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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1927, p. 3

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LARGEST DJSPLAY 0F COOKED MEATS Don't expect the good housewif e to stand over a hot stove these days to cook hot meals. Just suggest to her that occasionally she order cooked meat for a change. We have a large var- iety of appetizing cooked meats that will appeal to every member of the family. When you want fresh or cured meats we also have them. G. A. Edmondstone 1Phone 21 Bowmanville j This money will woon grow to a considerable sum if deposited in the bank regularly. Ak for a rosy of 0.,r eno Book, onaininj i z -P u!al information for formera. F&MThetJ,.oyal-Bank of Canada- Bowmanville Branch - K F. Aitchison, Manager 121 Quatity B8lPlms lenij Vlua Special SalePlm.-SI"Van. N.1u Steina Corned Beef_1qC»sr Falry SSoap Libby'u meat- lach Cobanut 1 tin Premiuua l Igred and reg. value 33e both fer Pbetlse W. Reco.mnd our DOMINO Blen' fer Iceti Tea 69e DJJ» SUM qc,ý luchmme79Cm Mut! ets Break! es Cereai 2 Plkta.27c 'rer Poil Peamut Butter 2le 1"Kâl tb FIy &W g0e « Tangli 117 Upral VIy Pa 2 for Fly C 2 fer Delunonte Brand CANNED FRUITS PaChes Yeew dIng Ne. 2 tin ZÇ* »»5d 5Ne. Zldu -- 25a Aprices tais en. 23C Pineapple N 2ti BawaIlan Cruhd -24a awafla.u Med % 284S bartUn PZAASSN. 2 lim lie §rl. or aA<i l 9 iat Fly' Kinag abSaridme .y 430 S Dominos r 5. Bauaflg rolIs Powder 5é 25ect. Choie. & Evaporated Peache, 23C lM. souee 199k. SpocWa Prie.. good until Saturday. Juli 30 *-sae r of tbe intestines and, if ieft ta pur-, on thc p bnc. Patsy is in lo'e wth sue their ravages undisturbed, wil Tony nderson, but she is to bim ultimately perforate the wall, be- just the littie sister, and so witb ber cause these worins are of the book1fatbcr's behp manages ta bave Tony variety that dling to, and feed upan spend the evening witb ber and he the interior surfaces. Miller's Worm vohunteers to beVp ber ta win the Powders will flot only exterminate felhow that she iloves not knowing these worms, of whatever variety,,that he is the anc.____________ they have don.. (Contînued on page 7) j rHE CAN'ADIAN STATESMAN,, UOWMA.NVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 28th., 1927. LOCAL AND OTHERWISE CHAUTAUQUA A SUCCESS CET YOUR AUTO OPERATORS' Mrs. E. R. Thurston, Toronto, isINE RYW LC SSNO h oiidayîng witb relatives here. Splendid Programa and Tidy Surplus The new automobile operators' li- IM r. and Mrs. Jos. Cale, Tororto, Carried Over For Next Year censes are now being issued by W. spent Sunday at Mrs. John Curtis'. Cniudfopae1 J. Bagnell. Mr. and Mrs. W. A. Bain, Toronto,' (otne fo ae1 Mr. Bagneil wishes ta impress up- spent Sunday at Mr. Win. Trewin's. Beautif ul Sacred and Operatic Music on ail appiicants the necessity of Mrs. Wm. Courtice, Danile, N. Thursday's pragramn consisted of a filliig aut their applications before Y.,1 is visiting ber brother, Mr. Thos. concert by the .erplta igr arrivai at bis office ta request that Jacksn. iothea înect- a one dollar bill be brought with the Jcsninteafternoon, folawed by a j aplicto. Ten brsapyg Miss Isabel Chaimers, Kingston, ure recital an "Shakespeare and f aplicetines h ar e ra thatth is holidaying at bier cousin's, Mrs. A. Life" by Lester M. Stearns of Chi- chanin of are us great iyth E. McCready. cago. In the evening the pragrain cagniflreblswl ral Rev. C. W. Watch, Toronto, is sp- was given entirely by the Metropoli- delay the work of issuing. plying Coîborne U'nited ChurcIh pul- tan Singers, and their entertainments Application forms for operators' pit during July. 'were on eof the musical delights of licenses may be had froiniail garages. Mrs. R. Johnston, Newtonville, was Ithe 1927 Chautauqua. The six In filiing thein out it must be remem- guest of Mrs. J. H. Wcrry and other si ngers, three ladies and three bered that every question must lie relatives here this -seek. Igentlemen, are alI of exceptional abil- answered. ity, and the evening program espe- There are three forms of applica- Mr. Richard Widdicombe, Sr., andially was a delightful musical treat. tions, one for instruction permits, daugbter, Mrs. C. Piper, spent theThe first part of tbe program con- anc for motor vehicle aperators' hi- holidays witb relatives in Detroit. sisted of sacred sangs. The singers censes and one for motorcycle oper- Misses Estella ana Maud Reynolds w are surplice and cassock and the ators. are bolidaying with their brother, ',rIr stage settings gave the church at- Instruction permits are good for H . E. Reynolds, South Roxtoi, Que. mosphere, 50 mucb sa that there %vas 60 days only froni date of issue and Lt.-Col. Edwy White, Dallas, Tex- a momentary hesitation on the part permit the holder ta operate motor as, wvas in town Friday calling on aid of the audience ta indulge in ap- vehicles while accompanied by a friends. gucst of Mrs. A. L. Nicholîs.1 plause. This part of the prograni liccnsed driver or chauffeur. A per- Mr. and Mrs. Wallace Battle and was entitlcd "The Chumes of Brit- son ta whom an instruction permit three daughtcrs, Oshawa, spent Sun- 'tany", and the cathedral chirnes were bas been issued may immediately or day with bis father, Mr. Alian Battle. heard in the opening pealing of the at any time within 60 days appiy ta belîs and with good effcct, in several an examiner for examination, and if Mr. and Mrs. Fred Merritt, son of the other numbers. Loyers of successful in passing apply direct ta Alan, and babe, and Mrs. Dionne, sacred music certainly enjoyed ta the the registrar of motor vehicles, Tor- Toronto, spent Sunday at Mr. John full the very fine rendering of many onto, for bis aperator's license. if Stacey's. of the wcll known selections, includ- the application is received within 60 M rs. E. Roblin, Misses Irene and in the solo, "The Nincty and Nine" days no fee will bie chargcd for the Elea Roblin, Hamilton, bave been by Mrs. Follette, "Beautiful Isle of operator's license. visiting at Mr. and Mrs. T. H. Somcwhere", "The Last Chord" and Permits and licenses wiil not bie Knight's. "The Recessional". issued ta persans who have not the -Miss Veima Gay, Courtice, has The second part of the evening full use of bath hands, feet, eyes and been visiting bier grandparents, Mr. program consisted of operatie selcc- 1 ears, until they have passed an ex- and Mrs. Thos. Jackson, and attend- bions .and other vocal numbers, bath lamination by the local examiner of in hatuqa opular adcase he were ie1 operators a nd chauffeurs. MissLet L.Brag ba ben vs_ ithfine blending of tone and beauti- fui onequalty. In tis art f IOperators' licenses wîthout exam- htngler aunts, Mrs. W. N. Hoskin!fltn ult. I hspr fination will be issued ta those who adMrs. C. W. Haskin, and other th e program Nvere included the negro have driven motor vehicles at least relatives at Kedron. Ipieces, "Darkie Lullaby" and "y50 miean cntuusyfrt Master Percy Werry, BethesdaLny a".adamn ohrnm- lcast six months if their applica- has been visiting bis grandp ' n b rs "Mýaytime'", "Somcwhere Some- tions are filed on or before the 30th Mr and Mrs. J. H. Werry, adat-SIo ngs atTitig for You",t'ustta of November, 1927, provided they tendîng Chautauqua. an 1t aga wlgtadteSxet have the full use of their ears, cycs, from -Lucia". The accnpanist, Coucb, Jobnston & Cryderman are Mr. Brandt, is a very clever and ta]- hands and feet or, have no other phy- still showing a good stock of wvhitc ented pianist and hie gave a medlcy sical or mental disability. and colored s-ummer dresses in ray- of selections from a iumnber of The act, however, prohibits the ans, fugi and crepes. grand operas named by the audience. operation of a car by a persan under <r. Rev.) J. U. Robins, Misses 16 years of age and requires that Marorie and Doratby and Mrs.ý Cultivate Taste for Better Things those between 16 and 18 must se- tWoodward are hoiidaying at their 1 The lecture in the afternoon by Cure chauffeurs' licenses. summer cottage at Wellington. Lester M. Stearns wvas an appeal for Operators' licenses will expire an Mrs John Botrel wha bas been ;the cuiwationof th ae for the December 31, 1928, andle nwd spending the past few months xith'better tbings. The object of every- annually thereafter. ber daughter eni Toronto, lf n nlfe omte nwbat way Every change of address of an op- Sunday for Leney, Sask-., where sheliexpressed, is the satisfaction of de- eratar shah ble forwarded by register- 14 alkr, dvilebasin the level of peopie's desires, and The fees chargeable are $1 for an Mrs. HryWleEvle aataste frtebte and finer tbings instruction permit or operator's li- been spending a few days witb rela- in lffe should be cultîvated. The cense and $1 ta the examiner for an tives in Oshawa and Bawmanville. man who spent bis tume in the grati- examination whcn an examination Her niece, Miss Arlene Brunt accom- fication of low desires failed ta attain becomes necessary. panied bier home.-Brighton Ensign. the happiness bie hoped for. The BownîanvihIe Womeiî's Institute bnsral ot hl nhf e Motorcycle operators' licenses will will hold the annuaal pienic at Cream came more pleasing th eoftener we issuedtonlyhefrom th le e1do00.c of Barley Canmp on Friday, July 29. indulged the taste for tîiem . Tont. Tefewlbe$0. Bus leaves Harry Allin's store at 2 Teewsadne ftomc Each applicant for an operators' p. m. sharp. Al nembers attendi speializ a aineuca tio Aman hicense whose application is accepted and brng yor basets. igbt eote imelf ca usivcîy a will be issued with icense card whicb and rin yoi bakets miht evot hiselfexcusivly o be must sign and carry with bum Mr. Thos. Trick, Winnipeg, Man., scientific study that bis emotional when driving a car. Duplicate i- is visiting aId friends here, guest of nature became so starved it was im- cenise cards will be issued only froni Mr. William Short, Centre-st. He possible for bu ta shed a tear, or ta the head office. and bis brother are ieaving next feel the impulse of truc love and It bas been stated by the Minister montb on a trip ta Devonshire, Eng- friendsbip, the education in that caseofHgwy htleilalwtre land, ta visit relatives and the scenes being toa much of the head and not 0f Highwa y ht h firitaeowthre ofteryoutb. enough of the hcart. of motar vehicles ta obtain their li- Rv. W. H. and Mrs. Truscott and This was an age of jazz and action censes. Miss Phyllis Truscott bave engaged a and the better tbings in music and cottage at Sans Souci for an inde- iliterature were often pamed up and_________________ finite pcriod, in the hope of restoring ýthe preference given ta inferior or the hcaltb of ittle Marion, who has bad entcrtainment. Yet Shakes- been scriously sick following an ap- lpeare's plays werc full of life and eration for appendicitis. pep" and ta show how the attention Mr. nd Ms. ea. . Hghestwaof thc children even could be taken daMr and Mr. ErnW. Hughes, w up in folloxving a recital of same of Buffalo, N. Y., werc in town Satur-IShakespeare's immortal work. Mr. day renewing aid acquaintancesineC I theirnativ towbeeneyh ,sar" and this excellent dramatic. visiting their parents, Mr. and Nirs. :was much appreciatcd. Richrd ughe, Tront. .The knowlcdge that a taste for Richrd ughe, Tront. ood thîngs coud be acquircd and B-owmanville Company of the Dur-< cuîtivated, if applied, could kcep mcn hami Regiment left Monday morning from becoming criminals, and raise for the annual 10 days' training Itbem in the scahe of society. Ti camp which is bcing held at Cobourg the speaker said could be donc by this year. As usual Bowmavl substituting the good for the bad. It B provied afuilcampay casistng o did not do simply ta say that anc did 26 men, 4 sergeants and 3 officers. not have a taste for this, that or the Mrs. John R. Standen, Penticton other, for taste was a matter of B. C., is visiting bier parents, Rev. cultiv'ation, and more of the idealistie and Mrs. W. C. Washington. She is should bie developcd in aur tbaught returning fromn a visit ta bhW son, Dr. ifor a man's desii-es determines hisi Calvin W. Standen of Pittsburg, Pa., character. whom we are pleased ta know is r,-; covering nicely froni bis seriaus iîî- Clever ventriloquist and Magicien ness. Friday's progranis were vcry inter- It Wiil Prevent Ulcerated Tbraat. esting ones. In the aftcrnoon, AI -At the first symptoms of sore Baker, ventriloquist and magician, throat, which presages ulceration and gave a vcry amusing entertainnient inflammation, take a spoonful of and had quite a number of the young Dr .Thomas' Eclectric Oul. Add a people on the platfarm at times hclp- littie sugar ta it ta make it palatableie îng him. There were a large nuni- It will allay the irritation and pre-broadtsnthauicewo vent the ulceration and sweliing that seemd ta enjay the entertainnient are so painful. Thiose who were quite as much as the yaung folks. F peria dicàlly subject ta quinsy bave; Tent Packed to Sec *'The Patay" Ithus made themnselves immune ta at- Friday evening's entertainnient j tack. drew the largest crowd of the series "If you don't tell 'cm, you can't;and it is said 1000 people attendcd seil 'cm". That was thc advice ta the play "Patsy". While contain- the National Retail Grocers' Associa-lIing many pictures of reai hile it tion last week by Fred W. Anderson,; sparkled with wit and ciever per- wbo«e me-rchandise store at Cozad, 'formance on the part of the actors Per iNebraska, a town of 1,200, does aln1wbicb the audience cXprcssed appDre- DRPKNDAMULE PAGE THRE Are You Building or Repairing? If you are contemplating building or making alterations to your premises we are recognized as headquarters for builders' supplies. We have the variety and our prices are right. See us before buying. How about putting in your coal for next winter? No better time than now. J. A. HOLGATE & SON Builders' Supplies and Fuel Phone 153 or 202 Bowmanville Summer Meats We give special attention to, the selection and care of our meats during the hot summer months. So that you are assured of the choicest meats, no matter what your order may be. Prompt service and free delivery in town. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy Cash and Delivery Rutchers Phone 518 Boial ýr Loyers of Speed and Spirit &rmance tor sportsmen-for loyers of speed and dit. 6enry miles, and more, an hour-with smooth- ss unknown before'to morordom. sitive brilliance in trafic. Impatience to be off and 2ad. Rocker acceleration. A boundless power. Quiet, deep-lunged power- voice of magnificent engineering. autifully made, too, this Senior! Long, Iow and art. With refinement and luxury apparent- in a î<fred details. Six that the fashionable insmtany approved-and experts--and veteran owner of the costliest )or car. vo it an hour and youll drive it fryeS. MI J. CHALLIS, DealerM lutely's Garage, Service Hceadquartera Bowmanville

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