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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 7 Jul 1927, p. 8

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PAE IGITHE CANADIÂ.N STATESMAN, ISOWMIANVILLE. THUIZSDAY, JULY 7th., 1927 PUBLIC SCHOOL PROMOTION JUBILE£ CELEBRATION A MEMORABLE OCCASION T %I.-UG.ETTING READY FOR (Continued from page oe) (otiudfo age one.) 11e i % N icea besti r> cé ie ri ncfa nt'1AUGUST FLOWER SHOW on, equal, Buster Crombie, Jean (otne rmpg n. " ~ ~K To fence or flot to fence? that's Brough. Ruth Hamm, Harry Souch, (3) 'Academic Subject' and 'Physi- THURSDAYon;JULY 7th.,th 1927oI Frank Tuerk, Dorothy Nichols, cal Education', were represented H R D Y JU 7h,12 or tear it down? that's the problem Frank Smith, Ross Williams. ing the garden and 'hilling' potatoes; ___________________________________________________Ithat has been confronting many of Recoznmended-Arthur Perfect, with a boy sitting at a desk solving Our citizens recently, and most of Ji aln ra egtnadDr rbe hl te osdes NEWCASTLE NEWCASTLE ST. GEORGE'S STRAWBERRY them have settled it as regards streeti is Taylor, equal, Mabel Brookham, in gym outfits were ready for races 1_ETIANECSTE______tkngtemdvrnad ev Pauline Adams, Jock Foulton, Eileen and vaulting. Much favorable com- Mr. Wmn. Jamieson was home over Principal J. A. Roszel of the High FETVL ECSL ecs aing them down and inna lev- McKnight. ment was made on these floats and the holidays. School is in Toronto reading and The rarest of Canadian rare June raeute in al ofci e roeent ina Riv8S.îît r e are informed along with the boys Mrs. T. I. Anderson and daughteri marking examinations papers of Nor- days presented itself in aIl its fresh- rethed eaancied ofhepro-ni Room 8Sr. I to J. 111 these officials assisted in the planning Peggy, Toronto, are occupying their mal Entrance and Matriculatîgn can- ness and warmth and sweetness for tegnrlapaac ftepo (Teacher-M.Niss Edna Jewell) and construction-Dr. G. E. Reaman, cotggtteLk.ddts t Gog' tabryfsia n ert nera app prio f h D Hyslop, E. P. Bradt, J. E. Cun- ctaea heLk.ddte.S.Gog'ssrwer fsia et n donn prino h Honoura-John Sbires, Tommy ningham, J. Brown, J. C. Cairns. Mrs. Alwyn Fisher and daughter Community Hall was crowded to garden party on Wednesday, Juneste. Dustan, Ada Clark, Selma Bartlett, Marion are visiting ber parents, Mr. capacity at Newcastle Jubilee1 29th. BtM.adMs at rw Harod Hening an hisFifeandwho have recently fenced their com- Marjorie Jones, John Morrison, Mur- HaodHnig n i ifean and Mrs. Geo. P. Rickard. Thanksgiving service last Sunday, SayMitheloy lemoa nd Mary Mut-ie s an OangemenemagiTe lcl M.adMs akn n hl-evening of wbich more will be said The spacious and trimly kept paratively new, but fast developing SmtBy lmnadMr u-was nOa mnsWl.Telcl Mr n r.Hwisadcid iext week. grounds of Elmhurst, the home of and challenging flower garden, are ton, eul Loyal Othne bandgehd inv tfi-rnar iting ailttndMs Bn MierBearentâr . Among recent visitors with Mr.l Capt. and Mrs. Clayton Crawford, af- somnewhat differently situated fromn Pas&--Godon Campell, Joh lowing he band nviting ll to an MrandBeMrsMoiS. C.aSuttSt. wererMr.S.andSufordedreanMideadlfplaceanforalthlacannuathi amanylofmatheirth competitorsorinn fora Pas-oron Capbll Jhn"Come to Bowmanville on Julyj Mrs. P. O'Neil wishes ta thank the Mr.IG ac I n rsH pnareet uture. In their somnewhat isolat- Neal, Clair Allin, Joyce Ltuxton, 12tb'".I Ladies' Aid of the United Church for Mrd position between MilI, Waltoopn andeen.e Clifford Hall, Sam Wilkins, Harry The White Sbield Club recalled its kindness and gift of flowers dur- E. Payne, Tilsonburg, and Mr. Geo. glwngsmersn aplo-Chrosontsweththilgaenon athe Lee, Elaine Reaman, Daivid Osborne, tedyifln gowt r ed n brrcn îns.C. Abbott, Ottawa. The goigsme u a lw hrhSswt hi adno h th, aysof ong go ithMrs Rea- ig hr rcentilless lydescending in the west when the nortb-east corner of their property James Tbompson, Wallace Munday, er and Mrs. Blunt in old fashioned M.adMs .ONi and grand- Ms Stinson and daughter Fran-frsvitrsbgn t arvethyaenoneocopraewh Billy Westlake, John Darcb. dress presiding at a spinning xvheel. Mrhantd s. . O'e- ,ces, Mr. and Nirs. Win. J. Eilbeck,thre tvinsid eat ariegates Mr.Eare n ne fencpes, and it Recommended-Evelyn Pickard, C. G. 1. T. group was given prom- son, Nelson Keec, motored o Lk-son Jack, Toronto, Mr. Murray Eji- tWynnmewho iextede ar p lea uldntgo treeace areatead inionso (ilI), Gladys Connors, Arthur Cul- inence with a bevy of youth andi field Sunday week and visited hislek otCo1rewr hld y en n d a xndpotuit a pay t rtheeo regareappherdramerioag-o ley. beauty in a fancy decorated float. brother, Mr. Thos. O'Neil. guests with Mr. and Mrs. Georgethmoeta ison ee Frmuwtotsmedfnn fnc.S Room8-Jr. Il to Sr. IlThcotiuonfte mn' Mr. and Mrs. J. L. James who haveI Eilbeck.temds amiio e Finu wthtsm efigfnc S Honours-Tommy Sheehan, Doris Canadian Club ta the Jubilee Cele- been holidaying with Mrs. C. S. Hor- heaceutlygaepet the more nein tigther.a rn: a oder'at e elyhi ce Wright, John Westnutt, Violet Os- bration was an old-fashioned car- rocks have returned ta Smith's Falls, eeflygvpacto hemrteigrdnamdrtl ihcos borne, George Purdy. niage loaned for the occasion by Mr. Mrs. T. W. Reynolds accompanying BETHESDA DRAMATISTS subdued shades of the starry nightf board fence on the north to keep out Pass-Arvilla Trimble, Caec F. F. Morris. The four occupants them. STAGE WILLOWDALE the occasion was one of pleasantness cold winds and provide a warmn Clrn e Ms S_.Hil___a____Dr*adr. atnBl ndfm and pure delight for the many who southern exposure; a rana Tomlinson, Jack Parker, John Welsb, wereamersorS. F. HilIinwbo basanivedoDr.ceand Mrsl StrtoronBthe and fam- Albert Westnutt, Harold McKnight, continuously in Bowmanville for 77 ,ily returned the first of the week from The concert given on Tuesdaycaefrtervnigmaad ofneonMlSretnthesad DnlSadr.years; General John Hughes, of la 5 days' mator trip thnougb Eastern night, under tbe auspices of a group stayed ta enjoy the many attractive a li.gbt wire fence, ta let in lots of Dnl adr.wbom it is interesting ta note thatiOntaria and Quebec, stopping at of the Ladies' Aid wvas a success in feattares. sun on the soutb! This ought toi Room 9-Sr. Il ta Jr. il be took part in the celebration of I Montreal and Quebec City. every lvay. The drama, "Willow-ý Not the least of these were the laengte its seanite ai l and, (Techr-is Bnth M Srgnt '67 as an officer in tbe "Vol unteers" Measrs. Fred Coucb, Robt. Graham dale" presente(î by Bethesda Dr jElbustgrund1p tinngta thenres its ssibliie in maland (Teaher-iss erta M.sargnt hohocame n in infr rtm igCartiserindbt.. Missesdegoand Gea. tieHluneyt baderovgood-cbyelmhrta rotnscpClubingnotth onlyresprovedositaitbe iaman Honours-Grace Rundle, Helen Borea Murdoif and Yvonne Tigbe, inl their better halves and their farms very fine and interesting play, but large and bandsome residence, whicb as littonr, arry aylor, Laee he pcue n brto isj ot By nawas exceedingly well acted by every afforded such a spTendid setting for Keep your eye on Mrs. Brown'si odfsindcsuecmtbedo ue3tadsdawynaw this festive occasion-the taîl elms gneaddntfre h Rehden, Clyde Robinson, Vera torical idea ivas considened as the 1-day motor trip ta othBy Pimmer, the whittlen, ta Oleander,,and maples under whose shade thelcultunal Society's annual Augusti Brown, Freeborne Colville. family of the former îittle girl bas I Mrs. Vincent, Belleville, has been the giggler. tables were laid wbere the ladiesl Flower Show.L Pass-Walter Gives, Helen Gunn, lived in this vicinity for five genena- visiting ber sister, Mrs. P. O'Neil, Vocal solos were rendered between seve strawberries and sugar and ___________________ Aley Lyle, Flayd Bradd, Hazel Wood- tions, Mn. Murdof being a great- and was one of the many visitors at acts by Miss Kathleen Spencer and cream in unstinted measure, supple ward, Teddy Sheeban, Tini Callan, grandson of the late Dr. Rose w-ho1 the delightf ul strawberry festival at Mr. Robt. Walton of Newcastle. mented by bread and butter and Doris Trimble, Andy Stark, Russel practised medicine in Newcastle for~ Elmhurst last Wednesday evening. Other vocal music xvas funnished dur- cakes and pies and tarts and ;--the Candler, Gerrard Tait, Gladys King, many years. Miss Tighe cames of Mrs. Ida Stinson and daughter, ing the acts by Miss Helen and Mas- the broad velvety lawn, the inviting, Annie Tait, Rboda McQuarrie, Ar- a pioneer family in Peel County. IMiss Frances Stinson who recently ter Tnewin Scott, and Miss Evelyn winding walks, and grassy areas dot-I thrDa.Th l n tenwfrefgtn otie ir .A ere rmTr-Bet ndisrmnaldesb tdwt use n hwbey y Room 9-Jr. Il ta Sr. Il apparatus made an intenesting study onto University, are visiting Mrs. Misses Mae Brent and Mary Bright- pically Canadian in this finely typi- h e n Y ( Honur-Afrd lln, Grceand companison with Chief Wmn. Ed- Stinson's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gea. well. cal Canadian village of Newcastle Hoor-lrd li, Gaege n rgdeo h e igh_______ which, while well ta the front in G O E L S R AI Childs, Joe Childs. ge1n rgd ntenw ihElek _____ modern tbought and practice, still G O ERIS B E D Pas&-Florence Hooper, Mary Ly- powered combination motar chemi- j Mn. and Mrs. J. H. Jase and family halds dear the worth wbile tbings of P S R -H C L le, yliaBrow Joh Fiser. cal truck and the buncb of boys tug- and Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Lord and NEWCASTLE DECORATED FOR the ,past.OL le Lli Bow ,oh Fshr. ging along Martyn's fine pump which Mr. Howard Cryderman, Lake Sboreth st Rom 0-r.IltaSr w~as "it" way back in the 50's. Th0tede h us'ldrmnpc CANADA'S DIAMOND JUBILEE -O TD I (ece -iin chargee ofrthe)latter outfit nic at Elliott Memonial Park, Hamp- Newcastle was gayly decorated ce O oth n allrements wer therie-S F DR (TacerMîs lreceMori) were Jack Allin, Walter Hately, Sid ton, Wednesday afternoon. we o aaasdaadjb cembobi bd oe hr Bring or send your or Honours-Audrey Elliatt, Marion Dillick, Gardon and Melville Bell, Grand Drawin for $5 gld peceswithveryfew xce- Mrs. Ralph Kernigan and Miss Rena Jewell, Frances Dillick, Clarence Leslie Danch, George Tardiff. and fauntain pens for which tickets ieetion hwti nrs nsth T-omas , engagimnly die ndsdthei rcie rmp t Withenidge, Edward Nici-erson, Bert Commercial outfits in the panade have been sold recently in aid of St aion shwed he interest indthe Oc- coing, refreshent;ve cny istaîlod alt Johnston, Donothy Richards. included F. F. Marris Ca., John Mac- John's R. C. Cburch will take place, their homes and places of business ys Matchett and Miss Donotby Gib- Pais-Freddie Neal, Andrew Lam- Kay Ltd. "Cream of Barley", Gea. in the dining-room of Oriental Hotel with the national calons to an extent son, and the fish pond managed with bras, Billy McFeeters, Madge Moses, Pritchard, W. J. Dudley, Peter Mar- Thursday evening, Jiuly l4th. Re- surpassing any sucb display of the success ta all anglers by Misses Helen James Hayman, Jack Gibbs. tin & Sons, and last but fan from be- fresbments. Everybody came. past. Every house, office and shop MevyadAltaCmb Room 1O-Sr. 1 ta Jr. il ing the least was T. A. Dustan in Mn1n Ms hmaHofaer n igSteSomaeen fte cvy n lti apbl.j Honours-Dorothy Goode, Greta bis "Dustan's Cash 1MHardware"ms ofa reo KngSretfrde- edofte vIt BkrIlroe TomlisonHelen Fostr, Jaes very ar wich a vryw aar"d- epecting their grand-daugbters, village ta the other, with two notice- There were also competitiveeet akr& Goe èd from top ta bottom an d oaIMisses Mary and Jessie Atkinson, able exceptions, flung out their Un- of an exciting nature, the pnizes be- Martin, Ruth Logan, Gardon Martin, descr daugbters of Mn. Louis Atkinson,. ion Jacks and Canadian ensigns to1 ing Eversharp pencils, donated by _________________ Edward Hooper, Diana Leighton' sides wîth hardware of every decip- Saskatchewan, this week for a few the breeze. Streamers and flags fMn. R. L. Wright. Winners i oe Doris Connors, Lillian Low.Ne, Edith tion. Tom took the prize for or- weeks' visit. The Misses Atkinson empbasizing the village's enthusiasm of these were: Mrs. S. C. Sutton ini Lyle, Jack Dunn. ignality in floats. will also visit their uncle and aunt, for the great national event bung women's awkward walk; Miss Don- Pass--John Cowle, Rachel Wright, Somewhene in the parade the Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Pearce, and other across the street; jubilee shields were o thy Gibson in ladies' race; Chas. Russell HlaIlman, Munney Mainprize, "Spirit of Bawmanville"l was ne- relatives in Ontario. everywhere in evidence, and the ITbackray in men's race, and Chas. Helen Stark, Alice Bennett, Hlelen presented by a sextet of yo ung lads Newcastle Public and Higb School Community Hall, officially expressing James in fun-making competition of Hv-0s. -Jim Culley, Gea. Ives, Archie pupils took an active part in the the general public sentiment pre- walking back-ward on alI faurs. Recommended-Cbarles Welsh, Wo sBanell-illdressed Capnsud black e celebration in Bowmanville sented a magnificient appeanance HarryReynad. o Bagnll-al dresed u and lackFriday aftennoan, tunning out in with its dozens of flags, its jubilee As the evening whiled away there od Be Har enr.faced taking the part of a travelling large numbers and parading from sbields, even away up on the dlock floated over the grounds tramn time Roomn 10-Jr. 1 ta Sr. 1 German band. They had Eilly Bag- the town ta Cneam-of-Banley tower, and its bundreds of yards of ta time the notes of girlish voices in neld p foryhre , ccasion. in- bunting artistically draped over the sang, strains of duets by Helen Me- Honours-James Fowler, Alvie eld eliveorytheocseio at". pant«,rounds, the girls under direction whole tb fac f thebuilding.0f ad"'-" Cmbll withB Welsh, Harold Tabb. Te hr a WtrWgn'of Principal Thos. A. Rodgen, and wore so ach e b«uui ipalnlg. Eoy nd Ma -ci ape 1 Then thereWilsias"Water Wagon"' the boys under direction of Principal ore heb uiialfa a ukelele accampaniment by the latter. Pass- Prdy WlinJanRnde utfit which caused ripples of laught- J. A. Roszel. flying proudly from the top of its BueerPrdy er in charge of Sid Little, Clint Amaealtaislce rmtenas t, sud exaetly at noon of July This annual event is usually held on ,- - Recommende-George Brs Caverly and R. Graham.Abaealta secedrmth lst., Mr. Gea. Gaines and Mn. H. the rectony grounds, but this year, Melville Burns. B ubrgtBnnrHl nteyaung men's class of the United Sun- Brereton hoisted the school's brand owing ta the absence of Rev. E. R. R.oo ilJr. taSr. lelight wi t lge anenalindth Uay Schoal played an exhibition new flag to the peak of its staff James aud Mrs. James in England, Go igcide sw Room llJr. 1 o Sr. 1meligh with Agie Hangameaagainstme a team a pickedpi fromfr theheabove ttehehschoo of.nowcastlewcastlesfewas otrtnsferredviton rthenkindldinvita-e Honors-Droth i~1ntgoeny)sistan1t fiddling ,vhile Nonm Richards village and high schoal on the Comn- bad found and hadf made manifest tion of Capt. Crawford ta Elmhurstea plnyo (Teacher-Miss NellieMotmey didth black bottam, jazz and other munity Green an Thursday evening with aIl the rest o Canada a new Iwaeknl we aei on andMalo Kox Mrlo mde dncs.and won 7 ta 0. Batteries: for the consciousness of aur country's nat- ta, meet and extend a friendly greet- Scott adMro Hamm, equal, Dor- John Cox resurrected an aId phae- winners-Chas. Glenney and Howard, ionhood. ing ta nearly aIl on the grounds. othy Jones, Betty Fnice, Betty 'Ping- tan which badn't been in active ser- Cryderman; for their apponents-_____ lEle alaVerna Lenhardt, vice since Tom McMurtry ran theGeW tO anTo Brw.-* C rbts W i Wi OII livery stable where Durham Textiles Warn wf urntNWATEPB Hynds, Bill Weekes, Eileen Jones. !factory now stands. Mas., ishvsitirn, at itaus' , NWCSTs.UBICSCHOL Pas.-Drahy apan, Milor Thremay have been others in F. W. Cowan and Miss Odie Warren, Report of Promotion Exaininations McDonald, Margaret Smith, Helen the parade which bave not been a] nDmno a 1edd h IITR N HRHSBrea Gvlni be rcee, WlimJoh aylor, cmetdo. Ifteeae y Diamond Jubilee celebration of Con- Senior Roaza -9 a. m. Sunday School-2.30 Evelasni Roes, Wli a nJams, oise siosaincectdsrpin federation in Bowmanville in comp- p. m. Evening 7 p. m.-Sermnon sud It is baked right o h Douglas NicholPs, WaltrBa. favseu1f ae any wth is cousin, Dick Cowan, and Promotions based equally on term Benedictin. Rev. P. P. Butler o h Rom lSr P. a r.I i The parade stretcbed well over a did bis part in representing his 22 work sud promotion finals. Hanaurs-Ivy Tabb, Helen Virtue, mile. Upon arrivaI at the Creamn year aid province on this rong-to-be- Jr. IV ta Sr. IV-Passed-Fred St. John's Anglican Churcb. Fourth ishing! Temptingly tasty! Lloyd Yeo. [ of Barley Park short addresses were n emembered occasion. He expects Cowan 64 ve ra 60 Ru Sunday after Tinity-July 10, 1927. Pass-.Bill Fewster, Louis Lyle, made by Mayor T. S. Holgate and n motherGra Mr Ruh1 .m-oyCmuin 10 r ofo Jewell Drew, Bruce Mutton, George Mr. W. J. Bragg, M.P.P. Confedera- bis rs. Geo. Warren, to an- Pillsworth 60; Promted-Don M 8.00a.m-oyC muin1.0 r alaf fH Davidson, Alan Prout. tion Jubilee Medals were given eachriera teWsttswek Eachern 60, Betty Lake *55; Failed 123a . m.-rnin Payerand Litany.0 Room 1 l-Pr. A ta Pr B pupil taking part in the panade. Mr. A. J. Bell, Field Secretary of -Violet Henning *53, Velma Brown 1.0p .SnaySho ..0WTe Sell Wfillard Pas-Rae Drew, Robt. Graham, A regrettable part of the pnograin the Ontario Prohibition Union, and ***44. p. m.-Evening Prayer Joh Grham Jak KngLuc Lyewas the omission of the ,singing by Mrs. Bell havfe been spending the Sr. III ta Jr. IV-Promoted on St. Andrew's Presbyterian Churcb, Johns Girab, JamCK i,LcyLyne, the school children. Miss Helen G. week witb Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Over- Wer' p .k s oos-dwnCre eprnc n hrhS M o r r ise a r's w o r k:r o f M u s ic , E d w nnC a n n eraT e m p e r a n ceNa ndaC h u r c h S ts. Parker, Russell Short, Roy Short, s uevsro uic . nAideGln ecsl-nte Hancock 76 4113, BilIy Pbillips 76; -Rev Robt. McDerment, M. A., min- BiIly Tait, Keith Yeo, Margaret spent considerable time teaching the Lake, sud on Sunday morniflg i Promnoted on year's work and Exam-fister.' Morning Warship 11 a. m. e PC Brat, lads ettt, errud Pe-'childnen patiiotic songs for the oc- company with Mn. Overend attende dl inatians: Honors-Adair HancockljEvening Worship 7 p. m. Sunday BrnGay etit, Gertrude Pet- Icasion and naturally this oversigbt communion service in the United1 73, BilIy Toms 71; Passed-GordonIjSchool at 10 a. m. Everybody wel- Baker and CoE tit Mad Walnr.was a disappointmnent ta teacher, Churcb when Rev. E. B. Cooke, as- Garrod 69, Jamie Wright 68, AIda came. hn -iýils and an expectant audience. sisted by the ten members of the Pillsworth 67, George Buckley 64,1 _Phone__________3 Room 12-Sr. Pr. ta Jr. 1I An immense Goodyear balloon 10 Session, dispensed the sacrament ta Florence Spencer 62, Lewis Clark i (Teacber-Miss Marion Warder) feet in diameter carnying a Union nerytohnrdcmuiat. 6,Hln ae 6; Pooe Honours--Jimmy Hart, Ruth Ives Jack and aven 200 feet tzp in the nerytohnedcmuias. *1Hene aes6; Pomed- Laua urd, orohyBratjean air attracted cniealeatnin Mr. Arthur Law, courteous and -Irene Brereton 58, Mary Breretoni MeMa uen, Detthy gr, mm an- et the Park. It sid rablthe obliging mail carrier of route No. 3, *58, Milton Brown *55, Fred Couc hi chî.gest flagdgrToayGa- o a i te ominionthetook the two national holidays off ta *53 (conditionally); Failed-Dor t Pais-Hilda Richards, Lillian Nay- that day. visit bis brother William, Otterville, otyTewt *4,Wle îp f iI er Balance of report of the Jubilee 1County of Oxford; He left Thurs- son **46 ,only attended 6 months ofj Ion, Pansy Hooper, Ennest Taylor, Clrain ndftercm ns day evening by motor in company Yean. Florence Mainprize. 1 ,,rto n ute omnswitbhbis sisten and nephew, Mns. * Failure in 1, 2 or more subjects. Recommended-Dicksn mpb ll appear next week. iqn and Mn. Fred Lake, the latter 'n-s A.-odg r --1H o i a HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE FEarn upwards of $25 weekly; grow- lng muahroomns for un, using ws.ste space ln cellars. barnn or outhousee. Ltght pleasant work for elther sex. Commence nov. Iîlustrated booklet, partIculars and testîmonials sent anywhere, for stamo. Address Dominion Mushroom Co., Toronto 3. EMPLOYEES' EXCURSION GOODYEAR TIRE & RUBBER CO. To Rochester Saturday, JuIy 9 ]Bowmanville to Rochester Aduits $3.00, Children $1.55 Newcastle to Rochester Adults $2.85, Children $1.45 Special Train-Speciai Boat Everybody Welcome Leave Bowinanville Uptown 7 a. m. (Daylight Saving Tinie) Leave Newcastle 7.25 a mi (Daylight Saving Time)J Splendid music for dancing Biggest event of the yearl ou Need '-BUNS-CAKES- OLTES-ICE CREAMJ NKS-ETC. )rder to this store wherej Lention and you will get tITTONt *ad Means Iealth. il as olier folks should iholesome best wheat flour! Nour- Elovis Bread ýd's Ice Cream ,orbett )nfectfioner Bowxnanville Recommended-Thomnley Barrett. Primner A. to Jr. Prime bus that was run inta in Bowmanviîle Dusen. D Jr. I ta Sr. I Honours-Charlie Churchill, Hilda 'by an erratic car driver. A boy Sm. Pr. to Jr. 1 Book-Helen Gib-1 D L I K SACE Honoure--Ross Henning, Rot& Tighe, Veda Purdy, Ruth Purdy. passenger of the bug had bis arm son, Lois Rowe, Helen Robinson, jACI Rice., Pas-.Ral h Cole, Harold Wood- broken and the bus was delayed Lloyd Hancock, Alfred Gray, Helen King and Division Sts., P hone 66 snt about onue and a hail bours while the Eddy, Victor Garrod, Jack McEach-P pasu-Trene Brookham, Edith ward, Dorot y Bickelî, Ivy Passant, Idriver chased the man who sideswi'p- ern, Ethel SRencer, Harald Hockin, BowmanvilleI <owe, Bernice Mutton, Thelma Han- Lewis Kilgannon. led him back ta Oshawa wbere he John Arych.i ris, 'Grsce Sellers, Leonard Somer- J. H. Jobsaton, Principal. caught him. Hazel Barrie, teacher.,_________________ J 6. PAGE EIGRI

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