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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Aug 1927, p. 4

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PAGE 4 TEE CAl? .DIAN STATESMÂN. BOWMANVILLE. THTTRgT>Av ÂTTflTT~T ~+i~ ic~o~ HAMPTON Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis rc- cently visited Mr. and Mrs. Harry Nicholîs. Wesleyville. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Cole, .Mrs. Chas. Johnston and babe, Toronto, recently visited Mrs. James Curtis. Mrs. W. R. Clemens and Mrs. T. Creeper, Mr. Bert Creeper, Toranto, Mrs. Campbell and son William, Elm- vale, weve vecent guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Curtis. Mr. and Mrs. L. E. Dukes and daughter Norma, Winnipeg, (nee Amy Blanchard), visited their uncle and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Clem- ens. Miss Lily George, Toronto, also visited Mrn: Clemens. ENFIELD Recent visitors: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Niddery and family, Tweed, and Mr. and M,%rs. H. James and fam- ily, Columbus, Mr. and Mrs. Pen- nington, Edmonton, at Mr. J. Hep- buvn's; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ad- ams, Messrs. Fred and Floyd Adams, Mr. Will Cairns, Mr. and Mrs. Will Adams and son Gordon, Rochester, at Mr. W. J. Ormiston's; Mr. Thomasi, Law, Toronto, at Mr. L. C. Pascoe's; Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Ormiston have been visiting at Bobcaygeon; Mr. and Mrs. Laver and family, Toronto, at Mr. Arthur Ormiston's; Miss Mac- Kenzie and Miss Irene H. Bray, Tor- onto, at Mr. S. Bray's. Holidays Sure MakeI Hungry FamiliesI The holiday season is now in full swing and al outdoors beckons you. The children's appetites are ravenous and how quickly the supplies vanish fromn the pantry shelves. And the picnics to, the Cream of Barley Park, the Lake and the shady side of a quiet country roadside! Are there ever enough sandwiches and other "eats" to go around? Ouir store is provided with aIl sorts of good things to make the outdoor luncheon enjoyable and satisfying. In case you are going to your summer cottage or on a fishing or camping cruise, we'll carefuliy pack your food supplies without aditionai cost. CHINA DEPARTMENT Don't send out of town for China, Giassware or crockery, when we can fill your orders fromn our large stock. ARCHIE TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Grand Clean-Up 0F LEFT OVER GOODS After our wonderful Sale which was a great success we have a few odds and ends listed here whieh are offered at Special Values. Get busy and get your share as they won't last long at these prices. MEN'S PALM BEACH SUITS, SOCIETY BRAND MAKE AT $18.95 6 only, this season's New Suits, popular style, hard tropical Worsteds. new pleasing patterns, Reg. $25 .ON SALE $18-95 MEN'S SUIT SPECIAL NO. 1 AT $14.95 10 only, Suits, broken lines, splendid quality, val- ues that ranged to $22.50, Bargain at OnIy $14.95 MEN'S SUITS, SPECIAL NO. 3 AT $24*95 25 only, these sui ts are our very best and choicest Suits, in the new models and fine quality Suits, made of the finest yarns by the best tailors ob- tainable, values to $35.00 and $37.50, ON SALE A BIG BARGAIN AT $24.95 Boys' Heavy Cotton Ribbed Stockings, Regular 50 c pair .................................4 Pair For 98c Boys' Cotton Jerseys ,Reg. 50c, Sale 39c 2 for 75c MEN'S ALL WOOL FLANNEL BLAZERS Men's Ail Wool Flannel Blaers, any fiannel Blazer in the store, Red, Blue, White Stripe, also plain Blues, Values to $6.50,.............On Sale $4.95 .MEN'S LIGHT WEIGHT SWEATER COATS Men's Light Weight Sweater Coats. A uine of Fancy Patterned Sweater Coats, aIl sizes, Regular $3.50 ..................................... On Sale $1.98 UNDERWÊAR Men's Balbriggan Combinations with a short sleeve and knee length,...............On Sale 98c Men's White Athletie Combiriations, On Sale 98c Another line of Athletic Combinations, a trifle lighter weight,....................On Sale 89c ea BOYS' SUITS AT $5.95 Any Boys' Suit in our store in Fancy Tweed or Worsteds, also Navy Blue with one pair bloomer trousers, values up to $9.50, On Sale To Clear $5.95 MEN'S BATHING SUITS A line of Cotton Bathing Suits, fine quality, navy blue with red trimming,............On Sale 89c ea MEN'S OVERALLS AT $1.49 A line of Union Macle Overalîs with bib, in plain Black and Blue, also Blue Stripe, worth $2.00, On' Sale $1.49 T. ]B. Gilchrist Phone 61 Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowman ville COURTICE '.%I. and Mrs. Arthur Annis and family, Tyrone. were Sunday guests at bis brother's. '.%r. G. F. Annis.... Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden, 'Misses Patsy and Doris, motored out from Muskoka and visited bis mother, Mrs. John Worden and were guests of Mrs. Frank Rundie .... Mr. and Mrs., B. Harrison, Cleveland, Ohio, who on returnin g from Stoney Lake wvhere they had been holidaying ,met with lan accident with their automobile when the steering wheel broke a littie west of Courtice have been with Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice xvhile their car has been undergoing re- pairs. . . .'Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Worden and son and daughter, Weyburn, Sask., have returned home after a mnontb's visit wîth relatives here... Mr. Glenn Liddy. 'Montreal, called on Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Courtice ve- cently. on bis way to Toronto and ,vas looking fine. Mr. T. F. Wright, St. Catharines, called on several old friends in Courtice ... . On Thursday afternoon a most pleasant time was spent at the home of Mrs. A. F. Rundle when the Ladies' Berean Class held its monthly meeting there. The President, .Mrs. W. R. Courtice. was in the chair and after the devo- tional part of meeting in which Mrs. Esli Oke read the iesson, and the business done the following program xwas presented: Piano solo. Missl Sadie MNuir; The Chapter nicely tak- en by Mrs. Russell Gay; vocal solo, BURKETON Tbe United Cburch Anniversary services held bore on Sunday were conducted by Rev. G. T. MeK.nzie, 'Yarker, a former pastor, as special preacher. Good congregations as- sembled afternoon and evening and1 were accommodnted in the large shed adjoining the churcb which had been tastefully decovated witb plants, Iflowevs, evergreens and bunting. Special singing and music were rend- eved by Enniskillen Male Choir and a quartet composed of Messrs. H. Stevens, Theo anI John Slemon and E. M. Cook. Mrs. Hesp, Hamilton, visiting at Mr. W. H. Moore's, also assisted at the ovening service by beautifully singing "Nearer My God To Thee". Manv visitors and oldi friends were in evidence. The off er- ings were in aid of the Maintenance and Extension Fond and amounted to $51. NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Harold Bruce and Mrs. Wells and Betty, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Fallis. Lindsay, wero J weekend visitors with Mr. and Mrs. A. H. 'Veale. .. .Mr. Tom Wright, Mr and Mrs. Liddv, son and daughtev, Orangeville, visited Cartwright friends... . Mr. and Mrs. G. H. Mc- ýLaugblin, Cobourg, Mr. and Mrs. Al- bert Taylor and family, Edmonton, ýAiberta, visited Cartwright friends. ýM1_s .The.Pres-Uterian Cbuvcb anniver-n did lunch was sevved to about forv Teyeb-ein hrhanvr ladies and children and a social hour savy was beld on Sunday and Mon- spent. MIrs. Rundie and Miss Holt day last. On Sunday two sermons were very genial hostesses.. Mv. and were preacbed by Rev. R. MeDer- IMvs. W. G. Rundle, Bethesda, are vis- ment, Bowmanville. The church iigtheir daughter, Mrs. Esli Oke. choir furnished music and the Hamp- îtmg ton United Choir furnished music in evening whicb was much appveciated. : On Monday a basebaîl tournament was on the bill of fare, Millbrook vs. Re.ad TYRONE Nestleton, fivst game wbîch ended in Re.adMrs. John R. Trumpour play-off between Nestleton and Sea- and famnily have returned after a grave resulted in a tie, eacb scoring pleasant motor tri p and visit %vitb 4 runs. Tea was served to a goodly many friends.... .Congratulations to crowd and a play "Willowdale" was Miss Edith Clemens on passing ber well given by Bethesda dramatic Normal Scbool examination ..Miss club interspersed by solos by Miss Ida Jones, Whitby, spent the week-IEve]yn Brent, Tyrone. Proceeds end with Mrs. David Hooper ....... were very satisfactory. Mrs. Butler, Toronto, visited ber sister, Mrs. L. J. Goodman ... . Rev. Isaac Coucb. Amberstburg, is visit- ing bis brother, Mr. Wesley Couc. .1 MAPLE GROVE .Women's Missionary Society beld a raspberry social, on the chuvch '.%I. and Mrs. Than Smith and Mv. lawn on Friday evening wbý,en a good Roy Smith, Willowdale, motored time was enjoyed..About 100 at- down on Saturday and spent the tended the S. S. picnic on Saturdaylweekend witb ber brother, Mr. Chas. afternoon on the scbool grounds. The1 Axford, also visîted at Mvr. C. Snow- Supeintendent, Mv. A. W. Annis. 'den's.... .Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens and the committees had everythingimotored to Fraserville on Saturday well arranged so that aIl weve able to evening and spent Sunday with their bave a very enjoyable time.. Misses oncle and aunt, Rev. and Ilrs.H.W Grace and Jean Rundle, Bowman- Foley. Miss Mary Foley returne ville, are visîting their grandmother,I with tbem and is visiting witbher Mvs. Lizzie Wight ...Mrs. James'cousin, issMblSeen...Mss Dudley spent last week with Bo-,& Mienzies, Mv. Gordon BvownTrn manville friends. . . Mv. and Mrs. R to, pent the weekend with Ms d Hatherly and Mr. John Hatherly Sun- n. a and Mr. Clifford Swallow . I dayed in Peterboro. ....%Ir. andMs Elgin Munday, Mv. Sam Buttevy and MacKenzie, Toronto, visited brsi-Mr. Allin Snowden mnotored to Ux- ter,._Mvs. Willis Stewart. ---Miss 1 bridge on Saturday with the girlsI Mabel Virtue, Toronto, visited Miss ho took part in a softball tourna- Fannie Virtue. Ilrs. William B vent ment. . ..Miss Marjovie Stevens, Ux- bas returned home arter spending a bridge, spent the weekend at home. . montb at Bowmanville-on-the-Lake... . Mrs. (Dr.) Wesley Langmaid, two Mr. and M.Irs. W. A. Wilson. Miss sons, Douglas and Jack, Oshawa. Eleanor and Mvr. Brent are holidaying Miss Betty Mor-ris, Town, arc visit- witb Mrs. William Brent. IlMrs. Ed- 1 ing their sister. Mrs. Ross Stevens. ward Virtue rcturned homo on Sun-I1. ..Mrs. Harry Irwin andi daughter day aftev spending a week witb ber? Dorothy, Rochester, \ isitetl their daughter, 'Mrs. Talbcrt Findley. Un - cousin, Mlrs. Ross Stevens ...Miss1 ionville. . .. Quarterly service will be Gertrude Morris, Tow n. spent the held bore noxt Sunday at 10.30 a. m. weekend with her sister. Mlrs. Ross ... Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Mutton, Mvr. Stevens. and Mirs. Byron Moore spent Sunday at Cobourg. NIKLE SOLINAEnniskillen Leaguo will hold a so- SOLINA cial on the Parsonago lawn n Wed-1 neslay, August l7th. The popu- Mrs. Harry Grooms and family, lar Orono Band will furnisb the en- Toronto. are holidaying ut IMr. S. . È1tertainiment for the evening. Ice Werry's.. Miss Lena Taylor is vist-croam, cake and "hot tlogs" will ho ing friends in Toronto. .Mr. ani sorvod on the grounds. Sports at Mvs. J. R. KivelI, Mvr. and Mrs. El- 6.3 0 p. m. Admission 25e and 13c. mer Wilbur and son Gordon, Mlrs.; 31-2w Thos. Baker, visitod at Mvr. Isaac, Visitors: Mr. and Ilrs. W. M Wot- Chapman's, Orono, on Sunday...... ton, Peterboro, who kcpt store bere Deputy-Reevo and Mlrs. Silas XiI- twenty years a go, with Mr. Nathan1 liams visited at Mr. Edwvin Woods', Byers; Mv. an d Mrs. John Gibson,j Bowmanvillo. . . Ilv. Joo Reynoldis, Woodville, with Mv. and Mrs. Fred Simicoe. Mvr. Jim Reynolds, Toronto, Smith; Mr. and Mvs. Herb. Slemon, Miss Olive Noon, Toronto. visitod at Toronto, with Mv. and MIrs. John Mr. and Mrs. Jack Reynolds'....... Siemon; Mr. and Mrs. Hesp. Hamil- Miss 'Marguerite Wright, St. Cathar- ton, visîted their brothor, Mv. Will ines, Ili s Normia Wright, Enfield, Dods, at Mr. W. H. Mioore's; Mv. W. Mv. Edgrar Wright, Enniskillon. vis- Griffin has returned from visiting ber ited at Mvr. S. E. Worry's...Miss sister in Hanmilton; Misses EI""a an d Elsie Nethercott, Winnipeg, Man., Doris Griffin visited in Toronto and Miss Irene Mitchell, Oshawa, at Mvr. took a trip to Niagara Falls. R. J. McKessock's. . . Mr. andI Mrs. Mvs. <Rev.> G. W. Sparling, whose A. E. Oliphant, Mv. and Mvs. W.- husband is one of the few United Tfhompson anti son Arthur, Toronto, Church Missionavies stilî at bis post visited at Mv. A. J. Reynolds'.... in China, will speak bore next Sun- Congratulations to Ms Norma day vngudethaspcso Wright on passing ber Entrance Ex- the WvenI.gSunde hea spices ofya ams with bonors, hoading the list at ladies' choir ...Enniskillen maIe the Fonthill Centre. . . Ilr. and Ilrs. choir, with maIe quartet, to the nom- Wmn. McCullough, Mr. and Mrs. Wmn. ber of twenty, assisted at Burket.on Argue andI son Cecil, Mianvers Sta- anniversary last Sunday. . .. During1 tion, visiteti Mrs. Arnott and Mvr. the stovm last Thursday, Mr. Huglih Norval Wotten.Mvl. and Nrs. EtI. Annis' bouse was struck by lightn- Worden, Miss Irma and I M. Herbert ing. Mr. and Mrs. John Slemon Worden, Weyburn, Sask.. Mirs. John wer visiting theve at the time. Fiveý Worden, Ehenezor. visited at Messrs 'was plainlxy visible in the room H.' E. Tink's and R. J. McKessock's where they were sitting ani wood *. Iir. and Mrs. W. E. Newman andI work and doors were splintercd. ;Miss Dora, St. Catharines, Mr. Har- Those presont experienccd a slight old Treble, Hamilton, Miss Mlarguer-1shock which bas affccted Mrs. SIc-1 ite Wright, St. Catharines, Miss Nov- mon's hearing somiewhat... Mr. ma Wright, Enfleld, Mr. Edgar James Mnortv's and Mvr. E. Millson's Wright, Enniskillen, Mv. and Mrs. Eti bouses were also struck ..The past Ia, MvIl. and Mvrs. W . Nayior, Mrs. week bas witnessed a series of Most J. Van Nest, Toronto, wore guests unusual electrie storms accompanied at Mvr. A. L. Pascoe's. .Mv. andI by excessive vain and hail and wind. Mrs. Roy Penfound, Lindsay, Mv. anI________ Mrs. Melville Staples, Or,,nu. visitedJ at ',vI. J. T. Rundle's .M.. and 1 OFFICE CLOSED Mirs. James Gregory, Mrs. Ed. Good-' man and daughter, Oshawa, visito<l Dr. C. W. Slemon's Office will be at Mv. Harvey Hardy's. Mv. f. anti closed from Monday, August 1 to Mrs IsacHardy ani son, Stanley, Mlondny, August 22nd. viie]Uxbridge frîends on Sunaa ...Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Hardy, _ Mlaster Russel and Miss Doreen spent DRESSMAKING Suncîay at Mv. James Reeson's, C'ol-1 umbus. . .. Plan to attend the Instit- I am prepared to dIo aIl kinds of utc meeting at the home of Mv-s. dvossmaniýking uat home or go out by the Thomae Baker on Thursday after-1day. Apîly to Maec(amieron, Ty- noon, .August 1l, whcn the grand- rone. 31-1w* mothers will entertain ..Miss Nova Robins entertained a number of friendq ut a party on Tuesday even-S'O inz when ail had a jolly time ...S O Miss Lena Taylor arrived home from AT China on Saturday afternoon, July GLENCAIRN TEA GARDENS 23rd. On Tbursday evoning last, The stone bouse on south side a number of friends andi neighbovs Ki ngston Higbway-just east of assembled at tbe home of Mr. anti' Mrs. W. T. Taylor to show their cx- DUNBARTON pression of welcomc co Miss Taylor. Specialize in After some brief a(ldresscs of wel- AFTERNOON TEAS come, Miss Taylor gave us a very STEAK DINNERS interesting account of ber wovk in China. We aIl wisb ber stay at home CHICKEN DINNERS to be vevy pleasant and that she may Just haîf way between Bowman- soon hbe ahble to return to ber work. ville and Toronto MINISTERS AND CHURCHES St. Andrew's Presby-terian Church -Rev. Mr. Ziedman, B. A., Toronto, will preach at botb services on Sun- day at il a. m. and 7 p.m. St. John's Anglican Church, Rev. IR. J. Sbires ,Rector. Eigbth Sun- day after Trinity, August 7, 1927. il ka. m.-Holy Communion and Ser- mon. 12.30 p. m.-Sunday School. 7 p. m.-Evening Prayer. Union services on Sunday in charge of Rev. Geo. M.%ason. il a. m.-St. Paul's Church; 12 o'clock -Sunday Schools; 7 p. m.-Trinity Church. Musical' services in charge of St. Paul's choir, under direction Mr. H. J. Knight, Mrs. C. H. Dudley, organist. SOLINA WINS FIRST GAME Sauina 1-Zion 0 A lot bas been written lately about the 'Spirit of St. Louis', but if you want to see the real spirit and loyalty 0f a community go to a football game such as was played last Saturday ev- ening at the beautiful Solina School grounds where Solina defeated Zion 1-0 in the first of the home and home games for the championship in the Darlington Football League. Every- body was their from grandpa and grandma to babies in arms aIl cheer- ing for their favorite team. Both teams put forth their best efforts as much was at stake. Referee Reg. Harding was called upon several times to keep the play dlean as some were inclined to rough it. The only goal was scored by H. Tink shortly after play got underway. It was a see saw game with the bonors about equally divided-and at that Solina was lucky to win on the even- ing's performance. The return game at Zion next Sat- urday should be well worth seeing. Line Up: Solina-Goal, R. Langniaid; Backs, Jack and Jim Reynolds; Haîf Backs, A. Blanchard, Les. Gibson, R. Vice; Forwards, E. Vice, H. Tink, C. Tink, P. Dewell, H .Pascoe, Zion-Goal, R. Stainton; Backs, C. Courtice, F. Cameron; Haîf Backs, E. Wilbur, A. Balsam, A. Sharpe, Forwards, R. Cameron, Jones Bros., F. Pascoe, W. Cameron. Phone 106 WEDDING Jackon--Gordofl A quiet but very pretty wedding took place at the homne of Mr. and Mrs. James Gordon, on Wednesday afternoon, July 27, wben their youngest daughter, Grace, became the bride of Nir. Robert Wilford Jackson, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert C. Jackson, Nestieton, Rev. J. E. Griffith officiating. The ceremony took place On the lawn under a pretty arcb of ever- greens, ferns and flowers. The bride, who was given away by ber father, looked very lovely in a gown of georgette%~nd satin ribbon. Her veil was caught with orange blos- soins in coronet fashion and she car- ried a pretty bouquet. The wedding march ývas played by Mrs. Henry Sheffield, sister of the groom, who played also during the signing of the register. Following the ceremony a dainty luncheon was served, after wbich Mr and Mrs. Jackson left for a miotor trip in Muskoka, the bride travelling in a fawn suit with brown fox for, and bat and shoes to match. They will reside on the Jackson homestead, Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Jack- son moving into the brick house on the corner, North Nestieton. CAUGHT LARGE BROOK TROUT Chas. Tod bas long been recog- nized as an astute disciple of Isaac Walton; and in bis many fisbing ex- peditions of recent years has bad fairly good success. While fishing near Orono, he landed four trout weighing five pounds and 12 :unces, the two largest tipping the scales at one and tbree quarte r pounds eacb and measuring fifteen and a haîf inches. Mv. Tod wvas assisted by his daugbter who landedi part of the catch. The trout were in Mr. Tod's store window and were greatly ad- mived by local anglers and others.- Whitby Gazette Chronicle. Create some pleasant tboughts in your mind, for they insure good healtb. Great varlety of 'Men's and Boys' fancy Sweater Coats and Pullovers, new lot of Men's Suits also received this week. Couch, Johnston & Cry- d erman. r In S. W. MASON & SON The Spotli*ght 1Let Your Feet Enjoy the tSummer, too! If you like to feel footfree in the summertime-start with your rshoes. The shoes are good looking, win the favor of the eye; long wearing, the favor of the pocket- book. Buy your colored shoes now. Every pair are going to be clear- ed at great saving to you. Copper Patent, lizard trimmed, was $7.00.......... Now 5.48 Parchment Patent tie, was $6.75.......... Nok $5.48 Pastel Kid Tie colored heel was $7.00......... Now $5.48 Parchment Patent, 1 strap wvas $6.00......... Now $4.98 Pastel Kcid 1 strap, and tie pat- terns, were $5.00 and $5.50. Now................... $4.48 We have 50 pair of White Sboes in Oxfords and Strap patterns, Priced from $3.50 to $4.50, 1 Your Choice....... $3.00 pair We can supply the family with Tennis Footwear. Just a few more Club Bags left AT $5.75 SPECIAL Pay Cash and Pay Les& Ives' Shoe Store 1Footwear and Travelling Gooda Bowmanville Colossal Sale of Dresses at Prices that are less than factory cosi. Prices that will be long remembered as a Value-Giving Event. Our huge stocks of Summer and early Faîl Dresses have been grouped into tliree distinct prices, namely $5.00, $7.50 and $1 0.00. The latter group include many washable Flat Crepes, a few Geor- gettes and many of the newer novelty fabrics so popular right now. Every dress is individual, no two are alike and the prices are simply ridiculous. Women will buy two and three of these dresses. Extra salespeople for your convenience. Each rack contains a separate group to make selection easy. CROUP NO. 1-Dresses Priced Regularly to $9.75 including Silk Broadcloths, Rayons, Graysheens, Wash Silks, Fugi Silks, every dress individual, smart styles, SALE PRICE $5.00 GROUP NO. 2-This group includes many individual Summer Dresses that were originally priced to $12-95. Smart little styles in two-piece effects or tailored styles. Plenty of large sizes SALE PRICE $7.50 CROUP NO. 3-Many Georgette and Washable Fiat Crepes, some silk and cotton fancy Crepes, in sizes up to 46. These dresses have been selling aIl season at $15.00 and $19.75. Be early for the better choice. SALE PRICE $10.00 Special Sale of House and Street Dresses 98c, $1.49 and $2.29 PLEASE NOTE:-Owing to the exceptional low prices on these Dresses we will not be able to -allow merchandise from the store on approval or wilî not charge any items to customners' ac- counts. CORSELETTE SPECIAL Exceptionally welI imade Corselette Special, made from a brocaded pink cot- ton, medium weight, elastic set i, and hose supporters, Regular $1.50, SALE PRICE 89c BRASSIERES Brassieres in . .pink . .only, ail sizes, Regular 75c, SALE PRICE 39c SPECIALS IN MILLINERy Women's and Misses' Summer Hats, Final Clear- ance, Regular to $3.95, SALE PRICE 98c Individual Sunlmer Hats, Regularly worth to $7.50, SALE PRICE $2.95 CHILDREN'S RATS Regular $1.50 For 49c Regular $3.00 for $1.49 SALE STARTS FRIDAY MORNING JULY 29th at 9 O'CLOCK S. W. Mason & Son Dry Goods, Ready-to-Wear, Millinery Bowmanvilî,i PAGE 4 THE CAIT 4DL4ýN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY. AUGUST 4th.. 1927

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