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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 28 Jul 1927, p. 6

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PAGE IX E CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, JULY 28th., 1927. --- i ICE TO-DAY LADIES? 1 arn prepared to supply eitber by week or tickets or any quantity de sired et any time-and et better prices than ice tbat bas to be bauled 20 miles. We bave medical autb- ority to cut our ice whicb is pure spring water. Our wagons are in cbarge of Messrs. Fred and Harald McMullen. Pbone ail ice orders to 58 wbich will be given prompt atten- tion. A. M. Williams.. Robert"s,« yrupj Mfor COUGHS, COUDS *and BRONCHITIS mm.-Unamunom. Best of ai l Fy Kiilers-lOce and 25e per packet at ail Druggists, Grocers and General Stores. Do as Mr. Gard Mr. Anson A. Gard, tbe well known Littérateur of ottawa, called the Wan- dering Yankee, says ln an unsolicited testimonial for ZUTOO Tablet. : "Zutoo Tablets stop myheed- aches so completely that' do eot mind having them any more. No need for any one ta suffp from boa&. ache if they doas Mr. Gard do.. and take Zutoo BOWMANVILLE BOWLING TOURNAMENT CIVIC HOLIDAY, MONDAY, AUGUST'lat I ( Handsome Goodyear Trophy This is one of the finest trophies in Ontario put up for annual cern- petitien by any bowling club in the province. The.donors are the Good- year Tire & Rubber Co. of Bowinan ville and Toronto. Tbe cup wvas won last year by Nicholîs' Rink of Bowmanville, cemposed of A. H. Moore, Jas. Infantine, C. B. Kent, Luther B. Nichols, skip. Sixteen valuable individual prizes are :ilseo ofered at the tournament to be lield on the local green next M.Nonday-Civie Holiday. FOOTBALL Bowmanvjlle 1-Zian 1 Bowmanville played at Zion Sat- urday lest. Bowxnanville played a draw game at Zion Saturday nîgbt witb the score ending 1-1. The game was played before rneny spectetons witb good weatber prevailing and interest run- ning bîgb throughout the game. 7~ Town teem played a man short for first 20 minutes wben Zion took ~ most of the play, their fonwards showing good combination. Cameron scored for Zion witb a lucky goal in TIMELY the first peciod. ADX'JCE In the second haîf the town teain playing better football. Tilley even- M2o thle rt knows from ex- ed the score for Bowmanville. r Zion's forwards witb a determination penience the heaith-build.. o score a winning goal, worked the Ingvlue of vitai-rc Town team's defence bard, bowever ing alu of itanin-ich the game finished-Zion 1, Bowman- Enwlsj1nville 1. S fot's " Zon-Goal-A. Stainton; Backs- Scott &flow,,e. Troto ot. 2- Courtice, F.Cameron; Haîf Backs- Balam Wîbur, G. Adcock; For- wards-F. Jones, R. Cameron, F. ---Pascoe, Cameron ,J. Jona. RUND W ABowmanville--Go)al--Jeffery; Backs DIILLlflW I EP~ft Davis, A. Lobb; Haîf Backs-R. R~L 1 Harding, LbBon owrs EIUIIUUliii . King, Nicholîs, Burgess, R. Bates, P. Tilley. BIRT OF ABY Referee-Will Baker. Refceshments were kindly provid- Ottwa Woman Made Strong by ed by Zion ladies for players aftec T"g ydiaE. inkhm's the gaine. Taldg LdiaE. Pnkbm'a This match completes schedule, se Vegetable Compound look out for finals between Zion and Solina in borne and borne games. Ottawa, On tarie. -" I was terrihly run-down after the birth of my third baby. 1 bad awful bearnng-down pains BW ANIL SOT AL and was afraid I had serlous trouble. O MNIL SFTB L I was tired aIl the ime and bad no LEAGUE SCHEDULE appetite. My sister-in-lawis taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Comn- July 4-Higb School vs Goodyear pound and cannot praise it too, highly Juîy 5-Florists vs Foundry and asked me o try it. 1 have had Ju ly 7-Front St. vs Textiles splendid results and feel fine aIl the 1uly 8-Goodyear vs Florists time now. Any one who needs aI July 11-Foundry vs Front St. thorough ic-me-up scion learns July 13-Textiles vs Hligb School from me wha t k e.-rsEE July 14-Goodyear vs Front St. PAQUIN, 312 Cumberland Street, Ot-. July 15-Florists vs High Scbool tawa, Ontario. July 18-Foundry vs Textiles TerileBakaheJuly 20-Higb School vs Feundcy TerrbleBackcheJuly 21-Textiles vs Goodyeac Hamilton, Ont. - 'After my baby Julv 22-Front St. vs Florists was hem I1 bad errible backache and July '25-High School vs Front St. headaches. I could not do ny work and July 26-Goodyear vs Feundry felt tired froin the first minute 1 got Julv 28-Flonists vs Textiles up. But worst of ail were the pains July 29-Geodyýear vs High School in my ides when I moved about. I Aug. 2-Foundry vs Florists bad to it or lie down for a while af- Aug. 3-Textiles vs Front St. tecwards. 1 could keep mny house in Aug. 4-Florists vs Goodyear order, but many thinga had o go un- Aug. 5-Front St. vs Foundry done at the tirue, because of my al- Aug. 8-High School vs Textiles znents. 1 was old by a neighhor to, Aug. 9-Front St. vs Goodyear take Lydia E. Pinkhem's Vegetable Aug. 11-Higb Scbool vs Flocista Compound, as she said it would build Aug. 12-Textiles vs Foundry me up. I was celieved hefore 1 had Aug. 15-Foundry vs High School taken the first we bought and have Aug. 16-Goodyear vs Textiles flot bad any trouble like it sine% *- - Xug. I 8-Flonists vs Front St. Mrs. T. MARIKLE, 60 Burton Street, Aug. 19-Front St. vs Higb School Hamilton, Ontario. C A ug. 22-Foundry vs Goodyear __________________________ Aug. 23-Textiles vs Flonists In the ebove scbedule the last team ~W DOS PHOSPHODINEe i5 understood as the home team. JAM 02 Great English Peparatinn. UU.Tones and ,nvgorates the whoLe perj~JfCvo4is systen. aes new Blood on old Veins. Used for Neri'ous FALL FAIRS-1927 Debtsy. enal ndBramn Wrry flehpondency, Lz of Fnergv, Palpitation o) Port Hlope-Sept. 27-28. theHeart,Faitin< Memor,.PrceSî.lpe Voa,,p Bleckstock-Sept. 27-28. fat S5.1Sold by ait diuggis .or mildin pain Bowmnanvlle-Sept. 20-21. p&g. on reccipt of price. New' pamphWt ,naitedBrgtnSp.114 1ruTU OODMEDe4tE cLiROND.OT.Colorne-S-ept. 20-21. Lindsay-Sept. 21-24. Mdillbrook-Oct. 6-7. Cook'& Rogulating Compound Napanee-Aug. 23-26. ÂsaeroUbi tqiamgOrofo-Oct. 4-5~.5 A sfé rlibler#WdngOshw-et. 1-7 çees of etrength-No. 1, SIll Ottawa (Central Canada)-Aug. 22 So. 2,843; No. 3, 85 per box. -27. ~it. Addre. Toronto C.N.E.-Aug. 27-Sept. 12. THE COOK MEDICINE=O Royal Agri-iultunal Wînter Fair, botIMTo.GnT. CormerlyWindaaj Toronto-Nov. 16-24. q L A Hint For The f Young JeU y Maker By Elizabeth Paimer--=1 Even your mother-in-law can't Make better jam or jelly than you a make by the new Certo metbod. For wtb Certo no practice is re- quired to pick the rigbt fruit at juot the right stage of ripeess. And no experienced judgment is caled far Vo say just m-hen your fruit has been "boiled down" enough. -Amy fine, ripe fruit you like will je perfectly with (rerto. You do not have t6 boil it down. Just bring Wou fruit and sugar ta a boil, add Ceto, let it bhou bard for a couple of minutes, and its done. Ylour jams and jellies will look prettier and taste better, becau-se the short boil wtb Certo saves the bright color and delicate fiavor of ui wich e t o ay B t.hat you get "half again more jam or jelly from your fruit. Send for this new (free) booklet. D)ouglas Packing Co, Lixited Cobourg, Ontario. Please send mne (free) your new col- ored bookiet on Jains and Jeli& .... .... .... .... .... .... ... Telephone ahead for a rooni CYou nîay flot realize it, but a good night's sleep is more import - ant to you than food., "Who sleeps, dines' -the French proverb says. COn your holiday, or on motor trips, don't run the risk of not knowing whether you will have a good bed awaiting you. Telephone ahead, make sure, and give your mind up to enjoving the trip! CLearn to look on the Bell Telephone office in any town in On- tario and Quebec as a fine place to get reliable in- formation about roads, de- tours, hotel accommoda- tions, etc. The Manager bas the new road maps, hotel information, etc.,and will be glad to help you. ORONO (From Tbe News of July 2lst) Mrs. T. H. Powers spent tbe past week witb friends in the city. Mr. Fraser Little, Regina, Sask., called on friends here recently. Miss Janette Duncan, Toronto, is guest of Miss Florence Cobbledick. Mr. Fred Lorriman is spendinga week witb Mr. Gerow, Scugog Island. Misses Mary and Marjorie Sissor are spending tbe summer montbs ir Muskoka. Mrs. Ross and grandson of Niag- ara Fells, are visiting her deugbter, Mrs. Geo. W. Price. Mr. and Mrs. Mcfsaac and family of Toronto, spent a few days at ber father's, Mr. A. J.Leigh. Councillor Geo. H. Luxon and Mr. Stoker ,Kendal, bave returned frein their trip ta, the Old Land Mr. and Mrs. B. J. Hall, Toronto, are bolidaying witb ber sisters, M3s- damnes A. J. and Wm. Staples Dr. M. S. Tucker bas returned ta New York, N. Y., after a couple of weeks holiday at bis home here. Mr. and Mrs. W. L. Gibson, Tor- onto, are spending a week at bis sister's, Mns S. D. Yeo, Antiocb. Mrs. Joseph Millions and deughter, Carnduif, Sask., were visitors at Mr. Isaac Winter's, over the weekend. Dr. and Mrs. W. McClelland, son and daugbter, Toronto, were recent visitors at ber fatber's, Mn. R. Foster. JMiss Ashton and Miss Ettie Winter of Toronto, are spending a week's holiday at the home of Mr. I. Wint- en. Mr. Clarence Duncan, Millbnook, a former resident here, bas been criti- cally ill tbe pest week witb pneum- ona. Misses June and Isabel Stinson,ý Toronto, are spending a couple of weeks with their aunt, Miss Florence Stinson. Tbe little child of Prof, C. B. Sis- sons bas been seriously ili from pneu- monia at the Cildren's Hospital, IToronto. St. Saviour's, Orono, and St. George's, Newcastle, picnic took place at Hampton on Wednesday, July 2tb. Master Ross Morgan accompanied his aunt and uncle, Dr. and Mrs. E. H. Lormon borne Vo Buffalo for a short visit. Te ornate little rest room necent-I ly enected by Mr. A. A. Rolph is an added attraction te their elreedy pretty lawn. Mr. John Brown, Wainwright, Alta., spent the past week at Mr. Robt. Rainey's, and at Mr. John Webb's, Pontypool. Mr. R. H. Wood is assisting bis son-in-law, Mn. Wesley Hoskin, in building a large implement bouse on his farm near Oshawa. Dr. and Mrs. Frank Allun of Chi- cago, Il]., accompanied by Miss Annie Allin, Bowmanville, were recent caîl-1 ers at Mr. D. T. Allin's. Messrs. G. M. Linton, W. M. Or- eno Lodge A.F&A.M. No. 325, and John J. Gilfillan, P.-M., attended Masonic Grand Lodge in Guelph. 'Mr. William Armstrong, Sr., wbo has been spending a couple of weeks witb bis cousin in Bradford, Pa.,1 hopes te bc home Saturday 23rd. Mr. T. L. Foster, manager of the Standard Bank, witb Mrs. Foster and little daugbten, are spending part of his holidays at bis fatber's, Mr. Robt. Foster. Sir Clifford Sifton was in town lest week and purcbased a promising young burdle horse ta add to his fam- eus string of jumpers from Mr. Geo. Mitchell. Basebaîl Tournament in Newcasile on Civic Holiday, August 1, for Community Cup. Teams, Orono, Kendal, Newtonville, Sterkville and Womms sap the strengtb and un- dermine the vitality of children. Strengtben tbem by using Mother Graves' Worm Exterminator Vo drive eut the parasites. The C. G. I. T. in camp at Presqu- 'île the pat two weeks, returned home yesterday appearing very much benefitted by their outing in rnost pleasant surroundings. Tbree candidates sent up by Mrs. (Dr.) Colville to the Tononto Con- secvatory of Music examinations et Bowmanville were aIl successful. Junior piano-Editb TrulI, bonons, Roy Colville. Primary Scbool Piano -Chas. Buckley. Manager A. A. Drummond of the Standard Bank returned Monday fnom a couple of weeks holiday spent at Wasaga Bqach and et the Muskoka lakes, having had an enjoyable eut- ing. Mr. Hooey, nelieving manager, left saine day on bis return ta Brighton. Tbirty-nine candidates wrote on their Higb Scbool Entrence examina- tions et Ocono centre recently, 36 of whoni pessed and 10 with honora, and of this numb r 9 were of Onono Scbool ail being successful, three tek- ing honors. We extend cengratul- lations Vo teachers and students. Our local anglers had a tbnill Tues- day wben Mr. Bolan of Brantford, connected with the Provincial Fisb- ecies Depertinent arnived bere with a cosigoment of ten thousand lively trout fingerlings wbich were depos,7t- ed in the local streama. Another consigninent of 10,000 is due ta fol- low. Miss Vadeline Couvier was guest of a surprise party of young fciends cf Mrs. R. Best's Sunday Scbool Class et the S. S. rooma, Park Street U. C., Monday lest, when she was pcesented with e few pieces cf Ivory toilet articles, as she is leaving short- ly with hec parents for their new home et Sydenham. .Mr. T. J. Carscaddon, Fort Saskat- chewan,' Alta., is spending a few deys witb bis sister, Mrs. Thomas Patter- son. Mr. Carscadden, wbo is second son Of Mr. Joseph Carscadden, cen- tenarian, bas been a farmer and rancher in Alberta for 28 yeecs. He reports that bis father bas noV beon as well since bis return borne. The following students of Orono Higb Scbool who attended last ses- sion et the Normal School and suc- cessfully completed the course, se- curing their Interim Second Class Certificate: Greta C. Davey, Alice B Ffallowell, Carman Haw. Limited 1D. L. Floro, 21 yeer old son of I Mr. and Mrs. L. Flono, Osaca, died fnomn injuries received wben bie was gored by a bull on bis fatber's farmi. Floro was engaged in bringîng cows from a pasture field wben a seeming- ly peaceful bull changed him. His cries for help wene beard by a young- er brother, and the injured man was taken to his bouse. Dr. R. F. For- rest of Port Hope, was summoned. and on investigation it was learned that bie was suffering fromn internaI injuries. Normal human blood la too thick ta be drawn tbrougb the mosquitoe's saal piercing tube. They mnust first inject a tbinning fiuid. In that way disease germa are set afloat in tbe hlood streain-hacteria of burning fever and crippling disease. There is also the danger of streptococcic infection (blood poisoning) fnom scratcbing tbe bite. Mosquitoes must bc killed. Healtb authonities advocate Fly-Tox. Simple instruc- tions on eacb bottle (blue label) for killing ALL bousebold insects.In- sist on Fly-Tox. Fly-Tox is eaytj use. Safe, stainless, fragrant, sure. Third Class Certificate: Kathleen L. IArdon, Stanley J. Falls. Astbma is Torture. No one who thasn't gasped for breath in the power of astbma knows what such sufer- ing is. Tbousands do know, bow- ever, from experience how immeas- urable is the relief provided by that *marvellous preparation. Dr. J. D. Kellogg's Asthma Remedy. For years it has been re]ieving the most severe cases. Il you are a suferer doeflot delay a day in securing this rernedy £rom your druggist. Dr. Floyd J. Cutteli bas been at Dayton, Obio, offliiating as grooms- mnan at the wedding of a college chum, Dr. Borden Duncan Powell, son of Rev. Dr. Powell of Pittsburg, Penn., fornierly of Toronto, to Miss Conger of tbat city. He will be ac- companied from Bridgeburg by an- other graduate of bis year, Dr. Mon- tague Jerrett. In a supreme court action, tried by consent of botb parties by Judge MeGlade of the county court, Mrs. Lucy Garrett of Port Hope, sued [Samuel Roderick Caldwell, adminis- trator of the estate of the late Jobn Stone of Clarke townsbip for $1,512 f or board and keep at the rate of $12 p er week previous to bis deatb and f or $1550 loaned deceased. Plaintiff is a daugbter of the late Mr. Stone. Judgment was reserved. G. N. Gordon appeared for the plaintiff and W. S. McMahon for defendant. Hard and soft corns botb yield to Holloway's Corn Remover, which is entirely sal e to use, and certain and satisfactory in its action. Miss Walsh bad a delightful sur- prise a few days ago wben eigbt lad- ies and a gentleman, ail former pupils 1of Shaw's Scbool days, called on ber. Four of the ladies, ail sisters, motor- ed from Detroit to vîsit tbeir child- hood borne. Much merriment was caused by tbe production of an old photo of seventy cbildren with Miss Walsh in their midst. That their teacber's example impressed ber pu- pils is evident from the fact tbat out of the nine visitors ail are single but They Cost No More We only buy young well-fed cattie which assures our customers of getting choice meat. tender We buy direct from the best farmers in the county; do our own killing, so know and can re- commend the meat we seil. Purveyors to the public for over 75 years. C. M. CAWKER & SON Victoria Building Butchers Phone 64 Bowmanville 41CWs springbase of any ar 'der "hismeans C 0,,t.4.4 Stapiin emnw30 mles per Im - periai gallon at 625 milesp«r fru to 25niesper hou t inhge mleu than seven seconds-4. Tya mile at the wheel and ex- pmrenS a8 nw sensation 4 Wm. J. Challis, Dealer HATELY'S GARAGE, SERVICE HEADQUARTERS PHONE 290 DOZGE ROTH ERS (EANDA)LUm iTsD 1 1, I. Eat the Best Meats1 PAGE SIX BOWMANVILLE

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