THE CANADIAN STATESMAN, BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, SEPTEMIBER 22, 1927 PG 1V HELP WANTED MALE OR FEMALE Eamn upwards of $25 weekly; grow- lng mushrooms for us, using waate space ln ceIas, baron or outhouae.. Light pleasant work for either ez. Commence now. flustrated booklet. anywhere, for stamp. Addreua Dfominion Mushnoam Co., Toronto 3. fli . Co - Operation ! Sanie montbs ago we affered the public the canvenience of credit, explaining that wo were glad ta serve in this way, and if we were nat made ta wait more than thirty days, we wauld ask only aur REGULAR CASH PRICES A goadly number bave used this service, and appreciate it f ully. Othens have asked for the credit, but sa far bave amitted their latter part of the arrange- ment. Wil you flot now come in, ar send us the amaunt within the next ten days. We wish ta continue this ser- vice, but unless we have your wbolehearted co-operation it can- nat be a success. Tbank you. KERSLAKE'S The Depenclable Drug Store PHONE 49 DELICIQUS CHOCOLATES 33c lb in pound iots-good assortment JELLY BEANS 19c lb Be sure and get a 1ound before they are ail sold. Corbett's Wholesome Bread Means flour! better heaith. Nourishing! Made from best wheat Temptingly tasty! ICE CREAM SANDWICHES 5c WEDDING CAKES A SPECALTY W. P. Corbett Phone 3 Baker and Conf ectioner Bownianville W. J. Berry's Stationery Store Has A Complete Stock 0F School Supplies We have every requirement in school sup- plies for Public and High School students. Bring your list to this store where they wifl be filled to your satisfaction. WE ALSO SELL Newspapers, Magazines, Cut Glass, China, Novelties, Wall Paper, Etc. W. J. Berry Phone 207 Bowmanville Directly opposite Ives' Shoe Store ROSE MARIE Beauty Parlor and BarberShop Special This Week SHAMPOO AND MARCELL $1 .00 Mrs. D. P. Cowan COWAN BLOCK, BOWMANVILLE William Howe Lough, ln bis Sîrd year. for 50 years Postmnasten at Ida, Cavan. HARRIS-In Toronto, Sept. 7 h. 1927 Mary Frances Armstrong, widow f the late James H. Harris, ln ber 87th year. INGLE-In Guelph Hospital, on Priday, September 9th, 1927, Gea. Ingle, aged 87 years. Father of Mrs. Wm. Adamis, Westmo,înt. Bowinville. Mrs. Oust and Mrs. Holloway, Buffalo, N. Y., were guests of Mrs. Clarence Mason over the weekend. Dr. Norman Allun, Edmonton, Alta., is visiting bis sister, Miss An- nie Allun, and other relati-ves bere. Mr. and Mrs. E. W. Rundle, Doris and Wilma, Oshawa, were bore on Saturday attending the wedding of her sister. AIl that's new in Fail Millinery will be sbown at Dingnian & Ed- niondstone's Oponings on Friday and Saturday. The ladies of St. Andrew's Cburcb are holding a bazaar on Friday, Oc- tober 28th. Watcb for furtber particulars. Mr. W. F. Maas, Secretary Dur- hami Club, Toronto, is visiting Mr. G. A. Stephens and attending Bow- nianville Fair. Dr. and Mns. DeCeu, Buffalo, N. Y., and Mns. Kate Switzer, Peter-i boro, woro recent guests of Mrs. A. E. McCready. Mrs. W. H. Roenigk and Mr. and Mrs. Harold V. Mercer, Lindsay, spent Sunday with the former's ais- ter, Mrs. W. F. Dale. Mr. and Mrs. Wellington Greene (nee Ruth Martyn), Meriden, Conn., spont the weokend witb Mr. and Mrs. Hebr-L Goddard of New York Mr. Albert Slute, Misses Elfleda and Edna Slute and Mr. and Mns. Clifford Green and daughtor Gwen- dolyn, Toronto, spont Sunday at Mr. Wni. Painton's. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Lamibert, Mr. Lamne Lambert, Miss Beatrice Bark- or, Toronto, spont the weokend witb Mr. and Mns. Harvey Cordon and othor friends. Miss Susie Dech of Island Hospi- tal, Rochoster, N. Y., and Dr. Bow- man, Hamilton, wore rocent guests of the former's grand-parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Grigg. The White Sbield Club will re- open its meetings on Tuesday, Sept. 27, in St. Paul's Cburcb. AIl meni- bers endoavor ta be present. Pros- pective members cordially invited. Mrs. Bertha Moynos, Lindsay, bas returned homo after an oxtended t-p through Orono, Bownianville, Osh-1 awa and Toronto, wbere she visited witb ber son and daugbter of Do- trait, Micb. Rov. and Mrs. Cea. Patterson, re- turned missionaries ftrn Japan, who bave been taking a special course of study at Columbia University, New York City, are visiting ber unclo and aunt, Mr. John and Miss Eva Hellyar. Mr. and Mrs. Robert J. Bruce, Burketon, Ontario, announco the en- gagement of thoir daughtor, Emma Mae, ta Mr. Ross H. Curtis, son of Mr. and Mns. N. J. Curtis, Cobourg. The marriago ta take place early in October. Rev. and Mrs. T. E. HoUling, Lind- say, announce the engagement of their daughter, Evolyn Gertrude,' to Mr. Frederick R. Thurston, son of Mr. and Mns. R. J. Thuraton, Port Moody, B. C., the niarriage ta, take place in First United Church on Oc- tober Sth. Reeve and Mrs. C. A. Wight» 1Dr. K-erslake adM. .Ko 1 r IMisses Jean and Aileen, spont Sun- aono. Proceeds $225. 'day with Reeve and Mrs. Harry Bedal, Brighton. In the afternooni Fail Millinery Openings at Ding- tbey were present at the unveiling man & Edmondstone's on Friday and of the War Memorial and dedication Saturday, September 23rd and 24th.ý of Meniorial Park for Brighton and vicinity by Cen. Sir Arthur W. Cur- rie. Ladies' night was observed by the Rotary Club Friday evening at the, hownoed with heprnce of thns er R E Bownor Hanse he rsnceRotarin eire -, Rotary Annes and a few invitod Beautif ul Imported guests. A very fine address an Rotary and what wo oxpect 0fRtr_ ade ians was particularly appropriate for, ade the occasion being of equal intorest $10 and applicable ta bath Rtarians and 1o their btter balves wns given by Ro- Se. Our Window trian W. J. Cairns, Manager of Bell ber af Toronto Rotary Club. The Special for this week: We will speaker was introduced by Rotarian givo absolutely Free one pair of 'Mol' Hutchison who with Mrs. Rut- these candles with every chison brought Mr. Cairns down from ucaeoninelTie Toronto. The musical part of the prhs fJnelTie prograni consisted of vocal solos by Articles Mr. H. J. Knight, Mns. Cecil Dudley Face Powder .............. 50c and Mr. Terril], Oshawa, Mrs. D. R. Morrison and Mns. Dudley' being ac- Vanishing Creani.......... 50e campanists. At the close of the Cold Cream ............... 50c pragrani President F. F. Marris, on Talcuni........... 25e and 5Oc behaif of the Club, prosented Mrs. Soap.................... 25ec Hutchison with a beautiful bouquet of roses which was graciously ac- Lip Stick.................. 25e knowledged. Rouge ..................... 6Oe Ladies, if yau wish ta see s50ni Perfmate................65e thing new in Millinery attend the efm .........$25 Openings at Dingman & Edmond- Phono 78 stone's an Friday and Saturday. Mon who contemplate buying a new Jury & Loveli Faîl suit or overcoat sbould visit aur Saf, Stsatr rgit store where you can be outfitted in Stsatr rgit the best and latest styles at reason- and Opticians able prices. Couch, Johnston & Cryderman. _ _ _ _ _ gain rIce ,,ay us utlaIned ,,u,, ,W. r. Ward, Barrister. or W. H. Thickson, Esq., King St. Bowmanville. 34-tf FOR SALE IN NEWCASTLE-Five acres of choice land, on which iliero Is good six-room faectae electnic lighiteul. a sîulendid frame stable, about forty yaung apple trees (bearing) and other amali fruit. A splendiul spring creek crasses the property. This lsaa rare oîîporttiniiy ta gel a splendid Mark- et Gairden or Poultry Fýan reasonahie. Apîdy ta George Jamieson, Newcat le. 38-2 HOUSE FOR SALE-Prame dweing and one acre of stratvberries sou other small fruit, the property of the late Ai- bert E Goode, situFtel on Brown Street, in towman ville' garni barn and hen bousé, clectric lighls and water. This Itrotuer- ty mîst lie sold for the pîîrpose of wind- ing îîî the Estate. Bargain p iemy ho secured from W. F. WVard, Bairristear. Bowmanville, Ontario. 13-ti HOUSES FOR SALE-Double frame house. 6 mrnma each. wlth Improvemnents, an Elgin St., opposite sohool: Brick houes corner ElIwn and Concession; Frame bouse on Concession St.; 2 large brick bouses an Scugog St., close to C. P. R. on easey terme; one on Concession St.; Brick bouse, 7 noonis. at Nursery Cor- ner, ChIcken ranch near town of Bow- manville. sultable for retlred fanmer or others, at reasonablo prie. Phone 114 or see Wm. Brack, Que.en St. Bowmnan- ville. 38-8 BUSH & PASTURE LAND FOR SALE Sealed tenders are invited lfor the purn- chase of sixty acres, part of lot 29, con- cession 6, D)arlington. There are fifteen ocres of virgin bard- wvoo1 tuusb, en<ýlo.4eul, sixteen acres af arable lond, and the, balance posture landl. A spring creek runs through the îuraiueniy. One-ihird of th(, purchase lunice. casfh, thio balaunce may remoain on a restricted mnonigage, regarding lthe sale, of wood, for a terma of years at the rate' ef five ,and one-haif per cent:lper annum, the Inierest ta he îuaid balf-yearly. Tenders received tilI Nov. IR', possession a soan as the de<al le campleteul. For funther iuarîiculans oîîîly to W. Ross Strike. Sol- icitor, Blowuoonville, or toa me nt Solina. Tho bighest or any tendler not necessar- 1ily accepted. A. J. REYNOLDS, Hampion, R. R. i. 'Ont. Sept. 20îb, 1927. 38-3 f MINISTERS AND CHURCHES LOCAL AND OTHERWISE BIRTHS TiiyUnited Church, Rev. J. U. Chicken Pie and other gaad things LOWERY-In Clarke, on Monday, Sep- Trinity Itember Sth, to Mr. and Mrs. Lyali Low- Robins, Pastor. Sunday services at at Zian Tuesday, October 4th. lery', a daugh±er. il a. mi. and 7 p. mi. Sunday Schaal Miss Bertha Cann, Taront.o, bas PATTERSON-I4n Toronto, on Tueeday, at 2.3 0 p. mi.ben istgfrnsad rltvs September13 ltb, 1927, to Mir. anid Mne. beenvisiingfrieds ad rlaties ose Patterson, a sone. Trniy unayScoo Anier-here. TAYLOR-In Darlington, on Septem- ary an Sunday, Oct. 9th. Rev. & Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Jewell are hall- br alsoh, 1927,t Bran ruce.ER.Ty H. Rickard, B. A., Belleville, . il daying with relatives in Cleveland, ývlrason<Ret wBrucvile. n md iconuct he srvics. Oio.September 9th, to Mr. and Mrs. Ws.llace Mrs. A. E. Garner, Whitby, was Welah (nee Flarella Chaptfn), a son. 1St. John's (Anglican) Church, in town Tuesday calling an aid - lev. R. J. Sbires, Rector. Fifteenth friends. Sunday after Trinity, September.25, Miss Emma Henders, Toronto, wp.s MARRIAGES 1927: 8 a. m.-Holy Communion; weekend gue8t of Mr. and Mns. J. T. ALLIN-BIETTE-At Toronto, Sept. 11 a. m.-Morning Prayer and Lit- iHoaper. l4th, 1927, by Rev. Newton Pow0l of any;23p.m-ýuySho; Centennial Church. Evelyn, eldest .3 p. m.--SundPay Scaa Mr. and Mns. Harry Baskerville, daughter of the late J. Roy Biette and p. .-Eenng rayr.Toronto, visitod relatives here on Annie Thornton Biette, late of Newcas- St. Andrew's Presbyterian Cburch, Saturday. tle, ta Fr-amilin Allun, Newcastle. GREENFIELO-BRAGG - At Trinity corner Temporance and Churcb Sts. Mr. James McDougall, Toronto, United Church Parsoas.e. BowrnanvIlle, Rev. Robt. McDermenf, M. A., min- is visiting aid friends hero and at- on Saturday. September l7th, 1927, by« ister Pearorsevcat8ptedn thFar. Rev. J. U. Robins, PercY Edward Green- Prepratry ervce t 8 . tndig te Fir.field, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robent Green- ni. on Thursday. Sunday: Morningi Mr. J. Frank Dale, Rachester, N. field, and RIva Bernnce, youngest daugh- Wrhpat il a. ni., Communion ser- Y., spont the weekend with bis bro- t.'en af Mns. MàaarybS. Bh]rfggoand the late vice following; Evening worship at thor, Mr. W. F. Dale. ______________ 7 p. m.; Sunday School 2.30 p. nm. Mrs. L. L. Guy af Columbus is St.Pau'sChuch Re. D W Betspending Fair week with Mns. N. S. DAH St.Pau's hurh, ev.D, . BstB. James, Lorne Villa. DAH D.D., Minister. il a. m.-"Union BOLSTER-In Cavan, on Tuesday,, with Christ Jesus."-The Holy Com- Mrs. William Adamis has been inl Sept. 13, Samuel Boîster. aged 580 yearé. munion. 7 P. m.-"Patriotism for Guelph attending the funeral of bier LIGGETT-At Garden Hill, on Tues- a Better World."' 2.3 0 p. n.- fathor, Mr. Geo. Ingles. day, September lSth, 1927, Hugh UÀggett, Sunday School-Rally Day Service. Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Musk- inhSO -A7 2 M0 t ., Qshw , Thursday, Sept. 22nd, 8 p. m.-Pre- egon, Mich., have beon visiting their sert. 14. 1927, Clara, beloved wife of paratory Service, cousins, Mr. and Mrs. David Keith. Cassius 1, Stone, aged 81 years. - - - t fLOUGH-.A+t Ia~ . nt.. n.+ I4. 197 Friday & Saturday 50 ONLY 50 Men's Suits All'Sizes 34 to46 Regular $35 Sale Price $25.OO S. G. Chartran One Door West Bell Telephone Office PHONE 26 BOWMANVILLE DoYou Suffer front Painfu 1Feet? CROOIoED OP. Foot Comnfort Expertfrom Toronto will be here TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th To Give Free Demonstration on the above date we wmf have at our store, through the courteày of Dr. Wmi. M. SchoU, farnous foot authority, a Foot Comfort Expert from bis own staff, sent here for the benefit of our patrons. We urge every foot sufferer to rnake the mnost of this unusual opportunity. &POvr your utocklnged fset, this Expert will make Pedo-graph prints, which will show the exact nature of your foot aliment He will then demonstrat. how the sclentific methad and improved appliances perfected by Dr. Schofl Instantly relleve yaur painful feet, and restons them ta health and comnfort. Absolutely no charge for this service. Bea uro and remembor the above dai. 00 es not ta mis his oppartuniity. TC, PIiYSICIANS-You are fnvlted to refer or brlng rour foot-troubled patients te ~rtrduring ibis demonstr@tion. Tue latest Improved appllnces and method of W.Ole&,hllM. D., for relievinand ml vrrecting painful ecet will bc fuiiy ezigained. FRED. KNOX, Footwear'& Foot Comfort Bowmanville, Ont. Aricles For Sale FORt SALE-A good baby buggy, Ap- ply Mrs. F. C. Palmer, Wellington St Bownianville. Phone 408. 38-tI PIGS FOR SALE-Good breed six- weeks' aid.- H. A. Farrow, R. R. 3. Bowmianville. Phone 477-14. 38-tf FOR SALE-Renewed cow and sPring- er. Apply J. L. Metcalf, Lot 20, Broken Front, Darlington, phone 183r5. 36-tf HORSES FOR SALE-One 5-year old standard brood mare and foal, alao 2 yearling Percherons. Apply A. A. Gib- son, Orono. Phone 4r6. 38-tf TRUCK FOR SALE-1925 1%/ ton Frord 1truck, complete, good condition. It's 1yours at a bargain. Apply E. A. On- ýborne, Bowmanville, phone 605. 36-3 PIGS FOR SALE-Tamworth Saw w1th pigs for sale; 6 weeks' aid pige; also Yorkshire boar 4 xnonthe aid. Apply Mrs. Oison, I3owmanville. Phone 181r5. 38-2 moTrORCYCLE 'FOR -SALE-Twin- Cylinder Indian Motorcycie for quick sale. in good running order, cheap. Ap- .ply John Cator, R. R. 5, Bowmanviile. 37-tf FOR SALE-Piano at a bargain, a first class instrument. Can be seen on en- ýquiry at Statesman Office. Has been well taken care of. In goad condition. 29-tf. FOR SALE-$1.00 deposit secures ,ether of the fallowlng articles: A com- iplete cabinet of Rogers Silverware, 26 pieces, $2000; a beautiful Dinner Set, ý9 pieoes of the best china, $4000; Sov- enteen jewel Ladies' or Gents' Watches, $2000. Very easy payments from 50 cents Every article guarantoed. Order now fram: O. 1-. DELL, 22%, Sim- Temperance St., Bowmanville, Phone 141. 38-4- co, Wanted EARLV FALL APPLES WAN TF- Also crab apples and pears. J. H. Mc- Ewen, Bowmanviile, phone 133r2. 36- MILK, SUNFLOWERS AND CORN 1____ OARDERS WANTED-Roomn andl B'oardl for two men. Apîdy Mrs. Chas. Durhami Milk Producers' Associa-IlMorris, King Street East, Bowmanville. tion held a meeting in Newcastle! 38-1' Comiu.nity' Hall Thursday evoning WANTED-A smali Upright Piano of witb President A. L. Pascoe, Solina, 1 modern style. Will exohange a 6 tube in the chair. There wa.s a good at- Super-Neutrodyne ,walnut cabinet 46 In- tendncefro th thre lke horý iches high. hult In BaldwIn Loud Speaic-r tenanc frni ho bre lae soreand ail equipment, new. rhIs Is a townships, business being cbiefly of:beautiful instrument and the Pinnacle of routne harcte.Radio perfection. Write Box 353, aw- a ruiecaatr manville, or telephone in3 It is inferred that one reason for- the meeting of the Milk Producen W te in Newcastle at this time was that Fielp W n the nienibers might consider any fut- WANTED-For Bowmanville Hospital, jure action thoy niight take inl VXOW cook general, $50 per month. Apply ta of possible drop in mlk pricos which Superiâtendent. 37-tf migb ho brouht boutthrugh MAID WANTED-For Cook's assist- the excessive supply of winter fodder ant and dining room. $30 per month. as indicated by Postniaster Geo. Apply to Superintendent of Hospital, Janiieson's tropical-like plantation of S3owmanville.37t sunflowers and the extraordinary taîl HELP WANTED-A capable young corn grown by William Pinnegar and 1wloman for general housework for an eld- Hary Jseandwhih aeraes12 ,rlv couple. Call or write Mrs. J. HarryJose andwhic aveages Harvey, corner of Church and Scugag ta 13 foot in height. Ste., Bowmnanville. 37-1* Sanie of the Maple Grave milk FEMALE HELP WANTED- producers who are accustomed taoi____ procure much of their cow rations at Girls to trim rubhher beels, build and Newcastle anyway were much int- tirm tire chains on plece work. Must lie over 16 years of age and able ta supply pressed by the saniples of these sun-rfrncs Apply at Employment Office, flower and corn stalks outaide of Mr. ýGde.1e,ars Tire & Rubben Co., Bowman- C. R. Carvetb's office, and thel r ville. 37-tf ýonly saniplos of niuch more -.ikesi theni. 1 1SI Sanie people of an imaginativej MARGARET 1. ABERNETHY, A.T.C.M., turn of mmnd, but not particularly i T«eacher of Piano and Theory interested in cews or their winterl1'%%'ll conduct classes in Bowmanville and feed bave thought as tbey gazed up Curic. Pî,î,îls prepared for Toronto Cosratory of Music exams if desired. at Mr. Jamieson's sunfiowers htaTernis opens Sept. 12th. Phono 183rl3. Isplendid pasturage they would afford 34-4 for giraffes! Twice a year, the rnilk producen i Farms to Rent of Ontario and the milk distributans FARM TO RENT-135 acres, in good in Toronto confer about the contract1 state of cultivai ion, good buildings; price of milk, and at a meeting reach Iplowing possession at once. Full posses- sion arnanged. For ierms and particu- an agreoemont, fixing the price for 'lars apply ta H. J. Knight, Lakeview the next six nionths. It was in viow Farm, Bowmanville. phono 140-2. 35-tf of tbo approaching price fixing con- FRMT RET10arsLo1, feronces that the Durhami producers con. 5 Darlington, on which are good met yht be igbt consider their buildings, situateîi on Manvers Rond. clectve'attder.dn ijlkPlating possession this fall, full pas- 1ceicýi' a tiude egaring ilks,a',î.on Aî'ril 1, 1928. Apply ta E. V. prices and draft a resolution for the Iloar, Kirig St., Bowmanvilie. Phono guidance of their official spokesmen. 117- 38-1' Real Estate For Sale ORONO TWO FARMS FOR SALE OR TRADE for town property. Apply ta James E. Harvest Home festival was held in Fleit, Centre St., Bowmanville. 38-tf Park St. Church an Sunday and HOUSE FOR SALE-New Brick hanse Monday. Services were successful in containing six rooms and bath, oak every partîcular, the pastar, Rev. W. I loors. Applsyta James E. Flett. Centre Stirling, conducting the services. The Si, 'nianville. Phione 384. 38-tf chair, under direction of Mns. R. H. FOR SALE-Two bouses, six Bron, as ssitodin he arnngand 7 room eaech, v,,ry attractive nesi- by Miss Buchannan in a well render- Marn & Si oonslocaon. 49pwy Peter- ed solo. "Dreani af Paradise." In vill Sosphne4.wBoma- the evening Mr. Robt. Walton, New. castle, rendered twa solos, "The HOU SE FOR SALE-Brick liouse, idt rooma, electric lights and furnace, ap-1 Eartb is the Lord's," and "tWasI pies. pears, and small fruit trees, two for me." AIU were very much a:- good building lots with property. Will pricated. Monday evening a hot seil at workIng man's price. Convenienti dinnr wa sered i thebaseentlocation. Apply W. J. Berry, Bookstare., idne a evdi h aeetBowmanville. 18-t of the charcb, after which a well rendered pragran wau given by the HOUSE FOR SALE-Cheap, trame bouse and one acre of land situated on following artiats: Mrs. A. (olvilitint Strect, Bowmanville, the property Bowmnanville; Miss Evelyn Tck.Of the lato Mrs. Sarah Jane Thlckson. 10shawa: Mr. Jack Allant Lindsav Tti house la in good condition and bar- N ew Fal rWALL PAPER Beautiful designs in al the new shades becoming to any room in the house. The prices are reasoný- able and within reach of ail. Corne in and inspeet these new waii papers. It is a pleasure to show thern. We have thern in stock. W. T. Allen Big 20 Bookstore Bowmanville Ont. I .111 A w, "We Serve You Well" Bowmanville ECONOMY SALE! These prices are good for one day only- Saturday, September 24th Zinc Wash Boards ................................39e 24 Qt. Granite Preserving Ketties, slightly marked.......................................... $1.59 14 Qt. Granite Preserving Ketties, slightly marked............................................ 99c Dusters, regular 85e for .....................59e Floor Brooms, regular $2.25 for .............$1.69 Window Brushes, regular $2.25 for ........$ 1.69 Floor or Wall Mops, regular $2.25 for ....$1.69 Boit Clippers for fencing, regular $1.40 for .. ..98e You Save on Every Article Dustan's Cash Hardware -1 PAGE Fm