PAGE TWO DENTAL DR. G. C. BONNYCASTLE Honor graduate in Dentistry Toroni( University. Graduate of the Roya College of Dental Surgeons of On. tario. Office King St., Bowmanville Office phone 40. House phone 22 X-Ray Equipmient in Office. DR. J. C. DEVITT Assistant Dr. E. W. Sisson Graduate of Royal Dental College, Toronto. Office, King St. East, Bow- manville. Office bouts 9 a. m. to6 p. m. daily except Sunday. Phone 90. House phone 283. X-Ray Equipment in Office DR. R. E. DINNIWELL Honor graduate of Toronto Uni- versity and member of Royal College of Dental Surgeons. Licensed to practise in Ontario and the Domin- ion. Dentistry in ail ibs brarnches. Office-King St., Bownianville, op- posite Bank of Montreal. Phone 301. LEGAL M. G. V. GOULD, B. A., LL. D. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan on Farm anid Town Property. Royal Bank Building, Bowxnanville. Phone 351. W. R. STRIKE Successor to latm D. B. Simp.oib, IL. Barrister, Solicitor, Nota.ry Solicitor for Bank of Montreal Money ta Loan Phole 91 Bowmanville, Ontario W. F. WARD, B. A. Barrister, Solicitor, Notary Money ta boan. Bonds for aule. Offices-Bleakley Block, King St., Bowmanville, Ontario. Phones: Office 102. House 409. FUNERAL DIRECTORS F. F. MORRIS CO. &à Complete Moto. or fm Horse Equipment (~) AIl calla promptly attended to. Private Ambulance Bowmanville phone Br andStoe4 10 andStor3& Orono & Newcastle ALAN M. WILLIAMS Embalmer and Funeral Director. Calîs given prompt and personal at- tention. No extra charge for dis- tance. Phonos 58 or 159, Bowman- ,ville, Ont. 3-tf. MEDICAL B. J. HAZLEWOOD, M. D., C. M. Gold Medalist of Trinity University, Toronto. Four years atteridirmg Phy- uidean and Surgeon at Mt. Carmel Hospital, Pittsburg, Ks. Office and lemidence, Wellington Street., Bow- nianville. Phone 108. C. W. SLEMON, M. D., C. M. Graduate of Trinity Medical College, Toronto, formerly of Enniskillen. Office and Residence, Dr. Beith's former residence on Church Street, Bowmanvll.e. Phone 259. 44-t. VETERINARY DR. F. -. TIGHE VETERINARY SURGEON. Day or Night cails promptly attended ta. Office: King St. East, Bowmanville. Phone 243. E. G. KERSLAKE, V. S., B. V. Sc. Orono Hanor Graduato of University af Toronto. AIl cases given prompt and caneful attention. Office- Dr. McElroy'à former office. Phones: Clarke 3921; Orono 18-1. AUCTIONEERS THEO M. SLEMON Auctionoer Farrn and House Sales a Specialty. Ternis moderato. Enniskiiîen P. O. Phono 197r3.1ti.f. CHIROPRACTIC AND DRUGLESS THEROPY DURWIN E. STECKL.EY hanor graduate of Toronto College of Chiropractie will be in the Bow- manville Office Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday evenings, phone 141J. Residential calîs made during fore- noons. THE FALL TERNI In Shaw's Twelve Toronto Business Schools opens an Mon- day. August 29th. Calendar mailed an request to W. R. Shaw, Registrar. 46 Bloor St. West, Toronto. Please write for it. THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE THURSDAY, AUGUST l8th, 1927 THE EDITOR TALKS EDITOR HALF A CENTURY We deovoted aur Taîks last week, (Toronto Daily Star) :o contrary to aur pneviously annaunc- j'Mr. M. A. James began August 1 al ed intention ta men's subjects, bav- h is flftieth year as editor of tbe n- ing gat some valuable seasonable in- Bowmanvible Statesman. He is now e. spiratianal ideas from reading some known as senior editor of the papen, 2. agicultural jaurnals, so we decided for associated witb bim are bis two ta pass them on ta car farmer read- sons, Mn. Gea. W. James and Mn. ers in seasan and hope nîany farmens Norman S. B. James. For the past and farmers' sans read tbem îitb as yean and a baîf the senior editor bas great interest as w-e did. Although inot been in gaod health, bat each w-e quit farming sixty years ago we week has written for his papen those econtinue to read the býest of ligri- Editor's Talks which for long bave v- cultural joarnals regalarly and thon- been one of its distinctive featares. 6 oly enjay tbem. Besides tbe farm- These articles bave been noted for ie ers' pages in The Daily Globbe, The thein wide range of interest and the Mail and Empire and sanie atbers we wealtb of memonies gathered by a read witb keen intercst The Farm- man w-ho daning a long life bas been ers' Advocate of London, Tbe Rural a wide reader and writer. New Ynrker of New York, The In last wveeF's issue of The States- iFarm and Home-"the great Farni man there appeared on the front ,e Journal of Britisb Columbia", Van- page an article that wvas unusual, ocouver, B. C., Farm and Dairy, The afecting and inspining. It was a -National Dairy Magazine of Peter- tribate from a newspaper ta its edi-, bora, Tbe Saskatchewan Public ton after a relationsbip of fifty years, -Service Montbly of Regina, The and, mare than that, it ivas the pub. Country Gentleman of Philadelpbia, lic aind signed acknowledgment by The Family Herald and Weekly Star two sons of their respect for the long Of Montreal and The Weekly Witness displayed worth and leadership of agricultural departments-all inter-1their father now advanced in years esting we find. and broken in bealtb. * * * IThere is something fine in the haîf centary of service Mr. M. A. James This week we bave sometbing we bas given as an editar ta every cause n considen extra good for our female that ta bim seemed good and right, readers-young, middle aged and and tbere is sometbing fine in the others that The National Cauncil ai affection lie inspined and bas pre- Wamen sappiied ta World Wide, senved in the sans wbo are ta sacceed from tbe pen of Mrs. Lorne Fergu- and carry on after bim. This last son of Westville, N. S., correspond- is sometbing in wbich nmany success- ing secretary of tbe local counil- ful men fail. It is more often and no doubt sanie membens of tbe looked for than foand in neal life. Women's Institutes in Durham and And yet witbout it success can be 11Ontario may tbink it suitable ta read accounted little better than failune. at tbeir meetings: What a com- As publishen and editor of one monplace thing is a "doar", and yet newspaper for haîf a century serving how useful! HaW intriguing it is his.cmmunity and bis country with ta stand outside and wonder wbat tbe best that was in bim, always lies beyond, until overcome by car- istnivîng ta make bis paper a better iosity or desire, we tam tbe handl e ane and ta spread understanding and step inside. How many of as1 wherever tbe pinted page sbould go, stop ta think, in the rush of life, of a man must accomplish a great deal.t the "DOORS"' whose hinges w-e aI- He may nat become ich but tbe im- low ta become rasty through disuse. papable assets of so asefal in life Life is bounded by these "daas"lmust ha great-influences set in mo- evene by tho e dar ofanditbeangjtion that spread out and go on f or- leav hytha ofDeab, nd in e-,ever. There is a sort of immortal- tween an the misty flats" are many ity ta be achieved by those wha whicb w-e, as Canadians, %voald do teacb and lead, in that their wonds,c wel Ito fling wide open .They stand deeds, exampies have an influenceI ajan, iflviting as. tbat does not end witb their bodily r * * * existence bat through those wbo First thora is the Door of Health. knew and listened ta tbam is trans- Does any country in tbe wonld offer mitted on and on tbrougboat time. greater apportunities tban Canada As editor of the Bo-wvmanville pap- a forexociss ad sort whchwiîî er for fifty years, Mn. M. A. James forend tbe blo d tnginpto ogrthe i bas seen the nisa and faîl of niany I vena an d nging th lsho outh local great men in politics wbile he $ tena n rg the flndCnash o inotar îwent the even tenor of bis way. Hee to te chek? nd Cnadas wi Ierbas seen repatations wax and wana. is as good if it doas nat excel its He bas sean the paon gnow icb and1 summer in tbis respect. Can yau b a en ihsdinlcwy imagine anytbing more axhilarating The aid, empty dwelling, haif-fallen- 0 than a bike an skis up hilI and down in and weed-choked, was, in bis time,b dale, free as a bird, o\ver tha snow the gay dwelîing of a fine family1 and filled witb life-giving oxygen and now scattered tbe world ove r. t the cold gaes unnoticed. Glding 0f the Bowmanville of ffyyasl witb unusual swiftness down ahlao e eaibiand iftyle ares maybe you faîl and bury your face ao fw thow oming and s h maks0 in the soft snow, but, amid shnieks coaint of te cMingJandes in 1 of laduhing his timo Mr.ouJamestmust 0fi lagtn, yo et to as yourthet feel sometbing like a station agent - againand nyon whobas ad te sing people fonever arniving and experienca of trying ta stand up, depantingr. Thora are IyReol withbobth feet boand to 3ix or seven moving in and people maving out, foot skis, knows that mare than one and farms change bands but the f set of muscles are brought into p:iay. fanms do nat change. At the end * * * of fifty years apparently the sameC Then we have skating-outdoors, colt is frisking beside its dam in the t if waathan parmits, or indoons, ta the pastare near the railway track-as O rbythmic strains of music-and if colts, taO, were immortal. it ij curling and hockey, not ta mention is the sequence of the generationsjrý sleigh-diving-a stnaw ride hehind that is oporating w ith nesaîts as in- 's prancing pair of hanses, witb the evîtable, perhaps, on human life as music of the halls ecboing sweethy are the effects of the cbanging 0f: thraugh the frosty air. the seasons on Nature. in summer we have fisbing and With a long life weil and truly T2 canoeing, and swimming and golf spent, a nesponsible service sîncenely l and motoing-all baaltb-giving pas- rendered for haîf a century, the ne- $, timos. Nowbore can you drive spect of the community and theC along more beautifal roads than tbe affection of bis own family, Mn. M.C highways of eastern Canada in aut- A. James of the Bowmanville States- «_ umn, whon the hilîs are .1 riat or man may feel the infirmities of age, colon and evony trea soems ta vie bat is otberwise content. witb the athen in its display 0f gold- -_____________ en and russet and flame. And yet, how many of as let those doars to gloriaus heaîth remain ajar while xvo stay Ianguidly jin doans?e Thare is that "IYoor", tao, wbicb we, as Canadians should open wide -that door behind whicb nothing sbauld rt-main mystaniaus or un- known whicb migbt help us in aur qust-tba Door af Gaad Citizen- sbip one of tht- partais ta wbich is Health. The koy ta that Door is a Christian conscience, an attitude of mind ta which onîy the higbost and best things in tboory and practic, are tolonabla; an attiado of mind ct wbich wrang, in any shape or guise-- however expandient it may b3--:s abhorrent. la I it nat the task of aur Councils of Wamen ta try ta croate that atti- tude of mind? Shah w-e nat romain dissatisflod until w-o have made dlean ta eveybody in our faim Dominion net only their ights and privileges as, citizons, but the-m duties andl ne-1 spansibilities as wcli; until w-o have succceded in awakoning in tht-m a zeai for w-bat is noble and right ind faim and an ahbommencc- of -bat is moan and base and unjust. The- place to start is with the schoîl- cbiidnon. Teach tht-n a "Chnistan conscience in citizonship" and as 'le1 twig is bent so %vill the bna ncbh- came. It wiil take timo, but ifw- porseveroé, w'e shail achieve sometin which neither Timo non Soaor~ affect. 1Thon thero is a Doan, hy passing thmoagb vhicb w-e niake it oaser ta unIock the- Daoo o ud Citiz-nship,j for nathing nusts the- hinges liko I solishness, and that is the Door of1 Service, la tht-rt-anything %which brings sucb swevet satisfaction to the mind and hoant as the- conqciousnesa of some service rendenod t,, another? Opportunities are- not allcquai. Sanie are richly endw-d with tai- ent-s: othors have special skili or training, but those cf us w-ho btlong ta the ondinany ank and file nius t not despair. For each ane of us tht-no is a niche wbich wvt-ahane car, fili, nu matter how' plain and hunmble w-c nay ho. XVo ail bave vaicos, aven if tht-y ane hash, with which ta say kind ords, w'a al bave twa bands,j witb whicb ta do deeds of love: we aIl bave two foot wbich can carry us on erands of moncy andI justice: and hast of aIl, we aIl bave a "stihî Small Voice" whicb prompts us ta stnive t. fulflîl tht- beauti fuI motta of aur Council-"Do unto others as you would that they sbould do ta yau"l. Margaret Fraser Ferguson. DAlkLINGTON COUNCIL Re gular meeting of Council bel< August 6tb; members aIl present Reeve Wight presiding. Minutes of last regular meetinI were read, approved and signed. W. F. Kerr, K. C., Clerk of tb> Peace, Cobourg, gave notice tba Statutes of Ontario 1927 were nov ready for distribution. Hon. Jobn S. Martin, Minister o Agriculture, made inquiry as t4 whether council had passed by-lav for appointment of weed Inspector. Counties' Treasurer gave notici tbat Annie Petley and Mrs. Waltei Roberts bad bc-en adînitted ta Bow manville Hospital. Application hai ing been made foi the asual grants ta Township Rura School Fairs 'ouncil was of tbe op. inion tbat grants should net be madr provided Boys Training Scbool war net debarred for entering inta comý petition", and that Clerk give notic( ta that effect ta District Agricultura Representative and ta Inspector E E. Snider. Requesta nmade by N. Byers foi cement walk leading ta bis bouse iii Enniskillen ,and by O. L. Byers foi reduction in Assessment an buildings wvere not entertained. Jobn Doriand, Enniskillen, placed in hands of counicil an agreement signed by bimisclf, John McGill, J. Artbur Werry and Adam Sharp, in wbich tbey pledged tbemselves, tbeir heirs, execators, administrators and assigns ta forever fully indemnify and save the Township of Darlington from aIl costs, lasses, damages and compensation which the said Muni- cipal Council cf the Townsbip of Dan- lington may be called upon ta pay in connection %vith tbe construction of a tile drain on praperty at soutb- west quarter lot eigbteen concession nine, owned by John Dorland; and the cansequent flow of water apon the land of the Municipal Council and of adjoining praperty owners. The agreement as presented was approved and accepted; and clerk ta have same registered. George A. Stephens drew attention of Cauncil ta the danger ta asers of Public Higbway at Lot 10, Con. 3, by reason of trees on land at sauth- wvest corner of Lot 10, Con. 3. Reeve was aatbarized ta interview Robt. Collacott, the owner of said land with i view of baving the trees removed. Tax collector of 1926 presented Bill of Abatement amounting ta $661.15 which was approved and ac- cepted. Treasaner acknowledged receiptof cheque from collectar of taxes for $191.32, bein~g percentage on arrearsi of taxes for 1926, paid after Decem- ber 14, 1926.1 Clerk was instructed ta ask fori enders for pninting of 1927 voters'i îs. Tenders ta be in by, eight * dlock p. m., on Monday, August 15,1 1927. By-law was introduced and given is several readings appainting T. H. Richards, Tyrone, as Weed Inspector for year 1927. Clenk was instructed ta advertise for applications for the office of Tax Collector for the year 1927. Applica- ions ta be in hands of clerk by one o'dock p. m. by Wednesday, Septem- ber 7 ,1927, and applicants ta appear i in persan at 3 p. m. on same day at1 regular meeting of councîl. Council decided ta repair and wid- en milI dam road at centre Lot 18, aon. 5, in accordance with Govern-1 rent regulations as suggested and aid down by Government Engineer. Treasurer acknowledged receipt of $46.43 from R. Avery, Calcium- Chloride. Hampton; Theo Slemon, Calc ia mC hlorîde, Enniskillen, $29.- .5.; Coanties' Treasarer ,arrears of0 taxes $299.80; Bank of Mantrea.l, in- Why Guna-Dippec awgMil'eae Cost Less 66Per Mlle" The demand ftorn car owners for Firestone Gum-Dipped Tires bas given Fîrestone Dealers a large increase in volume that enables them ta se!]. these tires to you at the lowest prices in the history of the industry. The Firestone Balloan Tread, scientifically designed three years ago, and unchan-d today bas the wear resisting qualities that give thousands of extra miles. This tread mnust be placed on a carcass that has the qualifications ta withstand terrifie lexing. The Firestone carcass is made of cords dipped in rubber solution which flot only saturates and insulates every fibre of every cord, but unifies sidewalls with carcass, eliminating any possibility of separation under the extreme flexing of la w-pressure. The Firestone Dealer in your locality will gladly explain the Gum-Dipping process, the scientificaîîy designed tire tread, and other advantages that only Gum-Dipp2d tires can give. See himn today. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY 0F CANADA, Limlted HAMILTON, ONTARIO MOST MILES PER DOLLAR Tirestone FIRESTONE BUILDS. THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES Firestone Tires Are SoId I Oshawa and Bownianville by JAMIESON & JAMIESON Tire Repairers and Vulcanizers 1 A NEWSPAPER VETERAN dij (Brockville Recorder-Times) t, With the current issue of The Statesusan, published in Bowxuan- g ville, its senior editor, Moses A. James, entered upon the fiftieth eyear of bis association with the edi- tonial direction of that newspaper, one of the brightest and most read- able of aIl Ontario weeklies. By doing so, Mr. James creates some- fthing of a record in Ontario Jour- * nalism. It is not unusual, such is *the fascination of the craft, for a man ta remain connected with news- *paper work for a period of baîf a * century, but it is unusual for one -man ta bave cbarge of tbe prepara- tion of the same newspaper for sucb ran extended penio d of time. ýl Mr. James left school teaching in -1878 ta assume contraI of The Cana- dian Statesman and he bas remained sat its editorial desk ever since. AI- tbough now in bis seventy-nintb year *and in such a state of bealtb tbat tbe constant attendance of a nurse is required, be continues ta take an active part in tbe management of tbe r newspaper witb which be bas been «associated for sucb a long period of rtime and weekly writes a column or twor of notes and comment upon cur- rent events wbicb betray no weaken- ing of bis powers or slackening in bis interest. Now, as mucb as *fifty years ago, be exhibits tbe same fine public spirit wbicb bas enabled bim ta accomplish sa mucb for tbe benefit of Bowmanville and its sur- roundings and %ve join witb bis sons and business partners, George W. James and Norman S. B. James, in congratulating bim upon baving at- tained "tbat succeas wbicb editors prize above gold in tbat tbey bave been of some real service ta tbei r community, bave lightened tbe bu rd-1 ens of their fellow-men and led.thel way tbrougb doubt and uncertainty ta nobler deeds of life". terest $3 1.25 ; Counties' Treasurer, Calcium-Chloride, Hampton, $9285; Counties' Treasurer, Calcium-Cblor- ide, Enniskillen, $59.10. Orders were drawn on Treasurer: Road Superintendent, salary and expenses............ $117.16 Do, road material.......... 783.82 Do, cement bridges......... 797.76 Do, road maintenance ....1161.93 Theo Slemon, Calcium,Chlor- ide, Enniskillen........... 59.10 R. Avery, Do, Hampton.... 92.85 Workmen's Compensation Board, insurance of bridge workers..................22.50 J. W. Balson, sbeep damages 25.00 S. A. Northcott, sheep In 1.40 L. T. Pascoe, extra expenses, sCollector 1926............. 5.00 L. T. Pascoe, bal. of salary, 'Collector of taxes 1926. . 100.00 E. Haggith, Debenture No. 4, S. S. 19 *****....... ..289.45 Bank of Montreal, Debenture No. 5 and Coupons S. S. Bank of Montreal, Debent- ure No. 6 and Coupons S. S. No. 8............... 424.77 W. R.Albin, Tp. Clerk McClary's art the only Canadian mem- bers of the National Wanni Air Heating and Ventilating Association -e- body of leading manufacturera who bave adopted thus scientific code for in- staUling warm air f ur- nacea. To be sure of getting a "Code Instali- ed" job, filI in and mail attaclîed coupon. We %il] send you naine and address of the neareat McClary's dealer, wbo will guarantee a "Code Installed" heating sys- tain which will give ilelong satisfaction. - jr I JE t.' *\.-... -' ratE5ia.ttw NEWBEAUTY rIN DESIGN AND COLOR L AT NEW LOW PRICES ONG, low, sweeping ines accentuâte Lthe sniartness of the Fisher-buit bodies. Rich mohair upholstery, walnut- finish panels and trim, silver-fini shed door bandit-s and window-biftens, inviting cushions of chesterfiebd depth and com- fort, ahl contnibate ta the drawing-roomn buxury of the Jubilee Series Oldsmobile. b. The precision-built Oldsmobile Six en- gifle and the Oldsmobile four-wheel brakes provide performance and safety in keeping with Oldsmobile beauty and comfort. jUAil SERIES Special 2-Door Sedan - - - -$1,115 Specýl 4-Door Sedan - - 1,220 Special De Luxe Landau Sedan, with tnunk 1,345 Spediai Commercial coupe . - 1,095 Special De Luxe Sport Coupe, witb dickey seat 1,205 Pr, e atFaio-y. Olha-a Ontero-Go,"emmewi T«,,aExtra OLDW~BILI CORBETT MOTOR SALES Phone 248 Bowmanville 0-4,50 PRODUCT 0F 7~GENERAL MOTORS 0F CANADA, LIMITED F -Inlrnaland External Pains are prom ptly relieved by DLTHOMAS * ECECTrRIC 0 IL THAT IT HA$ DEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FIFTV YEAN3 BEFORE 18 A TESTIMONIAL THAT SPEAKS FOR IT8 NUUEROUS CURATIVE QUALITIE& Fe - a scientific method which makes Warm Air Canada's most satisfactory heating system S CIENCE has applieci to warm air heating that final touch which makes it vastly superior to any other form of heating. Haphazard instalation-the defect which has long held back the warm air fumnace -15 now removed. No longer need we rely on guesswonk to supply our home comfort. Today, the correct methods of installation have been reduced by scientists to an exact formula known as the Standard Code. Now, a McClary's Sunsbine Furnace, installed accanding ta Standard Code, guarantees to the home an unfailing abundance of warm, moist, circu- Iating, healthful heat -" seventy degrees in every room in sub-zero weatber". The Ventiblast is an exclusive featare of McClary's Sunshine Farnace, wbicb burns soft coal equaîly as weUl as liard coal or wood. It mixes pre-heated air witb soft coal gases and convers them into Rlame- thus eiminatîng soot, waste ad dst. This remark. G able feature ensures yoa an ample fuel sapply ever winter, regardiess of a possible liard coal scarcty. A L THE MCCLARY MANUFACTURING Ca. LODNCANADA. MAIL esse a.nd me, addres, of nearest McCIary s deler "'ho THIS insallé Sunohine Furnaces according se, Standard Code. C O U P O N a-d,,...... ................................... MçCIays SUNSHINE FURNACIE Can Algo bc Fitted With Miles Automatic Furnace Fan Where Requiried SoId in Bowmanville By W. LEN. ELLIOTT son ----------- Mmul i ro" ý-t