FAdU'OVTL CNDA TTEMN fWANTL.WA~rA 1PMPT f2 Ar. early inspection of aur ladies' new winter coats is to your interest. Coucb, Johnston & Cryderman. HARDWARE SPECIALS For Saturday Only --- Sept. 17 Cocoa Door Mats, Regular 90e for...................... 50e Smokeless Ammunition, 16 gauge, Regular $1.25 for . .. .99e Mazda Electrie Bulbs, 25, 40, 60 watts, 5 for............. $100 3-Burner Perfection 011 Stove, Regular $29.00 for . .$21.00 3-Humner Superlex Heavy Duty 011 Stove, reg. $58.50 for $3750 Quebec Range with oven.............................. $25.25 Tinware, regular 30e eaeh for..... ..................... 15e Plow Points, each...................................... 5oc Sanimist Auto Cleaner, Regular $1.00 for ............... 50e Mouse Traps, eacb......................................o5c Gillette Razor B]ades, 10 for............................ 75e 3 Pairs Men's Leather Work Mitts, 1 finger ........ .... $1.00 Brantford Rooflng, rol............... .............. $ 1.75 McClary Oil Heaters, Regular $7.50 for............... $ 6.00 Stove Pipes, ouled and rivetted ........................... 20c Dr. Williamsr Fly Oil, hring your can, reg. $1.25 gal for . .95e Royal Purple Calf Meal, Regular $1.75 for ............. $1.35 r Half gallon Paint . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .95e BUY SATURDAY AND SAVE MONEY MASO N & DALE Phane 145 Popular Hardware Store Bowmanville HAYDON Mr. and Mrs. Brotz and daughter Velma. Mr. F. Stewart, Mr. L. Smitzler, Detroit, visited at Mrs. E. Bradley's. ... Mr. Eugene Beech is visitiag at home and with friends before going to Kingston University . Mr. and Mrs. Beeeh motored ta Toronto. . .. Miss M. Cox, Peterboro, visited at Mrs. A. Beec's... .Mrs. Miles, Detroit, bas been visiting at her daugbter's, Mrs. W. Martin and her son, Mr. D. Miles. . .. Miss Dora Mountjoy, Oshawa, visited ber sis- ter, Mrs. C. Garrard ... . Mr. and Mrs Woolling and family, Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Henry Montgome-y and daughter Irene, and Mr. N. Kiffer, MIaple, Sundayed at Mr. F. Ashton's *..Mr. and Mrs. . . Campb.ell, Oshawa, visited at. Mr. J. Wrigt's.. Mr. A. Grant, Toronto, visited Mrs. W. H. Creeper.... Sunday Sebool at 2 p. m. next Sunday. Everybody welcome. Pastor Trumpour will be with us. Chureh service at 3' p. m. ... The People's League wish every-j one to corne and help in the work. Miss A. Trewin, 'Missionary Vice, had charge on Sunday last when a good progzram was given. Sunday, Sept. 18 Mr. H. Milîs bas charge of the meeting.. .. Miss M. Beech is hav- ing League Rally on Septemben 25. Corn Roast coming. Under auspices of Haydon League,r a play entitled "The Old-Fasbioned MNothen" will be given by Columbus young people on Tuesday, September 2th at S p. m. Admission 30e; eilîdren 1.5e. Special prices in Boys' Suits for school opening: Suits reg. $10.00 for $6.98 and $800 Suits for $5.98 at Couch. Johnston & Crydenman's. visitors ai Miss Myr League ir enirg, Sel of Mrs. E Cause in by Mr'. Jý previausi when Mis! Port Hop Velma 0O mental sm gave a p Stratheon the borne Wedrîesd2 the bospil afternoon bazaar. served lui Go ta Fashionec 20th. JRicards. in Centr, Iand Mi": with a dt a readin Big 0 Bok Sore charge o: Church s H as Your Sehool Supplies We have a complete stock of ail School Sup- plies, including Text Books for both Public and High Schools. Exercise Books and Scribblers are large, good quality paper, and very attractive covers. W. T. ALLEN Big 20 Bookstore Bowmanville Feed Them Well .Growing children need the best food that money can btîy. Meat is the foundation to make children sturdy and healthy. You can alxvays depend upon getting the best and choicest meats- whatever cut you desire-fî'om oui' large assort- ment of fresh, cured and cooked meats. G, A. Edmondstone Phone 21 Bowmanville -ri ampton, ENFIELD Misses Elva Ferguson, Verna Or- miston ,Dorothy and Helen and Mr. Wallace Pascoe were recent exhibi- tion visitors. _ .Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Ormiston and family motored ta Toronto on Sunday ... . Mr. and Mrs A. Page, Mr. and Mrs. F. Page, Tor- onto, and Mr. and Mrs. Ceeul Brant- on, Oshawa, visited with Mr. and Mrs S. Page... .Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Or- miston and Mr and Mrs. G. B. Cboate, Oshawa, vis ited at L. C. Pasee's... Mn. and Mrs. Harry James and family, Columbus, visited at J. Hepburn's... .Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vice, Columbus, and Mr. J Hepburn, Doone, Sask., visited at Edwin Ormiston's. ENNISKILLEN Mr. Theo. M. Siemon bas been ap- pointed Postmaster for this village and the publie are aow being served in bis store where for so snany years His Majesty's mail was attended to. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Werry, Mon- treal, Mrs. A. L. Paseoe, Solina, Mrs. W. Mountjoy, Kedron, Rev .J. W. Bunner, Bowmanville, were recent HAMPTON Mrs. Clatworthy and her father, Mr. Westaway, are spending the holi- day with her daughter at Cameron. . Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Niddrie and son have returned home after a pleasant visit with friends at Lindsay and Little Britain. .. . Misses Marjorie Niddrie, Bowmanville, and Mary, Toronto, are home for the holiday.. .Hampton Women's Institute met at the home of Mrs. Gilbert Adcock with an attendance of 26. The President, Mrs. R. Knox, presiding. Meeting was opened by singing the Institute Ode' followed by the Lord's Prayer in unison. After a lengthy business session the follow- ing,.program was rendered: A very interesting essay "Scotland and its; Customs" was given by Mrs. George, Taylor who also gave a selection entitled "Christie and the Bag Pipes" which was enjoyed by ail. A paper "The aIl round Woman" by Miss Knox was much appreciated. Meeting losed by sînging "The Lit- tle Brown Churcb in the Vale", after wbich the ladies were treatd a home-nmade candy. Next meeting will be at the home of Mrs. H.E. Rundle where a shower will be given for Bownianville Hospital. Reading Classes FOR ONLY $2.95 Jury & Loveli When we test eyes it is done properly SALEM Thank-off ering services in con- ýnection witb the reopening of Salemi Cburch will be beld on Sunday, Sept. 25, wben Rev. J. H. Stainton of Courtice, will preacb at 2.30 and 730 p m. Particulars next week. t Mr. James -A. r'. Mnr. and Mrs. Robt. Taylor, Miss Fall suit or overcoat snoulu visit ur tie Brunt took charge o. theJennie Taylor andi Mn. Frank Taylor trweeyo cabeuttedi neeting on Wednesday ev- lof Oshawa, visiteti at 'Mn. A. C. the best and latest styles at reason- ptember 7th., in the absence ITrull's. Scbool bas reopencd witb able prices. Coucb, Jabaston & E.M. Cook. Topic-"Jesus ] Principal Groat in charge and Miss Cryderman. the World" was ably taken Campbell as assistant. .Mr. and Mrs. James A. Werry. A weekj Salem Groat andi chiltiren, Toronto, DARLINGTON COUNCIL r a musical treat was enjoyed Mr.n and Y'vrs. Albert Coko, Bo-w-man- sses Helen and Luella Whute, ville, visited at Principal Groat's on Town Hall, Hampton, Sept. 7, 1927.1 ste, and Misses Elva and Sunday. . .. Mn. IcKinley, Michigan, Regular monthly meeting of Coun-1 )rhard favored with instru- is visuting at Mr. Jamps Curtis'.cil held this day with members aIl ritale. Mr. Walter Stelling Mr. Inwin TrulI bas r9turnied f ronm a1 prescrnt, Re ave C. A. Wgibt, presiti- 1 paper on the life of Lord week's visit in the city ...Mrs. John ring. .a ý..Ladies' Aid met at Lyle anti Mrs. A. Penningtçn. Bow- Minutes of last meeting were read,I eof Mrs. Frank Orchard onmnilvstda M.To.E- approved and signed. lay af ternoon and enjoyed liott's. ,Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Wil- A con a reetdfrmS tality of the bastess. The Ikinson, Tarante, have been visiting Bush for $13.00 for cutting weeds ýwas spent sewing for the at Mr. Irwin Trull .. Mn. anti Mrs in a cemetery at south west corner o! Mrs. T. McGill's group Oscar Welcb and family, Oshawa, lot 28, con. 6. Work net having nch. Ivisiteti at Mr. F. J. Groat's.... Milss been autharizeti by Council, acceunt Haydon and bear 'Tbe Old- Wilma Leech attendeti Toronto Ex- was laid on table for further consiti- ýd Mthe", uesaySep. 'ibition ..Miss Louise Goodman andti ti, Mrs. Mary Goodman were in Tononto Ross Sheppard, on behalf o! R. E IonThursday. . .. Mr. W. R. Allia, Moulle, Toranto, complained that TonhpClark, was la Toronto )ver gravai bad been taken fnrom bis pro-I TYRONE the weekad...Mucb sympatny is perty without bis consent for use ex pressed for Mrs. Frank Stonhouse on Township raads. Clark was in- Uargaret Moore recently vis- intbe deatb of ber husbanti who structedti t correspond with party mds at Centreton. ...... .Mr. îpassed away an Saturday, September complaining wuth a view ta a settle- ;Wm. C. Haggarty and son 10, after a loung illness. The burial ment. irry Valley, spent tbe week- took place in Bwmaville ('emetery Applications baving been asked for iRev. and Mrs. J. R. Trum- on Moaday anti was attendeti y theoffice of collecter a!ftxes for Gladti t report Mr. Valen- many olti fnientis anti neugbbobrs. year 1927, L. T. Pasco. made appli- k bas returneti home ta Mr. cation. By-law was introduced, ilîs after bis serions ilînes _____ given its several readings, confinming nanville Hospital with lock- bis appointment. M!iss Ethel Wbyte of Nova A by-law ta levy rates for year i.s visiting Mrs. Thomas COURTiCE 1927 was read the required number .Mr. anti Mrs. W. Mornisan 1bf times, sugnati and sealeti as fol- ýsHaelMorionan M. Visitons: Ms Kennedy, Otaa lows: C ounties, .01049; Township, s.Arthur Barber, Tarante, with Mr. and Mrs. K. E. Courtice; .006; cernent culvents and bridges, ,t 1r i4sSeatsat n ndMs es ro nifml .0027; genenal sehool, .00567. A Mns. Ronald Scatt's .... 24r witb ber mothen, Mns. Ehi Osborne total of .02486, exclusive a! Local Wilbert J. Dudley, Baw- on Sunday; Mrs. A. E. Clamens anti anti Debenture sehool rates. spent Sunday with bis 1Mss Margaret Pollock, Bowmanville, Orders were drawn on Treasurer: Mn. and Mrs. Jas. C. Dud-Ijguests of Mn. and Mrs. A. J. Gay; Rond Supt., salany and office rrs. Wm. Little, Sr., spent Mr. and Mrs. Otis Worden, 'Musses expenses ................ $103.36 with ber son, Mr. Wm. Little,1 Patty and Doris, Tenante, visited bi's 1lRoad utr.mience749 Lwa. Mrs. W. H. Hicks mothen, Mrs. John Wonden, at Mns. (Ra Supt., rd.mantbrenacs749 untiay la Oshawa.... .Sorry Frank Rundle's. Miss Hazel Runtile and culvents............. 3152.151 rt Mn. Win. Woadley o! retunneti witb them to Toronto whene S. A. Northcott, sheep inspec- awho came bere on a visit she is spending the week; Mn. Walter tien....................... 1.40 Toronto .... .Young People's Soiden, Wbeatley, is holidaying at Mnr .FegsnM. srie mn Thursday was ncag W. H. Nichols'; Mn. and Mns. A. EH.FruoMB svie Vie-reidn, Ms oaRniawr nTnnowt hi L. B. of H ............. 69.00 VicePreidet Rudlewer in oroto ith heiJ.W. McMaster, sbeep dam- ;Tapie "Our Repniiiysn Elamer, aven the weekenti; Mrs., ages..................... 13.00 aIl India", was taken hy Miss1 A. F. Rundle spent a few days witb 'J. G. Kellaugh, grant rural irds. Mrs. Robert Bungessiber cousins, Mn. andtI Ms. Charles scbool fairs.............. 30.00 ii Margaret Moore afoaeti Websten in Toronto; MN1i s: Annie W. F. Wand, namanding fan uet. Miss Viola Short gave 1Huit was in Tenante Sunday; Rev.i vagrnay, Mrs. Stewart.. 2.00 ig. Meeting this ç%eek ini John Joblin and Mnrs. Jobjin, ScugoglWm. Pounton, cutting weeds )f Mr. Fred Goodiman. .. Islandi, visiteti at the Parsonage aven Gill-Bragg dutcb........... 3.00 sevice next Suntiay at 10.30 1 the weekeoti with Rev. anti MIrs. jip E.Na, inunc Y. P. L. Raliy an Sunday jStainton; Mrs. Davis and Mn. Clan park buildings............ 10.25 MnI. 'Marili Fergusan. Miss 1 ence Davis, Mrs. Anthun Allison, Council atijournedti t Friday, Oct.i and Mnf. Lor-ne Jackman, !Aduiphuston, Mn. anti Mns. Fra"nk 7, 19 27, at 1 p. m. ;ille, will giveadatdieses. Spa- Loyst, Claremant, calieti on Rev. an. .R ln p lr c. . Mns. C. W. Woodley and Ms Stainton Sunday; Mn. 1Fred W._.___________ler re visiting thein aunt, Mrs. Brooks, Wellington, Somerset, Eng- Waadley, Peterbora ..Mr. lanrd, is vi.siting bhis brother, Mn. S. OBITUARY S.Melbourne Wight and S. Brooks; Reeve C. A. Wight,' Mns. rHelen, Providence, wene Wigbt andi famnily wene guests cf Mr i Leonard E. Darcb, Toronto lests of Mn. C. W. Woodley. anrti Mns. Blake Cauntice on Sunday; OnSnay etebn11 hr The Olti-Fashionati Mother" W. M. S. meeting in change of Mns. passed away at the Hospital for Jo- )n, Tucsday, Septemben 20. W. H. Nichols' group met at ber curables, Toronto, af ter a long illness home on Tbursday aftennoon. The1 Leonard Ernest Dancb, second son Presitiant, Mns. Frank Rundle, pre- a f Mn. and Mns. David Dancb, Baw- j sitiad anti a most interesting pro- manvilla, aged 44 yeans. SOLINA gram was presented by Mns. Arthur i The funeral taak place Tuestiay Oke; Tapie "Afnica" was given as rafternaan fnom the nesitience of bis s: Misses Rilda andi Lizzue follow-s: Readiing on Missions in Af- parents, King St., service being con- yandI Miss Edna Reynaldis. rien by Mns. A. F. Rundle; twe vocal ducteti by Rev. R. J. Sbires, Recton 'ballis', Bowmanville; Mrs. 'solos wene beautifully sung by Miss of St. John's Cburch, interment tak- ebson and baby Dorotby, Helen Bunner o! Ontario Ladies' ing place in Bawmanvilla Cemeteny. ,at bier fatben's, Mn. Walter College, Whitby; a piano solo was Besuies bis wif e and one son Jack, Mn. anti Mns. Ediwin Wood 1Inentiereti in a fine mariner by Missi be is survived by bis parents, two er Murray, Bawmanville, at.Margaret Ahernetby anti an atitress brothens Albert L. anti Hensebeli and caeve S. Williams'- Mn. antio Africa given by Mrs. (Rev )AI! 1 andl oae sisten Bertha. ne Hogarth antI'Miss 'Dot-- red Bunner, Bawmanville, was an- --___ aron, tMiss Mary Ho-ijoyeti hy ail] presenit. Mrs. BunnerNoieo .Mn. anti Mns. C. D. Pas- igave same intenestiag information on Grrionat n. H Crss-the ways of the Afnicans. Wa shah lUl an îron; Mn. anti Mrs. Ernest ire pleasati at soma future diatte t haSnoa' outc aUhe andI familv, Blackstock, at iwelcame bier again. A bounteous Cointies ot Norzllu mberland and Dur- T. Taiylors; Mnr. Alian 'lunch was senved by the group antibaril; Blitckstoek, Mn. anti Mrs. las 1a pleasant heur spaîît togetheI. n thý, Estate.ot Robent Hutter Bird, Mr. ad Mrs IZ*i*,,sl'l lat, eftIhe Town ofiýowmanviij lia l Mn ati Mr~.RuseiAbout sevt.nty ladies anti chider wiy Telëgrap)ier, nitceastd. _ anti (amaen, Ziori, lt Mn. tvene prasarît anti Mns. Nicbols anti NOTICE 18 IIfERlIy GIVIEN that ill i n' IrM. anti Mrs. W. 13. hnduheMs.Wla oneP(ro haviog daims agaiast the estate1 i0e Robert Rutler Iiird, late uoftire lnr Miss 1,Icy Lovat, Mn. Walhter \vare veny graciaus la looking aften Iof Birotinvilie, 1taIlway Tegejraphrr 1kwood, at Mn. Isaac Ïlan-Itheýin guasts ..Suntiay wa.s a tioy deaased, who died on on ahout the 18th; ranti Mrs. Rcy Wery of ttnha rnemmberei. Ouîr Pastor of .utAugust A. 1)' 1927. are netulred: 1 ~t maliil or dieliverIthe samv, with ruil! 1Miss Niora Werry, Kedrea,1 Rev. il. J. Stainton rather excehleti pantiiirîars te ruee undarslgned, on on hue-' A. Jlames, Mrs. M. L. Wash- jhinîseif in the mornng wben ha ton,, thný Final day et Octoher A. D. 1927,1 tertwhleh ,date tira Executors wiil dlis- [nr. andt Mrs. N. S. B. James, preacheatila wontierful sermon on iîuah isI tteEtthvn W. -Tains, Btrwmanviile, ut "Building Chanactar" at the close of inrci only te tihe aims than tyleti. XWarry's; Mn. anti Mns. whicb Miss Frances Haocock sang in D iiatd lir Itowmrînviile. Ontanio. this .borna anti family, Whitby, han gooti vuice "Buildling". Mn. 113th tiaY et Sevtember A. D" 191-7. in Calls ad Mis MbelJoh JobinSeuog slan, tok artW. F. WARD. B. A. Bo Chanl ant hMissaes Jon t iSuogIhni to atSolicitor ton thae xecutors, itamanill, wtb he isss i th. ervice. Suntiav Sebool sas- 117-.1Tiowmanvilie, Ontario. ,;Mn. Arthur Goring, Osh- s;ion was Weil attendati; ho the aven- ______ ~-- Mni . Chas. Blanchanti's; Mn. 1 ing Mn. Stainton's atiniess vas on ;Walter Cryderman at Mnr "Smn" taking fan the taxt Ist John -________ Cryderman's, Hampton; Mn Il 8-10. ho the first part cf the r ;. 'has. Blianchanrd speat sic r.RsPec ihru- ,with bis mothen ut Rga;1 ~~' s o a Rga;ual pîcasant andi intenesting way,Lo a tlex anti John Rutherfordi, readi parts of the stony fronr [ha uit Mn. W. T. Tavbtn's;1 bock "Scanlet Letton" hy Nathaniel R p ee t tv Mrs. H. L. Pascoe, Ccolum-:Havtbcrne,. Mr. Staînton aIso ne- R p e e ttv [n. A. J. Reynoltis'; Mn. and !fennedti 1 it ia bis addtress which was an d Bilaacac, Mis Dweh, Ms.most inîpressive. The cbuncb wns Ilini, Bwaanvilie, at Mn. filleti witb interestet i luteners. Tbe scoe!'s; Mn. anti Mns.Nail drain grave two antbems anti the O>ne of tht aidaest andi most ra es anti Miss Hlelen, Bowmaa- wbtle service was ana wbieb shouiti IIjibIï Ionil h,îîîs,ýs l'In (d't ile Mr. Jck Yelowles'; cimr, sto setuilrta oral rapnaqîon- Mn.Jac Yhlolee';Mn. inspire People ta live thein hast. Dr. lative ru sali1 a 7% inv(errîmyent J.T. Brown, Mn. anti Mrs.I Norman Poundi also took part in the et the very highetrt graîl, tint Iane at Mn. Arthur Hughes', Iservice by laading ia the finst prayen. gallown. Artheanr o t ri îosi- ult; Mns. W. T. Taylon at Next Suanday eveniag, a Konean anc lion must lit caprable andi ut un- tieut t. I nt-gni t y. Aî,îly tIn sLanmen'q, Blibckstock. cf TDr. Fauadl'cnpupilz antilte ny+1rt-nla -1ltert BLACKSTOCK Lindsay Softball Ladies' team came to play the return game with Blackstock team an Saturday even- ing but was prevented by a heavy thunderstorm .... Sorry to report the deatb of Mrs. James Gardon of0 Net elton on Monday. .-F'rancisE. 14nwe Attorney-at-Law, Kansas City> MAPLE GROVE Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Gorbett ,St. Thomas, Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Ham- ley and family, Mrs. T. Hircock and daughter Louise, Town, visited the former's aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Snowden ... . Mrs. Phil Dorman, Harmony, visited Mrs. H. G. Freeman on Sunday. She is also visiting her sister, Mrs. Walter Foley .... Mrs. John Sanders, West- maunt, visited ber brothers, Messrs. C. H. and Samuel Snowden. .... Mr and Mrs. Ivison Munday, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Stevens motored ta Tor- onto on Sat.urday and attended the exhibition; motored ta St. Catharines on Sunday and visited relatives... Mr. Ben Smallman, Port Perry, will speak at the Sunday Sehool Rally next Sunday afternoon. Everybody came. A very interesting and belp- fuI service was enjoyed by a large congregatian last Sunday afternoon wben Rev. J. H. Stainton, aur pastor, was very ably assisted by Mr. John Joblin and Mr. Eugene Beech, Scu- gog, Mrs. (Rev.) J. H. Staifltoii and Mr. Joblin sang a duet wbich was much appreciated by ail present. 1%Mr. [Joblin preached very acceptably. Men who contemplate buying a new 115 MILES CORBETT'S BREAD REACH FROM BOWMANVILLE TO KINGSTON NEARLY On September lst we completed 4 years' business in Bowm7anVille. According to our re- cords if every loaf of bread baked in our ovens was placed end to end they would stretch a dist- ance of over 115 miles-or nearly from Bowman- ville to Kingston. Guess how many loaVes that would be? Each year we have baked more bread than the previous year-the line was lengthened- more satisfied customers preferred Corbett's Bread. EAT CORBETT'S WHOLESOME BREAD TRY AN ICE CREAM SANDWICH WEDDING CAKES A SPECALTY W. P. Corbett Baker and Confectioner Phone 3 Bo'wxanville Men's and Boys' Suits and Overcoats Exceptional Values for this Week- End and Bowmanville Fair Days dam MENS SUITS Fancy Tweeds an(l Worsteds, single and do(lOhe breasted mode1s as follows: Values up ta $25.00 For $16.50 Values up to $30.00 For $19.95 Values up to 35.00 and $37.50 For $24.95 EXTRA SPECIAL Men's and Young Men'a Navy Blue Suits at $2250 In doub>le breasted mudels, hard finish, extra quality, Our Fair Week Special at OnIy $22.50 MEN'S WORK PANTS Heavy Cotton Tweed effeets bard finish, worth $2.50, For Only $1.98 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS AT 98C Khaki Blue and Black and White stripes, extra quality, worth $1.50 For 98c Each MEN'S HEAVY WINTER OVERCOATS Fancy Tweeds, Worsteds and heavy wool blanket clotbs. Fair Week Special Prices as follows: Regular $20.00 For $15.95 Regular $25.00 For $19.95 Regular $30.00 For $22.50 Regular $35.00 For $27.95 BOYS' SUITS 1 Bloomer Pants at $5.95 15 Only, Boys' Suits, Brown and Grey Tweed r ffi.ctîs, also Navy Blue Ir- ish Serge ,values up ta $8.50 and $9.00 On Sale $5.95 MEN'S OVERALLS A hig special line worth $2, Union make, Blue, Blue 1Stripe and Black with bib, Ail This Week $1.49 WORK SOX 4 PAIR $1.00 Boys' School Stoekingsb heavy ribbed 4 Pair For $1.00 Opposite Bank of Montreal Bowmanville BURICETON was here attend ing the funeral of his The regular monthly meeting of uncle, Dr. F. M. How.... .Blacl theVicorin wmens Istiutewasstock Continuation Sebool started (ý thed at the hnomen'0f thePient, September 6th witb an attendance of Mrs. W. A. VanCamp, on Wednes-40cpalsndMiss S. E. Smith, Prn- day, September 7th. Plans with Asialtan. isDooh Blmn regards to the autograpb quilt were Assat discussed and the blocks distributed. The program "An afterisoon with the AUCTION SALES Poets", consisted of several talks on _____ the lives of poets and their works Monday, September 26th-Mr. H. after which ice cream and cake were Forest, Lot 29, Con. 9, Darlington, served. (Enfield Corners), w.ho bas sold bis Country f olks are invited, as in property will sell a driving horse, his past years, to make your headquart- farm implements and housebold fur- ers at our store on Fair Day. oubnireSaet30pm. See bills. Johnston & Cryderman. Theo. M. Siemon, Auctioneer. 1' il Fair Day Customers We are making special ar- rangements te accammodate aur country customers on fair day wbo wisb ta have their eyes tested. On this day we une special will also f eat- Phone 61 T. B. Gilchrist THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THUP.SDAY. SEPTEMBER 15.1927 rAar qiy