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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Sep 1927, p. 5

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The Old Reliable Croc ery This is stili the place where you get real val- ues in Groceries. There's no better stock to be had. We have what you want when you want it. Have your groceries delivered by us-lt costs no more. Do You Need More Dishes ? With extra help for harvest and threshing the farmer' s wif e very often needs additional dishes. We have everything you want in Cups, Saucers, Plates, Pitchers and Odd Pieces-besides our prices mean a saving to you. A RCH1E TAIT Phone 65 Bowmanville Noie baaeed read wîIih ~LncdIlead sali! wated ,ubéer. Flra.,fetlg hudrsWaIed. a fn mg N Psearf ono,'<i ho ~h i ,ýing<n 1 vaup oora e < ,' adoj _gîcad dd< o iv ihnu , and.d. d a! rni.ýj.g ai. ýn'th.Idor*beaksh- h.I- Ip Cross Section cf a Firestone Tire "Built for Service" w Crors Section of an Ordinary Tire "Made to S5.11" Enjoy the Comfort, Safety and Economy of Gum-Dipped Tires The sections of tires reproduced above are a part of the Firestone Dealer prcgram. Study these two sections and you, too, wl understand what Firestone means by tires built for service and ires made to selI. The Firestone Gum-Dipped Balloon Tire %vîth its scientifically desigaed tread permnits free flexiag, ensier riding, extra comfort and safety, while the g'm-I-dlppilg pr-cce" g, .Vcs it the wear- resisting properties that gve thousands of emtra iiles. The ordinary balloon tire witlh heavy fiat tiea'1i dcs-'gn is obviously stiffer and rides harder. Ti-c uxcss rubber, paced for appearance et the edges of the tread, is no' cn'y vwas-ted but produces biaging action causing ply separat,.->fl anu' .-houlcier 'breaks." Your local Firestone Dealer will gladly explain the gum-dipping process and other adv2-ntages that ony Firestone Gum-Dipped tires can give. See hirn today. FIRESTONE TIRE & RUBBER COMPANY OF CANADA, Liziited HAMILON, ONTARIO MOST MILES PER DOLLAR YIrestone IIRESTONE BUILDS THE ONLY GUM-DIPPED TIRES Firestone Tires Are SoId In Oshawa and Bowmanville by JAMIESON & JAMIESON l Tire Repairers and Vulcanizers Look For the Sheli Signt Then purchase Sheli Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'l find quality is cheapest and best in the long î'un. Ce A,.atlt Phone 110 King St. East, Bowmanville r: Many chihdren die from the a s- TH1NK IT OVER SERIOUSLY! saults cf worms, and the flnst cane cf mothers should should be te see thtterinfants are free from theseSO pesta. A vermifuge that can be J.A oG T O depended on is Miler's Wormn Pow- ders. Tbey wlll net only expel Builders' Supplies and Fuel worms from the system, but act as a beaîth-giving medicine and a rem- Phone 163 or 202 Bowmanville edy for many cf the ailments that beset infants, enfeebling them andi * endangering their lives. n ........... THE CANADIAN STATESMAI;, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 15, 1927 LOCAL AND OTHERWISE AUTUMN WEDDINGS UNITED COUNTIES' EXHIBIT Mr. Bert Colwell has been visitingi jones.-Irving Given Favorable Comment et C.N.E. relatives at Beeton.1 Rosedale Presbyterian Church, The United Counties of Durhamn Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Thorne, Bright- Toronto, was the scene of a prneNrhubranteciedcn on, recently visited friends here. wedding on Monday evening, Sep- sinderhmfavrale cmmentcand Miss Mary George recently visited 1t ember 5th, when Elizabeth Ramsay, puerbliaoratlecoheadintNanal Mr. and Mrs. Fred George, Balti- tyounger daughter of Mrs. Jessie Ir- Exhibition through the attractive ex- more. ving, Toronto, was united in mar- ihibit arranged by the Agricultural Mr. and Mrs. Rupert Hamlyn, Ot- niage with John Howard Joness, De- Representatives of these counties. tawa, are holidaying with relatives troit, eider son of Mr. and Mrs. F. The display was located in the new hére. H. Joness ,Bowmanvi.lle, the cere- 'Ontario Government Building and Mr. and Mrs. C. Connell recently mony being perfornxed by the past-lIwas in charge of Messrs. Kellough visted hier sister, Mrs. W. Frayln, or, Rev. Wilfrid J. Lewis, M. A., and Smith. Harniony. Th bauifl hucB.a pofse The Toronto Globe was so favor- Mrs. Robt McLeod, Woodstock, was ly decorated with palms, ferns and ably impressed with the display that recent guest of her brother ,Mr. gladioli. a photo of this exhibit was taken and Donald McDonald. The bride who was given away by 1published in Canada's National News- Mr. and Mrs. J. Ross Stutt had an bier brother, Mr. W. Irving, looked paper" in its issue of September 5th. enoyable trip last week to Buffalo, lovely in a scalloped go,,w n of white Durham and Northumberland Cleveland and Detroit. satin and rose point lace. Her veil Counties are classified as an ideal Dr. George Stevenson, London, is was arranged in cap effect with district for mixed farming. Dairying, appointed supeintendent of the On- orange blossoms and she carried ai fruit growing, live stock. raising, tario Hospital, Whitby. bouquet of Ophelia roses and valley poultry ane, some young pines from liles. The matron of honoun, Mrs.I the government forestry station at Mn. and Mrs. Harold Coulten and Albert Taylor, sisten of the bride, Orono were featuned in the exhibit. little daughter, Donna, recenitly vis- wvas in pale blue taffeta made in pet- ited their parents at Brighton. al-like tiers, with black picture hatBOSTRIIG CH L Mrs. Williamson and daughter BndYcS'iedaAshNfNofpink oses Dors f embok, aveben isit-, The bidegnoom was attended by WILL HOLD FALL FAIR ing ber brother, Mr. R. O. Jones. Ibhis brother, Mn. Morris Joness, and Mr. and Mrs. George Gibson and the ushers were Mr. Jack Smart and Premier Ferguson ta Open Fair family, Cobalt, have been bolidaying Mr. A. C. Johnson. The wedding Saturday, October lat. with hier sister, Mrs. Gordon Rice.1 music was rendered by Nliss Helen Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Ellis and twin1 G. Morris, A.T.C.M., Bowmanville, The School authorities have decid- snaddaughter, Meaford, çere re-Iand during the signing cf the regist- ed to Saud ay, lFaro te S.o cent guests cf ber aunt, Mrs. C. M. er, Miss Marguerite Joness, sister cof grounds, audyOcoel. Cawker. ithe bridercom sang "Until". This promises to be an outstanding Mr.andMrs W.J. rag, M. ad After the cerernony a remption event in the history of the School, Mn.an Mr. . . Bag, M. ndwas held at the home of '.%r. and M.%rs because it is expected that Premier Mrs. Irwin R. Bragg and son Wi"- Albert Taylor, 10 Beck Avenue, the G. Howard Ferguson will be in at- liant spent Sunday with Mr. John T. bride's mothen receiving in black tendance and will open the Fair, fol- Fee. Omemee. ivelvet with corsage bouquet cf sun- lowing which there will be a cere- ,Mr. and Mrs. B. Y. Haddy and burst roses. Mrs. Joness, mother of mony at which the Kiwanis Clubs of Betty and Miss Agnes K. Haddy,ithe groom wore rose embrcidered Ontario will take over Cottage "A" Toronto, spent the weekend with Mn.1georgette witb rose velvet hat and and designate it as Kiwanis Lodge. and Mrs. F. A. H-addy.I corsage bouquet cf sunburst roses. The public is cordially invited to Editor and Mrs. J. Johnston cf Til- 1 Later the happy couple left on a be in attendance on that day. They sonburg News, gave The Statesman motor trip to Montreal and other will have an excellent opportunity a fraternatl caîl on Fnîday enroute 1,points, the bride travelling in a flot onîy cf seeing the work cf the te Maynooth te spend their holidays. blonde outflt trimmed with mînk and School at flrst hand, but aiso te hear Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Maxwell smart feît bat. and meet the Premier of the Province andsonGeogeSt.Mars, alld ~ The out-of-town guests were: Mr. and a number cf bis Cabinet Minis- IMrs. Ed. F. Weekes last week while land Mrs. F. H. JonesMs.D .tei-s. returning from a motor trip te Mon- Morris, 'Misses Ethel and Helen Mer- Further details will be announced treal. ris, ~~~all cf Bowmanville, Mr. and Mrs ae.FinsothScoln treal. j~~~~iG W.Garer, shaa, iss Hazellae. Finsc th Scol n Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Henderson loft Wakely, Port Hope, Mr. and Mrs. 0 Bowmanville and the community last week te take up residence in Brown, Detroit. should keep this date open. Toronto wbere Mr. Henderson bas _________________ commenced his duties on the Oak- Wight-Freeman wood Collegiate Staff. On Saturday afternon, September shortly after for a trip te Toronto Mr. and Mrs. Harold Spafford, 10, a very pretty wedding was sol- and Niagara Falls, the bride wearing f ormerly cf Picton, who have been:emnized at the home cf Mr. James a blue georgette dress, blue and living in Orono for some time, are reaCnrOtriadQun white cat ad hat to match. The moving te Trenton, having purchased IFeean Crne OtaieandQuen c in B oaeyl the Foster bakery and confectionery Streets, wben his second daughter ilesdinB mavle business there. Bentrice was united in marriage with Among the beautiful gifts to the Mn.Joh Lsby Loel, Mch. ~Gordon LeRoy Wight, son cf Mr. bride and groom were an electric re.einJao ntanc, oe and v.isitn and Mrs. Elgin Wight, Horsey St., percolator fromt the emplcyees of the the scenes cf bis early days when a Rev. J. U. Robins, Pastor cf Trinity Bver pisx lton RingeCompany, ays- resident cf Bowmanville thirty-five United Church, officiating.vepyxpltcsroeadm- years ago. He is guest of Mr. and The bride was given in marriage onnaise dish frcm the employees of Mr.John Mcntyre by ber fatber Miss Lepha Don- the Durhamn Textiles and a silver Mr. and Mrs. C. W. Marlowe cf Icaster, A.T.C.M., Oshawa, played foe odradsle adesik Oshawa, announce the engagement the wedding music, the bridal couple from Trinity United Church Choir of their only daughter, Mabel Sophia, standing 'n eath a floral arch cf cf wbicb the bride is a member. te Mn. Lorne R. Baker, son of Mn. roses gladioli and f enns while the and Mrs. Harvey Baker cf Stouffville, ceremonv was being performed. The A C INS L the marriage te take place late in bride wore a dress cf white taffeta A C INS L September. with tnimnings cf silven lace and Donald Herald died suddenly in rbinestones wearing a veil caught Tuesday, September 27th-Mr. E. Toronto on September 3rd. He was witb orange blossoms and the Haggith. Lot 22, Con. 5, Darlington, bora at Gore's Landing but for the! grom'ns gift a rhinestone braceet. will sell by auction his cows, impIe- pas fory ea b as been connected 'She carried a shower buutc meats, hens, etc. Sale at 1 p. m. See pastofotyeyear bills and lîst in next paper. with the Toronto Conservatcry cf beauty roses.F.0MaoW aw Music. He was mannied two years The bride was attended by ber F. O. Mason, Wm. Maw ago to Miss Jessie Sims cf Bownian- sister, Mrîs. Wilbur Oke as niatron cf Cek utoer ville. honor, weaning a dreýs cf valencia The liquor interests have evidenthy georgette witb hat to match, blonde LANBRE RD foud mothpiece i saat shoes and stockings and carrying a _____BABER___ D advance their cause for a lîquor store by way of forcing the question into bouquet of gladioli. The brides- LEARN MODERN BARBERING-F'ew municipal pclitics througb Ex-Mýýayormaids ivere Mns. R. Witberidge, sis- weeks recîuired;' earn while learning; em- acrmet e; Moler, the oiginator of John Stacey who addnessed the court- ter, la blue geongette, with bah h a rrseoi.akshawkro cil recently on a government control match and blonde shoes and stockings ftabie for you. Write or call for free ýd Miss Hattie Baie wearing ecatalogupe .%Moier Barber College, 121 of liquor. a i Queen West, Toronto. 30-t Rcbt. W. Gibson, formerly cf New-I green georgette, black bat gold sboes _________________ castle, and ncw cf Marlborough-Blen- and stcckings. Both carried hou- beini Hotel, Atlantic City, N. J.,1 quets of asters. Mr. Lewis Roenigk H E LP W AN TE D writes: I sure enjoy reading The 1jsupported the groom. ML RFML Statesman-"The Great Family Jour-1 The groom's gif t te the matron of Earn MpALE of 5wEALE;g nal"-and when it dcesn't arrive on! bonor was a necklace of peanîs and ing mushrooms for us. uslig waate time it is, to me, like missing a meal Ito the bridesmaîds and pianist bie apace in celars, barns or outhouses. Ihnhugy Light pleasant work for elther sex. whe bngy.gave finger rings. Commence now. hIiustrated bookiet. Dr. B. J. Hazlewood and Dr. J. After congratulations the eighty ar ulars and testimoniale sent C. Devitt who have been holidaying guests were served te a wedding lun- anr,,,re, fcr stamp. Addresa in Algonquin Park each gave a short cheon ,the happy couple leav'ing Dominion Mushroom Co., Toronito 3. account at the Rotary Club luncheon on Friday cf their vacation in this I wonderful national park. R. F.1 Aitchison was speaker for the day:j O e ,~~te a~ ea o e bis subject being 'Modern Banking". "e 3 yhJ t e ame oodteb A summany report cf bis interesting address appears on another page. o pa k di A l m n . bo pleased te know that Mn. D. M. Eagle and pat, nluig Mrs. Motreal per S. S. Calgary cf thel I red fMs eIBonwl'Wite Star Line ,on Saturday, Sep- E RS : tember 3rd. Miss Brown specit Sun- day and Monday with Rev. and Mrs. .1ýC. W. Barrett of Sterling and reach- ed Lindsay on Tuesday after a two 11 imontbs' holiday in Europe.-Lindsay At the close cf Trinity United 4 Churcb Choir practice on Fridff, Sept. 2, Mr. Francis Sutton, organistT i g ot e land choir leader, very happily expres-11 1 -ed-ho..st .se. fto1coirand RD ROE OR É%nANGE PEKOE is extra good. - ~I1 ~aatva r'. le* will give you quick and uniform distribution c 1ieat-Four changes of air every hour ini ever room-From 60% to 100% more heat volum -Cool air through ri gisters in summei ~, ?g.~making your furnace Co year.round servant. e% ýO Can be attachedi or Uta. any warm air furnac ............. od or new.. M ail ca * pn fr artculrs NOW-w You Can Heat those "Hard to Heat"Rooms M A NY home owners bLame their furnace for cold rooms. Yet most furnaces pro duce enough heat to keep, the entire bousi warm. The difllculty is that sluggish heat lag in tbe pipes or follows the path of least resist ance-up the chimney and out of doors. M cCIor aryulrs Diatributora of Miles Automatic Furnace Fan for ail Mahea f Wrm Air Furnaces. 0Wd or Noms Sold ln Bowmanville By W. LEN. ELLIOTT SHungry Harvesters and Threshers Must Be Fed Serve them with plenty of our good Beef which is from young tender animais. Roast Phone in your order and it will be attended to promptly. LANCE GARNET Phare & McCoy C a s h a d D e liv ry B u tc h e r, P h o m. 5 1 8 B o l -Ma a Ii menace of fire by using Brantford Roofing. Ail Brantford Roofing products are fire-re- tardent and usually reduce insurance rates by 10 to 20 per cent. Specify Brantford c'O for permanent roofing satisfaction. Brantford Roofing Co. Lsmiteâ Brantford, Ontario e E1rantiord IROOFS Stock Carried, Information Furriîshed and Service on Brantford Roofing rendered by Rice & Co., - - Bowmanville Intenaland External Pains are prom ptly relieved by De THOMAS' EC LECTR UC OU THAT IT MAS BEEN SOLO FOR NEARLY FI FTY!AJI AND 18 TO-DAY A GREATER SELLER THAN EVER EFRS 8 A TESTIMONIAL THAT 8PEAKS FORU NUEOSCURATIVE QUALITIE&ali PAGE FIVE ne .e- ýr, 1 a to e, a Mle Auotic Frnae hF anto byourpreseng faeOn old ic uneFanmorng you rsmpi purnessOconintped orisitch. lul trsan fiveint Mle AutomtchFanfolem whar eamiteslilslatiain veryCO ner of every room.

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