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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1927, p. 10

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PAGE TEN THE CANADIAN STATESM.AN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSI>AY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1927 Mr. Bradford Kay and1 New York, Mr. Murray E Coiborne, Mr. and Mrs Eilbeck and son Jack, an( soui and daughter Franc( were recent guest of Eilbeck. Dr. Haff ner, ford Kay, Mrs. Kay, MV and Mrs. Hugh Turner,J turned to New York. Week-E] Specials a Fair Day Bai Men's Overa Young Men's and firs suits, different shades a Vo clear .............. MNen's Solid Leather Work Boots, to Clear Men's Work Shirts, a] roomy miake, each .. Men's Wool Work Socks Women's Corsets, sever fine make, to Clear Big Variety of Womer Fa]] Shoes ..$2.79a Curtain Scrim, differE terns, cream or white,3 Checked Tea Towellini special, yard.......... DILLICIE King and Di-ision Bowmanville -ciasfHe Wheever You Eo. lh e Do wrt of ail and woen nayai teo eu cf u ano et col tcusyar be toe àrly coleel aaofsud bur. Rus; ts a penelotba f.0. huttet - g foc cf fmi ain vng aben t eye ta tsr h acterthmttc rale m dit nml hee esaditso Inest ant cfn.Docle malvemtoLkC 1-t- ns o es sr o rc g VrÉoe or fu1el.botte h Aux v«W anm enta peem d ematie.. Icetan ne 5h. sm LC Oum S EL« DaasA s 5h.Cae, adiant"str Sla. d In 'owa BS2l 11CEnu&apC MASOe * Ea & DAIfr WE and innBowraill PHONE 18CO Dr. Haffner, BRIGHT YOUNG LIFE PASSES *M.JhHedso wobabenBI AR ,ilbeck, Port T1 Mr. JId ~ ) 1 1 ~ ms. o n Hillesia o r furtaber Mss arITSUthRladEibc ~. ni J.ThmasRusel Har r i! illfo smetime bas been taken to d Mrs. Stin-___traretadosilanorai. ýe, Toronto, IV is with the niost profound syni- temn adpsilanorto. Mr. Geradge rcrih etho n foi ET M E 97Miss Hariet Sutherland Filbeck Mr erepathy for the bereaved family that lHR D Y E T M E 5th., 12 Miss Marjorle Coulter, Brighton, passed away at the residence of ber r. Han e r ecodte_____ofnef__rwas guest last week of bier cousin- niece, Mrs. Barron, Sacramento Jr., bavfe r finest and brightest young men, ýMiss Muriel Henderson, east of tbe California, on September 10, in ie~ J.haer-Thomas Russell Hoar, eldest son of NWATENWATEBTE RZ INR village. Miss Coulter's mother, Mrs 8Sth year. The remains were crelý Mr. and Mrs. Sidney T. Hoar, Beth- EWATEIN CA LEB TE PRZ WNER 'Porter Coulter, was alto at tbe mated, at the Sacramento Creama- esda, who passed away on September Miss Leta Hancock, Orono, was a Little Misses Betty and Jean Jar-1 Orono Creamery Makes Good Show- i Hiendter, r.born H eek stng oradrebngrohtoNe- ist., in bis seventeenth year. He weekend guest of bier cousins, Misses ell, Oshawa ,have been visiting their ing at C.N.E. brfteM.Jh edro b castle, by Miss Eileen E. Barrc was taken suddenly ilI wvith paralysis Elizabeth and Ruth Hancock. lfriend, Miss Kathleen Spencer whoi bas been confined to bis bed for great niece of the late Miss Eilbedk, ndon Monday evening and in spite of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Plummer, Ireturned home last week froni a Although creameries from Western!some time witb painful kidney troub- for interment in the family plot at ndbest medical care and nursing grad- Bownianville, were Sunday guests of visit with relatives and fricnds in Canada, particularly those ia Mani- le Newcastle. Services were held in the i ually sank until on Thursday even- Mr. and Mrs. Jesse Baskerville. various parts of the province. I toba, carried off the majority ofSarmnoEioplCuh.Ms Lfl ing the gates of death swung open prizes in butter at the Canadian Na- Harvest Home services in Orono Sacre amnto Eiscerof l hrcb sse and is appyspiit septVhrogh r.ArhurBrag an broher Mr Miss Rowland of Willowdale Rest1 tional Exhibition we are glad Vo note United Church on Sunday and Mon-Elekwsasse ftelt hr 1ghtndshih haronosCieiteryewastawardd day.next.uSermons andlbbetpreacMrdiff Robert J. Eilbeck of the Yuikon 1 nto eternal life. Although bis ill- W. D. Bragg, Shaw's, motored Vo Home reports the births of d daugh t tap rzes in ar cass andkeenatia n. andrm .n i. by Rev. W Teritory and Mr. George Eilbeck rgains ness vas only of three days' dura- London on business ast Thursdav. xveling tone Brnt. ,thirL. and sctompietîtinlreclse Sdke terliga stom . anpecial uic. W.of Newcastle. tion, yet it involved great suffering Mrs. John Lord, granddaughter, Weolingand Mrs M. H. Sti.apns, or- ptin ioHteat suppetr at 6p.i. Grandc which was borne witb the utrnost Mrs. J. W. Jose and great-grand- to'r n-r .H tpeO- I group 2, butter 14 lbs., salteà o etspera .m rn patience. [son Donald Jose were in Toronto ono. With the coning of a littie -Orono Creamery scored the'bigbest concert by A. W. Allin, Lindsay, Mrs Mr ndMsRihdWoO- Tom wa ue n ns g i ove ate fiends are srry Vothe homne of r. and rs- cry in the sanie group scre 6*4 nd r.Kerlae, nd addes byaidayistes-in of w, M r. uN ewcarieghtendsfarMorrM s rd 964Evelyn Trick, Oshawa, A. J. Knox oo eeSna utao hi Tom asaniet Dd.uassmng x'erthe aendd. laugter omethre weeh ag Vonoins beng 9.8. roolin reMr-.brthe bhis manner yet always active and note the continued illnes f .rsJA .Smith, Jr.. it would seni that points. Rev. Thos .Wallace, Clarke. Mrs. W. J. Glenney. t ogr ever ready to help in J ayh . A. Smith, Sr., wvho bas a traie girls are piling up a mai ority. In -ro no C bttre anuery scored in tls ol. Eryin youth he dipae us wiigo e.box, ueOooCeneysoe $d1syles a keen interest in rcading. He was a nure Wmai nriBwavle i NTDCU 95.7 points. This was the only _____________________________________ ...$11~O clever student entering High Schooll r. Wm Hi odarsandomnviles UIT HUC Creamery in the province of Ontario Miiay at an early age. He waa also a hvn i hldy n o usa o be in the prize money in thisi gifted youtful oao vnigf~ went down Vo Newtonville to attend Miss Lena Taylor. Solina, recently group.1 ... $3 p9iztedin ublic sak wing at the the school fair and spend a couple returned from mission field of West Not onhy will the farnuers in Dur-1 - choolFaîri n d last earin at theow of davs witb Mr. and Mrs. Chas. China, wvas a weekend guest Of -Miss bani County wbo supply creanu Vo I1 colors, Shm anie ig and ltOer atrical on- Reid. Lillian Clemence. Shaws, and on this well known Creamery be inter- - .an9itest. Ho alt ooessed ooduical n Misses Audrey ahd Naomni Hor- Sunday evening in the United ested in these mnerited awards, but I . Ce.!Horokstest.-il, eHrnd f hia. MssTalo bs mstsehee hobu "roo renirmEusiecal l le t - talent, and even on bis death bed rocks, d aughters of Mr. and Mrs. Church spoke on "First Impressions many customers in the county and el- ~, p .1 bumedbisfavrit byas.from their four nuonths' visit in Eng- pleasing mianner and voice a nd heldiButter" froni their local grocer will ra tls 1sd done ofate iebe wascon-landand cotlnd ast weekend. ber audience in tense attention while 1ble glad Vo know 0f the prizes this ~alstles jsidre oe o tt bstin heHih Tey report an enjoyable visit in -she graphically dcscribed ber trip' finm bas wvon and the honor iV bas .98 Scbool and took part in tht Inter- spite of a cold, wet sumnier. across the Pacifie in the Empress of Ibrought Vo Durbami County. Scbool Atbletic Competitions. Iti Mr. Ferando Perrn and daughter, Australia, ber glinipses of Japan1 Thus Orono "Hall of Fanie" adds h y C s N o Mr n's New bard to understand why a ife so adteMiss Jeasiewtese nthrtohyt cpu nte hl and $3.49 full of promise in every respectMssJa, were visited during the i Cin, v ad ofnessite inesscdon-ogtr Vopih o enptsond teshe should be aken away, but Vo some weekend by bis niece, Mrs. Adanis,- ia ta lniostrkngcn-jof reaticniishensano tolth (nec Aura Evans) and Mr. Adams trasts, a land of awful distress anditofdsigsedppe.______ -ent pat- it is given Vo live a full life tume in a of Chicago, wbo were on a motor trip m isery, but a land of latent power1 yard .15 f ew short years and this w-as or'dain-dw bog h ot ntr and immense possi.bilities.ANT RBRN UNE [g, etra eft or Toa s oa re br states and back again by way of On- Miss Taylor diversified ber alk1 eol bu yun wllfdctewh h g, exra Let Vomourabis lss ae bisber-tario and Michigan. witb a solo of exquisite swectness, Within six days aftcr the burning Weol u on elfd cti hc ... 121/2 eaved father and mother, two brotb- 1 "1 have aiu. ugi hnso r .C aesbc an h ers Lloyd and Aldin, and bis grand- iMr. Lincoln Might, former prin- pcaSvor" ugi 'i e ople off Ne.wc. aste bc a rvcn thesue Ircso esofgtigchie tne nimother, Mrs. T. R. Hoar, Vo ahi of, cipal of oui' High School, is staying the congregatian joining with ber in opefNecsl an vcitya urs ur utm rso gtigch ce edr ryS ~woni the sympathy of the entire at the Oriental Hotel, renewing old the repeated chorus. During the werc again starthed Vo lcarn that Mn. net community is extended. eacquaintanceships and belping the service, Mrs. H. Hurlbert, soprano, D. J. Galbraitb's big barn on themet L local fruit growers witb their pear sang xitb niuch appreciation, "Out former Allant Wilmot fari, just east The beartstrings are toucbed at and apple barvcst. On Tucsday ho w itb the reapers." a niost seasonable lof Mr. Sami Rickand's, vas in flames. Sta., the tbougbt of separation but acted as judgc of public speaking at selection. The fine seems to have becn startcd Ve buy direct from the best farmers in the Ht is not dead, the cbild of our the rur'al school fair, Ncwtonvillc. ! Special mention shouhd also be1 by someone who had no business1 Butget htsbo isHti aon basdheon inveted vly fiowers that around the barn, on the cast floor county; do our own killing, so know and can re- affgoet htsho Ms teMson hismadec 0fvthe ho by the Teachers' Association 0f this adonned the choir loft and rostruni:about nine o'clock Satunday evening.j Wbere ho no longer needs aur poor npeort to ak Nectl at this service, the gladiolus and the Mr. Galbraith w-as in bcd at bis honie comrnend the meat we sell. protection Inse ohncr Ho amoNwcasande asters, two bouquets of the latter be- lin the village at the Vume, and being AndChis hisef othrue. Port Hope and have it play at the ing sent by Mns. M. Brown, Glen- arFsdruhdVtesee nbscar The funeral took place froni tFe teachers' convention on October 13 wo od Cottage, witb the undcrstand- Voidth mersbanrn astes offalams venstote oroer7 family residence and was very largely and 14. Col. Sniden. 1. P ., is vcry ing that after the service one bc sent ib imesadrtrsflng ojpu icers attended sbowing the esteeni in aaxious Vo bave Miss Mason and ber to Stanley Rickard w'bo is undergo- the gnound. whicb deceased was held. Hisband there and give a demonstration biug rlogdiînman h osme d it he bai-n wcraelw Pastor, Rev. J. R. Trumpour, Ty- before the teachers of tht county. other Vo tht paston's wife. Mns. big0 monsw is odbanoxfmate00 rone, conducted tht service and Aogtercn ekedget (Rev) E. B. Cooke witb whoni Miss 10 os nisnneo 20 spoke wods of cmfort t the ber- I ateMr.end Mr. W.H erce Taylor spent Sunday night and part1 will barely covor a third of the et- spoe wrdsof omfrt o te br-at r. nd rs.W. . Parc Btinuated hosa of aven $6000 on barn C .M eK E O eaved ones and paid a fine tribute were: Mr. and Mrs.GeoA. eac of Moaday. lBand hay. The barn w-as practically ta tht ont whose life had been trans- and Mr. James Pearce, South Dar- The Osbawa Presbyrtery of the Bay ferred in young nianbood. Favorite lington ;Mrs. Ira F. Pearce and son 0f Quinte Confereace will me namdr n rce ut2 er Victoria Building Butchers Bowmanville bynins of deceased were sung adGroBwavle n hs t the United Church here on Fniday, ago and was ont of tht largest in tht Mis Eeln ret an w nd Gokinon, ede owmnviof tr.htaAt-rdSpener1,wihmrig fe-jneighborhood, being 120 feet in Phone 64 MissEveln Bent angwithdeph kison eldst on o th laoonrd and m even6,ig essonn. htrlengtb, and was sided with ont and of feeling a solo entitled "There is Atkinson of Bruce Mines, Aloadieo f thtd church sesionserv e ahin-lmbr Testn no night There". bis brother, Mr. Bill Atkinson, now lde ftecuc ilsredn foundation is left intact. As in thte ____________________________________ Tht paîl-bearens were six schooh-- of Peterbono, who motared Out with non and tea Vo the ministers and lay- case of Mr. Lake's barn, tht cause mates-Howard Brent, Harold Hoar, three Peterboro young men; alto men in attendance in the S. S. roonis. of the fire is unknown but can only SDouglas Colo, Ross Bigelow, Levi their sister Miss Annie Atkinson of Rev. Dr. Gandier will deliver an ad- be conjectured, and witb tht une foI- 41 Annis and Leon Moore. Interment BowmanvilleHoptl accompanied dress in the evenimg. o hW. lowing so closely upon tht other, ye Tht floral tnibutes, îove's ast Vok-sieisitution. M. S.of Newcastle United Cburch 1 naturoutfe lng mbhuins enofsmpIs n rgrd w r ast Ie.Wre n sn r a ed la the S. S. rooni, on Thuns- oralth eingtionewbaor es y Live on o symathyand regad we ta.Waren ad so, Mn I~a, Septeniber lst., witb tht Presi-.- Radiat ntmroa ndtbstf including Chas. Warren, B. Sc., Swift Current, dent, Mrs. (Bey.) Cooke, in the t iV 15eponted that only about a week cevelà- rah from Father and Mother; Sask.,wbo bave beon spending tht chair, ad tet-ee eiesaot' barns were burned around iae NRg rt no EMAte tht Hilîs family; Bowmanville Highý sumnien witb relatives bort bift on present. Mrs. McLaughlin led in Pontypool unden similar circuni- m lit own School Literary Society; Mn. and Tbursday for home, accompanied by prayer. Psalm 98 was nead by Mrs stances, and espocially in view of the t laI Mrs. T. A. Anderson and Mn. and Mrs Miss E. Warren of Buffalo, wbo bas Wallace Hoînies. Thtenionbers de- fact that on Sunday evening before ne1à Harry Andtrson ;Salem Softball bttn visiting ber sistors, Mrs. F. W.« cided to have a Thank-Offering ser- tht ashes of Mn. Galbnaith's barn _______ ca deys teani; Mns. Sniitb and Ivan. Pillows1 Cowan and Miss Odie Warren. Mn. vice on a Suniday in November, and were cold it was learned that Mn. -MsrtEvrtandHrc Ha;I as arneonhhtsafo secune a missionary as speaker, and Jas. L. Peance's haras in South Dan- h tw urI rJ. H Muton; Mn. andMn. and Mrs Moose Jaw Coîlege, a nesidential col- our negulan choir. It was alto de- ilington wene likewise being coasuni- nautH. MuTyrone Mrun anchod Mrs. T. Dust- loge for boys under supervision of cided that we serve tea at tht No- ed with fine. Who la doing thtenmis- Time after time people have corne into our an. Sheafs-The Wide Awake tht United Church, as lectuner n veniber meeting. Mrs. Cooke gave chief? _____I soeadtl s bu o efriuew ihte S. S. Class; Mn. J. D. Hoar and Miss science. He is tht grndson of Mrs. a eplndid report of tht Branch stread____sbut___frntuewhe te fietàk Florence; Mn. Fred C. HoaMiss Wni. BntaBeaverS.,andad 7, 8, 9g la Phenibre on unerd DVNHR BOS E I yen , ar ontan t. Cit M Mabel Borland; Mn. and Mrs. Wilbert young man whom la every way New- a 9, fyvoor w hic h ans edereingHR BY'RENO had bought from a mail order catalogue or city J.Ha; isAllie Wood; Misses castît might well ho pnoud of. closedl with the benediction by Mrs. A moat interestiag visiter Vo New- i uu. Floreeace and Alice Werry; Mn. and atyastdnso Necth Cokcsttaswek aaM.JnBset store which had flot turned out as they expect- uileBk Mrs. L. E. Grosskurtb and Harold; Public and High Schools planning to 1 of St. Thomias, who spent Monday sou »ud Mn. and Mns. Joseph Wight; Mn. and attend other educational institutions SOME SUNFLOWER eveaing, September 5 at tht home of ed. The result had to be a disappointment and k ue Mrs. Alox. Wight. Baskets-Mn, are Misses Bertha Cowan, Rat Clark Atf ufoe tnig~ttMn. W. N. Buckley and on Tuosday Ross aad Miss Elizabeth Bigelow; and Bessie Clark who go ta BellevilleAît unlwrsanigb h morning took tht Toronto bus un bis loss to them. if h.le f BehsaDaaicnext week ta take business courses, dorfM.C . avt' fi eisntura trip homewand. un pau -r. .R Hoar; Mn. and Mrs. stenography and shorthand, at theltt cing much attention. 1V flttst About 92 years ago Vwo little b-oys Ronald Scott; Mn. and Mrs. W. Hos- Ontario Business Collego; Miss Clara unres 141/2foot la heigbt and via were bora in Devonshire, England,"eera in ,t ywo dsa," dinfue ýlK DL kmn; Tynone Football toani; Tyrono Caswelh who commences thia week a1 grown by Postmaster Gea. Janiieson and grew up as neigbbors inuch in "ee gi"te ol a,"n nftr Aie SofVball teani: Mr. and Mrs. M. J. course hn the Oshawa Business Col- in bis back gardon from a setd pur- each nthen's company. They -wono*1 Werry; Tht King's Guards; Miss lege, and Miss Vivien Simpson who cbasod froni Mn. Carveth. It tow- John Bassett and John Buckley. lIwe w1l u y rm yu im w ee dpnal Ten Fegusn; ns. Wooleyaad at VoOshwa hiswee Voconineors away above tht roof of tht office thein Votas thoy emigrattd Vo Canada Clna r ; M Wode and Mr.Atu oc;goe oOhw hswe ocniu and w itb bendtd head looks down and dnifted apart and it came Vo pasa goods are sold at reasonable prices" Mnra . and M rs. Argur edH-lber education at Bishop Bethune benignly upon tht pigmy people whe that they entirely bast Vack 0i eh Mr.andMrs W.H.Arge ad Hl-Coîhege. Miss Mary James beaves ps eo.Teebigsm ob tenihrkoigwe1rU on; Tuxis Square; Mns. E. Wight; 1this wcck Vo onroîl as a stu dent abo . T hntualheigto Merd oubR.'0V ho nis th knowiagw'ethor dtht Mn. and Mrs. Melbourne Wight; Be- at Havengal College, Toronto. ihrisata egt n .R hmo i ot a lv da. Moral: Have nore et When in need of thesda Canimunity; Mn. and Mns. C Mr. Clarence Gaines wbo completed Fsick was summoned with bis yard, Thon one day about a mnontb agi>,reet A. igt;Mn ad Ms.Frd . is junior matriculation intends for astsh esrdttta h HndMn nnwoeahte furniture shop here first, with confidence and Bowen; Master Gordon Brent; tht the presont Vo appîy hinisoîf Vo a nient, 'sr.nst sx fot abcd th a e atht Tne othStar sna singth Goodman boys; Dean Hodgson; W. correspondonce course in accauntiag.ro Mn avtasnddtth hatfunsofteOn oaiy and Mns. H. Rundle; Mn. and Mrs, tandl3oatvi c attcNdingtl hthn- fotfor the next cightad a haîf H ong lived mon of the place, one oMo;adBbeCas(yoefM. RltvsfoiNwate Saswido h fieadmaue p1admninn spoo ot fte Iasrneta h utm rm s estsid e y Fred Wight; Mn. and Mns. Wrigbtsoa tet and mnieaofte ding oi-feson ht is suggosted that Mn. Jamie- ',,hom is Mn. John Buckley la bis le By Wight; Mns. H. J. Werry and Gond-'tit niesr fthmvdigo sn ight gnow such sunflowe-s un- 192nd year, hale and }icarty and vig- on; Mn. and Mns. J. R. Ormiston; MrMn. and Mis. Wmn. (hestnut, Wel- donei contnact with faîmens in tht orous. .E AE n ! L Abo comne, Thui-sday tvening, Sept. Sth, locality for filling their silos in pro- Next day, John Bassett, ricking jF ZD AE n rs . .Ahtn wcrc Mrs. J. G. Rickard and Miss fenence to corn. 1* FiF .io rris C o Fhoîenc Rieard an Rev Ro H. ________________________ j p ad perusing bis Stan in St. Thoni- KlornceRickrdandRev.RoyH.ns, rend and read again the hined i ird, Bollfevî]llew'ho a iiigMnslte.(ol h' o teI H m unsesPoe anbeIjroteand .alto M r . itmone, R.M. Mitc e .l rCo. Honor graduate of Trlnity Univer- bhrter, nd Mn.and Mrs. e n etbIYIL IsI esity, Fellow of Trinity Medical Col- Thonenepew ad iec ofdecas- THE QUALITY DRUG STORE lege, Licentimite of the Stata Unîver- ed. Many relatives and fniends wereOt sity cf New York, Matriculaite cf the Y A L L IN guosts on the occasion of the funer- Bowmmnville Ot Pont Graduate Medical Sehool and al and aven the weekend at tht bas.- Phone 92-Nlghté and Suadays Hompital cf New York and Fellovw EOWMANVILLE pitable home of tht hate Mn Thorne 's 280 cf the Toronto Academy cf Medi- brother and sister-in-law, Mr. and cine. Offic--Mr&. MeNauchton'a flan- Mrs. D. J. Galbraith. ______1__________,Idence, N.wcaatle. Heur-S8 to 10 THE CANADIAN STATESUAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15,1927 PAGE TEN

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