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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 10 Nov 1927, p. 7

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PAGE SEVEN TECANADIAN STATESMAN. BOWMANVILLE, THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1927 SREADY-MADE MENU Every day you will find sornething different in our display of baking which will appeal to you. You will find it easier and cheaper to buy your eats at our shop. Watch Window For Saturday Specials The Bowmanville Bakery Successors to Christie's Bakery Bowrnanville THE ASTONISHINNG THING 15 The Quality ai the Right Price You're used to seeing at lot of groceries off er- ed at low prices and some at prices below cost. Now where goods are sold for less than cost there is sornething wrong. And then you hear a lot of exhorbitant claims! But when it cornes to act- ually setting eyes on the quality, you probably find it diff erent. If this has been your experiene you will be ail the more astounded at the quality our store grives you. Don't take our word for it. Corne and see for yourself. THE FIRE-FIGHTER CAN TELL YOU!1 Talk to the man who battles destructive flares-who risks if e and lirnb to proteet proper- ty. Ask hirn about the tragic sceness hie has wit- nessed as Fire deprived men who "did not believe in Insurance"-of their bornes and their ail. How, while the srnoke curled skyward, rnany of that type have been heard to mur.nur-"Oh! Why didn't I take out Insurance wheai I had the chance"? Don't wait until you have to ask yourself that question under like conditions. INSURE Y OUR1 ALL NOW with the most reliable cornpanies in1 America. Phone or cail on J. J. MASON & ISON Real Estate and Insurance Brokers Phone 50 King St. E. Bowrnanville WHAT 15 ETHER? tation of Spirit. Truly it may be OBITUARY 1____ called the living garment of God". 1By Chas. M. Bic., B.A., LL.B., odge is a "revalist", with nearly Reverend John Joseph Ashton Denver, Colorado. tall other hsct. He is not at Bifmninwsmd nor _____iouts with Einstein. lHe quotes .the 1 rib, metinssu matedetin ofur "O world invisible, we view thee; latter approvingly. "There ila aOtbr2t su ftedaao O world intangible, we touch thee; weighty argument to be adduced in boy; iJ.New stmintforer B.tCionj 0 w orld unknowable, we know thee favor of the ether hypothesis. To Fryiav. wctoestmint, B C, ngo ln apprehiensible, we clutch thee !" deny the ether is ultimately to as-Frdy coe1thbtwigt What is ),lid? A refinemient of isume that empty space has no phy- deceased having lived for so many - fruitful years in the sunset province the ether. What la thought? A sical qualities whatever. According to of this great Dominion and having knot in the ether! What is an elect- the general tbeory of relativity, space etrdit etteetosnso roll? A stress in the ether-a bub- without ether is unthinkable; for in miltee away fromst h betomeands of ble! subsaetbr ol ntol eDurham, it bas been impossible up Andwbt s thr? Th uivr-no propagation of ligbt, but also no t, this time to secure sufficient sAlnder, hati t hic? he inds ato ofspaceit of existence of standards data f or even an inadequate obituary. and star together; that wbicb makes adtm. It is strikingly evident from the possible tbe radio of the present kîndly andT sympatbetic references toi day; that wbich distributes the elect- deceased's life, death and burial inl ro-magnetic waves f ar and near and Let 'Em Rip New Westminster papers recently to yet holds them in their course so that "How do you tune these jazz in- band, of the very bigh esteem and they may cause a tremor in a mil- struments"? "You don't." genuine love in wbicb he was beld by lion receivers.I the people among whom be bad lab- Ethe isthe ushon btwen eîct-oured, and in equal measure by bis rone andprtoneand evn between eeto fellow ministers 0f the B. C. Con- ron nd roto an eve beweentwoference. billiard balîs. When the hand push- es aside the chair, the table, the ban d ' L. 1Rev. John Joseph Ashton came of does not corne in contact witb thesei jour Lelepflone iatrot good County of Durh.am, township of articles, or witb the wood, but witb aligo cuty tck engbr the Ether of Space! --aCt 1"11jIt!on a farin near Zion, the eldest son I1 of Benjamin Ashton and his wife, Sir Oliver Lodge. scientist-spirit-Sevc Elizabeth Coleman Langmaid, in the under the auspices of the British As-1 moved on to the lake shore farrm on sociation for the Advancement of1 the Darlington-Clarke town line, now Science. For auditors be had the owned and occupied by Mr. W. C. scientific-elect of two continents. The A.ston. address was on the simple subject of J7-ohn attended Newcastle and Bow- "Enery". It was the last word of - manville High Schools, from whicb he Ithe scientific defender of the etberic , matriculated. He went to Queen 's theory' of creation on bis favorite sub-~ nvriy igtn ihteitn ject.'~W ~ '//~ tion of taking a inedical course. As he grows older lie seemns to be- 0 'I 1Wbile there be f elt an unmistakable come more radical, or perbaps bav- caîl to the Christian ministry, and ing educated bis public, be can ad- < ~ like Paul in answer to the Macedon- vance ideas wbicb vould have been ian cry, promptly responded. He looked on askance some years back. ~ ~ Z T~7 graduated from Queen's, taking bis The physicist-inventor of the other 7-'j\ B. A. degree in 1886 at the age of era bas developed into metaphysi- 25. He then went to McGill Uni- cian. J versity, 1%otel to compet hi Witbit Ildesite is aifcen theological course and took bis B. D. Withdigree in 1891.eHeisasaordainedfas tury of inquiry and experiment, hedmor eMetboist181.eniste r tainBa o seems still mucb in the dark. He Your service depends on [Quin Mte onference in r t Hopeytoe declared: than just the way youi ow.%n i n- iuneCo atne nPr Hp h "The ether of space is a theme of strument and line are working. samne year and was stationed at Ty- unknown and apparently infinite Any moment you may raIl for In July 1892, he went to British magnitude and of a reality beyond connection witb a telephone two, Columbia, baving decided to devotel the present conception of man. It ten, a hundrcd or a thousand his if e and energies to the up- is that of which every material con- miles away. building of bis Master's Kingdomn in sists, a link between worlds, a con- sumt substance of overpowering Your caîl may follow one of the that vigorous and fast growing pro- grandeur. By a kind of instinct one~ great long distance higl,,w\ays, or vince beyond the Rockies. He sub- feels to be the home of spiritual ex- 1 ea ff along some winding pole sequently served witb untiring devo- istece, he ealmof te ae-inpir into the next county. tion and abundant measure of suc- supnet e rnal".o But, -nsprceson the Nicola Valley (Kamloops ing and the spra" uwbichever it may be, your District), Sanaga, and Sapperton "It is co-extensive with the pby- service is constaritly patrolled, in (New Westminster) charges. He sical universe ,and la absent ftrm no trucks and cars and afoot, along was the firat resident minister of the part of space. Beyond the farthest two million miles of wire in Onta- Sapperton Methodiat Church now the star it extenda; in the heart of the rio and Quebec - to see that. United Churcb, and after retiring atom it bas its being. It eludes tbe stormi and leet, wind and flood from tbe ministry there taught achool hmnsenses and can be envisaged are out-manoeuvred-to see that for a number of years in the saine hunl ytepwroftemn. I the track is quickly cleared for section of the city. is the vehicle of botb matter and the upper hand. EIz auuTr1eave, lae fore taios spirit. Its vibrations can be analy- These men are serving you per- gliz rl te cervemny eingrmerfOrtaned zed; they bring to us information, sonally. irl Ne Wesminste y Rev.JF.nie and witbout tbemn we could not ex- i e etise yRv .F ist". Witb themn it's not juat a day's Betta, preaident of the Conference,t "Ether is the universal connecting work, but a job ini Your interest. assisted by Rev. J. P. Bowell and Rev link; the transmitter of every kind of C. M. Tate. force. Action at a distance is whol- For the past 24 years Rev. and the vebicle underlying electricity, ij' 4 in Sapperton, New Westminster, and magnetism and light. But it is flot E i ~ it was there at their home, 303 Keary electricity and yet an electric charge St., that death claimed the devoted mutb opsdpartly of it. bt usband, leaving the sadly bereaved welds tbe planets into a solar system; and childlesa widow, who altholigh it unites the parts of an atom and it thrown into the deepeat sorrow was bolds together the atonis; it ia the ________________ of hier buoyant faith in the Father seat of prodigious energies beyond - of aIl good, enabled to bear His voice anytbing as yet accessible to man-- g saying "Fear not 1 ami withTbee... kind. Energy ia its overflow". ven Rice i-urt 1 a-i TFy God, 1 will still give thee Thisman ho hs goe ousidetheaid, and to find consolation in it. 1 Thi m an acedsgne notone thef he New, Westminster papier re-1 ream o acepedscinceino oe f G.zr'sS t~omlacI porting the funeral service aays:- bis own, undertook to trace a Uni- didAttended by three bundred peoplej verse created by means of the im- " had indigestion ao bad 1 was' of the city and district, the f uneral I ponderable etber. afraid ta eat even rice. Adlerika bas service for the late Rev. John J.i eat anything."-Ardenia Howard. Sapperton United Church. In addi- void and darkness waa upon the face Adlerika relieves stomlach gas and$ tion to those inside the church, of the deep". But the Lodge ether sourneas in TEN minutes. Acting on scores of frienda waited outside was tbere, pre-created. ROTH upper and lower bowel, it re- throughout the service, unable to moves old waste matter you neyer gain admittance. The services Tbe creative word or tbougbti-ogt was in your system. Ltwr conducted by Rev, E. D. Brad-1 pinged upon this universal ether that ýAdIeril<a give your stomach and bow- en, President of Conference, assisted filîs every nook and cranny of space. els a REAL cleansing and see how by Rev. W. C. Frank, (another A stress, a gigantic pressure; a strain much better you will feel. It will Darlington boy), Dr. A. M. Sanford, plrocng caut-te aviety an surprise you. Jury & Lovell, Ltd.,J Rev. E. A. Chester, Rev. George electros. Knox, Rev. D. M. Perley, Rev. J. would not do by itself, any more Mcins e.LslyHl n e than Adam could be alone in Eden, - f -J. P. .Bowell. Mr. Percy Weaver and so another word or thougbt and sang "One Sweetly Solema Tbougbt" positive electricity came into being, Te rb elce a and Miss Mary Henderson sang ndthus were tbe infinitesimal 1 l SomeDte Silver Cord Wl minute "bricks of the universe" f :' Break". Interment was made in brougbt into being-maybe. ThGo sQ iky Frase r Cemetery. rest would be easy. Th .o'ucl1 Tbe paîl bearers were J. Cameron, More manipulations of the ether, 1 Strong, Powerful Yet Safe, Alex. Garrett, J. A. Fleger, R. J. C. Imore stress and an atomi comes into Atkins, J. W. Robson and F. G. being, a molecule following and so ,Surgeon"Prescription Callî Wrigbtson. on up until Betelguese is outlined 1 d Moone s Emerald Oil Among the exceedingly numerous 1 witb tbe girtb of billions of miles. Hl soihd Pyiin.and beautiful floral tributes fromn Sas Atonihed Pysicans.organizations, relatives anud frienda '«bat about telepatby? The ali~~e a magnificent broken pillar of I pervading ether can nake this a There is une simple and inexpen- î urple and cream asters wreathed in 1 practicabiîity to science.. Tbougbti sive way to reduce the danger of crèani roses froim the Sapperton 1 liberates energy in the brain colIs and swollen veina and bunches, and get cCburch, a wreatb from tbe Presby-1 the ether affords a medium for this [tbem down to normal, and that is to tonial; a wreatb from tie Education- enrgy to travel to another brain, on lappîy* Moone's Emerald OiI nigbt and thepricipe o bradcste an ri morning,. using tbe Moone's Band- aI Club and a wreath from the Y.,W. Can the con,.cious memiory o f events survive? 11I say that if ether is an- unatcd, and if the mind is acting on the ethen and uses it as the real vebicle, tbey bave evcry chance of au rvivîng. Mind may always need a vebicle, a body, a habitation; but it need not be made of gross matter. Muaic, conceived in the mi, can be repro- duced on an organ or a violin, but music itself is nat dependent on those instruments; they are used only for the purpoae of making it audible ta others". Matter is an intermediate tool; ether is a permanent vehicle. Reality lies in the unseen. The thinga seen are temporal, unseon things are eternal. "Ether is the primary instrument ai Mind, the vehlcle of Soul, the habi- J. A.BUTLER, M. D., C. M. When You Feel til', lege, Licentiate ai the State Univer-1 cU111u11 sity af New York, Matriculate of the Post Graduate Medical School andi -When that old Headache senda Its Hospital of New York and Fellow warnîng that you are going to sufer- of the 'Foronto Academy of Medi- take ZUTOO. When you feci a Cold cne* Offce-Mri.MN agtn R- comlingon take ZU £00. At the firstiecwatl. McNush8to1Re0 sign of a pain-at thie first feeling of sick- iecNwate or- o1 ness-take ZUTOO. _____ You will be aîl right in 20 minutes if it's abheadache, or the next morning i f it ia a Not Sa Dumb cold. Pain alI gond, and the whole body refreshed. Touriat (in village store) : "Whad- Dan't wai--don't taire chances. Get dya got in the shape oi automobile ZUTOO Tablets to-day-and bave thein tires?" ready ta take ai the finit ai gn of a Head- 1 ache or cold and TAKE TIH EM. I aeslady: "Funeral wreaths, lit e 25C a bai-at dealers or by mail postpaid pre!servers, invalid cushions and (B. N. Robinson& Go. Regd., Coaticook, Q. doughnuta". cun >Banking and Profit Wherev.er goods are bought and * sold Banking has a service to render -a service wvhich simplifies transac- tions and renders them more profit- able. During more than fifty years BAffKIG of constructive banking practice the Mn Standard Bank of Canada as built yM>s up throughout the Dominion a loyal clientelé vho have learned to rely on thîs Bank's services. STAN DARD BAN K BOWMANV1LLE BRANCH-D. L. Weese, Manager Branches also et Newcastle, Newtonvifll, Orono, Oshawa Prepare FJow to get more eggs -au Winter tinte Figure on profits for next winter. Your birds can't lay reguiarly uniess they are put in shape now. They'ii Iay if you feed them right. Put money in your pocket. Keep Fui-O-Pep Egg Mash in front of them ail the time. No- thing like it to produce more eggs and better eggs-strong-sheled and uniform in size.11 Fui-O-Pep Egg Mash is a scien- tificaiiy baianced feed.i t works rapidiy and thoroughiy on egg proclucing organe. Contains about 9%7 minerai. No domestic animai. size considered. requires more minerai than the iaying hen. Cod Liver Meal gives Fui-O-Pep Egg Mash its vitamines. which inaure assimilation of ail feed. It makea up for absence of sunlight, or green atuifs in winter time. High quaiity oatmeal is the base of ail Fui-O-Pep feeds-not just ground oats. Get your bons on the neats. Have layera flot boarders. Do it the Fui-O-Pop way. It pays. Fui-O-Pop inau economical feed. Fui-mO PEi' EGO MASH A product of The Quaker Mills, Peterborough and Saakato B80W BT Phone 186 HARRY ALLIN Bowmanville, Ont. Prepare for Winter Fi your bins with Genuine D. L. & W. Scranton Coal, the Standard Anthracite. HAVE BUILDINGS FIT See that your barns and outbuildings are wat- erproofed with good B. C. Red Cedar Shingles or Johns-Manville Roofing. Protect your implernents and rnachinery with good buildings and save trouble and rnoney. A VERY USEFUL BOOK We have a number of plan books with sug- gestions which you will find useful. ESTIMATES GLADLY GIVEN Cail and see oui' stock and get estirnates on your requirements. McClelIan & Co. Ltd. iPhone 15 King St. East, Bowrnanville Grown in the best gardens in the Orient .Blended by men trained in the world's greatest tea market T EAis~ good ted'" Packed ina the best packet yet found for tea-Aluminum. CHINA AND GLASSWARE When in need of China, Glassware or Crock- Everything you want ery visit our stock upstairs. at reasonable prices. ARCHIE TAIT Bowrnanvi lie Phone 65 Look For the Sheil Sign Then purchase Sheli Aviation an Anti Knock Waterwhite Gasoline known the world over. Test it your- self. You'Il find quality is cheapest and best in the long run. Ce A, Bartlett King St. East, Bowmanville Phone 110 1 rir, %,tLiq -

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