis Hancock; a; a, 9 8 reading by Mn,. A. E. Rundle and a a] selection on the Hawaiiam guitan by' C Mn,. Nfillan. Aiterwards came thel social time spent together. Tablesý were ready an the lawn and a very' appetizing lunch wvas served hy the f ladies. Mrs. Sam Vinsnn, Mn,. Willm Armour and Miss Noreen Trick, Osh- ti awa, helped Miss Armour in enter- W taining the guests and made every' anc most welcome. There were s *about thirty present and it was am pleasant afternoon ta remember.m Our Pastor, Rev. C. C. Washingtonm and Mn,. Washington were presented T with gifts before mnoving from our S midst. The C.G.I.T. girl, gave Mn,. Capt. Norman Alian imrie ci -'7b&s B eauIfti Washington a glass fruit bowl andthSaesndla ils raer t fui~ sandwich plate. The Ladies' Ber-t haesadi trls taee _ _ ls reetdhrwiha tl and a keen studeot of hIstory and t WaALCia,, presented ber withta ian cut linen luncheon cloth and ser- wol oltc viettes. The Tuxis Square boys Bis iParture gives a stirring, force- Gc 6y Efm ..gave Mn. Washington a beautiful pair fuI anstyais of many worid prolems on uILsWJ * of gold cuf links. The g9ts were that are burning Issues Iiidny. More- ni frshdb b2 flb.se uJ ail just small tokens of appreciation aver. he has the rare ahility to In- fo smases~rnnrse se3.O12. for tbe splendid services rendered by troduce a sparkling véin of hunior i W Y E M VATCH ur Pastor and bis wife. which entertains bis audience so that i ýM IT- On Sunday morning a good ca11- iaugh follows iaugh in quick succejs RE MMY gregation greeted aur new Pastor, $lan.Pa §flf a #be# m «1 Rev. H. J. Stainton who delivered an CaptRin 1 mnnie, aftr tbree years' iri u er»utogm very fine Intnoductory sermon. In s 1ý nteWrl ,i Mb-no Joi lthe evening also we listened ta a sie tenidWr, _12 be <Jur ~ - y-um-me -ar enoying tIL.angnaid at bolima; LDn. andi M.' spaOrt, ootballn theeeenig.j Lamne Hastings, Detroit, Mrs. W. Iprýfobl, hs vnns Stungis,, Philadelphia, Mr. Morley- Hastings, Detroit, at Mn. Chas. Hast- * ings; Mn,. W. J. Ranton and Miess adMiss McCartney with Rev. and t A ~ L Visitorn: Mn. and Mns. C. B. Rice Mns. J. R. Bick; Messrs. Frank and and family, Waodstock, Miss Elsie Ras, Trenauth, Detroit, at home; Mn. Miootrce, oonoMr. Bert and Miss and Mns. W. J. Bunt, Owen Sound, roultry M en Take N otice Vioet ice Log aul, M. ad Ms.visited aId fniends in the village; M. Jamieson, Doris and Gladys,,Bow- Mns. W. Oke, Enniskillen, at Mns. M manville, at W. H. Moore's; Mn. Will Rabbins'; Mis, T. William,, Mn. Chas. Dodds recently arnsved at W. H. White, Mn. E. Law, Toronto, at Mn. Moore's fnomn Englamd; Miss May Gea. Wite's; Mn. Chas. Hastings Get your pullets Iaying next Fall and early Campbell and Mrs. Beatnice Knox, and family at Bobcaygeon; Mns. Eli- ' LFTt Pasedena, Califormia, are on an ex- zabetb McWood and daugtens Winter when egg prices are at thier îîîgiest. This tended visit witb Mn,. E. M. Cook, oth and Alice sons George and can be doe y eein nwFuI-0-Pep Grow"in' at the parsonage; Recent visitons at Doyronn eriMc. r.adMs ah xe ui±eeuîng s el s t sth bs the Parsanage include Mn.adMr yoDtot ihM. and Mn5rahsxeine amesti si stebs Jack Job, Blackstock, Mn. Slaten- Ken. Caverly, Windsor, at Mr. C.- lKnox, Chicago, Mn,. Walken, Kitch-j W. Souch's; Mn. and Mn,. Preece and growing mash on the market. You can fairly see ener, Rev. A. J. and Mn,. Terrill and grandsan, Toronto, witb Mn. and Mns tecik rwta refdFl0Pp nte Miss Catherine Ternill, Pontypool; W. J. Clemens; Mn. W. Rosevean, techksgo tatrefdF -OPp An hr Mn. and Mn,. Truman Pawer and Toronto, Mn. E. Rosevear, St. Louis, tnarvdti ek Miss Reta, Ma'ple Grave, Mns. Chas. Mo, at Mn. an dMns. W. J. C]emens'; tnarvdti ek Johnson and Marion, Miss Muriel A number fnom here attended Hay-N W 5T ET ETH TC U S Ashton, Mr. and Mn,. Thos. Wagg don anniversary on July lst and ne- O IST E IM TH C U S and Mary, Toronto, Mn. and Mn,. port a gaod time Special Jubileef During the holiday season and sumnier Jack Clarkson, Helen, Jean and Tbanksgiving service was beld at Margaret, Laing, at Mn. and Mn,. chunch Sunday nigbt..The local months is the time when the busy house wife ap- Lloyd Asbton's. Tine wene sticce,,ful last week at pre ciates our grocery service. Try us and see. The baying season bas commenced the gamne witb Maple Gnove by the p and crops generally are excellent.. .* score of 10-14 but wene defeated by Patniotic services were beld on this Tynone on Monday nigbt 9-2 .....................We necommend circuit Sunday. A special program Wamen's Institute is holding its and Sel similar ta that used throughout the "Granrdother'," meeting at the Dominion was followed. Rev. E. M. home of Mn,. Alvin Peter, this Cook spoke on "The Message of the Tbundy aftrnoon Bell,," basing hi, remarks on the ringing of the new carillon at Ot- Stores of R. Croft and W. W. tawa on July lst. From a neview Horn will continue ta close three PHONE 186 BOWMANVILLE of Confederation bistory he summan- n igbts a week-Monday, Wednesday ized the message as ane of Unity. and Friday-at 6 p. m. during sum -________________________________ Loyalty, Peace and Bntherhood... . mer montbs. Quarterly communion service wili bel observed next Sunday. .. SaIt is be- img applied ta the road through aur village ta overcome the dust nuis- ance ...Our Young People held their annual picnic Tuesday, July 5 at Caesanea, 36 being present and al had a very enjoyable timne on thei spacius lawn in front of the Ken- i .C a t n' osha Annex. Everyone enjoyeda mator boat ride on the lake. MAPLE GROVE1 Mr. and Mrs Richard Arkwrigbt,i Bowmanville, announce the engage- ment of their daugbter, Evelyn, to Mr. G. H. Wilkinson, son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Donald Wilkinson, Tor- onto, rnarriage to take place early in August. Visitors: Mr. Wm. Everson, Court-' ice, with his aunt and uncle, Mr. andi Mrs. W. J. Snowden; Mr. and Mrs. C. H Greenham, daughter Audrey, with relatives at Weston and motor-1 ed to Niagara Falls on Saturday; iis Ethel Poupard, Town, witb Mrs. Ross Stevens; Mr. Raymond Snow-I den, Toronto, at home; Miss Mar-, jorie Stevens, Uxhridge, with he;! parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. R. Stevens; Mfr. and Mrs. J. R. Burnett, Toronto,I with her sister, Mrs F. Swallow; Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Snowden, daughter! M4argaret, Mlr. and Mrs. B. J. Gay,' Miss Evelyn, Mr. Harold Gay, Osh-' Lwa, with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden, Mr. Haroldi Gay remaining over Sunday; Mr. and1 l4rs. Howden, son Kenneth, Toronto,I w'ith relative; Mr. Stanley Moore,I Mir. Everett Smith, Niagara, with thet former's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mi. Munday, Sr., and other rela-1 tives; Miss Merle Sonley, Uxbridge, with Miss Marjorie Stevens; Miss Tera Power with her sister, Mrs. Stuart Morton, Cobourg; Mr. and Mrs. Truman Power with Mr. andi Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Haydon; Mr. and Mrs. John Sanders, Westmount, spent Tuesday with her brother, Mr. Samn Snowden; 'Miss Margaret George,f Greeley, Colorado, who has been vis-j ting her niece, Mrs. Samn Snowden, has gone to Cobourg to visit her sis. ter, Mrs. Macklin; Mr. and Mrs. ]vi- son Munday witb her parents, at Port; Granby, aiso with Mrs. Stuart Mort.' n, Cobourg; Misses Susie and An- ie Laird at home; Miss Annie Bal- four, Manitou, Mani., Mrs. Horace Eancock, Courtice, with their cousin, irs. J. D. Stevens, on Tuesday,.. Rev. H. J. Stainton, M. A ., aur new Pastor, preached a very impressive ntroductory sermon Sunday after- mon His aubject next Sunday will, )e "The Divine Caîl". Sacrament hIl be administered.... .Mr. and Mrsj L Snawden, Mi.ss M. George, Mr. td Mrs. W. J. Snowden, mnotored 0Coesarea June 29 and ail bad a lry enjayable time. à Amateur A J."Jgla, rNew Yo'r, atC Mrs. LCneep.j cer's; Miss Metba Ashton has return- 'y el ta Toronto after spending ber i .holIIdays at bomne; Mr. and Mrs. Henh ýSIen-on, Mrs. McNeil, ,Miss Kate mc-j Ni-il, Toronto, Mrs. M. Moore, Mr. Fred Cowling an]J son Fred, Cart. 9wrigbt, at Mrs. R. McNe il's; Miss IY orit Mountjoy vwit'i ber sister, Mrs Crias. Garrard; Miss Muriel Ashton, Mrs. T. Wagg, Toronto, witb Mrs. L. Aqhton; Mr. and Mrs. Prescott at Mrs. R. Aunger's; Mr. and Mrs. Beecb witb their son, Mr. Everett Beecb who bas moved from Port Hlope into tawn; Mr. Fred Ashton, taoronto, witb bis parents, Mn. H. a ýshton. . .. Particulars for the holi- day next ..e..... Sumday service at 9.30 by aur paston, Mr. Trumpour..- .Leairue Sunday ove at 7.30.. S. S. NO. 1 CARTWRIGHT OBITUARY ENFIELD Report for June 1927, names in Mr*. Henry Wilcox, Hamîpton Visitrs-Mlr. and Mrs. Norman order of menit on promotion: Bray and family and Miss 11rene To Sr. IV-Aileen Mountjoyi The death of Grace Wilcox, be- Bray, Toronto, at Mn. S. Bray's, (Hon), Murel Mountjoy (Hon),I loved wife of Henry Wilcox, Braeside; Mr. and Mrs. Silas Tapp, Irene Graham (Hon), ýRalph Van took place at Hampton on June 23rd,,Toronto, at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's; ,Camp, Laverne Argue. after a prolonged illness.Mran Ms.HJmeadfmiy To Sr. II-Marion Argue.deesdwsbrinEgad Columbus, at Mr. J. Hepburn',; Dr. To Jr. 111-Leona Devitt (Hon), The dcae a oni nln Mark Pascoe and Mrs. Pascoe, Taft, Bruce Mountjoy (Recomnmend ed). 66 years ago. She was a true Calif., Mn. and Mrs. L. T. Pascoe and Ta Jr. Il-George Carter, Marj or- Christian, devoted ta ber church, her Miss Marjorie Pascoe, Hampton, at je Whitfleld. home and loyal ta her community. Mn. L. C. Pascoe's; Miss Annie Stin- To Sr. I-Roy Carter, Beatrice She was a great lover of flowers and son, Detroit, and Mr. George Brown,' Whtil.things of nature. She was a lif e Alberta, at Mrs. J. Stinson's ... Whit-ield long member and active warker in1 Mrs. D. Hall, Burketon, having been PONTPOOLthe Methodist Cburcb, a member Of under the care of ber daughter, Mrs. _________ 1 the Women's Missionary Society, also J. Parr, for several montbs bas ne- Rev. W. H. Boombour, late of of the Women's Institute. turned ta bier home. Renfrew Presbytery, was inducted The funeral which was largely at- into the Pontypoal charge of tbe tended took place from ber late resi- IUnited Cburch on July 4th. Rev. dence, Hampton, on Saturday, June HAYDON I A. Poulter, Bethany, was in charge 25th., ta Hampyton Cemetery. The of hecermoy. Rev. E. M. Cook, service was conducted by ber pastar, Visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Coult- Enniskillen, preached to the congre- 1 Rev. J. R. Biick. rad agbeRy, saat gation, on the Church and its Mis- The bearers were four neigbors- Mr. E. Bradley's; Mr. and Mrs. Hill, isoand Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Ty- Messrs. James Curtis, Chas. Stan- oronto, at Mr. Robt. Read's; Mrs. sone, eird the bhret h ouse, L. T. Pascoe, John Cowling. P. Siemon visiiting at Mr E. Elliott's, m votrd bs ing isaddress on St. Bsdsbrsorwn u band vile;IMr. and Mrs Theron ministen, basing bisndl l,-,iifoySundayed with lher sister, Paul's wrsi Cor. 14-"Seekishe leaves one son Harry of Hamp- Mrs. Wm. Challis, Bowmanville; that ye may excel in the edifying of ton, and one daugbter, Annie of De- Mnr. and Mrs. Thos. Green and familyI the Church." After the service lunch xvas served in the school-room trait, Mîcb. mutored ta Toronto to visit with and a social hour spent wben the The floral offerings were beautiful friends; Mr. aad Mrs. E. L. Brit- new pastar gave a sbort address ta including a wreath fram the family,1 tait', Miss D. Îoan Toronto, Mrs. his people.f wreaths fror the Women's Institute _oËrn DouglasNcîI, Mr. Waltc-z SOLINA Holiday visitors: Mrs. T. H. Tur- Bner, Oakwood, Mrs. (Dr.) L. F. iHoney and daughter Barbara, Tim- min,, Miss Emily Hardy, Toronto, Mr. and Mn. Cbas. Hardy, Lindsay, at Mr. Isaac Hardy',; Misses Lillian Hoar, Ida, Pickering, Della McClure, Toronto, Mr. and Mns. Wrightson Wight, Miss Bernîce and Master Murray, Providence, at Mr. E. R. Taylon's; Messrs. Joe Reynolds, Simcoe, and Jim Reynolds, Toronto,' at home; Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Hardy and son Stanley, with Lindsay friends; Mrs. R. J. MeKessock with Mrs. Ernest Larmer, Blackstock; Miss Irene Argue, Toronto, at borne; Flower Sunday will be observed at Eldad next Sunday: Sunday School at 10 a. m. Cburcb service at il a ...Annual Pascoe family pic- nic will be held in Hamipton Park on Monday aftermoon, July 11tb. Came and bring your baskets ...Solima Womem's Institute meet at the home of Mrs. Everett Cryderman on Tbursday af ternio on, July l4tb. Dr. JM.Blwin, :Bowxnanville, will give a talk on "Perennials in tbe garden". Everybody welcame. .. A pleasant time was spent Saturday afternoon ut "Fairview Farm", when Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Pascoe amd Mr. Harold Pascoe entertained tbe former', motber, Mrs. Tbos. Pascoe, bis brother, and sisters and their fami- lies, in bonor of Dr. and Mrs. Mark W. Pascae, Taft, California, who are visiting numerous friends bere. About M. sat down to a bauntiful supper on tbe lawn, after wbich a pleasant time was spent in social ini- tercourse and softball. HAMPTON Visitons: Mr. and Mns. T. R. Tennant and Bruce, Toronto, at Mr. F. G. Kerslake',; Mr. and Mrs. Thea Salter, Mr. and Mrs. Hilton Peter, Bowmanville "We Serve You Well" Beig Summer Sale Three Days OnIy.--JuIy 7 » 8 » 9 25 OnIy, Men's Suits, ail sizes, Regular $25.00 for 14.50 20 Only, Men's Suits, ail sizes., Regular $35.00 for $26-50 - 100 pairs Men's Work Pants, Reg. $2.00 for $1.50 100 pairs Men's Work Pants, Reg. $2.50 for $1.95 -1 100 pairs Men's Overalis, Regular $2.50 for $1.95 200 Men's Work Shirts, Regular $1.25 for $1.00 100 garments of Balbriggan Underwear Regular 75c for 50c 200 Mens Dress Broadcloth Shirts, Regular $2.50 and $3.00 for $1.95 100 Men's and Boys' Caps, Regular up to $2.00 for 95C 100 Boys' Jerseys, ail sizes, Regular 50c for 35c 20 Boys' Blue Fox Serge Suits ,2 pair Bloomers, Regular $13-50 for $9.50 20 Children's Wash Suits&,ages 2 to 6 year, Regular $2.50 for$1.50 WATCH WINDOWS FOR JULY 12ffh SPECIALS S. G. Chartran One Door West Bell Telephone Office PHONE 26 EOWMAANVILLE Farmers Attention 1 BUY Brantford Binder Twine Made by the largest Twine Milis in the British Empire and EVERY POUND IS GUARANTEED The harvest field is no place to experiment with inferior cheap twine which always proves dear at TWO SIZE BALLS In the following brands: GILT EDGE 650 ft. GOLD LEAF 600 Et. SILVER LEAF 550 Et. MAPLE LEAF 500 ft. Dustan's Cash Hardware PAGE t ME CAII &DIAN STATUMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 7th., 1927 Bowmanville

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